One morning I met Shihan Hussaini, a karate teacher, archer, sculptor, painter and sometime actor, at his studio near Elliot’s Beach in Chennai. ‘‘Tamil Nadu revolves around sensation, revolves around drama, revolves around legends,’’ he said. ‘‘Tamil Nadu people, they lap it up.’’
I first heard of Hussaini after he made a double-size but otherwise perfectly lifelike sculpture of Jayalalithaa’s head out of 11 liters of his own and his students’ coagulated blood. But he was quick to draw a line. ‘‘I’m not one of those fools that set themselves on fire,’’ he said. ‘‘I’m an educated guy. There are millions and millions of men, women and children who love her equally or in fact more than me. But I’m able to express it in the right way.’’
The latest way he chose to express his love for Jayalalithaa was to have himself crucified....
५ जुलै, २०१५
"What Happens When a State Is Run by Movie Stars?"
Great question (in the abstract). I clicked. The article (in the NYT) is (in the specific) about Tamil Nadu, India. I'm linking, if for no other reason, because I flat-out love the photograph at the top. As for the text of the article... excerpt:
art and politics,
performance art,
याची सदस्यत्व घ्या:
टिप्पणी पोस्ट करा (Atom)
१० टिप्पण्या:
This blog revolves around sensation, revolves around drama, revolves around legends...
I'm dizzy from all the revolving....I'll be enjoying the dramatic sensation of a snooze which only heightens my legend.
Hmmm...which Founding Father would have made a good Movie Star? (ignoring the whole 'no movies back then' question)
Washington? Jefferson? Franklin? (sort of a Yoda like Franklin!)
Aaron Burr would be our villain...or Benedict Arnold of course!
""What Happens When a State Is Run by Movie Stars?""
You spend billions building the world's slowest high speed train, that goes from nowhere to nowhere.
.which Founding Father would have made a good Movie Star?
Alexander Hamilton
"A raid in [Jayalalithaa’s] Poes garden residence in 1997 recovered 800 kg (1,800 lb) silver, 28 kg (62 lb) gold, 750 pairs of shoes, 10,500 sarees, 91 watches and other valuables."
They have lawyers: "The trial went on for 18 years and was transferred to Bangalore from Chennai." (convicted, overturned by corrupt judge).
Reagan did good. Arnold, not so good.
See the movie Team America>. Fuck yeah!
The Economist published an article about Jayaram Jayalalitha as a screenplay synopsis.
You know PR and therefore get fawning coverage of your State, no matter the truth.
टिप्पणी पोस्ट करा