Writes Bristol Palin in "The Truth about the 'Palin Brawl' – The Media Reveals Its Bias Against Conservative Women Once Again."
CNN's Carol Costello has now apologized for inviting viewers to "sit back and enjoy" the recording of Bristol describing what was a violent attack on her. And Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski also apologized for presenting the story in a “humorous tone.”
“The more we learned about what happened its clearer that it’s not that funny,” Brzezinski said. “We played into stereotypes from maybe our own outlook, quite frankly. So it’s definitely more of a story than that.”And by "everyone" he means everyone he knows.
Scarborough said everyone is guilty for presuming the Palins are to be used as a “punch line.” “There is the very real possibility that something terrible happened to them,” Scarborough said. “… I think we all shot first and asked questions later and a lot of people are guilty of that.”
ADDED: Josh Marshall stands his ground:
So now, liberals, the media, Democrats, apparently anyone who thinks Palin is a buffoon of almost world historic proportions (which gets you to something like 80% of the country) are all abominable hypocrites for 'laughing' at what is now fairly preposterously portrayed as a violent assault against a woman. If you listen to the police interviews, which occurred just as the brawl had barely ended, all the witnesses beside Bristol said she attacked the homeowner. Indeed, even Bristol's younger sister Willow backed up the these other witnesses' account. She just said Bristol missed with her punches.
I think it kind of goes without saying that if news emerged that Bristol had been assaulted by a boyfriend or spouse or really anyone else, no one would be laughing. Indeed, I'm not sure anyone now is laughing so much as standing back agape and marveling. But advocates who are trying to alter public perceptions about and stiffen penalties against violence against women are, I do not think, saying that female bodies are inviolable in every case if you barge into someone's party and start swinging punches at them.
१२२ टिप्पण्या:
Never forget Fen's law:
Progressives don't believe what they are lecturing you about.
They didn't find it OFFENSIVE that a man attacked a Palin. They found it FUNNY.
Feminists didn't find it offensive. They ALSO found it funny (feminism shat the bed with Clinton and has never regained any semblance of legitimacy since).
They can't help themselves. Truly, they can't. They hear the name "Palin" or "Bush" and their eyes glaze over, commencing the Two (Decades) Hate.
I haven't heard about it one way or another from anybody, which is as it should be.
Thurber endorses violence against women in the Ladies' and Gentlemen's Guide to English Grammar.
The first behavior by liberals was expected and chortled about by almost every liberal outpost. Remember when David Letterman made a sex joke about the underage Palin daughter? And then.........
Just like now, apologies all around. I don't believe the apologies now any more now than I believed Letterman's back then.
Why are liberals apologizing now? Elections are on the line and remember "Democrats are for women! Republicans have a war on women!" Nothing more, nothing less than straight, pure politics.
Buncha misogynists; selective misogynists, which to me is worse.
There is a book in the subject of why so-called liberal so-called feminists hate Palin so much. Or rather, in what it says about them that they do. The why is obvious: she is a pro-life Republican whose manners and mannerisms are rural rather than urban. That's three strikes, any one of which would be enough to get her in their bad graces. Mix them with the unforgivable sin that she embodies so much of what they profess to value in a modern woman — independence, accomplishment while raising a family (having it all), fiercely fighting for what she believes — and she becomes the locus for all the self-hatred generated by their own hypocrisy.
Um, hello, this can't be part of the war on women. The Palins are Republicans, not women.
Costello is only guilty of letting us see how she really feels.
Conservatives have opponents. Liberals have enemies.
There was a time when enlightened people thought that violence against ANYBODY is never okay.
"Why are liberals apologizing now? Elections are on the line"
Duh !
Palin is hated like no other woman in politics and it is her record of doing something about people's problems. Small town politics is real retail politics and those people learn what is important. That cannot be permitted.
The left will say Hillary is hated but Hillary has brought this on herself by what she has done, not what she says. The travel office was the beginning.
I know Carol Costello. She's a fucking snooty bitch that fucked for that job.
Phoo. What's wrong with violence against women? There's loads of situations where violence against women is totally OK, starting with she threw the first punch, and ending with she's totally asking for it in any of the many ways we agree men can be totally asking for it.
I don't think there's anything wrong with CNN laughing at Bristol Palin's unhappy situation. They'd laugh if it was Adrian Peterson, right? You want equality, you get 100% equality. You can't expect to be treated like a delicate l'il flower when a big NFL player in the same cirx has to take his lumps.
So Palin is wrong. They're not criminals or psychopaths -- they just empty-headed boors laughing at a pratfall. They're entitled, or should be. In a free country, you're entitled to be an asshole as long as you don't cause actual injury.
And, on the other hand, if Palin were to respond by making a dirty joke about Costello's sex life or Scarborough's obvious desire to be pegged by his co-host while gagged by her used silk panties, that wouldn't be wrong either.
I tend to admire the Palins, as actual real people, but I wish they'd fight fair. Just dismiss Costello with a contemptuous laugh as a sad little jealous dried-up cunt who wouldn't know the meaning of family or loyalty if it were electroshocked into her atrophied brain, and let it go at that. You don't need to make a solemn values speech when people are dickheads. Calling them a dickhead and moving on is pretty sufficient.
There is a simple answer that the Palins are considered to be backwoods southern hicks and attacking backwoods southern hicks is always a favored form of political expression in two thirds of the USA.
The real story is that this female was let into the human being club even on second thought. It's kind of a world first.
The politics of personal destruction executed to perfection.
I am glad you blogged this.
"...Not *that* funny..."
"...very real *possibility* that something terrible happened..."
Minor problem, that's all, move along. Nothing to see here.
Dog bites man.
did you see the video of Costello? She is an awful person, and any apology doesn't change that. apologies delivered under duress mean nothing. The so called feminists are only outraged when it is one from their tribe, telling. It's why I fight leftists. Truly despicable people.
did you see the video of Costello? She is an awful person, and any apology doesn't change that. apologies delivered under duress mean nothing. The so called feminists are only outraged when it is one from their tribe, telling. It's why I fight leftists. Truly despicable people.
I do want to agree in principle that "violence against women" indeed is totally OK in exactly the same way that violence against men is OK (very rarely). I still have plenty of socialization to get past to really believe it, but the concept of VAW is sexist to the core.
I remember feeling this vividly, possibly for the first time, when reading a Washington Post review of the Schwarzenegger movie "True Lies" that panned it because of violence against women: Tia Carrere got slapped in the face by a man (who was the main villain of the movie). Appalling!
Meanwhile, men in the movie got shot, stabbed, blown up, set on fire, impaled on meathooks, and of course, fired through a building while attached to a missile. No mention of any problem with violence against men.
'And by "everyone" he means everyone he knows.'
No. He means everyone. Those who do not agree are not "persons."
“The more we learned about what happened its clearer that it’s not that funny,” Brzezinski said.
bullshit, she means the more people realized what truly awful people they are over at MSNBC, the more they figured out they better change tack quickly or lose the last dozens of viewers they have.
Liberals have a tendency to forget that not everyone in the room is liberal.
We don't discuss class often in the USA or the "establishment" even though we have one.
I'm always shocked at the visceral contempt even the establishment conservatives have for Palin. And how loony a Middle class brit like Sullivan reacted.
Not our sort. Not the right of people, don't you know.
Meanwhile, Slow Joe Biden, who Palin beat in a debate is A-ok. A heavyweight capable of being POTUS.
I kid you not.
And its look like the Clown State is going to re-elect Al Franken Senator.
Pee-wee Herman is still kicking himself for not running.
"RecChief said...
did you see the video of Costello? She is an awful person, and any apology doesn't change that. apologies delivered under duress mean nothing. The so called feminists are only outraged when it is one from their tribe, telling. It's why I fight leftists. Truly despicable people."
Yep, the only apology required is her apologizing for being an awful human being.
No More "she was Republican."
And Costello's "favorite moment" was when Ms Palin was called a "cunt" by her attacker.
We're way past "aw-gee-shucks, I'm sorry" here. We're into clearly, frothing at the mouth demented territory. Everyone involved in production & editing & release of this segment --- producers, directors, on-air talent, need to be fired, demoted, or put on hiatus. Whatever happens to them has got cause major pain, or the next crew to try this shit won't get the right idea.
Typical hypocrite progressive democrat party members. That is how they really feel about War On Women and No Labels and Culture of Corruption and Most Transparent Administration Ever and Tolerance and the rest of their high-falutin' sloganeering. They couldn't give a fat rat's ass for any of it unless it can be used as a club to beat their political enemies with. Phony liars without principles, propriety, decency, dignity, common courtesy or common sense. Despicable shiftless schemers, democrats.
say nothing
say nothing
say nothing
say nothing
say nothing
time it, time it, time it
feel free to make the media
apologize twice
The Palins don't come out looking good in this situation, from what I've read and heard.
Which still doesn't excuse the newscaster acting like a giddy middle school girl who just found some dirt on her best friend's arch nemesis. Truly embarrassing and incredibly unprofessional.
I have mostly stayed out of the public eye for the past few years. I clock in and out of work – yes I actually have a job – like most middle class Americans and chip away at making my son’s life just a little bit easier.
So why does the media still choose to put the Palins into an entirely different category of people? This “story” is still running over a month and a half later. Rumors still run wild, unsubstantiated claims are printed as true, and random people who weren’t even there are considered “eye witnesses.”
In the meantime, did you even hear about Vice President Joe Biden’s adult son who kicked out of the Navy for cocaine? (That’s the real Vice President’s kid…) So pause for a moment and consider the hysteria over our stupid “incident”, compared to our actual Vice President’s son not even being able to hold on to a position in the Navy Reserve.
I’m sure you heard the happy news that Chelsea Clinton had a baby. But did you know her father-in-law and Clinton family pal Edward Mezvinsky is a convicted felon because of committing bank, wire, and mail fraud?
Barracuda, Jr.
"I don't think there's anything wrong with CNN laughing at Bristol Palin's unhappy situation. They'd laugh if it was Adrian Peterson, right? You want equality, you get 100% equality. You can't expect to be treated like a delicate l'il flower when a big NFL player in the same cirx has to take his lumps."
Adrian Peterson is a male, in case you hadn't noticed. He is also a black athlete who seems to take an interest in his raft of children. That cannot be permitted.
I am no fan of black athletes with lots of illegitimate children but there are two things about this that matter.
One, he takes an interest in the kids.
Two, a lot of women are pro-abortion until they get pregnant by a guy that makes a million bucks a year.
And three, there are thousands of black male children who would survive to adulthood if a father had beaten them with a switch.
USA Today smackdown
What's wrong with violence against women?
yeah yeah, run for office on that
it's going to be 2 weeks of the Palins sticking daggers into every hypocrite in the media. War on women, indeed.
I think the Palins are reading the textbook.
Bristol Palin, doing the journalism you forgot to do.
It's easy to imagine the news crew at CNN watching the video & yukking it up among themselves in the privacy of their offices.
But, think about it --- just how clueless & cocooned do you have to be to put the video on air & yukk it up like a bunch of college frat boys? In front of the whole country. And this wasn't MSNBC, who most days is just an anti-depressant or two away from demanding the heads of the kulaks & wreckers. This is CNN, who actually pretend to be objective. That these people thought this was acceptable --- that's what's so scary!
Jeff Zucker, head of CNN, openly hates Republicans; and he has no commitment to delivering straight news on his channel. He's probably giving Carol Costello a hug and a kiss on the cheek right now.
It's just pathetically sad that there is not one single national news outlet in the United States -- not one newspaper, not one news channel -- that has a commitment to excellent nonpartisan journalism. Zucker says that CNN doesn't need to fill that void. What a vision-free dirtbag Zucker is. How do people like him end up running anything of significance?
The apology is meaningless. They have revealed their primary process. Basically, their id has formed a fantasy, that it would be pleasurable to see Bristol Palin in pain. This desire exists as long as the object of the desire is unfulfilled.
They only stopped laughing when the first brick came through.
I don't know why Costello felt obliged to apologize when her coworkers clearly demonstrated that she was right smack dab in the mainstream of CNN culture.
Oddly enough CNN was pulled off the DISH network today because of a contract fight. No one seems to be complaining. The sad truth for CNN is that their core audience is now people rushing to catch a flight at an airport and elderly dementia patients who can't get their SEIU caregivers to change the channel.
In short, captives.
So...when does Hillary pipe up to condemn this violence against women?
Who is the idiot who thought the audio from a brawl in Alaska was a national story?
It's like you brought a knife to a nuclear war.
Look how cute she is! You morons. She's a frickin' child and she will eat you alive.
And you can't even explain why you hate her. Imagine how you're going to feel after 2 weeks of hearing shit about how Democrats hate women.
An apology is not enough for this despicable, hypocritical behavior. They should be fired or publicly suspended without pay for 6 months.
Here's a link to Carol Costello's commentary, via Instapundit.
Everyone should give this a look. Fire off a tweet to Zucker via CNN Rublic Relations @CNNPR. Costello should be fired for this shit-bitch behavior, or at least disciplined in some meaningful way, such as a suspension. Apologies are way too easy for assholes, and aren't heart felt in any case. We got rid of Olbermann, we can dump Costello's career in the toilet as well.
There's already a hashtag #FireCarolCostello. Have at it.
Richard McEnroe wrote: The sad truth for CNN is that their core audience is now people rushing to catch a flight at an airport and elderly dementia patients who can't get their SEIU caregivers to change the channel.
I'd say that's a delightful truth, chock full of schadenfreude goodness!
Oh for chrissake. I'm sure none of you will laugh in a few years when Sasha and Malia get in a drunken brawl at a party. And Michelle and Barack are there, too. Because they all crashed the party in a stretch Hummer. And they're all really hammered. Though that doesn't sound very likely, does it? Just as it isn't surprising at all that it happened to the Palins.
Tell me in the history of the world when any Republican has ever gotten the media to apologize. Ever! And the Palins do it two, three, four times. They collect apologies. Kinda like heads.
Ooo, they got another one.
Tremble in fear, bitches, as Bristol Palin destroys you.
And enjoy it as the media turn on each other. Blood is in the water. And it's yours!
When I first saw this, I thought it wass an interview Bristol Palin had given to some TV station, and that she had ussed bad judgment employing such language.
However, watching O'Reilly tonight, I heard that it is an excerpt from an audio tape released by the Anchorage Police Dept. of Ms. Palin being interrogated about the incident.
And putting it together with what has been previously reported, the accent should be on "excerpt," it has nothing about what started the fracas or the background story.
This was maliciously edited and file video clips added, with intent to cause harm.
Morning Joe. "We don't hate women. Honest!"
No More I hate your Mom's Politics."
No More.
#yesallwomen #exceptPalinsofcourse
I happened to be at breakfast in a hotel which was tuned to CNN in the breakfast area. I was appalled that Costello found it funny. She said something along the lines of "enjoy it," as I recollect.
Costello apologized to keep her job. I don't believe for a second that she is genuinely apologetic.
Hagar: who gives a flying fuck what started the fight. Though if you actually listened you would have heard that some guy (maybe the same one) pushed Bristol's younger sister. Bristol went to her sister's defense and that is when the assault happened. Being pushed to the ground twice and then dragged around is an assault and there is no two ways about it. You could say if she swung at the guy she assaulted him back but that does not excuse his assault of her.
In addition, this is also talk about the glee that Carol Costello had as she "reported" this story.
Your bias is showing!
Speaking of hypocrisy, it's also interesting to note that Costello was front and center for the lynch mob demanding the head of Stephen A. Smith for the crime of saying that women would be wise not to provoke violent men into violence against them.
Carol Costello makes her case for ESPN anchor's suspension
Of course, out-and-out celebrating actual violence against a woman can be completely fixed with a quick, "oops, my bad."
CNN layoffs continue.
It's a bad week to stop sniffing glue.
Run, Bristol, Run
In addition, this is also talk about the glee that Carol Costello had as she "reported" this story.
Take it from me, the glee was real. She thought it was hilarious that Bristol Palin was dropping F-bombs, as who wouldn't in the same circumstances, and tbat Bristol was complaining about roughed up and having valuable items stolen from her.
No more.
No more "Her politics are wrong."
No More.
Touche, 5wheels. Wonder if Mr. Smith has an opinion.
Basically, their id has formed a fantasy, that it would be pleasurable to see Bristol Palin in pain.
I think the Palins make a lot of people insane because both of them got pregnant and both of them kept their baby.
"...inviting viewers to 'sit back and enjoy' the recording of Bristol describing what was a violent attack on her" sounds like something the esteamed blogger Andrew Sullivan would write. I'm surprised that a woman wrote it. Err, wait.
No more.
No more "sit back and enjoy it."
No more.
The Palins have a very high reality and likability factor. They're decent people with flaws. The way the liberals go so far over the top in their attacks on them is part of their appeal. Carol Costello looked awful in her presentation of that story. Bristol looks like she's being attacked for being attacked.
Up next on CNN: The Hilarious Last Moments of Kitty Genovese!!
Jason: "Up next on CNN: The Hilarious Last Moments of Kitty Genovese!!"
Comment of the day.
A stereotype is a prejudice, not a bias. It is imprudent to apply it to a class of people, unless it's based on a commonly held principle or characteristic.
The apologies offered in haste likely reflect a moral change in the population. I wonder where the bias shift originates.
Republican women take note, this is what will happen to your family.
----I’m sure you heard the happy news that Chelsea Clinton had a baby. But did you know her father-in-law and Clinton family pal Edward Mezvinsky is a convicted felon because of committing bank, wire, and mail fraud?
Well done, St. Croix
CNN again. How low can they go? They've gone from being the name in news to MSNBC2.
off topic but scary
Ebola #3
New York City.
In every book about being in a prison camp, there's always at least one guard who finds it all very amusing.
In the Vagina as Fascist State a female is not a female by birth: it is by what she chooses -- or professes to choose. In the eye of the Vagina as Fascist State choosing abortion makes you authentically female; lesbians are allowed for it to be hypothetical as long as they voice the right words.
Those who may not agree with abortion are not Women, they are the Other -- devoid of humanity and no more than a clump of cells that can be scraped into obscurity with or without violence.
In the Vagina as Fascist State the Men agree with this: if they do not acknowledge the New Woman then they are deemed not to be a man. It is in self-hate that these men can agree with abortion -- they have no cause to believe that they are really 'here': the abortion fits their existential crisis.
With this being said, is it any wonder that the men who do not succumb to The Vagina as Fascist State prefer to watch women reenact procreation on the internet in high heels and pale lipstick rather than deny procreation in entirety?
Costello is trying to scrub her history of advocating suspension for a "violence against women" comment from ESPN's Steven A. Smith.
The link fivewheels provided doesn't play the video anymore.
Here's the youtube copy of that video:
Ebola #3
Just imagine what will happen when the 82nd Airborne starts rotating back from Liberia, and they're being sent without hazmat suits!
I saw it live and thought
1- wow, this sounds like a scary experience for the Palin girls
2 - is this really all that funny?
3- would we find such hilarity in the Biden family issues?
4- Carol Costello having a job at CNN makes me wonder how hard it is to get a job at CNN. Can't be very.
There's only one requirement Maybee.
Dish Network and Turner can't agree on terms and hence we lost CNN. After two days of Wolf Blitzer withdrawal (joke) we decided to pull the plug entirely. Netflix and HBO-GO will more than suffice going forward.
Just imagine what will happen when the 82nd Airborne starts rotating back from Liberia, and they're being sent without hazmat suits!
We'll have a severely compromised fighting unit. Wasn't that his plan?
The story isn't the Palins, it's the media, as usual.
I found this despicable.
Here's the thing, that look on her face? That giddiness at Bristol Palin being attacked? That's the same look you and I would get from Crack if we were shot and killed by a black person. Because justice.
Look, just because progressives hold up signs with words like justice, and peace, and love, and fairness, etc, doesn't mean they believe in any of those things.
They hate me. They hate the Palins. They hate all of us who are conservatives because they believe us to be evil. And they will act accordingly.
"Sit back and enjoy" = "Lie back and think of Ingaland"
The Palins don't come out looking good in this situation, from what I've read and heard.
I hope you realize the irony here.
"listen and believe"
unless it's a conservative, Uncle-tom.
Then it's
"sit back and enjoy"
Can we all agree that leftism is a sick, evil cult?
Bobber Fleck said...
"Conservatives have opponents. Liberals have enemies."
Jason Lee said...
"There was a time when enlightened people thought that violence against ANYBODY is never okay."
There are excellent reasons for violence. There are many situations where it is preferable.
Statists are cowardly in their violence. They hide in mobs when they stone a girl for adultery in Iran. They sit in cocooned news rooms here.
What is going on is not ok. It will be stopped even if it takes a little of the good violence.
Did Costello or the scumbags at MSNBC find any humor in Ray Rice clocking his girlfriend in the elevator? Didn't think so.
The Central Park Jogger Blooper Reels. NEXT! On CNN!
Lara Logan Assaulted in Tahrir Square. FUNNY STUFF!!!! Right after the break.... on CNN!
"And then Mary Joe... Snort, get this! And then Mary Joe was pounding on the window of the car! As if she could have opened it against the water pressure! What a stupid cunt! Learn to take a joke Mary Joe!"
I'm sure none of you will laugh in a few years when Sasha and Malia get in a drunken brawl at a party.
Why would he attack his kids?
And they're all really hammered. Though that doesn't sound very likely, does it? Just as it isn't surprising at all that it happened to the Palins.
Any idea why Biden's son being booted out of the military due to cocaine abuse isn't news-worthy? Is it not shocking because it is the Biden clan?
Not just a liberal media/ conservative politician thing ... or a Palin thing ... also a women hating other women thing. No one does misogyny better than women themselves.
@eddie Wilkerson 11:08
Yes, I realize that what we read and hear is filtered by people with an agenda. I assume an incident like this is going to be reported in such a way as to make the family look as bad as possible. I also assume that there are people in their town who hate them and might be intentionally provoking them or even setting them up.
That said, you play the hand you are dealt (not to mention that Sarah Palin willingly took this hand.) I don't see any possible good explanation for bringing your family to a party where there are likely to be people hostile to them.
The CNN newscaster and all of the liberal media are deranged about this family, and have abdicated all integrity. But that doesn't mean that it is correct to take what they report and assume the opposite is true, either.
The media's unprofessional outrageous leftwing bias and hatred is the root of the violence perpetrated against the Plains.
paminwi said...
Hagar: who gives a flying fuck what started the fight. Though if you actually listened you would have heard that some guy (maybe the same one) pushed Bristol's younger sister. Bristol went to her sister's defense and that is when the assault happened. Being pushed to the ground twice and then dragged around is an assault and there is no two ways about it. You could say if she swung at the guy she assaulted him back but that does not excuse his assault of her.
If he assaulted her and she fought back, that's self-defense on her part. Only in insane places is self-defense a crime.
The only show I watch on CNN is Mike Rowe's new program, "Somebody has got to do it." It's pretty good and I'm a big Mike Rowe fan. As for the rest of their programming, meh.
I’m sure you heard the happy news that Chelsea Clinton had a baby. But did you know her father-in-law and Clinton family pal Edward Mezvinsky is a convicted felon because of committing bank, wire, and mail fraud?
Powerful crime families are attracted to each other.
Any idea why Biden's son being booted out of the military due to cocaine abuse isn't news-worthy? Is it not shocking because it is the Biden clan?
I actually did hear about that on the NBC Nightly News (which hasn't mentioned the Palin brawl, so far as I know). And Hunter Biden expressed remorse and didn't double-down by portraying himself as a victim.
And that raises another point: when you're trying to claim the moral high ground, Bristol, it kind of undermines your point to throw shade at other public figures who have nothing to do with the incident and who you have no personal knowledge of.
And that raises another point: when you're trying to claim the moral high ground, Bristol, it kind of undermines your point to throw shade at other public figures who have nothing to do with the incident and who you have no personal knowledge of.
I agree in part. Except the stuff about Mezvinsky was newsworthy (I'd never heard of it) so there may be something to her point about news media conspiracy assisting just one side.
It's almost a Monty Python sketch, with Joe Scarborough played by Michael Palin and Carol Costello and Mika Brezinski played by Terry Jones and Graham Chapman respectively.
Jones: "Well I guess we all learned something from this situation. We really are vile people."
Palin: "Ha ha ha ha. Right you are Carol! Right you are. Vile describes us to a T."
Jones: "It takes the weight off, finally knowing for sure."
Chapman: "Is 'vile' the right word? Should we be so quick to leap to 'vile'? Why not 'contemptible'? Or depraved? Or loathsome? I am perfectly loathsome. That has a ring to it, don't you think?"
Palin: "Ha ha ha ha. Mika, my goodness, that's exactly the right word."
Jones: "You two can be loathsome. I much prefer to be vile."
The John Kerryization of the Democratic party continues. For a party that claims the mantle of economic justice, they sure hate working class people.*
*Yeah, I know, the Palins are wealthy celebrities, yadda yadda yadda. But what the elites find worthy of mockery isn't that they're rich; it's that they're hicks.
I assumed everyone here knew how the fracas started (though the details of that also was tendentiously edited in the reporting), the point here is that the audio tape in question is a selected excerpt from the police interview, where Bristol Palin has been asked to tell the cops exactly what happened to the best of her knowledge and belief, etc., though this is quickly slid over to make it sound as if she is using this sort of language in telling her story to the media.
(In fact, I think she has not been telling any stories; the Palin family has apparently decided that mum is the word, which is SOP - there surely are lawsuits to come over this.)
That said, she should not have whined about the unequal treatment and giving examples. A dignified silence and letting everyone else make the comparisons, would be better.
I actually did hear about that on the NBC Nightly News (which hasn't mentioned the Palin brawl, so far as I know). And Hunter Biden expressed remorse and didn't double-down by portraying himself as a victim.
I guess Palin shouldn't whine that a man roughed her up. Sure, she's the ONLY woman on the planet held to that standard, but we gotta start somewhere, right?
And that raises another point: when you're trying to claim the moral high ground, Bristol, it kind of undermines your point to throw shade at other public figures who have nothing to do with the incident and who you have no personal knowledge of.
Yes, because her point is not 100% correct. I'm sure if Chelsea was in the same situation, you'd see CNN anchors discuss how enjoyable the audio is.
That said, she should not have whined about the unequal treatment and giving examples. A dignified silence and letting everyone else make the comparisons, would be better.
Keep in mind, the media overall thought it was FUNNY. They thought it was worth a chuckle. They thought her assault by a man was COMEDY.
Can you name a single woman in the world that would have the SAME issue? I can name a few: Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Michelle Malkin, Dana Loesch probably, S.E Cupp, etc.
Why are conservative women getting assaulted by men COMEDY for the fucking MEDIA? This isn't late night comedians doing it --- it is the God damned media.
Yeah, SHE needs the lessons in acting dignified.
I think you just made my point.
You have to sign the hypocritical oath before taking a position at CNN......I think if Carol Costello had narrated this as a straight news story it would have gone harder on the Palins. The viewer would have wondered what are the Palins doing partying with such people. Instead, the viewer wonders what the Palins did to deserve such malice on the part of a newscaster.
Henry @7:49,
Well done!
The Palins were not "partying with such people."
Both families had been celebrating birthdays, and the Palins coincidentally arrived where the other family already were.
There was already bad blood between the families, and apparently the brawl started by a youngster of the other family accosting Willow in a very gross fashion.
Trig Palin has 4 broken ribs and other contusions and injuries, iirc - no mention of what the other guy looked like in the original schadenfreude TV report - and I would think the lawyers for both sides have told their clients to shut up.
Hagar what does that mean, exactly? How do you accidentally show up at a party where there are people who hate you and your family? And wasn't the guy who assaulted Bristol the homeowner? So if he was the host, that makes it even more baffling to me.
I realize this is a tangent, and that people will think that by denigrating the Palins I am defending the media. I don't see why their behavior has to be defended, though. What the newscaster did was vile, and it doesn't matter if the party she wronged was completely innocent or not. I'm uncomfortable with commenters here who think that we have to take one side or the other.
I actually did hear about that on the NBC Nightly News
No, you didn't. Not for, like, seven months, until someone else finally ran with the story. And they wouldn't have aired it at all until after the elections if they could get away with it. They did their damnedest to run out the clock.
The reporting is very sketchy, but I believe it was a public place, and the Palins just pulled into the parking lot not knowing the other family was there.
And the person accosting/assaulting Willow was described as her "former boyfriend," which probably should be treated with scepticism until more details come out, but certainly says someone about her age.
Any reports about the Palins should be read very carefully before being believed.
"Details are sketchy"
Agree, but your account is far different than anything I've heard.
Hagar said...
"I think you just made my point."
Your option only works when there is good faith and you have equal advocacy.
There is no voice for common people in our political sphere. In fact they are targeted to be driven out. Nobody has faced a more disgusting effort at impugnment than the Plains. If you think it is just democrats that hate them you are ignorant. Sarah's main accomplishment as governor was to work with the Democrats in the Alaska legislature to get a people friendly deal with the oil companies. She fought the oil lobby and her own party to do it. Nobody is going to stick up for the Palin's but themselves.
Second there is no shame on the other side. If you don't call them out hard and public they will carry on. Like young children they don't feel bad about doing something wrong, just about getting caught. These people need to be driven out forcibly.
Apologized to whom? Politico? Her viewers? Certainly doesn't read like she was apologizing to the person she actually wronged.
N.b., in GamerGate terms, this is sexual assault.
According to the original TV report, it started with the Palins pulling in and this boy said or did something lightly described as "inappropriate" to Willow while she was still in the SUV, and her big brother and sister went to her defense.
After that the TV lady did not give much details.
Amazing to me how liberals insist on bouncing the rubble when it comes to Palin.
Sarah Palin, the politician, isn't even the target. It's Bristol.
Libtards have no f***ing shame.
OK, I was wrong.
More information is out, and you can google it at Alaska Dispatch News, which I guess is affiliated somehow with the Anchorage Daily News.
Audio clips and photographs taken by police officers at the scene of a brawl involving the family of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin were released Tuesday by the Anchorage Police Department.
The Sept. 6 melee was initially reported by police as a fight involving around 20 people at a South Anchorage home. Homeowner Korey Klingenmeyer was hosting a birthday party for his son and twin brothers Marc and Matthew McKenna. Palin's husband, Todd, a friend of the McKennas, was also celebrating his 50th birthday.
According to witnesses, the Palin family arrived at Klingenmeyer's home in a Hummer limousine and were involved in the brawls that took place later that evening.
After that, accounts differ widely. It seems everybody had been drinking and were still highly excited when their statements were taken.
First, it doesn't matter if you're hitting a man or woman, violence is only justified in certain circumstances and then only to a certain degree. This idea that "women" should be treated different as victims is neo Victorian. I only oppose hitting women to the extent that it's hitting anyone--only in self defense or defense of another, and then only enough to prevent the harm.
As for Palin, if she started a fight and got the worst of it, then tough turkeys--that's why you don't get in trashy brawls, certainly not if you have kids depending on you. If she was struck first, or beaten disproportionately, then that's another story.
My feelings are the same towards Bristol as they'd be toward Chelsea, as if I had a barn filled with shits I wouldn't give one to either of them. Can't stand their mothers either, though for Sarah Palin I'll say at least I have nothing against her husband, while I think Bill is a vile scumbag.
If the Daily Mail is right about the offense to Willow, Bristol had reason to "start swinging." This will need to be sorted out by someone less partisan than the Alaska Dispatch News before asigning blame to the individuals.
One of the stories is that the melee started with a fight between Track and Todd Palin. If they had been drinking and got into an argument, I can see Track taking a swing at his dad and giving him a bloody nose, but I refuse to believe Todd Palin broke 4 of his son's ribs. That sounds more like Track had been mobbed, and by adult males, which again would give Bristol reason to get hostile.
This does need to be sorted out as the who started what, but it must be admitted, it does not look like anyone will come out of this looking good.
Josh Marshall is an uber-partisan with a large and loyal flock to minister.
Why should anyone trust his word? Where are his links to "Truth" as he sees it?
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