२५ ऑक्टोबर, २०१४

"When he ran for mayor, Bill de Blasio condemned police practices under which young black and Latino men were unfairly... charged with possessing tiny amounts of marijuana..."

"But a new analysis of state data shows that low-level marijuana arrests during the de Blasio administration have continued at roughly the same level as under former Mayor Michael Bloomberg."

(NYT link.)

१७ टिप्पण्या:

Scott म्हणाले...

But what de Blasio promised made people feel good for him on election day, and that's all that matters.

We need to extend that phenomenon with national same day voter registration. Heck, let's just do away with voter registration entirely. Government by mob rule.

mccullough म्हणाले...

In other words, the police ignore deblasio.

Sam L. म्हणाले...

Not living up to his promises? Typical leftie.

Mark म्हणाले...

Surprise surprise.

Fernandinande म्हणाले...

Legal Marijuana Favored by 58% of Americans, 1% of Senators

अनामित म्हणाले...

Dopers should be arrested. Marijuana leads directly to mental illness and heroin use. We need another drug warrior like Reagan to start busting the druggies and put them in prison where they belong.

Wince म्हणाले...

Dumping out the weed would seem like the penalty most proportional to the amount possessed.

Humperdink म्हणाले...

@Madisonfella. I think all lefties should be arrested. Or at a minimum, have the IRS go after them full bore.

I can dream, can't I?

The Godfather म्हणाले...

Do you mean I CAN'T keep my policy?

Michael Fitzgerald म्हणाले...

Hypocrisy, thy name is democrat.

n.n म्हणाले...

Political opportunism. So, what else is new? It's better that he was exposed sooner than later. If only to enable proper assessment of the situation.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan म्हणाले...

OpenID madisonfella said...
Dopers should be arrested. Marijuana leads directly to mental illness and heroin use. We need another drug warrior like Reagan to start busting the druggies and put them in prison where they belong.

I mean, what could go wrong? And, remember, only left wingers are authoritarians.

damikesc म्हणाले...

A Progressive....LIED?

I'm feeling faint over here!

And, remember, only left wingers are authoritarians.

I prefer muggers to Leftists. A mugger doesn't ask me to thank him and name shit after him when he robs me.

अनामित म्हणाले...

I suggest you'd do well not to believe a word of that opinion article and assume the "facts" they give in the article aren't legitimate and are massaged to fit the narrative.

You'd do well to always assume the editorial board of the New York Times is always trying to pull one over on you. Even if you do disagree with the Mayor politically and see this as a good reason to attack him.

Don't believe the New York Times Editorial Board. That's foolish.

one of the bobs म्हणाले...

no one should be surprised. after bratton was appointed anyone who was awake suspected the status quo would be maintained to some extent.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

It's way easier to criticize a policy while you're still a candidate than to find a plausible alternative once you're the person in charge.

Cf. Barack Obama and Guantanamo

Brando म्हणाले...

My best hope for NYC is that DeBlasio turns out to be too pragmatic to follow through with his idiotic campaign promises, or else too ineffectual for it to matter.