২৩ মার্চ, ২০১৫

"New York Republican voters are all over the lot with four — count 'em, four — candidates in double digits and no one in command."

A new Quinnipiac poll.

২৭টি মন্তব্য:

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

I think I am going to tune out of politics until the voting starts. I am sure you will all miss my trenchant analysis, outre commentary, and sparkling wit...

Hagar বলেছেন...

Is not "New York Republican" a contradiction in terms?

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Bush III and Walker I are equal among the registered Republicans.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

Paul second to Walker with the 'very conservative.' crowd. That's interesting.

RMc বলেছেন...

"New Yorkers love their Adopted Daughter from Chappaqua. Hillary Clinton simply wipes out the presidential opposition. Not only does she dominate the Democrats, she trounces every Republican wannabe, over the magic 50 percent mark in every contest," said Maurice Carroll, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.

I love how "Adopted Daughter" is capitalized, as if it were a title.

The Dems have exactly one viable candidate, and she's barely getting half the vote? That ain't love.

Laslo Spatula বলেছেন...

Too bad Scott Walker's parents didn't name him 'Sky' instead.

There is a whole generation out there that would come out in droves to vote for "Sky Walker", regardless of his politics.

Scott Vader's parents, a different problem.

I am Laslo.

YoungHegelian বলেছেন...

I can understand why the Republican voters would be all over the map, as there really is no clear leader in the field.

But, Clinton trouncing all the other Democrats, including the locals like Cuomo by such margins? I can't believe that the Democrats putting all their eggs in the Hillary basket! I would put her chance of imploding due to scandal or health between now & the election at least 50%. I've never understood what it is about her that commands such devotion.

Then again, I've never understood why anyone would watch Oprah Winfrey for more than five minutes, so what do I know?

Bushman of the Kohlrabi বলেছেন...

I've never understood what it is about her that commands such devotion.

It's spelled B.I.L.L.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"Is not "New York Republican" a contradiction in terms?"

It makes me think of Nelson Rockefeller and John Lindsay.

John Lindsay. Back in the 60s, I believed he'd be President soon.

Nelson Rockefeller, the least legitimate Vice President of all time (not elected but selected and selected by a President who himself was not elected but selected... by a President who resigned in dishonor).

YoungHegelian বলেছেন...

Nelson Rockefeller, the least legitimate Vice President of all time

But, at least he died in a manly fashion, befitting a man of his rank & station, i.e. having a heart attack while banging his secretary at the office.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Walker still occupies all the high ground.

Northerners sense he is a northerner in his heart and trust him.

Southerners sense he is an Evangelical in his heart and trust him.

Reaganomics Firsters sense he is one of them in his heart and trust him.

The only question left is where can they find a single State which could lose.

Tom বলেছেন...

Competition is a good thing for the GOP. Hillary hasn't stood for election since 2008 and she lost. Her entitlement bleeds through and Obama is knifing her and Bill every chance he gets. (The greatest accomplishment of the Obama administration may be to prevent the return of the Clinton Dynasty).

How, whomever is president is going to face some tough choices -- Pain now or excruciating pain later. Inflation is going to rise. Our debt, expecially social security and medicare, is going to explode (when you combine the future liabilities of social security and medicare to the national debt, it totals about $90 trillion). And, finally, by 2030, folks over 65 will make up 20% of the population -- with not enough workers to feed them. The wars with ISIL, Iran, and Russia are mere distractions compared to the War with Math.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Why does it matter who NY voters want for President in 2016? If the GOP got NY electoral votes, it would be a 400 EC rout.

Is the issue, which top of the ballot candidate can help down ballot?

PA matters, NH matters, VA matters, OH matters, NY, Not at all

Wince বলেছেন...

This is the first putatively independent pollster I can remember mimicking the rhetoric of a carnival barker.

"New Yorkers love their Adopted Daughter from Chappaqua. Hillary Clinton simply wipes out the presidential opposition. Not only does she dominate the Democrats, she trounces every Republican wannabe, over the magic 50 percent mark in every contest," said Maurice Carroll, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll...

"New York Republican voters are all over the lot with four - count 'em, four - candidates in double digits and no one in command," Carroll added.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Nelson Rockefeller, the least legitimate Vice President of all time

Though he was cheating on his wife, he was however more honest, more qualified and more capable than most of our VPs.

PS: Rumor has it he cheated on his first wife with an aide (Happy), who became his second wife after both divorced spouses #1.

He was found dead, in the company of a 25 y/o female aide. He was 70. It's good to be rich and famous.

Thorley Winston বলেছেন...

Part of it is that that even though it seems like the campaign for 2016 began in 2012, we’re still very early in the process and there are probably a lot of people holding back until they see who all of the presidential candidates will be. Most of the names on the list haven’t even declared themselves candidates yet.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"But, at least he died in a manly fashion, befitting a man of his rank & station, i.e. having a heart attack while banging his secretary at the office."

When I put up my post, I predicted that in less than 10 minutes, someone would bring up how Nelson Rockefeller died.

Fortunately, the old prick did not live to hear how his entire career would be subordinated to that single tidbit of information.

Nonapod বলেছেন...

Polling results of NY Republicans is all a interesting but pointless exercise. It's like knowing that there may be a massive subsurface ocean on Ganymede, it's information that doesn't effect your immediate life much. And speaking as a registered NY Republican I can assure you that my vote means exactly nothing. And yes, I'm bitter about that. I always vote anyway though... even though it's like farting into a windstorm.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"Why does it matter who NY voters want for President in 2016?"

95 delegates to the GOP convention.

Michael K বলেছেন...

"having a heart attack while banging his secretary at the office."

I don't believe it was the office. It was her apartment, if I remember correctly, and she, instead of calling for an ambulance, called her friend so they could decide what story to make up.

True love is beautiful. Red Sanders the UCLA football coach died the same way.

bleh বলেছেন...

Marco Rubio is going to win the nomination. Sorry, Althouse. I like Walker but he is peaking too soon. And his polite Midwestern style is so old-fashioned and hokey. He's so white ... almost as white as Mitt.

If Obama has proven anything, it's that America wants some mustard on its hot dog.

Walker will fade, Rubio will rise, Rand Paul will lurk in the shadows, and Chris Christie will make a short-lived comeback before saying something stupid. It's going to come down to Rubio and Jeb. If an upstart like Rubio can defeat the Bush machine -- no small feat considering Rubio is himself from Bush country -- then Rubio has what it takes to win the general election.

Hagar বলেছেন...

Hillary! is the candidate of the kleptocracy, and that is not a small thing for another candidate to overcome.

bleh বলেছেন...

For some reason I thought Harding also died of a heart attack while in the company of a mistress. His wikipedia page disagrees with my memory.

Someone fed me some bullshit.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Proving once again that a small enough sample size begats a large standard deviation.

YoungHegelian বলেছেন...

When I put up my post, I predicted that in less than 10 minutes, someone would bring up how Nelson Rockefeller died.

Like we, your commenteriat, can ever keep our minds out of the gutter.

Well, at least, there are some things you can still depend on!

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

Trailing Secretary Clinton in the Democratic pack is U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts with 11 percent, Vice President Joseph Biden with 8 percent and Gov. Andrew Cuomo with 7 percent

Old people from the northeast. What a compelling choice for today's youngsters.

Gospace বলেছেন...

Hagar said...
Is not "New York Republican" a contradiction in terms?

Not in the rural counties.