August 8, 2015

"It would have been way too uncomfortable to worry about a tampon for 26.2 miles."

"I thought, if there’s one person society won’t fuck with, it’s a marathon runner. If there’s one way to transcend oppression, it’s to run a marathon in whatever way you want. On the marathon course, sexism can be beaten. Where the stigma of a woman’s period is irrelevant, and we can re-write the rules as we choose. Where a woman’s comfort supersedes that of the observer. I ran with blood dripping down my legs for sisters who don’t have access to tampons and sisters who, despite cramping and pain, hide it away and pretend like it doesn’t exist. I ran to say, it does exist, and we overcome it every day. The marathon was radical and absurd and bloody in ways I couldn’t have imagined until the day of the race."

Kudos to Kiran Gandhi.

That happened back in April, but I'm seeing it this morning because of a commenter on the post about Donald Trump going — as I put itmenstrual on Megyn Kelly.

ADDED: A couple commenters recommend a product called "sport tampons," which I'd never heard of, presumably rebranding of the extra-large "super" tampons. I found Playtex Sport Tampons at Amazon. I see that they are super absorbency tampons, which means that they absorb 9-12 grams of fluid. Is that enough to get you through a 26.2-mile run? Whether it is or not, I'm noticing the warning from the manufacturer that you should "Select the minimum absorbency needed to control your menstrual flow in order to reduce the risk of getting TSS." Toxic Shock Syndrome can kill you, and "scientific studies which have concluded that higher absorbency tampons increase the risk of TSS."

Here's the story of a 27-year-old model named Lauren Wasser, who nearly died from TSS and ended up with one leg amputated. She went to bed feeling sick, as if she had the flu and was later discovered "facedown on the bedroom floor with a fever of 107 degrees."
Lauren said that she does not remember being put into a medically induced coma, or friends coming in to pay their last respects. She does remember waking up with 80 pounds of fluids being pumped into her, and black toxins pumping out. Her mother was advised to prepare for Lauren's funeral. 
She's suing, and she's also back to modeling and says: "I'm more beautiful than I've ever been because I've experienced so many things. I can relate to so many different people. It's just made me a better person."


SGT Ted said...

Oh, another woman who thinks her vagina is a symbol of social justice.

Good lord.

rhhardin said...

Kroger stocks sport tampons.

Jason said...

Go with the flow, man.

MayBee said...


MayBee said...

And once again, "sisters".

Jason said...

Eh... I've seen worse. People have finished races with the runs. Plus, I've seen soldiers wring that much blood out of their socks at the end of a tough march.

Shit happens out there. It's not a contact sport If no one else is exposed to a biohazard, no big deal. Go change clothes and wash up.

I imagine a sport tampon would work for most things, but I'm not a woman trying to run a marathon with it.

Besides. She just ran a goddamn marathon. What did most of her critics do this morning. Feck y'all.

As for Kiran, slack shall be cut for you, my friend.

Moose said...

That's a hearty whatever...

William said...

The impact of long distance running loosens the bowels. Marathon runners who are fanatically obsessed with their time are not the type to duck into a comfort station. Just as there are more important things than cleanliness, there are grosser things than menstrual blood--especially among marathon runners.

MacMacConnell said...

Any word on whether she's going to shit her pants for the next marathon?

rhhardin said...

Marathons mostly require knees of steel.

Dr.D said...

Ewww... gross!! I would not want to get anywhere near this woman who has such disrespect for everyone else.

MayBee said...

When did running marathons turn people into heroes?

Oddly enough, I think that started about the same time more people started running marathons.

rhhardin said...

The playtex sport tampon gets 4.5 stars in the ratings.

Expat(ish) said...

I ran the end of a half iron with blood dripping off me - but not on purpose: because of a bike crash.

The other athletes were kind and supportive.

I'm guessing she got a lot less of that.


PS - finished under 6 with a 20 minute T1 due to the cold. Booya!

Phil 314 said...

Sorry but on first read I read this:

"If there’s one person society won’t fuck with, it’s a marathon runner."


"If there’s one person you won’t f**k with, it’s a menstruating runner."

Nichevo said...

Wait, wut?

You really want to turn us all into herd animals, don't you?

MB said...

It seems like it would cause more chaffing on her thighs.

Paco Wové said...

I took a dump this morning. It was radical and empowering. I did it for the oppressed peoples of the earth.

Sebastian said...

Look at me running with blood streaming down my legs: the reductio ad absurdum of feminism.

Michael K said...

What a ridiculous post !

Paco Wové said...

My bodily fluids are as manna in the wilderness to those sisters under the yoke of cisheteropatriarchy!

ndspinelli said...

I went to the 100th running of the Boston Marathon in 1996. We were on the BC campus just after Heartbreak Hill. It was a clear, dry, day but as the great German runner, Uta Pippig, passed us it looked like mud on her legs. Uta won the race and I later learned that not only was Uta menstruating, she also had associated diarrhea. I had MORE respect for her. That's one tough, secure, woman.

David Begley said...

Trump is a complete idiot and Carly smacked him!

Fernandinande said...

Amenorrhea (absence of 3 to 12 consecutive menstrual periods) and oligomenorrhea (irregular, infrequent menstruation: 6 to 9 menstrual periods per year, or cycle length less than 90 days but greater than 35 days) have both been seen in exercising women in all sports. In fact, up to 50 percent of all women runners may see this happen to their periods.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

She can't be a very good marathoner with so cavalier an attitude toward her hydration.

alan markus said...

Did not realize this was an old story when I linked it in the Trump post. Several versions of it showed up in my Facebook feed as "trending" - story must have gotten "rebooted" due to the Trump thing - the Internet works in mysterious ways sometimes.

Birches said...

It seems like it would cause more chaffing on her thighs.

As someone who runs marathons, I would agree. I don't understand the concept of tampons being uncomfortable. If you can feel a tampon, then you should get a new brand, yes?

I'm not a fast runner (and by her time, it looks like she's not either), so she would definitely stick out with the group she was running with. Slower people stop to go to the bathroom.

Sydney said...

I can't understand why running with a tampon would be hard. A pad, yes. Tampon, no.

David said...

The sound of a different drum for sure. She's not Ringo.

(For those who did not read the article--seemingly most--she is a math whiz Harvard MBA who works as a drummer in London. That's quite the resumé.)

This also may have had the advantage of keeping people from bumping into her, but she's lucky it was in the city where there are very few loose dogs.

Rusty said...

Blogger Paco Wové said...
I took a dump this morning. It was radical and empowering. I did it for the oppressed peoples of the earth.

Amen, brother.

Laslo Spatula said...

You don't have to win the race if you have a gimmick.

I am Laslo.

Michael K said...

"In fact, up to 50 percent of all women runners may see this happen to their periods."

Yes, amenorrhea is common and is related to the % body fat which drops below the level associated with menstruation. The better marathoner a woman is, the less likely menstruation would be an issue. A well known woman runner a few years ago had to give up training to get pregnant.

pm317 said...

I did it for the oppressed peoples of the earth.

who don't have toilets.

Some Seppo said...

She should stick to her vaginal knitting.

Bill said...

The F-word is a magnificent word with a glorious history and I'm sick of seeing it overused, and therefore abused. "Messed with" would have sufficed.

Freeman Hunt said...

I agree with others. This sounds considerably less comfortable.

Humperdink said...

Why didn't they re-schedule the marathon for her? Maybe next week or whenever she was ready. I am sure the other ladies would be supportive, unless of course they .......

Laslo Spatula said...

I thought menstruation went out in the Seventies.

Who knew.

I am Laslo.

Laslo Spatula said...

The worst part for her was when Laurence Olivier began drilling her teeth.

I am Laslo.

Wilbur said...

I'm curious where she got this notion that running a marathon immunizes her from someone "fucking" with her.
I guess it depends on how one defines "fucking".
There's a wide range of conduct within this, from a vicious ass-kicking to someone saying something critical of you.

I suspect she's never had to fight her way out of a mugging. As if "Hey you guys, don't you know I run marathons?" would send anyone scurrying.

Wally Kalbacken said...

I recall watching Grete Waitz run the NY Marathon with a load of diarrhea running down her legs. Hard to erase that visual.

dreams said...

"When did running marathons turn people into heroes?"

It was a long time ago.

"In a nod to Greek history, the first marathon commemorated the run of the soldier Pheidippides from a battlefield near the town of Marathon, Greece, to Athens in 490 B.C. According to legend, Pheidippides ran the approximately 25 miles to announce the defeat of the Persians to some anxious Athenians. Not quite in mid-season shape, he delivered the message "Niki!" (Victory!) then keeled over and died."

Jason said...

I took a dump this morning. It was radical and empowering. I did it for the oppressed peoples of the earth.


William said...

Remember the Boston Marathon bombing. When the bomb went off, the first reaction of the runners was to check their watches. If their time was ahead of their personal best, they would run through death and destruction to complete the course. There are very few athletes more focused-i.e. obsessive compulsive--than marathoners. Long distance running is closer to a cult than a religion.

Birkel said...

Happened in the Boston Marathon in 1996 or 1997. Winner was Eastern European and she did it for the pride and the winner's purse.

Emil Blatz said...

I attended the Boston Marathon in the late 70's and early 80's to watch my father run. In 1979 I called ahead to Pulitzer Prize winning Boston Globe photographer Stanley Foreman and asked if I could shadow him as he covered the event (I was taking a Photojournalism course at UW Madison, and he was huge in the business at the time.) Foreman agreed to meet me near the finish area at a certain time, and told me he would bring credentials that would let me access the press areas. He never showed. This was before the era of mobile telephony, so I had no way of reaching him. I stood there and watched the press enter various locations that looked like interesting vantage points for photos. Their credentials looked like purple award ribbons you might win at a soap box derby. I dropped into a bookstore near the Prudential Plaza finish line to warm up and there noticed bookmarks that were the exact size and color of the credential ribbons. I bought one, tied it to on to a button of my shirt, and closed my jacket so that only a fragment of the ribbon could be seen. I used that to breeze in out of the press only areas all day. For the finish of the top runners I went up to a catwalk that had been erected out of serious, industrial caliber scaffolding about 40 feet beyond and about 25 feet above the finish line. Walter Iooss was up there along with a ton of great press photographers. While we waited for Bill Rodgers and Joan Benoit, one of the photographers pointed to several dozen 30 gallon trash cans lined up between the shutes that divided the finishers for processing beyond the finish line (no bar codes or RFID then.) He said, "wait till you see what that is like after about 30 minutes lapse from the top finisher." About 30 minutes after Rodgers and about 5 minutes after Benoit, the shutes were filling up with good amateur runners and some relative novices who had overrun their conditioning, or perhaps under trained, or maybe overeaten, and they started vomiting in the trash cans as they waited to have their numbers processed. Copious vomiting. Massive vomiting. Incredible amounts of projectile vomiting. I don't think I noticed diarrhea or menstrual flows.

cf said...

Wow, interesting to note ther is still a poke to be made in the sensibilities of our Miley Cyrus Cultural flow.

The reflexive repulsion reminds me of my unactractively hairy legs of the 70s, where I had to test the boundaries ( my poor patient family and boyfriends! Haha)

She is testing outside of the box in many ways, great for Kiran Gandhi.

I like her Mathematics of drumming, taya.

Quaestor said...

"I'm more beautiful than I've ever been because I've experienced so many things. I can relate to so many different people. It's just made me a better person."

They cut off the wrong part.

Laslo Spatula said...

I wonder what Flo-Jo would've thought about this.

I am Laslo.

Rusty said...

dreams said...

"When did running marathons turn people into heroes?"

It was a long time ago.

"In a nod to Greek history, the first marathon commemorated the run of the soldier Pheidippides from a battlefield near the town of Marathon, Greece, to Athens in 490 B.C. According to legend, Pheidippides ran the approximately 25 miles to announce the defeat of the Persians to some anxious Athenians. Not quite in mid-season shape, he delivered the message "Niki!" (Victory!) then keeled over and died."

He ran it three times. From Marathon to Athens and back and then back to Athens.

Laslo Spatula said...

I once dated a woman who later developed Toxic Shock Syndrome.

No, I did not cause it.

It was unbearable to watch: a beautiful young woman, robbed of her health and vitality, doubled over with excruciating cramps and bleeding, her very own vagina turned into a horrifying biological war zone.

I am glad I only fucked her in the ass.

I am Laslo.

rhhardin said...

I'd guess superabsorbancy leads to toxic shock from the length of time it's used, not from superabsorbancy itself.

Birches said...

Oh brother, it's not rocket science to figure out what sized tampon you need according to where you're at in your cycle. I've never used a sport tampon in my life. It's not a mandatory thing. She was running for less than 5 hours. That's not a long time in tampon time; you can use them for up to 8 hours. Even with staging time factored in; I'm sure she went to the bathroom before she started running. There's her chance to put a fresh one in.

On the other hand, there's a reason why so many running clothes advertise their fabric's dry quick and fast wicking properties. Moisture is not your friend for 26.2 miles.

dbp said...

Color me unimpressed: Her time is so slow, I don't see what difference it would make to take a pit stop or three. In addition, she wore tights, so a pad would have worked just fine. Finally, I agree with others about the chafing--it is a big issue and constant wetness in wear areas will cause blood on its own.

I don't really run that distance anymore, but ran 5 (including 3 Boston) marathons in my late 40's and one when I was 18.

MayBee said...

I want men to just walk around with ejaculate on their legs, and insist everyone celebrate what they've done for their brothers.

Beach Brutus said...

She could have just taken a cab.

Drago said...

Meanwhile ISIS beheads 19 women.

But yeah, ok. Western chick runs a marathon while menstruating. So, you know, "courage" and "fight the power" and #menstruatinglivesmatter.

You want to see blood? Check out a chick being beheaded. Or a baby being carved up for parts.

Whatever. You go girl!

Valentine Smith said...

It's the human capacity for masochism that makes people (ergo the world) absolutely batshit crazy.

tim maguire said...

This is satire, right? Because last time it was satire.

Birches said...

I want men to just walk around with ejaculate on their legs, and insist everyone celebrate what they've done for their brothers.

Ha Ha.

kcom said...

Did she win? Because, you know, if it bleeds, it leads.

Francisco D said...

Anyone who runs a marathon has my admiration. I was a 10K runner many years ago, but gave up because I did not have knees of steel.

I recently ran a Quad Cities annual race (7 miles) that has brutal hills. The Kenyans seriously kicked ass.I survived with 12:30 minutes per mile. It was a bucket list thing for me. (I am 62). I did not train for fear of screwing up my knees. i really admire those who gave it the full effort, even if they crapped themselves or passed out.

Nothing else matters.


rhhardin said...

Runner collides with Max, both fall to sidewalk

MAX Here.
99 - Oh, great.
MAX - Sorry.
99 That was my last mile. Now I have no idea how fast it was.
MAX You were moving. It's not easy to knock me down. I have a low center of gravity. Pretty solid.
99 I'm just gonna call that one a 4:50.
MAX Impressive. I once ran a 5:16.
99 Oh, really? That's, uh, slower.
MAX Not everything's a competition.
99 Well, if it were, I'd win.

- Get Smart (2008) Carell and Hathaway

Christopher said...

I've run seven marathons over the past six years so I think I'm allowed to say "who cares", shit happens and you adjust. Bleeding and marathons go hand in hand (google "bloody nipples" if you don't believe me).

When it comes to endurance sports the body begins to get weird. Men's nipples bleed, women's sports bras cut them, and both genders will lose their toenails (plus there is the obvious issue of blisters). I have seen various people get the runs mid-race and others have to pause to start vomiting, personally I've run one marathon (my first one) with a partially screwed up knee.

To use her same belief system I can claim that I ran my first marathon for all the people out there without access to arthroscopic surgery. It'd be a bullshit claim but what the hell, it'd allow me to feel good about myself.

Ann Althouse said...

"This is satire, right? Because last time it was satire."

I remember that.

cheddar said...

There is a collection of pictures of runners with bloody nipples - this looks worse than the picture of the woman with the running tights with the bloody crotch.

Goju said...

She's in a band? Do hey play ragtime? Someone had to ask.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

"...if there’s one person society won’t fuck with, it’s a marathon runner." Actually, speaking on behalf of society, we hate, hate, HATE marathon runners! And we will fuck with them, figuratively, of course. If it comes to PHYSICALLY fucking with them, I wouldn't hesitate; if anyone is any good at marathoning, he's definitely a scrawny bag of bones, with no extra muscle in his chicken wings, or anywhere else, to weigh him down on his 26.2. A typical twelve-year-old girl could beat up a typical Olympic marathon runner, male or female.

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