১০ মার্চ, ২০১৫

"Our gender identity non-discrimination policy states that members and guests may use all gym facilities based on their sincere self-reported gender identity."

"The manner in which this member expressed her concerns about the policy exhibited behavior that management at the Midland club deemed inappropriate and disruptive to other members, which is a violation of the membership agreement and as a result her membership was cancelled."

Do you have a problem with the Planet Fitness policy? If so, why? I've been avoiding talking about this particular controversy of the week. I'm writing about it now because Planet Fitness has put into words something very close to the way I was thinking about it.

First, I don't know how the woman who complained expressed herself (and that is something you need to know to understand what happened). But second, Planet Fitness has a particular brand, using slogans like "Judgment Free Zone" and "no critics." That's what it offers and that, it seems, is what it delivered. There are other gyms. If you want a gym with a strict no-penises-in-the-ladies-room policy, shop for one. If there is none, then the product you want isn't in the marketplace. You can exercise at home.

By the way, I think there are many people who use health clubs and avoid the locker rooms. Show up in your gym clothes, leave in them, and shower and change at home. There are plenty of people who prefer privacy when undressing and bathing, and the same-sexitude of even a traditional locker room is not privacy enough. 

২০১টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   201 এর 201 – থেকে 201
Lilith বলেছেন...

I'd like to point out that many of you are trying to say that "woman" or "lady" refers strictly to ones sex, not to their gender. I myself am transgender and have faced many problems, I now have to avoid public restrooms or gender discriminatory areas and face people every day who are disgusted by who I am. And to address that many think that there are people who will "sincerely" pronounce themselves as the opposite gender,I bring to light that means having begun treatment for the transition, beginning with HRT, which leads to the development of breasts, the loss of fertility and other irreversible effects. And to get to the point of HRT you need to go through at least tree months of therapy with a trained professional and get their approval. So I wouldn't think that anyone is stupid enough to go through that kind of a process just to "peep" on woman unless they were totally brain dead.
If you don't feel comfortable with this, find a place where you can be comfortable, I know that it is a pain in the ass to find anywhere that wasn't non discriminatory to transgender people before 2009, and even now I find that everywhere has their own special way of shepherding people into categories. But complaining about them complaining was taking it too far, I have dealt with people who think it is okay to come to the edge of harassing me and had to deal with it myself, although that may be a part of my upbringing.

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন ‹পুরাতন   201 এর 201 – থেকে 201   আরও নতুন» সবচেয়ে নতুন»