May 19, 2015
"It was unclear whether Sulkowicz would be able to bring her mattress to graduation..."
"... after Columbia's administration emailed seniors on Monday: 'Graduates should not bring into the ceremonial area large objects which could interfere with the proceedings or create discomfort to others in close, crowded spaces shared by thousands of people.'... However, Sulkowicz appears to have brought her mattress to graduation...."
"Survivors" live by their own rules.
Mattress backs just can't shake the habit.
"Nut-job coddled by University administration has boundary issues"
Who could have predicted that?
Even the word mattress takes up unnecessary space, I guess for padding.
What's with the doubled t?
It's worse than Matthew.
With that kind of consistency, she'll end up as strong as an ox, if the claim is true that a mattress doubles in weight every eight years or so.
Maybe the mattress was at graduation on its own.
After all the classes she's taken the mattress to it has probably earned enough credits to graduate.
Once again a "special, unique snowflake" has decided that they are "the most important person in the world" and have the right, nay the OBLIGATION to impose themselves into the lives of everyone else!
How dare you try to have a special moment of your own when I am around!
All I can say is that those job interviews are going to be a bitch...
Who in authority would tell her no? It appears she had plenty of helpers.
"All I can say is that those job interviews are going to be a bitch..."
Not if one is going into the victim industry, then it is a credential.
Sounds like the guy she's harrassing can add another count to his complaint against Columbia for letting her continue the harrassment at graduation.
I might have to revise my earlier assessment.
She can claim experience carrying things around. The folks that spin those "apartments available" signs on the main roads make over $10 an hour. She should be a shoo-in for a position.
"Unclear" "appears" ?
What meally-mouthed rubbish. Of what are they afraid? A lawsuit? Social ostracism? What? The large object prohibition seemed plenty clear, and those photos made it abundantly apparent that she brought a mattress.
Sue the ever loving shit out of her. Burn her future to the ground right now.
Sounds like the guy she's harrassing can add another count to his complaint against Columbia for letting her continue the harrassment at graduation.
My thoughts exactly. They allowed her to bring this to (presumably) their joint graduation. It was aimed specifically and directly against him. And, yes, he has already filed suit against the school for essentially allowing her to harass him for the last year or so.
I hoped she washed that thing, if it's the one her complaint took place on.
My thoughts exactly. They allowed her to bring this to (presumably) their joint graduation. It was aimed specifically and directly against him. And, yes, he has already filed suit against the school for essentially allowing her to harass him for the last year or so.
He needs to sue Sen Gillibrand as well. She's been pretty fast and loose with the phrase "allegedly" when discussing our snowflake's non-existent rapist.
I hope she never has pleasurable sex again in her life.
I'm not saying she will never date anyone again, because there are plenty of sad, desperate men out there, but any man who goes near her at this point has only himself to blame. It is quite obvious she is a histrionic attention whore with entitlement syndrome and the judgment of a cinder block.
Shame on the university for coddling this. Hopefully they lose their suit. At a certain point you need to say "enough" or the children never grow up.
If she graduated, I guess she got credit for her "art project." Should help in the suit.
Engineering challenge for enterprising college men: devise foolproof Mattress Girl Nut Job Detector. ("No nuts for nuts.")
I just saw her picture for the first time. I usually read the print version of articles to avoid having the pictures and ads loading and taking up bandwidth. Damn . . . she is not attractive. I'd have "hit it and quit it" too. Especially now that she's a known psycho snowflake.
Gold-digging college student has a sexual relationship with rich classmate. Rich classmate drops her. Gold digging classmate accuses rich classmate of rape because she feels used.
I hope she never has pleasurable sex again in her life.
Any man/woman she is with in the future won't.
I'm not saying she will never date anyone again, because there are plenty of sad, desperate men out there, but any man who goes near her at this point has only himself to blame. It is quite obvious she is a histrionic attention whore with entitlement syndrome and the judgment of a cinder block.
Pantywaist "white knights" will do it happily.
But no woman can be pleased by these pseudo-men.
Shame on the university for coddling this. Hopefully they lose their suit. At a certain point you need to say "enough" or the children never grow up.
Enough should've been when they ruled he didn't do it.
At this point, it's too late. They're fucked royally. I hope he doesn't settle and they go to trial.
Damn . . . she is not attractive. I'd have "hit it and quit it" too. Especially now that she's a known psycho snowflake.
I've seen worse. And she'd also be a brief rental for me as well.
I'd also suggest if a man is with her --- videotape every encounter without fail.
If it weren't for double standards...
Normally I'd have a twinge of sympathy for the Administration here--I can't imagine they'd want to make a scene/give Sen Gillibrand something else talk about by barring this victim/survivor from doing whatever the hell she wants ("it's part of my healing process, don't oppress me!"). In this specific case, though, this is at least half the Admin's fault to begin with, and honestly I doubt they care too much about rules or ethics as long as the right ox is being gored. Anyway, what's the (male) student going to do about it? The Left and the Media (but I repeat myself) have decided Sulcowicz is a heroine. His right to fair treatment, equal protection, and the truth itself are all just some eggs that needed to be broken for that sweet sweet Feminist/Leftist omelette.
Will Sansa be carrying a mattress around on the next episode?
I've read through some of her texts and FB posts. Best practices is to stay far away from her mattress, could be a biological hazard.
Anyway, what's the (male) student going to do about it?
Sue the university?
I do feel a little bad for them though - they seem to have tried to take a middle road here, dismissing her claim against him, etc., while allowing her to carry her mattress for credit. But, that isn't how it is supposed to work - there are rules and expectations that they have set, and that often doesn't mean cutting the baby in half, but rather, following them. Which, they probably didn't, which is why her victim may be getting a nice payout in a bit from his lawsuit.
I do feel a little bad for them though - they seem to have tried to take a middle road here, dismissing her claim against him, etc., while allowing her to carry her mattress for credit.
I don't see that as really being a middle ground. You don't imprison a guy who was accused of murder after he was acquitted as a "middle ground" option.
They said he didn't do it and then REWARDED her for harassing him. They didn't stand up FOR him either after all of the condemnation of him for, literally, nothing.
This admin is no better than Duke's was in regards to their lacrosse team.
Moral: White boys should REALLY avoid universities. They don't like you, want you, and seek to make you miserable --- and then will bill you massive amounts of money for the honor.
"I'm not saying she will never date anyone again, because there are plenty of sad, desperate men out there"
Dunno..on her FB, she claims to be "married to Mary Lynn Siu"
From an anonymously authored doc she links to:
"You had told him no before, repeatedly, throughout the two weeks you dated. The night the assault occurred. The moment he held you below him. There was never consent. There was, however, the continued feeling of obligation to stay,.."
From an anonymously authored doc she links to:
"You had told him no before, repeatedly, throughout the two weeks you dated. The night the assault occurred. The moment he held you below him. There was never consent. There was, however, the continued feeling of obligation to stay,.."
I find it odd that so many women bemoan the lack of spontaneity in sex...but then ignore that men have to deal with THIS nonsense.
"We had sex. I didn't ever say no. But I didn't say yes. So rape"
The mattress looks like it will hold a lot of cats.
I read the emails the young man put in his lawsuit. This girl is a pathetic person. She had a boyfriend who, according to her texts, had sex with other girls. She seemed to have difficulty standing up for herself with him and decided the best course would be to have sex with several of her boyfriend's friends. This didn't end well. Then she moved on to this guy, and practically begged him to penetrate her anally, before she decided she'd been raped.
Her parents must be so proud.
Her parents must be so proud.
Their precious snowflake can do no wrong.
I've always wondered what the home life is like for college student radicals now. What kind of parents could churn out kids with nothing good about them whatsoever?
She is the poster child for what happens when a guy sticks his dick into crazy.
"I do feel a little bad for them though - they seem to have tried to take a middle road here"
I'd feel bad for Columbia if they did find themselves caught between a rock and a hard place, but there's a more simple, obvious way to handle this--after their investigation showed no evidence of the guy's guilt, tell her she can take her case to the police and they will cooperate as required by law. And when she decided instead to carry around her mattress and defame the accused, the school needed to institute the same punishment they would have if it had been the guy doing this.
The fact that they not only didn't punish her but encouraged her--by giving her course credit, and now letting her take the mattress to graduation--goes well beyond any "middle ground."
I hope they lose big in a humiliating way. Maybe schools will start to re-think their approach to these matters.
Her mom has expressed empathy for Nungesser..while believing her daughter.
I think we know where some of the "crazy" came from.
Unless she has a degree in useful specialty (eg Math, Engineering, One of the "hard sciences",Pre-Med, Etc.) she may need that mattress to earn a living.
Everyone should just be thankful they didn't have sex on a bulldozer.
Sure. Why not? If you receive a car as a graduation gift from your parents, you should be allowed to drive it across the stage.
But in this case the University should have posted Trigger Warning signs at all entrances to the venue.
"visual arts", James. But as mentioned above, she is building her resume towards a rewarding career at Social Justice, Inc. Maybe Sandra Fluke has some artwork needs.
"Gold-digging college student has a sexual relationship with rich classmate." Uh, that surely happens but that's not what happened here. The boy here was a scholarship student from a lower middle class family in Germany.
Samantha Power (our UN Ambassador)spoke at neighboring Barnard's commencement, and specifically praised this young woman and her mattress and equated her to Afghan women in their struggle with oppression by the Taliban. What an irresponsible, unprofessional person!
She brought the mattress to her graduation = she isn't ready to give up the spotlight.
Ambassador Power brought this up at the Barnard Commencement speech this weekend. When did we start celebrating the crazy like this?
As the bulldozer comment points out, the mattress just doesn't work as "art". Better to have a male blowup doll with hard-on strapped to her back. Or work with something like :
I'd feel bad for Columbia if they did find themselves caught between a rock and a hard place, but there's a more simple, obvious way to handle this--after their investigation showed no evidence of the guy's guilt, tell her she can take her case to the police and they will cooperate as required by law. And when she decided instead to carry around her mattress and defame the accused, the school needed to institute the same punishment they would have if it had been the guy doing this.
The fact that they not only didn't punish her but encouraged her--by giving her course credit, and now letting her take the mattress to graduation--goes well beyond any "middle ground."
Well put.
"The boy here was a scholarship student from a lower middle class family in Germany."
I did not know that.
Some words and phrases are so awful that they should rarely, if ever, be used. This a one of those rare occasions: Sulkowicz is a stupid fucking cunt.
Ambassador Power brought this up at the Barnard Commencement speech this weekend. When did we start celebrating the crazy like this?
For SJW, the narrative is all that counts, facts be damned.
The most disturbing thing of all is that according to the documents, Sulkowicz performed oral sex on him after he penetrated her anally.
When did that start showing up on college girl's menu?
According to Columbia "Graduates should not bring into the ceremonial area large objects which could interfere with the proceedings or create discomfort to others in close, crowded spaces shared by thousands of people"
Then they allow Sulkowicz to bring her mattress. Can I please be on the jury for Nungessor v. Columbia University? Please? PLEASE?
@M Mott, one goes to college to learn new things. That's assuming Sulkowicz wasn't already doing that in high school, which may or may not be the case.
Between Sulkowicz and "Jackie" at Virginia, not to mention other less well-known cases of false rape accusations such as Tanya Borachi, Danmell Ndonye, Meg Lanker-Simons, and Desiree Nall, one has to believe that Millennial women are real pieces of work.
@M Mott: ATM is no longer just a machine the spits out cash. Or so I've heard.
What I don't get is that rape is supposed to be really common on college campuses.
And yet, we keep getting these fake stories of rape.
Surely they can find a story of rape where the guy is convicted, in jail, doing his time, and everyone knows it's a real instance of rape?
Why keep focusing on these fake cases. Where are the real cases of rape?
"Until the male student she accuses of raping her leaves Columbia" she will carry that mattress.
I suggest that the guy enrolls in various extension classes at Columbia for the rest of his life thus dooming her to carry that mattress for the rest of her life. To job interviews, to her jobs, onstage in plays, down the aisle when she marries. The punishment then fits the crime like some ancient Greek myth or an Arabian Nights story of getting a three wishes.
What kind of reaction, if any, did the audience give when Sulkowicz's and Nungesser's names were announced?
Paul Nungesser is getting an up close and personal look at what divorce looks like, without the risk of alimony payments and having his children turned against him. He should make the most of this valuable life lesson.
At this point universities are to white males what Germany was to Jews c.1939.
The most disturbing thing of all is that according to the documents, Sulkowicz performed oral sex on him after he penetrated her anally.
When did that start showing up on college girl's menu?
Campuses are majority-female. They have to ho it up in order to keep one of the few men interested.
I hope he didn't kiss her afterwards. But I know women who do that. Not my wife nor anybody I've ever dated, but it's not unheard of in my circle.
What I don't get is that rape is supposed to be really common on college campuses.
And yet, we keep getting these fake stories of rape.
Surely they can find a story of rape where the guy is convicted, in jail, doing his time, and everyone knows it's a real instance of rape?
Why keep focusing on these fake cases. Where are the real cases of rape?
Similar to the racism/misogyny crisis on campus. It's so bad that they have to fake it a lot for some reason.
Paul Nungesser is getting an up close and personal look at what divorce looks like, without the risk of alimony payments and having his children turned against him. He should make the most of this valuable life lesson.
Make that a lesson for ALL men.
A lot of women aren't making marriage a terribly attractive proposition for dudes.
What kind of reaction, if any, did the audience give when Sulkowicz's and Nungesser's names were announced?
OMG, they don't spend the time to read off all the names, do they?
The most disturbing thing of all is that according to the documents, Sulkowicz performed oral sex on him after he penetrated her anally.
It's called a......Dirty Sanchez!!
Paul Nungesser is getting an up close and personal look at what divorce looks like
It must be a cold day in hell, because we agree.
@eric, you really think feminists want cases where the system worked as advertised? Where the police investigated, found probable cause, made an arrest, and the perpetrator was prosecuted, convicted and sentenced? What makes you think cases like that fit "the narrative"?
Keep in mind that while "Jackie" was spinning her false rape story to Sabrina Rubin Erdley, there really was a serial rapist operating in and around Charlottesville, home of the University of Virginia. Outside of Hannah Graham's family and friends no one seems to much care about that case. "Rolling Stone apparently wasn't much interested in Jesse L. Matthew, Jr., presumably because he was a townie and didn't belong to any fraternity.
"mattress" is now a trigger word for me. I'm glad they avoided using it in the guidelines.
I graduated from Columbia Law School in 1968, following a number of campus "take overs", police "raids" and so forth, involving various "civil rights" and "anti-war" issues. There was a "counter-commencement" at St. John's Episcopal Church (it was known to most of us as "St. John's The Unfinished" because of the endless repairs and renovations). My parents and I attended the real commencement, I'm honored to say. They'd paid for an expensive legal education for me, and they didn't deserve anything that dishonored that contribution.
I got a good legal education at Columbia. My father got a good undergraduate education there, and also a good medical education at Columbia Physicians and Surgeons. My mother had to drop out of Barnard (the women's college associated with Columbia) after her freshman year when her father died and the Depression started, but she remembered that year all her life. I'd love to say that I am a loyal Columbia supporter, but I can't: Columbia has become what it has become, and it's been going on for a long time.
why aren't there "false accusation" and "attention whore" tags for this story?
Not to mention, defendant?
The rolling mattress or perhaps stone. This is not to say her testimony is false, but that it does not withstand the scrutiny of due process.
The teacher only gave her a B+ because Ms. Sulkowicz failed to include any pecker tracks on the mattress.
"All I can say is that those job interviews are going to be a bitch..."
I understand that she has an offer from Marquette already. 4th floor someplace with a whitewashed wall.
I had a gay friend in college get sick from ATM. He ended up in Strong Memorial hospital for a few days recovering. I never shared a pipe, joint, or bottle with him again. Not cuz he was gay - but because that's fucking gross. Any man who asks a girl to do that is sick, and same goes for gays. If the girl does it on her own, that's even worse IMO. I was taught that the rule is, once it goes in the dirtpipe, you don't put it anywhere else except maybe a handie after. Then ya hop right in the shower.
Not that I think this reflects bad on the dude from a guilty/not perspective. Only that I find it disgusting.
Her parents must be so proud.
@Kyzernick If you read the transcripts, it was Sulkowicz who initiated the anal as well as the oral after anal.
Here is another thing that may show Columbia in cahoots with mattress girl. What is the usual timetable for checking our of the dorm? Did the residence bend the rules for her?
I think I had to settle all accounts and return all library books before I could graduate.
Meanwhile, in China they're training engineers, scientists and doctors by the millions--and our top institutions produce "Jackie" and "Mattress Weirdo". Imagine paying Columbia's absurd tuition so your daughter can become this sort of embarrassment.
"Here is another thing that may show Columbia in cahoots with mattress girl. What is the usual timetable for checking our of the dorm? Did the residence bend the rules for her?"
I'm guessing they let her keep the mattress. What other student would want to sleep on it now? Though maybe some Japanese businessmen would be happy to take it, no questions asked.
One of these days an actual rape survivor is going to beat the hell out of this attention whore for making a mockery of what real rape victims go through.
"It was unclear whether Sulkowicz would be able to bring her mattress to graduation"
What is clear is that she's a whore.
Sounds like the guy she's harrassing can add another zero to the left of the decimal point on his damages claim against Columbia ...
There, fixed it for you.
"I'm guessing they let her keep the mattress."
I think it will be installed at the Schticksonian.
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