"I think maybe even another five to 10 — how much time does a woman want a week? Maybe 10 hours? That’s kind of the minimum? I don’t know."
Said Elon Musk. But what do you think: How much time does a woman want a week?
ADDED: Freud asked "What does a woman want?" Elon Musk just wants to know: How much time does a woman want?
The full Freud quote is: "The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is 'What does a woman want?'"
So the answer to Musk is 30 years is not enough.
That makes me think of the old J.P. Morgan quote: "If you have to ask the price, you can't afford it."
Depends on what she wants and when she wants it. Are we talking early dating? Late dating? Live-in relationship?
Need more details, Elon!
Tiger Wood can tell him the right hourly rates.
Seriously, the geek needs to quit planning women out and realize that Romance campaigns require whatever it takes. That is a part of the Test.
If I ever see a guy flying around in a real Iron Man suit, I'm going to assume Elon Musk is inside.
"How much time does a woman want a week?"
Time is money. Musk has money.
The rest is left as an exercise for the reader.
Did he say he wants to carve out a woman? That will be expensive.
He better find a gal before his rocket ships eat all of his money! Oh, wait, that's our money.
Musk might try an online dating service. He should probably try to find a gal who likes to watch Blazing Saddles. Such girls, in my opinion, are "sports".
Paging Dagny Taggert. Ms. Taggert, you have a message.
Based on his comment I am going to go out on a limb and suggest that he is somewhere on the autism spectrum. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
The guy doesn't know how to ask a woman on a date?
You can ask more then one. Your not obligated to be in a relationship when you ask out someone for lunch.
" But what do you think: How much time does a woman want a week?"
All of it.
Assuming Mr. Musk is looking for the future Mrs. Musk, perhaps as his opening gambit he could promise to make some young lady the Princess of Mars. He could show her pictures of his space ships.
Every young lady wants to be a princess. Laslo will back me up on this, I think.
@traditionalguy: "Romance campaigns require whatever it takes"
Or the effective simulation thereof.
Musk's model needs more variables and data.
I don't understand this at all. I read somewhere on the Internet that he has fundamentally changed four industries and is the Wright Bros. / Ford / Hughes / Jobs of our time!
With those (claimed) abilities I'm sure he can fundamentally change women using his unmatched intellect, charming personality and great hair!
Ha! Who am I kidding? He can't rent seek women, because they're all trying to rent seek him!! He's screwed - and not in the way he want. Another Musk fail. He'll never figure out a scam to get the government to pay for his dating activities...
"He'll never figure out a scam to get the government to pay for his dating activities"
Then again, "the government" already is paying.
He is dating us and we're picking up the check.
He should talk to Bill Gates. He works for his wife now. That's how much...
Okay, this is going to sound crazy, but . . .
How about an Elon Musk / Monica Lewinsky hookup? Aren't they both Jewish? Does it matter?
The amount of time he spends masturbating a week multiplied by 25.
"He is dating us and we're picking up the check."
Except, in the case of SpaceX, the government is paying fixed price only on delivery. This is a radical change from paying massively overruns on cost-plus contracts, as is the norm in the space and much other government business.
Elon Musk is divorced with 5 sons (twins and triplets). He knows how the pieces go together.
I have Terry's back on his 8:13 AM comment.
I am Laslo.
Didn't Morgan also say when asked what women will do reply (paraphrasing): "they will fluctuate"?
"How about an Elon Musk / Monica Lewinsky hookup? Aren't they both Jewish? Does it matter?"
I think he's actually not Jewish. More surprising to me--Hugh Hefner isn't Jewish.
Musk is billing the Goverment for the cost of his fanbois to fellate him on Althouse! He really is the most interesting man in the world!!
If you make the Woman feel Special and Unique every moment you are with her you will find that you really don't need to spend that much time with her.
And if she has a problem with this: there are plenty of Special and Unique fish in the sea.
I am Laslo.
"paying fixed price only on delivery"
Now there's a "dating" model.
Tomorrow's headline:
Musk announces public/private partnership to develop next generation sex robot technology.
Musk is getting bored with his Home-Engineered Blow-Job Machine.
Sometimes putting a different wig on it is just not enough.
I am Laslo.
He's finding out that many women are just not that interesting. And you don't really want to expend more time on them than necessary. When you have your hobbies.
For him, I recommend high priced escorts. You get to pay by the hour. And so can set time limits precisely.
The answer is that the woman will get what he is willing to give, and if a woman is not willing to meet his needs then she's the wrong woman.
This is one of the things that many feminist critics of Hemingway don't realize. Hemingway's characters are not misogynist, they are rather rocks that women smash themselves against. The women fail to rise to the greatness, or strength, of the Hemingway character.
Musk is a singular man in many ways. He should not confine his approach to women in a conventional way. He needs a woman, if he needs one at all, who helps him continue to achieve his singular greatness.
I wonder if Mr Musk has tried eharmony.com. Wouldn't it be cool to see what kind of women the service hooks him up with?
Korczak Ziolkowski, the guy who spent most of his life carving the likeness of Crazy Horse into a South Dakota mountain, is said to have proposed to his wife out at the work site. "Woman, I want you to know, that mountain is first, and you're second. Will you marry me?" She accepted, and they lived happily ever after.
If Elon is going to get serious about a wife, he will have to bring the girls he dates to a Tesla factory. "Woman..."
("Mr Musk" or "Elon" -- I don't know which one sounds stranger. Were his parents high or what?)
"Musk is getting bored with his Home-Engineered Blow-Job Machine."
He seems to enjoy showing it off to dinner guests, calls it his Head Research Assistant. The exotic batteries are what get Musk excited. He never tires of his threadbare pun about deep discharge.
Er, back in the day a man like this would be found a woman by his mother. And they would probably end up just as happy as any pair that searches for each other by dating dozens of prospects over a decade.
I'd think that he'd view most women wanting to date him as gold diggers.
Expensive and time consuming wooing is an anomaly in historic terms.
Even more anomalous is an extended and time consuming search for a mate.
This all is a modern innovation.
Battery powered blow up dolls sounds more his speed.
I'm sure fundamentally transforming the blow-up doll industry is next on his super jeenyus list!
10 hours a week is like an hour and a half a day. Is he counting transportation to and from the hump location in part of that time allocation? Because that's not leaving a lot of time for humping and wooing.
If you are carving out time, you are doing it wrong.
He married 3 times and twice to the same woman. 6 kids (1 died of sids).
ISTR that there was a Cambridge chemist who slept at his lab during the week and spent weekends at home. He also had a large number of children. I'd look it up if I could remember where I read it.
Musk sounds a bit like Edison.
Phil 3:14 : very close, but state the general case.
For all x that can be considered normal goods (assets, time, love etc):
"How much of x does a woman want?"
All of it.
And wel ye woot that wommen naturelly
Desiren thynges sixe as wel as I:
They wolde that hir housbondes
sholde be
Hardy and wise, and riche, and therto FREE,
And buxom unto his wyf and fressh abedde.
-Geoffrey Chaucer.
He could ask his ex-wives. Or remarry one of them. Or find a woman who loves to work (either at work or at hobbies) as much as he does.
Elon Musk is divorced with 5 sons (twins and triplets). He knows how the pieces go together.
Twins? Triplets? What are the odds, without help from the lab? In other words, I'm not at all sure this proves he knows how the pieces go together.
A quote from his first wife: "In the late spring of 2008, my wealthy entrepreneurial husband, Elon Musk, the father of my five young sons, filed for divorce. Six weeks later, he texted me to say he was engaged to a gorgeous British actress in her early 20s who had moved to Los Angeles to be with him."
Perhaps he should not marry again.
How much free time in a week does your woman have?
That's how much time a woman wants.
I'm sure fundamentally transforming the blow-up doll industry is next on his super jeenyus list!
The Japanese are already on the case....
He better find a gal before his rocket ships eat all of his money! Oh, wait, that's our money.
He invested $100 million of his own money in SpaceX, and built and launched four rockets before he got any government money.
Since he has signed NASA contracts, he has demonstrated that not only can he deliver cargo cheaper and safer than anyone else, his Dragon cargo spacecraft is currently the only spacecraft in the world that can bring a significant amount of cargo back from space. Today SpaceX is worth a couple of billion dollars.
At the same time he invested $60 million of his own money in Tesla. he did receive government loans to start Tesla, but has repaid them, some with the government earning a profit. Today Tesla is worth billions of dollars.
At the same time, he invested $20 million of his own money in Solar city, which is the leading solar panel installer.
To sum up, he invested his entire $180 fortune in three companies that today have successfully transformed their respective industries and have made him a multi-billionaire.
Musk is billing the Goverment for the cost of his fanbois to fellate him on Althouse!
Fuck you.
If you want to yell about rent seekers, look at his rivals in all three fields..cars, rockets and solar panels.
Musk has done more, with less government money in all three fields, and provides a superior product in all three fields.
I have never understood the hate for Musk, and can only conclude it is envy.
I am a heterosexual male, and in my experience, and the experience of heterosexual male friends of mine and their relationships with women, men tend to be more individualistic and therefore require less couple time. Women tend to be more communal or collectivistic (see "Gap, Gender") and therefore needier and wanting more couple time.
"In the late spring of 2008, my wealthy entrepreneurial husband, Elon Musk, the father of my five young sons, filed for divorce. Six weeks later, he texted me to say he was engaged to a gorgeous British actress in her early 20s who had moved to Los Angeles to be with him."
I didn't know this.
In this case he has made his own bed, so to speak.
This sort of thing is what mistresses are for.
"policraticus said...
And wel ye woot that wommen naturelly"
Policraticus quoting Chaucer: I knew John of Salisbury was ahead of his time, but . . .
Ummm, when it comes to insight on romancing the ladies, I think I would look to Meade for guidance.
I notice that Althouse has trotted out two of her tags she deems relevant to Elon Musk -- Tesla and things that don't work -- perhaps as a gesture of mild contempt. Musk is a specimen of what was once a uniquely American type, the lone wolf inventor/industrialist. That we had to acquire him via South Africa and Canada and not breed his like natively is a metric of how deep and profound the damage done to America by the Woodstock generation really is.
Allow me to point out that the Tesla Motors corporation and its products, however successful or unsuccessful they may be, are not Musk's main focus. His title and function at Tesla is Project Architect, a position and responsibility sufficiently remote as to insulate Mr. Musk from much praise or blame whatever Tesla's fortunes may be.
Musk's main concern, the work that dominates his life, is SpaceX. At SpaceX Musk wears two hats -- he is simultaneously the CEO and the Chief Technical Officer. SpaceX builds the Falcon 9 launch vehicle, a mainstay of global communications. SpaceX is also developing the Falcon 9 Heavy, which will be the mist powerful rocket system since the Saturn family of the 1960s. The comparison to the Saturn rockets of the glory days of Apollo are apt only in the matter of raw lifting power. The Saturn V was a project spread over several prime contractors -- Boeing for the S-IC first stage, North American for the S-II second stage, and Douglas for the S-IVB third stage -- whereas SpaceX is responsible for the whole vehicle. The Falcon 9 Heavy will be flight tested this summer. With all that responsibility and personal vision comparisons of Elon Musk to Howard Hughes are not inapt.
Another product of SpaceX is the Dragon manned orbital spacecraft. A vital safety system of the Dragon was flight tested just yesterday. Impressive video here.
SpaceX is also developing the Falcon 9 Heavy, which will be the mist powerful rocket system since the Saturn family of the 1960s.
Mist powerful... A very easy typo to commit, I and O being adjacent on the keyboard, and yet auto-correct failed to warn me. Why? Because mist is a real word, never mind that's it's nonsense in context. They keep telling me that AI is just around the corner. I'll believe it when auto-correct is as adept with language as a fourth grader.
SpaceX is also developing the Falcon 9 Heavy, which will be the mist powerful rocket system since the Saturn family of the 1960s.
I thought that "mist" perhaps referred to manure and that you were channelling von Braun in the renewable energy age.
What Skyler wrote at 9:21 AM
Musk has done more, with less government money in all three fields, and provides a superior product in all three fields.
Yes Gharie, but he still did it with our money. Which he still gets for every car he makes and every solar panel he makes.
Still he is a genious at self promotion.
Landing the spacecraft back on the pad it lifted off from is a dead end. Far simpler and less weight costly to para-glide the empties back to earth.
Yes Gharie, but he still did it with our money
Everybody in his three fields uses government money. Why single Musk out?
Landing the spacecraft back on the pad it lifted off from is a dead end. Far simpler and less weight costly to para-glide the empties back to earth
Howe's that working out so far?
Even more unsuccessfully than Musk's method as far as I can tell.
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