Trump continues to be unpopular among the public at large, with negative marks outpacing positive ones 61-33. "Strongly unfavorable" views outnumber strongly positive ratings by a three-to-one ratio.I guess that thing of reviling him and treating him like an obnoxious pariah backfired.
I think that's good... and I don't like Trump.
MEANWHILE: Also in the Washington Post today: "Unbending (and unexcitable)/Even polite politicians can polarize, and Scott Walker has made lack of compromise his calling card."
Pleasant. That’s even how Walker’s bitterest political foes describe him.
In the heat of the state’s showdown with its union four years ago, Rep. Peter Barca, the Wisconsin State Assembly’s top Democrat, publicly denounced the governor at protests across the state. “You know, Governor Walker, you have defiled our heritage,” Barca said at one rally. “You have disregarded our values.”
But Walker, who declined to be interviewed for this article, never took it personally. “I’d give a speech in front of 50,000 protesters saying, ‘Walker’s got to go,’ “ Barca says, “and you’d see him the next day and you’d think I just sent him a coffeecake or something.”
१४९ टिप्पण्या:
Beucase hes hitting on what a lot of repubs are feeling. Another repub has to come along and make the case for dealing with illegal immigration in a more artful and nuanced way.
Likewise sanders is speaking to a lot of the left, who are sociliasts at heart and being honest about socialism to them. He's going to run as a socialist. not be coy about it. And that appeals to them .
Attacks often help the target, particularly when the attacks go overboard and are perceived as unfair or just piling on. Look at the Clintons, or Sarah Palin, or even Obama.
We'll see how long the Trump boomlet lasts. I expect him deflated by mid-fall; now that his polling suggests a lot of support, the media will take him more seriously as a candidate and that cannot be good for him as he is profoundly unserious.
Meantime, this is doing a great job helping Hillary. Maybe she'll make him ambassador or something.
And what is it about Trump that is "profoundly unserious?" Or is that just a nice sounding phrase that we will hear over and over from "thoughtful" people who can explicate neither the "profoundly" or the "unserious" with words in English.
Does this mean he'll be in the debate?
Do you know why Trump is so popular?
Because he fights back instead of kissing the ass of the MSM and the rest of the Left.
Scott Walker has made lack of compromise his calling card."
Obama has made it his legacy. Except when it comes to America's enemies.
Trump is an embarrassment and a con man.
Yes, I like straight talk. But he has no principles. What he is saying about immigration now is completely opposite of what he said just two years ago. He supported Hillary Clinton in 2008 for crying out loud.
It won't last, because has no principles to fall back on. Maybe it will allow a serous candidate like Walker to work under the radar. Or, maybe he'll make it impossible for moderates to even consider supporting anyone but Clinton. Should be fun.
"Meantime, this is doing a great job helping Hillary." Yeah - I find it disheartening. The Republican candidates were doing a _good_ job, quietly making their cases, attacking Clinton instead of each other, and she was losing support as critical stories hit even the mainstream press.
And then this idiot shows up and sucks up all the oxygen, and reminds half of America that the conservative half is secretly fond of crazy talk. What does he think he's doing? Does he think he's going to become president? He isn't. What is his goal?
Please go away.
Trump is popular with some of the Republicans because he actually talks about a real societal problem, illegal immigration, that the rest of the candidates would just like to ignore. He does it in an "un-nuanced" (most would say "racist") way, that's for sure, but he at least cut through the static of mellowspeak. He's also taken hits for his principles in his pocketbook, too. He can afford it better than the rest of us, but still....
He's also called out Mexico, and Mexico has long deserved it. The US doesn't have an immigration problem, the US has a Mexico problem.
I greatly appreciate the fact Trump is now setting the election agenda. He is unafraid of addressing unpleasant topics and inconvenient facts.
Since Trump is very much a celebrity, it is hard to determine if his campaign is show business or a serious run. Either way, he is doing America a service by addressing topics the press won't touch.
The GOP should focus in on the Mexico problem which YoungHegelian points to. Every candidate should insist that the US have reciprocal rights w/ Mexico to just pop on down there and stay and enjoy the benefits of Mexican citizenship. Mexico has very strict laws on immigration. You will be deported in a heartbeat if you do not have every single solitary document in order allowing you to enter and stay beyond a few months.
He's also called out Mexico, and Mexico has long deserved it. The US doesn't have an immigration problem, the US has a Mexico problem.
Trump speaks like the man he is: a guy who doesn't have to worry about actually winning a general election. Because he knows he can't. He's not advancing the cause of what he professes to care about.
That said, I've long thought we should call out Mexico. Another nation does not respect our borders. That's kind of a bad thing. Hit them on it repeatedly.
That's pretty cool about Walker. I don't have the temperance for that, I take personal attacks personally, respond in kind and everything degrades. What's that old adage, "Never wrestle with a pig- you both get dirty and the pig likes it"? I've never been able to live my life like that, but I've always really respected people who can.
There's a similar phenomenon occurring in Europe, and for the same reason. When reputable politicians refuse to address the concerns of the people, the people will turn to disreputable politicians. In France, it's considered uncouth to mention Islamic immigration lest you be called racist. So people are turning to Marine Le Pen. In America it's illegal immigration and Trump.
"Trump is popular with some of the Republicans because he actually talks about a real societal problem, illegal immigration, that the rest of the candidates would just like to ignore." They would like to ignore it for a good reason: the society is deeply divided on that issue. Just as the sensible ones want to ignore social conservative issues, as again the society is deeply divided. You will not win an election on those issues, you will drive away potential voters.
If you do manage to succeed, you will have done it by forcing down the throats of half of America. You sure that's a good idea? Remember Obamacare?
The smart candidates are focused on the issues (a) that are important conservative values, AND (b) are supported by most Americans. If we're very very lucky, maybe we can get some of them done. Or we can scream about everything and get nothing.
As an obnoxious pariah myself I wonder who represents us in this republic.
Is it Trump? So be it.
A nation of obnoxious pariah's deserve representation by an obnoxious pariah.
Also, donate to Althouse if you are reading this. She appreciates it, and it's worth it.
You do next-to-literally nothing when you don't donate; when you donate it does mean something.
What's with' me' and the' extra' hypostrephies'?\
OMG I had to look up "apostrophe."
I couldn't remember.
Maybe because apostrophe offended me hence my super-smart brain is compensating wellwise?
It's nice to see someone come along and speak their mind. Unfiltered. Un-poll-tested. I may not vote for them, but sometimes apple carts need to be upset; industries need to be disrupted; and things need to be said.
Why is it the mark of a great person that they "evolve" or change their minds on important things? Why should we keep listening to them instead of listening to the people who were correct in the first place? It seems to be doubling down on stupid.
I'm certainly curious to see how this all turns out. I've always thought of Trump a shameless, self-promoting huckster with an outsized ego. And as many others have pointed out, he's been very inconsistent about various political positions over the years.
I also assumed that most conservatives would see right through his nonsense pretty quickly and disregard him. But I underestimated how frustrated many conservatives have been with the status quo and therefore how appealing a decisive message about an issue like illegal immigration would be.
Clearly Trump's success lately is really more a manifestation of anger and frustration on the right than anything specific to Trump as a candidate. Whether or not Trump can maintain this momentum over the long haul remains to be seen. I tend to think not, but I have a bad track record when it comes to predicting outcomes in these situations.
"What does he think he's doing? Does he think he's going to become president? He isn't. What is his goal?"
What is he doing? He's helping his pal Hillary. He's the only candidate of the bunch who invited the Clintons to his most recent wedding, lavished praise on Hillary, donated to their influence-peddling scam--I mean "charitable foundation"...
"And what is it about Trump that is "profoundly unserious?""
Let's start with the idea that he is a conservative. He has a long history of supporting the Clintons and other Democrats, using government power to muscle in on properties he wanted, favoring health care reform that makes the ACA look like a free-market paradise, favoring a 14% "wealth tax" which to his credit puts him years ahead of Piketty--this is your "conservative" who speaks for you? Is there any value in actually being sincere?
I'll also note that anyone taking up the "birther" nonsense as late as 2012 is a profoundly unserious person.
This guy has clearly taken in a lot of Republicans who are so angry at the "establishment" and "MSM" that they'll follow any jokester down the rabbit hole. I suppose he'll have to come right out and say he was doing this all as a gag for anyone to admit they were taken.
A Post Trophy = apostrophe
Hence the mark.
Okay' were' all' good'.
While I wouldn't vote for him, the thing I like about The Donald is that he's not afraid to jump in and put his money where his mouth is. Yes, it's all about him all the time and how everything he does is the best in the world, but it's his money. He has a right to spend it as he chooses and utilize his 1st amendment rights.
"But I underestimated how frustrated many conservatives have been with the status quo and therefore how appealing a decisive message about an issue like illegal immigration would be."
That's not what surprises me so much as the fact that there are plenty of hard fighting GOP candidates who already fill the "anti-status quo" and "very conservative" role, and either are sincere and eloquent (e.g., Cruz) or have proven themselves in their time governing (e.g., Walker, Perry). It's not as though the GOP had just a bunch of Nelson Rockefellers on the ballot, and Trump filled a void. He gets his attention because he's a well-known celebrity, and will say the most provocative stuff to get headlines.
The smart candidates are focused on the issues (a) that are important conservative values, AND (b) are supported by most Americans.
You think having a secure southern border isn't an important conservative value? You think most Americans, of any political stripe, support having a constant stream of illegal Mexican immigrants coming at will into the US? If so, you should ask a black friend or co-worker in private what's the buzz on this topic in the black community.
People are aghast when I tell them that there are an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants, of which about 65% are Mexican, and that Los Angeles is the second largest Mexican city after Mexico City. Trump's wrong about at least one thing: he thinks Mexico sends us its "worst". Sadly for Mexico, they don't. They send us their strive-to-be middle class & their proletariat, especially among young men. People that Mexico should have a place for if they weren't so corrupt (Where did all that Pemex money go?). Mexican society suffers terribly from the loss of some of the best of its workforce.
Trump, the businessman, is obviously quite successful. How many jobs has Trump created, compared to, say, Bernie Sanders?
Trump, the politician, though is a little too bombastic for me. I do agree, though, that many people find him entertaining and refreshing.
I don't think he would be worse than Hillary, but I don't think he really can govern a population of 320 Million, like some of the other candidates could probably do.
If Romney had a little more Trump in him, and Trump had a little more Romney, you might have something.
First, Trump. The issue is that while a majority of R's see him favorably, that's just 30% or so of the electorate. Independents and Dems combined with R's that hate him would doom him in the general election.
Walker, the non-compromiser. Doesn't describe our current president who refuses to work with Republicans on the Hill? He only compromises with Iranians. Didn't Walker compromise by not including police and fire unions?
As I've said before, I will believe Trump is running when he files his financial disclosure statement.
In the meantime, I believe Peck's Bad Boy is performing a valuable service puncturing balloons, upsetting applecarts, and making other candidates and their agents go red in the face and sputter and make un-vetted statements.
Just listen to them squawk!
Go Donald!
hahahahahahahaha...thanks nazis.
America needs a Warrior Badger!
"You think having a secure southern border isn't an important conservative value? You think most Americans, of any political stripe, support having a constant stream of illegal Mexican immigrants coming at will into the US?"
I'd say it's an important value, conservative or otherwise (there's some split in both parties on this--many Democrats, particularly lower wage workers and union members, want stricter border control, while many libertarian Republicans want greater immigration so there's a greater supply of labor). And there's much worth debating on this topic--for example, while tighter border control is desirable, its' not enough as about half our illegal immigrants come in via other routes (such as overstaying visas). Also, what to do about the ones already here--and whether to treat them all the same, whether they arrived as children decades ago, or just yesterday, or have useful skills, or families, etc.--that's another topic as well.
It's not to say the views of those supporting Trump (and I refuse to believe that those are Trump's actual beliefs either, as I still think he's doing a gag) are wrong, or not worth airing--they're as valid as any other solution to this problem. But for many of us simply attaching this fraud to those beliefs makes a mockery of them.
Like I said, out of the twenty or so GOP candidates, you can count on a few fingers the number of GOP candidates who favor (or ever favored) even limited amnesty, and even the pro-amnesty candidates favored some form of stepped up border control as part of the compromise. Maybe you think they would be duped by Democrats, but at the very least this doesn't suggest that the party is full of "open borders" candidates and Trump is some lone voice of sanity on this issue.
"You think having a secure southern border isn't an important conservative value?" You misread what I wrote. That was what the "AND" was for. There are things (like this) which are important conservative values - but which we should not be pursuing because they do not reflect consensus in this country. Many social conservative issues are similar.
Win the election, get control of the government, pass the low-hanging fruit, and then _decide whether the country is ready for the other stuff on your wish list_. Don't make your wish list all or nothing.
The Donald gotta be good.
Just look at the reactions!
Brad Dayspring.
Like Walker I guarantee he supports killing third world children via ethanol mandates.
If not sue me motherfucker.
Opposite of the Steynian* "process is the punishment" I'll invoke Althouse and all her colleagues and we'll find out in 2020 what went on up in here.
The number is higher than 12m.
The MSM *estimate* has been flat for years.
Ann Coulter cites Street research to put the number at 30m.
Real number probably 20m.
CJinPA said... [hush][hide comment]
Trump is an embarrassment and a con man.
Yes, I like straight talk. But he has no principles.
One season finale of the Apprentice came down to Joan Rivers vs. Poker player Annie. Whoever raises most money wins. Annie annihilated Joan Rivers. Classy Joan Rivers called her (and poker players) "worse than Hitler, most evil, vile, despicable".etc. Trump gave the win to Rivers, making up some BS reasons for it, when the whole deal was supposed to be about raising most cash for charity. Pretty obvious to me that he used convoluted logic to reward his friend.
machine: "hahahahahahahaha...thanks nazis."
What does Soros have to do with this?
@David B,
I'm aware of the higher numbers quoted by many. I went with a lower number just to have a "link-able" number for the posting. I agree with your ~20 million number, for what little it's worth.
Point taken. Thank you for the clarification.
hahahahahahahaha...thanks nazis.
Is there something about being a post-marxist lefty that leans one to think that drive-by snark constitutes an "argument" rather than just behaving like an asshole? We sure see a lot of that sort of drive-by nonsense here. Agree or disagree, at least Cookie & GM can actually, you know, form coherent viewpoints.....
Polling. Gah.
Americans notoriously think abortion should be illegal but also favor a right to choose.
Pollsters are useless, especially in the mobile-phone age.
YoungHegelian (to machine): "Is there something about being a post-marxist lefty that leans one to think that drive-by snark constitutes an "argument" rather than just behaving like an asshole?"
I have advised machine on numerous occasions to limit his/her comments to 1 word. Any attempt on machines part at posting more than 1 word at a time inevitably yields predictably unfortunate results.
Gahrie said...
Do you know why Trump is so popular?
Because he fights back instead of kissing the ass of the MSM and the rest of the Left.
I heard Trump on the radio this AM saying his financials will be filed today or tomorrow, and THEY WILL BE HUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGEEEEEEE !!!!!
I said I'd take him seriously when he filed a real financial statement. Maybe that will be Friday.
Oh yes you will find out.
All politicians are clowns but not all clowns are politicians. Trump has attempted the crossover a couple of times but I'm still doubtful he'll stick. The early timing is right for the best outcome - he discomforts some shelter-in-place candidates and goes back to clowning. If there's not a contender serious enough to put him in the shade we're doomed to Hillary! hell anyway.
"Meantime, this is doing a great job helping Hillary." Yeah - I find it disheartening. The Republican candidates were doing a _good_ job, quietly making their cases, attacking Clinton instead of each other, and she was losing support as critical stories hit even the mainstream press.
And then this idiot shows up and sucks up all the oxygen, and reminds half of America that the conservative half is secretly fond of crazy talk. What does he think he's doing? Does he think he's going to become president? He isn't. What is his goal?
But Trump is slamming Obama while the Republicans are slamming him. Who's guilty here? Trump is saying illegal immigration is a huge problem (which it is) and that Obama's negotiators are fucking abysmal (which they are). He isn't insulting Christie or Graham that I've heard.
There's a similar phenomenon occurring in Europe, and for the same reason. When reputable politicians refuse to address the concerns of the people, the people will turn to disreputable politicians. In France, it's considered uncouth to mention Islamic immigration lest you be called racist. So people are turning to Marine Le Pen.
How is Mme Le Pen less reputable than Hollande or Sarkozy?
How is, say, Nigel Farage less reputable than Millibrand or Cameron?
The smart candidates are focused on the issues (a) that are important conservative values, AND (b) are supported by most Americans. If we're very very lucky, maybe we can get some of them done. Or we can scream about everything and get nothing.
Does a poll exist where Americans are pro illegal immigration? Cause that seems to be Trump's cause.
Yes, I like straight talk. But he has no principles. What he is saying about immigration now is completely opposite of what he said just two years ago. He supported Hillary Clinton in 2008 for crying out loud.
It's not optimal, but does anybody believe that Hillary today, who opposes almost everything she ran on in 2008, is not genuine about whatever the hell she believes in?
For me, it all boils down to: Is this person worse than Hillary? Trump isn't there, in my book.
That's not what surprises me so much as the fact that there are plenty of hard fighting GOP candidates who already fill the "anti-status quo" and "very conservative" role, and either are sincere and eloquent (e.g., Cruz) or have proven themselves in their time governing (e.g., Walker, Perry). It's not as though the GOP had just a bunch of Nelson Rockefellers on the ballot, and Trump filled a void. He gets his attention because he's a well-known celebrity, and will say the most provocative stuff to get headlines.
They, as always, tip toe around it because the donors love the de facto slavery that illegal immigration brings.
I'm not buying those numbers--57% favorable 40% unfavorable. Not even Donald Trump could have a 3% undecided rate. And 33% favorable with the public at large? That would be believable if it weren't for the 57% of Republicans. To be true, his numbers would have to be under 15% among Democrats and Independents. I don't believe it.
Is this person worse than Hillary? Trump isn't there, in my book.
Hillary spits in the face of everything the Left says it believes in, which is why sanders is doing so well.
But in the end, the Left will decide that power trumps all, and the ends justifies the means, and they will hold their nose and vote Hillary if they think she can win.
We on the Right always pick the "nice" person that the media favors. Until the general election.
Mr. Barca needs to learn:
“Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.”
― Oscar Wilde
Ever since Trump has announced, he has been constantly attacked by Republicans. One of those attacks is that he attacks Republicans. smh
Ever since Trump has announced, he has been constantly attacked as inconsistent or completely reversing his prior positions. The people who claim this put words in his mouth or don't know what his positions are. One of the cited examples of his reversals is his donations to Hillary. Have you heard his response to this? He has responded. He says it's the way business works. He has donated something like $250k to Republican politicians and $350k to Democrat politicians. He says it's terrible. However, in business, you have to do this. You have to make friends with all of them.
They say he is contradicting his 2012 position and earlier positions on illegal immigration. How? He has said in speeches, even in his most recent speech in Arizona, that something has to be done about the people who are here, that we can't deport all of them.
Prediction: Eventually, someone in the media will hear him say this and call it a "Reversal". Or "Backtracking" etc.
Most candidates for office are not consistent. Especially if you go back 10 years or more for what they've said. People get older. Hopefully, as they get older, they get more conservative, and their views change.
I voted for Romney even considering his flip flops. If you want me to consider not voting for trump, you're going to have to tell me how some of his flip flops are worse than Mitt Romneys. Also, stop telling me he is a flip flopper. Show me what he said then, show me what he is saying now. Otherwise, I think you're not listening or paying attention and what you're saying isn't true.
Somebody asked me the other day why I ruled out Scott Walker. It's because he has antagonized the unions to the point that they will make it a "holy vote of obligation" against the Republican.
I think that unions can be peeled off of the Democrat coalition. The Democrats have been doing some anti-union stuff, like killing unionized coal mines, killing the Keystone XL, driving good union jobs out of the Gulf of Mexico in oil production. I just don't think we need this fight right now. And Walker will never get the kind of co-operation out of Congress he needs.
57.35% of all statistic are made up.
Trump doesn't stand a chance of getting (and may not even want) the GOP nomination but he is setting an example for the other, more serious, candidates. Pugnacity, especially in the face of the Democrat media, pays.
interesting, not crazy wrote:
"One season finale of the Apprentice came down to Joan Rivers vs. Poker player Annie. Whoever raises most money wins. Annie annihilated Joan Rivers. Classy Joan Rivers called her (and poker players) "worse than Hitler, most evil, vile, despicable".etc."
Although I didn't watch the show I watched Rivers' rant about Annie Duke (the poker player)and it was classic including a mention of playing with mob-money. I can still hear the disdain in Joan's voice as she repeats, in her New York nasal twang, "...a pokah playa, a pokah playa." As someone who is (or was) a poker insider I can say that Rivers was mostly right, that wherever poker players congregate they immediately turn the place into, as Alec Guinness said in Star Wars, "...a wretched hive of scum and villainy..."
To get back to Trump, he is interesting because he promises to be the anti-democrat-republican and that perhaps he woke up one day and said, as countless other people have told me in conversation, "The world is upside down."
It's clear that Jeb (the the other repub-dems) or Hillary will be the same thing: They both will never repeal the ACA, will both nominate liberal squishes to the courts, will both support common core, will both provide more cover for Wall Street financiers, and will both preside over the orderly dismantlement of the US. So really if Trump says he can make America great again why not give him a try? There really is no other choice.
97% of all made-up statistics are made up on the spot.
Illegal immigration is supporting an economy exactly like the slave trade supported the southern economy. The only difference is the workers being taken advantage of are volunteers.
Tim in VT, Walker only went up against public employee unions, not private unions. You're talking about a miniscule number of people who were directly affected. Even if he angered up the blood of the private unions, they're not the megalithic voting bloc that they used to be. Yes, the federal employee union would muster their full-throated force to defeat Walker, but they're going to do that regardless of the GOP candidate. Walker is not going to run on disarming federal employee unions. He only did that in Wisconsin to balance the budget.
And Congressional cooperation? Where has that been for the last 8 years? Obama's legislative successes, up until the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact, have been purely along party lines. The new model in this deeply partisan age is to win the White House and a majority of Congress, then do your worst until the midterm disrupts your hegemony. Then you can just blame the other party as obstructionist.
To me, Walker is as viable as anyone else in the race.
There really is no other choice.
Okay, obviously, that cannot be true.
"...only did that in Wisconsin to balance the budget."
They're just tired of mealy-mouths. But Trump's history, which won't be exposed by the legacy mediaswine, is as a Democrat.
The media won't vet him properly in the hope that he will further disrupt the Republican primaries.
What percent of Mexican immigrants have a favorable view of El Chappo?
97% of all made-up statistics are made up on the spot
Can't agree. I think that left wing think tanks make up a lot of statistics, which then get parroted endlessly. Like the college rape statistics. "One in four women in college is going to have a regretted sexual encounter."
In Vermont, "One in five children goes to bed hungry *every night*!" I heard that one in a supermarket the other day.
I take back anything kind I might have said about Republican voters. Absolutely pathetic.
Walker will just not respond in kind to a flaming jerk. Drives the flaming jerks crazy.
And of course when a flaming jerk like The Donald spouts off--and then gets pounded by the poobahs at WaPo and the NYT, even a flaming jerk gets a little sympathy.
Firm, polite and steady is the best way to steer the ship of state.
"Favorable" doesn't have to mean anything more than people think he's adding to the debate that should be added.
"Unfavorable" doesn't have to mean anything more than people think he's adding to the debate that shouldn't be added.
The thing that makes Walker a strong candidate, is his actual governing of a blue-ish state for 8 years, his survival against the left-wing political onslaught, and his enactment of reasonably conservative policies.
Walker can afford to be calm. He's been a workhouse, rather than some of the other show-horse candidates.
And, through patience and persistence, he's positioned himself for a good shot at VP, even if he loses the nomination.
Trump, who is no doubt colorful and interesting, has done none of the above.
I'll admit, Trump's asking about the hostages in Iran made me think he's a bit more serious than I previously thought. I'd forgotten Iran had hostages. So, apparently, we DO now negotiate with hostage takers... and don't bother to get them back.
Walker only went up against public employee unions, not private unions.
That was the previous budget. In this session he followed through on his campaign promise to go after all the unions (except those which typically donate to Republicans) by having right to work enacted, removing all language in state law which references "living wage", and all but removed the prevailing wage laws in Wisconsin.
We can argue if those are good actions for Walker to take or not, but it is an indisputable fact that the Governor is going after both private and public sector unions.
@Matthew, you're absolutely right. You'd think getting the hostages back would have been a non-negotiable point. The more I learn about this treaty the more eager I am to move away from the Washington area since the only question is whether the first Iranian nukes will be used in Tel Aviv or here in Washington (and New York).
Madisonfella wrote:
" . . . except those which typically donate to Republicans"
Walker's record is more mixed than Madisonfella says it is (of course):
Regarding Trump and illegal aliens: I am still waiting to hear the media tell us how much support the US Chamber of Commerce ( a pro-open borders group) has promised to each GOP candidate.
Favorability is easy. He doesn't require commitment. He doesn't expect you to stop voting for other people. He only wants to go out and have a good time.
I don't have a favorable view of Trump. I have a favorable view of the subjects he has brought up.
"I have a favorable view of the subjects he has brought up."
-- I feel like that's true for most people. People think Trump is a slimeball, but, hey, the slimeball makes a good point sometimes. Now and then. Now let's all go shower because it makes us feel dirty to admit that.
Do you know why Trump is so popular? Because he fights back instead of kissing the ass of the MSM and the rest of the Left.
Advice to GOP candidates: Don’t slam Trump too hard. You may need his support later. Cruz is a very smart to be meeting with him.
Prediction: Trump will blow away the other candidates in the upcoming debate. He will speak bluntly, which they will try to counter with parsed, constipated conventional campaign rhetoric. The polls afterwards will say that Trump won the debate. Trump’s poll figures will improve even more.
I love the sound of Trump in the morning. It sounds like … victory.
Trump asked "Why didn't Obama demand that Iran release its 4 US prisoners as part of the deal" and that not doing so showed signs of weakness. So boooh Donald Trump> But if he's the one bringing this up, then were are the other repubs not making this point? I'll take a Trump to make the blunt points, and then the better repubs can finesse the discussion. But the discussion must be had.
B wrote:
take back anything kind I might have said about Republican voters. Absolutely pathetic.
FIrst, I doubt you said many kind words about Republican voters in the first place. But ditto, on democrats/liberals voting for Bernie Sanders. Why is a socialist getting crowds of 10,000? Absolutely pathetic.
Just goes to show that the political pundits that interview candidates with questions about poll standings, you know the type, "polls show that you have high unfavorables, how do you expect to win", are 1) ignorant, 2) lazy, or 3) all of the above.
"Does a poll exist where Americans are pro illegal immigration? Cause that seems to be Trump's cause." That's not the right question. None of the candidates are pro illegal immigration. The question is what to do about it and how high a priority is it compared with other issues America faces.
Same as same-sex marriage. All the sensible candidates recognize, whatever their own attitudes, that there are loads of Americans on both sides and you are not going to win elections by focusing on it. If you lose the election it doesn't matter what your goals are, you won't get them.
jr565 wrote:
"Why is a socialist getting crowds of 10,000?"
Switzerland is a social democratic country that is tiny, landlocked, with strong regional governments, no history of military adventurism, and a population of 8 million. The Sanders backers believe that Switzerland-style socialism is the proper model for the US, and not Soviet-style socialism, as it evolved in a large country with weak regional governments, a large population, and a history of military adventurism.
Trump can afford to be blunt, he isn't trying to get 50% + 1. He is trying to get the five percent he needs to get Hillary elected POTUS. He will do it easily.
Having a favorable opinion of someone doesn't mean you'd vote for him for President. For example, I estimate that I have a favorable opinion of about 97% of people. In a Presidential election, I'd consider voting for about 0.0001% of them.
Any damage he is doing to the Republican brand with his casual racism, or sloppily expressed non racism, is just a bonus.
I think that's good... and I don't like Trump.
Oh well, but you have to like his choice of pants! At least here with his golfing buddy Bill Clinton.
I've seen a video of Trump in Florida wearing white shorts and t-shirt and it was horrific. I wish I could find it just to post it for the men in shorts tag.
Trump is a blowhard, a narcissist, and a phony who has no intention of running for the presidency. His charade is all part of the freakshow, part of the cacophony of shrill and bizarre nonsense that constitutes our "political process."
Terry wrote:
"Why is a socialist getting crowds of 10,000?"
Switzerland is a social democratic country that is tiny, landlocked, with strong regional governments, no history of military adventurism, and a population of 8 million. The Sanders backers believe that Switzerland-style socialism is the proper model for the US, and not Soviet-style socialism, as it evolved in a large country with weak regional governments, a large population, and a history of military adventurism.
And we are not Switzerland. Nor are we Socialist.
When has Peter Barca ever given a speech in front of 50000 people?
part of the cacophony of shrill and bizarre nonsense that constitutes our "political process."
It would be so much better if we had a committee of our "betters" to choose our leaders for us.
Choice is so messy. We should just have one party instead to make elections more efficient and easier to run.
It's funny reading conservatives justifying why Trump is so popular. Keep on going GOP... right into the trash can. Because with Trump or anyone like Trump as your model politician running for President you have no chance of taking the White House. The smart ones know this. They need to speak up or Hillary walks into the White House easily.
I would vote for Trump over Hillary any day of the week. I wouldn't be happy about it, but I'd do it and hope for the best. I absolutely know that Hillary!!! will live down to my worst expectations.
Trump is a blowhard, a narcissist, and a phony who has no intention of running for the presidency
Maybe this is why Trump is surging. Criticism consists mostly ad hominem name-calling with no real substance. Maybe his opponents should try real debate on the merit of the issues … but that’s not what they do. Name-calling is so much easier.
Trump is an arrogant and highly intelligent winner warrior. What's wrong with that?
As Deon Sanders says, " It's not bragging if you can actually do it."
Go Trump.
"Criticism consists mostly ad hominem name-calling with no real substance."
Here is some criticism with substance. Trump in 2012:
The Republican Party will continue to lose presidential elections if it comes across as mean-spirited and unwelcoming toward people of color, Donald Trump tells Newsmax.
Whether intended or not, comments and policies of Mitt Romney and other Republican candidates during this election were seen by Hispanics and Asians as hostile to them, Trump says.
“Republicans didn’t have anything going for them with respect to Latinos and with respect to Asians,” the billionaire developer says.
“The Democrats didn’t have a policy for dealing with illegal immigrants, but what they did have going for them is they weren’t mean-spirited about it,” Trump says. “They didn’t know what the policy was, but what they were is they were kind.”
Romney’s solution of “self deportation” for illegal aliens made no sense and suggested that Republicans do not care about Hispanics in general, Trump says.
“He had a crazy policy of self deportation which was maniacal,” Trump says. “It sounded as bad as it was, and he lost all of the Latino vote,” Trump notes. “He lost the Asian vote. He lost everybody who is inspired to come into this country.”
The GOP has to develop a comprehensive policy “to take care of this incredible problem that we have with respect to immigration, with respect to people wanting to be wonderful productive citizens of this country,” Trump says.
Walker better devote some time to fixing his website. There is a "filter" that allows you to put in a topic (including "events," "event materials," and "special occasions"), an issue (including "birthdays," "coffee," and "fast and furious") and a state. What exactly is the difference between an issue and a topic?? I played around with it for quite awhile and consistently got zero results.
Once Being a liberal democrat is not a deal killer. Some of my best friends are liberals.
The problem is being a Marxist dedicated to bring down the terrible USA and doing that from inside 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. with no media challenge.
Trump would do far more good than harm. He understands common men ( the Bougeoisie) and likes them, unlike Marxists who want them dead.
Tuens out yelling at Mexicans is a straw that stirs the Republican drink. Nobody could have predicted.
Turns out Republicans care more about their fellow Americans than illegal immigrants from Mexico. Everybody could have predicted.
Trump backers think they are getting a Ross Perot, or maybe a John Anderson or even a Ralph Nader.
They aren't. They are getting a Jesse Ventura,
If liberals could trade every American who votes GOP -- or even every American who opposes SSM -- for an uneducated Central American, they would do it in a second.
The GOP base has become unhinged.
A majority of them sincerely believe that Obama stole the 2016 election with the fraudulent votes of millions of illegal aliens. That's one of the reasons they're so angry toward illegal aliens.
Most of them simply cannot be disabused from their fantasy that someday we're going to drag all the illegal aliens at gunpoint out of the country. What about their children born in America, who are constitutionally American citizens? Why, we'll just tear their parents away from them and deport them. The kids can stay. Their parents must be deported.
They blame illegal aliens for all going on welfare AND for taking jobs away from American citizens, without realizing the contradiction.
This is what happens with millions of people believe themselves under siege: They go nuts. It's happened throughout history. It happened in America at least with the Japanese-Americans in World War II.
From a commentor:
The Republican Party will continue to lose presidential elections if it comes across as mean-spirited and unwelcoming toward people of color, Donald Trump tells Newsmax.
Whether intended or not, comments and policies of Mitt Romney and other Republican candidates during this election were seen by Hispanics and Asians as hostile to them, Trump says.
“Republicans didn’t have anything going for them with respect to Latinos and with respect to Asians,” the billionaire developer says.
“The Democrats didn’t have a policy for dealing with illegal immigrants, but what they did have going for them is they weren’t mean-spirited about it,” Trump says. “They didn’t know what the policy was, but what they were is they were kind.”
Romney’s solution of “self deportation” for illegal aliens made no sense and suggested that Republicans do not care about Hispanics in general, Trump says.
“He had a crazy policy of self deportation which was maniacal,” Trump says. “It sounded as bad as it was, and he lost all of the Latino vote,” Trump notes. “He lost the Asian vote. He lost everybody who is inspired to come into this country.”
The GOP has to develop a comprehensive policy “to take care of this incredible problem that we have with respect to immigration, with respect to people wanting to be wonderful productive citizens of this country,” Trump says.
Still no debate. Just some quotes from a few years ago. Posting quotes is not debating.
So Ann, it looks like you're gonna go with giving the masses hope that their crazy base has any inkling of the general sentiment necessary for winning a general election.
What fun that must be!
A Trump candidacy would be a Democrat's dream come true.
Ask me how, someday. If you want.
Or keep living the dream.
Your butt will hurt like hell when you wake up. But it seems you really will enjoy the dream while it lasts.
The thing I like about Trump is unlike the Establishment Republicans and panty-waist conservatives, he seems to understand that we are in a war, not a polite Ladies' Garden Club discussion. State-f*ckiers like Rhythm and Balls long for the day they can drag us the rest of the way down the Road to Serfdom, and gentleman's club Buckleyism isn't going to cut it. It might have, when the adversaries were Adlai Stevenson and John Kenneth Galbraith and Hubert Humphrey, but they've been supplanted by the OWS canaille, the Stupid Left (where Saul Alinsky meets the Dumbest Generation), and the Red Diaper Baby in the White House.
Bill, no one asked you to be a "serf." But you seem to make a good one, anyway.
I'll dub you, Farmer Motor-Mouth, Serf to the Seventh Earl of Electoral Disaster.
sinz52: "The GOP base has become unhinged. A majority of them sincerely believe that Obama stole the 2016 election with the fraudulent votes of millions of illegal aliens."
Do tell us more about this "unhinged" mindset: More than half of Democrats, according to a neutral survey, said they believed Bush was complicit in the 9/11 terror attacks.
Grackle wrote:
"Still no debate."
You didn't ask for debate, you asked for criticism of Trump that was not ad hominem. You got it. If you want to, you can imagine the debate between 2012 Trump and 2015 Trump.
Sinz52 seems to have a typical Democrats attitude towards determining what conservatives think: go to a liberal web site, see what liberals say conservatives think, and then repost it.
Terry: " If you want to, you can imagine the debate between 2012 Trump and 2015 Trump."
Imagine it hell!
I want to sell tickets to it!
Trump, a billionaire, profits off undocumented immigrant labor to build accommodations that make him a billionaire, then riles up idiots to gain support against the same undocumented labor that he profits off of. Beauty is, those same idiots won't be bothering him at any of his establishments because he is inaccessible to them. Billionaire Populist. Haha. People are are so fucking dumb and I increasingly believe there is no cure.
"Billionaire Populist"
Unlike Hillary. She's only a multimillionaire.
At least Trump didn't vote for the Iraq War. Chump.
Tim in Vermont at 1:51, One in three women in the EU have been physically or sexually abused. I read this in the Guardian the other day.
Two out of three dogs pooped on my floor today. I should have retained the evidence.
garage, what's the "special" on baby parts today?
Who the hell is answering these polls. Trump is a joke.
From Trump's personal financial disclosure:
"Mr. Trump's net worth is in excess of TEN BILLION DOLLARS."
It sounds a bit like Dr Evil from the Austin Powers movie.
" he seems to understand that we are in a war"
No, we are not.
You didn't ask for debate …
Really, well then let me repost:
Maybe this is why Trump is surging. Criticism consists mostly ad hominem name-calling with no real substance. Maybe his opponents should try real debate on the merit of the issues … but that’s not what they do. Name-calling is so much easier.
True, I didn’t ask for debate. I simply wondered why Trump was surging and thought that the lack of debate on the merits of the issues could be the reason.
But posting quotes is a lot easier than debate, I’ll grant you.
Trump, a billionaire, profits off undocumented immigrant labor to build accommodations that make him a billionaire
And you have proof of this how? Is there any hotel he built where he did not use union labor? Shouldn't the unions, rather than the person who funds the erection of the hotel be the ones who vet the workers? ThinkProgress publishes statistics that 1.2 million foreign-born workers work in the construction industry, the implication being that Trump must have employed lots and lots of them. But a child could see through that abuse of statistics. How many foreign-born are -- what's the latest euphemism of the week? -- undocumented workers? And how many were employed by the companies that built his hotels?
then riles up idiots to gain support against the same undocumented labor that he profits off of.
So Kate Steinle isn't really dead? Is she hiding out in the basement of some San Francisco funeral home perhaps? This administration is doing a terrible job of weeding out the dangerous from among the undocumented immigrants and utterly failing in its fundamental job of safeguarding American citizens. It's almost as though Democrats are chiseling off the inspirational words of Emma Lazarus from the bronze plaque on the State of Liberty to replace them with "Bring me your violent, your law-breaking, your dangerous people yearning to rape and murder and pillage."
People are are [sic] so fucking dumb and I increasingly believe there is no cure.
Well the guy you see in the mirror when you shave in the morning is an existence proof there is at least one voter who is incurably stupid. Dunno that it generalizes to the population as a whole.
I am a hardcore conservative. I would vote for the Trumperific if he was the nominee. However, it is my understanding he was for the "assault" weapons ban. He was and probably still is pro-abort. He contributed to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation. Those are biggees for me.
We can do better.
They blame illegal aliens for all going on welfare AND for taking jobs away from American citizens, without realizing the contradiction.
No contradiction at all if you assume that they do not report their earnings from day labor jobs.
The kids can stay.
Yup. Planned Parenthood knows what to do with them. PP sells their livers.
Sinz52, I missed the part where you told us if you were one of the majority of dems who are so unhinged that they actually believe Bush was complicit in 9-11.
Would you mind reposting your position on this (unhinged) position?
Thanks in advance.
It sounds a bit like Dr Evil from the Austin Powers movie.
Nope..he was based on Soros.
Anyway I don't see Trump or Rand Paul or Christie as the nominee. The nominee will be Perry, Rubio, or Walker, with Fiorina and Cruz being worth taking a flier on if you can get odds of 30:1 or better. What the Establishment should be taking away from the Trump bubble is that the voting population is eager to have candidates address the issues. But even Reince Priebus seems to have been captured by the enormous bubble whose boundary is the Washington Beltway.
garage: " Beauty is, those same idiots won't be bothering him at any of his establishments because he is inaccessible to them"
Little garagie and the dems certainly know their place!
Who the hell is answering these polls. Trump is a joke.
That's rich coming from someone who describes his location as "Aztlan".
Blogger garage mahal said...
Trump, a billionaire, profits off undocumented immigrant labor to build accommodations that make him a billionaire, then riles up idiots to gain support against the same undocumented labor that he profits off of.
Don't we all profit off of undocumented immigrant labor? I have a home build in 2003, who do you think built that? I'm pretty sure it was built by citizens and documented immigrants, but I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that illegals were involved somehow.
Who supplies all the veggies to the stores that we eat? Pretty sure that's illegals.
So, in a sense, you can't escape the fact that somewhere in your life is an undocumented immigrant.
But then you look at the cost to that benefit. Was it worth it?
Trump is saying no.
I agree with him.
I was wondering where all the liberals (garage, ARM, ritmo...) were while I read the comments on the two Planned Parenthood posts. It turns out they are over here taking potshots at Trump. Cowards.
Matt: "I was wondering where all the liberals (garage, ARM, ritmo...).."
Not to worry. The lefties are busily girding their loins for that fight. The point of the spear lefties are already busy at work making accusations and taking multiple contradictory positions (per usual) in order to obfuscate and change the subject.
That is, if they even acknowledge this happens, which a large number do not.
Basically it's the n-stages of argumentum ad stupidum which we often see garage adopt.
Blogger Matt said...
It's funny reading conservatives justifying why Trump is so popular. Keep on going GOP... right into the trash can. Because with Trump or anyone like Trump as your model politician running for President you have no chance of taking the White House. The smart ones know this. They need to speak up or Hillary walks into the White House easily.
7/15/15, 4:59 PM
Blogger MadisonMan said...
I would vote for Trump over Hillary any day of the week. I wouldn't be happy about it, but I'd do it and hope for the best. I absolutely know that Hillary!!! will live down to my worst expectations.
Excellent point MadisonMan.
What Matt and others fail to realize is that it's a choice. And the choice, for most of us who insist on voting even if we know nothing, is Hillary! (Or Bernie) or Trump?
The choice is not, Trump or not Trump.
The same goes for Hillary. I mean, if the choice were Hillary or Putin, I'd take Hillary.
Well I knew you were a pervert Durango, but you should really keep your eyes on your own loins.
"Blogger MadisonMan said...
I would vote for Trump over Hillary any day of the week"
Of course you would . Look at Wisconsin. A smoldering wreck enabled by dumb asses like you even when you know it's coming high and tight. As long as those tyrannical librarians don't get 5heir way!
Give me everyone's Unions and I'll make you rich Madison Man!
Sounds good Scott! I have some savings. Gulp.
garage mahal: "Give me everyone's Unions and I'll make you rich Madison Man."
All you really need is an abortion-clinic/baby-parts-store to make some real cash.
Didn't you know that?
It is really quite amazing just how viable (and valuable) all that "unviable tissue mass" ended up being.
garage: "Sounds good Scott! I have some savings."
Let's hope you don't have it in a socialist/communist paradise Greek bank!
"As long as those tyrannical librarians don't get 5heir way!"
I've known two librarians, one in the Minneapolis public library system and another at a research university. Both were marxists. Both were also convinced that their glorified book-stacking jobs were the keystone of democracy.
garage: " Both were also convinced that their glorified book-stacking jobs were the keystone of democracy."
A skillset to which garage cannot even hope to aspire.
garage mahal said...
Trump, a billionaire, profits off undocumented immigrant labor to build accommodations that make him a billionaire, then riles up idiots to gain support against the same undocumented labor that he profits off of. Beauty is, those same idiots won't be bothering him at any of his establishments because he is inaccessible to them. Billionaire Populist. Haha. People are are so fucking dumb and I increasingly believe there is no cure.
7/15/15, 7:29 PM
You sir are a force of nature and a wonder to behold. Here you are railing about Republicans railing about illegal alien workers all the while being unable to contemplate that those very same illegals are taking jobs from American union workers and that the very party you support, the party of the working man, is actively encouraging more illegals to come here and take those remaining union jobs. And you call people dumb.
FWIW, I wouldn't vote for Trump ever under any circumstances. I haven't voted for a Democrat since 1976, but I would never vote to turn the nuclear arsenal of the U.S. over to a thin-skinned clown like Trump. He cares only about his money and making more of it. He says only what generates the most publicity. Any connection between policy and what a Trump says is purely accidental. I can't believe that anyone is falling for his con.
"We can do better."
Understatement of the year.
Trump, a billionaire, profits off undocumented immigrant labor to build accommodations …
Meaningless. Why?
Any large construction company, especially those west of the Mississippi, either directly or indirectly employs illegal aliens. You’ve got dozens of subcontractor crews in and out on any major construction site.
You would probably have to condemn most of the banks if you use the same yardstick(profit-taking) to measure them. They finance and profit off construction by illegal aliens.
"You would probably have to condemn most of the banks if you use the same yardstick(profit-taking) to measure them. They finance and profit off construction by illegal aliens."
Really Grackle? When is the last time a bank hired illegals while openly proclaiming them to to murderers, rapists, and drug smugglers? Trump is the turd that can't be polished. If you want a look at what a Trump presidency would look like, look at Ventura. He didn't know how to be governor, so he hired a bunch of DFL and "moderate" Republican advisers and let them run the state for him.
Cubanbob wrote:
" . . . all the while being unable to contemplate that those very same illegals are taking jobs from American union workers and that the very party you support, the party of the working man, is actively encouraging more illegals to come here and take those remaining union jobs."
Andy Stern pulled the SEIU out of the AFL-CIO specifically because the AFL-CIO wanted to protect American union workers from illegal immigrant labor. Andy is a real piece o' work. It's a typical weak union -- low paid, unskilled, uneducated workers, amny of whom don't stay on the job long, and gold-plated union leadership that will be their forever. Kind of like certain inner city congressmen who have been in office for decades, while the residents of their districts turnover every few years.
When is the last time a bank hired illegals …
Of course banks probably do not directly hire illegal aliens. Neither does Trump. But the banks “profit off” illegal aliens just like Trump. That cannot be denied. Like I said, “Meaningless.”
If you want a look at what a Trump presidency would look like, look at Ventura …
Naw, when I look at Ventura I see a clown in wrestling tights. When I look at Trump I see an educated and talented billionaire. One who plays the MSM like a fiddle.
Not crazy about Trump but if anyone is damaging the republicans, it's not him. It's McConnell and Boehner. It's like Reid and Pelosi are still at the helm.
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