"She might throw a tantrum, but she enabled it to happen again and again and again and again. And then she chooses to go after the women that he hooks up with, to ruin them again and again and again and again. And that's how it works."
Said Kathleen Willey.
७८ टिप्पण्या:
Actually, it was bit worse even than that. Iirc, Willey had gone to Clinton to ask him for help for her husband, who was in some kind of a jam, and very nearly while this was taking place, her husband committed suicide.
Kathleen Willey is not somebody people going after Hillary should rely on.
Enabler get wealthier and more wealthier. Willy gets nothing.
Somebody at the GOP needs to find a light mattress for Willy to carry around to the Clinton Campaign events.
Is this the thread where garage calls her a slut?
Or is this the thread where we are informed that all of these victims, who worked for Bill himself, or in his campaign, were all Republican plants because they knew one day this small state governor would be president and they could use it against him?
I can never keep up with the impossible things I am supposed to believe before breakfast.
Actually, it was bit worse even than that. Iirc, Willey had gone to Clinton to ask him for help for her husband, who was in some kind of a jam, and very nearly while this was taking place, her husband committed suicide.
It was shortly after his suicide.
Look at all the scandal and sleaze that is coming up.
This IS the Clintons. This is not some conspiracy to "get" them. This is what they do wherever they are. Hell, the Foundation was ALWAYS corrupt because the ENTIRE Clinton family is corrupt.
Why do people want to elect this sleaze BACK into the WH? And they will act stunned when these sleazeballs act like sleazeballs.
Interesting pair, Bill and Hilary.
Its not too common to have a married couple working as a political alliance, where both are individually powerful and ambitious. But its happened.
Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain are one.
In my own country, Ferdinand and Imelda (Marcos). That's a really good parallel in fact.
A partnership not only between two people but between two political machines,each reinforcing the other. And then there is the part about usurpation of the state to facilitate cronyism.
And millions of people will vote for her fully aware of this - and worse.
Ferdinand and Imelda were routinely unfaithful to each other btw. And she did get angry at him if his scandals got into the press, like in the Dovie Beams case.
There are worse character flaws. Bill has no personal self-control and Hillary has no limit to her willingness to forgive.
Hillary Clinton must be defeated.
Carthage must be destroyed.
Pretty much sums it up. This is what these people are. We can't say we weren't warned.
To all leftists--those of you who think rape isn't taken seriously enough, that women have to endure too much sexual harassment, that men in power get away with creepy behavior far too often--are the Clintons really the best you can do? Are they really worth being made such a fool of?
Jettison them now. They're not going to suddenly change and become decent people you can be proud of.
buwaya said...In my own country, Ferdinand and Imelda (Marcos). That's a really good parallel in fact. At least not Juan and Evita, though.
The treatment of Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick, and Paula Jones is one of the least savory aspects of the Clinton machine, and that's saying something. That George Stephanopoulos and "The Talking Skull" Carville can sleep at night suggests to me that they are worse than pond scum.
David Begley said...
Hillary Clinton must be defeated.
Carthage must be destroyed.
I really feel there's a subtle big ankles - elephant subtext in there, David, and I think you ought to be ashamed of yourself.
Anyway Carthage eventually was. The Hildozer, we'll see, but don't bet on it.
The term "enabler" is powerfully descriptive and gender neutral too. There are many male, flunky, sycophants -- usually underlings -- who enable really terrible behavior by powerful men.
Hillary is a classic enabler. She had political ambitions, but instead of trying to achieve them on her own by running for Congress (Bella Abzug, Barbara Jordan), she hitched her wagon to Slick Willie's horse. She empowered and enabled him to sleep with, sexually harass, and sexually assault a lot of women outside their marriage.
It must be hard for her to escape these truths as she approaches 70. At that age, there are bigger fish to fry, such as coping with eternity. That's probably part of the reason she takes no questions, and allows nobody to scrutinize her. Deep, deep shame and guilt.
Bill has no personal self-control and Hillary has no limit to her willingness to forgive.
Especially since her only accomplishments all derive from her marriage to the man she is "forgiving."
How does Hillary get to forgive Bill for rape of another woman, anyway? Isn't forgiveness for the victims to give? Or are they royalty and injury to commoners is of no consequence?
Hillary and her "Bimbo Eruption Squad" was not about "forgiving Bill" it was about crushing obstacles to their ambition.
But you go ahead and delude yourself.
Remember, Columbia should have expelled Paul Nungesser on the word of Mattress Girl, but Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones and Juanita Broderick were all liars with no evidence to back their claims.
How fun it will be to hear Hillary lecture us on protecting young women from predatory men!
RUth Madoff forgave Bernie for stealing billions for them right up until he got caught too.
To all leftists--those of you who think rape isn't taken seriously enough, that women have to endure too much sexual harassment, that men in power get away with creepy behavior far too often--are the Clintons really the best you can do?
Counsel Ray found Willey lied to the FBI and he even considered prosecuting Willey for her conduct. Linda Tripp testified that Willey pursued Clinton from the moment she arrived at the White House. She routinely attended events Clinton was present at, even wearing a black dress she believed he would like. According to Tripp’s testimony, she wondered if she and Clinton could arrange to meet in a home to which she had access along the Chesapeake Bay.
Carry on.
Nuts and sluts. Here we go.
Tell us what Juanita did to deserve it please.
"To all leftists--those of you who think rape isn't taken seriously enough"
As long as it can be used against political opponents, sure.
But to Progs nothing is as serious as power.
"It must be hard for her to escape these truths"
Funny stuff.
"One month after their November encounter, Willey sent a note reminding
President Clinton she needed a job: “Thank you for the opportunity to work in
this great house. After this bittersweet year, my first resolution for 1994 will be
the pursuit of a meaningful job. I hope it will be here.”48 Subsequent letters also
sought President Clinton’s help or expressed gratitude.49"
Wierd that Willey was so certain he was a lecher who could be had in that way.
So she asked a powerful man for help after he wronged her? That was pretty standard practice back in the day when it came to sexual harassment.
"Linda Tripp testified that Willey pursued Clinton from the moment she arrived at the White House. She routinely attended events Clinton was present at, even wearing a black dress she believed he would like."
This is as bad as your defense of Clinton against Paula Jones' allegations. Let's consider for a minute that we believe Linda Tripp which you Clintonistas apparently do only in this instance. You're saying if a woman tried to get a man's attention and get a meeting with him, she basically is consenting to anything he chooses to do with her?
You must be a hit at your feminist meetings.
The context for Garage Mahal's cite:
"Willey testified she met again with President Clinton on December 10, 1993
and told him she considered his November 29 behavior “unfortunate and inap-
propriate,” but wanted to put the event “behind her.”
As a widow, she said, she
“need[ed] a job more than ever.”
Willey said President Clinton did not
acknowledge her reference to the alleged prior encounter."
garage, how do you look yourself in the mirror enabling this kind of mistreatment of women?
I thought that you maybe felt a little remorse for your "you can't rape a whore" defense in the case of Paula Jones, but you keep doing it.
So she asked a powerful man for help after he wronged her?
"The Independent Counsel agreed not to prosecute Willey for any offense
arising out of the investigation, including false statements in her Jones deposition,
so long as she cooperated fully and truthfully with the investigation. Following
that first immunity agreement, Willey gave false information to the FBI
about her sexual relationship with a former boyfriend, and acknowledged having lied about it when the agents confronted her with contradictory evidence."
Real credible witness you're bitterly clinging to there. But hey, it's Clinton Rools baby! Anything is technically possible, right?
So Clinton's people were putting her through the wringer, probing into her private sex life? Raking her over the coals?
Clinton lied under oath about his sex life too, but you believe him in all cases?
Why did they need to know about her sex life anyway? To set up another "You can't rape a whore" defense?
garage, what you are doing is filthy and disgusting. I always thought that you were a decent person with a strong political POV, but no, you are a complete partisan tool.
So garage, you ignorant slut,
Do you believe Anita Hill?
garage, what you are doing is filthy and disgusting
For pasting factual details from a report by the Independent Counsel? You wouldn't believe a word Willey said if the bombs thrown were at anyone but a Democrat.
I keep wondering what Garage's attitude towards Lewinsky would be if Tripp had not managed to talk Lewinsky into keeping the stained blue dress?
Immature. Mentally unstable. Changed her story. "Drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you'll find."
It does seem as though we live in liberal crazee world these. We are talking about people who simultaneously believe the global climate is dangerously warm and getting warmer, and that the 1st quarter GDP growth was negative because of the unusually cold winter.
Yet they seem to think that their analysis of evidence cannot be questioned.
Willey's a liar because she lied about a relationship investigators had no business asking her about?
They were only asking her about it so they could parade her as a "slut" who couldn't be harmed by any kind of sexual advances.
They were hoping to call her an unrapeable slut, but they were able to catch her in a lie about a past relationship instead.
Do you really think these 1990s talking points are going to fly in 2015?
For his next trick, garage is going to be parading Galileo's confession to the Inquisition as evidence that he was a liar and couldn't be trusted!
"Willey’s Jones deposition testimony differed from her grand jury testimony
on material aspects of the alleged incident. She said at her deposition that she
could not recall whether President Clinton succeeded in kissing her and that he
did not fondle her.She also claimed she had never talked to anyone other than
Isikoff, Gecker, and Steele about the details of the incident."
Willey's a liar because she lied about a relationship investigators had no business asking her about?
Willey admitted to Ray that, she in fact, did lie. Several times. Including prosecutors.
Getting deja vous hearing this reaction to Shrillery's past behavior.
Willey lied in response to questions designed either to paint her as a virgin (when we could believe her charges) or a whore (when we don't care about her, since she had no virtue)
Galileo broke under the inquisition too. The thing is that standards have changed since the inquisition and we believe Galileo now. Standards have also changed since the 1990s, and what did or did not happen in an investigation into Willey's past sexual conduct is not relevant.
Still curious, what is your answer to Juanita Broaddrick's charges?
We know you think that Paula Jones was a whore, so she couldn't be sexually harassed, we know that you believe that Kathleen Willey should be in prison for lying about past sexual relationships. What about Juanita? What is Bill and Hillary's excuse there?
Was she a "nut" or a "slut" or a liar? Which is it garage?
Yep, that's Ma Barker. Her criminal modus.
Garage should take up Hastert's defense -- paint his accuser as a lying, nut-job.
Add garage to my "how do they sleep at night" list.
This is still a primary BTW. If there was a Republican running for the nomination who had all of this baggage much of it which rang true and all of which painted a pretty consistent picture of a pattern of misconduct, you can be damn fucking sure I would vote against him or her.
Garage must not have got the memo. Facts don't matter Rape Culture is bigger than mere individuals. Ie. Nungessor/Sulkowitz (sp?), UVA, etc.
He also forgot the part about how she asked for it. Garage, your game is slipping. You usually don't miss any of the talking points.
What happened to the good old Anita Hill logic? You know, no woman would make something like this up?
I recall watching the interview with Kathleen Willey. Of all the former Commander-in-Heat's targets, she was by far the most credible. What struck me most was she could not believe the president's behavior and told him so. Each time addressing him as Mr. President. Sad.
"garage, how do you look yourself in the mirror enabling this kind of mistreatment of women?"
No, he doesn't look in a mirror. He looks at a photo of Bill while practicing self abuse. The dna on that wall would be a half inch thick by now.
He also forgot the part about how she asked for it.
No he didn't.
She[Willey] routinely attended events Clinton was present at, even wearing a black dress she believed he would like
You get full-value bashing from garage. No worries on that account.
Advocacy for gender equivalence has been profitable for The Feminists. Today, they lose another woman. Bill and Hillary are lifelong members. It's the politics, stupid.
@MIchael K,
I wonder why people even respond to Garbage, knowing what a partisan, disingenuous POS he is.
I suspect you are on target in your comment. I also suspect that he is a high school sophomore and VP of the Young Spartacus League.
Garage is simply what liberalism looks like. There is no honor in him. He is owned by the party and he revels in it.
The Clintons are gaslighting grifters, that's all you need to know.
Hilary/Bill and women - Visual Image
See Althouse blog post just above about the woman who rolled down her window and tried to pet a lion as she drove through a wild animal park in South Africa. The lion dragged her out of the car and ate her. Nothing is being done to the lion because he was in his habitat living out his nature.
But should we make the White House a Bill Clinton Wild Nature park?
Has everyone forgotten garage's hilarious over top near-bromance love affair with the "fact" (fact baby!!) that it was Breitbart and his "rat-f*****s" who had hacked Weiners twitter account?!!
Too funny.
Garage was screaming up and down the aisles about Breitbart and using terms like "Chickenf*****s" and "ratf*****s" because that's what you do when you are basically a middle schooler who takes direction readily from your betters.
And why?
All because Anthony Weiner, Democrat, told garage to believe it. And boy, did he!
The Clintons are such blatant phonies.. Her sad attempt at a campaign has been revealed as Potemkin village style staged bullshit through and through, with activists and Democrat Party apparachik's playing the part of ordinary people in the stages events.
Only a moron would lap it up and support this woman for office.
Bill Clinton boinked a subordinate employee. He admitted guilt after he denied it in deposition, and he encouraged perjury over related matters. Nobody involved in the matter – – not his wife, not his mistress, not even his friends in the cabinet – – thinks this is even remotely excusable.
This is not rocket science. I can only assume that his wife thinks it is excusable. She must be either the biggest twit on the planet, or a whore to power.
Poor Hillary, so ambitious, so ridiculously incompetent. She needs him, his status, his power. A feminist heroine needs a pig to stay relevant. How sad!
For his next trick, garage is going to be parading Galileo's confession to the Inquisition as evidence that he was a liar and couldn't be trusted!
For his next trick, garage is going to be parading Galileo's confession to the Inquisition as evidence that the Sun revolves around the Earth. FIFY
SGT Ted said...
"Only a moron would lap it up and support this woman for office."
Not necessarily. There are a lot of disingenuous people out there too. People who will support Hillary if they think they will get something out of it or are already paid shills.
If Hillary wins there will be record tax evasion and general non-compliance. The country will fall because nobody will see the point in following the rules when someone as awful as Hillary gets elected.
Achilles, if Hillary wins, then she wins completely. No president in this era will be convicted of major crimes. For Hillary, it is all about her own power and money.
In every presidential election, the candidates say, "this is the most important election you will ever see."
That gets old.
This time, I think it might be true.
Hillary did not look away as she was the one who would have to set to work, either quieting the plaintiffs, or encouraging the foofaraw, if needed as a distraction from other matters, while at the same time guiding out so as to eventually run futilely out into the sand.
I voted for Nixon for President twice and supported him in 1960 even though I was too young to vote. I didn't believe all that stuff about "dirty Dick" (which expression would now be regarded as a microaggression at least). In fact, I believe to this day that much of what was said against Nixon throughout his career was misleading, unsupported, or just wrong. But the fact is that he turned out to be a man of bad, or at least weak, character. His misconduct did great harm to our country, to the people of South Viet Nam, and to his Party.
Don't we know enough about the character of Hillary Clinton to expect misconduct by her in the White House at least as bad as Nixon? Democrats ought to flee from her the way people used to flee from carriers of The Plague.
They won't, but they should.
The treatment of Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick, and Paula Jones is one of the least savory aspects of the Clinton machine, and that's saying something.
It taught me that the feminist movement was full of shit (I still believed back then).
It also led to my coining of Fen's Law. All through high school and college, we had been hammered with the feminist narrative re sexual harassment in the workplace. Then came Clinton, and I learned that the Left doesn't really believe in the things they lecture the rest of us about. Its saved me a lot of time since then, as I no longer give people like Garage and Ritmo the benefit of doubt. They are never acting in good faith, and should be treated accordingly.
Garage: Real credible witness you're bitterly clinging to there.
Shorter: "Her skirt was too short, she had it coming"
I really don't understand why some of you are friends with this pathetic wretch.
Althouse was one of the "100 Law Professors" who signed on saying that obstruction of justice and perjury did not rise to the level of impeachable offenses. Someone should ask her about that - she claims they changed the summary after everyone signed on, which is pretty much the same game they play with the IPPC reports.
I'd like to hear more about that but she's probably still being petty towards me.
I find Hillary to be a bigger misogynist pig than the dog she married. Cold and mean. She could have dumped him and gained a lot of respect in the process of cutting her own path. But no, she went after those women to destroy them knowing full well the kind of man Bill was. And Bill knew full well she and their hacks, in the media, had his back and could continue to do whatever the hell he wanted.
"His misconduct did great harm to our country, to the people of South Viet Nam, and to his Party."
Nixon made serious mistakes, especially in his sympathy for "his boys" who had done him great harm with stupid actions. The coup d'etat by Mark Felt did terrible harm to this country, reversing an election. The Democrats then completed the coup in the 1974 election and abandoned South Vietnam as thoroughly as they abandoned Iraq in 2009-2011. Both resulted in genocide.
Nixon was no more corrupt than LBJ or Kennedy. The bar has been lowered considerably since then but the left wing press has run interference for the party of government. They will destroy the country and not that far in the future. Pure Democracy destroyed Athens and will destroy America. I am old enough that I probably will not have to live through it but my children will. Several of them voted for these present ruling class fools so they deserve it.
I think 2012 and Romney were the last chance to reverse course. I don't know if there are enough honest Republicans who know what do.
Nixon was no more corrupt than LBJ or Kennedy.
I'd argue measures less corrupt than both.
When garage looks into a mirror, there is no image.
Thanks, I knew it wasn't quite right, but you did fix it.
Forget it, Kathleen. It's Clintontown.
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