#23 on a list of 99 things Trump has said.
ADDED: Men who are using money to trade up sexually are getting women who are interested in that kind of exchange. They can say they are getting "top women" for their money, and the woman can say she's getting a "top man," and it's an even exchange. These people are welcome to each other, and I don't begrudge them whatever happiness they acquire in the deal, but if they want to enter into the realm of public bragging and seek my admiration for the wonderful deal they've made, it's a big, big fail, because it depends on regarding the bragger as having gotten the better side of the bargain and that's a perception that bursts the bubble of happiness, portraying the braggart's partner as the loser, the chump, and not a "top woman" at all (or "top man," if it's the woman who chooses to claim to have won).
८७ टिप्पण्या:
If I were sleeping with one of the top women in the world, I'd be thinking about baseball.
There's this to be said; there is so much material about him that purports to be quotes of his, he's almost vaccinated against the breathless impact of any one of them. It's sort of like the 900 FBI files on Republicans, the Rose Law Firm billing records, Benghazi, wiped email servers, bought pardons. If you're going to do or say something problematic, do or say a lot of it. Make a tsunami of it.
Then you have immunity.
- Krumhorn
Remember the one photograph of Gary Hart in front of the Monkey Business? If he had a couple of scrapbooks of such photos, he might later have been an ex president. An elder statesman. Sort of like Bill.
- Krumhorn
I find it hard to believe too. I'm guessing that they are not top women in the area of self-esteem.
Trump couldn't be written better as a character than he is in actual fact.
But they weren't sleeping with you, dear Donald. They were sleeping with your money.
Top. Women.
SomeoneHasToSayIt said...
But they weren't sleeping with you, dear Donald. They were sleeping with your money.
And he was sleeping with their boobies.
Two sides to every issue.
Money can't buy class.
Ah, yes. "As a boy from Queens" -- with a millionaire father. Although he is a man born to wealth, he is like a bad parody of every stereotype about the nouveau riche.
He also made a contract with Herschel Walker as a running back out of Georgia to play for his USFL team. The Donald doesn't think of that as buying people. He calls it a negotiated deal that works for both sides...like a Covenant relationship invented by God. That is more like an old fashioned brokered marriage, remember old fashioned marriage that excluded same sex couples but is very bad now.
Althouse continues to dream of The Donald.......
When judging Trump keek in mind that Trump made the money and paid for his marriage and for his divorce and for his marriage and for his divorce and for his marriage>
Lawyers and CPAs admire a man like that. He needs us.
You have to contrast the way Trump operates with wives to John Kerry, who married a woman with a $300,000,000 inheritance and then got a better offer and traded her in for a woman with a $1,500,000,000 inheritance. NYC and Boston are in different places.
Well, that was honest. Kissinger said that power is the best aphrodisiac. Money is right up there too.
I read through all the quotes. I like him more than I want to. He is boastful and obnoxious, but, in some bizarre way, it comes across as honest and open..........I was saddened to learn that Hillary attended the wedding of such an overt racist because he is "entertaining". If the ISIS guy learns a few magic tricks, will she attend the next execution.
Money is power.
I would say to myself...‘Can you believe what I am getting?'
I've often said the same thing. Of course, I'm referring to my wife of 26 years. I'm the luckiest man alive.
Kissinger, likewise a male of extraordinary non-attractiveness, attributed his success with women to the attraction of women to power.
Clinton had political office going for him.
So we have money, power, and office as the reasons these guys got laid.
I think Ignorance is Bliss, above, got the better deal.
There was this movie that starred Eddie Alpert as a businessman, he was flying into Dallas maybe on his helicopter, and he says "When I came out of college, all I had was a lousy 40 million dollars, and look at me now!"
Kissinger, likewise a male of extraordinary non-attractiveness, attributed his success with women to the attraction of women to power.
This is why communism always fails. If you make everybody equal in terms of money, how are the Woody Allens of the world going to get chicks? Must men rely only on their own sexual attractiveness and settle for what they could manage based on that?
No. Men won't do that. Men will seek money through black markets, or they will seek power, through the party, in order to get chicks that are "out of their league" otherwise. The government is soon over-run by people whose primary motivations are money and power, one of them wins, and it's a fascist dictatorship from then on.
The Ewings of Dallas fame go to the WH
Freeman Hunt said...
Trump couldn't be written better as a character than he is in actual fact.
The contrast with Romney is remarkable. Maybe the Republicans could market themselves as the party of diversity, among white men.
How are the world's "top women" ranked, exactly?
Maybe the Republicans could market themselves as the party of diversity, among white men.
LOL. The diversity on the Republican side is staggering compared to the two elderly white folks the Dems are pushing.
What is it about guys from Brooklyn and Long Island and bragging about their "pecker" dillos?
I once had a boss who was a very smart guy--who had an ego almost as big as Trump's. He and Trump grew up not very far apart. My boss had been something of an athlete in his youth and went to Syracuse University as a football running back. Unfortunately he was in the same class year as future NFL great Jim Brown, so my boss "rode the pine" for four years. He got to carry the ball a little bit at the end of blowout games.
He compensated by chasing women--some wealthy, some not so much. I started working for him when he was 40. At about that time he met an airline flight attendant and decided to marry her. We were walking to lunch from the office one day when he lamented that he was "going to have to give up his little red book that had the names and phone numbers of a thousand "dynamite" ladies". (Pardon the dated expression).
I heard that, and not being stupid, didn't burst out laughing. It was a version of Trump's, "when I'm sleeping with one of the world's top 100 women".
Yeah baby! Let's shag!
(Snicker snicker--what buffoonery.) Guys that can do. Guys that can't --talk.
"Top women" is an odd way for a guy to phrase it. Hotties or hot babes or chicks etc is more how an average guy would say it.
Blogger AJ Lynch said...
"Top women" is an odd way for a guy to phrase it. Hotties or hot babes or chicks etc is more how an average guy would say it.
If we tried hard enough, we can find the insult. Maybe he was referring to their periods?
Blogger AReasonableMan said...
Freeman Hunt said...
Trump couldn't be written better as a character than he is in actual fact.
The contrast with Romney is remarkable. Maybe the Republicans could market themselves as the party of diversity, among white men.
Carson has been doing quite well lately. You'd better prepare your Uncle Tom remarks now, get them all warmed up.
"Top women" is how someone who feels it's part of a competition phrases it.
" he is like a bad parody of every stereotype about the nouveau riche."
" I like him more than I want to. "
also yes
The opposite of the crude noveau, if one wants one, can be found in Hippolyte Taine's "Ancien Regime". A great deal about our present leadership smells a great deal of the Bourbon monarchy, or rather the monarchical system, run for the benefit of an unaccountable, irresponsible, rent-seeking aristocracy lost in internal power games.
Everything considered, if one has to choose, I would rather have barbaric crudity.
Or someone who sees it as a sort of collection.
Top trophies.
"The contrast with Romney is remarkable"
Wait, Mitt didn't get a top woman himself? Sure, he didn't brag, but still.
Of course, if Trump had any self-awareness, he'd know that the moment he thought the top woman thought, it was false.
Or maybe Trump meant they liked to be on top.
In The Great Gatsby, Daisy made the right decision. She stuck with Buchanan. Gatsby looked like he was capable of killing someone, but, in fact, he was the one who ended up being murdered. And for a crime that Buchanan had committed. There was something flashy and ephemeral about Gatsby. Buchanan had all the karma. His karma was like massive, masticating jaws, and Gatsby had the crunchy little bones...... In the next remake of The Great Gatsby, someone like Clark Gable should play the part of Buchanan, and someone like Leslie Howard should play the part of Gatsby.......Trump is not a Gatsby character. He's more like Buchanan. He spits out the unpalatable and is not overly scrupulous in aming at the spittoon. That's what the domestic staff is for........You can argue that the point of life is not to make a lot of money and sleep with a lot of beautiful women, but men have competed for dumber prizes.
"Althouse continues to dream of The Donald."
Even though I have been one of the top women in the world for almost half a century, I have never once manifested even a scintilla of interest in having sex with a man because of his money. How boring people are!
There's an old saying that goes "It ain't bragging if you can do it."
Just more proof that Trump is a Democrat posing as a Republican.
We abandoned good character as a requirement for our leaders long ago. Trump is merely following in Bill Clinton's footsteps, though he doesn't bother to lie about it.
"There's an old saying that goes "It ain't bragging if you can do it.""
But as my update shows, the bragging erases the very thing you are claiming to have done. It's built in that he hasn't done it with "top women." He's only claiming to have gulled trickable women. Trickable is a carefully chosen word.
And, of course, the old saying is just wrong on its face. You can be guilty of bragging even where the claim is true. To use that expression is to devalue the virtues of modesty, good sportsmanship, discretion, and (in the case of sexual bragging) care for others.
A brief, modest Fisking of the Professor:
"Even though I have been one of the top women in the world for almost half a century,.."
Yes -- Your faithful commentators would agree!
"... I have never once manifested even a scintilla of interest in having sex with a man because of his money.."
Ok, I accept this. Not all dreams about The Donald have to be sexual. But, you still are dreaming of the dreamy Donald, no?
Last night, I dreamed that I was talking to someone about Trump. I was expressing what seemed to be rather interesting theories, none of which I can remember now, probably because there were no actual theories in the dream, but only the perception that I was explaining an interesting theory. And then I look over and see that Donald Trump has been eavesdropping, listening to my theory, and I'm able to talk to him about what he thinks about it. The dream seemed to have 3 more scenes, in each of which I'm talking about Trump and then realize that he's here again, eavesdropping. How strange it was that this keeps happening to me! AA - 8/3/15
"How boring people are!"
That's why you're dreaming about Trump! We're all boring (except Mr. Spatula and Mr. Titus)
Walker/Rubio 2016!
As expected, Trump is self-destructing.
...but if they want to enter into the realm of public bragging and seek my admiration for the wonderful deal they've made, it's a big, big fail, because it depends on regarding the bragger as having gotten the better side of the bargain and that's a perception that bursts the bubble of happiness, portraying the braggart's partner as the loser, the chump, and not a "top woman" at all (or "top man," if it's the woman who chooses to claim to have won).
You really don't understand free trade, do you?
"The contrast with Romney is remarkable."
Yes and have you seen Ann Romney ? She is over 60 and looks terrific. I have met her and she looks as good up close. Ivana Trump I have also met. No comparison. I haven't met The Donald's latest blow up doll, though.
Just remember, "For every gorgeous woman supermodel, there is a guy who is tired of fucking her."
The Professor would be correct.
I liked #45. “There are two publics as far as I’m concerned. The real public and then there’s the New York society horseshit. The real public has always liked Donald Trump..."
Everyone talks about Trump being the son of a successful real estate developer. What most people don't mention is that his father was a very different type of developer - he built low income and middle class housing projects. His projects were red brick apartment buildings because that was more economical. He lived in Queens, not Manhattan.
When Trump says he wants to help the middle class I believe him. He already has a lot of money, he's not going into politics to get rich.
As far as "top women" are concerned, I believe he's referring to top models.
"How are the world's 'top women' ranked, exactly?"
By Top Men, obviously. Top. Men.
What a slimebag.
Ann Althouse said...but if they want to enter into the realm of public bragging and seek my admiration for the wonderful deal they've made, it's a big, big fail, because it depends on regarding the bragger as having gotten the better side of the bargain and that's a perception that bursts the bubble of happiness, portraying the braggart's partner as the loser, the chump, and not a "top woman" at all
I see your point but this sounds like zero-sum thinking when analyzing a voluntary market exchange--such an exchange doesn't have to be zero-sum. Both can win, both can be better off--neither one has to have "gotten the better side of the bargain!"
This really isn't the same as the discussion from a few weeks ago where you stated it was insulting for a guy to say (as a humblebrag, really) that they really got the better deal/really got lucky when their wife agreed to marry them. In that case the man himself was declaring himself a big winner and you argued that insulted the woman by implying that she was the loser in the transaction. In this case Trump braggin he's getting with Top Women doesn't in any way insult the women--if it's a voluntary exchange they both gain from the trade and the mere fact that the trade occurs doesn't tell us anything about who gained more surplus from the transaction.
Ann Althouse said...He's only claiming to have gulled trickable women.
No, you're reading into his statement something that isn't there! He's amazed at himself, he's proud of what he accomplished, rising up from being just a boy from Queens and BECOMING someone good enough to rate Top Women. He's not saying "wow, I can't believe a guy who's just some jerk from Queens managed to hoodwink these Top Women into the sack," he's saying "wow, I started off just some jerk from Queens and through my own inner awesomeness I've managed to become a great man, capable of (and worthy of) sleeping with Top Women." Those two sentiments are not the same, and only one is supported by the clip given here.
Ann Althouse said....It's built in that he hasn't done it with "top women."
How do you come to that? One would have to hold the belief that "just a boy from Queens" could NEVER be good enough for Top Women to conclude that his brag self-refutes. If Trump believes in an unchanging aristocracy of birth (wherein Top People are born, and only royal Top People deserve other Top People) then your statement makes sense--or I guess if you hold that view--but otherwise it doesn't, and is in fact contrary to a core belief of American society! Did the heroes from Horatio Alger's stories rate Top Women? They certainly wouldn't have bragged about who they bagged after they were successful (Trump is nothing if not vulgar), but wouldn't they have felt something similar ("gee it's remarkable that I started out so low and have made it so high")?
AReasonable Man said...Maybe the Republicans could market themselves as the party of diversity, among white men.
Fiorina? Carson? Jindal? Cruz? Rubio? Decent number of non white men in the candidates pool of on party, I'd say. What'cha got over there? Old white lady (boss' wife), old white socialist, old-ish white guy, old non-Native American white lady, hey, the VP might jump in, he's...oh, an old white guy.
But yeah, GOP = no diversity, zing!
I would have said things differently.
I am Laslo.
A Jewish boy born to parents of questionable morality named Davis and Bathsheeba was said to have become the wisest and richest man who ever lived. He grew up to become a builder of monumental buildings on prime urban real estate that is still the most coveted building site on God's earth.
But along the way he collected for himself 700 trophy wives and 300 top concubines. So Trump's womanizing amounting to three serial marriages while he developed some prime real estate doesn't sound so bad.
“You know, it really doesn’t matter what they write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass.”
If you have to talk like that, then there might be something wrong between the sheets.
You, a top woman? By what standard? Whatever you answer, it will be cute.
I imagine there are quite a number of people who conceive of sexual partners in this way, as a sort of curated collection selected by various facets of desirability, but it is hilarious that he said it.
Who was it saying that he was operatic? Was that Dowd? She was right. If there were no Trump, there would be a missing piece in our cultural quilt. Trump the operatic quilt square.
(It would be terrible if you had a quilt, and all the squares were audibly operatic.)
Ann Althouse said...He's only claiming to have gulled trickable women. Trickable is a carefully chosen word.
To come back to this, Trump didn't say tricked, you did, and I'm curious about why. In what sense do you think he tricked the women, Prof? He really had the money, or the celebrity, and it seems like the Top Women were with him because of that. If so where's the trick, were's the deception? It's only a trick if Trump somehow doesn't deserve those Top Women, and that sentiment seems to be implicit in your interpretation of his comment. Do you think Trump doesn't deserve Top Women, and if so 1.) why not? and 2.) who, specifically, does?
He's bragging about having high value, not about duping women into overestimating his value. But "from Queens" ... not buying the 'humble origin' story. Didn't our self-made man inherit 9 figures?
Anyway everyone knows:it's not a trick, it's an illusion.
How come a sense of humor doesn't get you top women.
Re: Hagar @ 12:05 "Money is Power"
From Tom Hanks movie Volunteers (early 1980's):
Chung Mee: Opium is my business. The bridge mean more traffic. More traffic mean more money. More money mean more power.
Lawrence Bourne III: Yeah, well, before I commit any of that to memory, would there be anything in this for me?
Chung Mee: Speed is important in business. Time is money.
Lawrence Bourne III: You said opium was money.
Chung Mee: Money is Money.
Lawrence Bourne III: Well then, what is time again?
I caught one of the top women in the world.
In my experience, a private jet and a penthouse atop a building you own are more effectective than red hair, poverty, and severe acne in attracting top women. Probably better for attracting mid range women too.
"Even though I have been one of the top women in the world for almost half a century, I have never once manifested even a scintilla of interest in having sex with a man because of his money. How boring people are"
Now that's funny! You can be sure the Donald, and every other high SMV man feels the same way about having sex with you (the overwhelming majority of men on planet Earth do not think "top" means what you think it does).
Trump is not boring it would seem as everybody is talking about him. Constantly. I guarantee the many beautiful women he's slept with are anything but boring to almost all men.
Yours is but the sour grapes of the hoary old feminist who insists the world is as you want it to be, which is not at all what it really is. Powerful men and beautiful women have been attracted to each other since time immemorial and all the neo -Marxist feminist caterwauling in the world won't change it one iota.
He discussed his daughter's body with piggish Howard Stern? Ewwwww!!! Please, fellow Republicans, don't make me vote for this guy.
As if Althouse could pull a man with more money than her. Top of the alphabet maybe. The kind of men you get with that kind of repartee are the kind you'd expect.
If Trump were cad enough to name the ladies, ... Well, it writes itself.
How are the world's 'top women' ranked, exactly?
They take a pole.
Every time I hear someone comment on Trump having class I can only laugh. He was raised by upper middle class parents in Jersey of all places hardly the crème de la crème of New York society. His attitude to take Manhattan like the Kardashians and become part of the cream de la crème would never happen.
Stating that he got the top models was so very crass. He is but so are many super salesman.
Seriously, the top women are not attracted to money. But they are the ones attracted to a successful man. He is part of their image and they expect him to make the duo into a successful partnership.
A man can be a success in many ways, and money does play a part in giving a man the opportunity to pursue his success talent. It may be Wisdom. It maybe love. It maybe providing protection. It may be a great friendship.
But life requires money to pay the way to having a free time to operate.
I stand with Meade. What on earth is wrong with a man who is thrilled that a top woman wants to be with him? Bro, you triumphed in a big way. Feel NO shame.
Look, Rush says he's got half his brain tied behind his back, just to keep things fair. Big deal. So Trump is a promoter, too. Big deal. They each have their shtick. (And don't tell me politicians don't have their own). Neither Trump nor Rush strike me as prideful in any character-flawed kind of way. Confident, and proud of how far they've come, based on their hard work? Sure, and what's wrong with that?
Trump's remark strikes me more as humble, frankly, more on the order of: "Pinch me! Is this a dream?" But let us defer to the omniscient feminists for a moment.
So tell me, mighty omniscients, what do you suppose Bill Clinton was thinking to himself during his early interludes with Hillary? Do you imagine it was thoughts of sheer surprise and elation? And if he'd later exclaimed, "I'm just a hick from Hope and look at what a top girl I got!" would you be so critical? Or should we imagine what Bill was thinking during his interludes with Ms. Flowers, and critique that instead?
Anyway, I just watched the Whole Foods' John Mackey talk about why intellectuals hate capitalists. I mention it because it just feels relevant somehow ...
AReasonable Man said...Maybe the Republicans could market themselves as the party of diversity, among white men.
O'Malley, Webb, Sanders, and soon Biden and Gore.
You were saying?
furious_a said...
You were saying?
You guys are so touchy. You can't make a joke any more in this poisonous PC atmosphere.
What kind of person would say such a thing? It's an incredibly unflattering window into his thought processes. Why would you want a man like that as a leader?
Trump ain't Ann's type. And, I daresay, vicey versey. High School Person Worldview vs. a College Person Worldview. Trump dedicated his life to getting the kind of girls who wouldn't give him the time of day in High School. Ann consoled herself (maybe starting in High School) with contempt for those shallow girls and the jocks (later rich guys) they slept with. Out of such stuff billionaires and law school professors are made.
I imagine Trump has rock star sex, and he's more likely to be faking it than she is.
Doesn't sex as male conquest exist among you Purist Prudes that condemn Trump?
It is an old time tradition that lurks as part of the War of the Sexes. And it is seldom a tie in that war. One wins and the other submits to it.
Playing offended church lady is a hoot.
Blogger HoodlumDoodlum said...
Ann Althouse said...He's only claiming to have gulled trickable women. Trickable is a carefully chosen word.
Hoodlum, I read this is a different way.
I believe she's using "trickable" as in "tricks." As in prostitutes. In that they're not fucking The Donald. They're fucking The Donald's money.
(And not that they're real cash-on-the-dresser prostitutes or whores, BTW, just that they're more attracted to what he can provide. For some people, that's pretty much their definition of marriage.)
Also known as "women". (with exceptions, notably many of the lady commenters here)
Ann's claim to be a top woman are incomprehensible to me. Anyone want to explain what she could possibly mean? You've seen her picture and heard her voice. She's a blogger and teaches law. Give it a shot.
God made women to be partners with a man. He made many variations in personality and mental ability. But the rare women that mix a sensitive love instinct with a world class mind and a natural approach to love life with a man are one in a million. When God made LaAlthouse he was showing off.
Ann's claim to be a top woman are incomprehensible to me. Anyone want to explain what she could possibly mean?
She's a Dom and Meade's a sub........
Money, fame, and power attract women. Marlon Brando, arguably a very handsome man in his youth, said women never particularly noticed him until he was famous (and rich, and therefore powerful, of course), and I'm sure that carried through to when he was old, fat and hideous.
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