Said Paula Jones, who was run over so long ago that many young voters have never heard of her.
"Did this have something to do with Monica Lewinsky?" a student asked last month when we read Clinton v. Jones. I wondered whether the Supreme Court's statement of the facts in that case came as a strange surprise to the young people in the class:
Those allegations principally describe events that are said to have occurred on the afternoon of May 8, 1991, during an official conference held at the Excelsior Hotel in Little Rock, Arkansas. The Governor delivered a speech at the conference; respondent--working as a state employee--staffed the registration desk. She alleges that Ferguson persuaded her to leave her desk and to visit the Governor in a business suite at the hotel, where he made "abhorrent" sexual advances that she vehemently rejected. She further claims that her superiors at work subsequently dealt with her in a hostile and rude manner, and changed her duties to punish her for rejecting those advances. Finally, she alleges that after petitioner was elected President, Ferguson defamed her by making a statement to a reporter that implied she had accepted petitioner's alleged overtures, and that various persons authorized to speak for the President publicly branded her a liar by denying that the incident had occurred.
११४ टिप्पण्या:
NOW yawns.
Paula Jones should follow Hillary!!! around on the campaign trail. Be there on the same day, giving the same message each time: Why did Hillary!!! lie about the women her husband accosted/abused?
What else is she lying about?
The weather, if nothing else is handy.
The media, even Fox, has ever since consistently referred to Clinton's perjury conviction as being about Lewinsky - "just about sex" - and ignoring Paula Jones.
The Clinton organization has been corrupt since he was Arkansas Attorney General. Their corruption is no longer news. It is interesting, mildly, how many Democrats, especially females, ignore this history and consider it no impediment to a Hillary presidency.
Not since Aaron Burr has a person so corrupt gotten close to the US presidency.
It's always been convenient for the Clinton slobberers (including much of the Fauxminist Left) to claim Jones was a liar and everyone opposed to Clinton was just "hung up on sex". Because of course women never lie about being harassed, except a lot of them seem to have lied about being harassed by Bill Clinton!
Hillary's primary value to the Clinton empire has been her willingness to lie and defame and destroy any woman who had the nerve to come clean about what sort of sociopathic sex offender her sleazy husband really was. Somehow, people who dare call themselves "feminists" are still willing to support these awful people.
"The media, even Fox, has ever since consistently referred to Clinton's perjury conviction as being about Lewinsky - "just about sex" - and ignoring Paula Jones."
The impeachment, unfortunately, changed the subject from "this guy is a sleaze and a perjurer who has lost his law license, which is an embarrassment for a former president" to "are we going overboard by trying to remove him from office over civil perjury?" Of course the GOP never mastered manipulating the media--the fact that this slimy behavior didn't make Clinton a pariah is disgraceful.
Michael K, I'm sympathetic to your point, but let's not get carried away. We need not go back to Aaron Burr. Warren Harding is more recent and his tastes (poker, booze, and broads) seem reminiscent of Slick Willie's.
"the fact that this slimy behavior didn't make Clinton a pariah is disgraceful."
It is a nice comment on the degradation of the culture. It is just amazing to me to watch this happen in such a short period of time.
Maybe if she carried a mattress around for a while Democrats would have believed her.
Brando said...
Somehow, people who dare call themselves "feminists" are still willing to support these awful people
Right on. I remember watching Gloria Steinem throw her entire ethos to the wind in defense of Bill Clinton.
And of course it was announced in March 2015 that Donna Shalala will be Leading the Clinton Foundation.
Another liberal feminist Clinton apologist, and former UW Chancellor, who happens to closely resemble Oswald Cobblepot
Never a dull moment when Bill Clinton and his whores are in the news. But does that help or hurt Hillary Clinton's pretentions.
Hilary's problem is that her basic incompetence and mean spirit are all we ever see of her. It's still always Bill, Bill, Bill and his magnificent scepter.
Bill, Hillary and Chelsea are seriously weird people.
"Warren Harding is more recent and his tastes (poker, booze, and broads) seem reminiscent of Slick Willie's."
Harding, like Grant, was victimized by his friends. While sexually, Harding was indiscreet, he was nothing like Clinton in his appetite for rape and aggressive behavior toward women in subordinate positions.
Harding has never been shown to be personally corrupt, as opposed to the usual behavior of politicians. HarrynTRuman was found of poor and booze. Roosevelt, in spite of his disability, did pretty well with broads, including Missy LeHand and Lucy Mercer.
Poker is not on the autocorrect list, I guess.
Maybe if she carried a mattress around for a while Democrats would have believed her.
Genius on so many levels.
Using state police to deliver young women to the governor is a special, obnoxious form of force
Brando said...
Of course the GOP never mastered manipulating the media
Democrats don't manipulate the media, they lead it. You imply there is some easily developed skill or discipline the GOP is lacking, but that is not correct. In fact over the last two decades the GOP media program developed about as well as it could have given the circumstances: they grew their own.
...respondent... staffed the registration desk.
And Governor hoped to staff respondent.
"It is a nice comment on the degradation of the culture. It is just amazing to me to watch this happen in such a short period of time."
The charitable part of me wants to believe it was just the ignorance of the low-information viewer. They thought "hey, the GOP wants to impeach Clinton just because he got a blow job!" I mean, there really were a lot of people who just thought "Clinton + blow job = impeachment = GOP puritans!" Never mind that several women have claimed he groped them, made harassing overtures to them (when a boss asks a subordinate for sexual favors and has her punished for refusing, that's textbook harassment), or that he perjured himself when defending in one of those cases. The smoke and mirrors were impressive in a rotten way.
"Maybe if she carried a mattress around for a while Democrats would have believed her."
Very true, and maddening--they're so quick to take an unsupported allegation from someone whose own story is full of holes, and yet the far more credible Paula Jones allegation was dismissed from the beginning.
These are not allies of women. They are cretins all the way through. And they want power again because they're betting this country is just that rotten.
These days, the Democrats do not lead the media. It is the other way around. The media leads the Democrats.
And, according to "Once upon a time in Arkansas," it was Hillary! who organized the "bimbo eruptions" when the hounds looked to come too close.
Hillary was Bill's "enabler" in his successful rise to power, which meant she had to help discredit (or turn a blind eye to) all the women Bill slept with and/or sexually harassed.
The "quid" for the "quo" was that riding on his coat tails, she would get her shot at the Presidency, after him.
The ju jitsu move was when Bill got impeached over Jones & Lewisky. Hillary then skillfully claimed " victim" status - the poor, neglected wife being cheated on by the lecherous husband. Aww, Let's get her a New York Senate seat via Yale via Arkansas, because ....women's rights!
Of course, Obama in 2008 threw a monkey wrench into this plan - and now 8 years later, age and staleness is further disrupting the plan. (See, Underwoods, Frank & Clair, House of Cards)
In the long span of history, we will no more remember that our first woman President was an enabler for sex abuse than we remember that Washington and Jefferson were slave owners. Her personal failures will pale beside her tremendous accomplishments; although she is only 67 years old, her accomplishments already include presenting a toy "reset button" to the Russians as Secretary of State, and introducing the Family Entertainment Protection Act in the Senate.
The telling remark was from a woman Time magazine writer who said she would give Clinton a blowjob for keeping abortion legal.
Since there was no risk that abortion would become illegal again, that suggests to me that she just wanted an excuse to do something she wanted to do anyway. I read somewhere that that woman writer was known to frequent the Oval Office and perhaps her comment was not just wishful thinking.
Certainly Jack Kennedy was nearly as depraved as Clinton, once telling a girl staffer to give one of his other staff aides a blowjob while in the White House pool. What is depressing is the openness of the information about Clinton when the Kennedy stories were suppressed by the media.
I'm not sure it is worse to be so open about it but the culture is certainly depraved.
Vince Foster was unavailable for comment. It seems Bill Clinton was right on when he repeated five times in one press conference at that time, "No one will ever know what happened to Vince Foster."
Of course, such behavior cuts against her claimed ideal: she supports women and her election would be part of a long march towards ever more women's freedom. She puts power and self-interest over those ideals, as Paula Jones experienced firsthand.
She does so daily with the Clinton Global Initiative, which she uses to directly enrich herself and to get more political power.
She did so when she used an unsecure server to conduct all sorts of shady business, understanding that in order for her to get more power, she had to not follow the law and conduct business accordingly.
Why did Hillary!!! lie about the women her husband accosted/abused?
Paula Jones was quite accustomed to be asked to perform blowjobs, as Bob Bennett learned in pre-trial discovery. She gave five blowjobs to men at a keg party one year before Clinton asked her to "kiss it".
Paula Jones was quite accustomed to be asked to perform blowjobs, as Bob Bennett learned in pre-trial discovery. She gave five blowjobs to men at a keg party one year before Clinton asked her to "kiss it".
Slut shaming?
You should be ashamed of yourself.
"Somehow, people who dare call themselves "feminists" are still willing to support these awful people."
Somehow? Anything for the cause, all for power, par for the course.
"Paula Jones was quite accustomed to be asked to perform blowjobs, as Bob Bennett learned in pre-trial discovery. She gave five blowjobs to men at a keg party one year before Clinton asked her to "kiss it"."
So a woman's previous consensual sexual encounters with other men means she can never refuse similar sexual encounters with any other man after that?
I'm just trying to get an understanding of the moral depravity of the typical Clinton sycophant. I hope their "Foundation" is paying you well, Mr. Mahal.
"Somehow? Anything for the cause, all for power, par for the course."
Every time someone wonders why fewer than half of American women identify as "feminist" you need look no further than the bad name feminism has been given by these depraved lickspittles in defending a serial harasser.
Ostensibly, this great sellout was because Clinton "protected abortion rights". Considering abortion rights survived the Bush years, they really traded their credibility for nothing. Great work, morons! You're the cheapest of cheap dates.
garage mahal said...
Why did Hillary!!! lie about the women her husband accosted/abused?
Paula Jones was quite accustomed to be asked to perform blowjobs, as Bob Bennett learned in pre-trial discovery. She gave five blowjobs to men at a keg party one year before Clinton asked her to "kiss it".
Revealing to see slut-shaming in defense of the left generally and Hillary in particular. Also note the distraction, as even if true voluntary sex has no bearing on workplace quid pro quos. #WARONWOMEN
Given the criticism Hillary is taking on the matter I'd be tempted to think this is satire if the poster's history showed him capable of such.
Why Hillery?
"Nobody ever went broke under-estimating the intelligence of the American Public."
--------H.L. Mencken
I doubt Hill ever got mad at Bill about any of this, except when he got caught publicly.
These Clinton folks have been waging a war on women for decades. Pay attention. It is only when that war has some blowback that it is an issue. Else, everything is hunky dory in their world.
Perhaps Hillary should come out as lesbian. Then she could shut down all opposition with the bigot tag and the PC folk would fawn over her "brave" stance. Would not surprise me one bit.
Garage Mahal
Nitwit. That is not a good talking point. It is a stupid talking point.
Why do Democrats call women sluts?
I'm tired of that story and I'm tired of seeing that ugly face on Paula Jones.
We all know Hillary pimped for her husband. Get over it.
There are more important reasons why she shouldn't be President, or even Vice President. I won't list them here.
Thank you England, but we can handle our own scandals just fine.
Why do Democrats call women sluts?
Your words. I simply stated a fact that Jones gave a number of blowjobs. If Clinton in fact did ask for a BJ, Jones was not unaccustomed to hearing that request.
How accustomed was she to having State Troopers coerce her into contact with the recipient of said past blowjobs? And how accustomed was she to being threatened by a man in such a powerful position to perform said blowjobs?
Garage, I don't know where you learned logic and rhetoric, but your teachers failed you. Or you failed them. Not sure which is more likely at this point.
Doesn't take long for the misogyny to surface from the left, does it? Remember the good ol' days when a woman's past was off-limits when it came to claims of sexual assault? Fuck you, Garage. You're a real piece of shit.
George Soros drags a $100 bill through a web site and who surfaces?
None other than Mr. Mahal.
Folks, Garage is trolling us. And being pretty obvious about it.
Garage--come on, try a bit harder. Work for it! Unlike your hero Chelsea Clinton.
Paula Jones was quite accustomed to be asked to perform blowjobs, as Bob Bennett learned in pre-trial discovery. She gave five blowjobs to men at a keg party one year before Clinton asked her to "kiss it".
Whoa! Never heard that before. If true, Paula a little bit trashy, no denying it. On the other hand, ol' Bill pretty lame if she turns him down after blowing five random guys.
She gave five blowjobs to men at a keg party one year before Clinton asked her to "kiss it".
Garage has substituted his own experience.
New Democrat talking point: "You can't rape a whore!"
I wonder if it is the real garage? I know he likes to distract, but I never figured him to be a sick misogynist asshole.
I'll bet Garage is well used to hearing that same request!
Can't wait to hear what garage is going to share with us to explain the rape of Juanita Broaddrick!
"Better put some ice on that."
Hillary!! is hoping her proven pimping skills will impress the black voters and reach the electoral number she needs.
Monica has in recent times been treated with a modicum of restraint and dignity. Not coincidentally, she has revealed herself to be a true blue Democrat. When Democrats look to Bill Clinton's sexual misdeeds, they prefer to restrict the field to Monica. She was a willing participant and came from a privileged background. In the Paula Jones affair, he looks very, very creepy. With Genifer Flowers, he looks like a needy schmuck. With Juanita Broderick, well, the Dems don't even want to go there.
...and then there's Kathleen Willey (that makes him look especially lecherous) and the black lady in Hot Springs and the many many more who said he, to coin a phrase, created a hostile work environment with his constant dick talk and suggestive "inadvertent" contact.
Who knows how many others bought silent or threatened?
Just what we want in the White House.
Mike said...
I'll bet Garage is well used to hearing that same request!
I doubt it. People that hateful are normally recognized for their social dysfunction and avoided.
Garage's opening statement in the Bill Cosby trial--"Whores! The lot of them!"
He pronounces it "Who-ers," of course.
It is amazing what Clintonistas will do when confronted with the uncomfortable fact that the man is a lecherous scumbag. Who in the 1970s would have thought Gloria Steinem would create the "one free grope" rule? Or that smearing "nuts and sluts" would be perfectly fine, or a boss using his power to get sexual favors from subordinates would be okay because who could turn him down? Who would have thought that so soon after Clarence Thomas was a bastard for hitting on Anita Hill--and of course Hill couldn't be lying--they'd have to whiplash baack to claiming Paula Jones was a liar?
Clinton has done what no Republican could do--make a mockery of the fauxminist left.
"Nuts and sluts! The lot of them!"
Personally, I always cherished the friendships of the girls who liked to give head. The world needs more cocksuckers, I always say. But to Garage, they are all just whores to kick around and spit on when you are done with them.
Didn't the Democrats regain the Senate by expelling Bob Packwood for the same kinds of behavior? Though I don't remember there being any accusations of rape.
I remember at the time one of the talking heads saying that it was OK because Packwood had only won a statewide election, and Clinton was president. That's the kind of mental hoops they would jump through for this couple.
The Clinton organization has been corrupt since he was Arkansas Attorney General. Their corruption is no longer news. It is interesting, mildly, how many Democrats, especially females, ignore this history and consider it no impediment to a Hillary presidency.
It WAS interesting in the 90's watching feminists debase themselves for him (want to know why women don't claim to be feminists? Because they can spot frauds when they see them). Now, it's just old hat. If a Democrat raped a 6 year old girl, they'd blame the girl.
The impeachment, unfortunately, changed the subject from "this guy is a sleaze and a perjurer who has lost his law license, which is an embarrassment for a former president" to "are we going overboard by trying to remove him from office over civil perjury?" Of course the GOP never mastered manipulating the media--the fact that this slimy behavior didn't make Clinton a pariah is disgraceful.
I remember the claims of a coup d'etat (that was done, mind you, with the expressed methodology laid out in the Constitution). They had fewer problems with the Walker recall, which was the same in every way --- except a popular vote kept him in office.
In the long span of history, we will no more remember that our first woman President was an enabler for sex abuse than we remember that Washington and Jefferson were slave owners.
On campuses, the slave owning of Washington and Jefferson is hardly not remembered. It's almost an obsession in some circles.
Certainly Jack Kennedy was nearly as depraved as Clinton, once telling a girl staffer to give one of his other staff aides a blowjob while in the White House pool. What is depressing is the openness of the information about Clinton when the Kennedy stories were suppressed by the media.
The sad thing is that the party that has a "war" on women seems to actually respect them. Can you picture Reagan doing that as President? Nixon? Ford? Either Bush? I cannot.
Paula Jones was quite accustomed to be asked to perform blowjobs, as Bob Bennett learned in pre-trial discovery. She gave five blowjobs to men at a keg party one year before Clinton asked her to "kiss it".
If a woman has sex once, then she cannot be raped by somebody because she was "quite accustomed to be asked to perform sex"?
You realize that if ANY conservative here said anything close to that, you'd be decrying the virulent sexism.
I simply stated a fact that Jones gave a number of blowjobs. If Clinton in fact did ask for a BJ, Jones was not unaccustomed to hearing that request.
So, in your world, sexual harassment cannot exist UNLESS the woman is a virgin. Good to know.
Personally, I always cherished the friendships of the girls who liked to give head. The world needs more cocksuckers, I always say.
It'd reduce infidelity --- but if she don't want to do it, that's that. Few things worse than really unmotivated head.
Who would have thought that so soon after Clarence Thomas was a bastard for hitting on Anita Hill--and of course Hill couldn't be lying--they'd have to whiplash baack to claiming Paula Jones was a liar?
Don't even get me started on that. She FOLLOWED him to different jobs when the new boss at her old job asked her to stay. I don't buy that she was harrassed, don't buy the pubic hair on a can of Coke line...none of it. It just reads like utter BS.
Can't wait to hear what garage is going to share with us to explain the rape of Juanita Broaddrick!
And the Clinton Body Count. Which surpassed fifty (50!) at one point.
Every time someone wonders why fewer than half of American women identify as "feminist" you need look no further than the bad name feminism has been given by these depraved lickspittles in defending a serial harasser.
Indeed. And if that didn't kill it, people like Jackie, mattress girl and the shameful treatment of sarah palin in the media by supposed liberals did.
Shove off.
>>Because of course women never lie about being harassed, except a lot of them seem to have lied about being harassed by Bill Clinton!
Women never lie about rape, except when it's politically convenient.
Garage, come on, you know the subject here is your own assertion that you can't rape a whore.
Garage, come on, you know the subject here is your own assertion that you can't rape a whore.
Made no such assertion. There is more credible rape allegations against Reagan than there are against Clinton. You guys always seem to forget that one, for some reason.
Is Reagan trying to get back in the White House?
"Made no such assertion"
No, you just said that that she was used to giving blow-jobs and so shouldn't be offended if taken by the state police to the governor and asked for another.
Does that sound better to you?
There is more credible rape allegations against Reagan than there are against Clinton. You guys always seem to forget that one, for some reason.
Citing Kitty Kelley as a source. How cute. Her book is bullshit as most people quoted in the book have said.
. Her book is bullshit as most people quoted in the book have said.
Not the woman who claimed Reagan raped her.
Not the woman who claimed Reagan raped her.
Didn't claim she was raped, either. Said he didn't mean to hurt her.
So that makes the score:
Reagan - 1 hazy claim of rape, as reported by a known sleaze merchant with little if any corroborating evidence
Clinton - binders full of women who came forward on their own (not to a gossip author) claiming rape, sexual harrassment, groping, and fawning contact by a proven adulterer and also proven perjurer
Sound about right? Given his skill at logic, no wonder Garage thinks the case against Reagan is stronger than the case against Clinton.
"I opened the door," Walters told the magazine. "Then it was the battle of the couch. I was fighting him. I didn't want him to make love to me. He's a very big man, and he just had his way. Date rape? No, God, no, that's [Kelley's] phrase. I didn't have a chance to have a date with him."
Not to mention that Clinton's accusers have an odd thing in common. They are all former supporters and campaign workers for him. Each of them, however, has decided, to advantage the Republicans politically, to accuse him of sexual harassment, sexual coercion, or rape.
At least if we are to believe Clinton's apologists.
Even Democrat oligarch toadies can't want to spend two years defending the guilty on this, can they?
Has Obama's destruction of the Democrats been that complete?
Why do Democrats call women sluts?
Perhaps not slut, just trailer trash......
Mike Royko column 1997 excerpt:
When It Comes To Trashing, Some Know How To Pile On
The Washington media elite ought to be cringing. So should many of those former liberals who now call themselves politically progressive. They're being accused of being White House puppets in efforts to muddy up Ms. Jones as mere "trailer trash."
In one of the most remarkable journalistic confessions I've ever read, a Newsweek writer recently described how he and other members of the "mainstream" press brigade were willing, even eager, participants in the kick-Paula campaign.
So garage, what are you saying? If Reagan did it it's OK.
Broaddrick: “I first pushed him away and just told him ‘No, please don’t do that,” and I forget, it’s been 21 years, Lisa, and I forget exactly what he was saying. It seems like he was making statements that would relate to ‘Did you not know why I was coming up here?’ and I told him at the time, I said, ‘I’m married, and I have other things going on in my life, and this is something that I’m not interested in.’”
Myers: “Had you, that morning, or any other time, given him any reason to believe you might be receptive?”
Broaddrick: “No. None. None whatsoever.”
Myers: “Then what happens?”
Broaddrick: “Then he tries to kiss me again. And the second time he tries to kiss me he starts biting my lip (she cries). Just a minute... He starts to, um, bite on my top lip and I tried to pull away from him. (crying) And then he forces me down on the bed. And I just was very frightened, and I tried to get away from him and I told him ‘No,’ that I didn’t want this to happen (crying) but he wouldn’t listen to me.”
Myers: “Did you resist, did you tell him to stop?”
Broaddrick: “Yes, I told him ‘Please don’t.’ He was such a different person at that moment, he was just a vicious awful person.”
Myers: “You said there was a point at which you stopped resisting?”
Broaddrick: “Yeah.”
Myers: “Why?”
Broaddrick: “It was a real panicky, panicky situation. I was even to the point where I was getting very noisy, you know, yelling to ‘Please stop.’ And that’s when he pressed down on my right shoulder and he would bite my lip.”
Broaddrick also says the waist of her skirt and her pantyhose were torn.
Juanita Broaddrick: “When everything was over with, he got up and straightened himself, and I was crying at the moment and he walks to the door, and calmly puts on his sunglasses. And before he goes out the door he says ‘You better get some ice on that.’ And he turned and went out the door.”
One of them is dead and gone, the other wants back into the White House.
As Dennis Miller said, "If that marriage were any more about convenience, there'd be a Slim Jim stand on their night table."
"I didn't want him to make love to me."
"make love"??
Odd choice of words for an alleged victim, eh?
Other odd phrases might include:
- "I didn't want him to deprive me of life."
- "I didn't want his blade to penetrate my abdomen."
- "I didn't want him to liberate my handbag."
- "I didn't want him to appropriate my wallet."
Yeah, she sounds credible as hell. /sarc
Gipper the Ripper!
"Walters gave him her address and was surprised when he came calling at 3 A.M. "He pushed his way inside and said he just had to see me. He forced me on the couch...and said, 'Let's just get to know each other.' It was the most pitched battle I've ever had, and suddenly in a matter of seconds I lost.... They call it date rape today...."
Bitchtits is slut shaming because his heroes in Hamas would prefer women to be behind a burkha.
I would prefer that his fat ass would be hidden in one, but I'm not sure if there is that much cloth available in the entire state of Wisconsin.
Garage also suffers from envy, as medical science has not yet developed a way to pull away the folds of blubber to reveal his tiny little penis.
Was she a virgin Garage? Isn't that your standard? Isn't she used to being fucked? You can't rape a whore, right garage?
Paula Jones was quite accustomed to be asked to perform blowjobs, as Bob Bennett learned in pre-trial discovery. She gave five blowjobs to men at a keg party one year before Clinton asked her to "kiss it". - garage mahal.
Garage is using one of the Big Three Classic Clintonista Defenses (TM)--"everyone else is doing it!" In this case, Reagan raped someone! Never mind that there's absolutely nothing to back up this outlandish claim, while Clinton settled the Jones case out of court and of course Clinton has had several other women accuse him of similar behavior. But Clintonites and false equivalency are like chocolate and peanut butter.
The other two defenses they use (and we'll see Garage using them as well, don't worry) are "this is old news" (never mind that it is relevant that the defender of a groping harasser is trying to pass herself off as a champion of feminism) and "we already addressed this and Clinton is not actually in jail so he must be innocent" (which is very convincing if you have the brain of a monitor lizard).
I'm hoping after a close look enough voters decide they really don't need these sorts of people running the country again, and the GOP presents a plausible alternative.
"Paula Jones was quite accustomed to be asked to perform blowjobs, as Bob Bennett learned in pre-trial discovery. She gave five blowjobs to men at a keg party one year before Clinton asked her to "kiss it"."
A great quote from someone whose educational achievements maxed out with owning a Phi Tappa Kegga tee shirt.
I'm sure this standard will apply to your daughter, should she ever find herself in the company of democratic politicians or some union bosses, right Bitchtits?
[Hillary] Clinton spoke in clinical, legal terms while explaining her defense of the rapist, who Clinton helped to avoid a lengthy prison term by relying on a technicality relating to the chain of evidence of his blood-soaked underwear, as well as arguing at the time that the 12-year-old victim may have exaggerated or encouraged the attack.
It is her duty as a lawyer to defend the guilty, but to laugh and brag about such tactics is unbelievable.
A great quote from someone whose educational achievements maxed out with owning a Phi Tappa Kegga tee shirt
Somebody get me a fire extinguisher stat! That was one sick burn, Shitty Pants.
Hillary certainly seems frail since suffering her brain injury. I hope she is able to fully recover at some point.
The Washington media elite ought to be cringing. So should many of those former liberals who now call themselves politically progressive. They're being accused of being White House puppets in efforts to muddy up Ms. Jones as mere "trailer trash."
They are all snobs at heart.
Garage, you'd have more luck asking someone to put out the fire by pissing on you than assigning them a chore of finding a fire extinguisher, lugging it all the way over to your flaming body, and bothering to pull the pin and squeeze the handle.
You're barely worth the effort it takes to unzip my fly, and even then only if I gotta go really bad.
Garage, you'd have more luck asking someone to put out the fire by pissing on you than assigning them a chore of finding a fire extinguisher, lugging it all the way over to your flaming body, and bothering to pull the pin and squeeze the handle.
There's that trademark conservative humor we're all so enamored of. Just devastating.
One day we will learn to appreciate the more refined pastime of slut shaming like you garage.
gotta say that that garage guy is one stupid, hypocritical motherfucker.
I am surprised that he has taken so much time from smelling his own farts to post here.
garage mahal said...
Garage, you'd have more luck asking someone to put out the fire by pissing on you than assigning them a chore of finding a fire extinguisher, lugging it all the way over to your flaming body, and bothering to pull the pin and squeeze the handle.
There's that trademark conservative humor we're all so enamored of. Just devastating.
It wasn't meant to funny. just an accurate assessment of a sad wasted life.
It wasn't meant to funny. just an accurate assessment of a sad wasted life.
Take a look at your avi.
Garage, you moron, do you mean avatar?
You really have no clue how dumb you are.
That you infer that rusty is leading a sad, wasted life based on a photograph that reveals nothing reflects back on your own wretched self. We judge you based on the content of your posts. All you can do is take cheap potshots at someone's appearance.
You're lower than whale shit, and that's at the bottom of the ocean.
The things you learn from the commentators on this blog like our esteemed garage. I never knew Reagan paid $850 large for a date rape settlement-oh wait! Wrong prezzie, the payout was by done by Slick who was also found guilty of perjury. Hillary like her husband is a grifter, she knew what Bill ws up to, she being absolutely shameless and only lusting for power could overlook his behavior as long as there is plenty of payout later for her.
"When the FBI interviewed Hastert on Dec. 8, 2014, he was asked whether the purpose of the withdrawals was related to his lack of trust in the banking system, which he confirmed. According to the indictment, Hastert said, “Yeah … I kept the cash. That’s what I’m doing.” The indictment counters that Hastert “then well knew, this statement was false,” because he had agreed to provide the individual with $3.5 million “to compensate for and conceal his prior misconduct against” the person."
That's some serious 'prior misconduct'.
AReasonableMan said...
"When the FBI interviewed Hastert on Dec. 8, 2014, he was asked whether the purpose of the withdrawals was related to his lack of trust in the banking system, which he confirmed. According to the indictment, Hastert said, “Yeah … I kept the cash. That’s what I’m doing.” The indictment counters that Hastert “then well knew, this statement was false,” because he had agreed to provide the individual with $3.5 million “to compensate for and conceal his prior misconduct against” the person."
That's some serious 'prior misconduct'.
And this is important to you, why?
AReasonableMan said...
"When the FBI interviewed Hastert on Dec. 8, 2014, he was asked whether the purpose of the withdrawals was related to his lack of trust in the banking system, which he confirmed. According to the indictment, Hastert said, “Yeah … I kept the cash. That’s what I’m doing.” The indictment counters that Hastert “then well knew, this statement was false,” because he had agreed to provide the individual with $3.5 million “to compensate for and conceal his prior misconduct against” the person."
That's some serious 'prior misconduct'.
Nickels and dimes when compared to the Clinton's or even the Obama's. Hastert's problem besides being a republican is that no one respects a petty crook. Either go big like the Clinton's or the Obama's or go home.
I definitely think that whatever Hastert may or may not have done is more important than the fact that Bill Clinton committed the first act of war against Afghanistan, without any sort of UN fig leaf, by launching cruise missile attacks on their soil in an assassination attempt on bin Laden.
But Bush provoked 9-11 and it is all about Hastert!
ARM, I am no fan of Dennis Hastert and I think he is corrupt as most US politicians are. Now tell me who you will vote for in the Democrat primary ? Hillary ?
I'd be interested in knowing if Professor Althouse's female students expressed any sympathy for Paula Jones as a possible victim of rape.
Shorter ARM:
I defended Clinton back when the Lewinsky affair occurred. I guess I was still a liberal back then. But you know what, I believe every word of Paula Jones. And if it were any republican he would have been tarred and feather then led out of town on a rail, before finally being thrown off a cliff.
All these feminists though fell all over themselves to say how they'd fellate him just because he was a great president for women.
If your standard is a double standard, then I have no interest in your pontifications about ethics.
Every time Clinton walked in a room with an intern they probably should have issued a trigger warning.
When did "accost" become a bad word? I accost people every day.
Coupe said...
I'm tired of that story and I'm tired of seeing that ugly face on Paula Jones.
We all know Hillary pimped for her husband. Get over it.
Another example of her taking a simple job and failing.
The Dems cleverly refer to Bill Clinton as a "philanderer" or a "hound dog," pretending he was not an abuser who humiliated women but just an ordinary over-sexed good old boy.
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