Trump is right, she is no longer a 10, but it was rude of him to point it out.
Her insisting that she still is is like a guy telling his girlfriend, that no matter what she thinks, size doesn't matter. It would have been rude of her to bring it up too.
Think about Carrie Prejean's boobs -- and the money the Miss California USA pageant (part of Trump's competition) loaned her to get them, then sued her to recover after she was dethroned as Miss USA:
"The court documents offer an inside look at the hostile relationship between Prejean, California pageant officials and Miss USA pageant owner Donald Trump.
"After the Miss USA pageant, "With her new-found notoriety, an inflated sense of self, and the lure of financial gain available to her, Ms. Prejean turned even further against the Miss California USA organization, abandoned her obligations as the Miss California USA titleholder, and violated multiple provisions of the contract which governed her reign," the pageant filing said."
Very droll, that -- "inflated sense of self." This is the guy who insists that he'll not repudiate Obama's deal with Iran, he'll just "police it" in a way that will make it impossible for Iran to perform. And yet, because you can fool some of the people all of the time, a quarter of people surveyed insist that they prefer someone who brags about his dishonesty, someone who brags about his bankruptcies, someone who has the wit and wisdom of the average third-grade bully, to lead the free world.
Just another weapon in the interweb's assassination arsenal. For the time being it's fun to watch the interweb's collective head explode when Trump doesn't go down.
What prompted him to say she's "not a 10"? Was he giving an honest answer to a direct question, or returning an insult from her? Or was this just pointless rudeness? Because there's "telling it like it is" and then there's just being a nasty jerk.
But I suppose this only makes his supporters love him even more, because there's nothing more refreshing to them than someone who doesn't care what anyone thinks.
"This is the guy who insists that he'll not repudiate Obama's deal with Iran, he'll just "police it" in a way that will make it impossible for Iran to perform. And yet, because you can fool some of the people all of the time, a quarter of people surveyed insist that they prefer someone who brags about his dishonesty, someone who brags about his bankruptcies, someone who has the wit and wisdom of the average third-grade bully, to lead the free world."
Beldar, you must realize that your reasoning and facts are useless against Trumpists. It only makes them dig in deeper--so what if this guy peddles obvious fantasies? So what if his politics mostly diverge from theirs? So what if by any objective measure this guy behaves like a middle schooler with thin skin and nonsensical retorts? All of this only makes them like him more because he does not play by normal rules.
Of course, an escaped mental patient does not play by normal rules either, but this one is a famous celebrity.
Supermodels play at a higher level. They are like professional athletes, athletes get old and have to leave the field. She is more put together than she is natively attractive. I would take just about any given Woody Allen ingenue over Klum any day of the week. Or most of the women in pretty much any Quenten Tarantino movie, or the women for example, in A Clockwork Orange. There are some tens.
Sure if she was in your neighborhood walking down the street, she would probably top your list of sexy neighbor ladies though. But let's all pretend that she can self declare herself a 9.999, sure. I know prettier women in real life.
IGV: Look, we tried celebrity politicians already. How did that work out?
Barack Hussein Obama won the Presidency twice, the second time against a GOP candidate who was unquestionably more qualified for the job, more capable at running an enterprise, more adept at business than any presidential candidate in recent history, and more likely to stand up for American values overseas. That's how that worked out. Regardless of how bad BHO is, the celebrity factor helped him win. Twice.
Brando: Of course, an escaped mental patient does not play by normal rules either, but this one is a famous celebrity.
How many escaped mental patients have billion dollar business empires? How many escaped mental patients own a world-class hotel in a world-class city (alright, it's just Chicago, but still . . . ) an hour's drive away from me that I've stayed in and really, truly enjoyed my time there? Can you think of any? And don't say Trump - he's not, in fact, an escaped mental patient. How about the big Indian from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest? Does he run hotels (or casinos) these days to the tune of billions of dollars?
rhhardin: Big boobs is a cartoon convention for hot babe.
I don't know that actual taste runs that way.
Mine do. you're correct, but that doesn't stop me from lovin' some big 'uns.
Tim in Vermont: I know prettier women in real life.
As do I. There are three girls I know who, if they moved to LA and got in with the right crowd, could be commanding tons of money as top rated models. One of them is brainy, and I think she'd tire of it after awhile, but women do love attention and it's possible she's adapt. The others are nothing special intellectually, but are true lookers (and the one I work with is good at her job).
The most beautiful woman I know also happens to be my wife. But I can acknowledge there are prettier girls.
More super model deflation. It has been the fad ever since Tom Brady said he likes his deflated so he cam get a better grip the better to hit moving targets.
"How many escaped mental patients have billion dollar business empires? How many escaped mental patients own a world-class hotel in a world-class city (alright, it's just Chicago, but still . . . ) an hour's drive away from me that I've stayed in and really, truly enjoyed my time there? Can you think of any? And don't say Trump - he's not, in fact, an escaped mental patient. How about the big Indian from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest? Does he run hotels (or casinos) these days to the tune of billions of dollars?"
I realize that Trump is of course not an escaped mental patient nor do I think he is insane--my point is that "saying whatever he feels like" is not a good qualification for president, because any old crazy person says what they feel like. It's only an admirable quality if what they're saying is correct, and better yet, persuasive.
But if I point out that for all the Trumpists complaining about "RINOs" who don't adhere to a strict set of conservative values, they are defending a guy who has until very recently been all over the map on his politics, all I hear is "everyone can change their mind!" as if they'd give such a pass to Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio. If I point out that for all the Trumpists who hate Chris Christie for hugging Obama when the latter provided help with hurricane damage for New Jersey, they are defending a guy who actually paid into the Clinton charity scam, in return for what exactly? Getting her to attend his wedding? (I didn't realize she was such an entertainer!) It's just a really odd blind spot--almost as though they start from the premise that Trump is good, and will employ any inconsistency and ignore any argument to back the guy. As if somehow he earned that level of loyalty.
I get the arguments Trumpists make about how pissed they are with the way things are in this country, and in the GOP. Hell, most people are pissed! But the direction of their affection is just baffling. To me it makes as little sense as them all gathering around Oprah Winfrey, if she suddenly made some noises about stopping illegal immigration.
While most supermodels are attractive, and some are downright beautiful, I can't say they're the hottest of all celebrities (of course, de gustibus and all that--no arguing taste!). I think part of that is their job is to model clothing, and in doing so they are not to draw too much attention to the face or body, but rather the clothing instead. We usually see them with sort of blank expressions, and when they're doing their job they're just walking silently. Actresses, singers and other types of entertainers are on the other hand supposed to draw attention and expose a personality (e.g., Jennifer Lawrence, Katy Perry) that enhances their attractiveness.
Of course, those entertainers may have reason to draw more attention for their music or acting role, so maybe my theory is all wrong.
Of course, an escaped mental patient does not play by normal rules either, but this one is a famous celebrity.
This is the newest pile of crap that Trump haters are throwing against the wall to see if it sticks. It's more jumping the shark than it is an effective tactic.
Yesterday I listened to Michael Medved play a sound clip of George Will saying something like, "Do we really want to give Trump nuclear weapons?" and then Medved piled on, inviting his callers to call in and defend, "Giving Trump nuclear weapons."
Because..... what? We're supposed to believe now Trump is so unhinged he is going to blow the whole world up?
Medved and Will have jumped the shark with that one. They've gone off the deep end if they think they're going to convince voters that Trump is crazy and can't be trusted with nukes. Same goes for anyone who is trying to convince us that such a successful businessman is equivalent to being a mental patient.
If I point out that for all the Trumpists who hate Chris Christie for hugging Obama when the latter provided help with hurricane damage for New Jersey, they are defending a guy who actually paid into the Clinton charity scam, in return for what exactly? Getting her to attend his wedding? (I didn't realize she was such an entertainer!) It's just a really odd blind spot--almost as though they start from the premise that Trump is good, and will employ any inconsistency and ignore any argument to back the guy. As if somehow he earned that level of loyalty.
Thank you Brando. I've been wondering about this disconnect myself.
Donald Trump, four billionaire dollars, still had to get a Russian mail order bride. Give Gilbert Gottfried four billion dollars and even he could snag at least a Monaco princess...
Yeah yeah yeah, she is pretty hot for an old broad, we get it Krumhorn.
She has one of those 40s women gym hard bodies though. That and fake boobs are almost certain indicators that somebody believes they have lost their fastball, at least when it comes to looks.
I suspect Heidi remembers being called "pizza face" as a teen-ager, so "no longer a 10" probably doesn't have much sting—as if going from Victoria's Secret angel to "no longer a 10" were some kind of calamity in the first place.
I cannot believe this is what politics has become.
Oh come on, the election is a long ways away. This is what people used to call "The silly season."
In the United Kingdom and in some other places, the silly season is the period lasting for a few summer months typified by the emergence of frivolous news stories in the media. It is known in many languages as the cucumber time. The term was coined in an 1861 Saturday Review article,[1] and was listed in the second edition of Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (1894) and remains in use at the start of the 21st century. The fifteenth edition of Brewer's expands on the second, defining the silly season as "the part of the year when Parliament and the Law Courts are not sitting (about August and September)" - Wikipedia
"Oh come on, the election is a long ways away. This is what people used to call "The silly season.""
Maybe the Clintonites are hoping that their criminal activity gets hidden among the silly season stories.
I suppose one upside to this Trump coverage is (as many leftists have complained) there has been less attention paid towards attacking the other candidates. Normally by now we'd be hearing about how out of the mainstream the GOPers are, or how one or two fringe candidates represent the whole party. It doesn't work the other way though--Al Sharpton and Dennis Kucinich never represented all Democrats the way Pat Buchanan represented all Republicans.
Heidi Klum is my least favorite German import: arrogant, holier-than-thou, a poster child for over-correcting German guilt complex. Can I say something nice about her? She is good-looking.
Blogger Birches said... If I point out that for all the Trumpists who hate Chris Christie for hugging Obama when the latter provided help with hurricane damage for New Jersey, they are defending a guy who actually paid into the Clinton charity scam, in return for what exactly? Getting her to attend his wedding? (I didn't realize she was such an entertainer!) It's just a really odd blind spot--almost as though they start from the premise that Trump is good, and will employ any inconsistency and ignore any argument to back the guy. As if somehow he earned that level of loyalty.
Thank you Brando. I've been wondering about this disconnect myself
You really needn't wonder about it any longer.
Did you see what Marco Rubio had to say about Trump's immigration plans?
"“We have 12 or 13 million human beings that have been here for a long time. And there is really no, there’s not really a realistic way of rounding up and deporting 12 or 13 million people and our nation wouldn’t want to do that anyway,” Rubio said.
They are all surrender monkey's. Have you been paying attention to the Republican SJW's after Trump released his immigration plan? My god, they are having fits. It's the end of the world.
Could Christie give the establishment these sorts of fits? No way.
Ted Cruz can. Ben Carson can. But I don't think anyone else can.
And there is a reason why they are giving them fits. Because they see their power dwindling quickly.
Someone needs to tell the Republican establishment they are no longer a 10.
As ridiculous Kump's response is, especally showing off that superannuated midiff, Trump should be more of a gentleman.
I just get a kick out of women who think they can fool an age-judging acumen in men honed over millions of years of evolution. Our continued presence in the gene pool has depended on picking women of the right age.
"And there is a reason why they are giving them fits. Because they see their power dwindling quickly."
Ah yes, I forgot that I'm a GOP power broker, making and breaking officeholders and pulling strings for the party. And Trump I suppose is an "outsider" despite his claims that he bought several politicians on both sides of the aisle. Trump logic!
"“We have 12 or 13 million human beings that have been here for a long time. And there is really no, there’s not really a realistic way of rounding up and deporting 12 or 13 million people and our nation wouldn’t want to do that anyway,” Rubio said.
Can you dispute what Rubio said, rather than insult him as a "SJW" or surrender monkey? The fact is if you believe that even a President Trump is going to deport 12 million people, you're living a fantasy. Never going to happen. If supporting reality based politicians makes me a surrender monkey, then give me a tree and plenty of bananas!
But to your point about giving fits--is that all it takes to win you over? Giving "the establishment" (which apparently means me, some peon commenter, and not Trump, a connected plutocrat) fits? Hell, Al Sharpton gives the same people fits. Why is he not getting your love?
As far as the Republican establishment goes, they are begging for a third party. The super rich already have a party, the Democrats. The big success of the establishment has been to keep Occupy and the Tea Party at each other's throats. Otherwise we could do away with them in no time, then choose to fight each other later, Roosevelt Stalin style.
Professional athletes and models are precariously balanced on the wobbly board of physical perfection. Heidi Klum no longer has her fastball, but she can still throw a slow curve.......Ideally, when you reach forty you've got other things on your mind than dodge ball or beauty competitions. Still, she makes her living by being gorgeous and she is to be commended for having the discipline to stay so good looking. She demonstrates that if a woman has the right trainer, nutritionist and plastic surgeon and if she's born with great natural beauty, she can retain her appeal after thirty and, in a few rare cases like Heidi, after forty years on this planet. Donald Trump and Heidi Klum demonstrate what wonders the human spirit can achieve.
@ Quaestor, who wrote (8/18/15, 12:22 PM), in response to my earlier comment that Trump "is a fake boob":
"Preferable to a genuine boob, I should think."
Joe Biden is a genuine boob. Bernie Sanders is a genuine boob. When it comes to politicians who are boobs, I lump them all in the same category for some purposes. I'd rather not vote for them, given any better choice. But although I'll never vote for either Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders, I'd be glad to drink a beer with either, and if it were Biden, I'd probably buy the first round. Genuine boobs are generally harmless unless we give them power; Joe Biden has done less harm as Veep than he did as a U.S. Senator, for example.
One of the reasons I so deeply despise Trump is precisely because he's so very, very fake: Fake Republican, fake conservative, fake intellectual, fake businessman, fake hairdo, etc. The one thing about him that's not fake is the most noticeable thing about him, which is his ruthless, incessant self-promotion. That is genuine.
Finally, when it comes to literal boobs, I still like Ms. Klum just fine, and except for women who've had reconstructive cosmetic surgery (as opposed to elective cosmetic surgery), I strongly tend to prefer real ones in general. But yes, as earlier noted, de gustibus non est disputandum, which I believe to be Latin for "you can't argue with boobs about boobs."
"Is there anyone on stage, and can I see hands, who is unwilling tonight to pledge your support to the eventual nominee of the Republican party and pledge to not run an independent campaign against that person."
"Can you dispute what Rubio said, rather than insult him as a "SJW" or surrender monkey? The fact is if you believe that even a President Trump is going to deport 12 million people, you're living a fantasy. Never going to happen. If supporting reality based politicians makes me a surrender monkey, then give me a tree and plenty of bananas!"
It would not be difficult and you wouldn't need to round them up. If you dry up the motivation to come they will leave. Whether or not you want to do that is up for debate. I personally don't mind people wanting to move here to work and start businesses. In fact I would trade any Occupy protester for almost any hispanic immigrant one for one as long as they don't get freebies from the government.
What gets me is the Republican establishment is caving in before the discussion even starts. It is almost as if the GOP is a fake party meant to trick people into voting for them with no real principles that it is willing to fight for.
"It would not be difficult and you wouldn't need to round them up. If you dry up the motivation to come they will leave."
There are already plenty of disincentives for someone to come here illegally, in that they risk deportation if they go to the police or are ripped off by an employer hiring them illegally--but for most illegals it is still worth the risk compared to the poverty they're leaving back home, so many take hard, low-paying jobs (though many also are visa-overstayers working skilled jobs). I suppose you could increase the penalties for those hiring illegals, and spend more money on enforcement. But realistically this can only nip at the margins if we're talking over 10 million people, and the rewards of staying outweigh the disincentives this country is willing to impose.
The problem is you can't even discuss a comprehensive reform without being accused of completely selling out, as the anti-reform contingent will settle for nothing except more walls and deportations--which politically won't ever pass and realistically could never remove the 10 million already here or completely prevent more from coming.
The problem is you can't even discuss a comprehensive reform without being accused of completely selling out, as the anti-reform contingent will settle for nothing except more walls and deportations--which politically won't ever pass and realistically could never remove the 10 million already here or completely prevent more from coming.
In the defense of conservatives --- they've seen what happens when amnesty is promised followed LATER by enforcement.
We'd be fools to not demand enforcement FIRST --- otherwise, we'll never get enforcement. And change immigration laws massively so we stop just importing the world's poor and unskilled. If somebody cannot support themselves, they really shouldn't be a person we bring in.
The problem is you can't even discuss a comprehensive reform without being accused of completely selling out, as the anti-reform contingent will settle for nothing except more walls and deportations--which politically won't ever pass and realistically could never remove the 10 million already here or completely prevent more from coming.
In the defense of conservatives --- they've seen what happens when amnesty is promised followed LATER by enforcement.
We'd be fools to not demand enforcement FIRST --- otherwise, we'll never get enforcement. And change immigration laws massively so we stop just importing the world's poor and unskilled. If somebody cannot support themselves, they really shouldn't be a person we bring in.
"In the defense of conservatives --- they've seen what happens when amnesty is promised followed LATER by enforcement.
We'd be fools to not demand enforcement FIRST --- otherwise, we'll never get enforcement. And change immigration laws massively so we stop just importing the world's poor and unskilled. If somebody cannot support themselves, they really shouldn't be a person we bring in."
So who says that a reform law cannot require the enforcement measures as a condition precedent to any limited amnesty?
Brando: There are already plenty of disincentives for someone to come here illegally...
No, there aren't. And any disincentives with teeth have been gutted by corrupt courts and ignored by the executive powers charged to enforce them.
...and the rewards of staying outweigh the disincentives this country is willing to impose.
You mean, the disincentives the people the people who benefit from out-of-control immigration are unwilling to impose. Most people in this country are willing to enforce the laws on the books. But for the last several decades there has been an absolute refusal by either party to enforce already existent law.
So who says that a reform law cannot require the enforcement measures as a condition precedent to any limited amnesty?
Ha ha ha. Who indeed. I'm sure we can trust these guys to actually secure the border and carry out any other enforcement measures before declaring that they've secured the border and carried out any other enforcement measures, right? (Let me tell you about Obama's record deportations...)
I get the strong impression from your comments here - standard low-effort GOP boilerplate - that you know very little about this issue and its history.
Achilles: What gets me is the Republican establishment is caving in before the discussion even starts. It is almost as if the GOP is a fake party meant to trick people into voting for them with no real principles that it is willing to fight for.
I'd wager that the stupidest, most gullible Trump enthusiast out there has a clearer grasp of exactly who and what Donald Trump is than Brando has of exactly who and what the candidates in the GOP line-up are.
I have only two questions for Donald Trump: You claim to be really smart. I'd like to see some proof, so when are you going to release your SATs and college transcripts? You claim to be really rich. I'd like to see some proof, so when are you going to release an audited, GAAP balance sheet.
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१०२ टिप्पण्या:
Trump is right, she is no longer a 10, but it was rude of him to point it out.
Her insisting that she still is is like a guy telling his girlfriend, that no matter what she thinks, size doesn't matter. It would have been rude of her to bring it up too.
She kind of looks like the Scarecrow in Wizard of Oz.
Crazy runs from 4 to 10 in women.
absolute 10, no longer
relative 10 among 42 year olds. sure
I suspect that Trump is a better judge than the camera because he sees all these models close up and imperfect...
She looks like a newsbabe, if you get a page of google images. The video doesn't play for me for unknown reasons that don't interest me.
A generic look.
So Heidi Klum is supporting Herman Caine for president?
This from a man whose beauty pageant's unwritten but obvious rule is: You must have fake boobs.
He is a fake boob.
If only all political discourse was conducted on this level of sophisticated humor. By a 9.9999... babe.
Big boobs is a cartoon convention for hot babe.
I don't know that actual taste runs that way.
That was funny. She has a sense of humor (easy to have with her genes) and confirmed that he was right LOL.
Think about Carrie Prejean's boobs -- and the money the Miss California USA pageant (part of Trump's competition) loaned her to get them, then sued her to recover after she was dethroned as Miss USA:
"The court documents offer an inside look at the hostile relationship between Prejean, California pageant officials and Miss USA pageant owner Donald Trump.
"After the Miss USA pageant, "With her new-found notoriety, an inflated sense of self, and the lure of financial gain available to her, Ms. Prejean turned even further against the Miss California USA organization, abandoned her obligations as the Miss California USA titleholder, and violated multiple provisions of the contract which governed her reign," the pageant filing said."
Very droll, that -- "inflated sense of self." This is the guy who insists that he'll not repudiate Obama's deal with Iran, he'll just "police it" in a way that will make it impossible for Iran to perform. And yet, because you can fool some of the people all of the time, a quarter of people surveyed insist that they prefer someone who brags about his dishonesty, someone who brags about his bankruptcies, someone who has the wit and wisdom of the average third-grade bully, to lead the free world.
Trump undoubtedly knows what he considers a ten. Easy enough to assess his scale. When a wife falls below 9.5, out she goes.
I think Trump is the court jester of the campaign, a man who can speak truths that somebody hoping for 51% of the vote cannot.
If he is the R candidate against Hillary or Bernie, will pull the lever for him though, probably in a losing cause, but I will.
Just another weapon in the interweb's assassination arsenal. For the time being it's fun to watch the interweb's collective head explode when Trump doesn't go down.
Trump was totally wrong when he said Heidi Klum is no longer a 10.
She was never a 10.
"A perfect 9"
Blogger Quaestor said...
Trump was totally wrong when he said Heidi Klum is no longer a 10.
She was never a 10.
Oh, I dunno. Her accent makes her a few points hotter.
Examples of a 10?
What prompted him to say she's "not a 10"? Was he giving an honest answer to a direct question, or returning an insult from her? Or was this just pointless rudeness? Because there's "telling it like it is" and then there's just being a nasty jerk.
But I suppose this only makes his supporters love him even more, because there's nothing more refreshing to them than someone who doesn't care what anyone thinks.
Heidi has brains, and in her own way is as good a self promoter as Trump. He's taking on an equal here.
And by the way she is a 10, no age adjustment needed.
A 4 is a unicorn, rhhardin. They don't exist.
@Beldar "Think abouk Carrie Prejean's boobs..."
I'd rather not!
"This is the guy who insists that he'll not repudiate Obama's deal with Iran, he'll just "police it" in a way that will make it impossible for Iran to perform. And yet, because you can fool some of the people all of the time, a quarter of people surveyed insist that they prefer someone who brags about his dishonesty, someone who brags about his bankruptcies, someone who has the wit and wisdom of the average third-grade bully, to lead the free world."
Beldar, you must realize that your reasoning and facts are useless against Trumpists. It only makes them dig in deeper--so what if this guy peddles obvious fantasies? So what if his politics mostly diverge from theirs? So what if by any objective measure this guy behaves like a middle schooler with thin skin and nonsensical retorts? All of this only makes them like him more because he does not play by normal rules.
Of course, an escaped mental patient does not play by normal rules either, but this one is a famous celebrity.
He didn't say what he thought she was now. See, he's slowly getting into the political game. He can later say 9.9 is what she is now.
Look, we tried celebrity politicians already. How did that work out? Trump is the perfect Republican candidate if you are a Democrat. Can't win.
Such exquisite taste in this crowd. Not even supermodels make the ten grade.
I wonder if Trump would categorize Heidi as a "top woman"?
I don't care what he thinks, she's a complete 10 with no accommodation for age. If you give her age points, she pegs the needle..
My needle is pegged.
- I am Krumhorn
Freeman Hunt said...
Such exquisite taste in this crowd. Not even supermodels make the ten grade.
Without opining on Klum herself, the number 42 has meaning.
Not even supermodels make the ten grade.
Supermodels play at a higher level. They are like professional athletes, athletes get old and have to leave the field. She is more put together than she is natively attractive. I would take just about any given Woody Allen ingenue over Klum any day of the week. Or most of the women in pretty much any Quenten Tarantino movie, or the women for example, in A Clockwork Orange. There are some tens.
Sure if she was in your neighborhood walking down the street, she would probably top your list of sexy neighbor ladies though. But let's all pretend that she can self declare herself a 9.999, sure. I know prettier women in real life.
IGV: Look, we tried celebrity politicians already. How did that work out?
Barack Hussein Obama won the Presidency twice, the second time against a GOP candidate who was unquestionably more qualified for the job, more capable at running an enterprise, more adept at business than any presidential candidate in recent history, and more likely to stand up for American values overseas. That's how that worked out. Regardless of how bad BHO is, the celebrity factor helped him win. Twice.
Brando: Of course, an escaped mental patient does not play by normal rules either, but this one is a famous celebrity.
How many escaped mental patients have billion dollar business empires? How many escaped mental patients own a world-class hotel in a world-class city (alright, it's just Chicago, but still . . . ) an hour's drive away from me that I've stayed in and really, truly enjoyed my time there? Can you think of any? And don't say Trump - he's not, in fact, an escaped mental patient. How about the big Indian from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest? Does he run hotels (or casinos) these days to the tune of billions of dollars?
rhhardin: Big boobs is a cartoon convention for hot babe.
I don't know that actual taste runs that way.
Mine do. you're correct, but that doesn't stop me from lovin' some big 'uns.
I think he was paid to bring her name up, and Dowd fell for it.
Treat the Eights as if they were Tens and you'll go a long way.
Just some advice from your dear friend Laslo.
I am Laslo.
Tim in Vermont: I know prettier women in real life.
As do I. There are three girls I know who, if they moved to LA and got in with the right crowd, could be commanding tons of money as top rated models. One of them is brainy, and I think she'd tire of it after awhile, but women do love attention and it's possible she's adapt. The others are nothing special intellectually, but are true lookers (and the one I work with is good at her job).
The most beautiful woman I know also happens to be my wife. But I can acknowledge there are prettier girls.
More super model deflation. It has been the fad ever since Tom Brady said he likes his deflated so he cam get a better grip the better to hit moving targets.
I blame Roger Goodell for all this trash talk..
I know Heidi Klum, Heidi Klum is a friend of mine, and you, sir, are no Heidi Klum!
No, she's not a ten when it comes to looks anymore. It happens to all of us; even I'm not anymore :)
But as David said, "Heidi has brains, and in her own way is as good a self promoter as Trump."
There is an old cliche that goes roughly like this:
What are the two happiest days in a boat-owner's life?
The day he buys the boat, and the day he sells it.
This works for men with Tens, too.
I am Laslo
"How many escaped mental patients have billion dollar business empires? How many escaped mental patients own a world-class hotel in a world-class city (alright, it's just Chicago, but still . . . ) an hour's drive away from me that I've stayed in and really, truly enjoyed my time there? Can you think of any? And don't say Trump - he's not, in fact, an escaped mental patient. How about the big Indian from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest? Does he run hotels (or casinos) these days to the tune of billions of dollars?"
I realize that Trump is of course not an escaped mental patient nor do I think he is insane--my point is that "saying whatever he feels like" is not a good qualification for president, because any old crazy person says what they feel like. It's only an admirable quality if what they're saying is correct, and better yet, persuasive.
But if I point out that for all the Trumpists complaining about "RINOs" who don't adhere to a strict set of conservative values, they are defending a guy who has until very recently been all over the map on his politics, all I hear is "everyone can change their mind!" as if they'd give such a pass to Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio. If I point out that for all the Trumpists who hate Chris Christie for hugging Obama when the latter provided help with hurricane damage for New Jersey, they are defending a guy who actually paid into the Clinton charity scam, in return for what exactly? Getting her to attend his wedding? (I didn't realize she was such an entertainer!) It's just a really odd blind spot--almost as though they start from the premise that Trump is good, and will employ any inconsistency and ignore any argument to back the guy. As if somehow he earned that level of loyalty.
I get the arguments Trumpists make about how pissed they are with the way things are in this country, and in the GOP. Hell, most people are pissed! But the direction of their affection is just baffling. To me it makes as little sense as them all gathering around Oprah Winfrey, if she suddenly made some noises about stopping illegal immigration.
Trump goes to eleven.
"Not even supermodels make the ten grade."
While most supermodels are attractive, and some are downright beautiful, I can't say they're the hottest of all celebrities (of course, de gustibus and all that--no arguing taste!). I think part of that is their job is to model clothing, and in doing so they are not to draw too much attention to the face or body, but rather the clothing instead. We usually see them with sort of blank expressions, and when they're doing their job they're just walking silently. Actresses, singers and other types of entertainers are on the other hand supposed to draw attention and expose a personality (e.g., Jennifer Lawrence, Katy Perry) that enhances their attractiveness.
Of course, those entertainers may have reason to draw more attention for their music or acting role, so maybe my theory is all wrong.
Disgustibus non dispuntandum.
Of course, an escaped mental patient does not play by normal rules either, but this one is a famous celebrity.
This is the newest pile of crap that Trump haters are throwing against the wall to see if it sticks. It's more jumping the shark than it is an effective tactic.
Yesterday I listened to Michael Medved play a sound clip of George Will saying something like, "Do we really want to give Trump nuclear weapons?" and then Medved piled on, inviting his callers to call in and defend, "Giving Trump nuclear weapons."
Because..... what? We're supposed to believe now Trump is so unhinged he is going to blow the whole world up?
Medved and Will have jumped the shark with that one. They've gone off the deep end if they think they're going to convince voters that Trump is crazy and can't be trusted with nukes. Same goes for anyone who is trying to convince us that such a successful businessman is equivalent to being a mental patient.
Honestly, I think the hottest woman in pop culture today is Christina Hendricks.
I agree that she's no 10. I would say that people who argue she's a 10 (or close) are long past 30 years old.
It's gauche of Trump to say this, but I don't know the context of his comment.
Kant rated disgust as a fine arts example without example. Everything goes through the mouth.
Derrida (pdf displays for me but maybe I have a hidden Jstor subscription at work).
My favorite women are in my favorite romcom DVDs, suggesting that it goes from the woman to looks, not vice versa.
The vice versa doesn't work at all. They look like newsbabes, is all. Total indifference.
Beldar wrote: [Trump] is a fake boob.
Preferable to a genuine boob, I should think.
Of all the candidates of what ever political stripe, there's only one genuine boob, and she's got two rather saggy ones.
Trump has never had a 10. And he claims to have a $10B net worth, and maybe he does in his own mind, but in others it's not more than $3 or $4.
Eh. She's okay for a scrawny blonde.
Trump also never claimed to be sexy. If somebody is going to be pushed as sexy, then their looks are fair game.
Which is why during the "Michelle Obama is sexy" phase a while back, I had no qualms saying "yeah, for a wookie"
Well, in proper bureaucratic language suitable for Washington, DC, Heidi Klum meets or exceeds minimal acceptable standards for feminine pulchritude.
If I point out that for all the Trumpists who hate Chris Christie for hugging Obama when the latter provided help with hurricane damage for New Jersey, they are defending a guy who actually paid into the Clinton charity scam, in return for what exactly? Getting her to attend his wedding? (I didn't realize she was such an entertainer!) It's just a really odd blind spot--almost as though they start from the premise that Trump is good, and will employ any inconsistency and ignore any argument to back the guy. As if somehow he earned that level of loyalty.
Thank you Brando. I've been wondering about this disconnect myself.
Speaking of impossible standards...You know who I think is extremely unattractive, but men seems to drool over?
Chrissy Teigen. Her face looks all smashed up to me, but I guess guys aren't looking at her face.
Donald Trump probably shouldn't be calling anyone unattractive. That said, Heidi is still hotter than Mrs. Trump, but not as hot as Ivanka.
....and let's not overlook that she's had 4 kids, and she's still a 10.
- Krumhorn
Donald Trump, four billionaire dollars, still had to get a Russian mail order bride. Give Gilbert Gottfried four billion dollars and even he could snag at least a Monaco princess...
Is this going to lead up to some joint You're Fired/Auf Wiedersehen reality show season?
Yeah yeah yeah, she is pretty hot for an old broad, we get it Krumhorn.
She has one of those 40s women gym hard bodies though. That and fake boobs are almost certain indicators that somebody believes they have lost their fastball, at least when it comes to looks.
Plastic surgery makes people look great in movies and professional photos. In person it is often obvious and doesn't look so great.
Chrissy Teigen. Her face looks all smashed up to me, but I guess guys aren't looking at her face.
She comes across as, well, a bit dumb. Which is actually fairly irritating.
I cannot believe this is what politics has become.
I suspect Heidi remembers being called "pizza face" as a teen-ager, so "no longer a 10" probably doesn't have much sting—as if going from Victoria's Secret angel to "no longer a 10" were some kind of calamity in the first place.
Donald Trump says he's a 10, but he's only a 4.
I cannot believe this is what politics has become.
Oh come on, the election is a long ways away. This is what people used to call "The silly season."
In the United Kingdom and in some other places, the silly season is the period lasting for a few summer months typified by the emergence of frivolous news stories in the media. It is known in many languages as the cucumber time. The term was coined in an 1861 Saturday Review article,[1] and was listed in the second edition of Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (1894) and remains in use at the start of the 21st century. The fifteenth edition of Brewer's expands on the second, defining the silly season as "the part of the year when Parliament and the Law Courts are not sitting (about August and September)" - Wikipedia
"Oh come on, the election is a long ways away. This is what people used to call "The silly season.""
Maybe the Clintonites are hoping that their criminal activity gets hidden among the silly season stories.
I suppose one upside to this Trump coverage is (as many leftists have complained) there has been less attention paid towards attacking the other candidates. Normally by now we'd be hearing about how out of the mainstream the GOPers are, or how one or two fringe candidates represent the whole party. It doesn't work the other way though--Al Sharpton and Dennis Kucinich never represented all Democrats the way Pat Buchanan represented all Republicans.
Heidi's a 10+!!
Heidi Klum is my least favorite German import: arrogant, holier-than-thou, a poster child for over-correcting German guilt complex. Can I say something nice about her? She is good-looking.
No, I am a ten! See! With this sign! It's funny, for some reason! Because I'm mocking him in the most obvious way possible!
Wait, did I say hilarious? I meant "stupid."
Just as stupid as the Donald insulting her appearance for no reason other than to get some more attention.
Blogger Birches said...
If I point out that for all the Trumpists who hate Chris Christie for hugging Obama when the latter provided help with hurricane damage for New Jersey, they are defending a guy who actually paid into the Clinton charity scam, in return for what exactly? Getting her to attend his wedding? (I didn't realize she was such an entertainer!) It's just a really odd blind spot--almost as though they start from the premise that Trump is good, and will employ any inconsistency and ignore any argument to back the guy. As if somehow he earned that level of loyalty.
Thank you Brando. I've been wondering about this disconnect myself
You really needn't wonder about it any longer.
Did you see what Marco Rubio had to say about Trump's immigration plans?
"“We have 12 or 13 million human beings that have been here for a long time. And there is really no, there’s not really a realistic way of rounding up and deporting 12 or 13 million people and our nation wouldn’t want to do that anyway,” Rubio said.
They are all surrender monkey's. Have you been paying attention to the Republican SJW's after Trump released his immigration plan? My god, they are having fits. It's the end of the world.
Could Christie give the establishment these sorts of fits? No way.
Ted Cruz can. Ben Carson can. But I don't think anyone else can.
And there is a reason why they are giving them fits. Because they see their power dwindling quickly.
Someone needs to tell the Republican establishment they are no longer a 10.
As ridiculous Kump's response is, especally showing off that superannuated midiff, Trump should be more of a gentleman.
I just get a kick out of women who think they can fool an age-judging acumen in men honed over millions of years of evolution. Our continued presence in the gene pool has depended on picking women of the right age.
"And there is a reason why they are giving them fits. Because they see their power dwindling quickly."
Ah yes, I forgot that I'm a GOP power broker, making and breaking officeholders and pulling strings for the party. And Trump I suppose is an "outsider" despite his claims that he bought several politicians on both sides of the aisle. Trump logic!
"“We have 12 or 13 million human beings that have been here for a long time. And there is really no, there’s not really a realistic way of rounding up and deporting 12 or 13 million people and our nation wouldn’t want to do that anyway,” Rubio said.
Can you dispute what Rubio said, rather than insult him as a "SJW" or surrender monkey? The fact is if you believe that even a President Trump is going to deport 12 million people, you're living a fantasy. Never going to happen. If supporting reality based politicians makes me a surrender monkey, then give me a tree and plenty of bananas!
But to your point about giving fits--is that all it takes to win you over? Giving "the establishment" (which apparently means me, some peon commenter, and not Trump, a connected plutocrat) fits? Hell, Al Sharpton gives the same people fits. Why is he not getting your love?
As far as the Republican establishment goes, they are begging for a third party. The super rich already have a party, the Democrats. The big success of the establishment has been to keep Occupy and the Tea Party at each other's throats. Otherwise we could do away with them in no time, then choose to fight each other later, Roosevelt Stalin style.
Trump never was a 10.
Ah the 19th amendment.
Professional athletes and models are precariously balanced on the wobbly board of physical perfection. Heidi Klum no longer has her fastball, but she can still throw a slow curve.......Ideally, when you reach forty you've got other things on your mind than dodge ball or beauty competitions. Still, she makes her living by being gorgeous and she is to be commended for having the discipline to stay so good looking. She demonstrates that if a woman has the right trainer, nutritionist and plastic surgeon and if she's born with great natural beauty, she can retain her appeal after thirty and, in a few rare cases like Heidi, after forty years on this planet. Donald Trump and Heidi Klum demonstrate what wonders the human spirit can achieve.
Looks like a win win situation, Heidi and Trump both profit. Now that's a deal.
Clown Genius is the most interesting analysis I've seen of the Trump phenomenon so far.
Without opining on Klum herself, the number 42 has meaning.
"What is six times nine?"
@ Quaestor, who wrote (8/18/15, 12:22 PM), in response to my earlier comment that Trump "is a fake boob":
"Preferable to a genuine boob, I should think."
Joe Biden is a genuine boob. Bernie Sanders is a genuine boob. When it comes to politicians who are boobs, I lump them all in the same category for some purposes. I'd rather not vote for them, given any better choice. But although I'll never vote for either Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders, I'd be glad to drink a beer with either, and if it were Biden, I'd probably buy the first round. Genuine boobs are generally harmless unless we give them power; Joe Biden has done less harm as Veep than he did as a U.S. Senator, for example.
One of the reasons I so deeply despise Trump is precisely because he's so very, very fake: Fake Republican, fake conservative, fake intellectual, fake businessman, fake hairdo, etc. The one thing about him that's not fake is the most noticeable thing about him, which is his ruthless, incessant self-promotion. That is genuine.
Finally, when it comes to literal boobs, I still like Ms. Klum just fine, and except for women who've had reconstructive cosmetic surgery (as opposed to elective cosmetic surgery), I strongly tend to prefer real ones in general. But yes, as earlier noted, de gustibus non est disputandum, which I believe to be Latin for "you can't argue with boobs about boobs."
If Heidi Klum no longer scores a perfect ten, I'm still gentlemanly enough to round up.
Whatever she is or was, Seal got the best of that.
Considering Trump's choices of wives, his opinion doesn't count for much.
I was surprised Heidi Klum is 42; I though she was older than that. Now if you want someone who is holding onto their looks; Christine Brinkley.
And 6 times 9 is 54. 7 x 6 = 42.
Joe, you need to read all the way to the end of the Doug Adams books to get the joke about 42 and humanity.
And 6 times 9 is 54
I always thought there was something fundamentally wrong with the Universe.
I don't pay much attention to 'super models', but I know for a fact that Laslo @ 11:49 am is spot on to the 98th percentile.
When is Melania no longer a 10, and what happens then?
"Is there anyone on stage, and can I see hands, who is unwilling tonight to pledge your support to the eventual nominee of the Republican party and pledge to not run an independent campaign against that person."
mikee, my mistake. I forgot about the ending.
Brando said...
"Can you dispute what Rubio said, rather than insult him as a "SJW" or surrender monkey? The fact is if you believe that even a President Trump is going to deport 12 million people, you're living a fantasy. Never going to happen. If supporting reality based politicians makes me a surrender monkey, then give me a tree and plenty of bananas!"
It would not be difficult and you wouldn't need to round them up. If you dry up the motivation to come they will leave. Whether or not you want to do that is up for debate. I personally don't mind people wanting to move here to work and start businesses. In fact I would trade any Occupy protester for almost any hispanic immigrant one for one as long as they don't get freebies from the government.
What gets me is the Republican establishment is caving in before the discussion even starts. It is almost as if the GOP is a fake party meant to trick people into voting for them with no real principles that it is willing to fight for.
"It would not be difficult and you wouldn't need to round them up. If you dry up the motivation to come they will leave."
There are already plenty of disincentives for someone to come here illegally, in that they risk deportation if they go to the police or are ripped off by an employer hiring them illegally--but for most illegals it is still worth the risk compared to the poverty they're leaving back home, so many take hard, low-paying jobs (though many also are visa-overstayers working skilled jobs). I suppose you could increase the penalties for those hiring illegals, and spend more money on enforcement. But realistically this can only nip at the margins if we're talking over 10 million people, and the rewards of staying outweigh the disincentives this country is willing to impose.
The problem is you can't even discuss a comprehensive reform without being accused of completely selling out, as the anti-reform contingent will settle for nothing except more walls and deportations--which politically won't ever pass and realistically could never remove the 10 million already here or completely prevent more from coming.
The problem is you can't even discuss a comprehensive reform without being accused of completely selling out, as the anti-reform contingent will settle for nothing except more walls and deportations--which politically won't ever pass and realistically could never remove the 10 million already here or completely prevent more from coming.
In the defense of conservatives --- they've seen what happens when amnesty is promised followed LATER by enforcement.
We'd be fools to not demand enforcement FIRST --- otherwise, we'll never get enforcement. And change immigration laws massively so we stop just importing the world's poor and unskilled. If somebody cannot support themselves, they really shouldn't be a person we bring in.
The problem is you can't even discuss a comprehensive reform without being accused of completely selling out, as the anti-reform contingent will settle for nothing except more walls and deportations--which politically won't ever pass and realistically could never remove the 10 million already here or completely prevent more from coming.
In the defense of conservatives --- they've seen what happens when amnesty is promised followed LATER by enforcement.
We'd be fools to not demand enforcement FIRST --- otherwise, we'll never get enforcement. And change immigration laws massively so we stop just importing the world's poor and unskilled. If somebody cannot support themselves, they really shouldn't be a person we bring in.
"In the defense of conservatives --- they've seen what happens when amnesty is promised followed LATER by enforcement.
We'd be fools to not demand enforcement FIRST --- otherwise, we'll never get enforcement. And change immigration laws massively so we stop just importing the world's poor and unskilled. If somebody cannot support themselves, they really shouldn't be a person we bring in."
So who says that a reform law cannot require the enforcement measures as a condition precedent to any limited amnesty?
Brando: There are already plenty of disincentives for someone to come here illegally...
No, there aren't. And any disincentives with teeth have been gutted by corrupt courts and ignored by the executive powers charged to enforce them.
...and the rewards of staying outweigh the disincentives this country is willing to impose.
You mean, the disincentives the people the people who benefit from out-of-control immigration are unwilling to impose. Most people in this country are willing to enforce the laws on the books. But for the last several decades there has been an absolute refusal by either party to enforce already existent law.
So who says that a reform law cannot require the enforcement measures as a condition precedent to any limited amnesty?
Ha ha ha. Who indeed. I'm sure we can trust these guys to actually secure the border and carry out any other enforcement measures before declaring that they've secured the border and carried out any other enforcement measures, right? (Let me tell you about Obama's record deportations...)
I get the strong impression from your comments here - standard low-effort GOP boilerplate - that you know very little about this issue and its history.
Achilles: What gets me is the Republican establishment is caving in before the discussion even starts. It is almost as if the GOP is a fake party meant to trick people into voting for them with no real principles that it is willing to fight for.
I'd wager that the stupidest, most gullible Trump enthusiast out there has a clearer grasp of exactly who and what Donald Trump is than Brando has of exactly who and what the candidates in the GOP line-up are.
"So who says that a reform law cannot require the enforcement measures as a condition precedent to any limited amnesty? "
Fool me once or twice or.... some folks never learn.
Enforcement HAS been "required". And whenever we discuss requirements must come FIRST we talk and talk and talk and then.... poof.
(Sadly applicable to much more than immigration.)
I have only two questions for Donald Trump: You claim to be really smart. I'd like to see some proof, so when are you going to release your SATs and college transcripts? You claim to be really rich. I'd like to see some proof, so when are you going to release an audited, GAAP balance sheet.
I think the GAAP accounting would answer both questions.
I think the GAAP accounting would answer both questions.
I don't think so. The world has no shortage of unintelligent rich people.
Can I have their names and addresses please? The billionaires first.
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