Scott Walker, in his inauguration speech today, quoted in a NYT front-page piece with the headline "Scott Walker, Starting Second Term in Wisconsin, Steers Away From New Battle With Unions." The Times concentrates on Walker's potential as a 2016 presidential candidate and ends with:
“In contrast to the politicians along the Potomac, we get things done here in the Badger State,” Mr. Walker said. “There is a clear contrast between Washington and Wisconsin.”
৬৮টি মন্তব্য:
True freedom and prosperity come from escaping the mighty hand of government. So does self respect.
When will Walker enter the race... as a VP maybe?
If that is true, then why is Walker looking to expand welfare and government handouts all across the state?
"madisonfella said...
If that is true, then why is Walker looking to expand welfare and government handouts all across the state?"
Want to provide some details Penquin?
Prosperity doesn't come from the government, so don't blame me about that. And the billions in budget shortfalls. That's government you see.
It does seem like he's thinking about running.
garage: "And the billions in budget shortfalls. That's government you see"
Yes. It is.
"Shortfalls" occur when gov't spends more than it takes in.
So who do you want to blame garage?
The Kiwanis Club?
"So who do you want to blame garage?"
The party in complete control over the state's finances?
garage: "The party in complete control over the state's finances?"
So, what is the current (and by current I mean current) budget "shortfall", if any.
Want to provide some details Penquin?
If Penguin ever shows up on this blog then maybe she will. Or if you ever learn to use google then maybe you can find out for yourself.
A $200 allowance cut can have deadly consequences.
That said, a central government tends to induce misaligned development. The more comprehensive the scope, the greater the misalignment. A government operating with trillion dollar deficits will produce a brittle economy with substantial gaps.
"Or if you ever learn to use google then maybe you can find out for yourself."
Why would we want to?
Since garage is temporarily indisposed, I'll help him out here:
As of Oct14, WI ended the prior fiscal year with a $517M surplus.
Not bad.
No wonder the majority of WI voters decided to give the "family fire-ee" Mary Burke the boot and reelected Scott Walker.
It makes sense.
It is nice to hear a politician use the word "freedom". It's been out of fashion lately. Gays don't want "freedom to marry" (which they've always had), they want "marriage equality" (which can only be given to them by the State).
"madisonfella said...
Want to provide some details Penquin?
If Penguin ever shows up on this blog then maybe she will. Or if you ever learn to use google then maybe you can find out for yourself."
LOL "she"
And as usual you have nothing but your usual hit and run bullshit.
" Drago said...
Since garage is temporarily indisposed, I'll help him out here:
As of Oct14, WI ended the prior fiscal year with a $517M surplus.
Not bad."
Better yet, he cut taxes...income and property.
If we got into the wayback machine, you would find garage unfazed by Jim Doyle leaving with a $3.6 billion structural deficit after RAISING taxed by over a billion dollars. And raiding the transportation fund of a half billion dollars to balance the previous budget.
The Walker detractors are pretty lifeless tonight.
And as usual you have nothing but your usual hit and run bullshti
And as usual, you have nothing but childish taunts and hate_filled curse words.
And I am STILL waiting for this "absolute proof" you have that I am this Penguin person. Or Inga. Or Shortbus. Or Garage. Or any of the other names you accuse me of also using. Are you ever going to provide it or are you simply doing a "hit and run" with your accusations?
Drago cites a Fox affiliate which lead me to believe that it is an example of "confirmation bias." Many righties read only the sources that confirm their views and none that challenge them. I doubt very much if he has watched anything but Fox News for more than a few minutes in his life.
"I should know - I'm a medical doctor."
madisonfella said...
"And I am STILL waiting for this "absolute proof" you have that I am this Penguin person. Or Inga. Or Shortbus."
Despite your professed ignorance you have already referred to one of your previous personas as she. You can wait all you want for proof. Nobody cares about proof but you.
Anyone who hasn't picked a side would look at the Wisconsin budget Doyle passed with massive structural deficits that enriched union cronies at the expense of taxpayers compared to the budget Walker passed that is rebuilding the various funds Doyle raided. And with a tax cut to boot.
Only rabid partisans like Garage can find problems with it. But the whole point of changing names is to pretend you are somewhere in the center right Inga?
madisonfella: "Drago cites a Fox affiliate..."
Shorter madisonfella: A Fox affiliate has reported there is a budget surplus in WI for the previous year, therefore it did not really happen.
For those of us existing in the real world, that budget surplus still exists.
Earlier today a local Fox affiliate reported the weather.
Because it was a Fox affiliate, madisonfella now believes there was no weather today.
"Or if you ever learn to use google then maybe you can find out for yourself."
Shorter Inga: I am full of it.
"madisonfella said...
If that is true, then why is Walker looking to expand welfare and government handouts all across the state?"
This is just bullshit. Hence the usual "google it" crap.
And he is not inga...nope the MO is all Purplr Penquin. The hyperbole regarding vioelnce and death threats. PP for sure.
2.2 billion deficit headed into the next budget, and 700 million deficit in the transportation fund. Heckuva job Wisconsin. Heckuva job.
Scott Walker 3, MadisonInga 0.
Suck it, loser.
Also enjoying the butt hurt of Fatty Mahal today.
The Madison axis of overweight evil is reduced to sputtering incohoherent lies.
Maybe you can organize another recall. 4-0 sounds good to me.
Walker is good with a budget like President Moms Jeans is good at being a "lawyer".
Government has a big role in prosperity, That role includes assisting to provide stability, predictability, security and freedom. The freedoms include economic, intellectual and political.
Lefties might note that I have omitted "opportunity" from the above list. Creating opportunity is not a governmental function in itself, but a by product of effective provision of the other qualities described above.
Minnesota is winning this border battle.
"Walker is good with a budget like President Moms Jeans is good at being a "lawyer"."
Walker has provided a balanced budget without raising taxes EVERY time as Milwaukee County Executive and Governor.
Providing a balanced budget is a tremendous accomplishment when it is required by law.
"garage mahal said...
Providing a balanced budget is a tremendous accomplishment when it is required by law."
Of course that is not my was providing a balanced budget WITHOUT RAISING TAXES shortbus.
Why thank you for the compliment, Bitchtits.
Blood sugar high enough to put you in a good mood today?
.it was providing a balanced budget WITHOUT RAISING TAXES shortbus.
Sure, if you don't count Homestead Tax Credit, EITC, or forcing taxpayers to fund their schools through referendums after a 800 million cut.
Blood sugar high enough to put you in a good mood today?
I don't have diabetes dumb fuck.
In just a few posts noted WI middle school contact sports hero garage goes from complaining about nonexistent (in real time vs projected) WI state budget shortfalls to whining that walker deserves no credit for maintaining statutorily mandated state balanced budgets.
And he does it without missing a beat.
Oh, according to madisonfella garage is exhibiting extraordinary courage for posting such tripe on a blog such ad this.
"garage mahal said...
.it was providing a balanced budget WITHOUT RAISING TAXES shortbus.
Sure, if you don't count Homestead Tax Credit, EITC, or forcing taxpayers to fund their schools through referendums after a 800 million cut."
LOL. You forgot the millions saved through Act 10 shorbus. Act 10 has allowed virtually all communities to lower property taxes, and income taxes are down across the board. As far as the HTC and EITC, both are still in place, but better tied to income. BTW, in most case these credits are realized by people WHO PAY NO less free money. Boo fucking hoo.
garage mahal said...
...or forcing taxpayers to fund their schools through referendums after a 800 million cut.
OMG having to ask the taxpayers if they want to spend extra money, THE HORROR!
BTW, there were very few school districts asking for more money for operations dumbshit. Just a handful. And only half passed.
And there are 426 school districts in the state. So about 1% went to referrendum to increase operational expenses beyond the limit. 99% were just fine.
Keep flailing away though.
BTW, what was the budget deficit inherited by Walker from that icon of fiscal responsibility, Senor Doyle?
OMG having to ask the taxpayers if they want to spend extra money, THE HORROR!
Act 10 was a one trick pony, where is Walker going to make up billions in shortfalls this time? Even the dimmest bulbs in Wisconsin will figure this out sooner or later. I really hope these dumbasses feel the pain soon. Too bad the non-dumbasses will the pain with them. Oh well.
Shorter Inga: I am full of it.
I don't get that cheesy Inga vibe, her old lets-you-and-him-fight and run-to-teacher-and-tattle schtick.
Seen elsewhere regarding Scott Walker's national electability:
Does he radiate charisma? No, he doesn't.
Is he an electrifying speaker? No, he isn't.
Does he govern astride a throne made from the skulls of his enemies? Yes, yes he does.
garage mahal said...
OMG having to ask the taxpayers if they want to spend extra money, THE HORROR!
Act 10 was a one trick pony, where is Walker going to make up billions in shortfalls this time? Even the dimmest bulbs in Wisconsin will figure this out sooner or later. I really hope these dumbasses feel the pain soon. Too bad the non-dumbasses will the pain with them. Oh well.
It most certainly is not a "one trick pony". Every year municipalities and state agencies face costs issue in regard to employees. Act 10 allows them the freedom to not be painted into a corner.
As far as the rest, we will have a balanced budget. Without a tax increase.
But I think it's funny that you have such a concern. I think you should voluntarily pay taxes at your beloved MN rates. Pay the additional income, sales, and property tax. Do it shortbus!
I really hope these dumbasses feel the pain soon.
WEAC is already feeling it.
As far as the rest, we will have a balanced budget. Without a tax increase.
Somebody is getting fucked over to make up that 3 billion deficit. No way around it. Meanwhile, Minnesota is looking at a 1.6 billion surplus. Walker as a good steward over money is the biggest laugh since Tony Mandarich.
"Pay the additional income, sales, and property tax."
I wish Wisconsin had Minnesota's property taxes.
"garage mahal said...
Somebody is getting fucked over to make up that 3 billion deficit. No way around it. Meanwhile, Minnesota is looking at a 1.6 billion surplus. Walker as a good steward over money is the biggest laugh since Tony Mandarich."
Move to Minnesota short bus. Enjoy that surplus. Seriously, MN is taxed higher than WI. And WI has cut taxes so that gap will widen. Only a fucking moron thinks that Minnesotans have it better off.
Original Mike said...
"Pay the additional income, sales, and property tax."
I wish Wisconsin had Minnesota's property taxes.
This is true...I really was talking total taxation, as you can't really pick and choose. That said, of you DON'T own property, then WI is that much better.
garage: "Somebody is getting fucked over to make up that 3 billion deficit."
Shorter garage: All money belongs to the gov't.
Move to Minnesota short bus. Enjoy that surplus. Seriously, MN is taxed higher than WI
Actually I could move to MN tomorrow, and a lot of people from Wisconsin have moved to MN. Wisconsin is a fundy tea party hellhole and it's only going to get worse. Irretrievably fucked. I'll be laughing watching it burn to the ground. The sooner the better.
garage: "Actually I could move to MN tomorrow, and a lot of people from Wisconsin have moved to MN. Wisconsin is a fundy tea party hellhole and it's only going to get worse. Irretrievably fucked. I'll be laughing watching it burn to the ground. The sooner the better."
Just thought I would repost that in full.
It's that funny.
Gov Walker talks about turning around a $3.6B budget deficit (turning it into a budget surplus, in fact). Walker opponents like garage dispute that figure--Politifact rated a Dem claim that it was a "bogus" number false but also says:
The $3.6 billion "deficit" is actually not a deficit at all in a concrete accounting sense. It’s a pre-budget estimate designed to illustrate the size of the shortfall or challenge the governor faces when putting together a budget. /quote
Looking further back the previous admin projected a $5.4 billion deficit ahead of the 2009-2011 budget. If you line those up, then, you've got a $5.4B deficit projection, a $3.6B projection, Walker comes in, and now you've got a projected $1.8B deficit projection. And people like garage are complaining!
Either it's valid/fair to use projected budget deficit as metrics for evaluating an admin or it isn't. If the $1.8B deficit projection now is valid and can be used against Walker then the $3.6B projected deficit he inherited (and the $5.4B deficit that came before that) are also valid and can be used to show Walker's turned things around.
Politifact: Pocan Says Walker's Figures "Bogus" - False
HoodlumDoodlum makes a valid point. Which is why, earlier in this thread, I asked what the current, actual, budget deficit, if any, happened to be.
As opposed to straight-line projections of budget deficits/surpluses based on static conditions.
"garage mahal said...
Actually I could move to MN tomorrow, and a lot of people from Wisconsin have moved to MN. Wisconsin is a fundy tea party hellhole and it's only going to get worse. Irretrievably fucked. I'll be laughing watching it burn to the ground. The sooner the better."
Less posting. More packing. Good times are only five hours away shortbus.
HoodlumDoodlum said...
You're right...sort of. These structural budget estimates assume NO change in revenues...but of course revenues change regardless of rate. In Doyle's case, they were declining because of the economy. He raised taxes by over a billion, stole money from the transportation fund...and INCREASED spending. He could run for way he could take the required steps and win.
In Walkers case revenues are increasing because of an improving economy, even with a significant tax cut.
"Actually I could move to MN tomorrow, "
Have fun rooting for the Vikings.
Good times are only five hours away shortbus.
Certainly fewer idiots in Minnesota. But they have always been a smarter state than we are. Wisco has gone way downhill and it started even before Walker.
In Walkers case revenues are increasing because of an improving economy, even with a significant tax cut.
The Fox Butterfield Effect:
Inmate population increasing even with a decrease in violent crime.
Violent crime decreasing even with an increase in concealed carry permits.
garage: "Certainly fewer idiots in Minnesota."
That. Is. Awesome.
But not for the reason you think!
garage mahal said...
"Actually I could move to MN tomorrow, and a lot of people from Wisconsin have moved to MN. Wisconsin is a fundy tea party hellhole and it's only going to get worse. Irretrievably fucked. I'll be laughing watching it burn to the ground. The sooner the better."
This is actually a national phenomenon. Lib's are concentrating themselves in fewer and fewer states. The Senate is going to be permanently red soon along with the house because there are 30ish states now that consistently trend republican. Please please please join your fellow travelers sooner rather than later.
Also it is not a contestable assertion that blue states are far more in debt and poorly run than red states. I doubt the debt compiled by the other 48 states would equal the failures of California and Illinois.
Achilles: "Also it is not a contestable assertion that blue states are far more in debt and poorly run than red states. I doubt the debt compiled by the other 48 states would equal the failures of California and Illinois."
This assertion will flummox our WI rural rube garage as he bought, whole cloth, the hilarious claim that Jerry Brown had "balanced" the CA budget.
Of course Brown "balanced" the CA budget. All he had to do was hide roughly $27B in unfunded pension and medical liabilities!
But you know garage. He'll buy anything any lefty says anywhere. And they don't even have to gussy it up much either.
Lib's are concentrating themselves in fewer and fewer states.
Who wants to live in a state run by teabaggers besides other teabaggers? Why would *want* to live in Wisconsin? It's a tea party nuthouse. Like a freezing cold Alabama.
Of course, as a state, CA governments owe approximately $1Trillion (yes, Trillion) in unfunded liabilities.
No problem, just print mo' money mo' money mo' money!
The local governments then go begging to Sacramento, and then Sacramento goes begging to the empathetic ear of obama and the guys.
That's why the Feds "lent" (ha ha) CA $10B right about the time that Brown was claiming a "balanced" budget.
Quick question: Why does a state with a "balanced budget" even need to borrow $10B?
garage: "Who wants to live in a state run by teabaggers besides other teabaggers? Why would *want* to live in Wisconsin? It's a tea party nuthouse. Like a freezing cold Alabama."
You bes' get movin' boy.
"But they have always been a smarter state than we are. Wisco has gone way downhill and it started even before Walker."
People so smart that they make it past middle school, fat boy?
Do they have SECRET ROUTERS in Minnesota?
Really enjoying your little tantrum today. How long does your flabby stomach keep jiggling for each time you stomp your feet in impotent rage? About 20 seconds? More?
garage mahal said...
Who wants to live in a state run by teabaggers besides other teabaggers? Why would *want* to live in Wisconsin? It's a tea party nuthouse. Like a freezing cold Alabama.
1/6/15, 2:09 PM
Hitch up that double wide and head west on 94. Chop chop!
Hitch up that double wide and head west on 94. Chop chop!
Trailer meth heads are Walker voters dude. You'll see them all over up north, not in Dane County. Those are your peeps!
garage: "Trailer meth heads are Walker voters dude."
Yes, of course they are! Why, not a day goes by when I don't run into trailer meth heads who are concerned about the size of government, increasing property taxes, reining in those public sector unions, etc.
Little known factoid: Prop 13 in CA was spearheaded by trailer meth heads. Trailer meth heads have basically been behind every "small government" movement in the US since it's founding.
We'll file this under "More moronic stuff garage actually believes"!
You know what's even worse?
Most of those meth heads never even bothered to play contact sports in middle school.
Wisconsin is a fundy tea party hellhole
Wisconsin is, will be, and has always been, a Progressive stronghold. It's just that every couple of decades people realize they have to elect a few Republicans so shit can actually get done.
Providing a balanced budget is a tremendous accomplishment when it is required by law.
Judging by the behavior of Harry Reid and the Democrats, our blind squirrel may have just stumbled on to something!
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