४ ऑक्टोबर, २०१४
"To be honest, I think the women's rights movement has been portrayed in a way that makes women look like they are whining about something."
"But really [women] just want the right to make their own decisions and [this] has sometimes been shown in a negative light by Gov. Walker," said a University of Wisconsin freshwoman, quoted in an Isthmus article titled "Planned Parenthood national director Cecile Richards rallies women on the UW campus to vote for Mary Burke."
१२२ टिप्पण्या:
"the women's movement has been portrayed in a way that makes women look like they are wining about something."
Add it to notable self-referential sentences.
"But really [women] just want the right to make their own decisions. Oh, and $1.1 million in taxpayer money."
"But really [women] just want the right to make their own decisions
and free birth control, and the right to kill their unborn children, and affirmative action..........
"But really [women] just want the right to make their own decisions."
Like the decision that others should pay for the consequences of their decisions.
We're not being whiney, we just want more free stuff, and less responsibility for our actions.
"the women's movement has been portrayed in a way that makes women look like they are wining about something."
The Women's movement been portrayed as whining about something because they are always whining about something.
""But really [women] just want the right to make their own decisions."
I want birth control. How much does birth control cost. Is it covered? If I have to pay out of pocket do I still want it? If so, I buy it.
That is the decision that women have and no man or corporation is denying them that.
The right to abortion takes away the mans right to choose. And the babies right to choose.
This post brings to mind the broad side of a barn, which is sexist of me to be thinking of.
Sorry to be repetitive but it is just too obvious.
""But really [women] just want the right to make their own decisions and [this] has sometimes been shown in a negative light by Gov. Walker."
The "negative light" is asking them to pay for their own stuff.
Gosh darnit women have the same freedom to choose men do. Its just that society is being required to approve of their choices. And celebrate them. Continually.
This is getting old.
To be honest, I think the women's rights movements has portrayed itself in a way that makes women look like they are whining.
"Gosh darnit women have the same freedom to choose men do. Its just that society is being required to approve of their choices. And celebrate them. Continually."
And pay for them. Continually.
Women should be able to decide things for themselves, like voting for Mary Burke because she is a woman.
portrayed in a way that makes women look like they are whining about something....so our ideology is bankrupt, and you are all rubes. But we hate to waste the political capitol. Vote for Burke!!
"This is the first year Hannah Mullen, a freshman at UW, is eligible to vote and she says she also plans to cast a ballot for Burke. Mullen says Walker's efforts to take "private rights away from women," pushed her towards supporting Burke."
So having just completed UW freshman orientation, Hannah Mullen can regurgitate the feminist propaganda she was force-fed by the UW staff.
Not providing free things = taking away private right rights
The ignorance and vapidity this reveals should be an embarrassment to anyone associated with the formerly respectable U of W; although I suspect this is a depressingly common experience for new college students across most of America now.
Our campuses have become totally obsessed with cultural & political indoctrination, now backed in California by the force of law re: "consent"; it's almost like reading about the Islamic Madrassas in Pakistan's tribal belt, or the pathetic Kim-dynasty in North Korea. Thinking is not permitted and will be punished severely!
Great college environment you have there Professor, pursuing knowledge and all...
So having just completed UW freshman orientation, Hannah Mullen can regurgitate the feminist propaganda she was force-fed by the UW staff.
They got that all covered in just the first week? Say what you want about them, but the staff liberals at the UW are very efficient in their teaching methods. Must involve some sort super secret hypnosis.
I thought the student's comment was intriguingly judicious.
I have always been able to make my own decisions, but my parents also told me to take responsibility for them. That's the difference here. No one prevents me from doing anything, but I own it, once done.
Doesn't seem doctrinaire at all.
It stresses how things are portrayed by political actors, like she's standing back and observing.
Planned parenthood is a choice before conception. A woman's choice is to abstain from sex, to have sex and prevent conception, or to accept responsibility for a new human life. She does not have an extra-legal or moral right to commit or contract for murder, other than in cases of self-defense.
Planned Parenthood advises, contracts, and promotes violation of the most fundamental human right: the right to life. And people think that ISIS is barbaric. The most barbaric acts are sanitized and carried out in private - out of sight and out of mind - in a clinic.
Despite popular misconceptions, the normalization of abortion was a faith-based decision. Specifically, belief in the false myth of spontaneous conception. There is no equivalence between conception as a source and death as a sink in human evolution.
That's kind of a wilting indictment of Walker, isn't it?
"… the feminist propaganda she was force-fed by the UW staff."
I'll wait for a federal judge to order the release of the video.
It would actually be more palatable to exploit taxpayers to provide free contraceptives than to sustain the degenerate religion which rationalizes elective abortion.
Not force fed, but she will get extra credit for her statement.
Proving it's a thin line between whining and bitching.
jr565 said...
The Women's movement been portrayed as whining about something because they are always whining about something.
Now they're whining about their whining.
"I'll wait for a federal judge to order the release of the video."
I should have kept the study guide from my daughter's "US History Since 1877" course at U of Arizona where she was taught (and expected to regurgitate on exams) such facts as "The Silent Majority was made up of white people who refused to accept the 1964 Civil Rights Act." No mention of Nixon or Vietnam.
Then she was taught that western farmers were taught how to farm by Plains Indians who were hunter gatherers.
Those were just the two I remember.
In spite of this, she would up at least as conservative as I am. Maybe more. We decided we are both libertarians.
I love freshwomen. Unfortunately, freshwomen soon accumulate enough credits to become sophomores, then they're not fresh any more.
But for that first year in college, freshwomen conjure up sexy images in freshman minds.
Grant that woman tenure now. She has earned it.
All she wants is to be like a man, and she also wants female biology, female portrayals and female emotional superiority claims dealt with by government now, or she will keep whining on about the accident of birth that made her female.
They want the right to make their own decisions and to suffer zero consequences for said decisions.
...makes them look like they are whining or something.
"Whining" is anger coming out through a very small hole.
Foremost is the right to clean out the husband after frivorce as she embarks on her journey of "self discovery"....
The fifth PP clinic in Wississippi just closed its doors thanks to Walker.
"In the 2011-13 budget, Walker eliminated $1.1 million dollars in state funding for family planning services, leading to the closure of five Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin family planning clinics over the past two years."
This is bullshit. PP lost a contract to provide services, yes. But those services are now being provided by county health agencies, as they are in the majority of counties.
So services lost to women = None.
Money saved by state = lots
The horror!
If there's one thing I've learned from observing American politics, it's that people are quite capable of demanding free stuff on their own without having to be propagandized by professors first.
Let me make this clearer, the contract that was cancelled with PP did not include any actual services to women other than consulting that is pointing them to other agencies to perform tests procedures etc. The county health agencies will do this now. No services such as breast exams, etc were included in this contract.
The fifth PP clinic in Wississippi just closed its doors thanks to Walker.
He can win national office with that kind of info.
Ann Althouse said...
Doesn't seem doctrinaire at all.
It stresses how things are portrayed by political actors, like she's standing back and observing.
10/4/14, 11:53 AM"
If she was a bit more observant should would a bit less stupid. She might actually consider the progression from A to C and perhaps beyond.
“In battleground states, Republican candidates are winning a majority of white women, are preferred by married women by double digits, and are statistically tied among single white women."
- Brook Hougesen, National Republican Senatorial Committee spokeswoman, making it PRETTY CLEAR the racists are doing their job, just as I've always said.
Planned Parenthood whining: our business model sucks.
As a barometer of racism, aren't those voting numbers vastly more monolithic for Democrats among black and unmarried women?
It's been portrayed that way because they are that way.
What a Rorschach test of commenters and their attitudes toward women.
"garage mahal said...
The fifth PP clinic in Wississippi just closed its doors thanks to Walker."
Like most thing garage pukes out just google and you'll find the lefty blog that he read it on:
Read the article and naturally it has some party-of-the parasite complaining that Walker cut some spending for some screenings funding for PP (thus presumably freeing up more money for abortions) therefore making Walker The Enemy Of The Woman. Does Wisconsin fund comparable screenings for poor men? If not, why not?
So this little snow-flake is going to decide to vote to spend other people's money (not hers of course on things that those who are actually footing the bill aren't going to benefit from. Isn't she so wonderfully observant?
I'm with MayBee.
If I were the blogress, I would be concerned that this discussion is getting close to What do Women Want ? and that is dangerous territory.
What is sexist and relies on tired stereotypes? That would be Monday night’s “Jeopardy!” category “What Women Want.” You can watch the episode here:
Yikes !
Planned Parenthood should change their name to Planned Laser Tooling, LLC. They'd be showered with all sorts of grants and forgivable loans. Or maybe PP should send the Club for Growth a 700k bribe, I bet Walker would then leave them alone.
But, please, do come to the fucking table with something!
Cecile Richards:
Women just want the right to make their own decisions to kill their own unborn female children and Scott Walker thinks that's a bad thing. #Waronwomen
There, fixed it for her
Planned Parenthood operates in a degenerative market. Their business model is sustained through luring new unsuspecting, vulnerable, or selfish clients.
demanding that inexpensive birth control pills be provided FREE! as part of everyone's insurance might lead some to think the women's rights movement is whining about something
"ussmidway said...
"This is the first year Hannah Mullen, a freshman at UW, is eligible to vote and she says she also plans to cast a ballot for Burke. Mullen says Walker's efforts to take "private rights away from women," pushed her towards supporting Burke."
So having just completed UW freshman orientation, Hannah Mullen can regurgitate the feminist propaganda she was force-fed by the UW staff.
Not providing free things = taking away private right rights
The ignorance and vapidity this reveals should be an embarrassment to anyone associated with the formerly respectable U of W; although I suspect this is a depressingly common experience for new college students across most of America now.
Our campuses have become totally obsessed with cultural & political indoctrination, now backed in California by the force of law re: "consent"; it's almost like reading about the Islamic Madrassas in Pakistan's tribal belt, or the pathetic Kim-dynasty in North Korea. Thinking is not permitted and will be punished severely!
Great college environment you have there Professor, pursuing knowledge and all..."
If children can't handle the responsibility to drink until they are 21, why do people think they can vote responsibly at 21?
What action has Mary Burke taken to minimize the gender gap among white men?. We all admire her strong stance on snowboarding, but she has to take other steps to broaden her appeal among white men.
The word portrayed is doing some serious lifting in that sentence. If the word portrayed were a football player, he'd be getting a 4-game suspension for PED usage.
By whom has it been portrayed? By reasonable person listening to what is said and judging the words? By the governor? By the freshwoman? We cannot know the answer.
Meanwhile, Governor Walker has agency. Apparently Governor Walker has shown a negative light. And that negative light is shown on women who "just want to make their own decisions" with other people's money.
The talents of journalists are on full display in the linked article.
The Crack Emcee said...
“In battleground states, Republican candidates are winning a majority of white women, are preferred by married women by double digits, and are statistically tied among single white women."
- Brook Hougesen, National Republican Senatorial Committee spokeswoman, making it PRETTY CLEAR the racists are doing their job, just as I've always said.
10/4/14, 12:46 PM"
Correct me if I am wrong but black woman have a disproportionately higher rate of abortions than white woman and PP is a major abortion provider for black woman so what exactly are you saying again? I would assume you would be in favor of having more black people in the population rather than less in large part thanks to progressive organizations like PP.
William asked...
What action has Mary Burke taken to minimize the gender gap among white men?. We all admire her strong stance on snowboarding, but she has to take other steps to broaden her appeal among white men.
I thought the plan was to deliberately alienate them?
Much like Crack's agenda.
Speaking of scamps, sprinkling your blog posts with comment bait like the awkward freshwoman is ingenious.
The Say Yes to Scott Walker ad has arrived.
"The Scott Walker (dress) is perfect!"
Planned Parenthood is also a leading advocate for global abortion contracts and contractors.
As for black leaders, similar to the leaders of South Africa, Kenya, Rwanda, etc., their interest in black people is selective. They are much like the "minority" leaders in America who lead with ulterior motives, typically to acquire leverage over other black people and competing interests generally.
Are we ready yet to discuss post-natal abortion?
Many moderates view age 12-13 as a reasonable compromise between those who advocate abortion rights only up to weaning and the extremists who push for 18 years age.
Still, the alternative to "free" contraceptives is objectively worse. The limit of redistributive change (e.g. welfare) is set at the threshold when it sponsors corruption of providers, recipients, and society generally.
I think the devaluation of human life through a degenerate religion's tenet of "choice", and corruption of science through mixing of dreams and a self-evident process, poses a clear and present threat to the life and welfare of civilization and civilized people.
Also, the prerequisite for liberty is men and women capable of self-moderating, responsible behavior. The normalization of abortion is incontrovertible evidence that women and men are regressing to a baser state which is necessarily governed by authoritarian regimes.
Dissociation of risk (e.g. instant or immediate gratification without consequences) is the opiate of the masses and elites.
garage mahal said...
The fifth PP clinic in Wississippi just closed its doors thanks to Walker.
10/4/14, 12:37 PM"
And what is the problem with that? You are free to donate as much of your money as you wish to support PP. Other people's money to a private organization not so much. What have got against economic growth? Without it there is less tax revenues to fund the public parasites. You need to turn the on switch to the ON position behind your left ear.
Correct me if I am wrong but black woman have a disproportionately higher rate of abortions than white woman and PP is a major abortion provider for black woman so what exactly are you saying again? I would assume you would be in favor of having more black people in the population rather than less in large part thanks to progressive organizations like PP.
Well, it was the founder's quite explicitly expressed desire to minimize births amongst blacks.
Gavage mahal said: The Say Yes to Scott Walker ad has arrived.
Say Yes to Scott Walker and men will like you more.
Cecile Richards is evil incarnate.
gavage mahal said...
The fifth PP clinic in Wississippi just closed its doors thanks to Walker.
Mary Burke is the future of Wussconsin.
I don't need men to like me more. You have issues about manhood I think.
damikesc said...
Correct me if I am wrong but black woman have a disproportionately higher rate of abortions than white woman and PP is a major abortion provider for black woman so what exactly are you saying again? I would assume you would be in favor of having more black people in the population rather than less in large part thanks to progressive organizations like PP.
Well, it was the founder's quite explicitly expressed desire to minimize births amongst blacks.
10/4/14, 2:22 PM"
It's why I find so many of Crack's diatribes against Republicans and conservatives so strange.
And what's manly about a fake hunter like Walker? Talk about wussification.
My personal perception is not that feminists demand equality. It is that they demand dominance.
Planned Parenthood whining: our business model sucks.
You should see the RNC business model.
"But really [women] just want the right to make their own decisions."
Well, I'm sorry, but we of the Patriarchy have decided to continue making all your decisions for you.
Boy, that was easy!
"Intriguingly judicious." Yes. Youthful precision, accidently well crafted. Unhaughty cleverness. Not shifty. Her statement, an amorphous chinese box. The platonic ideal of feminism has less been corrupted than been eroded? The speaker is frustrated but not angry. Civil
David said...
Her statement, an amorphous chinese box.
Watch those metaphors, namesake.
If I were Walker, I wouldn't be too broken up over Burke having 54% of women if I've got 62% of men -- unless Wisconsin's population has an unusual sex distribution.
If you wanted to really stir things up, you might argue that PP is a Republican plant. The elimination of 20 million black voters or potential black voters over the last four decades has a decided impact at the polls.
I don't think that's PP is secretly pro Republican, but it is a lesson in differential consequences.
"The elimination of 20 million black voters or potential black voters over the last four decades has a decided impact at the polls. "
Not to even mention the national budget.
Hi there, Crack !
"Women now have choices. They can be married, not married, have a job, not have a job, be married with children, unmarried with children. Men have the same choice we've always had: work, or prison."
Tim Allen
Really. What has Walker done to restrict a womyn's decision making? That in itself is whiny hyperbole. Thus this stigma.
Making your own decisions and always getting your way aren't the same thing. Most children learn this fairly early on.
Women want all the rewards without the work. Remember there is always the kitchen. Go make me a sammich woman.
"But really [women] just want the right to make their own decisions"
And behave like sluts but how dare you call us sluts.
garage laments the closing of another infanticide factory.
Think about that for a moment.
Can't have slut shaming now.
Why does someone with no children and no husband have an interest in being on the school board. It's like the guy with no kids who is a little league coach.
On Wisconsin!
It's not that I give a damn about your sex life, just don't tell me about it and don't make fund it.
For the women's rights movement, for the National Organization for Women, even for liberal lesbians, it's all about the abortions. For the female faction of the democrat party, it's all about the abortions. It's abortions all the way down.
""the women's movement has been portrayed in a way that makes women look like they are wining about something.""
So, it is being "portrayed" accurately. Is this a problem?
garage mahal said...
I don't need men to like me more. You have issues about manhood I think
garage, our "Friday Night Lights" hero was calling out others for allegedly not having played contact sports not that long ago and is now talking about others "manhood" issues!
Awesome projection garage. Just awesome.
I love the womens' movement. Especially when I'm walking right behind.
It's funny, Conservatives want equal rights for women, minorities, religions, you name it.
Liberals want extra rights, because they aren't able to see where one right can run up against another right.
Yet it's liberals who get to say, "I'm for women's rights, i'm for homosexual rights, i'm for minority rights." thus, in effect, claiming conservatives are against those things.
The truth is, conservatives are for equal rights, liberals are for additional rights of one group and fewer rights of another.
The truth is, conservatives are for equal rights
Equal rights to sleep under a bridge?
"...the student's comment was intriguingly judicious."
"Doesn't seem doctrinaire"
Doesn't surprise me that the student is well-coached. Planned Parenthood Action Fund is a 501c(4) and spends millions defending its business model. You can call it spending through the tax code if you want. It is tax dollars paying for abortions.
Equal rights to sleep under a bridge?
Equal rights to sleep anywheres!
The worst economies were in the interventionist 1930s, the intervensionist 1970s and right now. I wish you well as you find the common thread.
Also, happy underbridge living!
Would someone tell me what the justification is for using public money to fund Planned Parenthood? If the service they provide is needed it can be provided by the medical profession in a regular clinical setting. If there is enough demand it will attract private money.
Planned Parenthood operations closing in WI indicates that there is not enough demand to sustain them without subsidies - particularly now that everyone has health insurance.
phx said...
"Equal rights to sleep under a bridge?"
Progressive policies over the last 6 years have led us to the lowest growth after a recession in... ever and the lowest labor participation rate since 1978.
I figure that to be a progressive you must want fewer people to have jobs. You must also want more people to be poor.
I know that progs have trouble with self awareness. But I am still curious if you could see what I did there?
And no I don't think individual progs like you want people to be poor. I just think you are stupid tools of people who do want most of us to be poor. You know democrats get more money from rich people that republicans right?
khesanh0802 said...
"Would someone tell me what the justification is for using public money to fund Planned Parenthood?"
It is a slush fund for democrats and progressive operatives. As long as you look at it from the point of view of progressive pols giving money and jobs to progressive supporters it will make more sense.
Seen through a societal lens as either oppressive or ineffectual, males' perception of women has in response changed from the possibility of a partner to an abstraction of abortion and cohersion: the vagina as fascist state. The response to women's ongoing attempts to overwhelm the balance of the basic male-female dynamic has inevitably resulted in a push-back of ever-more deviant and/or degrading pornography.
This imbalanced relationship has effectively removed the vagina from prominence in pornography: a society that has come to view the vagina as simply a cog of the abortion process results in that society's pornography's shunning of the same, thus a greater emphasis is made on non-reproductive forms of sex, i.e. oral and anal.
Today, Debbie no longer 'does' Dallas: Debbie 'does' Planned Parenthood. The female figure in pornography no longer plays the role of a potential partner; rather, she is now simply a symbol of the ever-present readiness of abortion, to which the male replies by removing the symbolic ability of procreation from the scenario together. Abortion, the primary aspect of the fascism of the vagina, has its political response in pornography.
Furthermore, repressed male anger at this state of affairs colors the pornography experience: if there is to be no shame in aborting a man's offspring, there is to be no shame anywhere, whether it is now two penises grinding in the same anal orifice or a semen-drenched gang-bang in an abandoned and poorly-lit garage.
I will let you all conduct your own research.
We need to start a "Crack Emcee" award.
This award will be given to person in an Althouse Comment Thread who introduces Racism and/or calls someone racist in violation of all common sense and/or justification.
Sorry, no monetary prize will accompany the award -just the satisfaction of winning.
So women are now whining about how they are always portrayed as whining.
Got it.
n.n. said...
"I think the devaluation of human life through a degenerate religion's tenet of "choice", and corruption of science through mixing of dreams and a self-evident process, poses a clear and present threat to the life and welfare of civilization and civilized people.
Also, the prerequisite for liberty is men and women capable of self-moderating, responsible behavior. The normalization of abortion is incontrovertible evidence that women and men are regressing to a baser state which is necessarily governed by authoritarian regimes."
Quite true. To me, this is what happens when social institutions that aspire than mere humans are destroyed and replaced with humanism.
Sorry, no monetary prize will accompany the award -just the satisfaction of winning.
Sorry rc, it's a fine idea but I'm not going to play along w/o reparations.
Bravo, Betamax, bravo!
"Sorry, no monetary prize will accompany the award -just the satisfaction of winning."
I think you meant to say "the satisfaction of whining."
Betamax wonderful piece. However in my in artful style it can be condensed to the philosophy of "heads I win, tails you lose".
The Queen song, "[Justice Via-letta Ginsburg] Rhapsody" has always disturbed this author. The lyrics reveal clues as to crime, method of murder/execution, verdict, ethnic/cultural identity, but no indication of motive, or forensic evidence such as entry point, blood splatter patterns, et cetera, to indicate mens rea (insert italics<). The convict's suicidal confessional to his mother, without video access to his affect, is inconclusive, poor unloved (fatherless?) boy, unless he can be determined to be under the age of consent(Sans dusky victims?).
Ever heard of heterosexual tag team/revenge rape? Case pending. Only one "cry baby" since the second attempt was aborted, surprisingly, with the term "stop." Star witness has no hush money.
""the women's movement has been portrayed in a way that makes women look like they are wining about something."
Why is she whining about it?
"Or maybe PP should send the Club for Growth a 700k bribe, I bet Walker would then leave them alone. "
Okay. We all agree that Planned Parenthood should be treated like the Club for Growth, and get zero government funding.
Anyone agrees with that?
Cracking Crack....
A lot of people noticed that Crack comes to this blog and always fills it with the most ridiculous racist propaganda imaginable. Some people like to debate with him, pointing out the stupidity and historical inaccuracy of his claims.
Well, here is something you should know. Crack is not as crazy or stupid as he sounds. As you know he is a musician, who is trying to get a contract. I believe that he decided that it was a good marketing shtick to represent himself as a black "nationalist", victim of white racism. That's all there is to his posts. You need to look at his posts as commercial spam, nothing more. There is no need to debate what he writes, because he is not here to convince anyone to change his opinion or to find the truth. He is like a machine, with the goals which are far removed from the purpose of debates.
HA ha ha ha! Thanks for the laugh Althouse.
Chillblain asks: Why does someone with no children and no husband have an interest in being on the school board? [sic]
One reason: to represent the interests of tax payers.
The typical School Board represents Teachers.
Who represents the folks that pay the bills???
In Texas nearly half of ad-valorem property taxes are for schools, and that accounts for about half of all public money supplied to schools.
Most school board members are close relatives of teachers and/or are themselves teachers in a nearby district. (We have FOUR school districts in our County of approx 20,000.)
The campaign advertising, if any is needed, typically emphasizes the candidate's close association with public education.
Polling places are often at a different venue from other elections, candidates often run unopposed.
Sounds like the current "civil rights" movement. Had a point once, degenerated.
Chillblain asks: Why does someone with no children and no husband have an interest in being on the school board? "
The solution is all pay and benefits for civil servants should be voted on directly by taxpayers. When enough of the slugs quit then the public will know they overshot the mark. Until then why overpay for under performance and incompetence?
"Correct me if I am wrong but black woman have a disproportionately higher rate of abortions than white woman and PP is a major abortion provider for black woman so what exactly are you saying again?"
I'm saying it's none of your business, especially because you've made it clear (over years) you have no interest in the welfare of blacks, female or otherwise, so shut-the-fuck-up.
"I would assume you would be in favor of having more black people in the population rather than less in large part thanks to progressive organizations like PP."
I would assume you know how I feel about reparations - which would make it so blacks can afford to keep their kids - but you stand in staunch opposition to that (even though it's a crime committed by whites) so shut-the-fuck-up.
Until you say, "We're racists in need of reforming OURSELVES" you are trusted to have a say in nothing,...
Here - I'll translate your question:
"Don't you want blacks to have more kids - who whites keep in poverty?
Fuck you,....
Women have the right to make their own decisions now. What these people want is for me to pay for their decisions if they can't afford to. That's an entirely different matter.
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