James O'Keefe. ha. .. ha-ha ... Hahaha ... HA HA. HAHAHA JAMES O"KEEFE??? HA HA HA... HA HA HA HA HA HA ... Ha Ha ... Ha ha ha ... James O'Keefe ... wow! James O'Keefe ... James O'Keefe. J A M E S O K E E F E
Stuff like this video is why it was so stupid for Donna Brazile to make the categorical statement that there is no voter fraud.
There are quite a few folks in the lower, feet-on-the-ground level of politics who believe in one thing --- getting their side to win. I've worked with bunches of them, Democrat & Republican. I would believe any member of these "bunches" would stuff a ballot box if they thought they could get away with it.
Donna Brazile probably doesn't believe that some folks get paid to vote in Philadelphia either, because you know, they call it "walk around" money, not "pay Jamal to vote" money.
And I don't want to just dump on the Dems here. I'm sure if I lived in Alabama or Texas where the Repubs run things, I'd hear all sorts of horror stories from the local Repub guys. But I live in the northeast, and it's Democratic malfeasance I get to see on a day to day basis.
In the small Southern towns with which I am familiar Democrats still largely control local politics. The state houses have only recently begun to flip even as the presidential races show broad support for Republicans.
"garage mahal" wishes to make voting easier because that guarantees the BAMN crowd more opportunities to cheat. It is about power. Any argument about equity is a lie. Power and equity have difficulty surviving simultaneously.
"It speaks volumes that the GOP can't seem to find this kind of fraud on their own."
They can, and do. North Carolina. But the GOP has taken the position that the mechanics of voting are best left to the states. I've said before that in person voting is a small percentage of the vote fraud. The real fraud occurs with with absentee mail in ballots.
"garage mahal said... Voting shouldn't be convenient because fast food is convenient, and fast food is unhealthy!"
I would argue that it isn't so much convenience as casualness. The responsibility of voting is paid lip service. The responsibility of casting a knowledgeable is treated even more casually.
Also, why don't gun shops have drive through windows. Voting stupidly carries more dire consequences, like the earth's seas rising, and fire,flood, and pestilence, as i have been told by Democrats.
YoungHegelian said... There are quite a few folks in the lower, feet-on-the-ground level of politics who believe in one thing --- getting their side to win.
I would hazard that there are quite a few at the higher levels who are also of that opinion.
There is a reason why Democrats continue to harp on voter fraud as racist and voting needs to be easier and easier.
It's because they know they will not continue to get elected without fraud.
The game is up. Republicans win elections that are legit, Democrats win elections that are stolen.
This is why every single time it's close, the Democrat wins. They just go out and produce more votes.
Here in Washington state we all vote now via mail in ballot. I thought surely this is a secure method of voting. But now I'm seeing how it isn't.
The good news is, here in Washington State, we have a database which shows everyone who voted. I wish someone with some time and money found a way to verify 100% of those votes. Just once. I'd at least like to have my conscious put at ease if there is no fraud.
Paul Zrimsek said... Before anyone gets too excited, notice that this is one of a number of forms of vote fraud which voter ID will do nothing to fix."
Voter ID isn't designed to prevent this type of fraud. One step at a time.
Our Garage's knee just jerked...he immediately demands that successful investigative reporters be treated as criminals. Arrest them all! Arrest them all!
Good point. Sort of like that "journalist" holding the clip in Washington DC. Really depends on the point you are trying to make, so yes, in this case they should throw O'Keefe in prison.
We will pitch you in the slammer for a lot less when it is our turn, so rest easy until.
Why isn't O'Keefe being charged with conspiring to commit voter fraud?
Probably for the same reason that the people he caught on video are not being charged. Because they didn't take any actions to further the conspiracy, and thus their actions do not meet the definition of the criminal offense.
The shooter ran past unarmed personnel through the back door.
It seems that all weapon search and scanning of visitors by guards is done at the front door. The back door is for exiting visitors only, therefore it is not guarded.
Donna Brazile won't care. Because Donna Brazile isn't in any way, shape, or form interested in a good faith two-party democracy.
She knows that, her listeners know that. Her listeners agree.
So thinking that this is somehow going to be a *gotcha* moment that forces some self-reflection and even an ounce of shame on the shills is stupid.
And it's not going to change a damn thing. Unless you're ready and willing to go to war over it, the ballot box will be stuffed up until the time we have enough amnesties and immigrants giving birth to "citizens" that it's unnecessary (though they'll still happen, because why win 60% of the vote when you can win 95%).
My hat of to O'Keefe for making the effort. But don't expect anything.
"Paul Zrimsek said... Before anyone gets too excited, notice that this is one of a number of forms of vote fraud which voter ID will do nothing to fix."
So your position is that those who are willing to commit voter fraud will draw the line at that fraud which photo ID would prevent?
Even if O'Keefe had done something to further the criminal conspiracy he would not be charged. He affirmatively withdrew from the conspiracy by posting the video online.
It very much is like lying and like stealing. False pretenses are lies. Then when those false pretenses are used to install in office someone not rightfully elected and who has every intention of NOT obeying his/her oath of office and votes for legislation that continues the welfare state (which IS theft on a grand scale), that is stealing.
The real fraud occurs with with absentee mail in ballots.
Exactly. It is disgusting how the Attorney General in WI is turning a blind eye to the massive fraud that is taking place in our elections and refusing to prosecute anyone for obvious ballot stuffing.
Then just two days before the final vote was to be certified, King County announced that it had found another 10,000 absentee ballots. Rossi's lead was soon down to 261 votes. That was enough to require a mandatory machine recount of all votes. Fund reports, "But in King County the recount went beyond running the ballots through the counting machines. Officials there 'enhanced' 710 votes that had been rejected by the machines, in some cases altering them with white out or filling in the ovals on the optical scan ballots." This netted another 219 votes for Gregoire, reducing Rossi's lead to 42 votes.
Democrats demanded and won yet another statewide hand recount. During that recount, heavily Democrat King County found another 561 ballots, more than a month after the election, that had been rejected because election officials couldn't find the voter's original signature in the registration records. Two days later, they found another 22 ballots hidden in voting machines that were already in storage, not sealed and secured in any boxes. "Another treasure hunt turned up 150 more votes that had been mistakenly put into storage," Fund reports. Meanwhile, in the hand recount, officials in King County decided they wouldn't automatically reject "overvote" ballots where the voter had mistakenly marked the ballot for both Rossi and Gregoire. These ballots were forwarded to the canvassing board, which somehow determined that some of these ballots were intended for the Democrat.
"Voting shouldn't be convenient because fast food is convenient, and fast food is unhealthy!"
Voting should be as convenient as possible without undermining the integrity of the system.
The reason for secret ballots cast in the voting booth is that it makes voter intimidation or vote buying and selling difficult (because there's no way for anyone else to know if the voter ultimately voted 'the right way'). But universal mail-in ballots? The vote buyer/intimidator can easily verify it was filled out 'properly' before the envelope is sealed or even fill it out himself.
Al Franken would never be a senator were it not for vote fraud. He won by 319 votes (after multiple recounts where more votes were magically found for him after each count). Over 1000 felons behind bars voted in that election and it is estimated that 90% of those felons voted Democrat.
Is there a lefty anywhere who can, just once, say that the ends (defeating Republicans) doesn't always justify the means (in this case, condoning and coordinating voter fraud)?
Because I just never see it. And that's truly frightening.
I've said it before and will say it again; legitimate voters should be livid about voter fraud not because of national elections, but because of local ones and votes that aren't about putting people into office. In the upcoming election, I will be voting on a bond issue and three amendments to our state constitution, one of which is a common sense correction, the other two are abominations. So, while fraud may be committed to change legislatures, governors, senators and members of the house, that same fraud may likely drive up your taxes for things you and your neighbors don't want and don't support.
Evil hates the light. Keep shining it. I don't care of you expose Republicans, Democrats, Leftist, Rightist, rich, poor.
Expose those who do wrong.
As for what you have just exposed, well with Voter ID laws, how do you expect liberals to win offices? I mean if the dead can't vote, insane can't vote, ex-cons can't vote, the stuffing the ballot box is the only way they can win.
So many people on the left know quite well it's happening, but do not care. Or actively engage in it.
Stealing votes is stealing the republic and robbing the gains of those who died for our rights. It's pure evil, and to know there's that much evil in politics is deeply disturbing. They think this is justified by the greater good or the boogeyman of Koch brothers or whatever, but ultimately they are saying that they do not value human rights if they stand in the way of power.
I see Garage saying O'Keefe should be prosecuted for his whistleblowing. Of course he is trolling, but they did prosecute O'Keefe before when he tried to blow the whistle on a Senator possibly denying her citizens the ability to petition their government (of course that would be unconstitutional).
So at what point do these folks who support the theft of elections, and the use of police powers to protect this crime, finally say enough? I think there are plenty of people in this country for whom that point does not even exist. Bill Ayers's group used pipe bombs and talked about mass reeducation camps and the loss of many lives. I used to roll my eyes at such ridiculous fantasies, but now I merely doubt that will come to pass. That's a major corner to turn. I do think there are people here who are nuts enough to want that.
If you want to steal an election, the biggest marginal gains to be made are in absentee and mail in ballots. It is easier to cheat, harder to get caught, and if you get caught, it harder to get a conviction.
Voter ID is indeed only one step to secure elections.
Something must be done about mail-in ballots. Honestly I wouldn't mind simply getting rid of them. If you're too busy to be in town on election day, that's too bad, but that's how life is sometimes.
If you're truly disabled and unable to vote, I think it makes more sense to send someone to visit, hand you a ballot, and give you a few minutes to fill it out. If the person can't do this without help, they weren't really voting... someone else was. Roll that in with the census and the postal service. It can be done.
30 years ago Absentee Ballots were picked up in person by a photo ided voter at the Registrar 's Office and you signed a statement that you could not be in town on election day.
speaking of lying, from ben shapiro: "On CNN Tuesday night, activist and former Obama green jobs czar Van Jones and television and radio host and author of "Hands Off My Gun" Dana Loesch discussed the latest Palin-bashing extravaganza the media is currently wallowing in. During the festivities, Van Jones let it slip that maybe Sarah Palin wasn't as dumb and worthless as Democrats have tried to paint her for every second of every day since the moment she took the national stage. He opined: “
Sarah Palin .. people forget. She had the Democratic party shaking in our boots in 2008. She came out, she gave that speech at the convention. That was, hands down, one of the best convention speeches - not by a woman, by anybody in 2008. People were running for the hills.
Loesch immediately pointed out that the narrative in 2008 was that Palin was too dumb to be considered for office, and that the conventional wisdom everyone was supposed to buy, that she brought the ticket down, didn't match Van Jones' characterization. But Van Jones had an explanation for that. They were just liars. “
"Now it can be told! Now it can be told! We were scared!"
It's the second time this week that Democrats have said in public that they lie to get elected. But you can totally trust them once they're in office."
It would be very simple to devise an electronic voting machine that prints out a paper receipt (if requested), that shows you how it recorded your vote, and then assign that paper receipt a Globally Unique ID (GUID) (similar to a software key) that you can use to log onto a website afterwards to verify that your ballot was processed correctly.
With our current technology, the fact that we don't do this, or that the individually anonymous ballots are not themselves open and digitally query-able, is proof that neither party is sincere about fixing this problem.
I found the video underwhelming. O'Keefe is a smooth talker who can lead someone to say what they think he wants them to say. If he were a government official it would be a pretty clear case of entrapment. I'm not saying there is no voter fraud - obviously there is some -- but there is no voter fraud shown in the video. One thing to casually talk about it with someone you think shares your viewpoint, something else to actually do it and commit a crime.
If is is so rampant, why can't O'Keefe find some real fraud and show us? If so many people are going through trash cans looking for unused ballots, why can't he catch just one of them on tape?
"It would be very simple to devise an electronic voting machine that prints out a paper receipt (if requested), that shows you how it recorded your vote, "
Why go to all that touble? we've been using optical readers and paper ballots for a long time. I know one of the poll workers, who volunteers every year, she says they've been there as long as she's worked that precinct, over 25 years.
I've had that same thought, and when offered was told the problem with a receipt is that you could then vote for money. Hobos could be given cash if they come back with the right receipt. Employers could do something like that, etc. Visions of Upton Sinclair style employers in Chicago, basically.
I think the idea has merit, though. You would need to combine it with some other elements, for example undercover investigators posing as hobos selling their vote, and severe penalties for any other attempt to check someone's vote.
A truly fair election process in this country will be a major undertaking requiring vigilance and examples made of bad guys. It won't be cheap, although a damper on corruption probably will prove a net savings.
"O'Keefe is a smooth talker who can lead someone to say what they think he wants them to say"
So it's ok for the DIRECTOR of a Democratic Super PAC to talk about stealing elections because she thought she was talking to a friendly stranger. It was just peer pressure. Nothing to see here, move along.
And then she offers a job to the guy she agrees about stealing votes with.
You are wrong. She was encouraging election theft, plain and simple. It is a rampant problem.
"steve uhr said... I found the video underwhelming. O'Keefe is a smooth talker who can lead someone to say what they think he wants them to say. If he were a government official it would be a pretty clear case of entrapment. I'm not saying there is no voter fraud - obviously there is some -- but there is no voter fraud shown in the video. One thing to casually talk about it with someone you think shares your viewpoint, something else to actually do it and commit a crime.
If is is so rampant, why can't O'Keefe find some real fraud and show us? If so many people are going through trash cans looking for unused ballots, why can't he catch just one of them on tape?
My brainwashed and librul but very sweet niece has used her parent's home address in Penna as her voting domicile rather than vote from her real address in NYC even though she has lived in NYC for ten years. She views her librul vote as more valuable in a swing state like Penna versus blue blue NY state.
Steve Uhr, Meredith Hicks, the person you suggest is just some dummy who was pressured by smooth talkin' O'Keefe, is the Director of Works for Progress.
Check out their website. They describe their actions as including "massive" voter outreach.
They are funded by "Democratic super PACs."
I'm sure you have found some bizarre way to quibble, in typical internet discussion tedium, that somehow this does not totally contradict your characterization of this Director as a fool who was pressured into saying something that ultimately doesn't mean anything, but no, she's a director of a national organization. She knew what she was saying, has almost certainly said it to many others, and I would bet my house she has actively and personally stolen votes, well aware that it's virtually impossible to catch those who commit this crime.
You're wrong, and I look forward to your next effort to muddy the waters.
I think she is local. You call her the "DIRECTOR of a super PAC" (must be important fact for you given the caps) and when I point out you are wrong I am quibbling and engaging in typical internet tedium. I don't think she is "the" director of any national organization. She is local and is dumb/naive for not seeing the set up.
Of course I could never prove to your satisfaction that she is not a crook. I would suggest however that if she were actively involved in voter fraud she would probably be more careful when talking to a stranger about engaging in voter fraud. Or else she really is the dummy you say she is not.
Assuming voter fraud is a real big problem, where is the evidence that it is all perpetrated by those on the left? Because all republicans are law-abiding citizens? I would think it averages out.
And i'm not a liberal. I voted for Bush four times.
Do people really think a left version of O'Keefe could not after enough time and effort find one republican operative in some town somewhere in the U.S. to say the exact same thing as Hicks? So what is the news story?
"Do people really think a left version of O'Keefe could not after enough time and effort find one republican operative in some town somewhere in the U.S. to say the exact same thing as Hicks? So what is the news story?"
Fraud from either party would be a reason to want better control in thr process!
steve uhr now turns to the "everybody does it" defense at the same time he uses the "voter fraud is not widespread" defense. Pick arguments that are not mutually exclusive, troll.
Where did I say "everybody does it." What I believe I said is that however often it occurs (I think it is prob pretty rare), there is no reason of which I am aware to believe that the left is more guilty. If there is such evidence please tell me.
The apparent point of O'Keefe efforts is to show that the left is worse than the right when it comes to voter fraud. Otherwise, he would play the same game on republicans. It is faulty logic to conclude from the video that the problem lies mostly on the left.
What did I say that makes me a troll? Is a troll anyone who disagrees with you?
"Steve Uhr said... Otherwise, he would play the same game on republicans. It is faulty logic to conclude from the video that the problem lies mostly on the left. "
Is this a bad time to point out that it is the Democrat Party that resists any effort to put in any safeguard against voter fraud? That it is people from the left, like Donna Brazile, who say that voter fraud is a big lie? That while you are required to show ID to enter a Federal Building, you're not in order to vote? Perhaps that explains it.
The apparent point of O'Keefe efforts is to show that the left is worse than the right when it comes to voter fraud. Otherwise, he would play the same game on republicans. It is faulty logic to conclude from the video that the problem lies mostly on the left.
The entire MSM already plays gotcha almost solely with the GOP. O'Keefe is just trying to tip the scales a little to the other side.
"The apparent point of O'Keefe efforts is to show that the left is worse than the right when it comes to voter fraud. Otherwise, he would play the same game on republicans. It is faulty logic to conclude from the video that the problem lies mostly on the left."
So the obvious rhetorical question is why do democrats constantly push for things like same day registration and fight voter ID laws that make these types of fraud easier?
There are obvious examples of fraud like the gregoire\rossi election in Washington and the Franken election in Minnesota. Do you have similar examples of Republican style voter fraud? I will note I am not a fan of the republican party. Just that I think the democrat party is actively trying to undermine elections and freedom in this country.
Since you are new here I will give you a chance to discuss in good faith.
"What did I say that makes me a troll? Is a troll anyone who disagrees with you?"
You made an obvious error of cognitive dissonance first saying everybody does it followed by it must be rare. We are used to cognitive dissonance from the statists here. Doesn't necessarily make you a troll. But on this point you try to make you are wrong.
Steve, I concede I do not know if she is a director of the local organization or the national organization.
But she is the director of a well funded and serious political operation.
You portrayed her as an easily pressured idiot who says whatever the car salesman wanted her to say, and that is obviously wrong. She was an experienced leader of a political organization with extensive voter outreach, advocating specifically for someone to commit serial vote fraud.
As for fantasizing about Republican vote thieves... the left has many enormously well funded media operations that surely would report on that eagerly if they could. Imagine if Mary Mapes had a lead on serial vote fraud by the GOP!
Any Republican who steals votes ought to spend years in prison. I have no doubt there are some out there who would if they could, btw.
But the political pressure against truing the vote overwhelmingly comes from one side, and I think the main reason is that election fraud is much easier and common in urban areas.
Exactly. Disenfranchisement through fraud is a serious issue. It was when the Democrats accused Republicans and invited the United Nations to monitor the election. It is a real problem today.
The Democrats' line has always been that we should not worry about the Kennedy brothers meeting with Sam Giancana and his capos in Frank Sinatra's home, because, hey, it was only about the mob organizing election fraud in Illinois. Likewise, not to worry about Judith Campbell carrying a valise full of money from JFK (actually old Joe) to Giancana in Chicago. And finally, we should not worry about it, because Kennedy would have won the 1960 election anyway - without Illinois.
Now remind me of any story like that involving Republicans in modern times.
I think most Democrats don't like voter ID laws because more Democrats are ID-less, not because they support voter fraud.
Any data to back up that opinion? What do you mean by more?
(fyi-you don't need to show id to enter any federal building to my knowledge).
uh, no. here I will do the work for you.
6. All parties entering the Federal Building must show a government issued picture ID and must pass through a security screening device. Acceptable IDs include official identification issued by any U.S. state or by the U.S. government. The only acceptable international identification is a government issued passport with a current U.S. visa. that is from this site
or Generally, visitors must have a valid picture ID and are required to submit to a security screening process to gain entrance to the building. that is a direct quote from the GSA website
Now, if your knowledge on point one is as extensive as your knowledge on point 2, then perhaps you see your own faulty logic now? Or are you being purposefully obtuse?
For Fuck's sake, Steve. Think for yourself instead of swallowing what the Star Tribune and Pioneer Press pump out. Until you do, don't mention logic here again.
Dustin -- Why is voter fraud easier in urban areas than suburban areas?
In Colorado the apparent concern is people fishing unused ballots out of trash cans in bad urban neighborhoods. Perhaps republicans are less willing to get their hands dirty, literally, but they could always pay some unemployed black kid to do it for them.
As others have said, if someone wants to sell their vote to the highest bidder that should be their right. That isn't fraud, it's free speech and free enterprise.
In Colorado the apparent concern is people fishing unused ballots out of trash cans in bad urban neighborhoods. "
That isn't the apparent concern at all, though, as a lawyer, I assume you know that and are ignoring it. the issue is that a partisan is willing to engage in voter fraud.
"Dustin -- Why is voter fraud easier in urban areas than suburban areas?"
That's where the concentrations of votes and the well funded, staffed, and more corrupt political organizations tend to be.
For example, this organization where the DIRECTOR of all people is openly advocating stealing votes. BTW, you told me to re-read the article and then 'corrected' me to say that Meredith Hicks was merely a low level director of a local organization. This information is not actually included in the article. Why did you imply it was? Do you have some sort of inside knowledge of Works for Progress? Some would say you're carrying water. Do you think the attitudes she expressed are wrong?
"perhaps republicans are less willing to get their hands dirty, literally, but they could always pay some unemployed black kid to do it for them."
flew completely over my head. Steve, I guess I was engaging a troll mistakenly. Either that or you have some very messed up views on people you share society with.
"The apparent point of O'Keefe efforts is to show that the left is worse than the right when it comes to voter fraud. Otherwise, he would play the same game on republicans. It is faulty logic to conclude from the video that the problem lies mostly on the left."
Name the last republican mayor of the City of Chicago.
"Also in Colorado, campaign workers have been going door to door, asking voters for mail-in ballots, a practice some fear could be abused. Meanwhile, in New York City, it's official: There are 850 registered voters who are officially listed as 164 years old or older."
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१२२ टिप्पण्या:
The ballot box cheating is a source of good seasonal work for liberal. Are you folks against good jobs now?
Donna Brazille:
"There is no real concrete evidence of voter fraud. It's a big ass lie. #Whopper You can't prove it. It's not happening and that is the lie."
James O'Keefe:
"After this week, you're really going to regret saying this, @donnabrazile "
It speaks volumes that the GOP can't seem to find this kind of fraud on their own.
James O'Keefe. ha. .. ha-ha ... Hahaha ... HA HA. HAHAHA JAMES O"KEEFE??? HA HA HA... HA HA HA HA HA HA ... Ha Ha ... Ha ha ha ... James O'Keefe ... wow! James O'Keefe ... James O'Keefe. J A M E S O K E E F E
The Chicago Way. As I posted earlier, when Obama voted in Chicago the other day, the poll workers told him to: "Vote Democratic"
CO democrats passed this ON PARTY LINE VOTE.
There is ample proof of voter fraud.
What I want to see is proof that requiring ID to vote is racist.
Reality is racist.
Stuff like this video is why it was so stupid for Donna Brazile to make the categorical statement that there is no voter fraud.
There are quite a few folks in the lower, feet-on-the-ground level of politics who believe in one thing --- getting their side to win. I've worked with bunches of them, Democrat & Republican. I would believe any member of these "bunches" would stuff a ballot box if they thought they could get away with it.
Donna Brazile probably doesn't believe that some folks get paid to vote in Philadelphia either, because you know, they call it "walk around" money, not "pay Jamal to vote" money.
And I don't want to just dump on the Dems here. I'm sure if I lived in Alabama or Texas where the Repubs run things, I'd hear all sorts of horror stories from the local Repub guys. But I live in the northeast, and it's Democratic malfeasance I get to see on a day to day basis.
I suggest we all attack the messenger.
All "right-thinking" people know there is no voter fraud.
in 2012, there were some shenanigans going on in Boulder.
Designing a voting system where fraud is harder to prove - the modern corruptocrat party in action.
Voting shouldn't be convenient because fast food is convenient, and fast food is unhealthy!
Remember how concerned Democrats were that each and every military vote be counted in Florida, 2000?
I will never forget the celebrations by Democrats each time they got a vote disqualified.
In the small Southern towns with which I am familiar Democrats still largely control local politics. The state houses have only recently begun to flip even as the presidential races show broad support for Republicans.
Also, Democrats run the reservations.
They can't cheat if the race isn't close.
Interesting story out there on the groups that noticed it was O'Keefe trying to implicate them.
"garage mahal" wishes to make voting easier because that guarantees the BAMN crowd more opportunities to cheat. It is about power. Any argument about equity is a lie. Power and equity have difficulty surviving simultaneously.
One man. One vote. One time.
Right, "garage mahal"?
"It speaks volumes that the GOP can't seem to find this kind of fraud on their own."
They can, and do. North Carolina. But the GOP has taken the position that the mechanics of voting are best left to the states. I've said before that in person voting is a small percentage of the vote fraud. The real fraud occurs with with absentee mail in ballots.
"garage mahal said...
Voting shouldn't be convenient because fast food is convenient, and fast food is unhealthy!"
I would argue that it isn't so much convenience as casualness. The responsibility of voting is paid lip service. The responsibility of casting a knowledgeable is treated even more casually.
Also, why don't gun shops have drive through windows. Voting stupidly carries more dire consequences, like the earth's seas rising, and fire,flood, and pestilence, as i have been told by Democrats.
YoungHegelian said...
There are quite a few folks in the lower, feet-on-the-ground level of politics who believe in one thing --- getting their side to win.
I would hazard that there are quite a few at the higher levels who are also of that opinion.
"Remember how concerned Democrats were that each and every military vote be counted in Florida, 2000?
I will never forget the celebrations by Democrats each time they got a vote disqualified."
Yes, the military tend to vote Republican.
Before anyone gets too excited, notice that this is one of a number of forms of vote fraud which voter ID will do nothing to fix.
Well, Donna Brazile has a fair sized ass at that.
There is a reason why Democrats continue to harp on voter fraud as racist and voting needs to be easier and easier.
It's because they know they will not continue to get elected without fraud.
The game is up. Republicans win elections that are legit, Democrats win elections that are stolen.
This is why every single time it's close, the Democrat wins. They just go out and produce more votes.
Here in Washington state we all vote now via mail in ballot. I thought surely this is a secure method of voting. But now I'm seeing how it isn't.
The good news is, here in Washington State, we have a database which shows everyone who voted. I wish someone with some time and money found a way to verify 100% of those votes. Just once. I'd at least like to have my conscious put at ease if there is no fraud.
Wouldn't everyone?
Paul, why let logic get in the way of our preconceived solutions?
So who do we believe, garage mahal or our lying eyes?
Why isn't O'Keefe being charged with conspiring to commit voter fraud? And was he on his ankle monitoring bracelet?
Paul Zrimsek said...
Before anyone gets too excited, notice that this is one of a number of forms of vote fraud which voter ID will do nothing to fix."
Voter ID isn't designed to prevent this type of fraud. One step at a time.
Our Garage's knee just jerked...he immediately demands that successful investigative reporters be treated as criminals. Arrest them all! Arrest them all!
Why wasn't every correspondent on 60 Minutes sent to jail years ago, Garage? Do you really want to push that fake standard?
Meanwhile there is shooting going on inside the Canadian parliament.
One gunman has been dead for an hour, still no word on his ethnicity. There is ample precedent to guess what that means.
Good point. Sort of like that "journalist" holding the clip in Washington DC. Really depends on the point you are trying to make, so yes, in this case they should throw O'Keefe in prison.
We will pitch you in the slammer for a lot less when it is our turn, so rest easy until.
garage mahal said...
Why isn't O'Keefe being charged with conspiring to commit voter fraud?
Probably for the same reason that the people he caught on video are not being charged. Because they didn't take any actions to further the conspiracy, and thus their actions do not meet the definition of the criminal offense.
Paul Zrimsek:
You are correct that more needs to be done to stop voting fraud than requiring ID at the polling stations.
So after passing the Voter ID laws to stop that small percentage of fraud more steps must be taken.
I won't let the idea of perfect get in the way of slightly better.
The shooter ran past unarmed personnel through the back door.
It seems that all weapon search and scanning of visitors by guards is done at the front door. The back door is for exiting visitors only, therefore it is not guarded.
Donna Brazile won't care. Because Donna Brazile isn't in any way, shape, or form interested in a good faith two-party democracy.
She knows that, her listeners know that. Her listeners agree.
So thinking that this is somehow going to be a *gotcha* moment that forces some self-reflection and even an ounce of shame on the shills is stupid.
And it's not going to change a damn thing. Unless you're ready and willing to go to war over it, the ballot box will be stuffed up until the time we have enough amnesties and immigrants giving birth to "citizens" that it's unnecessary (though they'll still happen, because why win 60% of the vote when you can win 95%).
My hat of to O'Keefe for making the effort. But don't expect anything.
"They can't cheat if the race isn't close."
Oh yes they can.
"Paul Zrimsek said...
Before anyone gets too excited, notice that this is one of a number of forms of vote fraud which voter ID will do nothing to fix."
So your position is that those who are willing to commit voter fraud will draw the line at that fraud which photo ID would prevent?
That makes you a moron.
Ignorance is Bliss:
Even if O'Keefe had done something to further the criminal conspiracy he would not be charged. He affirmatively withdrew from the conspiracy by posting the video online.
It very much is like lying and like stealing. False pretenses are lies. Then when those false pretenses are used to install in office someone not rightfully elected and who has every intention of NOT obeying his/her oath of office and votes for legislation that continues the welfare state (which IS theft on a grand scale), that is stealing.
Why are blind faith democrats so incensed over and threatened by James O'Keefe?
Why would an undercover sting operation bother you if you have nothing to hide?
The real fraud occurs with with absentee mail in ballots.
Exactly. It is disgusting how the Attorney General in WI is turning a blind eye to the massive fraud that is taking place in our elections and refusing to prosecute anyone for obvious ballot stuffing.
"The good news is, here in Washington State, we have a database which shows everyone who voted."
Including the votes that elected Gregoire ? It's pretty common in spite of what Brazile says
Then just two days before the final vote was to be certified, King County announced that it had found another 10,000 absentee ballots. Rossi's lead was soon down to 261 votes. That was enough to require a mandatory machine recount of all votes. Fund reports, "But in King County the recount went beyond running the ballots through the counting machines. Officials there 'enhanced' 710 votes that had been rejected by the machines, in some cases altering them with white out or filling in the ovals on the optical scan ballots." This netted another 219 votes for Gregoire, reducing Rossi's lead to 42 votes.
Democrats demanded and won yet another statewide hand recount. During that recount, heavily Democrat King County found another 561 ballots, more than a month after the election, that had been rejected because election officials couldn't find the voter's original signature in the registration records. Two days later, they found another 22 ballots hidden in voting machines that were already in storage, not sealed and secured in any boxes. "Another treasure hunt turned up 150 more votes that had been mistakenly put into storage," Fund reports. Meanwhile, in the hand recount, officials in King County decided they wouldn't automatically reject "overvote" ballots where the voter had mistakenly marked the ballot for both Rossi and Gregoire. These ballots were forwarded to the canvassing board, which somehow determined that some of these ballots were intended for the Democrat.
It's how it's done.
Democrat openly states:
'Hey cheating is a great idea! Go for it'!
And the left are incensed over O'Keefe.
No true Scotsman.
No true fraud.
I detect a pattern in your "thinking" madisonIngafella.
I was correct in assuming your resident far left cheesehead librul would have no problem with this.
So, "lying or something" is worse that committing a crime that people go to jail for? Wow, do these people have their priorities out of whack.
"Voting shouldn't be convenient because fast food is convenient, and fast food is unhealthy!"
Voting should be as convenient as possible without undermining the integrity of the system.
The reason for secret ballots cast in the voting booth is that it makes voter intimidation or vote buying and selling difficult (because there's no way for anyone else to know if the voter ultimately voted 'the right way'). But universal mail-in ballots? The vote buyer/intimidator can easily verify it was filled out 'properly' before the envelope is sealed or even fill it out himself.
Al Franken would never be a senator were it not for vote fraud. He won by 319 votes (after multiple recounts where more votes were magically found for him after each count). Over 1000 felons behind bars voted in that election and it is estimated that 90% of those felons voted Democrat.
Is there a lefty anywhere who can, just once, say that the ends (defeating Republicans) doesn't always justify the means (in this case, condoning and coordinating voter fraud)?
Because I just never see it. And that's truly frightening.
-- The Good Mark
And the left are incensed over O'Keefe.
But every word that Michael Moore utters is gospel.
This is why I've been saying for years that it's all over for the GOP. There's no defense against the dem fraud machine.
When confronted with hard evidence that vote fraud is happening, attack the person who found it.
Somebody in Cook County is being investigated for vote fraud.
No like that's news or anything.
So you see, Ann, it's all right. If you don't vote for Hillary someone else will pickup the slack. Problem solved.
It's real. It systemic. It's mostly Democrat.
The ends justify the means.
Before anyone gets too excited, notice that this is one of a number of forms of vote fraud which voter ID will do nothing to fix."
You watching what the guy in front of does when he slips in his ballot(s) will.
I've said it before and will say it again; legitimate voters should be livid about voter fraud not because of national elections, but because of local ones and votes that aren't about putting people into office. In the upcoming election, I will be voting on a bond issue and three amendments to our state constitution, one of which is a common sense correction, the other two are abominations. So, while fraud may be committed to change legislatures, governors, senators and members of the house, that same fraud may likely drive up your taxes for things you and your neighbors don't want and don't support.
I think Joe Stalin once remarked that he did not care who voted for what as long as he, Joe Stalin, got to count the votes, or words to that effect.
Rush just plugged the Althouse blog for no touch.
I wonder if he has permission.
Rh beat me to it.
I listen while working so I'm at the computer already.
Well done Mr. O'Keefe.
Evil hates the light. Keep shining it. I don't care of you expose Republicans, Democrats, Leftist, Rightist, rich, poor.
Expose those who do wrong.
As for what you have just exposed, well with Voter ID laws, how do you expect liberals to win offices? I mean if the dead can't vote, insane can't vote, ex-cons can't vote, the stuffing the ballot box is the only way they can win.
So many people on the left know quite well it's happening, but do not care. Or actively engage in it.
Stealing votes is stealing the republic and robbing the gains of those who died for our rights. It's pure evil, and to know there's that much evil in politics is deeply disturbing. They think this is justified by the greater good or the boogeyman of Koch brothers or whatever, but ultimately they are saying that they do not value human rights if they stand in the way of power.
I see Garage saying O'Keefe should be prosecuted for his whistleblowing. Of course he is trolling, but they did prosecute O'Keefe before when he tried to blow the whistle on a Senator possibly denying her citizens the ability to petition their government (of course that would be unconstitutional).
So at what point do these folks who support the theft of elections, and the use of police powers to protect this crime, finally say enough? I think there are plenty of people in this country for whom that point does not even exist. Bill Ayers's group used pipe bombs and talked about mass reeducation camps and the loss of many lives. I used to roll my eyes at such ridiculous fantasies, but now I merely doubt that will come to pass. That's a major corner to turn. I do think there are people here who are nuts enough to want that.
If you want to steal an election, the biggest marginal gains to be made are in absentee and mail in ballots. It is easier to cheat, harder to get caught, and if you get caught, it harder to get a conviction.
I see Garage saying O'Keefe should be prosecuted for his whistleblowing.
Really? Maybe garage should be investigated for padding recall petitions.
Voter ID is indeed only one step to secure elections.
Something must be done about mail-in ballots. Honestly I wouldn't mind simply getting rid of them. If you're too busy to be in town on election day, that's too bad, but that's how life is sometimes.
If you're truly disabled and unable to vote, I think it makes more sense to send someone to visit, hand you a ballot, and give you a few minutes to fill it out. If the person can't do this without help, they weren't really voting... someone else was. Roll that in with the census and the postal service. It can be done.
30 years ago Absentee Ballots were picked up in person by a photo ided voter at the Registrar 's Office and you signed a statement that you could not be in town on election day.
That was expanded as the unguarded back door.
speaking of lying, from ben shapiro:
"On CNN Tuesday night, activist and former Obama green jobs czar Van Jones and television and radio host and author of "Hands Off My Gun" Dana Loesch discussed the latest Palin-bashing extravaganza the media is currently wallowing in. During the festivities, Van Jones let it slip that maybe Sarah Palin wasn't as dumb and worthless as Democrats have tried to paint her for every second of every day since the moment she took the national stage. He opined:
Sarah Palin .. people forget. She had the Democratic party shaking in our boots in 2008. She came out, she gave that speech at the convention. That was, hands down, one of the best convention speeches - not by a woman, by anybody in 2008. People were running for the hills.
Loesch immediately pointed out that the narrative in 2008 was that Palin was too dumb to be considered for office, and that the conventional wisdom everyone was supposed to buy, that she brought the ticket down, didn't match Van Jones' characterization. But Van Jones had an explanation for that. They were just liars.
"Now it can be told! Now it can be told! We were scared!"
It's the second time this week that Democrats have said in public that they lie to get elected. But you can totally trust them once they're in office."
I'm not so sure about same day registration either.
It would be very simple to devise an electronic voting machine that prints out a paper receipt (if requested), that shows you how it recorded your vote, and then assign that paper receipt a Globally Unique ID (GUID) (similar to a software key) that you can use to log onto a website afterwards to verify that your ballot was processed correctly.
With our current technology, the fact that we don't do this, or that the individually anonymous ballots are not themselves open and digitally query-able, is proof that neither party is sincere about fixing this problem.
I found the video underwhelming. O'Keefe is a smooth talker who can lead someone to say what they think he wants them to say. If he were a government official it would be a pretty clear case of entrapment. I'm not saying there is no voter fraud - obviously there is some -- but there is no voter fraud shown in the video. One thing to casually talk about it with someone you think shares your viewpoint, something else to actually do it and commit a crime.
If is is so rampant, why can't O'Keefe find some real fraud and show us? If so many people are going through trash cans looking for unused ballots, why can't he catch just one of them on tape?
"It would be very simple to devise an electronic voting machine that prints out a paper receipt (if requested), that shows you how it recorded your vote, "
Why go to all that touble? we've been using optical readers and paper ballots for a long time. I know one of the poll workers, who volunteers every year, she says they've been there as long as she's worked that precinct, over 25 years.
I've had that same thought, and when offered was told the problem with a receipt is that you could then vote for money. Hobos could be given cash if they come back with the right receipt. Employers could do something like that, etc. Visions of Upton Sinclair style employers in Chicago, basically.
I think the idea has merit, though. You would need to combine it with some other elements, for example undercover investigators posing as hobos selling their vote, and severe penalties for any other attempt to check someone's vote.
A truly fair election process in this country will be a major undertaking requiring vigilance and examples made of bad guys. It won't be cheap, although a damper on corruption probably will prove a net savings.
"O'Keefe is a smooth talker who can lead someone to say what they think he wants them to say"
So it's ok for the DIRECTOR of a Democratic Super PAC to talk about stealing elections because she thought she was talking to a friendly stranger. It was just peer pressure. Nothing to see here, move along.
And then she offers a job to the guy she agrees about stealing votes with.
You are wrong. She was encouraging election theft, plain and simple. It is a rampant problem.
"It is a rampant problem."
Not if you're the beneficiary.
According to the news item from Arizona yesterday, ACORN, or whatever they call themselves this year, already provides such a service.
Why shouldn't you be allowed to openly sell your vote.
It's understood that politicians try to buy your vote. Why not let the private sector in on the game?
"steve uhr said...
I found the video underwhelming. O'Keefe is a smooth talker who can lead someone to say what they think he wants them to say. If he were a government official it would be a pretty clear case of entrapment. I'm not saying there is no voter fraud - obviously there is some -- but there is no voter fraud shown in the video. One thing to casually talk about it with someone you think shares your viewpoint, something else to actually do it and commit a crime.
If is is so rampant, why can't O'Keefe find some real fraud and show us? If so many people are going through trash cans looking for unused ballots, why can't he catch just one of them on tape?
My brainwashed and librul but very sweet niece has used her parent's home address in Penna as her voting domicile rather than vote from her real address in NYC even though she has lived in NYC for ten years. She views her librul vote as more valuable in a swing state like Penna versus blue blue NY state.
Read the article more carefully. She is not the director of a Super Pac.
Steve Uhr, Meredith Hicks, the person you suggest is just some dummy who was pressured by smooth talkin' O'Keefe, is the Director of Works for Progress.
Check out their website. They describe their actions as including "massive" voter outreach.
They are funded by "Democratic super PACs."
I'm sure you have found some bizarre way to quibble, in typical internet discussion tedium, that somehow this does not totally contradict your characterization of this Director as a fool who was pressured into saying something that ultimately doesn't mean anything, but no, she's a director of a national organization. She knew what she was saying, has almost certainly said it to many others, and I would bet my house she has actively and personally stolen votes, well aware that it's virtually impossible to catch those who commit this crime.
You're wrong, and I look forward to your next effort to muddy the waters.
Dustin --
I think she is local. You call her the "DIRECTOR of a super PAC" (must be important fact for you given the caps) and when I point out you are wrong I am quibbling and engaging in typical internet tedium. I don't think she is "the" director of any national organization. She is local and is dumb/naive for not seeing the set up.
Of course I could never prove to your satisfaction that she is not a crook. I would suggest however that if she were actively involved in voter fraud she would probably be more careful when talking to a stranger about engaging in voter fraud. Or else she really is the dummy you say she is not.
The problem isn't voter fraud necessarily. It is the size and scope of government that makes it so profitable.
steve uhr is practicing the "attack the messenger" trolling with the target as not James O'Keefe but rather as some random internet poster.
Meanwhile, the fraud that is happening is defended by Leftists everywhere.
This is about power. It is the exercise of will by one group of people over another.
Shorter steve uhr:
"Bitch set me up!"
Assuming voter fraud is a real big problem, where is the evidence that it is all perpetrated by those on the left? Because all republicans are law-abiding citizens? I would think it averages out.
And i'm not a liberal. I voted for Bush four times.
Average out? That presumes the same number of operatives in each state.
No Steve, voter fraud needs to be stopped, and it don't matter what party does it.
Voter ID is a obvious help to keeping the fraud down.
Then you need a 'trust but verify' system to make sure ballots marked.. stay marked correctly and no adds, subtracts, or change ballots.
And yes, electronic voting invites hackers and crooked programmers to change the results, sometimes at the precincts where they voting is going on.
Do people really think a left version of O'Keefe could not after enough time and effort find one republican operative in some town somewhere in the U.S. to say the exact same thing as Hicks? So what is the news story?
"Do people really think a left version of O'Keefe could not after enough time and effort find one republican operative in some town somewhere in the U.S. to say the exact same thing as Hicks? So what is the news story?"
Fraud from either party would be a reason to want better control in thr process!
steve uhr now turns to the "everybody does it" defense at the same time he uses the "voter fraud is not widespread" defense. Pick arguments that are not mutually exclusive, troll.
Where did I say "everybody does it." What I believe I said is that however often it occurs (I think it is prob pretty rare), there is no reason of which I am aware to believe that the left is more guilty. If there is such evidence please tell me.
The apparent point of O'Keefe efforts is to show that the left is worse than the right when it comes to voter fraud. Otherwise, he would play the same game on republicans. It is faulty logic to conclude from the video that the problem lies mostly on the left.
What did I say that makes me a troll? Is a troll anyone who disagrees with you?
"Steve Uhr said...
Otherwise, he would play the same game on republicans. It is faulty logic to conclude from the video that the problem lies mostly on the left. "
Is this a bad time to point out that it is the Democrat Party that resists any effort to put in any safeguard against voter fraud? That it is people from the left, like Donna Brazile, who say that voter fraud is a big lie? That while you are required to show ID to enter a Federal Building, you're not in order to vote? Perhaps that explains it.
"And i'm not a liberal. I voted for Bush four times."
I think you and I have argued something recently.
The apparent point of O'Keefe efforts is to show that the left is worse than the right when it comes to voter fraud. Otherwise, he would play the same game on republicans. It is faulty logic to conclude from the video that the problem lies mostly on the left.
The entire MSM already plays gotcha almost solely with the GOP. O'Keefe is just trying to tip the scales a little to the other side.
steve uhr said...
"The apparent point of O'Keefe efforts is to show that the left is worse than the right when it comes to voter fraud. Otherwise, he would play the same game on republicans. It is faulty logic to conclude from the video that the problem lies mostly on the left."
So the obvious rhetorical question is why do democrats constantly push for things like same day registration and fight voter ID laws that make these types of fraud easier?
There are obvious examples of fraud like the gregoire\rossi election in Washington and the Franken election in Minnesota. Do you have similar examples of Republican style voter fraud? I will note I am not a fan of the republican party. Just that I think the democrat party is actively trying to undermine elections and freedom in this country.
Since you are new here I will give you a chance to discuss in good faith.
"What did I say that makes me a troll? Is a troll anyone who disagrees with you?"
You made an obvious error of cognitive dissonance first saying everybody does it followed by it must be rare. We are used to cognitive dissonance from the statists here. Doesn't necessarily make you a troll. But on this point you try to make you are wrong.
I think most Democrats don't like voter ID laws because more Democrats are ID-less, not because they support voter fraud.
(fyi-you don't need to show id to enter any federal building to my knowledge).
Steve, I concede I do not know if she is a director of the local organization or the national organization.
But she is the director of a well funded and serious political operation.
You portrayed her as an easily pressured idiot who says whatever the car salesman wanted her to say, and that is obviously wrong. She was an experienced leader of a political organization with extensive voter outreach, advocating specifically for someone to commit serial vote fraud.
I don't think your excuse is solid at all.
Well folks... NYC now says they have 850 New Yorkers who were supposedly alive when Abe Lincoln was president.
Yes they are 164 years old.. and they VOTE!
Makes you wonder how many 'dead' people vote in elections.
There are people who keep deceased who are on Social Security 'alive' so they can collect. Well they voted to!
As for fantasizing about Republican vote thieves... the left has many enormously well funded media operations that surely would report on that eagerly if they could. Imagine if Mary Mapes had a lead on serial vote fraud by the GOP!
Any Republican who steals votes ought to spend years in prison. I have no doubt there are some out there who would if they could, btw.
But the political pressure against truing the vote overwhelmingly comes from one side, and I think the main reason is that election fraud is much easier and common in urban areas.
Fraud from either party...
Exactly. Disenfranchisement through fraud is a serious issue. It was when the Democrats accused Republicans and invited the United Nations to monitor the election. It is a real problem today.
The Democrats' line has always been that we should not worry about the Kennedy brothers meeting with Sam Giancana and his capos in Frank Sinatra's home, because, hey, it was only about the mob organizing election fraud in Illinois. Likewise, not to worry about Judith Campbell carrying a valise full of money from JFK (actually old Joe) to Giancana in Chicago.
And finally, we should not worry about it, because Kennedy would have won the 1960 election anyway - without Illinois.
Now remind me of any story like that involving Republicans in modern times.
steve uhr said...
I think most Democrats don't like voter ID laws because more Democrats are ID-less, not because they support voter fraud.
Any data to back up that opinion? What do you mean by more?
(fyi-you don't need to show id to enter any federal building to my knowledge).
uh, no. here I will do the work for you.
6. All parties entering the Federal Building must show a government issued picture ID and must pass through a security screening device. Acceptable IDs include official identification issued by any U.S. state or by the U.S. government. The only acceptable international identification is a government issued passport with a current U.S. visa. that is from this site
or Generally, visitors must have a valid picture ID and are required to submit to a security screening process to gain entrance to the building. that is a direct quote from the GSA website
Now, if your knowledge on point one is as extensive as your knowledge on point 2, then perhaps you see your own faulty logic now? Or are you being purposefully obtuse?
Say, Now I remember you.
here is something to think about: voter fraud in Indiana
lest you think I am being partisan, here is a voter fraud case in Wisconsin. A Republican.
It's not a partisan issue, unless you are a partisan who doesn't want adequate safe guards on the integrity of the vote.
For Fuck's sake, Steve. Think for yourself instead of swallowing what the Star Tribune and Pioneer Press pump out. Until you do, don't mention logic here again.
Understand, I do not believe for a second that the meeting was about election fraud.
The point is that the Democrats's line is that we should not worry about it, because that was all that it was about.
Dustin -- Why is voter fraud easier in urban areas than suburban areas?
In Colorado the apparent concern is people fishing unused ballots out of trash cans in bad urban neighborhoods. Perhaps republicans are less willing to get their hands dirty, literally, but they could always pay some unemployed black kid to do it for them.
As others have said, if someone wants to sell their vote to the highest bidder that should be their right. That isn't fraud, it's free speech and free enterprise.
Ignoring RecChief's argument proves the trollish nature of steve uhr.
steve uhr said...
In Colorado the apparent concern is people fishing unused ballots out of trash cans in bad urban neighborhoods. "
That isn't the apparent concern at all, though, as a lawyer, I assume you know that and are ignoring it. the issue is that a partisan is willing to engage in voter fraud.
steve uhr wrote "bad urban neighborhoods".
I can now safely say steve uhr is a racist, given the rules established by Liberals such as steve uhr.
steve uhr is a trolling online racist.
"Dustin -- Why is voter fraud easier in urban areas than suburban areas?"
That's where the concentrations of votes and the well funded, staffed, and more corrupt political organizations tend to be.
For example, this organization where the DIRECTOR of all people is openly advocating stealing votes. BTW, you told me to re-read the article and then 'corrected' me to say that Meredith Hicks was merely a low level director of a local organization. This information is not actually included in the article. Why did you imply it was? Do you have some sort of inside knowledge of Works for Progress? Some would say you're carrying water. Do you think the attitudes she expressed are wrong?
Birkel caught it, but the racism in
"perhaps republicans are less willing to get their hands dirty, literally, but they could always pay some unemployed black kid to do it for them."
flew completely over my head. Steve, I guess I was engaging a troll mistakenly. Either that or you have some very messed up views on people you share society with.
steve uhr said...
"The apparent point of O'Keefe efforts is to show that the left is worse than the right when it comes to voter fraud. Otherwise, he would play the same game on republicans. It is faulty logic to conclude from the video that the problem lies mostly on the left."
Name the last republican mayor of the City of Chicago.
From Investor's Business Daily:
"Also in Colorado, campaign workers have been going door to door, asking voters for mail-in ballots, a practice some fear could be abused. Meanwhile, in New York City, it's official: There are 850 registered voters who are officially listed as 164 years old or older."
I get it. Proclaim loudly that voter fraud doesn't exist, then when caught proclaim just as loudly that the Republicans do it too.
What kills me is the "oh-so-PC-and-sensitively liberal and progressive" Greenpeacer calling out "the lower class" in "ghetto Aurora."
"There are 850 registered voters who are officially listed as 164 years old or older."
Rampant voter fraud happens here.
It's a fact that is widely known. Those who pretend it isn't happening really wish for it to persist.
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