[Emails] include rallying cries to, in [Robby] Mook’s words, “smite Republicans mafia-style,” and, to quote [Marlon] Marshall, “punish those voters.”... The existence of a “Mook Mafia” of friends and loyalists who extend through Mook’s previous campaign work has long been known....
In the more substantive messages, though, Marshall emerges as the more aggressive of the duo.... “F U Republicans. Mafia till I die,” he wrote.... “First, the mafia never separates, it just continues to grow and expand and move into other states in order to destroy Republicans,” [Marshall] wrote. “A special thanks to none other than the namesake himself, Deacon Robby Mook. Without him, there would be no mafia and I for sure know I would not have learned as much as I have in this business and have this opportunity.”...
“It's true: Marlon Marshall is leaving our fold. Today is the day the grownassman [sic] grows up and leaves for America's Second City. I know this prodical [sic] son will return to the mafia manger soon enough to smite Republicans mafia-style,” Mook wrote. “If you can't be here in person, join me in spirit by sending your words of love and encouragement to the Most High Grown Ass Reverend Marlon D as he embarks on his pilgrimage. Please believe and obey the beard.”
१४ नोव्हेंबर, २०१४
Hillary's Mook Mafia and its Most High Grown Ass Reverend Marlon D. "Please believe and obey the beard."
At ABC News: "Read the Secret Emails of the Men Who May Run Hillary Clinton's Campaign.
६९ टिप्पण्या:
how old are these people? It reads like a bunch of stoners sitting around a dorm commons room. Freshmen year.
They sound like football coaches pumping up a losing team to try harder next game. They had lots of screams and brags about crushing opponents.
They had better tone it down. They might trigger the Scots_Irish principle which is to attack those first who threatened to attack you.
Enter Rand Paul, stage right.
This is what the democrats have devolved into. That and Kim's internet breaking ass.
Reverend? Deacon?
Punish those voters?
Destroy republicans?
Good God, it's a fucking cult. Or organized crime, with the Democrat Party, it's hard to tell the difference.
Sounds like a cult.
know what other organization styled its leaders with made up titles like "Most High Grown Ass Reverend"?
The KKK. Ask Robert Byrd.
Mafia, you say? RICO lawsuit.
I thought it was the resurrection of Rev Jeremiah Wright.
That describes the inside of Hillary. Her obsession with power extended and pumped out through her toxic veins.
Bad religion.
"but Robby and I wanted to start a chain to acknowledge many in our great family who have been out there busting their tails for all that is right in the world."
Yeah, you guys are the forces of righteousness.
Here I am thinking that Obama's Jim Messina was creepy.
The real mafia had a motto, "Don't write it if you can say it. Don't say it if a gesture will do."
What, all White and all Male?
Hillary is for diversity, right?
Are you frickin kidding me? These illiterate thugs will be running a Presidential campaign? On the other hand, this may be a gift to the GOP from a wise God.
Well shit, now I'm REALLY gonna vote for her.
I'm more interested in how this story came to be. Who leaked it? And why?
Somebody from Obama's camp trying to hurt Hillary? Someone close to Hillary concerned about this guy taking over her campaign?
Even after Barky got the nod in 2008 I've considered it inevitable that Hillary would someday be president. Maybe it's just unwarranted optimism left over from the mid-terms, but now I'm thinking she may not me. These days she seems to have a Wendydavisian stank of latent implosion hanging around her.
Be that is, certainly not me!
“Never write if you can speak; never speak if you can nod; never nod if you can wink." old school Boston Irish politician Martin Michael Lomasney
I don't want to obey Hillary or her beard.
Hold me! (scared)
I'm just happy to see that Crack found a job.
"garage mahal said...
Hold me! (scared)"
Don't worry garage. There's no discussion of Jonathon Gruber here. You're safe.
Julie C said...
I'm more interested in how this story came to be. Who leaked it? And why?
Granny Warren
What a bunch of assholes. Wonder if they are also publicly telling local businesses they won't receive any help from the government because one of their board members met with the leader of the other political party.
Actually, probably not. That is too petty and childish, even for mafia thugs.
I'm more interested in how this story came to be. Who leaked it? And why?
Somebody from Obama's camp trying to hurt Hillary? Someone close to Hillary concerned about this guy taking over her campaign?
Maybe someone inside Fauxcahontas' teepee.
Oops, RecChief got there first.
Poor Hillary.. she gets knifed from all sides. The Obama crowd wants Warren -- she just has been given a 'leadership' position in the senate -- a made up one from old Harry. She is a Obama clone. Can we talk about what is going on with Warren, instead of Hillary, because you will find more shenanigans and skulduggery with Warren and the Obama crowd.
Maybe Mook is a Obama mole. Hillary should learn from her mistakes in 2008.
What a bunch of assholes. Wonder if they are also publicly telling local businesses they won't receive any help from the government because one of their board members met with the leader of the other political party.
You didn't pay your protection money!
Easy to joke about these guys Fact is, they can do a lot of damage to the average voter. It would be nice to actually find something threatening or incriminating in the emails. Even just enough to charge, or investigate . These are the people who get the ball rolling to do stuff like publish names of "traditional marriage " voters in California, or to harass Walker or Perry.
How can anyone vote for these dangerous clowns?
>>move into other states in order to destroy Republicans
>>our great family who have been out there busting their tails for all that is right in the world."
Yes. Destroying the half of your country that disagrees with your political approach - that's the Lord's work, no doubt.
None are more certain of their morality than the amoral.
@ Julie C: might it be puffery concocted and leaked by Hilliary's team to warn off any possible challengers? "You think we're just a bunch of 20something white hipster dudes over here? You think these hands been soakin in Ivory liquid? Don't mess with the Mook mafia! We will MESS YOU UP"
or something like that
"madisonfella said...
What a bunch of assholes. Wonder if they are also publicly telling local businesses they won't receive any help from the government because one of their board members met with the leader of the other political party."
Who is doing this to what local businesses Penguin? Local to where?
Not exactly the Renaissance Weekend crowd, is it?
madisonfella said...
What a bunch of assholes. Wonder if they are also publicly telling local businesses they won't receive any help from the government because one of their board members met with the leader of the other political party.
Actually, probably not. That is too petty and childish, even for mafia thugs.
11/14/14, 11:50 AM
It would actually be pretty much OK cause as Hillary! says: a) you didn't build that, b) businesses don't create jobs, and c) at this point what difference does it make.
So, it ant's your business no ways to start wit so whats the big deal ifin we ruffs it up a little?
Professional adolescents seeking power and they might get it. It's part of a whole new class who never have done anything except politics. Even LBJ was a schoolteacher for a while. JFK was in the navy, but after than nothing but politics.
Here are the Presidents since WW II who had a real job outside politics.
Kennedy--Barely (only military service in WW II)
Nixon--Barely (His time as a lawyer in NY was mostly politics.)
Bush 41--Yes
Clinton--No (I do not count his brief Law Prof. gig)
Bush 43--Yes
Obama--No (arguable but imho his whole life was politics)
Unfortunately there is room for these types at the top. The rest become rich consultants.
Elizabeth Warren doesn't exactly strike me as a hard as nails political operative type, but I assume someone on her team could be.
Fun to watch, in any case.
There's a theory that the emotional development of pot users is arrested at the age they first start using pot.
That would explain a LOT about Democrats and progressives...
Elizabeth Warren is not going to be a push over. She is hardworking and a good communicator with real American roots out of the Scots-Irish immigrants stream.
IMO Warren is no more a socialist than she is a Cherokee. She just wants the job enough to act like one the same way Hillary Rodham once did.
Isn't Warren is gaining a reputation as poor on her feet and will do everything she can to avoid answering adversarial questions?
Isn't Warren is gaining a reputation as poor on her feet and will do everything she can to avoid answering adversarial questions?
In other words she is behaving exactly like Obama, and will be protected by the media exactly like Obama.
EDH said...
Isn't Warren is gaining a reputation as poor on her feet and will do everything she can to avoid answering adversarial questions?
I have every suspicion that Warren is going to turn out to be Wendy Davis, Jr.
Wonder if they are also publicly telling local businesses they won't receive any help from the government because one of their board members met with the leader of the other political party.
By "local business" you mean "centimillionaire hedge fund managers from New York", and by "any help" you mean "a gift of hundreds of millions of dollars". You couldn't be more full of shit if you swallowed a Taco Bell franchise and kept your head stuck up your ass.
Warren won a college scholarship as a High School debater. She does need to overcome a teacher's style of lecturing when she speaks, but she uses words well and thinks on her feet.
You got hundreds of millions of dollars and you haven't given us any? We control this state!
They sound like they are trying to "act black".
It worries me that people like this actually find themselves in positions of power. That they are taken seriously. Wined and dined and courted and asked to give speeches at special events.
The article says this Mook Mafia guy is a contender for managing Hillary's campaign. Heh, not after this leak -- she would avoid him like the plague.
"garage mahal said...
You got hundreds of millions of dollars and you haven't given us any? We control this state!"
You do know Jim "Pay for Play" Doyle is no longer Governor right? Scott Walker is Governor now. He beat Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett in 2010, again in 2012, and that plagiarizing moron Mary Burke just last week.
Maybe you were tappa kegga for those?
Doyle!!!!! I blame Jim Doyle!! I blame Jim Doyle!! I blame Jim Doyle!! I blame Jim Doyle!!
Milwaukee Bucks are far more "local" than the Wisconsin State Rep who actually lives in Alabama. But go ahead and keep bleating about how that franchise contributes nothing to our local economy and they are just a bunch of rich people looking for a handout. Given the hatred that the GOP has been spreading about millionaires, that might actually get a lot of traction among the rest of the low-information voters.
Next up: Republicans will explain why it is good for our state that Oshkosh Trucks (the company that Walker's campaign manager sits on the board of) is moving over 300 jobs to Mexico. Perhaps the Walker supporters will be able to crack some more hilarious "Taco Bell" jokes with that story too.
Next up: Republicans will explain why it is good for our state that Oshkosh Trucks (the company that Walker's campaign manager sits on the board of) is moving over 300 jobs to Mexico.
But bub but Jim Doyle!
But bub but Jim Doyle
It is funny how they claim Doyle is the slimiest of the slimy and yet in the same breath say that the Republicans are only doing the same thing Doyle did so there is nothing wrong with it this time.
What is the funniest of all is that they honestly really do believe what they are saying. It isn't just a game for them; their entire moral code is built on a foundation of "Two wrongs make it right" and they are befuddled that anyone would think otherwise.
Has Delusional George ever had a disagreement of opinion with someone without him labeling that person a moron or a retard or a dumbass or some other childish name calling?
Jon Stewart and Katie Couric along with Glamour magazine - will head up the Hillary! campaign. Other Hollywood hype and hysteria to follow.
So, the Party of the Ass is actually a cult. That explains their embrace of archaic principles and rituals.
"It is funny how they claim Doyle is the slimiest of the slimy and yet in the same breath say that the Republicans are only doing the same thing Doyle did so there is nothing wrong with it this time.
What is the funniest of all is that they honestly really do believe what they are saying. It isn't just a game for them; their entire moral code is built on a foundation of "Two wrongs make it right" and they are befuddled that anyone would think otherwise."
In a thread about Hillary's Mook Mafia, you and your buddy Garage start talking about Wisconsins Republican wrongs and then say this?
Now that's precious.
I wonder if Hillary will be honest and campaign on "single payer universal health" care? (stick that magic word universal in front of everything & ooooo, orgasm)
Universal single payer (government is the payer ie: taxpayer is the payer) is what this woman wanted and still wants to force on us, like it or not.
The far left demand single payer, but I think a majority of the nation doesn't want the British NHS. It's horrible if you're actually sick, and the middle class really takes a beating paying for it. Sure, she'll insist only the 1% will pay, but not her, and not her cronies. Goldman Sachs pay? no way!
How can the democrats snake around the issues? Fake, hide, camouflage, suspend belief, hype, lie, blame on a video, false promises of utopia... --that is the question, Gruber.
"I wonder if Hillary will be honest and campaign on "single payer universal health" care? (stick that magic word universal in front of everything & ooooo, orgasm)"
The dream of single payer is over. It's not dead, it's like a zombie that you can shoot and shoot and it'll never die. But it's just a dream.
The left knows this now, which is why they are so mad at Obama, Pelosi and Reid. Because they agreed with them that Obamacare can be the road to single payer. Now everyone see's the road is crumbling, shoddy work, and doesn't take anyone anywhere.
And the public at large, not leftists/progressives, says to themselves, "They can't do Obamacare, how will they do single payer?" and the left see's this and is angry.
Because progressives think government can be done right. And since it wasn't done right "This time" it must be the fault of those in charge.
They'll never learn.
Right from the beginning I called them assholes and have never supported Hillary, with or without an exclamation mark behind her name. Her and Walker are two sides of the same coin.
What a bunch of jack-asses.
"It reads like a bunch of stoners sitting around a dorm commons room. Freshmen year."
And Obama staff members.
Mommy Mommy.
Osh Kosh moving jobs to Mexico like Ashley was moving jobs out of Wisconsin? In other words another lefty disinformation.
Provide a cite or stifle yourself.
I suspect that this is how political operatives talk. It sounds horrifying in a republican system of government and these two guys should never ever ever have anything to do with politics if we want the political system to be healthy. Yet, again, I suspect that this is pretty normal among political operatives.
"madisonfella said...
Milwaukee Bucks are far more "local" than the Wisconsin State Rep who actually lives in Alabama. But go ahead and keep bleating about how that franchise contributes nothing to our local economy and they are just a bunch of rich people looking for a handout. Given the hatred that the GOP has been spreading about millionaires, that might actually get a lot of traction among the rest of the low-information voters.
Bullshit #1. Now the truth: The GOP in the legislature and Walker have both said they are open to looking for ways to help the Bucks finance a stadium. BTW, the is no desire by the Democrats that run Milwaukee County, which would receive the economic impact, to help with financing.
Bullshit #2: Voss statement that the Buck's owner campaigning for Mary Burke makes it tougher to get GOP help is reality dumbass. Campaigning against the people that days later you have a hand out too? Just plain stupid. And even Democrats outside of Milwaukee are going to have a hard time accepting a plan that requires their constituents to help pay for a stadium in Milwaukee? Do you think that fat troll Kathy Vinehout will want to? No way.
"Next up: Republicans will explain why it is good for our state that Oshkosh Trucks (the company that Walker's campaign manager sits on the board of) is moving over 300 jobs to Mexico. "
Bullshit #3: No jobs are being sent to Mexico. The jobs being lost here are for military equipment. Probably due to Obama cutting back on the military.
They are building a factory in Mexico for construction equipment. They have a partner their that they are taking over management.
"The Mexican plant is expected to open in the spring and will not take jobs from the company's factories in the U.S. and Canada, said John Daggett, vice president of corporate communications."
So that's three strikes. Grab some bench. But before you do, please explain why every case ou make is just plain bullshit? Are you stupid? Or just a liar? Maybe both? Please let us know Penguin.
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