While she has no planned pit stops on her road trip — which was her own idea — the candidate stopped by a gas station in Pennsylvania on Sunday. She later tweeted a picture of the stop, saying, “Road trip! Loaded the van & set off for IA. Met a great family when we stopped this afternoon. Many more to come. -H”I'm calling it her Everyday People campaign, because "everyday" is the word that jumped out of Hillary's announcement video, which I summarized yesterday like this:
Clinton asked top aides whether a road trip was feasible about a month ago, one of her staffers said. Instead of a motorcade, she is traveling in a three-car caravan, the smallest possible arrangement given the former first lady’s security constraints.
There are a whole lot of people in it saying this and that about their lives, but take my word for it, Hillary Clinton shows up in the end and says something about her life... that's she's running for President:She said "everyday Americans," but I'm saying "Everyday People," because: 1. The connection being made is from the lofty, elite Hillary to the common people, and there's no stress on the distinction between American people and people elsewhere, and 2. When I hear "everyday" used as an adjective, I think of the song "Everyday People" by Sly and the Family Stone: "I am no better and neither are you/We are the same whatever we do/You love me. you hate me, you know me, and then/You can't figure out the bag I'm in/I am everyday people...." Seems fitting!
There's some connection between "everyday Americans" and Hillary Clinton. That's the idea to be planted in your head. It's just an ad. It could just as well be a Coca-Cola ad. Good people, going about their everyday lives, and then The Product! There's no sense or reason to any of it, but why should there be?
So here she is tweeting "Road trip!" like a freewheeling young person, when the truth is that she hasn't driven a car since 1996. She can't really be spontaneous and everyday, but that's the image she wants you to see (and you can't figure out the bag she's in). "Instead of a motorcade, she is traveling in a three-car caravan..." Do everyday people understand the motorcade/caravan distinction?
Having written about the new ad, I was drawn in by a headline at Vox: "Hillary Clinton’s announcement video is surprisingly bold, fascinating filmmaking." Despite the headline, most of the analysis of Hillary's video — by Todd VanDerWerff — is like mine (though VanDerWerff shows more enthusiasm):
The first things we see in "Getting Started" aren't anything we'd associate with campaign imagery. They are, instead, a bunch of people going about their daily lives. And that goes on for most of the ad....VanDerWerff's article veers deeply into film-studies material about the placement of the figure in the frame and the colors and shapes. The headline is misleading because this sort of thing is only "fascinating" to people who are into that sort of close inspection. It would be more accurate to say: Come on, let's get film-studies geeky about Hillary's video. Or really: ... about Hillary and Rand Paul's videos, because much of the article is about 2 Rand Paul videos. I had not seen either of those, and they really are very different from Hillary's video... and different from each other. But that's material for another post, so I will stop here.
We're meant to be pleased that they're taking control of their lives — everybody in the ad has some big goal they're working toward — but also think that we could just walk up to them and start having a conversation. Like we could with all of these people!...
[The ad] subtly reinforces [Hillary's] connection to everybody else in the video. They're all part of the same movement, the same goal. The woman who's moving so her daughter can go to a better school has a dream that is no better or worse than Clinton's ambition of running for president.
५१ टिप्पण्या:
Do everyday people understand the motorcade/caravan distinction?
Sure, a motorcade is what politicians travel in, a caravan is what gypsies (sorry, Roma) travel in. The caravan is closer to the fun and free "road trip!" meme that Hillary! wants us to use and Politico is doing what it can to keep it going.
Yes, America, get into the back of the Van.
Ass, Gas or Cash, No One rides in the Van for Free.
Well: Cash, mainly.
I am Laslo.
If the lead vehicle of three is a dark colored Chevy Suburban with tinted windows, oversized tires, antennas and 4 guys in blue suits with shades on and the third vehicle looks the same, it doesn't matter, it's a motorcade...
It wont fool the farmers in Iowa.
If I were a neurologist, I'd do my level best to say "diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks" as often as humanly possible.
I want to meet the little people.
“Better to sleep in an uncomfortable bed free, than sleep in a comfortable bed unfree.”
― Jack Kerouac, On the Road
Maybe appropriate.
We'll sleep in the bed the voters make.
I am Laslo.
If life gives you motors, make motorcade.
From the article:
“We know at some point she’ll get OJ’ed like the White Bronco,” said one campaign aide, anticipating a highly-watched drive. “But it’s worth the risk … If she gets mobbed or we have a circus-type scene, that’s one day in an 18-month campaign, and we can deal with it.”
Really? Mobbed? The only interest I have in this is whether she'll actually be at the wheel. But I suppose she could be mobbed -- by journalists creating the news.
Why is she not already in jail?
I am not Laslo.
I want to see a picture of her in the middle of Utah, parked on an off-ramp, with her peeing on the side of road. With the Secret Service in a protective circle around her.
Laslo Spatula said...
We'll sleep in the bed the voters make.
Hopefully the voters won't shit the bed. Again.
Not impressed with the campaign at all, but it has so little to work with.
Who pays the tolls?
Sustained driving is exhausting. She'll look kinda tired at the end of the trip.
MadisonMan said...
Sustained driving is exhausting. She'll look kinda tired at the end of the trip.
On a good day she looks tired. This way she'll have an excuse :)
Fox31 in Denver has this figured out.
Put on the screen "GOP takes aim at Hillary" and then tell us you looked and you found some tweets that "attacked" Clinton. Then show two pics of Hill with reglur 'Mericans 5 times each, will little to say.
Just keep flashing the pics and quoting or paraphrasing Scott Walker being mean by tweeting 'Hillary designed as SOS the failed policies Obama is "executing."'
Rand Paul was being mean selling the Hillary Hard-drives too.
What's with these mean GOP?
America's Politico has it written right: Lie big that Hillary is likable, then repeat repeat repeat the GOP hates women/science/equality/diversity.
Let's say you live along the route of this little con ride. Think of the fun you could have with one of those commercial drones. Is there a law against hovering over a "caravan?"
The con ... is on !!!!
The Magical Mystery Tour!
Hillary would be perfectly likable if she wasn't seeking power.
Laslo trades ass gas for rides?
Interesting. Dr. Snugglefarts approves I presume.
Along with former President of the United States of America, Bill Clinton.
But Hill, not so much.
Hillary is banking on the idea that America will go through the Kübler-Ross model with their ideals, finally ending at Acceptance.
The first four stages are denial, anger, bargaining and depression: these provide the overwhelming exhaustion needed for Stage Five.
We'll probably be there when she hits Utah.
I am Laslo.
And the van can swing by Chelsea's house, for a joyous visit with the grandchild at the end of a long day of driving.
I would think this campaign would be the signal for a new edition of Unlimited Access Gary Aldrich's book about the Clinton White House and how Hillary treated the real "little people" around them.
There are a couple of Hillary books out now and they kind of agree about her.
In a remarkable news story in Sunday’s Washington Post, “The making of Hillary 5.0: Marketing wizards help re-imagine Clinton brand,” reporters Philip Rucker and Anne Gearan reveal that “two of corporate America’s branding wizards” are being consulted to help develop a brand, slogan, logo and the like for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. These consultants, who have worked for corporate behemoths such as Coca-Cola, Southwest Airlines and Wal-Mart, specialize in making what is old look new again.
She's the real thing!
Real people, who have real jobs, responsibilities, children, can't just spontaneously decide to go on a road trip. It's something college kids who are still living with the benefits of their parents resources (health insurance thanks Obama), folks who've figgured out how to live entirely off the public dole, and the really rich can do. I've worked at the same job for 20 years, and I get 20 days of vacation, and I have to have my vacation scheduled and approved by April 1st. Not very spontanious Huh?
Of course Hilary is if I'm correct past the social security full retirement age, so she could go on a permanent road trip if she desires.
I just hope she's careful what motels she stays in, because I'd hate to see her bring bed bugs into the Whithouse with her.
Being 'Dollar Bill's' wife means she has Secret Service protection (when they are not drunk or whoring around) and thus any stops are vetted before they get there.
It's all phony, just as all Clinton's are.
Her slogan is "It's your time"
Aside from the obvious PMS joke, I think this slogan is aimed primarily at women voters.
It's also kind of subliminal. Every time we see Hillary's face we're supposed to think "It's your time."
"...two of corporate America’s branding wizards” are being consulted to help develop a brand, slogan, logo and the like for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign."
Sort of like "New Coke". Except people really liked the old Coke.
When does she hold up her favorite hunting Rifle? Soon, the whole trip being about her image. And when will she stop at a McDonalds and a Cracker Barrel?
I hope Breitbart sneaks in for some real video.
There's literally nothing on Earth funnier now than conservatives on Twitter who think @HillaryClinton is enjoying a honeymoon w/ the media
6:12 PM - 12 Apr 2015
So hard in this new media age to do anything that looks spontaneous to political world. This Hillary road trip idea has done just that
6:11 PM - 12 Apr 2015
Does your Granny tweet, or tweat as she calls it? Do you follow her? Do you cringe?
How about when she comes into the hipster bar and wants to lean in and have a conversation?
Her tweets are lame. She doesn't get it at all, not in the least, and yet she tweets on laying her lameness down. Over and over.
Plus she texts. With emoticons.
Look for Democrat politicians to start criticizing Hillary from the left as not Progressive enough. The idea is to help her image as a centrist.
Of course they'll endorse her completely down the road.
Browndog said...
In a remarkable news story in Sunday’s Washington Post, “The making of Hillary 5.0: Marketing wizards help re-imagine Clinton brand,” reporters Philip Rucker and Anne Gearan reveal that “two of corporate America’s branding wizards” are being consulted to help develop a brand, slogan, logo and the like for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. These consultants, who have worked for corporate behemoths such as Coca-Cola, Southwest Airlines and Wal-Mart, specialize in making what is old look new again.
If we had real journalists, this is the first thing they would ask about, if they ever got to actually ask an un-preapproved question.
Sustained driving is exhausting. She'll look kinda tired at the end of the trip.
It's a Potemkin motorcade. She'll be in a nice hotel, and helicopter in as necessary.
The Hillary campaign will provide precious moments of spontaneity that are well planned and carefully scripted.
Her spontaneity is always the best money can buy.
two of corporate America’s branding wizards” are being consulted to help develop a brand, slogan, logo and the like for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. These consultants, who have worked for corporate behemoths such as Coca-Cola, Southwest Airlines and Wal-Mart, specialize in making what is old look new again.
Heh. Which campaign slogans from those companies could they recycle for Hillary? A few to ry:
Want to Get Away
Make It Real
Grab Your Bag, It's On
We Sell For Less Everyday
Ice Cold Sunshine
Without a Heart, It's Just a Machine
No Reason
"I may not be smart enough to secure my mail server, but I'm smart enough to stay in a Holiday Inn Express!"
HRC, Road trip 4/2015
Hillary's caravan will stop in Council Bluffs, but then sneak across the river to Omaha for the Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting so she can rub elbows with her people in the NetJets and big Money set..
Yeah, sure. As if she just pulls in somewhere along the way so she can use the bathroom to pee.
Hillary Tour Name just leaked:
On-the-RAGBRAI Screech & Cackle Call
Hillary campaign manager for Jefferson County just announced..
Rhubarb Lady!!
Hard-nosed and primed to get all up in your face when caught stealing your stuff
Felony Clinton is a fitting candidate for the Democrats.
Will she take a turn driving the van? Does it come back after 20 yrs, like riding a bike? Will she need a driving coach? There might some interesting traffic maneuvers during this trip. Will there be groupies? Anti-groupies?
Well i'll give her this. She may actually be riding in that van, and the trip may be longer than 10 miles.
When Obozo was taking a "bus tour" through the Midwest, Air Force One would land somewhere within 10 miles of the next burg to be besieged with Obozo's bus tour, and he'd get in the bus, ride 10 miles, and get out and dispense his "charm". He'd then go back to the plane, fly on to the nest stop etc, get in the bus again.
Now I'm not saying that Ol Shrillary has a lot of miles on the chassis (but you can look at the face and guess that) but she may be putting a few more on while doing this "spontaneous" road trip.
I've done more than a few road trips and there will be nothing on this charade that will be anything like a real road trip.
I am not Laslo either
If you're a Democrat, are you happy about this Hillary coronation, or would you prefer to have some more choices?
I bet most Democrats are happy about the coronation.
I bet most Democrats are happy about the coronation.
The only thing that matters is not electing a Republican, so if she's the best way to get that, they are happy.
I bet most Democrats are happy about the coronation.
The only thing that matters is not electing a Republican, so if she's the best way to get that, they are happy.
"If you're a Democrat, are you happy about this Hillary coronation, or would you prefer to have some more choices?
I bet most Democrats are happy about the coronation."
I don't know about that--would a Republican be happy if Jeb Bush used threats and strong arm tactics to keep any other viable candidate out of the race, and in this hypothetical Jeb Bush had a track record of incompetence and corruption and sold out key Republican constituencies at several turns?
I think Democratic turnout in the general will depend a lot more on what the GOP does than on Hillary.
Will the van ever be parked down by a river?
So Hillary is cribbing from Toyota?
Given that the choices were roadtrip or toga party, I think that Hillary made the smart choice
I don't believe for a moment that she doesn't have planned stops.
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