২৮ এপ্রিল, ২০১৫

"Head Start for Jeb Bush Campaign Is Part of Scott Walker’s Plan."

NYT headline. Excerpt:
In emphasizing their long-range strategy, Mr. Walker’s advisers are seeking to lower expectations ahead of the first fund-raising totals for most candidates and their “super PACs,” which will be made public in mid-July. They also want to minimize expectations at this stage for Mr. Walker as a head-to-head competitor against Mr. Bush, who talks about policy with greater ease and confidence.

Advisers to Mr. Walker do not see any choice: Mr. Bush is raising money prodigiously, telling donors at a private gathering in Miami last weekend that his political organization was set to break political fund-raising records. Mr. Walker believes his best shot is to peak as a well-prepared, solidly financed candidate as Iowa, New Hampshire and other states start voting in February and March.

২০টি মন্তব্য:

Brando বলেছেন...

Dangerous strategy--lower the expectations too much and you get overlooked by donors and local supporters. If Bush manages to shore up the establishment and make inroads among the right wing, it'll leave little room for Walker to emerge.

Rubio may be the bigger threat to Bush--they compete for a lot of the same supporters. I'm surprised the two of them didn't work out some deal ahead of time, but maybe there was no way they could come to an agreement, or maybe things are frosty between them.

Brando বলেছেন...

Walker might find Rick Perry to be more of a threat to him than Bush--Perry can arguably straddle the evangelical Right, the Tea Party Right, and the business-focused establishment (plus being a Texan arguably gives him regional appeal in the south and west). At the very least, these primaries will be interesting. For the first time in a while, I have no idea who is going to be the front runner.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

Just imagine a Clinton v. Bush election.

(runs away screaming)

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

Walker, Wisconsin Ranger.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Much as I would like to see a guy who can appear in the nightmares of the drum-circle jerking left POTUS, I don't think it is going to be Walker.

MAJMike বলেছেন...

Jeb could've run in 2000. Many said that was a better choice than G.W. However, he didn't, G.W. did and won.

Jeb had his chance and chose not to participate. He should stay home.

Brando বলেছেন...

"Jeb could've run in 2000. Many said that was a better choice than G.W. However, he didn't, G.W. did and won."

That was back in the day when people thought a presidential candidate needed more than a year of experience in elected office before he should run for the big job. Remember, Jeb only became Florida governor in early 1999.

He should have run in 2008 (though the Bush name was mud that year, and that was not going to be a good year for Republicans in any event) or 2012. At this point, under the "14 years" theory, Jeb is stale. He might be able to overcome that, depending on his competition. Even Mitt Romney pulled it off--don't underestimate winning by default!

Sebastian বলেছেন...

""Head Start for Jeb Bush Campaign Is Part of Scott Walker’s Plan.""

Umm, no.

Money alone won't win it for Jeb, of course, but it will allow him to be competitive early and remain viable even if he doesn't win, then stay in the race until big-state primaries, where he'll have an advantage.

"Mr. Walker believes his best shot is to peak as a well-prepared, solidly financed candidate"

Which may work if at that point he catches up and is "solidly financed." At this point, he is not as "well-prepared" as Jeb. But he is learning.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi বলেছেন...

Jeb = Hillary's dream opponent.

bbkingfish বলেছেন...

"They also want to minimize expectations at this stage for Mr. Walker as a head-to-head competitor against Mr. Bush, who talks about policy with greater ease and confidence.

Advisers to Mr. Walker do not see any choice: Mr. Bush is raising money prodigiously..."


Walker has foot-in-mouth disease and can't raise meaningful campaign money because Republican billionaires think Scotty is an idiot.

I would say Walker's bigger fundraising problem is that, unlike bloggers who reap profits feeding Wisconsin's conservative fishies, the big GOP donors have noticed that two recent polls have shown Walker's home state popularity is in free-fall.

His handlers know it's all over. Their Hail Mary desperation strategy is to hope that Walker can somehow cram his head full of all that useless knowledge he thought was entirely unnecessary back when he was a smaller kid than he is today.

tim maguire বলেছেন...

Brando said...
Dangerous strategy--lower the expectations too much and you get overlooked by donors and local supporters.

Reminds me a bit of Guiliani's 2008 campaign. He purposely skipped the first couple primaries to focus on the first set of big states. Except by waiting, he was already written off, it was too late, his campaign was done.

Walker has already been the flavor of the week, he may not get a second chance to make a first impression.

Scott বলেছেন...

"Head Start for Jeb Bush Campaign Is Part of Scott Walker’s Plan."

At least until they're ready for kindergarten.

Brando বলেছেন...

"Jeb = Hillary's dream opponent."

I don't think that's necessarily the case. Jeb's weaknesses against Hillary include the last name Bush, the GOP giving up the ability to argue against dynasties and "older generation" candidates, and the fact that many conservatives don't trust Jeb (despite his rather conservative record).

But his strengths against her include a relatively (but somewhat inaccurate) moderate image that won't scare non-conservatives, a good record governing a large and diverse state, and the plausible ability to unite the middle and right wings of his party and perhaps do better among hispanics than Romney (though it'd be harder to do worse).

Hillary's "dream" candidate I'd guess would be someone she could easily paint as extreme right wing (Ted Cruz would make it very easy for her to do so), so as to scare the Left into voting for her despite their reservations, and make moderates break for the Democrats when they otherwise might have been willing to give the GOP a shot.

mccullough বলেছেন...

Jeb can raise $1 trillion. He's not going to be President.

The man lives in a bubble thicker than Obama's.

The money will be great for the political strategists.

Achilles বলেছেন...

If Jeb wins the nomination the republican party is finished. We don't need another big government republican. The last time we had a republican president and congress we got a beans new entitlement and government grew every year.

The next republican nominee is their last chance.

Brando বলেছেন...

"If Jeb wins the nomination the republican party is finished. We don't need another big government republican."

Is Jeb a big government republican? I don't recall any stories about his being particularly "big government" compared to other large-state GOP governors. Maybe he has been, and these stories will come out--but I don't see how he got this reputation?

As for what sort of president he will be, I'm not aware of any big government proposals he's putting out there. If he does that, I don't see him winning the nomination.

retired বলেছেন...

Who cares what the enemy, the nyt says about Walker, or the rino Bush for that matter?

buck smith বলেছেন...

Walker or Rubio will win, probably Walker. Jeb and Hillary will not win. Hillary is a bad, bad candidate, she will not win a national campaign. Jeb might could win a national campaign but he will not get the repub nomination.

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