The NYT reports:
“The investigation includes multiple arsons, robberies, destruction of properties and larcenies,” Officer Shawn McGuire, a department spokesman, said in an email. “The statements made by [Michael Brown's stepfather] Louis Head are also under investigation. When the investigation is completed, our department will forward everything to the St. Louis County prosecuting attorney’s office.”....
On Nov. 24, shortly before 8:30 p.m., as hundreds of protesters who were assembled outside the police station here learned Officer Wilson was not being charged, Mr. Head embraced Mr. Brown’s mother, Lesley McSpadden, on the hood of a car. Protesters had been listening to the announcement on loudspeakers and car stereos, and the family’s reaction was videotaped and published by The New York Times. Mr. Head turned to the crowd, stomped on the hood and shouted, repeatedly, “Burn this bitch down!”
Ah! The NYT is finding "bitch" fit to print today. Back on November 25,
it wrote only "'Burn this down!' he repeatedly shouted, inserting an expletive."
I had to go to other news sites to find out the word was "bitch." The December 2 article seeks out a reaction from Head:
Mr. Head, reached by phone Tuesday, said he had not heard from the police about an investigation. “I’m not worried about nothing,” said Mr. Head, who declined to discuss the comments he made last week.
Well, of course he's not worried! What could go wrong for him? Do you think he will be prosecuted when Darren Wilson was not? That would take some nerve, even if the crime is plain and it's all right there on camera. The cop kills an unarmed teenager and doesn't face trial, and then they prosecute the aggrieved step-father who cried out in raw outrage? That's unlikely. But what if it happens? Head will become the focus of new empathy and outrage. He will have fervent support and fine legal representation. Reporters will follow the trial closely, and America will be fixated on the tribulations of Louis Head. Should he be worried that he will not be acquitted?
७१ टिप्पण्या:
There is no justice in this life
But could they be stupid enough to prosecute him? They are already stupid enough to say they are thinking about it.
I don't know the underlying elements of the crime of inciting a riot. but if one was, "absent the statement the riot would not happen" then he is not guilty.
I think he was attempting to incite violence and hype up the crowd, but my feeling is that those riots were a foregone conclusion... Everybody knew it on both sides.
The person who is the proximate cause of the increased level of violence there is the Governor. Who called out the National Guard and deployed them in whiter areas, but purposely avoided having them available for Ferguson.
A riot was going to happen. Both Mr Head and Mr Nixon made it worse...both willfully
No indictment of one and not the other...-
"I’m not worried about nothing."
I aint no 'tard, neither!
Is Mom (& stepdad?) going to be charged with strong-arm robbery for showing up with a goon-squad which assaulted and robbed Grandma if cash and t-shirts?
Or does the media lynch-mob take priority over the "rule of law"?
Just fine him, no need for a costly and controversial trial. A $500 fine for disturbing the peace should do nicely.
The evidence is there regarding his exhortions to the crowd. If that provides enough to prosecute, then prosecute. Otherwise your message is that you'll let people get away with starting insurrections simply because you're afraid of the mob.
Have the parents explained why their 18 year old son was out on the streets late at night, or whether they ever taught him not to steal or fight with cops? I don't normally favor rubbing salt in the wounds of grieving parents, but as they've decided to inject themselves in this and call for rioting, maybe someone should point out that they basically suck at parenting.
Why should Louis Head be prosecuted when people like Al Sharpton are invited to the White House?
What he did was wrong. People were injured and even died. As time goes by he will know it in his heart and he will have to live with it.
I see Louis Head as one victim, among many, of those using the entire situation to push a political agenda.
He also used the word motherfucker before bitch.
Following the announcement of the grand jury’s decision Nov. 24, Louis Head was caught on camera yelling, “Burn this motherf***** down! Burn this bitch down!”
I am guessing the NYT didn't print this because 1) it wants to avoid stereotypes. "Motherfucker" is viewed by many and principally a black word, though whites use it as well. 2) It is not as genteel as "bitch".
John Henry
Part of me says he should be charged. As a practical matter I would say not.
IANAL but it seems like it might be hard to prove the case.
Whose car was he standing on and stomping? If his own, fine. If just some random car, then he should owe the owner for repairs.
John Henry
One does have to acknowledge the long planning, discipline and teamwork necessary to destroy a big place at a certain moment on prime time TV using total moral authority of a dead child.
We should give him the Obama Award for courage above and beyond common community organizing.
And now that Obama got re-elected his six years of planning, discipline and teamwork necessary to destroy a big place at a certain moment in time is upon us.
Just by way of no harm, everyone does realize that Bob McCulloch, the DA, is closely connected to President Obama, right?
He ran then candidate Obama's "truth squad" back in 2008 publicly threatening to sue anyone who said mean things about candidate Obama.
That is water under the dam now but it does show that there used to be a connection.
Is there still? Did President Obama or others on his behalf contact McCulloch and suggest to him what to do in this case?
FWIW: I do think the grand jury reached the correct result.
John Henry
Have the parents explained why their 18 year old son was out on the streets late at night
Speaking as the parent of a(nother) 18-year-old son, let me say that trying to get an 18-yo to listen is a hopeless task.
Isn't it just as accurate to describe Michael Brown as a "violent adult" as it is to describe him as an "unarmed teenager"?
The parents were told about the verdict earlier in the afternoon, so the scene when the verdict was heard read over the car radio was staged.
And I hope and trust the police are also doing a thorough investigation in the case of the death of Deandre Joshua, a black teenager who testified in support of "the cop's story."
"Have the parents explained why their 18 year old son was out on the streets late at night"
You must be talking about a different case, as the Michael Brown/ Officer Wilson encounter started at one minute after noon.
I don't think anyone needs to explain why an 18 year old is walking around outside right smack in the middle of the day [12:01 P.M.]
"I'm not worried about nothing."
So she's worried?
Michael Brown should be described as "The Robber."
Head, who I've read is not married to The Robber's mom, would not be his step dad.
Note also: Brown is on video in the same store at 1:00 AM in the morning, not just when the robbery occurred. So maybe his parents should have had that much control. But lets face it, does Head look like a guy who is controlling Brown; what about his mom who attacked a relative selling merchandise? Is this the all-American black family we want to focus on?
Michael Brown was shot abot 12 o'clock noon, not midnight.
"You must be talking about a different case, as the Michael Brown/ Officer Wilson encounter started at one minute after noon."
My mistake--when I'd first read about the encounter I misread the time to be after midnight.
The odds of the step dad being prosecuted are slightly less than The Most Reverend Al being prosecuted for tax evasion.
“Burn this bitch down!”
There just aren't many sympathetic characters in this cast, are there? said...
I am guessing the NYT didn't print this because...
All the News That Fits The Narrative.
He would be better served by adopting a beatific countenance, complete with Margaret Keane-eyes. It would be worth a few more zeros to the left of the decimal point in his upcoming civil suit.
He SHOULD be prosecuted. Inciting riots is a crime, last I checked.
Perhaps whites should travel to Ferguson and riot if he isn't.
"prosecute the aggrieved step-father who cried out in raw outrage"
Not buying this "outrage." I think Michael Brown is nothing more than a civil suit payday for the "stepdad."
Let's see, 11 million illegals "living in the shadows"? "A broken system," we're told. Naw, he ain't gonna be charged! Lets just call it what it is, "prosecutorial discretion".
At some point, laws and order will break down.
Nothing will happen to him although canceling his EBT card would be appropriate.
So I am watching the news, drinking a cup of Fair Trade tea with a touch of almond milk, when I see a video of rioting over a police shooting. I try to casually not make eye contact with my 'Emotional Support Negro' but he knows me well, and speaks.
"You're afraid to ask me about any of this, aren't you?"
"I'm not sure I'd say 'afraid'..."
"Listen, Pussy, a lot of black people are angry."
I do not like it when he calls me "Pussy" but I realize this may not be the most opportune time to discuss such matters. There is a time and a place for everything, I do my best to remember this and act accordingly: it is not a negative 'control issue' control issue, just a respectful understanding of emotional surroundings, I read that in a book.
"But surely they know it won't accomplish anything."
"It's got your attention, hasn't it?"
"But they're burning and looting their own neighborhood."
"It may be their neighborhood, but it is YOUR country."
"I thought it was all 'our' country..."
"Look, Little Bitch: when you white folk have a problem you have thousands of white lawyers to get you out of whatever shit you got yourself into, the only thing we blacks have is the threat of violence."
"I don't think it's that simplistic..."
"Who are you calling 'simplistic', Pussy?"
"That is not what I meant..."
"See? You're scared of me -- you're shaking in your shoes."
"That is no way to build trust."
"When the Race War comes are you still going to trust me?"
"Race War? I don't think it is going to come to THAT..."
"Really? Do you think when the Race War comes that I'll be on your side? Do you think I won't hesitate to put a bullet in your head?"
"I think this conversation is escalating more than it needs to..."
"Little Bitch, do you not realize that -- while you're sleeping all peaceful and white at night -- I sneak real quiet-like into your room and put a gun to your head. Just because I can?"
"Oh my God..."
"And I'm naked. I'm a big naked black man in your dark bedroom with a gun pointed at your head."
"Oh no, no..."
"Look, Pussy, I'm just fuckin' with ya."
"Really? Whew. Oh man, you really had me going there for a moment..."
"Dude, I'm your 'Emotional Support Negro', aren't I? Let's open a few forties, watch a movie. Maybe Denzel Washington: he's a black man all you whites like..."
"Sure, sure. Which movie?"
"'Malcolm X', Little Bitch...
I am Laslo.
No, my mistake.
There is another security camera tape showing Michael Brown and friends in the convenience store at 1:30 AM before the morning of the shooting.
This makes it look like Michael Brown may have been very short of sleep that morning, and he may also have been drinking some of that concoction of soda pop and OTC drugs that they are said to use.
Did any of the autopsies check for these kind of drugs in his system?
In the Trayvon Martin case, someone suggested that these drugs, combined with marijuana, tend to make some people belligerent.
Wilson is now a millionaire now thru the generosity of white supremacists everywhere. He should send the step dad a little money as a thank you.
This suggests that Michael Brown was a bottom-level street vendor of marijuana - like the young black men who hung out around that covenience store in Sanford, FL and bought Trayvon Martin's cigars for him and probably sold him his marijuana.
The police may also want to ask Louis Head what, if anything, he knows about this.
Is garage right (I know it would be a first), is Wilson now a millionaire? I hope that's true.
Wait. According to the Micheal Brown apologists, the only way *justice" is served is for there to be a trial. So lets bring the "step father" to court; right?
Burn this bitch down is going to be the saying of 2014.
I don't subscribe to Twitter feeds but if I did, I would subscribe to Laslo Spatula's.
This link will take you directly to an embedded image of the toxicology report
I'm asking a serious question professor, Isn't this a perfect real-world example of the "shouting fire in a crowded theatre" scenario?
There was gas all over the ground and Head struck the verbal match that gave his blessing for everything that followed.
Yes, the situation was primed and would have played out anyway, but his incitement may have "allowed" a few protesters on the fence to riot instead of just march.
And I hope and trust the police are also doing a thorough investigation in the case of the death of Deandre Joshua, a black teenager who testified in support of "the cop's story."
So was that confirmed? I heard the rumor early on and then nothing.
The parents were told about the verdict earlier in the afternoon, so the scene when the verdict was heard read over the car radio was staged.
Good point. Not that I think they will convict him of anything.
"So lets bring the "step father" to court; right?"
Sure, but not necessarily for a trial. Grand jury, witnesses, physical evidence... and then a decision by the grand jury on whether or not to prosecute.
Wilson is now a millionaire now thru the generosity of white supremacists everywhere. He should send the step dad a little money as a thank you.
Fuck you. If you fascists had your way, he'd be hanging from a lamp post.
He will live in fear the rest of his life because some thug attacked him.
Does not mean much to me, not being any kind of toxicologist.
Could use some input from one as to exactly what is in the popular OTC drugs used, what they bind to, and how fugitive they are.
"Wilson is now a millionaire now thru the generosity of white supremacists everywhere."
That's a very interesting conclusion that you jump to. Why do you believe Wilson's supporters are white supremacists? Could only a white supremacist be supportive of a white cop who killed a black suspect? Is this what passes for logical thinking these days?
garage mahal said...
Wilson is now a millionaire now thru the generosity of white supremacists everywhere. He should send the step dad a little money as a thank you.
12/3/14, 8:56 AM
So according to you, if someone donates money to a person that resigned from their job for the "good of the community" even though they did not have to and as a result lost their pension and livelihood all as a result of defending themselves from an attacker, those people are white supremacists.
Were the folks that sent money to Zimmerman white supremacists too?
Rick Turley said...
"This link will take you directly to an embedded image of the toxicology report"
From which autopsy? There were 3.
Rick turley: I agree, I will subscribe to Laslo's Twitter feed if he has one.
Laslo-Do you? Can you share it?
I am wondering about your emotional support negro. That isn't Crackemcee by any chance, is it? It sounds sort of like him and it is a job he would be good at.
John Henry
Can we get a jury of Ferguson shop owners?
I once yelled "rock on" at a concert at the Cotton Bowl and so it was.
"Were the folks that sent money to Zimmerman white supremacists too?"
No, those were White Hispanic Supremacists.
It's got to be hard being a SJW these days. So many idiotic beliefs to keep track of, espeically when they run against each other.
The mother (and presumably her husband) was privately informed of the grand jury decision before it was made public. Her grief and his anger are not quite spontaneous outbursts.........While most parents live in fear that their teenaged kids will do something reckless and impulsive, their worries are more centered on the use of the family car than on their kids knocking over a convenience store.when black parents have The Conversation, they might want to bring that up. Our racist society is just too quick to stereotype young men who hold up convenience stores.
I don't think he'll get charged with any crime. But good luck on finding a member of the jury pool who's not critical of the Brown family when it comes time to file a wrongful death suit.......The family of Trayvon Martin cashed a big check after his death. So will the Garner family. I don't think the Brown family will be so lucky.......I forget the exact words, but didn't Justice Holmes say something about the throwing of Molotov cocktails in a crowded theater not being covered under the first amendment.
Garage, of course, is a member of the group that calls people who make over 300k " millionairesandbillionaires".
Garage has added "white supremacists" to his meager vocabulary. Added hilarity is that "white supremacists" everywhere contributed. Everywhere.
"The family of Trayvon Martin cashed a big check after his death."
I know they received money from supporters, but I wasn't aware they filed any civil suit (or that they could, after Zimmerman was found not guilty in the criminal trial).
Brown's parents will probably make some money through Sharpton's White Guilt Shakedown racket.
"Garage has added "white supremacists" to his meager vocabulary. Added hilarity is that "white supremacists" everywhere contributed. Everywhere."
The important thing is that none of Officer Wilson's detractors were racist. Every one of them would have been just as angry if Wilson were black.
I understand that the company that insured the housing development where Martin's father lived gave him a big check in order to forestall a suit.
"Burn this ...", the riots, the apparent execution of Deandre Joshua for his testimony, the hammer attack/murder, the general lack of interest in education - it's pretty obvious that a significant percentage of blacks don't really want to part of the general society in the U.S.
So explain why we should keep trying?
Meade said...
Rick Turley said...
"This link will take you directly to an embedded image of the toxicology report"
From which autopsy? There were 3.
This is the toxicology report which is separate from the autopsies. There were three autopsies as you state. I am not aware of other toxicology reports. Other sources I've read referred to this one as the "official" report. The St. Louis University lab performed it.
John Henry
I meant to ask Laslo if his Emotional Support Negro is covered under his Obamacare policy. Seems like it should be, no?
No need to go to court when you can make this clear in the court of public opinion. Those who believe in responsibility and property rights need to boost their PR/marketing game.
A simple video contrasting those words with footage of the business owners (mostly minority) standing in front of the burned out hulks of what was their livelihoods, holding signs like "This was my life." or "I am a minority business owner" or "I used to own this" could powerfully express the stupidity of destroying your own town because of a court decision.
SHOW rather than tell people.
The right* has been losing the image game over the past thirty years because they don't know how to do it. You can still use logic, but demonstrate it emotionally.
* - not sure what term to use, because I'm not a card-carrying Republican.
@ exhelodrvr1,
A lot of the "black" side of this I can maybe halfway understand and forgive, the role played by "white" politicians, the MSM, and various commentators, I cannot.
Louis Head needs to be indicted and tried for all the crimes he has incited. The blacks need to see both sides of the grand jury process at work. There can be no question about what he said. Now, let him accept the penalties for his foolish talk.
Isn't this a perfect real-world example of the "shouting fire in a crowded theatre" scenario?
Yes it is! This is a perfect example of the one exception to the 1st amendment. You are not allowed to publicly incite violence. If this guy is not prosecuted you will see an exponential rise in "burn the fucking city down" type calls from aggrieved community-members.
garage mahal said...
Wilson is now a millionaire now thru the generosity of white supremacists everywhere. He should send the step dad a little money as a thank you
Show me proof you fat little turd or shut the fuck up.
Wilson is now a millionaire now thru the generosity of white supremacists everywhere. He should send the step dad a little money as a thank you.
Can you cite the white supremacists giving him money? Any of them, since it must be a lot to make him wealthy and all.
And nice to see that the Left's love affair with due process has died. Their love affair with free speech felt lonely being dead.
Can you cite the white supremacists giving him money? Any of them, since it must be a lot to make him wealthy and all.
He doesn't need to.
This article
Details some fundraising campaigns on social media, but where are the white supremacist organizations?
Oh I get it, if you support Darren Wilson at all that makes you a white supremacist.
Fuck me. I'd hate to be invited to garage's Thanksgiving dinner. He'd be all social justice warrior-ey.
Some GoFundMe campaigns have netted a few hundred thousand for Darren Wilson. Considering he has forever lost his profession, I'd consider that a fair trade. Now he can land on his feet and do security work or something.
“The statements made by [Michael Brown's stepfather] Louis Head are also under investigation."
Perhaps the New York Times should investigate when Mr. Head married Michael Brown's mother. And then, when they find out the answer is "never", tell us why they call him Micheal Brown's stepfather.
Do they actually ever follow up or check on ANYTHING before they print it?
This website purports to show a police report of the incident where Ms. McSpadden, Louis Head and others assaulted someone selling T-shirts using Michael Brown's name, destroyed her property and robbed her. The police report describes Mr. Head as her "boyfriend", not her husband. The cops usually go to some pains to get these things right. So I'm interested as to how the NYT, a major media outlet, gets this wrong.
I somehow get the idea there is going to be a lot of pressure from up high not to investigate any of this.
garage mahal: "Wilson is now a millionaire now thru the generosity of white supremacists everywhere."
Still haven't seen the proof of this.
BTW, have you seen the latest amount of money raised by a black female bakery owner who was burned out by garages heroes after Rush encouraged people to donate?
BTW, is garage calling Charles Barkley a racist and white supremacist yet?
'Cuz you just know it's coming.....
Trayvon Martin's family got a payoff from the insurance carrier of the condo association to avoid a suit. There ought to be some kind of remedy for this sort of legalized extortion.
He should be worried about something.
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