Nearly all the news around this event is about outsiders. I live a hundred miles away and still I feel the intrusion. Worse than even the agitators are the media vultures who are praying for an on-camera riot. Lambert airport is lousy with them. Free speech is fine, but does this include offering a bounty on the officer's life? Maybe so, depending whether the offer is serious. I can't believe that's similar offer from a different source and directed imprudently would be ignored. I'm surprised, like a couple of commenters above, that the feds would bust up even a bomb plot. Between them, the media and the administration have made a bad situation nothing but worse. The corrupt local governments of suburban St Louis will just dig in and hang on, like always, and Ferguson will sink further into necrosis. All this local misery inflamed for the temporary advantage of outsiders and voyeurs who will disappear, leaving behind a miasma of char with a whiff of sanctimonious asshole over it. The char will be lasting.
This is definitely going to result in another FBI analysis of the dangers of white supremacist groups, which naturally includes former military members, tea party members and homeschoolers.
All this local misery inflamed for the temporary advantage of outsiders and voyeurs who will disappear, leaving behind a miasma of char with a whiff of sanctimonious asshole over it. The char will be lasting.
Remember that little 1st Amendment rant from the DC reporter who was incensed because a McDonalds' manager wanted to safe guard employees by sending them home early?
I find this puzzling. It is fairly clear that a "sting operation" didn't catch two assholes from the NBP trying to buy explosives by accident. They were the targets, and they took the bait. It looks as if Holder sent the FBI to Missouri to dig up dirt on the Ferguson police, and the FBI had other ideas. I suppose it is conceivable that Holder has realized that some of "his people" are going to get their useless asses shot if they don't wise up.
No ones assuming anyone will riot. But a number of local morons have threatened to. And there was that looting that went on in Ferguson over the summer.
So it would be dumb not to prepare for more looting and some riots in Ferguson and to keep a close eye on the usual suspects.
Why isn't it considered impermissibly racist to assume black people will riot?
Because black people are actually threatening to riot. This, and the fact that they've already rioted in Ferguson, tends to buttress the assumption. It is not racist to make the assumption; merely common sense in order to prepare for the threatened possibility.
Answer to Althouse's query: It is not racist to take people of any demographic persuasion at their respective words. I take the people who have offered a bounty on a police officer's life and promised riots at their respective words. I believe they mean to do what they claim to plan.
Would it not also be racist (or some such -ist) to maintain that people of some demographic persuasion cannot be taken at their respctive words? Would you devalue the truthfulness of an entire group of people?
I think I see a logical plan forward. Cities should build parks dedicated to protesting so protests don't happen in commercial areas, university campuses, or on busy streets. These protest parks should have wide streets where marches can be held. The parks should have storefronts with plate glass windows since in a significant fraction of our population protesting means breaking windows and our political leaders seem to agree. By dedicating space to marches and violence the protestors can enjoy their hobby and the people with job and family responsibilities can live their lives in peace. Neither group will inconveniebce the other.
Chef Mojo said... Why isn't it considered impermissibly racist to assume black people will riot?
Because black people are actually threatening to riot.
On the one hand, it is racist to assume generalities based on racial stereotyping. That's Political Science.
On the other hand, there is operational research and the law of large numbers.
1. If some blacks have rioted 2. If more threaten to riot again 3. If blacks have rioted before in many cases where they have not gotten the legal outcome they want 4. if MSM are encouraging them to riot 5. and if the legal outcome is going to piss them off,
then smart money says riots, regardless of your PC biases...
"Why isn't it considered impermissibly racist to assume black people will riot?"
Why isn't it considered impermissibly foolhardy to fail to consider the possibility? As a kid in St. Louis, while other urban areas were aflame, we watched and waited. The old folks assumed that it was because of the quality of the St. Louis Police Department. But the white men were all going about armed. My old man had his entrenching tool from Korea under the seat of family station wagon. He had used it in the past, when the Chinese over-ran the trenches at Outpost Harry.
Grundoon, they have something similar on London. It's called Speakers' Corner, near Marble Arch. It's a place set aside for free speech, or at least it was when I was there in 1980. There are many limits on speech in the UK today, so it's possible they've effectively closed the place.
Many American colleges have established "Free Speech Zones" where students are allowed to say what they want, within the constraints of PC approval, of course. You can't have people saying unapproved things, of course, or someone might get upset.
"Why isn't it considered impermissibly racist to assume black people will riot?"
The function of the passive voice is to avoid attributing actions to persons, and it does double duty in that question. Considered by whom, for whom to assume?
I would say, that the local authorities would rather not make that assumption, because they will be called racist. But they also know that if rioting occurs, and they are not prepared for it, they will not be congratulated on their racial sensitivity.
More and more white Americans are starting to realize that there are worse things that can happen to you than being considered impermissibly racist by the sorts of people who consider things impermissibly racist. Lots of them.
Why isn't it considered impermissibly racist to assume black people will riot?
Because the one's who decide what's "racist" as the means to control what's permissible are themselves assuming, and hoping, that a black riot will occur. Their own assumptions wouldn't deter them from scolding anyone who makes the same assumptions, of course. So maybe the question isn't as foolish as it seemed to me at first. It does assume what isn't impermissible. I think that assumption is mistaken. It is assumed by the racial rule makers to be impermissible - unless you're permitted. Such permissions depend on whether one's m motives are pure.
"Why isn't it considered impermissibly racist to assume black people will riot?"
Because black people are allowed to riot.
It is part of "black privilege"
Anyone claiming to not expect a riot is a liar.
While I expect it, I sincerely hope it does not happen. A minor demonstration instead of a "riot" would hopefully send a message that most black people do not agree with the so-called race hustlers.
Why isn't it considered impermissibly racist to assume black people will riot?
Because it happens again and again. At some point reality really does take over. I saw it in Berkeley: shop-owners just hauled the storefront-covering plywood from storage. Again. "Oh, another one of these. Better cover up."
Ferguson is currently gearing up for another riot, which will predictably hit such bastions of white privilege as -- no, not banks or colleges; are you nuts? Consumer electronics and clothing, more like. Fight the power!
The original meaning is fairly harmless, for that matter. Say that somebody (Derbyshire for instance) thinks that whites are smarter than blacks, on the average. Yet there's no friendlier fellow than Derbyshire, to whites and blacks alike. He just believes in the divergence of independent populations in various qualities, and it would be 50/50 that whites are smarter or blacks are smarter, and as it turns out whites are smarter.
Whether blacks tend to riot after a symbolic verdict is a matter of culture and instabilities in it, and they do. They can fix it by not rioting a few times. That's not a race thing so much as a tribe thing, aided by the media and their appointment of certifiably crazy black leaders.
Nobody appoints white leaders for us. Those they try to appoint get ridiculed.
Speaker's Corner Marble Arch ironically is a free speech tradition trom its history as the spot where the King's men conducted public executions of criminals by hanging until dead. The dispensation to say whatever a condemned man-speaker wants to say and comes from the ritual of allowing the condemned "to say his final words " before he was executed.
Why isn't it considered impermissibly racist to assume black people will riot?
To all the answers above, I will add the law of large numbers. For the most part, you can't point at a particular person, black, white, green, etc, and predict that they will riot. Or kill, mug, steal, etc. But when you have a large enough population, you can predict whether or not a riot is likely. Just as you can, unfortunately, predict that there will be many more murders by, say, a million blacks, than a million whites. Actually, probably several times as many black murderers (and murder victims).
Making things worse though, certain black leaders have been threatening black rioting if they don't get the verdict they want. Many of these are clergy, essentially telling their flocks that rioting is acceptable as a response, instead of preaching that it is evil.
News reports say that 65% of the Ferguson population is Black. I don't know when the next election is, but they ought to elect a new City Council, and then they can run the police department the way they want to. That -- and not rioting -- is the way we're supposed to deal with things in a democracy.
The Godfather: "News reports say that 65% of the Ferguson population is Black. I don't know when the next election is, but they ought to elect a new City Council, and then they can run the police department the way they want to."
With any luck they can create their own mini-Detroit within just a few years.
Then they can plow back under half of Ferguson and reestablish some serious farming there.
Why isn't it considered impermissibly racist to assume black people will riot?
Because black people are actually threatening to riot. This, and the fact that they've already rioted in Ferguson, tends to buttress the assumption
Not to mention: 1980 Miami 1989 Overtown (Miami) 1991 Crown Heights (Brooklyn) 1992 Los Angeles 1996 St Petersburg 2001 Cincinatti 2003 Benton Harbor 2005 Toledo 2006 Fontana 2006 California prison system 2008 Locke High School (LA) 2009 Oakland and most importantly 2014 Ferguson, Mo
That's just over the last 35 years
Does that list, especially the last entry, explain why people might think there will be a riot good enough for you?
My only hope is that, if there has to be a riot, Crack is present in a leadership position which would ensure the effort would fail and fizzle out in no time.
"Why isn't it considered impermissibly racist to assume black people will riot?"
What is racist is not that black people are going to be assumed to riot, it is that people assume all Black people support the riots. People who lump all black people together as monolithic are racist.
Note that this is happening prolifically on this thread. If Crack was here he would be saying a bunch of racist shit too. I know the left side of the political spectrum is full of racist pieces of shit. It would be really great if the right side of the political spectrum would pull its head out of its ass.
There are real problems with race in this country. They are being perpetrated and underwritten by the left to keep black people as well as anyone else they can get in a permanent underclass. Yes it is disproportionately affecting black people because of choices they make.
But for the love of god at least grant that there is some shitty treatment going on and that there is a majority of the black community that wants to resolve these issues correctly. But as long as you lump all black people in with the less that 1% of black people that will actually be in Ferguson rioting where will they go? The only help they see is Uncle sugar with his food stamps. The rest of you call them rioters.
I would really prefer we went after the racists on the left than allow less than 1% of the black community who is sponsored by the progs be able to tarnish the rest.
That's the only acknowledgement here anyone could have a reason to be enraged.
In America.
A place that took from blacks for 400 years, only to wonder why we're poor. And who did that plunder benefit? The 100+ years of taxes?
Redlinng of places like Ferguson?
All you types who want the government out of our lives love that shit.
Just a bunch of "useless" Americans who'd better "wise up" to what's going on. Like the Black Panthers discovered, even though they had a 10 point plan (that included taking care of kids) all everyone wants to talk about is their radical 2nd Amendment ideas. Can't have those.
Think about how hard it is for a black entrepreneur in Ferguson. Here's a guy or gal who has some get up and go and moxy and they crank up a business in their own neighborhood hoping to make a better life for themselves and their community.
First the white liberals like garage show up and tell them "you didn't build that".
Then a bunch of crack-types show up post-racial incident yelling "fight the power" and burn the joint to the ground.
Crack is back? I wondered if we might have heard the last of him when I read that they had arrested the man who pushed Wai Kuen Kwok in front of a New York subway train.
On cue. There is crack with his fist raised, praising indiscriminate violence, dragging everyone down. Including the people he purports to represent.
Is he a moby? Sometimes he comes out with things that aren't ridiculously stereotypical. Lately though they are hard to find. Almost as if he is just mailing it in.
"Why isn't it considered impermissibly racist to assume black people will riot?"
I teach medical students and some of my students are black. Those that are are almost always foreign born. I want so much to see black students do well but I am not willing to cheat to achieve an outcome. Medicine is more important than education or law school. The black applicant who took the place that Bakke was entitled to at UC, Davis was later prosecuted for criminal behavior and lost his license.
I want to see black kids do well but we do not have an education system that rewards talent. Why dos a kid from Nigeria do better than a black kid from Los Angeles ?
This I will not accept in medical school. I don't think these kids even think of medical school because they know they cannot meet fair standards. What a shame fore the next generation
Ann Althouse seriously asked "Why isn't it considered impermissibly racist to assume black people will riot?"
Didn't Spike Lee tell them to last time? Didn't he tweet the address of an innocent couple he wished to see harmed? How do you square these things Althouse or do you just ignore them as you ignored Crack for so long?
Michael K: " The black applicant who took the place that Bakke was entitled to at UC, Davis was later prosecuted for criminal behavior and lost his license."
To be precise, I think there were a handful of african american admits for UC Davis when Bakke was denied admission though Bakke's credentials were superior.
One of the handful (Chavis) did lose his license (one of his patients died due to incompetence) and he was later killed himself in a carjacking.
I remember it well as I lived in the Northern Bay Area at the time and lets just say that some of the local brothers and sisters did not take kindly to the lawsuit.
"It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment. This sweltering summer of the Negro's legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality. Nineteen sixty-three is not an end, but a beginning. And those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual. And there will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges."
- MLK's I Have A Dream speech, AFTER the part about blacks getting a "bad check" marked "insufficient funds.". Here's a bit more:
"There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights, "When will you be satisfied?" We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality. We can never be satisfied as long as our basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one. We can never be satisfied as long as our children are stripped of their self-hood,..No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until "justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream."
The early American economy was built on slave labor. The Capitol and the White House were built by slaves. President James K. Polk traded slaves from the Oval Office. The laments about “black pathology,” the criticism of black family structures by pundits and intellectuals, ring hollow in a country whose existence was predicated on the torture of black fathers, on the rape of black mothers, on the sale of black children. An honest assessment of America’s relationship to the black family reveals the country to be not its nurturer but its destroyer.
And this destruction did not end with slavery. Discriminatory laws joined the equal burden of citizenship to unequal distribution of its bounty. These laws reached their apex in the mid-20th century, when the federal government—through housing policies—engineered the wealth gap, which remains with us to this day. When we think of white supremacy, we picture Colored Only signs, but we should picture pirate flags.
On some level, we have always grasped this.
“Negro poverty is not white poverty,” President Johnson said in his historic civil-rights speech.
Many of its causes and many of its cures are the same. But there are differences—deep, corrosive, obstinate differences—radiating painful roots into the community and into the family, and the nature of the individual. These differences are not racial differences. They are solely and simply the consequence of ancient brutality, past injustice, and present prejudice.
We invoke the words of Jefferson and Lincoln because they say something about our legacy and our traditions. We do this because we recognize our links to the past—at least when they flatter us. But black history does not flatter American democracy; it chastens it. The popular mocking of reparations as a harebrained scheme authored by wild-eyed lefties and intellectually unserious black nationalists is fear masquerading as laughter. Black nationalists have always perceived something unmentionable about America that integrationists dare not acknowledge—that white supremacy is not merely the work of hotheaded demagogues, or a matter of false consciousness, but a force so fundamental to America that it is difficult to imagine the country without it."
How many words from TNC would it take to get people to forget that Coleman Young ran Detroit completely for 20 straight years...and right into the toilet?
Let it go, Drago. How many specific examples would you like to hear of white leader's actions leading to undesirable results? Besides, Young did not drag down Detroit - he built it up.
"Let it go, Drago. How many specific examples would you like to hear of white leader's actions leading to undesirable results?"
OOH! OOH! I wanna play! Please please please cite specific examples! Especially the undesirable results! You know how you spell
We all know white people acted like pieces of shit. The part that I don't get is why do black people keep voting for government that fucks them? Obama has enacted policies that would obviously end up hurting poor/black people. These policies have hurt them. Now here we are with agitators trying to ruin any chance at a positive outcome.
You know these people are working for progressives. And you know progressives are just using you. They just announced an executive amnesty and they are fighting to import a new labor force that is going to displace Black people from jobs disproportionately. For votes.
"Besides, Young did not drag down Detroit - he built it up."
That's just retarded or argued in bad faith.
And those examples you are going to hopefully cite? They are all going to be democrats/progressives. White progressives.
Crack, rather than waste so many words on repeated racial broadsides that are patently ineffective, why not devote all that energy to a single sentence directed to your brothers and sisters that would change things dramatically for the better in a generation: Work hard in school, get a job, marry your baby mates, and raise your kids to do the same.
"How many words from TNC would it take to get people to forget that Coleman Young ran Detroit completely for 20 straight years...and right into the toilet?"
Because 20 years can undo a hundred of white leadership - which included restrictive covenants that outlawed blacks living anywhere decent - so they had to pay enormous rip-off prices for shit living conditions, by government decree, right? Along with making us pay taxes for facilities and services - including at the courts - that served to improve white lives exclusively.
Oh, you love defending government interference as long as it hurt blacks, huh?
Yep - it was all our fault. There were never whites running the show - not in America.
Like blacks didn't try "hard work" and being decent - look at this photo and tell me what you don't understand about white's reaction to decency.
And then explain mass lynch parties that deprived blacks of their very lives - can't make money when you're dead - and your family and friends are traumatized.
Explain whites burning down entire black towns - can't make money when it's gone - and your family and friends are traumatized..
And tell us how whites expected blacks to recover from that - when they killed the men.
Answer: they didn't - that was the point.
Whites blaming blacks in just the "mental anguish" part of your show,...
Darren Wilson would look so much different in a place without a history of racism, segregation, discrimination, restrictive covenants, white flight, redlining, and all the rest that casts a shadow on the entire place.
But that IS the history of the place he killed a black kid in - and then let the body lay in the street, without medical care of any kind, for four hours.
Which, of course, reminds blacks of "the good old days conservatives want to "go back" to:
When whites hung black bodies from a flag pole in a train station or public square.
What do whites call those places again? Oh yeah - I love this phrase for white murder sites:
You are right Crack, everybody has to die sometime. People who violently attack armed people are going to be first on the list. Regardless of the relative histories of their races.
We all know white people acted like pieces of shit. The part that I don't get is why do black people keep voting for government that fucks them? Obama has enacted policies that would obviously end up hurting poor/black people. These policies have hurt them. Now here we are with agitators trying to ruin any chance at a positive outcome.
And here's the part that makes no sense. For promises, the left/progressive political agenda is to promise and then do nothing. Obamas state political district is still shithole. There are no promised jobs. Education still stinks. Yet year after year blacks keep voting for democrats. Black kids would scramble for any no skill entry level job, but the democrats keep upping the minimum wage and fighting to keep the boarder open.
It has struck me that the ongoing "preparation for a riot" that is sure to occur after the verdict can be strung along for weeks and maybe months and that could be a strategy. I think each day that passes without an announced verdict (even if the decision has been made) lets a little air out of the protest. I hope this is not announced for months (maybe during a bad storm)
----he killed a black kid in - and then let the body lay in the street, without medical care of any kind, for four hours.---
Typical alinkyite personalization bullshit mixed with poorly conceived or communicated propaganda.
There was no need for 'medical care' since the young man was dead. Just adding bs emotive lies to the situation crack.
If (big if) there was an unusual delay in gathering the crime scene evidence and moving the body, that was not the responsibility of the accused officer.
So how long was the delay?
And if the crime scene was processed quickly you would be squealing that the circumstances of this individual’s death were shown no concern in the haste.
You are just a sick hater with no credibility. Why waste your time?
Whites blaming blacks in just the "mental anguish" part of your show,...
Crack, of course, your statement of history is correct with respect to the acts of less than 100% of our white ancesters.
Very considerably less than 100%.
However, I did none of these things and had no influence over those who did. And it's ridiculous to accept the assertion that we cannot move past historical inequities. If that were the case, none of us could escape the grasping claws of ancient wrongs that would drag us into the sulphurous pits of circular revenge and retribution.
Any person willing to shout loudly and often enough can try to maintain that a VW bus is really a large pear so long as the rhetoric is determined to convince by asserting that those who disagree are variously (i) uninformed, (ii) blind, (iii) self-deceiving, or (iv) pear bigots.
It's enough to say that the problems can be fixed in a generation when the race mongers are booed down.
The Crack Emcee said... "Darren Wilson would look so much different in a place without a history of racism, segregation, discrimination, restrictive covenants, white flight, redlining, and all the rest that casts a shadow on the entire place.
But that IS the history of the place he killed a black kid in - and then let the body lay in the street, without medical care of any kind, for four hours."
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९४ टिप्पण्या:
♫ Michael Brown's body lies a-mouldering in the grave... ♫
It's surprising to find Holder on the side of the law.
I'd suspect a mixup.
I see a purge of the FBI coming to a Midwest branch near you.
Who ever OK'd this operation is in deep shit. I hope he was close to retirement.
Holder will dismiss the case before he leaves...
But, but, the NBPP are a voting rights group.
A 501 c(3)
Nearly all the news around this event is about outsiders. I live a hundred miles away and still I feel the intrusion. Worse than even the agitators are the media vultures who are praying for an on-camera riot. Lambert airport is lousy with them. Free speech is fine, but does this include offering a bounty on the officer's life? Maybe so, depending whether the offer is serious. I can't believe that's similar offer from a different source and directed imprudently would be ignored. I'm surprised, like a couple of commenters above, that the feds would bust up even a bomb plot. Between them, the media and the administration have made a bad situation nothing but worse. The corrupt local governments of suburban St Louis will just dig in and hang on, like always, and Ferguson will sink further into necrosis. All this local misery inflamed for the temporary advantage of outsiders and voyeurs who will disappear, leaving behind a miasma of char with a whiff of sanctimonious asshole over it. The char will be lasting.
This is definitely going to result in another FBI analysis of the dangers of white supremacist groups, which naturally includes former military members, tea party members and homeschoolers.
All this local misery inflamed for the temporary advantage of outsiders and voyeurs who will disappear, leaving behind a miasma of char with a whiff of sanctimonious asshole over it. The char will be lasting.
Remember that little 1st Amendment rant from the DC reporter who was incensed because a McDonalds' manager wanted to safe guard employees by sending them home early?
"But but but my free WiFi!"
That was it in a nutshell.
Same as the old black panthers. More fun to blow shit up than hold down a job and raise your kids.
I find this puzzling. It is fairly clear that a "sting operation" didn't catch two assholes from the NBP trying to buy explosives by accident. They were the targets, and they took the bait. It looks as if Holder sent the FBI to Missouri to dig up dirt on the Ferguson police, and the FBI had other ideas. I suppose it is conceivable that Holder has realized that some of "his people" are going to get their useless asses shot if they don't wise up.
Where will the whites riot if he is indicted?
Oh, this is going to end well. I'm sure the nice people in Ferguson will react peacefully and calmly...
Why isn't it considered impermissibly racist to assume black people will riot?
All charges to be dropped.
"Why isn't it considered impermissibly racist to assume black people will riot?"
It certainly is considered racist.
No ones assuming anyone will riot. But a number of local morons have threatened to. And there was that looting that went on in Ferguson over the summer.
So it would be dumb not to prepare for more looting and some riots in Ferguson and to keep a close eye on the usual suspects.
It's like preparing for a G-8 summit.
Why isn't it considered impermissibly racist to assume black people will riot?
Because black people are actually threatening to riot. This, and the fact that they've already rioted in Ferguson, tends to buttress the assumption. It is not racist to make the assumption; merely common sense in order to prepare for the threatened possibility.
Answer to Althouse's query:
It is not racist to take people of any demographic persuasion at their respective words. I take the people who have offered a bounty on a police officer's life and promised riots at their respective words. I believe they mean to do what they claim to plan.
Would it not also be racist (or some such -ist) to maintain that people of some demographic persuasion cannot be taken at their respctive words? Would you devalue the truthfulness of an entire group of people?
Racism works in multiple directions. No?
Last seen intimidating voter in front of a Philly polling place in 2008.
Holder DOJ dismissed the case.
Surprise, Surprise!
I think I see a logical plan forward. Cities should build parks dedicated to protesting so protests don't happen in commercial areas, university campuses, or on busy streets. These protest parks should have wide streets where marches can be held. The parks should have storefronts with plate glass windows since in a significant fraction of our population protesting means breaking windows and our political leaders seem to agree. By dedicating space to marches and violence the protestors can enjoy their hobby and the people with job and family responsibilities can live their lives in peace. Neither group will inconveniebce the other.
""Why isn't it considered impermissibly racist to assume black people will riot?"
Chef Mojo said...
Why isn't it considered impermissibly racist to assume black people will riot?
Because black people are actually threatening to riot.
On the one hand, it is racist to assume generalities based on racial stereotyping. That's Political Science.
On the other hand, there is operational research and the law of large numbers.
1. If some blacks have rioted
2. If more threaten to riot again
3. If blacks have rioted before in many cases where they have not gotten the legal outcome they want
4. if MSM are encouraging them to riot
5. and if the legal outcome is going to piss them off,
then smart money says riots, regardless of your PC biases...
"Why isn't it considered impermissibly racist to assume black people will riot?"
Why isn't it considered impermissibly foolhardy to fail to consider the possibility? As a kid in St. Louis, while other urban areas were aflame, we watched and waited. The old folks assumed that it was because of the quality of the St. Louis Police Department. But the white men were all going about armed. My old man had his entrenching tool from Korea under the seat of family station wagon. He had used it in the past, when the Chinese over-ran the trenches at Outpost Harry.
Grundoon, they have something similar on London. It's called Speakers' Corner, near Marble Arch. It's a place set aside for free speech, or at least it was when I was there in 1980. There are many limits on speech in the UK today, so it's possible they've effectively closed the place.
Many American colleges have established "Free Speech Zones" where students are allowed to say what they want, within the constraints of PC approval, of course. You can't have people saying unapproved things, of course, or someone might get upset.
Why isn't it considered impermissibly racist to assume black people will riot?
Holder: "I didn't know about this until I read it the newspaper".
Mutters under his breath.... "Comey's history".
Thanks, Larry J. The American version can be "Looter's Corner."
Ann Althouse said...
Why isn't it considered impermissibly racist to assume black people will riot?
Also, is it impermissibly racist to hope that black people will riot?
Then compare your answers and see if you are a liberal or a conservative. Or something else.
"Why isn't it considered impermissibly racist to assume black people will riot?"
The function of the passive voice is to avoid attributing actions to persons, and it does double duty in that question. Considered by whom, for whom to assume?
I would say, that the local authorities would rather not make that assumption, because they will be called racist. But they also know that if rioting occurs, and they are not prepared for it, they will not be congratulated on their racial sensitivity.
More and more white Americans are starting to realize that there are worse things that can happen to you than being considered impermissibly racist by the sorts of people who consider things impermissibly racist. Lots of them.
re: free speech, Chicago has
Bughouse Square
Why isn't it considered impermissibly racist to assume black people will riot?
Because the one's who decide what's "racist" as the means to control what's permissible are themselves assuming, and hoping, that a black riot will occur. Their own assumptions wouldn't deter them from scolding anyone who makes the same assumptions, of course. So maybe the question isn't as foolish as it seemed to me at first. It does assume what isn't impermissible. I think that assumption is mistaken. It is assumed by the racial rule makers to be impermissible - unless you're permitted. Such permissions depend on whether one's m motives are pure.
"Why isn't it considered impermissibly racist to assume black people will riot?"
Because black people are allowed to riot.
It is part of "black privilege"
Anyone claiming to not expect a riot is a liar.
While I expect it, I sincerely hope it does not happen. A minor demonstration instead of a "riot" would hopefully send a message that most black people do not agree with the so-called race hustlers.
Why isn't it considered impermissibly racist to assume black people will riot?
Because it happens again and again. At some point reality really does take over. I saw it in Berkeley: shop-owners just hauled the storefront-covering plywood from storage. Again. "Oh, another one of these. Better cover up."
Ferguson is currently gearing up for another riot, which will predictably hit such bastions of white privilege as -- no, not banks or colleges; are you nuts? Consumer electronics and clothing, more like. Fight the power!
Oso Negro "He had used it in the past, when the Chinese over-ran the trenches at Outpost Harry."
D*mn. Fortunate that came home.
Racism includes too much today to be useful.
The original meaning is fairly harmless, for that matter. Say that somebody (Derbyshire for instance) thinks that whites are smarter than blacks, on the average. Yet there's no friendlier fellow than Derbyshire, to whites and blacks alike. He just believes in the divergence of independent populations in various qualities, and it would be 50/50 that whites are smarter or blacks are smarter, and as it turns out whites are smarter.
Whether blacks tend to riot after a symbolic verdict is a matter of culture and instabilities in it, and they do. They can fix it by not rioting a few times. That's not a race thing so much as a tribe thing, aided by the media and their appointment of certifiably crazy black leaders.
Nobody appoints white leaders for us. Those they try to appoint get ridiculed.
Speaker's Corner Marble Arch ironically is a free speech tradition trom its history as the spot where the King's men conducted public executions of criminals by hanging until dead. The dispensation to say whatever a condemned man-speaker wants to say and comes from the ritual of allowing the condemned "to say his final words " before he was executed.
Why isn't it considered impermissibly racist to assume black people will riot?
To all the answers above, I will add the law of large numbers. For the most part, you can't point at a particular person, black, white, green, etc, and predict that they will riot. Or kill, mug, steal, etc. But when you have a large enough population, you can predict whether or not a riot is likely. Just as you can, unfortunately, predict that there will be many more murders by, say, a million blacks, than a million whites. Actually, probably several times as many black murderers (and murder victims).
Making things worse though, certain black leaders have been threatening black rioting if they don't get the verdict they want. Many of these are clergy, essentially telling their flocks that rioting is acceptable as a response, instead of preaching that it is evil.
Oso Negro said...
at Outpost Harry.
15th Inf Rgt? My Regiment, the 64th Armor was operating there as well.
3rd Inf Division...
The broadcast news channels and the DoJ seem to be working to gin one up.
Not too remarkabale if one happens.
Bruce Hayden said...
Why isn't it considered impermissibly racist to assume black people will riot?
To all the answers above, I will add the law of large numbers
Hehe Bruce,
I respect your intelligent comments that are always worth reading, but I got there first with the "Law of large numbers", two hours+ earlier :)
News reports say that 65% of the Ferguson population is Black. I don't know when the next election is, but they ought to elect a new City Council, and then they can run the police department the way they want to. That -- and not rioting -- is the way we're supposed to deal with things in a democracy.
What happens if blacks riot?
The black population that saved money to buy a house in the suburbs will find the value of their houses fall, mostly, wiping them out.
That doesn't affect the black leaders though.
The Godfather: "News reports say that 65% of the Ferguson population is Black. I don't know when the next election is, but they ought to elect a new City Council, and then they can run the police department the way they want to."
With any luck they can create their own mini-Detroit within just a few years.
Then they can plow back under half of Ferguson and reestablish some serious farming there.
NOT tea partiers? how did this make the news then?
Why isn't it considered impermissibly racist to assume black people will riot?
Because black people are actually threatening to riot. This, and the fact that they've already rioted in Ferguson, tends to buttress the assumption
Not to mention:
1980 Miami
1989 Overtown (Miami)
1991 Crown Heights (Brooklyn)
1992 Los Angeles
1996 St Petersburg
2001 Cincinatti
2003 Benton Harbor
2005 Toledo
2006 Fontana
2006 California prison system
2008 Locke High School (LA)
2009 Oakland
and most importantly
2014 Ferguson, Mo
That's just over the last 35 years
Does that list, especially the last entry, explain why people might think there will be a riot good enough for you?
My only hope is that, if there has to be a riot, Crack is present in a leadership position which would ensure the effort would fail and fizzle out in no time.
Ann Althouse said...
"Why isn't it considered impermissibly racist to assume black people will riot?"
What is racist is not that black people are going to be assumed to riot, it is that people assume all Black people support the riots. People who lump all black people together as monolithic are racist.
Note that this is happening prolifically on this thread. If Crack was here he would be saying a bunch of racist shit too. I know the left side of the political spectrum is full of racist pieces of shit. It would be really great if the right side of the political spectrum would pull its head out of its ass.
There are real problems with race in this country. They are being perpetrated and underwritten by the left to keep black people as well as anyone else they can get in a permanent underclass. Yes it is disproportionately affecting black people because of choices they make.
But for the love of god at least grant that there is some shitty treatment going on and that there is a majority of the black community that wants to resolve these issues correctly. But as long as you lump all black people in with the less that 1% of black people that will actually be in Ferguson rioting where will they go? The only help they see is Uncle sugar with his food stamps. The rest of you call them rioters.
I would really prefer we went after the racists on the left than allow less than 1% of the black community who is sponsored by the progs be able to tarnish the rest.
Fight the power!
That's the only acknowledgement here anyone could have a reason to be enraged.
In America.
A place that took from blacks for 400 years, only to wonder why we're poor. And who did that plunder benefit? The 100+ years of taxes?
Redlinng of places like Ferguson?
All you types who want the government out of our lives love that shit.
Just a bunch of "useless" Americans who'd better "wise up" to what's going on. Like the Black Panthers discovered, even though they had a 10 point plan (that included taking care of kids) all everyone wants to talk about is their radical 2nd Amendment ideas. Can't have those.
Black people just cra-cra,...
The Crack Emcee: "Fight the power"
Or at least smash the door of the closest electronics/other stores.
Many of which are owned by other blacks.
But hey, those black owners had it coming, didn't they?
Think about how hard it is for a black entrepreneur in Ferguson. Here's a guy or gal who has some get up and go and moxy and they crank up a business in their own neighborhood hoping to make a better life for themselves and their community.
First the white liberals like garage show up and tell them "you didn't build that".
Then a bunch of crack-types show up post-racial incident yelling "fight the power" and burn the joint to the ground.
You know, to show "whitey" a thing or two.
Crack: "Like the Black Panthers discovered, even though they had a 10 point plan..."
Ooooh, they had "a plan"!!
Seems like not that long ago 5 and 10 year plans were all the rage on the left across the planet.
They just hoped you didn't notice the mass graves all over the place.
Crack is back?
I wondered if we might have heard the last of him when I read that they had arrested the man who pushed Wai Kuen Kwok in front of a New York subway train.
On cue. There is crack with his fist raised, praising indiscriminate violence, dragging everyone down. Including the people he purports to represent.
Is he a moby? Sometimes he comes out with things that aren't ridiculously stereotypical. Lately though they are hard to find. Almost as if he is just mailing it in.
"Why isn't it considered impermissibly racist to assume black people will riot?"
I teach medical students and some of my students are black. Those that are are almost always foreign born. I want so much to see black students do well but I am not willing to cheat to achieve an outcome. Medicine is more important than education or law school. The black applicant who took the place that Bakke was entitled to at UC, Davis was later prosecuted for criminal behavior and lost his license.
I want to see black kids do well but we do not have an education system that rewards talent. Why dos a kid from Nigeria do better than a black kid from Los Angeles ?
This I will not accept in medical school. I don't think these kids even think of medical school because they know they cannot meet fair standards. What a shame fore the next generation
Ann Althouse seriously asked "Why isn't it considered impermissibly racist to assume black people will riot?"
Didn't Spike Lee tell them to last time? Didn't he tweet the address of an innocent couple he wished to see harmed? How do you square these things Althouse or do you just ignore them as you ignored Crack for so long?
The Crack Emcee said...
Fight the power!
Fight the Glower!
Fight the clowards that be!
Ann Althouse said...
Why isn't it considered impermissibly racist to assume black people will riot?
Because the proper words for it are 'being observant and drawing rational inferences'.
Michael K: " The black applicant who took the place that Bakke was entitled to at UC, Davis was later prosecuted for criminal behavior and lost his license."
To be precise, I think there were a handful of african american admits for UC Davis when Bakke was denied admission though Bakke's credentials were superior.
One of the handful (Chavis) did lose his license (one of his patients died due to incompetence) and he was later killed himself in a carjacking.
I remember it well as I lived in the Northern Bay Area at the time and lets just say that some of the local brothers and sisters did not take kindly to the lawsuit.
What I like best in these answers is you don't despute a word I said:
Did blacks make Detroit - or whites?
You lie to each other for comfort,...
Did blacks make Detroit - or whites?
They certainly made Motown.
"Did blacks make Detroit - or whites?"
Detroit was founded by an escaped slave named Detroit Williams!
And he was a direct descendant of Cleopatra!
"It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment. This sweltering summer of the Negro's legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality. Nineteen sixty-three is not an end, but a beginning. And those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual. And there will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges."
- MLK's I Have A Dream speech, AFTER the part about blacks getting a "bad check" marked "insufficient funds.". Here's a bit more:
"There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights, "When will you be satisfied?" We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality. We can never be satisfied as long as our basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one. We can never be satisfied as long as our children are stripped of their self-hood,..No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until "justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream."
As long as our society keeps pissing off any particular group of people, we should continue to expect an angry response.
MLK wrote:
We can never be satisfied
Looks like a race war. Oh well. They are outnumbered by what, 8x1?
Whites made Detroit.
Then Mayor "we don't need the whites" Coleman Young made sure the whites that were still there after the riots of '67 felt, "unwelcome".
Mayor Young, a far left crank, ran the city for 20 years.
20 years.
No whites controlled anything in Detroit during that time. It was all Mayor Young and the left. And the unions. But I repeat myself.
So keep lying to yourself Crack. Embrace the reality of your "dream city" coming to fruition: Detroit Baby!
And make sure you get to Ferguson in time for the "fire sale".
Terry: "And he was a direct descendant of Cleopatra."
Which would make him Greek too since Cleopatra was the last of the Ptolemaic rulers of Egypt.
Thanks Alexander the Great!
BTW Crack, there's lots and lots of good farmland for sale inside the city limits of Detroit.
Cheap too.
The early American economy was built on slave labor. The Capitol and the White House were built by slaves. President James K. Polk traded slaves from the Oval Office. The laments about “black pathology,” the criticism of black family structures by pundits and intellectuals, ring hollow in a country whose existence was predicated on the torture of black fathers, on the rape of black mothers, on the sale of black children. An honest assessment of America’s relationship to the black family reveals the country to be not its nurturer but its destroyer.
And this destruction did not end with slavery. Discriminatory laws joined the equal burden of citizenship to unequal distribution of its bounty. These laws reached their apex in the mid-20th century, when the federal government—through housing policies—engineered the wealth gap, which remains with us to this day. When we think of white supremacy, we picture Colored Only signs, but we should picture pirate flags.
On some level, we have always grasped this.
“Negro poverty is not white poverty,” President Johnson said in his historic civil-rights speech.
Many of its causes and many of its cures are the same. But there are differences—deep, corrosive, obstinate differences—radiating painful roots into the community and into the family, and the nature of the individual. These differences are not racial differences. They are solely and simply the consequence of ancient brutality, past injustice, and present prejudice.
We invoke the words of Jefferson and Lincoln because they say something about our legacy and our traditions. We do this because we recognize our links to the past—at least when they flatter us. But black history does not flatter American democracy; it chastens it. The popular mocking of reparations as a harebrained scheme authored by wild-eyed lefties and intellectually unserious black nationalists is fear masquerading as laughter. Black nationalists have always perceived something unmentionable about America that integrationists dare not acknowledge—that white supremacy is not merely the work of hotheaded demagogues, or a matter of false consciousness, but a force so fundamental to America that it is difficult to imagine the country without it."
Ta-Nehisi Coates, The Case For Reparations
How many words from TNC would it take to get people to forget that Coleman Young ran Detroit completely for 20 straight years...and right into the toilet?
What's the over/under for how long until Holder releases these 2 guys?
I'd bet his last week in office (after his successor is named and approved).
Let it go, Drago. How many specific examples would you like to hear of white leader's actions leading to undesirable results? Besides, Young did not drag down Detroit - he built it up.
Ochiee: "Let it go, Drago. How many specific examples would you like to hear of white leader's actions leading to undesirable results?"
When don't we hear about that? Care to point out a day when that didn't happen (by one side or the other)?
Ochiee: "Besides, Young did not drag down Detroit - he built it up."
Oh, clearly.
Althouse poses another click-bait question.
People respond "That's just silly"
Crack comes in to mop up .
Lather, rinse, repeat.
Althouse blog.
Ochiee said...
"Let it go, Drago. How many specific examples would you like to hear of white leader's actions leading to undesirable results?"
OOH! OOH! I wanna play! Please please please cite specific examples! Especially the undesirable results! You know how you spell
We all know white people acted like pieces of shit. The part that I don't get is why do black people keep voting for government that fucks them? Obama has enacted policies that would obviously end up hurting poor/black people. These policies have hurt them. Now here we are with agitators trying to ruin any chance at a positive outcome.
You know these people are working for progressives. And you know progressives are just using you. They just announced an executive amnesty and they are fighting to import a new labor force that is going to displace Black people from jobs disproportionately. For votes.
"Besides, Young did not drag down Detroit - he built it up."
That's just retarded or argued in bad faith.
And those examples you are going to hopefully cite? They are all going to be democrats/progressives. White progressives.
Crack, rather than waste so many words on repeated racial broadsides that are patently ineffective, why not devote all that energy to a single sentence directed to your brothers and sisters that would change things dramatically for the better in a generation: Work hard in school, get a job, marry your baby mates, and raise your kids to do the same.
Really, it's not that hard.
- Krumhorn
Why isn't it considered impermissibly racist to assume black people will riot?
Interesting question, Althouse. Do you yourself assume black people will riot if the grand jury doesn't indict Wilson?
"How many words from TNC would it take to get people to forget that Coleman Young ran Detroit completely for 20 straight years...and right into the toilet?"
Because 20 years can undo a hundred of white leadership - which included restrictive covenants that outlawed blacks living anywhere decent - so they had to pay enormous rip-off prices for shit living conditions, by government decree, right? Along with making us pay taxes for facilities and services - including at the courts - that served to improve white lives exclusively.
Oh, you love defending government interference as long as it hurt blacks, huh?
Yep - it was all our fault. There were never whites running the show - not in America.
That's the story you're sticking with,...
"Really, it's not that hard."
Like blacks didn't try "hard work" and being decent - look at this photo and tell me what you don't understand about white's reaction to decency.
And then explain mass lynch parties that deprived blacks of their very lives - can't make money when you're dead - and your family and friends are traumatized.
Explain whites burning down entire black towns - can't make money when it's gone - and your family and friends are traumatized..
And tell us how whites expected blacks to recover from that - when they killed the men.
Answer: they didn't - that was the point.
Whites blaming blacks in just the "mental anguish" part of your show,...
Shorter Crack: The crimes Darren Wilson is charged with are so serious, that innocence is not a defense.
tim in vermont,
"Shorter Crack: The crimes Darren Wilson is charged with are so serious, that innocence is not a defense."
Innocence - in a white supremacist stronghold.
That's rich,...
Darren Wilson would look so much different in a place without a history of racism, segregation, discrimination, restrictive covenants, white flight, redlining, and all the rest that casts a shadow on the entire place.
But that IS the history of the place he killed a black kid in - and then let the body lay in the street, without medical care of any kind, for four hours.
Which, of course, reminds blacks of "the good old days conservatives want to "go back" to:
When whites hung black bodies from a flag pole in a train station or public square.
What do whites call those places again? Oh yeah - I love this phrase for white murder sites:
"A great place to raise a family."
A white family.
Everybody else has to die - somehow,...
You are right Crack, everybody has to die sometime. People who violently attack armed people are going to be first on the list. Regardless of the relative histories of their races.
We all know white people acted like pieces of shit. The part that I don't get is why do black people keep voting for government that fucks them? Obama has enacted policies that would obviously end up hurting poor/black people. These policies have hurt them. Now here we are with agitators trying to ruin any chance at a positive outcome.
And here's the part that makes no sense. For promises, the left/progressive political agenda is to promise and then do nothing.
Obamas state political district is still shithole. There are no promised jobs. Education still stinks. Yet year after year blacks keep voting for democrats.
Black kids would scramble for any no skill entry level job, but the democrats keep upping the minimum wage and fighting to keep the boarder open.
It has struck me that the ongoing "preparation for a riot" that is sure to occur after the verdict can be strung along for weeks and maybe months and that could be a strategy.
I think each day that passes without an announced verdict (even if the decision has been made) lets a little air out of the protest. I hope this is not announced for months (maybe during a bad storm)
These New Black Panther guys are probably aching to expand beyond beyond intimidating voters in Philly!
----he killed a black kid in - and then let the body lay in the street, without medical care of any kind, for four hours.---
Typical alinkyite personalization bullshit mixed with poorly conceived or communicated propaganda.
There was no need for 'medical care' since the young man was dead. Just adding bs emotive lies to the situation crack.
If (big if) there was an unusual delay in gathering the crime scene evidence and moving the body, that was not the responsibility of the accused officer.
So how long was the delay?
And if the crime scene was processed quickly you would be squealing that the circumstances of this individual’s death were shown no concern in the haste.
You are just a sick hater with no credibility. Why waste your time?
Whites blaming blacks in just the "mental anguish" part of your show,...
Crack, of course, your statement of history is correct with respect to the acts of less than 100% of our white ancesters.
Very considerably less than 100%.
However, I did none of these things and had no influence over those who did. And it's ridiculous to accept the assertion that we cannot move past historical inequities. If that were the case, none of us could escape the grasping claws of ancient wrongs that would drag us into the sulphurous pits of circular revenge and retribution.
Any person willing to shout loudly and often enough can try to maintain that a VW bus is really a large pear so long as the rhetoric is determined to convince by asserting that those who disagree are variously (i) uninformed, (ii) blind, (iii) self-deceiving, or (iv) pear bigots.
It's enough to say that the problems can be fixed in a generation when the race mongers are booed down.
- Krumhorn
The Crack Emcee said...
"Darren Wilson would look so much different in a place without a history of racism, segregation, discrimination, restrictive covenants, white flight, redlining, and all the rest that casts a shadow on the entire place.
But that IS the history of the place he killed a black kid in - and then let the body lay in the street, without medical care of any kind, for four hours."
You are a terrible moby.
Cracks' posts fully answer Althouse's question.
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