October 10, 2014

"You're so handsome that I can't speak properly."

Said to Barack Obama by Gwyneth Paltrow, who also enthused fascistically that "It would be wonderful if we were able to give this man all of the power that he needs to pass the things that he needs to pass."


MadisonMan said...

Gag me with a spoon.

I hope the people attended wasted their money.

Mark said...

I feel reverse peristalsis coming on.

Gahrie said...

Repeal the 19th Amendment

SteveR said...

Get a room Gwyneth.

Henry said...

From the link:

Paltrow ... cited sustainable energy efforts as well as Obama's push for equal pay, which she called "Very important to me as a working mother."

I really wonder how many Onion writers are freelancing these days -- and when their new editors will notice.

cubanbob said...

Can't this bitch just shut-up? She is so annoying. No wonder he husband left her.

Achilles said...

Rich progressives usually do pretty well in fascist/socialist states. They are pretty successful in China too and always seem to lament the dear leader doesn't have more power.

Bob said...

Notice the Drudge-taposition of Paltrow and Malala Yousafzai. Another 'not accident'.

Brando said...

Not surprising, considering Paltrow is a loathesome horrible idiot. More surprising would be if this cretin expressed an intelligent thought for once.

Obama's coalition, everyone! I wonder if in his heart of hearts some part of him might be embarrassed by such disgusting, quasi-fascist hero worship, or if his own arrogance and self regard finds such nonsense perfectly appropriate.

YoungHegelian said...

who also enthused fascistically

You sure picked the right adverb there, young lady!

I mean, who needs the Mitford sisters when we've got dear ol' Gwyneth.

Every woman loves a fascist

"Daddy" ---- Sylvia Plath

lgv said...

She's his biggest fan. How can she not be with all that he has accomplished? If we just gave him dictatorial powers, imagine how much more he would accomplish.

I can barely speak properly myself when I see Obama on TV.

David said...

Yeah, because as President of the United States, with a world acclaimed victory, and his party in control of both houses of Congress, he really never had enough power.

Michael said...

Young Hegelian:

Unlike Gwyneth, Unity Mitford went to the trouble of learning a language to meet and speak with her hero. She "spoke properly"

Ignorance is Bliss said...

It would be wonderful if we were able to give this man all of the power that he needs to pass the things that he needs to pass.

I wouldn't willingly give him the power to pass a kidney stone.

jacksonjay said...

I used to think Smarter Lil Lena was the dumbest female celebrity. I have changed my mind. Lil Lena is young enough to still be stupid.

No wonder that rock star is chasing that much younger movie star. Well, Gwyneth was one reason.

B said...

Finding powerful/famous people attractive because of their power/fame is particularly repulsive to me.

Obama is a decent looking man. But his looks wouldn't be taking her breath away if he was pushing papers at some law firm.

PB said...

Gwyneth is stuck in 2008. Pretty much everyone who voted for Obama felt that way. Not a good basis to vote for a president.

Those who have real world experience know that is the time to check to see if your wallet is still firmly in your pocket and make sure it stays there.

Fernandinande said...

To paraphrase Homer Simpson, "Actresses...is there anything they DON'T know?"

exhelodrvr1 said...

Not to worry. This will force the Democrats to take responsibility.

madAsHell said...

Consciously uncoupled.

George M. Spencer said...

The classic response by a follower of a charismatic leader. They evoke slavish devotion or loathing, and their reigns typically end in disaster.

Bobber Fleck said...

Gwyneth radiates "depth" (drawing from a previous Althouse post).

traditionalguy said...

If her wish does come true the USA will cease to exist except as a depopulated Province of a part of the North American Parrish of the New World Federation.

garage mahal said...

Sounds like a Walker supporter.

Fred Drinkwater said...

Jesus H. Christ.
I'm sure my wasting a perfectly good blasphemy on this dangerous idiot is a waste. But sometimes, ya know, it just comes out.
Also: "working mother"? Give me an effin break.
Whew. I feel better now.
I wonder how long the president's mental faculties will be disabled by this adulation. Is it better if it's a long time? Does this concept provide us with a new tool to manage out political masters?
(Shakes head violently, in valiant effort at getting back to a productive state.)

Jaq said...

Funny how Fascism is supposed to be an economic system of the right, and yet Commies seem to be able to get there by changing the letterhead.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

A new term has been coined: Full Gwyneth. Never go Full Gwyneth.

Jaq said...

As Insty often points out, women are hypergamous. Even women who have enormous wealth and power themselves, not to mention soccer moms like Paltrow.

Scott said...

Paltrow should have asked Leni Riefenstahl how career-enhancing it is to suck up to politicians.

n.n said...

This is precisely why God has lost favor with people. Unlike mortal gods, God only promises an outcome to conform with the physical laws, and a post-mortem judgment. Whereas mortal gods promise instant or immediate gratification and dissociation of risk. Let us all pray for hopes and dreams.

Skeptical Voter said...

Well she gave him the full verbal Lewinsky. Her neighbors were not so enchanted.

When the Imperial Lightworker or his moronic Vice President come to town to tap the Hollywood/Beverly Hills ATM, the Secret Service, the FBI, the First Infantry Division and the Fifth Marines shut down and block off streets for miles around. Traffic in whatever part of Los Angeles these two are in becomes "Hell on Wheels".

Local television news reported last night that many of Ms. Paltrow's neighbors couldn't get into their own homes--security for Obi Wan Golfer doncha know.

Frankly as a Los Angeles resident I hope that the next President is loathed by Hollywood so he or she doesn't come here.

rwnutjob said...

Mooch would be really worried if she hadn't already given up & let Reggie have Bambi.

Big Mike said...

I concur with Platrow's desire for equal pay. Next movie she's in, everybody -- including her -- should work for union scale.

chillblaine said...

Obama drone. I wonder if she saw Sabo's installations around her Brentwood neighborhood. Unsavoryagents dot com. Some nice depictions of Abortion Barbie and Chairwoman Hillary too.

Swifty Quick said...

I'm thinking her massage therapist did a skosh too much cupping on her frontal lobe.

hawkeyedjb said...

Oh well. If President Obama wants praise and adulation for his accomplishments, it's not like he can hang out with people who read newspapers and such.

wendybar said...

And you wonder how Hitler did what he did. When you have followers like Obama does...The cult-worship gets a little creepy.

RecChief said...

from the mother of two who said the one thing she wouldn't be able to live with out was her handpainted wallpaper.

Also, yeah, totally not a cult.

Freeman Hunt said...

Real Hollywood being magnanimous to Political Hollywood.

Anonymous said...

Viva Il Dunce!

Skipper said...

What does one expect from people who's fortunes are made by speaking words written by writers, dressing in clothing and makeup designed and chosen by designers, and standing and walking where told by directors in front of green screens? Thinking is not their strong suits.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Beyond parody.

YoungHegelian said...


I misquoted Ms Plath! It's

Every woman adores a Fascist,

not "loves"

Damn memory! There's just too much junk crammed into those old neurons. I apologize to all the lurking Plathites.

Smilin' Jack said...

""You're so handsome that I can't speak properly.""

Said to Barack Obama by Gwyneth Paltrow...

Don't fret, dear--your mouth has other uses.

Scott M said...

As Instapundit reminds, this is the brainchild that thinks having to be on set (making $16 million per I think?) is harder than standard, everyday single moms.

Beorn said...

Somewhere, in some grave, Eva Braun is beaming.

Anonymous said...

Now there's a pile of Goop.

She about as politically knowledgable as those distressed Guardian readers offering unsolicited advice to Ohio voters during the 2008 election.

Please shut up now.

Unknown said...

She is a poseur who thinks because she can mimic a British accent and has lived in London that she is a higher being than most. A few years ago she opined that she prefers living in London because the dinner time conversations are so much more intelligent - I kid you not. She and Chris Martin deserve each other.

YoungHegelian said...

Somewhere, in some ashtray, Eva Braun is beaming.

Corrected that for ya!

Paul said...

Gwyneth Paltrow,like most Hollywood actors and actresses, have pea brains for a mind.

Sure they can mouth scripts and look the look needed on the screen, but in real life most of them are dumb as a post.

damikesc said...

She could talk fine with any other man on Earth.

Obama --- that is the guy too handsome for her to speak properly around.

Man, they are some funny clingers.

Jaq said...

Beautiful women are cossetted their whole life, well until their late fifties, unless they are exceptional. Men hang on their words when they have nothing to say. Women like to hang around them, they brighten people's day with their presence.

How could they possibly know if they have anything intelligent to say?

JHapp said...

One more reason for voter ID. Too many think the rights of others don't apply because when they are voting for the good guy, voting multiple times is justified.

FullMoon said...

He spoke of 55 months of uninterrupted job growth, investments in energy, the success of Obamacare — "and yet people remain anxious."

"Most of the gains in our economy go to the folks who are in this lovely yard — and the average person has not seen their wages or incomes go up in the last 20 years."

Does Obama believe most workers are like the 20 year fast food employees crying for a "living wage?"

In 1994, California minimum wage was 4.25. In 2014, it is 9.00, more than double.

Meade said...


You're likable enough, Barry.

Julie C said...

Couldn't some publicist or handler come up with something dignified for her to say? It's not like she was caught by surprise or anything.

"working mother" hahahahahahahah

FullMoon said...

"You're so handsome that I can't speak properly."

Don't mean much, she said the same thing to me.....

Darleen said...

I wonder how many times Gwyneth slipped off her dinner chair.

Matt said...

Obama seems to elicit this sort of groupie behavior in his supporters. It's never been clear what exactly they see in this man and what I don't. It's fascinating.

I wonder, though, if Obama has the sexual magnetism that Clinton had. It seems to be missing.

etbass said...

Good representative of your average female voter?

pm317 said...

fucking idiots! can't believe they make so much money with their pea-sized brains.

The Crack Emcee said...

I remember when declarations like GP's bothered me - when I was willing to give the Right a chance - there's little chance of that now:

Faced with this crew, I - too - wish Obama had the power to simply run over them.

Nothing fascistic about it (at worst, it's a lesser-of-two-evils trade-off for me) but an acknowledgement of how terrible the alternative of white supremacy is.

Like fish, unable to comprehend the water they swim in, I understand why white opinion may differ,...

The Crack Emcee said...



I keep being amazed at how opinion is used, in the Right-wing media, to pretend things aren't what they are. Whether the opinion is correct is never brought up - they just keep repeating what it is.

And these are the same folks who expect me not to remember they're the ones who criticise Democrats for relying on "feelings" to determine politics. Really?

Don't forget:

Opinion used to say slavery was O.K., Jim Crow was a fine system for blacks to live under, and (today) that blacks and whites pretty much live under the same conditions - all of which are revealing of nothing less than a totally insane fantasy life.

After the Germans lost the war, public opinion was that they were victims, too.

Funny, but few here bought that,...

Sigivald said...

Actors are, for the most part, idiots.

The only question being are they worse than the non-actor population, or just representative?

DKWalser said...

This sums up nicely the major difference between liberals and conservatives. Liberals want to give unfettered power to one or more superior individuals. Those individuals will use their power to get done whatever they determine needs to be done. Liberals are not concerned with the abuse of power because, in their model, only people of superior intellect and incorruptible character will have power.

Conservatives believe power should be limited and what power there is should diffused among several people. Conservatives worry more about the abuse of power than they do that nothing will get done because power has been shared among too many people.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

The Crack Emcee said...

Faced with this crew, I - too - wish Obama had the power to simply run over them.

You have mentioned a number of times that you see yourself as a Republican, except for the Republican's problem with racism.

If Republicans could be instantly cured of the racism that you believe they have, what policy positions do you believe that you would have in common with them?

Darleen said...

I keep being amazed at how opinion is used, in the Right-wing media, to pretend things aren't what they are. Whether the opinion is correct is never brought up - they just keep repeating what it is.

Wow, who knew that NBC/CBS/ABC/MSNBC/NYTimes/LATimes/AP/Reuters/GoogleNews/et al were not only Right-Wing, but never cited poll numbers during any previous Presidency!

The things one learns ...

rhhardin said...

I don't know who she is but she must be doing something a lot of people enjoy, if she made a lot of money.

You don't look for wisdom from musicians, either.

I myself like Anne Hathaway owing to Get Smart (2008) but I don't expect her opinions to be any good.

Love and Other Drugs (2010) was good too, with a less interesting moral (girlfriends are crazy so you have to hang in there).

Steve Carell (Get Smart) in Dinner for Schmucks was good.

Other than those the co-stars' works peter out without much to show for it.

You'd hope for more of the same.

el polacko said...

since when is the urkel-look considered "handsome" ?? goop needs to have her eyes examined.

el polacko said...

the woman who rakes in tens of millions of dollars for a few weeks work and has a full staff of nannies, assistants, and maids is a "working mother" who's all upset about "equal pay" ?!? there's something called cognitive dissonance and then there's goop.

MayBee said...

Do you think Gwynneth has heard Obama doesn't pay his female staffers equal to the males?

CWJ said...

How to rid the world of all known diseases.

"Well, first of all become a doctor and discover a marvelous cure for something, and then, when the medical profession really starts to take notice of you, you can jolly well tell them what to do and make sure they get everything right so there'll never be any diseases ever again."

Thanks, Gwyneth!

(With apologies to Monty Python)

Jaq said...

As Crack shows, the difference between a leftie, a commie, and a Fascist is mostly the investment in letterhead and branding.

MayBee said...

Even TMZ is repulsed by the whole thing:

" It's the latest example of how demeaning it has become for Presidents to act like circus animals -- performing for crowds that will feed them ... in this case, feed them with money to line political coffers. "

Dan Hossley said...

Paltrow is giving blondes a bad name.

Dan Hossley said...

Paltrow continues her war on women.

Jaq said...

The president is basically an organ grinder's monkey, crawling up and down the country with a tin cup in his hand, collecting money.

Tom said...

This is the same moron who believes you can purify water by putting in containers with labels like "peace" and "love" on them.


pm317 said...

when TMZ reporters start to write 'editorials' that make sense, you see how far low the Big media has gone..

ddh said...

Gwyneth Paltrow first read about Obama in Tiger Beat. She's been looking for his CDs ever since, but every time she goes to buy them, the sales clerks say the store just ran out.

Michael said...

I do know people who voted for Obama and continue to be semi-supporters who are not idiots. But they do seem to be keeping kinda quiet these days. Unlike, say,....

The Crack Emcee said...

Ignorance is Bliss,

"You have mentioned a number of times that you see yourself as a Republican, except for the Republican's problem with racism."

Yes, like most blacks, I'm more conservative than you give me credit for.

"If Republicans could be instantly cured of the racism that you believe they have, what policy positions do you believe that you would have in common with them?"

Without the taint of white supremacy? There are many - low taxes, for instance - but I know that would also change the party's (and the nation's) priorities, so it probably wouldn't be a list you'd recognize, as conservative, because it wouldn't be "pure" in the Ted Cruz sense.

We have to defeat the Ted Cruz version to succeed,...

DavidD said...

How do you square having voted for this, Ann, with now labeling it as Fascism? Hasn't it always been Fascism? Wasn't Fascism what you voted into office in the first place?

DavidD said...

Brando said,

"I wonder if in his heart of hearts some part of him might be embarrassed by such disgusting, quasi-fascist hero worship, or if his own arrogance and self regard finds such nonsense perfectly appropriate."

Look to the Shepard Fairey HOPE poster for your answer. Did Obama disavow that, when it was clearly in the style of Nazi and Soviet propaganda posters from the 1930s and 1940s?

Beldar said...

She's still hot. She's never been bright. Why anyone cares about her political views — as if being attractive were a guarantee of depth or wisdom — has always eluded me. But then, people also pay attention to Alec Baldwin, who's 1000 times worse.

Zach said...

For what it's worth, I thought Obama was very handsome in 2008.

Now, though? He looks like he's been scowling for six years.

Mark Caplan said...

Paltrow mirrored Hillary Clinton's recent comment about Obama and husband Bill: "I have a history with charismatic, attractive men. They just wear me out."

By focusing on, of all things, Obama's animal magnetism, Paltrow is veering close to racial stereotyping.

JHapp said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ambrose said...

"It would be wonderful if we were able to give this man all of the power that he needs to pass the things that he needs to pass."

This is what the Germans said as they sealed the train bound for St. Pete.

Douglas B. Levene said...

Gwenyth Paltrow dropped out of UCLA. Ben Affleck dropped out of Occidental. Both make fine livings due to their ability to pretend to be somebody they are not. And people pay attention to them on important matters of public policy why?

furious_a said...

You're so handsome. I can't speak right.

There, fixed it for you.

William said...

This explains why Obama blows off all those intelligence briefings to go on fund raisers. Which would your rather do: sit around a room with all those frowny faces who keep pestering you to do something or go to a Hollywood dinner and listen to some beautiful blonde gush about how handsome you are? No contest. In some ways it's probably more fun than playing golf.

CatherineM said...

Handsome? Working mother? I want to barf.

It is nice of her to come to the soiled USA to eat "ketchup" covered (as we prefer according to her) steak with the (rich of LA) masses. I should not discount the great sacrifice she has made for us. Very, very brave, Almost as brave as her former BF Ben making sure this past week that you knew that not ALL muslims were terrorists. He knows. Nick Krostoff too, He has friends who have died because Muslim countries are really tolerant. Did you know that Obama spent some time in Indonesia in the 70s? So, he knows stuff!


Rusty said...

She should probably just stick to looking pretty and acting.

chickelit said...

The term "airhead" demeans nitrogen and oxygen in Paltrow's case.

She's a "vacuum head" with all the duplicity of entendre.

Johanna Lapp said...

Chris Martin not jealous nor pining.
Jennifer Lawrence not worried.
Michelle Obama not amused nor threatened.
Barack Obama not interested.
Gwyneth Paltrow not winning Gossip Wars.

Brando said...

Not that it's really relevant, but I can't agree with those of you who find Ms. Paltrow attractive or talented. She's not hideous looking, but fairly plain and unremarkable. And what movies was she really good in? She seems a rather overrated nothing, and her personal opinions on politics and everything else are obnoxious and offensive.

JoyD said...

No matter what you think of Obama or Paltrow, it is just inappropriate to speak to the President this way. Or to a client. Or to your child's teacher. ... I wonder whether she feels foolish now.

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