Amusingly lame NYT headline.
It's also kind of a conundrum. Two days before the election, the author is only in a position to tell us how good it seems. What's with the seeming and not seeming? Either he's saying: I'm right and those other people are wrong. Or maybe it's more subtle: My notion of "good" is much more nuanced than the notions of those who think the coming big blow-out victory for Republicans is actually good for them.
Here's why that headline isn't as good as it seems for the NYT: I don't really give a damn what the author (Nate Cohn) has to say in his drearily long essay. It looks like a holding pen for people with the sads.
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Now, now. It's not nice to make fun of a sincere attempt at Grief Counseling.
The author pussyfoots around Republican cockiness.
Also, there must be a reason for Obama's cocksureness.
It isn't over til it's over.
"Was 2008 as Good as it Seemed for the Democrats?"
re-arranging deck chairs on the Titanic. Let's hope the DNC believes this tripe going into 2016...
Antidote to Joni takes a 7-point lead..outside the margin of error. Brailey is not leading in his own Dem district, haha. And to think Iowa has not sent a woman so far to DC -- maybe Iowans are hearing Obama's war on women theme and want to change the impression they have created for themselves!
These kind of articles remind me of that moment in a Pee Wee Herman movie when he accidentally falls off his bike, hits the ground, gets up and says to some kids who saw him that he meant to do that. The Democrats may lose and lose big, but it is never good for Republicans because the Dems meant to do that
I see at least three inuendi in the art accompanying the article.
lots of interesting headlines in lefty media the last couple of days.
Where does this one fit on the kubler ross model?
Denial I guess.
liberals/progressives/leftists sure haven't reached acceptance. Acceptance that maybe they don't have the answers, that the american public might reject their policies, and so on.
It's the only time that the left predicts perverse consequences.
In all other things, direct action works.
Times readers need a steady, constant flow of affirmation across their gills.
" The implication would be that Republican Senate candidates did not win many voters who supported President Obama in 2012. "
OMG ! We're losing the LIVs!
"Uh-oh, sounds like somebody has a case of the Election Day Tuesdays."
RecChief said...
pm317 said...
Antidote to Joni takes a 7-point lead..outside the margin of error. Brailey is not leading in his own Dem district, haha. And to think Iowa has not sent a woman so far to DC -- maybe Iowans are hearing Obama's war on women theme and want to change the impression they have created for themselves!
Have you heard the radio spots from the outside money? Not the ones from DSCC or Braley's campaign, but there is one from some environmental group that is truly awful. Basically accused her of poisoning wells and sabotaging "renewable energy". On that renewable energy bit, quite a few farmers have wind generators on their land around here. What they've found is that it isn't such a great deal for them, not to mention, there are a lot of days when they aren't producing. The baseless charges of what they say she supports might play well in LA or NYC, or even some parts of Des Moines, but not in small towns.
Also, there are a bunch of farmers in my Legion Post. a couple of years ago, there was a push by the department of labor to make it illegal for your kids to work on the farm. That may have played well in the cities, but not around. Not only that, but farmers catch hell for "polluting" the air because...shit stinks. One country worker told a friend of mine that farming operations had gotten too big, and no farm should be more than 300 acres, and farmers should have a variety of livestock like in the '20s and '30s. she got fired, not for that one comment, but she had made others.
Liberals in cities have a romantic view of farming, disconnected from reality. for some perspective, in 1923, the winner of the yield contest in my county had 45 bushels of corn per acre. That same farm averaged 245 last year, and wasn't the winner. If we went back to farming practices of the 20s, all you city folks would starve. And being attacked based on how you make your livelihood pisses guys off.
The issue that Republicans need to face in farm states eventually is ethanol. That is the crack of the farm culture. Most of that money goes to big operations and it is harming the farm economy by turning to non-economic activity that is corporate welfare.
The same, of course, applies to crony capitalism.
Note to Republicans; DON"T SCREW IT UP! Prove the grown-ups are in charge which does not give you the license to line your pockets with "K" Street money.
Republicans fare poorly among every large demographic group that is a growing share of the electorate, including Latinos, Asian-Americans and young adults.
Scribblers can afford to forget all about the elderly, as Cohn has done here. Politicians don't have that luxury.
chickelit: "The author pussyfoots around Republican cockiness.
Also, there must be a reason for Obama's cocksureness.
It isn't over til it's over."
Hell, even when it's over, it's not over (see Franken, Al; see Gregoire, Christine).
It isn't over til it's over.
Plus even then it won't be over but will begin anew.
@Meade, there seems to be an echo here. ;)
It's not over until Waukesha County find 14,000 votes!
No one likes to lose, some people can accept it and some can't. Ever since garage took the trunk load of votes to Minn for Al Franken, my expectations are pretty low.
"It's not over until Waukesha County find 14,000 votes!"
If I remember correctly, there was no discrepancy in the officially reported vote total, only the total reported to the press. Garage?
"Why 2014 Isn’t as Good as It Seems for the Republicans."
Implied answer: "Because of Us."
Their last hurrah, last act of moral preening.
I hope.
Why eating is not really good for the starving.
It's amazing how many close races Republicans seem to pull off. They cheat every single election, so......
"garage mahal" has a case of the sads.
I am sorry you are so butt hurt, "garage mahal", but there's nothing you can do about it now. Try to use gallows humor. Perhaps that will keep you from coming off like such an ass hole.
"It's amazing how many close races Republicans seem to pull off."
Why do you do this? Everybody here has seen the data that says the exact opposite.
Original Mike: "If I remember correctly, there was no discrepancy in the officially reported vote total, only the total reported to the press."
It's difficult for garage to internalize facts such as those.
Just another limitation in the garage intellectual toolbox.
"It's amazing how many close races Republicans seem to pull off. They cheat every single election, so......"
That Fen, he was a political and sociological genius.
Times they are a changing.
CNN just gave John Coleman an uninterrupted five minutes to say there is absolutely no reality to The Great Global Warming Hoax. To cover their butt, CNN mildly tried to interrupt him but did not succeed.
The come back was a knee jerk bowing to the Authority of Science and five minutes given to implying that, sadly Coleman has become a crazy old uncle.
Will a run off in Louisiana bury Mary Landrieu? Obamacare renewals come out mid-November giving voters two or three weeks to digest the impact on family budgets. Will it make a difference?
This headline reminds me of Yalie Mr. Burns in the Simpsons: "Harvard barely beat us this year."
Just wait for the totals to come, check out how many are needed to win, and *presto*, "hey guys! we found 14,000 votes on my laptop!"
Is Kathy Nickolaus still counting votes?
This week in Georgia a Black Voter Registration group very publicly filed its civil law suit for an injunction claiming they sent in 50,000 black folks' voter registration cards but none of them appeared on voter rolls.
It had no facts, and so it was denied.
It appears to be a new Dem tactic to use Law Suits to grab free headlines aimed at increasing black voters' turnout.
garage mahal said...
Just wait for the totals to come, check out how many are needed to win, and *presto*, "hey guys! we found 14,000 votes on my laptop!"
See what I mean Mike?
Our middle school football heeeero has his narrative and your stupid facts aren't going to dissuade him!!
So there!
The case that Nate Cohn tries to make is basically: "Republicans may win the election, but they won't really have a mandate."
Cohn is lame indeed, and sui generis. The biggest lies that Democrats tell are to themselves
I wonder if garage would have been more accepting of a mistake in the reported vote total to the media (no found ballots however) if Kathy Nickolaus had been a "blacky"? (garages term)
"...the pattern is a reminder of how difficult it will be for Republicans to overcome the demographic and generational changes that have marginalized their traditional coalition in presidential elections."
Trying to reassure the gentle reader that the Democratic coalition is ascendant.
"Why 2014 Isn’t as Good as It Seems for the Republicans."
Because even if republicans are elected, they wont try to balance the budget, they wont really try to cut spending only the rate of growth, and they will fall for stupid premises.
Mostly they will take the fall for the epic wipe out the economy is heading towards. When the Dems won the house and senate in 2006 the crash was all Bush's fault. Do not expect Obama to get the same treatment. We have been printing and borrowing 10-12% of our GDP for 6 years over 1-2% growth. A correction is baked in at this point.
The plug will be pulled and the crash will be blamed on "austerity" caused by the Republican congress. It will be just like the 2006 crash. It will be republicans taking the fall for crony capitalist policy failures.
Republicans will be able to repeal ObamaCare, though, right?
I just hope that once again Waukesha County holds back their results until after Milwaukee County reports.
I keep hearing about this much-vaunted Democratic GOTV operation but I haven't seen any evidence of it yet. In 2012, I'd had at least three visits from Dem canvassers at this point; so far this year no one has visited my home. Perhaps they've finally figured out I vote Republican.
garage mahal spluttered: "Republicans will be able to repeal ObamaCare, though, right?"
Not so fast there middle school contact sports heeeero.
We will have to pass the bill to see what is in it.
And we already know you are in full agreement with that tactic.
Obama will have to veto bills. That will make him stand for something, and it's not going to make him look good. This is a status-quo administration in a time that desperately needs reform.
Expect veto after veto of reform bills on the basis that they hurts one or another special interest.
I just hope that once again Waukesha County holds back their results until after Milwaukee County reports.
I bet!
"Hey Kath, looks like we need 14k to win"
"Okay. I got the data right here on my laptop" *fills cells and clicks autoSUM*
"Republicans will be able to repeal ObamaCare, though, right?"
Hopefully, they will send Obama a bill. He will, of course, veto it, but that's fine. It's how our government is suppose to work. It's what I've heard Paul Ryan call "regular order", and it will be a relieve to return to it.
"Republicans will be able to repeal ObamaCare, though, right?"
If they are smart, always a matter of uncertainty, they will simply make it voluntary. If you choose to pay high premiums for narrow networks, be my guest.
Everybody else can keep their employer plan (as promised) or can sign up for a high deductible policy that allows free choice of physician. Also as promised.
I wonder if he will veto that in the face of his previous promises.
Hopefully, they will send Obama a bill
Doubtful. Need 60 votes for that.
"Doubtful. Need 60 votes for that."
No they don't. Harry Reid showed them the way.
Cue the self-loathing.
In the first place, it should not be about whether it is "good for Republicans," but whether it is good for the country, but this may well be beyond Mr. Cohn's ken.
Either way, it remains to be seen. Mr. Obama still holds the White House, so nothing much "can be done" while at the same time the label of "the party of no" must be avoided as much as possible. It is going to take some skillful maneuvering, and I am not at all sure the present Republican Party is up to it.
And as for Achilles' comments above, I think we may be in for much more than a 10% "correction" in the stock market. It quite likely will get very ugly, and previous experience in such situations do not bode well.
"Mr. Obama still holds the White House, so nothing much "can be done" while at the same time the label of "the party of no" must be avoided as much as possible."
Having the Dems filibuster Michael K's bill to make ObamaCare voluntary would be a good start.
>>I bet!
"Hey Kath, looks like we need 14k to win"
"Okay. I got the data right here on my laptop" *fills cells and clicks autoSUM*
I must have missed it but did the GAB find anything wrong with the Waukesha County results?
No they don't. Harry Reid showed them the way.
Nor, for that matter garage, would I count on the Democrat Senators up in 2016 holding firm against a repeal bill. Maybe yes, maybe no.
Garage blathered incoherently:
"It's not over until Waukesha County find 14,000 votes!"
If I remember correctly, there was no discrepancy in the officially reported vote total, only the total reported to the press. Garage?
Shhhh. Don't disturb GM. He's on a roll.
"I am not at all sure the present Republican Party is up to it."
I agree and the idea to make it voluntary might not pass the low information set. I think it would make Obama work to come up with an excuse to veto what he promised but he seems to have little or no trouble ignoring his promises.
"It looks like a holding pen for people with the sads."
Heh, I like that closer!
The lefties definitely got "the sads" lol.
PackerBronco: "If I remember correctly, there was no discrepancy in the officially reported vote total, only the total reported to the press. Garage?
Shhhh. Don't disturb GM. He's on a roll.
How about a poll Althouse that asks us what word will Obama use to describe Tuesday's shellacking? He can't use shellacking again.
You are a language lover so I bet you can come up with a few choice options.
I would hold back the cockiness. If the Dems are halfway as good at cheating as we believe they are, the outcome is still uncertain.
I'm going out on a limb and calling at least 7 Senate seat pickups.
I'm saying just about the same number of House seat pickups.
The House will be in a position to let vulnerable in 2016 members vote against bills that might be unpopular in their districts and still send bills to the Senate.
"Why 2014 Isn’t as Good as It Seems for the Republicans..."
because they will be held responsible to reconcile the consequences of liberal fiscal policies, extensive foreign interventions, extensive domestic invasion, quarantine abstentions, progressive morality, etc. Oh, and Catastrophic Anthropogenic Climate Chaos (cold, warm, whatever).
CL: good point but I can't help myself.
If the Repubs don't shellack the Dems on Tuesday it means the country has crossed the line demographically and culturally where the 47% have now won. And we are pretty much doomed.
How about a poll Althouse that asks us what word will Obama use to describe Tuesday's shellacking? He can't use shellacking again.
Don't have a clue, but I am sure it will have something to do with the losers not campaigning on his record.
And no, I do not think the Obama White House is looking for ways to work with a Republican Congress in the next session.
That is not who he is.
"I would hold back the cockiness."
Don't be garage mahal. Don't be that guy.
Dargo said:
Shhhh. Don't disturb GM. He's on a roll.
I would say more like "stuck on stupid". Keeps coming back to the same thing, must be a "Crack Emcee" wannabe.
Or he has not spent enough time here lately, and has been wallowing in the LIV sty and the stupid shit is sticking to him.
Democrats who stay home will elect Republicans.
Scott said...
The case that Nate Cohn tries to make is basically: "Republicans may win the election, but they won't really have a mandate."
Cohn is lame indeed, and sui generis. The biggest lies that Democrats tell are to themselves
There was another lefty writer who had basically the same headline, "The GOP might win, but it's not a mandate" earlier this week. eh, journolist 2.0
...a reminder of how difficult it will be for Republicans to overcome the demographic and generational changes
Those generational changes just saw their Obamacare premiums increase 78%
If I were him I'd be most worried about a Republican getting elected president in 2016 while holding both houses. It'd be the first time since 1952 that a first-term Republican president had both houses to implement his agenda. Not even Reagan had that. It could be disastrous for the left.
At this point the Dems will accept voters in black face and tap dancing.
"If the Repubs don't shellack the Dems on Tuesday it means the country has crossed the line demographically and culturally where the 47% have now won. And we are pretty much doomed."
That ship sailed in 2012, which is why I have no great hopes for Tuesday. Free Stuff Nation has far more electoral clout than any of the spinners and triumphalists are giving them credit for.
If I were him I'd be most worried about a Republican getting elected president in 2016 while holding both houses. It'd be the first time since 1952 that a first-term Republican president had both houses to implement his agenda. Not even Reagan had that. It could be disastrous for the left.
Excellent point. But many lefties, Michael Moore and AReasonableMan to name two, have pointed to the Eisenhower years as a paragon of what Republicans should be.
I have to say I am enjoying the bitchtits mahal breakdown on display.
First his "blackys" comment the other day, and now the incessant butt hurt.
"Have a happy November 4th, jackass."
I hope they put that on your tombstone, fat boy, that is if anyone cares about you enough to spring for one.
Go Diabetes go!
what is your point? I am happy to see Joni Ernst trounce the Dem candidate.
First his "blackys" comment the other day, and now the incessant butt hurt.
I didn't post anything about "blacky". But what would one expect from a miserable loser who pretends he/she is lawyer?
The NY Times is whistling past the graveyard as their readership shrinks.
Pissing off half the population is not a growth plan.
Every time the Times cuts staff it saves future compensation but there’s also a cost. The company paid severance of $2.2 million in the second quarter and $5.3 million in the first six months of 2014. In 2013 they paid $2.9 and $7.8 for the same periods. In addition, the company had a total outstanding severance liability of $8.5 million as of June 30 and paid $9.5 million to settle the latest in lump sum pension payments to former employees. More cuts in the third quarter mean more severance, severance liability and lump-sum pension settlements.
Downsizing is hard. Especially when the future is more downsizing.
Garage is prepping his battlefield.
"You guys cheated!"
Run along young man. Those absentee ballots won't fill out themselves.
Run along young man. Those absentee ballots won't fill out themselves.
Republican rubes are so convinced that Democrats are cheating, [because they were told so], that you get this:
A Wisconsin voter allegedly cast five ballots in the 2012 recall election that Gov. Scott Walker, R-Wis., survived, but the voter says he doesn't remember that day due to a temporary form of amnesia.
Robert Monroe, a 50-year-old health insurance executive, was charged last week with 13 felonies related to voter fraud, reported. Monroe was a supporter of Walker and Republican state Sen. Alberta Darling.
garage: "I didn't post anything about "blacky"."
You most certainly did.
But like AReasonableMeltdown, you've probably deleted the post where you talked about "blacky"s coming up from Illinois to WI.
Typical leftist.
Denials and airbrushing.
Even the dumbest of lefties know the drill.
You most certainly did.
Link it. Or just paste, I know you don't know how to link properly.
I saw the post you're referring to, Drago.
Difficult to link what you've deleted.
As you well know.
ARMeltdown and garage, peas in a pod.
Have to say, I didn't understand it.
Original Mike said...
I saw the post you're referring to, Drago
Lots of people did.
But garage has been a busy little beaver and thinks "aha! Now that I've deleted the evidence no one can link to it!"
Just like ARMeltdown.
What's most amusing is that garage was attempting to channel what he thinks is the thought process of a conservative.
It would be quite easy for him to say just that: that he was channeling conservatives.
But he knows that it was over the line and makes him look, well, exactly like what he is, thus: deletion.
Let's just say that, as with Mary Burke being "promoted" to "get the hell out of the company", garage has "promoted" his "blacky" comment to "deleted".
Difficult to link what you've deleted.
I didn't delete anything. Do you know how to do a google search?
Original Mike said...
Have to say, I didn't understand it.
That's understandable. It took me a minute to figure out what he was trying to say.
As pointed out by Byron York, based on the URL, the original title was:
"It's not over until Waukesha County find 14,000 votes!"
Garage is still mad that Democrats got the wrong number on how many votes they needed to whip up.
Ha ha ha!
From the URL. Ha ha ha! Doesn't he know you can edit that if you change your title?
Bitchtits, everybody saw your little "blacky" comment.
Your attempting to lie to cover it up is pathetic.
Own it, fat boy.
speaking of voter fraud
Except, I've been told by leftists in good standing, like ARM, Garage, and Donna Brazile that voter fraud is just something the GOP made up to keep minorities from voting. Must be a "conservative" TV station. In New Mexico. An affiliate of NBC.
I like to be helpful, so I went and looked up that Bitchtits Mahal quote. For those interested, it can be found on the 10/30/14 post "Wisconsin State Journal runs the Trek-fired-Burke story." at 9:07 PM
A little cut and paste for everyone's convenience. See how tolerant those lilly white Madison liberals are.
garage mahal said...
You made it sound like "schools are crumbling" because they receive less than the voucher amount per pupil.
I did. Even the most deluded, idiotic Walker follower is going to figure that out someday.
Too many elderly, Illinois transplants with no skin in the game that are trying to escape blacky. That's driving Wisconsin public policy right now. FIBS.
10/30/14, 9:07 PM
Speaking of tubby's quotes, why here is one from this very thread. It can be viewed at 1:13 pm.
"I didn't post anything about "blacky". But what would one expect from a miserable loser who pretends he/she is lawyer?"
PMJ, you were still hatched from an egg and abandoned by your mother.
What's with the lying, garage?
Original Mike said...
What's with the lying, garage?
In garages defense, he might not be lying.
He simply might just be that obtuse and not remember what he posts from thread to thread.
I don't believe that.
Maybe he's just a pathological liar.
My Dad was a lifelong Republican; but he's been voting Democrat ever since he died...
Obama made jokes about voter fraud in Chicago recently, so such activity is apparently NBFD to Democrats.
In the defense of "garage mahal"... he is a miserable ass hole. As such, anybody who thinks "garage mahal" using racialized language lowers his perceived reputation is wrong. "garage mahal" has a reputation that cannot be lowered.
garage mahal said...
Run along young man. Those absentee ballots won't fill out themselves.
Republican rubes are so convinced that Democrats are cheating,
Truth hurts doesn't it, garage.
The truly fun part is that, with a word, I can get you to twist and turn and hunt and peck and get you all worked up and all the time the space you get to act in gets smaller and smaller. All because you would rather lie.
Actually I didn't remember. Someone is posting under my name, that's why I asked for a link. Neither of my two trolls could manage to pull off posting a link by the way. Drago probably still thinks I deleted it.
"Someone is posting under my name, that's why I asked for a link."
You disavow the post?
Bitchtits hasn't decided whether or not he is going to pretend that he doesn't remember posting it, or instead claim that somebody posted it "imitating him."
I bet his excuse will have something to do with SECRET ROUTERS. It certainly can't be the fact that he was just proven to be a big fat liar.
He's been claiming lately that's someone's been posing under his name. But his word isn't exactly trustworthy. A full explanation is in order.
"Meese, Blackwell: How to fraud-proof elections"
And why Democrats don't want to do that.
I saw a couple "fake" garage posts, for example here. You can tell by clicking on the profile.
Personally, I think it's a shitty, bad-faith tactic. I'd delete them if it were up to me.
garage: "Actually I didn't remember."
That IS convenient.
garage: "Someone is posting under my name, that's why I asked for a link. Neither of my two trolls could manage to pull off posting a link by the way."
Oh, sorry I didn't man the keyboard continuously to address what you posted (but don't remember posting).
Oh, and wasn't PMJ's actual re-posting of your comment sufficient to "remind" you of what you wrote?
Or do you just use the phrase "blacky" so much it's hard to discern which comment people are referring to?
Garage: "Drago probably still thinks I deleted it."
Well, you were "playing" so dumb about a rather interesting term that I figured you had to be an absolute idiot to absolutely deny (which you did) having used it (which you did) and then daring someone to go find it unless you had deleted it.
Since we can all see now that you did use that phrase, feel free to take back your absolute denial.
And thanks again for being an entitled lily-white lefty from a lily-white area who deigns to lecture other white folks on race.
I don't believe in the Republican "wave." The important elections are close enough for the Democrats to steal - and steal they will by any means.
The Democrat Party is an ongoing criminal conspiracy.
It's Schrodinger's Donkey. We won't know if the donkey is dead or alive until the voters open the box on election day.
Of course, given the Democrats' affinity for attracting the Necro-American vote, it probably won't make any difference whether the donkey is any deader than some of their cemetery precincts.
Sour Grapes.
The offensive post seems to be the real garage (December 2006 start date). So garage is a liar (which we already knew).
OCare will not die with a Republican Congress.
Once they come back, they will be shellacked with constituents telling them about themselves or relatives being saved by OCare. Plus the media will (finally) be selling the good stories of OCare, therefore painting the Republicans of "killing" you, your kids, your grandma, your cousin.
And unfortunately, there are no real plans from Reps. Complain all you want about them not having a voice, but I've been on conservative blogs since 2005. has *never* been a certified plan
coming from the right and they know it. The only two was Romneycare (which they through out the moment the left usurped it and called it O-Care) and Ryancare (which only got a few mentions on blogs like Hot Air).
And I think the Republicans (including Tea Partiers) know this. They will make some movements
for the little issues related to it, but they will not touch anything. Not even in 2016.
Garage bravely runs away after being confirmed a fat liar.
What a piece of garbage.
A good assumption is that the "fake" garage profiles are also him, created so he can deny offensive posts.
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