১২ জুলাই, ২০১৫

Chuck Todd and Doris Kearns Goodwin instruct us not to think about Donald Trump.

This exchange happened on "Meet the Press" this morning:
CHUCK TODD: Doris, we've seen versions of Donald Trump over the years. And I just don't mean versions of this Donald Trump, but I mean, you know, a George Wallace and things like this. This does happen. And they do strike a chord.

DORIS KEARNS GOODWIN: I think the important thing is not to understand the chord he's striking. 
The important thing is not to understand the chord he's striking! Wow. We paused and rewound. She said "not" — the important thing is not to understand? Not to understand the chord.

Now, let's be clear what is meant by the chord. The chord is the people. We the people have something in us that resonates when struck a certain way, and Trump does strike it. Why shouldn't we want to understand that? It sounds like one of the most important things about American political life, and yet Doris Kearns Goodwin says no! Don't look at that, look at this:
But we, as journalists, have a responsibility to question: Is this the kind of person who could truly be a leader, a person so quick to anger, a person who yells at other people, a person who bullies, person who's loose with the facts, saying lots of things that aren't true, person who has conspiracy theories about whether Obama was born here, about vaccines, about climate change is a hoax?
So her point is, don't try to figure out what the people are looking for that Trump is appealing to, just fixate on Trump, the man. Keep saying — it's our responsibility to keep saying — that Trump is a nasty, contemptible lout. 
I think it's too much to give him the credit that he's entertaining, and that we like what he's saying but it's interesting. We, as journalists, have a responsibility to figure out which candidates are likely to be our leaders. 
There's that word "responsibility" again. The journalists must perform a filtering process for the people and exclude those who must not be taken seriously. We know in the end Trump can't win, she says. He may be at the top of the polls, but nevertheless, the journalists know he's a nasty, contemptible lout and they must pursue their lofty calling and keep the people from looking at this awful man.
I remember talking with Tim Russert about this. Rather than who's got the most money, who's saying the most outrageous thing, who has the highest polls, who is likely to be a leader? They've shown qualities already. This guy has shown qualities I cannot imagine him as a presidential leader.

CHUCK TODD: No, I don't think anybody can.
And by "anybody," he means anybody he knows. Or anybody that matters. By definition.

১০১টি মন্তব্য:

Unknown বলেছেন...

----journalists know he's a nasty, contemptible lout and they must pursue their lofty calling and keep the people from looking at this awful man.

And that’s why more and more of us bypass these propagandizing elites and get our information from the intrnet.

rehajm বলেছেন...

Doris, as journalists you also have a responsibility not to plagarize either.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Damn it Althouse...every once in a while you write something that makes me think you do get it.

YoungHegelian বলেছেন...

We, as journalists, have a responsibility to figure out which candidates are likely to be our leaders.

Get back to us when you find that tape of the conference with Obama & Rashid Khalidi, Doris.

And isn't it funny how when there was that big brouhaha over Rev Wright & why was Obama attending a Black Liberation Theology church, no one in the media thought "Hey! I've got an idea that's so crazy it just might work! Why don't we send a cab over to Union Theological Seminar & pick up James Cone & bring the father of Black Liberation Theology into the studio for an interview? Let's go right to the source."

None of that happened, did it, Doris? Care to tell us why it didn't happen....

Sebastian বলেছেন...


Thanks for noticing and all, but the faux surprise shtick is getting old.

This is who they are. This is what they do.

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

One of the prior commentators nailed it (sorry, forgot who):

In general, the media are lapdogs for a vague leftist narrative. They dwell on certain issues, they ignore many others.

Trump is not part of this - he yaps, sometimes inartfully, about issues that the media won't touch. Hence, he generates publicity.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

"But we, as journalists, have a responsibility to question . . ."
Absolutely not. There is nothing about being a journalist that gives you any special expertise about who could "truly be a leader."

DavidD বলেছেন...

Oh, and Chuck Todd? George Wallace was a Democrat.

buwaya বলেছেন...

I have no good opinion of Trump, and immigration is a messy subject with, probably, a messy solution, if any.
Still, I am amazed by the arrogance, the sheer contempt with which these creatures dismiss the legitimate concerns of the people.

josil বলেছেন...

"I don't know anybody who voted for Nixon" ...yet he won by a landslide. The coastal
intellectuals are insufferable.

YoungHegelian বলেছেন...

Is this the kind of person who could truly be a leader, a person so quick to anger, a person who yells at other people, a person who bullies, person who's loose with the facts, saying lots of things that aren't true...

Well, I guess we've somehow got retrospectively un-elect Bill Clinton those two times, because he was all of the above in spades.

Johnson's right up there, too.

But who's the president for conspiracy theories? Nixon? Most probably. Clinton, with his "vast right wing conspiracy"? Well, that was Hillary, not Bill, so that'll skate by on the technicality.

JRoberts বলেছেন...

I'm not a fan of Trump the man or his message, however, he's "beat up" a few journalists since the start of his campaign.

In the self-important minds of Chuck Todd and Doris Kearns Goodwin, that can not allow to stand.

narciso বলেছেন...

strikingly they spent no time on the Steinle murder, which punctuated the concerns of Trump supporters,

Michael K বলেছেন...

Chuck Todd did not do himself proud today. Sometimes he is good and I watch MTP most Sundays. Doris is pretty much a standard old lefty Democrats who hearts LBJ.

Roughcoat বলেছেন...

Doris Kearns Goodwin condemns a "person who's loose with the facts"?

Even Satan in Hell is shaking his head at that one.

YoungHegelian বলেছেন...


Doris is pretty much a standard old lefty Democrats who hearts LBJ.

She did more than "hearts" LBJ, Michael. The organ in question was quite a bit lower.

I once heard an interview with her with Terri Gross, in which she describes how she visited LBJ in Texas, but, knowing he would want to sleep with her as he had before, she brought along a boyfriend to run interference. Said boyfriend, who she never mentioned had a clue as to what was the real situation, had to unwittingly bear the wrath of LBJ for coming between him & his pussy.

As someone who was once a young man, I hope DKG burns in Hell for pulling shit like that on an unsuspecting boyfriend. That's just evil.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Doesn't the fact that Trump is striking this chord in spite of being a moron and a jerk make it all the more important to understand what it is that's resonating?

The Bergall বলেছেন...

Journalists - Hate to say it but I really don't care what your opinion is.....

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Trump is a Realist. He is the Drug Sniffing Dog that destroys all sides hidden corruption games dress upped in a narrative of good intentions. Both Democrat and Republican are under fire from the Donald.

Will they find a way to destroy him? That is on every mind in America today.

My money is on the Warrior Trump's flag to still be there in morning.

Stephen Taylor বলেছেন...

Thank you, Ann Althouse, for watching the MSM so we don't have to. A nasty, thankless job, but you perform it with aplomb.

readering বলেছেন...

By "anybody" they mean anybody who watches Meet the Press. 2.5 to 3 million viewers in a country of almost 320 million. In that sense I think it's a true statement.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

A question put to Richard Epstein in January

Of the 36 states that now permit gay marriage, in only 3 has gay marriage been enacted as a result of a ballot measure, and in only 9 has it been enacted by the legislature. In the remaining 25, one half of the states in this union, gay marriage exists because of a judicial decision, and in those 25, 16, including big states, California, Florida, Virginia, 16 states in which the people explicitly voted to ban gay marriages, and the judges, the courts, overtunred the explicit will of the people. Millions of Americans, literally millions of Americans have voted against gay marriage, to see their will set aside by a few dozen men and women wearing black robes, can it not be argued, how can one resist the argument, that this represents as blatant a judicial overreach as has ever occured in American history.

23 minutes into hoover.org.

A similar sounding question.

CWJ বলেছেন...

The important thing is not to understand.

These are the words of fear.

But what is the threat?

cf বলেছেন...

"But we, as journalists, have a responsibility to question: Is this the kind of person who could truly be a leader, a person so quick to anger, a person who yells at other people, a person who bullies, person who's loose with the facts, saying lots of things that aren't true,"

Sounds like Obama.

Up to that point, we could definitely be talking about the President our over-educated, Lawyered-up gatekeepers foisted upon the nation --Twice.

Before that, they tried to launch Kerry/Edwards, a tawdry business, surely swallowing their bile for the Cause.

What a buncha cartoons.

Godspeed, America.

pm317 বলেছেন...

rehajm beat me to it. How do people like Doris whatever come back and spout their stuff?

readering বলেছেন...

Donald Trump has two twitter posts reacting to today's Meet the Press:

-Sleep eyes @ChuckTodd is killing Meet The Press. Isn't he pathetic? Love watching him fail!

-I hear that sleepy eyes @chucktodd will be fired like a dog from ratings starved Meet The Press? I can't imagine what is taking so long!

Wonder where Chuck Todd and Doris Kearns Goodwin got the notion that Trump isn't presidential.

Hagar বলেছেন...

Goodwin is supposed to be a historian; not a journalist.

And Chuck Todd has never been anything but a Democrat operative with a byline.

Sammy Finkelman বলেছেন...

DORIS KEARNS GOODWIN: I think the important thing is not to understand the chord he's striking.

I guess she's afraid people will be contaminated, i.e, Don't try to understand it = because maybe you'll start believing in this evil, too.

I guess that's what she's saying.

Of course it is easy to see why he is striking some kind of chord. It's because there's been some 40 years of mostly uncontradicted propaganda by a federal bureaucracy. But you don't get too many people in responsible positions saying this stuff.

There is a reason, of course, why not. There's a lot of falsity and ignorance and impracticality and illogical thinking involved here. The anti-immigrant lobby never pushes things to the point where they get rebuttals.

Hagar বলেছেন...

These people do not have much self-awareness, do they?

YoungHegelian বলেছেন...


Wonder where Chuck Todd and Doris Kearns Goodwin got the notion that Trump isn't presidential.

That Trump is, in truth, an asshole doesn't make Todd & Goodwin any less of assholes themselves. I mean, really, the media as guardians at the gate to determine who's presidential or not. The pomposity boggles the mind.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Wonder where Chuck Todd and Doris Kearns Goodwin got the notion that Trump isn't presidential

Are you sure? That's a mighty low bar now days.

Sammy Finkelman বলেছেন...

a person who bullies,

This is a more personal attack against Donald Trump.

a person who's loose with the facts, saying lots of things that aren't true,

There shouldn't be such a big problem in pointing it out. Part of the problem is, that with many things they have a feeling that's it's not true, but don't know chapter and verse.

I mean they may not feel, for instance, that free or freer trade is destroying, or is even capable of destroying, the American economy - because if that was so, it should have been destroyed a long time ago. That can't be the way the world works.

But that's just a feeling. They are not up to rebutting it. Well, they could if they hunted up a few economists. They'd have ahard time hunting up any on the otgehr side.

Some economists wll say in every change there's winners and losers, but the problem is the losers are known, but the winners are not or is everybody.

person who has conspiracy theories about whether Obama was born here,

For that, actually, wrong as he was, Trump should not really have a problem. Silly and absurd as it was to contemplate that something like that (Obama not born in Hawaii) might actually be true, it was at least half reasonable for Donald Trump to believe it or suspect it, (or maybe pretend he suspected it) and he backed down.

That's not a very strong argument against Donald Trump, except as to either his judgement or integrity.

(And it is possible that Donald Trump may have known it was not so, but perhaps thought there was some damaging information on Obama's birth certificate that he was hiding, and pretended to believe that he was not born in the United states to force it out of him. Forcing it out of him is something Donald Trump then took pride in.)

I remember how Donald Trump produced his own original birth certificate from 1946, only to be told that wasn't what anyone was looking for - such orth certificates are now worthless. Of course, Obama's family probably ;ost his a long time ago, and they didn't need it.

about vaccines,

You shouldn't have a know-nothing attitude about vaccines. There's a very plausible theory - not the ones usually bruited - under which vaccines can cause auto-immune diseases, of which autism is one. Not all vaccines are good. Some are bad or could be bad. Of course Trump doesn't really care about the facts. Otherwisde , he;d actually win some people over.

about climate change is a hoax?

The idea that the only possible cause of climate change is carbon emissions is a flat out lie that does not even deserve the epithet of hoax, and the idea that it makes sense to cut down on carbon emissions in order to deal with the "problem" - which hasn't even been established to be a problem - is mathematically illiterate.

They always throw that in, as if were the most certain thing in the world, when the most certain thing in the world actually is that this climate hysteria is all wrong.

Michael K বলেছেন...

"There's a very plausible theory - not the ones usually bruited - under which vaccines can cause auto-immune diseases, of which autism is one."

Whaaaat ?

And your PhD is in what ?

Tank বলেছেন...

Did Trump apologize?


Gamer gate

Everything is gamer gate.

The chord. He struck it. The details don't matter.

Sammy Finkelman বলেছেন...

narciso said... 7/12/15, 7:59 PM

strikingly they spent no time on the Steinle murder, which punctuated the concerns of Trump supporters

That wasn't even a murder. It was a piece of utter stupidity by a dangerous fool, and I don;t know what that translates to under the law. Possession of the gun was a felony for him, so maybe taht technically makes it murder under the law.

She was not shot at close range and in fact didn't even know she was shot. The man who shot her may be lying about the gun going off accidentally the first time he put his hands on it or something like that, but it is hard to see how this was anything more than him test firing a gun in a city. He almost certainly did not steal the gun himself, if indeed it was stolen and not sold by a crooked FBI agent (not the one whose gun it was)

Sydney বলেছেন...

When did Doris Kearns Goodwin become a journalist? I thought she was a historian, and a hand-picked Kennedy biographer.

Laslo Spatula বলেছেন...

Is there ANY Republican Presidential candidate that -- if elected -- will actually make any major substantive change?

Will Government get smaller under Walker or Perry or Cruz etc etc -- measurably smaller, not just 'less bigger' -- or are we just talking periphery while the Republicans in Congress get paid to roll over like any of the Democrats?

I want Trump vs. Sanders: let's draw this election with big crayon lines, because both parties will filigree us to Hell.

I am Laslo.

Beldar বলেছেন...

I actually had a very, very different take on Goodwin's comments.

Trump is a con man, a publicity hound, a hack who lives and breathes to outrage and provoke.

He's not a politician or a public servant. Anyone who knows much about business knows he's a clown even among businessmen, a self-promoter who uses the bankruptcy courts to stay afloat amidst the foamy exhalations of the most gullible suckers. Of his claimed net worth, many billions of it are his own estimation of the value of the "Trump Brand" -- and this farce of a political campaign is indeed, at least temporarily, enhancing that, no less than his ridiculous reality TV shows.

Most of the mainstream media is thrilled to put the spotlight on him and his shenanigans rather than spending time talking about any of the many, many substantive GOP hopefuls.

I interpreted Goodwin simply as recognizing that responsible observers of politics, including the few responsible journalists who follow it, ought be wary of becoming the sort of enabling chumps who're feeding this frenzy.

n.n বলেছেন...

The Press has reached its expiry date. Americans are not fixating on Trump, but rather his effort that gives them a platform and voice to expose the issues in their midst.

Man who entered US illegally arrested in Michigan on kidnapping, sexual assault charges

Rapists. Kidnappers. Child molesters.

Contrary to defenders of human and civil rights violations, including human and civil rights advocates, it only requires one dead, raped, or molested American to confirm the elevated risk posed by an alien population.

Perhaps America can accept the alien murderers, rapists, molesters, and all. And, in exchange, will send native American murderers, rapists, molesters, and perhaps a few others to ensure an equitable trade.

That said, whether the the issues caused by human dysfunction and deviancy are realized in America or abroad, they will need to be treated either here or abroad. There is no moral justification to shift this inevitable burden and responsibility.

Laslo Spatula বলেছেন...

"...rather than spending time talking about any of the many, many substantive GOP hopefuls..."

Ther are NO substantive GOP candidates. There are NO substantive Democrat candidates.

There is no one bigger than the bureaucracy, and the bureaucracy will grow until the house-of-cards falls.

Reagan is dead.

I am Laslo.

Sammy Finkelman বলেছেন...

"There's a very plausible theory - not the ones usually bruited - under which vaccines can cause auto-immune diseases, of which autism is one."

Michael K on 7/12/15 @ 9:13 PM CDT

Whaaaat ?

Vaccines create immunity.

Immunity sometimes extends to things beyond the target.

Autism is an auto-immune disorder, and is treatable by things that depress the immune system.



Is autism an autoimmune disease?


Yet to blame infections for the autism epidemic is folly. First, in the broadest sense, the epidemiology doesn’t jibe. Leo Kanner first described infantile autism in 1943. Diagnoses have increased tenfold, although a careful assessment suggests that the true increase in incidences is less than half that. But in that same period, viral and bacterial infections have generally declined. By many measures, we’re more infection-free than ever before in human history.

We have fewer infections, but more vaccines!! Both stimulate the immune system.

But this could also be caused by an infection for which there is no vaccine. Or simply the fact of fewer infections, meaning that the immune system has less variety to work on. Although in that case, maybe one vaccine could be the culprit (in someone with the right HLAs.)

There's also the claim (by Thomas Sowell) that the rise in autism is a mirage - that it is overdiagnosed and that what is now called autism used to be called mental retardation.

See also:


And your PhD is in what ?

You need a PhD for this?

Sammy Finkelman বলেছেন...

n.n said... 7/12/15, 9:30 PM

Contrary to defenders of human and civil rights violations, including human and civil rights advocates, it only requires one dead, raped, or molested American to confirm the elevated risk posed by an alien population.

Oh, come on.

This is not even bogotry - it's anti=human being.

It would be more logical to say that bnobody ever should be relased from prison. Now there's a sub-population with an elevated risk of causing harm to people.

Perhaps America can accept the alien murderers, rapists, molesters, and all. And, in exchange, will send native American murderers, rapists, molesters, and perhaps a few others to ensure an equitable trade.

No, the equitable trade is this:- many illegal immigrants also become victims. If they were not here, an American citizen might be a victim instead..

Sammy Finkelman বলেছেন...

FTFY? There is no moral justification to shift this inevitable burden and responsibility to Mexico, which can't handle it anyway.

LYNNDH বলেছেন...

F'm. They don't even come close to understanding me and what I think.

David Begley বলেছেন...

Doris and Chuck are immune from all the havoc illegal aliens are inflicting on American citizens.

Michael K বলেছেন...

"Autism is an auto-immune disorder, and is treatable by things that depress the immune system."

OK That was the last time I read your comments.

The Godfather বলেছেন...

Trump is an alarm in the night. Politicians, Republican presidential candidates in particular, ought to listen.

There are people who are concerned that their communities are being overrun by criminals, and the Establishment calls them bigots.

There are people who are concerned that large numbers of foreigners are entering the country without any serious checking to see if they criminals, or carrying diseases, and the Establishment condemns the concerned Americans as bigots.

Throughout the Obama years, anyone who disagreed with Obama's policies was at risk of being called a bigot, who opposed Obama's policies only because Obama is Black.

Trump is tapping into the anger that grows out of that experience. That's enough to get him a lot of attention, but it's not enough to get him elected President. But another candidate, who could find a way to tap into that anger, without causing revulsion among the discontented but less angry, could energize his/her campaign.

He or she must be someone who won't apologize for pissing off the media, who will call them the shills and partisans they are. Cruz is looking better all the time.

narciso বলেছেন...

mexico is not so tolerant of those who enter across their southern border, or for that manner come west from a certain caribbean island, much as they provided to every Central American
guerillas in the 70s and 80s, yet when they are confronted by their own insurgencies, like the Zapatistas, they change their tune,

David Begley বলেছেন...


Take a hard look at Carly.

narciso বলেছেন...

funny, how their agenda, is preeminent, even over simple human decency,


নামহীন বলেছেন...

But we, as journalists, have a responsibility to question: Is this the kind of person who could truly be a leader, a person so quick to anger, a person who yells at other people, a person who bullies, person who's loose with the facts, saying lots of things that aren't true, person who has conspiracy theories about whether Obama was born here, about vaccines, about climate change is a hoax?

Says a woman who worked for Johnson..

Gahrie বলেছেন...

mexico is not so tolerant of those who enter across their southern border

That's the least of it. Foreign born cannot become citizens, or own land, or vote, or even protest. Their children can't either. Mexico does not consider them citizens until the third generation.

I would love for someone to introduce a bill that duplicated Mexico's immigration policies in the United States, if only to shut the activists up.

Tom বলেছেন...

"But we, as journalists, have a responsibility to question: Is this the kind of person who could truly be a leader, a person so quick to anger, a person who yells at other people, a person who bullies, person who's loose with the facts, saying lots of things that aren't true, person who has conspiracy theories about whether Obama was born here, about vaccines, about climate change is a hoax?"

Please, name me a politician that has rose to be a presidential candidate who is 1) not quick to anger, 2) never yells at other people, 3) never bullies to get what they want, 4) is completely responsible with facts, 4) everything they say is true, 5) never questions another candidate's legitimacy or unsettled science.

Remember Bill Clinton's Red Rage? Remember that Hillary's 2008 primary campaign was first to question Obama's birth certificate? Remember Joe Biden and facts? Remember Obama and "if you like you're doctor, you can keep your doctor?"

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Trump is a con man, a publicity hound, a hack who lives and breathes to outrage and provoke.

Many of us think the same of Goodwin.

dwick বলেছেন...

Sammy Finkelman said...

"That wasn't even a murder. It was a piece of utter stupidity by a dangerous fool, and I don;t know what that translates to under the law."

The San Francisco DA apparently feels differently because Sanchez is scheduled to be arraigned under charges of murder on Tuesday.

For someone purporting to have command of so many "facts" here that you're throwing around, you sure don't know much...

narciso বলেছেন...

Sammy has his own 'special' understanding of facts, Goodwin and Todd, might like blind squirrels be occasionally right, but the law of averages, argue against it,

n.n বলেছেন...

Sammy Finkelman:

So, are you claiming that there are pure populations?

Read what I wrote again, and consider your hysterical response.

Do you condone the conditions that motivate mass emigration?

Do you support displacement, dislocation, and misalignment of native populations caused by excessive (i.e. unassimilated and unintegrated) and specifically unmeasured (i.e. unplanned) immigration? This is not undeveloped land with migratory populations.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Seems like the clown strategy is now shifting into the ignore strategy.

Whether this strategy works or not largely depends on events not in either the media or the Democrats' control. Encouraging illegal immigrants to come in and running sanctuary cities may make the activists happy, but it also introduces potential ticking time bombs such as Francisco Sanchez who could blow up at any time, and probably not in a way to the liking of these two reporters or progressives. Do these exist? My guess is if even a 7-time felon and 5-time deportee couldn't get the local authorities in San Fran to give a damn, they're out there. If I were Trump, I'd be scouring every deep blue sanctuary city for stories like this.

If events go Trump's way and he gets a few more Kathryn Steinle stories he can stitch into a narrative that resonates with the public, he may go pretty far, especially if the press is incompetent enough at their jobs that they can't disguise their contempt that the public is resonating from Trump's skillful chord playing.

Howard বলেছেন...

Perhaps Althouse bewilderment is she doesn't understand that people like Doris Kearns Goodwin don't pay for road trips to Austin with Amazon clicks from the bigoted choir Trump strikes a chord with.

n.n বলেছেন...

Vaccines do not create immunity. The weakened antigens or components in a vaccine may stimulate an immune response. Not unlike murder, rape, and child molestation by an invasive people that strikes a chord in a native population.

William বলেছেন...

Just as a matter of curiousity, has any Mexican political figure ever lost status or popularity because of harsh or unjust criticism of the United States?........I keep reading of all these grotesque crimes that take place in Mexico. There are protests and demonstrations. Then the protestors and demonstrators get killed. So the prudent Mexicans demonstrate against Donald Trump........I don't think Mexicans criminals or rapists. El Paso is one of the safest big cities n Anerica, and its population is overwhelmingly Mexican. Just across the border is Juarez. There, with the complicity of the police, hundreds of girls have been kidnapped by the cartels and sold into brothels. Dozens of them have been murdered. Mexicans are not criminals or rapists, but they are remarkably tolerant of the criminals and rapists in their midst. Many of them reach high public office and are spared the ridicule directed at Trump.

MartyH বলেছেন...

I just started a job at an industrial company in CA. One of the line workers is Hispanic, and speaks with a pretty heavy accent, so I assume he is not native born. He started regaling me about Trump without any prompting. "Trump is right on immigration" he said. "He's the only candidate speaking the truth." He kept asking his African American partner on the line to vote for Trump. Dead serious.

So Trump's chord strongly resonates with at least one immigrant Hispanic in urban California.

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

The only interesting thing to me about Trump's performance so far is that, combined with the Kate Steinle shooting, the Dems appear to be getting defensive about their aggressive push to dismantle the immigration system by "sanctuary cities" and executive fiat. My congressman is a Democratic hack from Chicago (Mike Quigley) to whom I have never given a dime or communicated with in any way. On Friday I received a franked letter dated July 6 expressing the representative's support for Obama's executive actions on immigration as necessary and lawful in the absence of comprehensive reform. Since he wrote me, I wrote him back saying that I disagreed with everything in his letter except the need to reform the immigration system. I wonder if he is getting blow-back from his district?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

There are some important things that journalists, bloggers, hollywood and politicians are missing here. And it seems by her answer that they are missing them on purpose.

Donald Trump doesn't just tap into anger. He taps into the desire for revenge.

Revenge for spitting in our faces with the Washington Redskins. Revenge for the Confederate Flag. Revenge for gay marriage. Revenge for afflicting us with Obamacare. A whole list of evils that the left has inflicted upon us from their law school ivory tower day after day after day, relentlessly, even during Republican administrations.

And people are pissed and they want revenge.

Now just imagine the economy and the markets make a sharp downward turn before the next election. And imagine Trump, the billionaire businessman is still in the running.

It's not going to be pretty.

Carnifex বলেছেন...

I'm not a Trump fan. He's waffled on too many issues for my taste. Even this brouhaha on illegal immigration doesn't make me want to vote for Trump. What makes me want to vote for Trump is to spit in the eye of every elitist Republican Rino that has stabbed me and the base in the back as often and with as much glee as possible. More so than they have when defeating Democrats. Ohh!! That's right!! Rino's vote with Democrats, they don't oppose them. So fuck you Mitch Mcconnel, John Boehner, JEB, Rubio, Christie, all the other Bush's, Kasich, Carl Rove (a double fuck you to Rove)...I could go on but this will only let me use so many letters. You get the point.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I would love for someone to introduce a bill that duplicated Mexico's immigration policies in the United States, if only to shut the activists up.

We currently have reciprocal agreements with a lot of countries in the world under a program called the "Visa Waiver Program" and this means, those coming to the US from those countries don't need a visa, they can come for a 90 day visit with no visa. Likewise, US citizens can travel to those countries under the same program for a 90 day visit.

I'd like to see something like that in Immigration. First question, what country are you immigrating from? Second question, what are the immigration laws of that country? There you go. Same rules apply.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

Todd and Goodwin are Progressives.
Progressives are control freaks.
Donald Trump is out of control.
Instead of being a shoe-in, Hillary has thrown a shoe.
The voters are out of control.
Todd and Goodwin are not in their comfort zone right now.
Not at all.
Its fun to watch them freaking out a little bit.
So precious, so convinced of their vital importance.
"We have a responsibility to figure out...blah, blah blah."
Like the old joke,"I'm their leader! Which way did they go?"

Jason বলেছেন...

No, the equitable trade is this:- many illegal immigrants also become victims. If they were not here, an American citizen might be a victim instead..

Well, there it is. The stupidest thing I've read in my lifetime.

Jason বলেছেন...

Comparing Trump to Wallace? That deserves a punch in the mouth right there.

grackle বলেছেন...

Of his claimed net worth, many billions of it are his own estimation of the value of the "Trump Brand"

Trump’s due to release his tax returns soon. Forbes has already estimated Trump’s assets as worth over $4 billion. The Post says it’s probably going to be more like 9 billion. Yep, that’s some kind of real valuable “Brand” that Trump has there alright.


Trump’s the opposite of an ideologue. He doesn’t worship ideas; he worships success. He wants to make America successful. I can’t hate him for that, especially after years of the opposite from Obama. Somehow I cannot picture a President Trump going overseas to kowtow to foreign leaders and apologize for America.

Milwaukie guy বলেছেন...

Late to the discussion, out here in Potland, OR. I really want to second the observation that a good interim immigration law would be to adopt Mexico's.

I raised my family in a Chicago neighborhood with immigrants from all over, but particularly Mexicans, Puerto Ricans and Poles. Many were here illegally and I am entirely sympathetic to their individual tales of woe.

But, my parents lived in Puebla, Mexico for ten years as immigrante rentirs so I can attest to the very-much less-liberal immigration code en la Estados Unidos de Mexico. And my children's mother and her entire very big extended family are legal immigrants from Jakarta and the Nederlands.

I am completely aware that relatives of my friend-across-the-street's family, who were legal immigrants from Manila, were on a 20-year long waiting list of Filipinos who wanted to come to America the right way.

Uncontrolled illegal immigration is a slap in the face to all those who have suffered through the legal immigration system and to those still waiting in line. It's also not good national security. And that's not to mention the effect of importing a low-skilled peasantry into the U.S. that increases competition for low-wage jobs, much like the jobs we'd like to get our native-born lumpen proletariat working on.

Call me a nativist if you like, but as we say in the Windy, fucking blow me.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Carnifex said...
I'm not a Trump fan. He's waffled on too many issues for my taste. Even this brouhaha on illegal immigration doesn't make me want to vote for Trump. What makes me want to vote for Trump is to spit in the eye of every elitist Republican Rino that has stabbed me and the base in the back as often and with as much glee as possible. More so than they have when defeating Democrats. Ohh!! That's right!! Rino's vote with Democrats, they don't oppose them. So fuck you Mitch Mcconnel, John Boehner, JEB, Rubio, Christie, all the other Bush's, Kasich, Carl Rove (a double fuck you to Rove)...I could go on but this will only let me use so many letters. You get the point.


Chris N বলেছেন...

Activism has consequences?

shawns বলেছেন...

Download this tool without survey and free of charges http://www.hackerscontent.com/dungeon-hunter-5-hack-tool-no-survey/

dustbunny বলেছেন...

Goodwin is a hack with great connections. Even when she fucks up, no one in her bubble cares. She is married to a JFK speechwriter. She just wants to help!! she means well!!

Brando বলেছেন...

"Somehow I cannot picture a President Trump going overseas to kowtow to foreign leaders and apologize for America."

You could end that sentence after the seventh word. Trump isn't even trying to become president--he's doing all this to hobble the GOP. You don't have to believe me now, but remember this when a few years from now he reveals this. Keep in mind this is a guy who criticized Romney for being too anti-illegal immigrant, and supported Hillary as recently as the 2008 election cycle.

I get wanting to poke the "establishment" GOP in the eye, but is Trump really the only option for doing that? Nominating Stephen Colbert would accomplish the same.

Brando বলেছেন...

Supporting Trump simply because it "sticks it" to Boehner, Bush et al (because they're too soft on Democrats and corrupt) is lazy--Trump only has the numbers he has because of name recognition and the fact that the media loves to cover a train wreck. There are several "outsider" candidates who don't have the baggage of being longtime friends with the Clintons, supporters of Democrats, beneficiaries of eminent domain laws at the same time.

Hell, you want an outsider? Go with Ben Carson. You want business experience? Go with Carly. You want Tea Party orthodoxy but with at least some experience in elected office? Go with Ted Cruz.

But don't confuse the fact that GOP "insiders" get heartburn thinking about Trump with this idea that handing the White House to Hillary is going to advance your beliefs one bit. Sometimes those "insiders" are right, and they're right about Trump.

Rick Caird বলেছেন...

The way the left and the elites are piling onto Donald Trump speak to the fear they have of immigration as an issue.

rehajm বলেছেন...

At least they are touching on the honesty of their intentions.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Goodwin has been on Imus exactly 41 times since 2007, each time as a lefty.

That's Harvard for you.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I am NOT a Donald Trump fan, but he is saying what most Americans are saying. We want our government to LISTEN to us...not RULE us. THAT is why he is popular right now. WE are sick and tired of career politicians telling us one thing, and doing another.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Beldar is the only one to get this right. Democrats, as opposed to moderates, couldn't be happier to have Trump in the race and they are happy to give him as much air as he wants. Trump, in many respects, is the cartoon version of their Republican bogey man. They don't have to do any work to caricature him.

Tank বলেছেন...


Sanders and Obama are cartoon versions of the Democrat bogey man. One of them already got elected. I would not be shocked if the other one was next.

grackle বলেছেন...

Trump isn't even trying to become president--he's doing all this to hobble the GOP.

Keep in mind this is a guy who criticized Romney for being too anti-illegal immigrant, and supported Hillary as recently as the 2008 election cycle.

Like I said before: Trump is not an ideologue. I do not think he cares much about social issues or political ideology per se. And I do think Trump is in it to win.

But of course Trump may not be able to win the nomination. The question then would be: Who will Trump endorse?

Answer: It’s unlikely to be a GOP candidate who, along with the Democrats and the MSM, has jumped on the anti-Trump bandwagon.

Two who have not succumbed to the temptation to condemn Trump: Fiorina and Cruz.

grackle বলেছেন...

Hell, you want an outsider? Go with Ben Carson. You want business experience? Go with Carly. You want Tea Party orthodoxy but with at least some experience in elected office? Go with Ted Cruz.

I like Carson. But then I like almost any of the GOP candidates over Clinton. Fiorina has good business experience but not to the point that she’s a billionaire. Although my opinion aligns with some of the Tea Party stances I also possess some opinion that could be classified as progressive. Example: I’m pro-SSM.

I also like Cruz. At this point I favor Cruz over Fiorina, Fiorina over Trump. Trump is actually my third choice at this point. My dream slate would be a Cruz/Fiorina ticket, where the Latino and woman angles would both be covered.

I’m not dead set against orthodox candidates. I would happily and enthusiastically vote for Jeb Bush over Clinton. Walker is another attractive candidate. And I would never stay at home during the general election simply because none of my favorites managed to capture the GOP nomination. Fits of pique is not my style.

Brando বলেছেন...

"I’m not dead set against orthodox candidates. I would happily and enthusiastically vote for Jeb Bush over Clinton. Walker is another attractive candidate. And I would never stay at home during the general election simply because none of my favorites managed to capture the GOP nomination. Fits of pique is not my style."

At this point I have a hard time imagining who I wouldn't vote for over Clinton. And it's not just politics--I'd even prefer Sanders over Clinton. It's because of their depth of corruption and incompetence, an absolute danger in power.

Douglas B. Levene বলেছেন...

I think Trump is a con-man and the Trumpkins are suckers, but I'm appalled that professional journalists think their job is to make that decision for everyone and not cover him.

Douglas B. Levene বলেছেন...

grackle - I don't think Trump is in this to "win," if by that you mean win the presidency. He's in it to garner as much publicity as possible - good, bad or indifferent, it doesn't matter - because all that publicity translates into more paying customers for Trump-branded casinos and condos. It's all about the Benjamins with Trump.

Wilbur বলেছেন...

I got a belly full of Doris Kearns Goodwin when Ken Burns shoved another several minutes of one of his liberal friends down our collective throat in his 'Baseball" series. I guess he figured her tale of childhood heartbreak (including the fascinating detail that the neighborhood butchers called her "Carrot Top") when the Dodgers lost the 1951 pennant, and then, then, how she switched to rooting for the Red Sox was riveting and illuminating


Wilbur has his own heartfelt tale of woe after the '69 Cubs blew their best chance at a pennant. But I didn't grow in New Yawk, I germinated in flyover country.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

"Instruct us." I like that! There is a liberal establishment that feels it to be their duty to teach us heathen what to believe and how to believe it -- one must get past the foolish notion that reality has any bearing on anything.

I read that Glenn Reynolds column and it is, as usual, right on point. As Mark Steyn put it: "Trump is the only one who's introduced an issue into this otherwise torpid campaign ... And so the same media that dismiss Trump as an empty reality-show vanity candidate are now denouncing him for bringing up the only real policy question in the race so far. What he said may or may not be offensive, but it happens to be true: America has more Mexicans than anybody needs, and then some. It certainly has more unskilled Mexicans than any country needs, including countries whose names begin with "Mex-" and end in "-ico". And it has far more criminal Mexicans than anybody needs, which is why they make up 71 per cent of the foreign inmates in federal jails. Just to underline that last point, a young American woman was murdered for kicks in a supposed "sanctuary city" on the eve of the holiday weekend by an illegal immigrant from Mexico."

cubanbob বলেছেন...

YoungHegelian said...


Wonder where Chuck Todd and Doris Kearns Goodwin got the notion that Trump isn't presidential.

That Trump is, in truth, an asshole doesn't make Todd & Goodwin any less of assholes themselves. I mean, really, the media as guardians at the gate to determine who's presidential or not. The pomposity boggles the mind.
7/12/15, 9:03 PM

Being an asshole is no bar to being president. Just think Johnson,Carter, Clinton and Obama. Is Trump not presidential? Today he appears that way. But one should remember that in 1959 LBJ was really considered presidential, neither was Carter in 1975, neither was Clinton in 1991 and was Obama wasn't taken seriously in 2007. I for one don't want Trump to be the candidate but he is no less serious than Sanders or Hillary.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

Carnifex said...

I'm not a Trump fan. He's waffled on too many issues for my taste. Even this brouhaha on illegal immigration doesn't make me want to vote for Trump. What makes me want to vote for Trump is to spit in the eye of every elitist Republican Rino that has stabbed me and the base in the back as often and with as much glee as possible. More so than they have when defeating Democrats. Ohh!! That's right!! Rino's vote with Democrats, they don't oppose them. So fuck you Mitch Mcconnel, John Boehner, JEB, Rubio, Christie, all the other Bush's, Kasich, Carl Rove (a double fuck you to Rove)...I could go on but this will only let me use so many letters. You get the point.
7/12/15, 11:29 PM

You have articulated why the Republicans lost in 2008,2012 and why they might lose in 2016 at the presidential level. The first serious Republican candidate that taps into this frustration and articulates serious proposals to these issues that anger the private sector taxpayers is the one that will win the nomination and will turn out enough Republican base voters and independents to win the election.

Doug বলেছেন...

Doris Kearns Goodwin, Oxygen Thief.

Bilwick বলেছেন...

Reminds me of when I was a campus conservative, in Young Americans for Freedom (before those of us who were libertarians broke off and started our own group). Our YAF chapter hosted an appearance by a very pro-freedom scholar and speaker, and we put up posters announcing his lecture. Some campus State-fellator wrote on the poster, "Don't be misled by conservative logic!" A libertarian friend of mine wrote under that, "Don't be misled by logic???" The rebuttal to that was simply, "F*ck you!"

And yet "liberals" pride themselves on being open-minded.

cassandra lite বলেছেন...

"These are not the chords you're looking for." -Doris K Goodwin, putting the wan in Obi-Wan

khesanh0802 বলেছেন...

And yet they were happy to go along with Obama who had done NOTHING that required leadership and still hasn't.

grackle বলেছেন...

I don't think Trump is in this to "win," if by that you mean win the presidency.

Has Trump ever tried not to win at anything? I cannot come across any examples, even after perusing Wiki. Perhaps one of the readers can give us an example.

Lyle বলেছেন...

Lyndon Johnson was a bully, and he loved blacks so much that he called them niggers. Doris Kearns Goodwin loves this man.

sdharms বলেছেন...

doris Kearns Goodwin slept with LBJ. that is all I need to know about her

Drago বলেছেন...

grackle: "Has Trump ever tried not to win at anything? I cannot come across any examples, even after perusing Wiki. Perhaps one of the readers can give us an example."

Well, the trick is to make sure you know precisely which game Trump is playing and trying to win: http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2015-07-10/don-t-cry-for-the-trump-brand

Trump continues on his quest to "win" in his beyond-the-US ventures and a "Presidential Run" is tailor made to dovetail into that quest.

If he were to actually come close to winning the nomination and keep his "buzz" at max amplitude, so much the better.

It helps that simple and obvious truths are just lying about waiting to be picked up and spouted from the rooftops.

grackle বলেছেন...

I'm still waiting for that example of Trump trying NOT to win.