The other post is about the NYT's artful phrasing of descriptions of protest violence — the delicacy with which it handles racial matters in what is a touching/absurd muddling of factual accuracy and displays of empathy toward black people.
But this post is about the white people — not the media white people who choose this distanced delicacy, but the white people who participated in protests. There's only one, I think, in the text of the article:
A middle-aged white woman wove through the crowd, yelling, “We need to shut this down across America!” and handing out fliers.And the slide show ends with a shot of protesters "disrupting traffic" in New York City. This crowd is overwhelmingly white (to appropriate a phrase famously applied to tea party crowds). I cropped out a section of the lower left so you could look at the signs:
The woman, Jessie Davis, was a supporter of the Revolutionary Communist Party and came here from Chicago.

"Only Revolution Can Bring Peace!" "From Ayotzinapa to Ferguson/Down With Capitalist [Police Terror]," "No Justice in the Capitalist Courts!/Internationalist Group."
I don't know what to say about that, so I'll just quote something I read in The Daily Beast, last August: "Communist agitators stirring up a civil rights protest sounds like a bad ‘60s flashback, but that’s just what happened last week in Ferguson, Missouri."
Come on, only Tea Party protests are 'overwhelmingly white', all others are a "slice of America" and "mostly peaceful"
Careful who comes to your protests. It wasn't long ago the Tea Party was asked to disassociate themselves from the nuts who'd show at their rallies with racist signs.
...And only ignorance can bring strength! ...and only slavery can bring freedom!
Yeah, the Soviets sure brought peace to Afghanistan.
There does seem to be a significant number of young white males in footage of the rioting, especially in scenes where cars are getting overturned. It's almost like the aftermath of a major college sports championship!
Jokes aside, it's been obvious for weeks that anarchists and hard left groups with no relation to Ferguson have been drooling over the prospect of using the grand jury outcome for purposes that have little to do with actually helping the people of Ferguson.
Omelets, eggs. In the end the color of the shell doesn't make a difference.
I suspect the sad truth for today's communist is that they have neither the numbers, organization, nor energy to mount a demonstration on their own. They are reduced to piggybacking.
Che, Mao, and Marx meet Lydon LaRouche.
That the extreme Left jumps on the bandwagon of every cause du jour is well known but little discussed by the "moderate" Left. Here's a discussion by David Korn of Mother Jones/The Nation of the loons involved in the Iraq/Afghanistan anti-war movements.
Living in DC, I've seen many a protest march and they ALL have their assemblage of fringe loons. If, however, it's a right wing march that has some racist nutjobs, then those signs show up on the news. If it's left wing nutjobs who support North Korea & want to roast the bourgeoisie on a spit, then those signs never show up on the news.
Brando said..."It wasn't long ago the Tea Party was asked to disassociate themselves from the nuts who'd show at their rallies with racist signs."
The irony is that most of those nutters were the very same Lyndon LaRouchies who show up at Democrat rallies, carrying the exact same "Obama as Hitler" signs that they carry at Tea Party rallies, and yet it's never an issue at the Dem rallies, and it's never reported that they're part of the truly crazy Left!
(Note: I love engaging LaRouchies in conversation. They are wired in a completely different way than I am, and I find them to be very entertaining.)
It's almost like the aftermath of a major college sports championship!
That never happens. Well, hardly ever. And on the rare occasion it does, white people are never involved in the mayhem. But if white people are involved, they always clean up the mess the next day.
Because whites are always tidy and always polite, don't you know?
It wasn't long ago the Tea Party was asked to disassociate themselves from the nuts who'd show at their rallies with racist signs.
If I remember correctly, the racist signs were held by people not in the Tea Party. They were Democrat operatives, paid to hold the signs at TP rallies.
“History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme.”
Mark Twain... or someone
YoungHegelian said...
Here's a discussion by David Korn of Mother Jones/The Nation of the loons involved in the Iraq/Afghanistan anti-war movements.
A majority of US citizens believe the war in Iraq was a major mistake. Why are you calling you fellow citizens loons when you are in the minority?
Another thing I learned is that there really are Communist agitators who want to burn down businesses. They live in America because they are Americans. Thanks for showing yourselves!
Living in DC, I've seen many a protest march and they ALL have their assemblage of fringe loons.
Seriously. I remember talking to some of the lunatics that came to protest the world bank in 99/2000ish. None of them had a clue what they were talking about.
But DC cops don't generally let things get out of hand, at least when I was there. They make arrests. This whole thing has been so, incredibly mismanaged, that if you wanted a riot, this is pretty much what you would do.
f I remember correctly, the racist signs were held by people not in the Tea Party. They were Democrat operatives, paid to hold the signs at TP rallies.
Much like the "protester" Althouse keeps posting the picture of over and over and over and over again.
Only I don't think Walker had to pay anyone to do it. Republicans have a history of doing that sort of thing for free.
There's no use telling Communist agitators "you are making thing worse" - that's what they want. They want to make bad worse and so bring on a "revolution." We know how the "revolution" worked out but no leftist ever knows or learns anything. Ferguson is a diagram of the left in action. A poverty stricken neighborhood has had all its stores burned down.
Maybe all white cops should just slink away and into their cars and drive away when they have an encounter with black guys. (/snark)
The comparison to Ayotzinapa is sad, as that case has nothing to do with Ferguson. Comparing the two suggests the person is completely unaware of both what happened in Mexico and Missouri and has fallen into created hero myth of Ferguson.
Mexico is seething in reasonable anger at actual misdeeds. Ferguson is like a child's hissy fit, angry at the truth.
I should say in my previous comment 'encounter with black guys who don't cooperate' -- the cops should just throw up their hands and get into their police cars and drive away,
(and even after being hit in the face or something.)
See the absurdity of it?
Hey hey, ho ho Emmanuel Goldstein's got to go!
The commies are trying to help people from being dependent on the capitalist money system. They just steal it all and that capitalist bankers' tool goes away. with no money the power comes from the Party that shoots/starves people who want their money back.
AReasonableMan said...
A majority of US citizens believe the war in Iraq was a major mistake. Why are you calling you fellow citizens loons when you are in the minority?
Saying there were loons involved does not imply that everyone involved was a loon. Saying that a majority thought the war was a mistake does not imply that a majority was involved in the anti-war movement.
In other words, the fact that you are a loon does not imply that the majority of Americans are also loons.
The agitprop in my Facebook feed this morning: "The system didn't fail. The system worked. That's the problem."
There's a fundamental dissonance on the left between the rights of the accused and the demand for justice. This is to their credit. At least there's some concern about the rights of the accused. It was there once. It's hard to see it any more.
A majority of US citizens believe the war in Iraq was a major mistake. Why are you calling you fellow citizens loons when you are in the minority?
Did you read the article at the link, ARM?
While a majority of Americans may have misgivings about the course of the Iraq/Afghanistan wars, a majority of them were not supporters of Saddam Hussein & his regime, as are/were groups like ANSWER.
"disassociate themselves from the nuts who'd show at their rallies with racist signs."
That wasn't hard since many, if not most, were Democrat agitators trying to create photo ops.
Ignorance is Bliss said...
... lived put to name.
Your failure to recognize that the anti-war supporters were on the right side of history makes you look even more blindly partisan than usual.
The New York Times often embarrasses itself.
YoungHegelian said...
While a majority of Americans may have misgivings about the course of the Iraq/Afghanistan wars, a majority of them were not supporters of Saddam Hussein & his regime, as are/were groups like ANSWER.
This pathetic attempt to claim that the anti-war movement supported Saddam displays how empty your rhetoric has become. A majority of US citizens oppose your views.
"If I remember correctly, the racist signs were held by people not in the Tea Party. They were Democrat operatives, paid to hold the signs at TP rallies."
Not just Democrats. Also union operatives and leftists of every kind.
Now the issue is capitalist courts? if it's not race and imperialism, it's capitalism and imperialism. And it's revolution against The System. Help help I'm being repressed!
AReasonableMan said...
blah blah blah ...right side of history... blah blah blah
Claiming that history shows that you were right or wrong is almost always a cheap rhetorical trick. You can never see what would have happened had we never gone in, nor what would have happened if we hadn't pulled out.
Plus, history ain't over.
AReasonableMeltdown: "This pathetic attempt to claim that the anti-war movement supported Saddam displays how empty your rhetoric has become."
The "anti-war" movement was an anti-conservative/republican/Bush movement.
As soon as Bush was gone, poof! No more movement.
The "anti-war movement" was/is/will be simply leftists using whatever tool is available that day to advance their goals politically.
AReasonable Man wrote:
This pathetic attempt to claim that the anti-war movement supported Saddam displays how empty your rhetoric has become. A majority of US citizens oppose your views.
of course they supported Sadaam. When he was removed they were arguing that Iraq needed another strong man and wasn't ready for democracy. That's support of the status quo.
jr565: "Now the issue is capitalist courts? if it's not race and imperialism, it's capitalism and imperialism"
It's always really about capitalism and freedom and the lefts distaste for those things as they stand in the way of the left remaking our society.
jr565: "of course they supported Sadaam. When he was removed they were arguing that Iraq needed another strong man and wasn't ready for democracy. That's support of the status quo."
Of course this is true.
If the leftists were in charge then Saddam would still be in power, with Kuwait, and almost certainly with the Eastern Saudi oil fields under his control.
And Qatar, Bahrain and the UAE would be sweating bullets about what might come next.
"...right side of history..."
Shorter AReasonableMeltdown: "We will bury you"
drago wrote:
The "anti-war" movement was an anti-conservative/republican/Bush movement.
As soon as Bush was gone, poof! No more movement.
The "anti-war movement" was/is/will be simply leftists using whatever tool is available that day to advance their goals politically.
So true. If the anti war crowd wanted to find reasons to gripe they'd have plenty of reasons under this current administration. But where are all the protests?
Closing of Gitmo? violation of war powers act? Kinetic military actions? Escalating in Afghanistan. Etc etc etc etc etc.
same with Bush being an imperialist president and how the left has a problem with it. When he does signing statements Hillary is out there talking about how Bush is acting like an emperor. even Obama is saying he can't do what he just did because he's not an emperor. When he does it though, where is the criticism.
We are just witnesses to memes put out by the left which they then adopt their patented moralistic furor over. But it's simply a means to an end. Get their guys elected. Once done, they have no reason to continue carrying the banners.
So under Obama not only do the 1980s want their foreign policy back, but the 1960s want their civil rights protests back.
I have nothing to add to the following excerpt from Jim Treacher:
Let this be a lesson to you, America: If a white guy shoots a black guy, it doesn’t matter if his claim of self-defense is supported by the physical evidence. You’d better punish him to appease an angry mob, or justice will be extracted from a bunch of people who had nothing to do with it.
A majority of US citizens believe the war in Iraq was a major mistake.
Hindsight is always 20/20.
Fox Butterfield, is that you?
The violence erupted despite pleas for calm from President Barack Obama and the family of the victim Michael Brown after prosecutors announced the officer faces no state criminal charges.
EMD: "Hindsight is always 20/20"
Actually, with the lefties, hindsight along with actual eyewitness testimony and physical evidence is not enough to alter the trajectory of lefty memes.
The narrative must live.
"Fake but Accurate" is the watchword on the left.
AReasonableMan said...
YoungHegelian said...
While a majority of Americans may have misgivings about the course of the Iraq/Afghanistan wars, a majority of them were not supporters of Saddam Hussein & his regime, as are/were groups like ANSWER.
This pathetic attempt to claim that the anti-war movement supported Saddam displays how empty your rhetoric has become. A majority of US citizens oppose your views.
11/25/14, 10:06 AM
Just like a "majority of scientists support the theory of man made global warming".
A majority does not change the nature of facts no matter how badly they wish it were so.
ARM is a good example of the low information voter phenomenon and how useful it is for Democrats.
During the Bush administration the Cindy Sheehans of the world were placed front and center on your nightly news. ABC, CBS, NBC, The New York Times, all interviewed her. They couldn't get enough footage of her outside of the Bush ranch in Texas demanding to speak to the president, again. Every anti-war protest was covered ad naseum. It was perfectly planned and plotted and helped the Democrats capture the House and ultimately, the Presidency.
Where is Cindy Sheehan now? Where are the anti-war protestors? Are they covered ad naseum? These low information voters would be surprised to learn the Cindy Sheehan is still out protesting. That the anti-war protesters are still out there. Only, they are no longer useful to the Democrats and their agenda. So they are ignored.
It's interesting how many of the left are ignored, when they aren't useful to the Democrats.
Rest assured. They will get their moment in the spot light again, once we have a Republican President back in the White House.
Then, suddenly, their grievances will be worth hearing, and speculating on, and talking about, every day, for as long as it helps the Democrats.
I see ARM and mf have returned from the secret, undisclosed hideout they occupied during all the Gruber posts in time to call Republicans and Tea Partiers racists because a grand jury, after reviewing all the evidence including multiple black eyewitness accounts, decided that a man was justified in killing the man trying to kill him....
It's all about the hate with those two: Screw justice. Fuck the truth.
They want an innocent man punished because he is white...and we get called racists?
Stalinism pokes its head out from behind the 'progressive' mask yet again.
"The "anti-war" movement was an anti-conservative/republican/Bush movement."
This isn't entirely true, but it's close to the truth.
Every Tuesday, across the street from me, there is an anti-war protest and it's been going on for years. Every Tuesday. It's down to about 10-15 people these days, but they are dedicated.
I'm pretty sure these anti-war protestors are 60's hippies who just can't let it go. They aren't Republicans or Democrats, but are a pox on both their houses types.
As soon as it's politically useful for the Democrats, they'll be talked about again, and their numbers will rise.
But there are certainly a core of anti war types in this country who take their anti war stance quite seriously.
It's just, no one else takes them seriously until they become useful to the Democrats. Then the media and the Democrats (But I repeat myself) start to cover them and make them relevant again.
Of course, neither Obama nor Holder knew the grand jury’s decision before the dragged out conclusion, no more than anyone else did except for the prosecutor and the Brown family, which was notified in the afternoon.
Then why the CBS shots of the parents and the wailing when the DA came to reading the decision?
This was very dishonest, if true.
The thing with any visible protest movement is that the whole point is to try and sway opinion, at least in the malleable middle. In the early '60s, MLK and his cohorts went with civil disobedience, dressed up in suits with old people and little kids among them, not hitting back when bigoted mobs attacked them and hollered awful things at them. The visuals made their cause sympathetic to a lot of Americans who previously didn't think much about segregation, or at least didn't consider civil rights to be very important.
Then later in the decade, once the movement gave way in the news to rioters, or Stokely Carmichael types, the middle started swinging back--ultimately explaining why about 60% of the votes in the '68 election went to Wallace or Nixon (both "law and order" candidates--and to some extent even Humphrey was "law and order").
Do the rioters in Ferguson think for a minute that the malleable middle will watch these antics and say "we really should do more to prevent deaths like Brown's" or instead say "we need more cops on the streets to deal with these sorts!"?
Brando said...
Do the rioters in Ferguson think for a minute that the malleable middle will watch these antics and say "we really should do more to prevent deaths like Brown's" or instead say "we need more cops on the streets to deal with these sorts!"?
11/25/14, 11:14 AM
I think you are giving them too much credit. I don't think their thoughts go anywhere near either of those options. I think their primary motive is "lets have us some fun, smash a bunch of stuff and take a bunch of stuff cause we can". Then tomorrow (or the next day) when the dust settles and they try to go shopping, it will be all "what have THEY done?" Forgetting that "they" is "us"...
I thought it was odd when Mark Strassman, an hour or more before the announcement was due, asked the step-father if they (the parents) got all they wanted, but it makes sense if CBS knew that they had already been told.
USAToday asked "Whatever Happened to Cindy Sheehan?" but came up with the wrong answer.
Obviously there was more than one asshole magnet.
How will this affect the willingness of the police to get involved on calls to predominantly black neighborhoods? And who will ultimately be hurt more by that?
In the footage of Ferguson on TV this morning, I saw several people in Guy Fawkes masks. I don't know what skin color was under those masks, but I associate them with the Occupy movement and other largely white groups.
"I think you are giving them too much credit. I don't think their thoughts go anywhere near either of those options. I think their primary motive is "lets have us some fun, smash a bunch of stuff and take a bunch of stuff cause we can". Then tomorrow (or the next day) when the dust settles and they try to go shopping, it will be all "what have THEY done?" Forgetting that "they" is "us"..."
Well actual rioters aren't thinking any farther than "I want to destroy things and hurt people" or "I want a new TV". The Sharptonite racemongers aren't thinking beyond "how will this benefit my hustle". But among the throngs of protesters I imagine some might genuinely be hoping to change things.
The anti-war movement made this same mistake--when the protests got shrill enough, it turned off a lot of people who might otherwise have been receptive.
The real tension in the run up was wondering if the court system would return a verdict based on the case itself or external pressures.
"In the footage of Ferguson on TV this morning, I saw several people in Guy Fawkes masks. I don't know what skin color was under those masks, but I associate them with the Occupy movement and other largely white groups."
If they have a Guy Fawkes mask, then they are either (1) a hard core British papist or (2) a blithering idiot who doesn't actually know who Guy Fawkes is.
Ferguson in burned yet?
Time for the vacationing rioters to go home and let the residents sift through the ashes.
A well-funded repatriation movement could re-center the Civil Rights folks on a continent where they have a better chance of succeeding. Everybody talks about 'ole Martin Luther King, but what about Marcus Garvey?
The violence erupted despite pleas for calm from President Barack Obama and the family of the victim Michael Brown after prosecutors announced the officer faces no state criminal charges.
The stepdad told the crowd to "burn the bitch down".
That will be forgotten, of course.
Communists hate Grand Juries for not delivering "the social justice verdict", I guess.
God knows there's no reason to believe mere normal law-justice demanded an indictment.
They still don’t care!” she yelled. “They never going to care!” Ms. McSpadden then sank her head into her husband’s chest and bounced as she wept vigorously.
So she was acting. Nice going, lady.
All the businesses who we're damaged should simply close their doors. And then let's see how the revolution provides for gas in your car and a quart of milk.
And cops should refuse to answer any calls in that neighborhood.
"This pathetic attempt to claim that the anti-war movement supported Saddam displays how empty your rhetoric has become. A majority of US citizens oppose your views."
If I remember correctly, and you are not worth going through all the comments, the statement was that ANSWER and like groups were cheering for Saddam, but of course you have to make your point.
The hard left, and it runs the Democratic Party these days, preferred Saddam to Bush. The human shields in Gulf War I showed that. That looney psychiatrist from Seattle was a good example.
Come on, you've shown you can be sensible.
I see that folks let the Unreasonable Man hijack the thread. Again.
As for me, I just came back from the cafeteria, where Benjamin Crump was on CNN. Can I assume that he didn't attend Wisconsin Law, Professor? Because if he did he didn't learn much about the rights of the accused. If the goal of the Ferguson mob and the Brown family attorneys was to get people of other races to regard African-Americans as inherently ready to resort to violence to get their way, I would say that they're succeeding beyond their wildest dreams.
If the parents were told earlier in the afternoon, so were their counselors, and driving downtown to throw a match at the appropriate time was an intentional act by joint decision.
The street smarts of the Ferguson black ghetto is so low that they still think their votes equal some debt owed to them.
But with 20 million new hispanic voters why should her vote have its old value?
The Mother of the suicide by cop drugged up dead man wailed that she has finally figured it out, "They never gonna care." So her husband promptly called for suicide by burning their looted neighborhood down.
There is the strange but common thought that threatening to hurt myself is a blackmail force to get my demands met.
Fox vs CNN Which one is the network of ideologues again?
What we have here is a failure to educate...
Ughhhhh, I thought the good guys had finally beaten the Commie filth into the dirt once and for all, but,the Commies are like zombies; they keep rising from the dead to haunt us bitter clingers just trying to make a living and be left alone.
I long for the day when socialists and communists will be viewed with the same loathing as Nazis. There's very little real difference between them.
Yeah, why start with peace when you can "sanctify" it with struggle and violence? The only way that has even a chance at working is if you completely exterminate the opposition, but once you create a massive war/revolution machine it just starts looking for fresh victims.
Well I couldn't read the linked article because the NYT told me I had reached the limit of 10 free articles for this month. I don't read the NYT because I object to the omissions from their coverage. "All the news that's fit to print" is a false promise. It should read "Some of the news that's fit to print."
In truth I didn't know I had read 10 NYT articles this month. All of them were from Althouse posts -- I don't otherwise follow posts to the NYT as a personal boycott. AA destroys my boycott by piquing my interest in a subject then linking to the NYT.
Reading about the troubles in Ferguson in a non-NYT article I saw the quote from some Chicago-based Communist that she wanted violence to lead to revolution. 97 years after the October revolution we STILL have stupid people telling us how wonderful the world will be after a Marxist revolution? The examples of the USSR, East Europe, China, North Korea, Cuba, Cambodia, Albania,Venezuela -- damn, the list is just too long -- don't cause people to question the wisdom of their passion? I'm saddened, but more importantly, I'm mystified. Dummies.
These fools should be forced to wear around their neck a satellite photo taken over the Koreas at night. Then they can tell us all about the wonders of the revolution.
You kind of have to understand that for a dedicated communist, shared misery is preferable to unequally divided happiness - even if they have to make an exception for their leadership cadres.
madisonfella said...
"Because whites are always tidy and always polite, don't you know?"
That is racist, the definition of. White people act in a variety of ways and cannot be stereotyped like that.
The Tea Party protests are always pretty well cleaned up after by the participants and there hasn't been a hint of violence at any of them.
We all know what was left after the Occupy protests though. Trash, rape, bad smells, stupidity. If only they would have a protest in Mexico and not be able to come back.
Once again reality intrudes on Madisonfella's fantasy world, and she doesn't like it one bit, so it must be lies! Or false flag operations!
I especially like it when she accuses me of being a sock puppet and goes off on rants about the turpitude of those who accuse her of the same.
AReasonableMan said...
Ignorance is Bliss said...
... lived put to name.
"Your failure to recognize that the anti-war supporters were on the right side of history makes you look even more blindly partisan than usual."
Look, a disgusting human being appears to re-write history.
Do we need a roll call of the Senate vote FOR the Iraq War?
And when will you admit that there were WMD's all over the country and the left perpetrated a lie to discredit the war?
Everything you say on this subject is dishonest. Everything you say dishonors what we did there and those that died. You are a wretched human being.
Hagar said...
"You kind of have to understand that for a dedicated communist, shared misery is preferable to unequally divided happiness - even if they have to make an exception for their leadership cadres."
The tools want equality and fairness.
The leaders want power.
One is stupid. Both are evil.
Hagar: "You kind of have to understand that for a dedicated communist, shared misery is preferable to unequally divided happiness - even if they have to make an exception for their leadership cadres."
There is a corollary pertaining to Arabs/Muslims: "They are much happier dragging you down to their level than attempting to raise themselves to your level."
Achilles said...
You are a wretched human being.
Pure projection.
"They are much happier dragging you down to their level than attempting to raise themselves to your level."
They have a plan to be the last ones squatting on the rubble and so to rule. It seems like a plan with a reasonable chance of success to me.
You are a wretched human being.
Funny coming from a wretched leftist trying to bring down Western civilization.
madisonfella... those Walker indictments are gonna come any day now!
"You are a wretched human being."
I do have to disagree with this statement. I certainly don't consider UnreasonableBitch to be human.
Even your political fellows like to distance themselves from you PMJ. Nobody thinks you are a decent human being.
A majority of US citizens believe the war in Iraq was a major mistake. Why are you calling you fellow citizens loons when you are in the minority?
I'd say that they don't like the way it turned out. Once Dear Leader left the Iraqis swinging in the breeze, there was no other outcome possible. Of course, W agreed to to the status of forces agreement, Our Savior refused a deal that would have permitted troops to remain, even though he had campaigned on supporting such a deal.
A great deal of the current disaster could have been averted and the current polling reflects our disappointment with the inevitable outcome.
- Krumhorn
Shortly after that liquor store got robbed, things escalated a bit.
The smart looters had their stores and merchandise scoped out ahead of time. Auto parts, drugstores electronics.
The dumb asses got drunk and headed for the dollar store and the beauty shop.
You can lead an asshole to free stuff, but you can't make 'em think.
12 police snipers ordered to shoot down those raising fires or attacking others with any weapon/mob-action would have resolved the problem in (What was once "post haste").
Definition of racism in English:
1 The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
Hard to imagine how people come up with these stereotypes
while you're typing up that post, maybe you can explain why the NYT published the street Officer Wilson lives on?
The hard left is making a determined effort – mostly successful it seems to me — to take over (what they hope is to be) the climate change bandwagon. They argue that capitalism is evil and is destroying the world, and they've got just the solution. See Zombie's expose of the Oakland Calif. climate change extravaganza a couple of months back. It's jaw-droppingly astonishing but they're all (or almost all) hard-left communists, or else the next thing to it. No kidding.
Michael McNeil,
I clicked through to Zombie's article. Scrolling through the photos was amusing but pathetic rather than menacing. An awful lot of gray and and an awful lot of white. It looked more like my college reunion than a threat.
I particularly liked the gray haired guy manning the "young communist league" card table (third photo down).
From a witness in a hand-written statement that the grand jury was provided:
“Dang if that kid didn’t start running right at the cop like a football player. Head down.” The witness heard "3 bangs" but “the big kid wouldn’t stop.”
No wonder Wilson put one into the head of the 'gentle giant'.
Facts, apparently, don't matter much to the race hustlers and lefties.
- Krumhorn
One of those agitators had his iPhone stolen while he was livestreaming the fascist police. There's an hilarious video.
VIDEO>>> Chief #Ferguson Instigator & Indicted Cop Hater Bassem Masri Robbed LIVE ON AIR
Make sure to listen to the soundtrack all the way through the vid. LOL.
tim in vermont: "They have a plan to be the last ones squatting on the rubble and so to rule. It seems like a plan with a reasonable chance of success to me"
I never said their position was completely without some degree of rationality.
That iPhone robbery made me smile.
When you elect a communist community organizer as president, you tend to get communists acting more brazenly.
I wonder if the NYT is going to publish a comparison between planned Ferguson targets and those establishments that experienced destruction.
Communism is so last century--if I were a leftist I'd be embarrassed to even have those clowns associated with me. Even the communists aren't communist anymore--China has quietly acknowledged that communism failed and they decided to be fascist instead (or CINO, communist in name only).
This is one reason I don't care to be part of any protest or march, regardless of what the cause is--you just can't prevent the nuts from getting involved and making it look bad. Unless the protest is for joke reasons, in which case it's part of the point.
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