My headline — which is what I said out loud on reading the news — is a reference to Hillary's last launch, in January 2007. As I wrote at the time, on first watching her video announcement:
It's all about the dialogue, the chat, the conversation:We've been talking with Hillary now for such a long, long time....
I’m not just starting a campaign, though, I’m beginning a conversation — with you, with America. Because we all need to be part of the discussion if we’re all going to be part of the solution. And all of us have to be part of the solution.
Let’s talk about....
And let’s definitely talk about...
So let’s talk. Let’s chat. Let’s start a dialogue about your ideas and mine.
Because the conversation in Washington has been just just a little one-sided lately, don’t you think? And we can all see how well that works.
And while I can’t visit everyone’s living room, I can try. And with a little help from modern technology, I’ll be holding live online video chats this week, starting Monday.
So let the conversation begin. I have a feeling it’s going to be very interesting.
१०४ टिप्पण्या:
Teh nu hotnezz smells like mothballs and Ovaltine!
"We've been talking with Hillary now for such a long, long time..."
We've been 'talked at' by Hillary for such a long time -- that I would agree with.
I am Laslo.
To the Dems understand just how fundamentally unlikable thus woman is? Well, she'll have 18 months to remind us. And while the MFM nay all be lefties, they aren't all in love with the Clinton Machine.
Time for Liz to get on the warpath.
The Clintons put the 'con' in conversation. The con is on.
I'd like to have a conversation with her about her email servers and why she had a private one when she was at State.
When can she get around to that conversation, do you suppose? I'll travel to her for it.
With all that conversation, I guess there won't be a failure to communicate
I can't believe Joe Biden is going to sit back and take this. Come on Joe, stand up for yourself, the country needs you.
Sekkrit servers.
Do these people do anything but talk and collect money ?
I remember Madeline Halfbright saying, "Of course we took terrorism seriously. We had meetings about it almost every week."
Will Hillary permit questions from a press person that have not been approved and limited to a few press persons that are trusted to play softball?
If she is still afraid of modern politics, then she needs to retire now and enjoy her billions of dollars scammed from foreign governments.
Rae said...
I can't believe Joe Biden is going to sit back and take this.
There's a reason. We just don't know what it is. Biden wants to keep it that way.
The nomination is hers to take. Can she fuck this up too?
It is indeed time now for the Boston Redskin to blow away Fort Hillary. And I know she wants to do it.
Someone talking to me over the tv is not a conversation. It's a lecture.
Romney was not so openly corrupt IN 2012.
Obama & McCain were not so openly corrupt in 2008.
GWB was not so openly corrupt (and still isn't) in 2000.
Al Gore was not so openly corrupt in 2000 (though that's changed).
And Bill Clinton only had moderate hints of corruption in 1992 compared to Hillary's 30 years of baggage in 2015.
When you can name >3 scandals off the top of your head about a politician and they've only ever held 2 offices for <4 years each - that's not even a good politician. That's just someone who needs to switch career paths.
When is she going to sing "Don't Cry for Me, Argentina"?
When a politician says "I want to talk with you," that's a euphemism for "I have nothing of value to say to you."
She's a liar. Nothing she says is worth listening to.
Well, it's on--a year and change of this nasty piece of work and her lapping lickspittles running around the country reminding smart folks just why they can never trust these charlatans with power again.
Now let's see if the GOP yet again screws up a golden opportunity. Anyone want to take bets?
She's going to conduct a "blitzkrieg"; she isn't going to talk this time. At least, at last we get an honest statement about her plans for us. Plus we don't have to listen, just duck and cover.
So she announced that she will announce on Twitter at a specific time.
She is obviously targeting what she thinks is her most prolific and powerful voting block -- fellow grandmas who don't get technology.
Long, long experience says that anyone, politician or not, who officially wants to know what you think, doesn't really want to know what you think.
That's why they're called the Stupid Party, even among themselves. Look at Rand Paul; WTF is he even doing on NBC or its variants? Democrats don't court this abuse willingly. Just Republicans.
I would like to have a conversation with her about what happened in Benghazi and how she stood next to the four coffins and lied to the families about a video.
I am available. Call my people.
This time she won't have Obama's people sullying Bill's reputation to Democrats. That's one thing that really hurt her last time. Bill was beloved by Democrats (and others!) and the Obama machine turned him into a racist.
Because most peoples' memories are short, they won't remember they ever thought that about Bill. He'll be back to a beloved figure, and we'll remember he really was a successful president.
Heck, even I think with Bill around, Hillary would make a good president.
So it's going to be up to Republicans who will spend months destroying each other, and then have to attack a woman who - right now at least- is poised to run as a grandmother.
Who would attack your Grandmother?
Define "having a conversation."
1. Someone is about to lecture me like I'm a child, and
2. If I disagree, they are going to try to destroy me, my family and my business.
Yay, let's talk.
When Hillary! says conversation, she means she will talk and we will listen. No thanks lady.
Her election (should it happen) will complete our evolution from a republic to a banana republic.
MayBee said...
This time she won't have Obama's people sullying Bill's reputation to Democrats. That's one thing that really hurt her last time. Bill was beloved by Democrats (and others!) and the Obama machine turned him into a racist.
Because most peoples' memories are short, they won't remember they ever thought that about Bill. He'll be back to a beloved figure, and we'll remember he really was a successful president.
Heck, even I think with Bill around, Hillary would make a good president.
So it's going to be up to Republicans who will spend months destroying each other, and then have to attack a woman who - right now at least- is poised to run as a grandmother.
Who would attack your Grandmother?
Hillary would not be a good president, she will continue to be a corrupt lying POS.
She is not my grandmother. My grandmothers were both nice, honest old ladies. Clinton is just an old lady.
"But enough about me. What do YOU think about me?"
As I recall, back in the Clinton era she was claiming a kind of two for one deal where she was co-president.
If so, she has already had her two terms.
I was meeting with some of our corporate internal InfoSec folks yesterday morning. Word on the street is that the White House was penetrated by malware that came from the State Department, and that the State Department was hacked by an attack that came in from Hillary Clinton's Email server. Very plausible based on what I know about hack attacks on our corporate servers.
I think any national conversation with Hillary Clinton has to begin by asking her whether she learns from her mistakes or whether a Clinton administration would leave our entire government exposed to malware attacks due to her lack of appreciation of computer security in the 21st century.
This conversation feels a lot like the one your mother had you have with the creepy aunt that always smelled like cats and had the crazy eyes.
It has gone on far too long and by then end you just nod a lot while looking for an out...
How is she not in jail?
Recall a conversation with your wife where there was a difference of opinion. That's what it will be like.
I've been saying since, what 2009, there is no way Hillary will run because she is awful politician with terrible personality and unmanageable baggage. And the Dems can't risk an implosion.
Wow,was I wrong. I can't believe the Dems are really going to put all their eggs in this basket.
As much as I disagree with Hillary's politics, I appreciate her attention to proper English grammar (likewise for Ann Althouse, when it comes to grammar).
I haven't heard Hillary use the Obamaesque "The problem is, is that...." or "Absolutely" in place of "Yes," as do most Amerikans reflexively ad nauseam.
Her hubby Bill has uttered nonsense like "...with Hillary and I...."
I don't know about the rest of you, but I stop listening when I hear such clichés or awful grammar.
In fact, the best way to choose a doc, lawyer or politician is to pay attention to his grammar, since there are few other indices of incompetence that the AMA or the ABA care to make generally available.
Ronald Reagan, who never claimed to be a Rhodes Scholar like Clinton or a Constitutional lawyer and Nobel Peace Laureate like Obama, spoke impeccable English.
I think there are two things going on.
1. Who else dey gots?
2. Who wants to be on the receiving end of the Clinton slime machine?
Sure, I'll converse with her. At $300K a pop.
"When you can name >3 scandals off the top of your head about a politician."
Some people thought that Barry was a pretty scandalous candidate, others found him "pragmatic."
Hanging out with Bill "I feel we didn't do enough" Ayres and Jeremiah "Amerikkka" Wright, disabling credit-card verification on campaign contributions, unsealing court records against opponents, throwing out signatures for opponents in 1996: now that's "pragmatism" for you.
She really doesn't want to talk to us. That's the problem. We know that.
Professor, has Hillary "lost" you yet? Has anyone who has ever lost you found you again?
Drudge has a hand bell next to the Hillary-Sunday-Noon announcement.
All I could think was "Ding Dong the witch is dead."
@Bill, someday the Democrats will take a good, hard look at the Clinton effect on their party. They will see plausible presidential candidates marginalized or otherwise gotten rid of through Clinton allies in the press and the party just so that Hillary can have one last try for the brass ring.
If she's the nominee, then the Republicans can run Beelzebub and win.
Just like her own party did in 2008.
A national conversation with Hillary! will be one long Hillary! Fun Adult Camp.
I listened to some CD lecture series by Deborah Tannen. Something about differences in communication styles and how we men think women are saying stupid things but that's just the way women initiate dialogue.
Because dialogue.
I think maybe she used to appear regularly on daytime talk shows like the Phil Donahue Show.
A national conversation will Hillary! will be even more fun than Bill's conversations with Juanita Broaddrick.
conversation n. 4. sexual intercourse
Her election (should it happen) will complete our evolution from a republic to a banana republic.
So, we found out one of the things that she was covering up by erasing her email server: As Colombian Oil Money Flowed To Clintons, State Department Took No Action To Prevent Labor Violations. Here is some of it:
Yet as union leaders and human rights activists conveyed these harrowing reports of violence to then-Secretary of State Clinton in late 2011, urging her to pressure the Colombian government to protect labor organizers, she responded first with silence, these organizers say. The State Department publicly praised Colombia’s progress on human rights, thereby permitting hundreds of millions of dollars in U.S. aid to flow to the same Colombian military that labor activists say helped intimidate workers.
At the same time that Clinton's State Department was lauding Colombia’s human rights record, her family was forging a financial relationship with Pacific Rubiales, the sprawling Canadian petroleum company at the center of Colombia’s labor strife. The Clintons were also developing commercial ties with the oil giant’s founder, Canadian financier Frank Giustra, who now occupies a seat on the board of the Clinton Foundation, the family’s global philanthropic empire.
The details of these financial dealings remain murky, but this much is clear: After millions of dollars were pledged by the oil company to the Clinton Foundation -- supplemented by millions more from Giustra himself -- Secretary Clinton abruptly changed her position on the controversial U.S.-Colombia trade pact. Having opposed the deal as a bad one for labor rights back when she was a presidential candidate in 2008, she now promoted it, calling it “strongly in the interests of both Colombia and the United States.” The change of heart by Clinton and other Democratic leaders enabled congressional passage of a Colombia trade deal that experts say delivered big benefits to foreign investors like Giustra.
To summarize, large contributions were made to the Clinton foundation, and as a result, the US abruptly reversed course, allowing hundreds of millions in US aid to flow to the Columbian military, which could be used to aggressively quell labor unrest.
Marilyn Tavenner, head of Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services during the rollout of; Kathleen Sebelius, her boss as head of Health and Human Services; Secretary of State Hillary Clinton; Samantha Power; Susan Rice; Marie Harf's aversion to polysyllabic words -- are there no Democrat women who are competent managers?
To summarize, large contributions were made to the Clinton foundation
Large amounts of free speech I think you meant.
A blitzkrieg tour?
It's Springtime for Hillary and Iowa. Dubuque is happy and gay.
If Hillary were sincere she would have been engaged in this "conversation" all along. Alas, she only "cares" when it benefits her campaign.
Of course, if she were sincere we'd know all about Benghazi, SOS e-mails, the donors to the Clinton Foundation, cattle futures...
I thought it cost 250,000 grand to have a conversation with Hillary.
She may be a lying POS, but she is still a woman, and we saw this last weekend or so how that is going to go down, when Rand Paul called the MSM on their gotcha question on abortion. They are going to push the War on Women meme as hard as they can, and the man who gets the Republican nomination (sorry - no top tier women there) will likely be playing defense the whole time against this. Can't go negative on her, no matter how deserved, because that would be mean, something a male bully would do to a poor, defenseless, centamillionaire woman. Etc.
Which is why I expect that the Republicans will have to put a woman on the ticket (Sarah Palin would be perfect, except the MSM has already beat her up). That may explain a lot of what Carly Fiorina is up to right now. Or, maybe Susan Hernandez (who has the Hispanic thing going). A woman can attack Hillary! in ways that a man cannot. And, that is the traditional job of the VP candidate.
If she's the nominee, then the Republicans can run Beelzebub and win.
Yes, that's why the GOP is the stupid party: they won't run Beelzebub. They'll run Jeb because polls says he's more moderate and therefore more electable.
As with President Obama, you have to admire Garage's self-confidence, but self-knowledge is another question.
dc said...
I thought it cost 250,000 grand to have a conversation with Hillary.
4/10/15, 10:13 AM
Oh don't you worry, we ALL will pay a price for this "conversation"!
As with President Obama, you have to admire Garage's self-confidence, but self-knowledge is another question.
Are you suggesting money isn't free speech? LOL
are there no Democrat women who are competent managers?
Probably few Democrats in general. The problem, esp. under Obama, is that under Chicago Machine rules, the purpose of government service is to take care of yourself, your family, and your friends financially first. We have seen this time and time again with the Obama Administration, starting with the "Stimulus", which was primarily a Dem party giveaway program, tokenly justified using discredited Keynesian economics. People wonder why we are in the seventh year of the Obama Recession, when the reason is staring them in the face - the Dems skimmed off tens, if not hundreds, of billions from the national coffers to their own pockets. Or, at least took their own oversized cut of the trillions borrowed under his watch.
Besides, if an agency were to operate efficiently and effectively, the statist Dems couldn't justify expanding government to perform the functions that the agency should be doing. And, more government means more government employees to vote Dem, and more money to siphon off to Dem party leaders and major donors.
Her best chance is to have another stroke/fall/whatever the hell happened to her, and gather all the sympathy she can. No talkee...
Senator Paul! How could you be so mean to a woman in distress!
Announce on Twitter.
Will her election be on Tinder?
It's a rerun of a show that was crap when it first ran. Now it's just older crap.
I think that Twitter makes sense for Hillary! It is very one sided, which allows her people to control the message, while still coming across as modern and hip. Which is going to be a big problem with her - she is old, arguably pre-Baby Boom in age, old enough to almost be a great grandmother. Gen-X, Gen-Y, and esp. the Millennials put Obama in office. Are they going to be voting for a corrupt grandmother? Whomever the Republicans nominate is likely to be a lot younger, and a lot more energetic. So, Twitter, videos, etc. have to be key for her, allowing her people to do much of the work, and to make sure that she doesn't have to exhaust herself.
"Columbian military, which could be used to aggressively quell labor unrest."
-- So she's not that different from Scott Walker after all! /sarc
It's catty to imply she's too chatty, Professor; all this focus on how much a woman talks might trigger the sexism alarms (they've been known to sometimes have hair triggers)--be careful!
Good to note that to Mr. Mahal money given to a private "charity" organization and influences a government official is equivalent to funds spent by political organizations on campaigns or issues. Totally the same thing, you guys. Right wingers are so hypocritical!
After 8 years we got the new Nixon. Too bad Clinton does not have Ailes.
Garage M
Lord, son, but you are a bucket of stupid. You are trying to be cute about campaign finance when the topic is contributions to a charity run by an unelected official. Not the same thing. Really not.
Garage probably realizes this. He also realizes, deep down, that snide and false attacks like these are the only thing that can possibly work for Hillary during the campaign. Just like Harry Reid claiming that "some guy" told him that Mitt Romney hadn't paid taxes since Bush 41. It's a load of hogwash. Frankly, our dear comment friend should just change his name to "Garbage Mahal", because that's what will be flooding these boards right up to Election Day 2016.
@Alexander, ROFLMAO
"I understand I am here to speak and you are here to listen. Let's hope we both finish at the same time."
Adlai Stevenson
I hope she's starting a conversation with her gerontologist.
@Kyzrnick, the likelihood that this coming campaign will be really dirty means that Republicans need to pick someone who can fight back without going overboard.
Rand Paul is showing the way. I don't know whether I like his positions on all of the issues, but I hope Perry, Cruz, and Rubio are taking notes.
That HRC can even be considered is a total joke, and a sign of how much we have fallen as a nation.
@Michael, garage fell out of the stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down.
Ah, the old ones are still the best.
Hillary's conversations are carefully scripted so as to remove reason and accountability.
Sorry, Liz lovers, she is out. Listen to her being interviewed by Savavannah whodat on March 31. (NBC?)
She denied about 5 times she was running, had ever thought of running or would consider it no matter what happened.
She made Sherman's classic refusal seem positively wishy-washy.
Perhaps Hilary's people got to her?
The NoAgenda boys had an interesting supposition in the Sunday show: They suspect that Liz said "I have an important announcement to make and would like to do it on your show." Savannah et al figured it was to announce she was running and went "Oh, yeah! What a get!"
Turned out the important announcement was that her book is coming out (is now out?) in paperback.
Savannah, all primed to talk about the candidacy was wrong footed and had no idea how to recover. Listen to the interview. It is hilarious.
John Henry
Laslo that's the first thing I've seen you say that wasn't a sexual riff of some sort. We've been "talked at" by Shrillary for a long time now.
One of Dennis Miller's best lines came in 2008 when he said that Hillary sounded like his first ex wife.
Hillary has aged now--and she now sounds like the mother in law from hell.
Conversations with such folks are to be avoided--at all costs. Let her go sit on a stool and mumble into the corner. She is, or should be, the equivalent of a Greek Ya Ya--the old crone of a mother in law who comes to live with her daughter in her old age. Dressed in black, a Ya Ya should be seen--and not heard.
Paul and Cruz both announce with spellbinding speeches outlining their vision and Hilary is going to announce via Twitter?
In fairness, I think her vision is apt for Twitter's 140 characters:
I put up with Bill for all these years and I deserve it!
John Henry
I can hear Peggy Lee singing "Is that all there is?"
Besides Hilary, who do the dems have?
Warren is unequivocally out.
Biden? Other than Bush the last sitting VP to be elected was Jefferson. Of those who got to the office, none were re-elected to a second full term. (not counting the rump term) One exception, Nixon and look how that worked out. Ford could not even get elected to a first term.
O'Malley? Seriously? Who's he? What is his record in MD?
Chaffee? Former Rep, indpendent, Dem this week.
I heard speculation that John Kerry is putting the band back together and may try again. That will be good for the elate night shows.
Anyone else? Bueller? Bueller?
Come to think of it, Ferris Bueller is now eligible and would be better than any of the above.
John Henry
And just by way of no harm: Ted Cruz came out of the gate and raised $31,000,000 his first week.
Most of it in relatively small contributions.
But if 2 of the Koch brothers had given it to him in one lump sum, that would be OK too.
John Henry
Not to be out done by Cruz, Paul beat up on a reporter which is always nice to see.
Better than that, he was apparently playing a move ahead. He got Debbie Wasserman, Dem big kahuna, to beclown herself and say that the Democratic party is fine with partial birth abortion.
In fact, she went further. She said that if a woman could find a doctor so morally dead as to do it, the party has no problem killing a health baby just before it exits the vagina.
She was bit more succinct but that is what she said.
And this was in response to Paul baiting her. Rand is the man!
What next? Cruz gets Biden to come out in favor of post-birth abortion? You just know it is something Biden could say. Perhaps not on purpose but he is Joe Biden, after all.
John Henry
It is probable that Clinton's email fiasco involved the commission of a federal crime. If the congressional Repubs were smart, they would refer it to the DOJ with a request that she be prosecuted and condemn DOJ and Dem corruption when it doesn't happen.
This would be preferable to hearings and a media sideshow. The Dems prevail in sideshows.
"Professor, has Hillary "lost" you yet? Has anyone who has ever lost you found you again?"
I've saved my "lost me" analysis until the end, I think, except I did recent say that Rand Paul lost me. He could conceivably win me back.
I had some ideas to share with Hillary back in her "let's have a conversation about your ideas and mine."
I sent her my ideas in an email.
She probably doesn't have the email anymore.
But Vlad Putin does.
I'd like to see HRC submit to a Chris Christie "Bridgegate" style press conference where she answers every questions from every reporter until they run out of questions for her after 2 hours.
I have 4 questions for her:
1. Why are you running for president?
2. Why should I, a successful, middle-class, middle-aged, married white man vote for you?
3. Compare and contrast your proposed foreign policy with the one you implemented when you were Secretary of State.
4. What are you going to do about the 10+% of the workforce that is unemployed, underemployed, or has given up looking for work?
Advice to the GOP:
Napoleon’s maxim: "Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself."
Don't attack the woman, let the steady stream of email server and Clinton Foundation stories, along with HRC's inevitable gaffes and prevarications do her in.
@Jason, also Xi Jinping and nearly everybody else.
"Besides Hilary, who do the dems have?"
Jim Webb, possibly. I can't stand him, he's a jerk and a blowhard ... but I'm not a Dem. And many Dems might find him to be a desirable alternative to Hillary.
I've saved my "lost me" analysis until the end, I think, except I did recent say that Rand Paul lost me. He could conceivably win me back
By divorcing his wife and marrying a man? Of course, then you'd have the whole "war on women" thing then......
Martin O'Malley, Patrick Duvall
If HRC can fail upwards, why can't one of them?
It would have to be Duvall as the dems can't run white men any more. Unwritten rule
Jason said...
I sent her my ideas in an email.
She probably doesn't have the email anymore.
But Vlad Putin does.
As likely do the Chinese, the Norks, Anonymous, and the Israelis. We could probably buy back for a song.
As I've written before, Trey Gowdy is making a mistake. If he really wants to see Hillary Clinton's Email then the House should send the subpoena to the Russian Embassy.
"whether a Clinton administration would leave our entire government exposed to malware attacks"
You are assuming there is anything left that any enemy would be interested in by then.
The Iranians are telling everyone that Obama and Kerry are lying and, so far, I have not seen any credible reply.
My question is whether the Saudi royal family will still be ruling Riyadh in 2016 or if the Iranians will have it. Or if it is still standing.
"In fairness, I think her vision is apt for Twitter's 140 characters:
I put up with Bill for all these years and I deserve it!"
140 characters of Hillary! is about all a decent country can take.
Hillary talks, expecting everyone else to sit down, shut up, and do what she tells them.
You vote for her, you might just get her, and get her good and hard like you deserve.
Garage, there is a difference between spending money on a political campaign, especially if you are an American and have a right to do so, and spending money bribing a politician, especially if you are a foreigner and forbidden from participation in US politics.
I would argue that there may be a direct connection between Hillary's complete lack of any sense of style and her inability to make rational decisions.
But more study is needed.
Ugh. I'm so tired of her. She's not just past her freshness date, she's past her freshness century! I'm ready for Hillary... to GTF away!
It's all about the dialogue, the chat, the conversation:
Don't you mean, The Narrative?
The second of Unknown's four questions was,
2. Why should I, a successful, middle-class, middle-aged, married white man vote for you?
Because your wife will take you to the cleaners in divorce court if you don't.
I'm afraid I think Hillary will win, but many of the votes for her will be grudging, and I suspect the turnout for a presidential contest could be the lowest ever.
Bob said...
"I'm afraid I think Hillary will win, but many of the votes for her will be grudging, and I suspect the turnout for a presidential contest could be the lowest ever."
Only if jeb is the other choice.
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