September 5, 2014

When Obama came to Milwaukee on Labor Day, he did a photo op with Governor Walker but not with Walker's Democratic Party opponent Mary Burke.

Why? Apparently, it's because Walker wanted to be seen with Obama and Mary Burke did not want to be seen with Obama. So, again: why? Citizen Dave (former Madison Mayor Dave Cieslewicz) says that Burke didn't want to seem "too close (metaphorically and literally) to an unpopular president," and Walker chose to highlight "Burke's unwillingness to stand with the president symbolically." Walker "had nothing to risk."

I'd put that more positively: Walker is a Republican hanging onto his popularity in a blue-to-purple state, and showing his relaxed camaraderie with Obama makes him seem moderate and able to work with others. It's similar to Chris Christie, when he was up for reelection in 2012, walking with Obama amid the wreckage of Hurricane Sandy. Except Christie was making a play for help after the disaster and risked looking as though he wasn't conservative enough for Republicans who might reconsider whether he's the right fit as a 2016 presidential candidate. But Walker needs nothing from Obama, and he benefits from looking capable of relating to Democrats. He's in no danger of seeming as if he's secretly liberal. His conservative credentials are firmly established, and no one would think he was aligned with Obama. So he's free to do photo ops just to look friendly and normal... and dignified and substantial.

But back to Burke. The President, her party's leader, comes to her state, and she avoids him? Citizen Dave says that "Burke campaign's strategists -- they're thinking too much." Her campaign strategists? What about her?  Dave says: "It seems to me that when your party's president shows up in your state, a gubernatorial candidate should just go stand with him, tell the crowd that he's great, and let him say the same thing about her. Nobody would hold that against Mary Burke." But do we hold it against her when she avoids him? It seems timid, at the very least, and, indeed, Dave proceeds to talk about her missing an opportunity to fire up "the base... especially African Americans."

Would the people in the middle really have held it against her if she'd stood with the President? Dave seems to think there was no risk, but Obama's Labor Day visit was quite union-oriented. He spoke on a stage where the scenery was a lot of people in AFSCME t-shirts and at least one prominent blue fist t-shirt. I think Ms. Burke had something to worry about there, looking too connected to the public employee unions.

The Democratic Party's "base" here in Wisconsin may love that visualization of our state as a blue fist, but I think it's offputting to those of us in the middle who see the value of peace and good order and who will probably determine the outcome of the election.

ADDED: I'm just now reading Christian Schneider's piece and realizing that Mary Burke was present on the stage (of what was called "Laborfest") and that she departed at the point when Obama began speaking:
Burke's desire to avoid being photographed with the unpopular president is particularly comical, given that everyone knows that her jailbreak was entirely a product of campaign strategy....

Yet Burke's photo op had to be sacrificed at the altar of campaign "strategy."...

Burke wanted to avoid the visual of standing near Obama because she knows the picture would be run over and over to equate her politics with the president's....

[Burke] may even get the chance to dodge Obama again before the big election. The only question will be why he allows her to disrespect him so — if he comes back, he should jump into the background of every photo op in which she takes part. Call it the "Photobama." 
AND: For the original post, I took my facts from Mayor Dave, who wrote: "Mary Burke, who attended the rally, did not appear on-stage with the president." Based on that, I speculated that she might not have liked the t-shirt scenery, especially the blue fist. But now I think I understand that she was on the stage and she ducked out specifically to avoid appearing with Obama. That's really flagrant Obama-shunning, and I withdraw my speculation that she might have had the alternative motivation of wanting to avoid the appearance of too close an alliance with the public unions that Governor Walker is known for having tamed.


cubanbob said...

So to cut to the chase Ann what you are saying is Walker is the better politician.

Meade said...

"friendly and normal... and dignified and substantial."

Confident and moderate... with fiscal restraint.

I could vote for that.

Beta Rube said...

A white one percenter unwilling to be seen in public with a black guy? Where are the howls of racism?

holdfast said...

I don't follow your state politics (except for the public union stuff that went national) - other than the union stuff, how is Walkers seen by middle-of-the-road Cheeseheads? Is he considered a SoCon? A moderate?

rhhardin said...

but I think it's offputting to those of us in the middle who see the value of peace and good order

Let your feelings wash over you and then vote. It's women's way.

traditionalguy said...

Maybe Burke was soused on vodka and was afraid to take a breath test. That would go with being a Democrat with Obama's popularity hung around her neck. We should feel sorry for the woman faced with two males more popular than she is. I'd of run away too.

garage mahal said...

Would the people in the middle really have held it against her if she'd stood with the President?

Stood with the President where, exactly? Right off of Air Force One? Can she do that? She isn't an elected official. Did Obama do photo-ops with other Democrats?

Whatever Burke is doing seems to be working. We Ask America poll yesterday found Burke up 48%-44%.


Mark said...

Walker can meet with him as official business. Burke would have to make if a campaign event and thus a whole different set of factors (including who pays the bill) are involved.

Gahrie said...

Whatever Burke is doing seems to be working. We Ask America poll yesterday found Burke up 48%-44%.

So what you are saying is, that in a blue state, with a loooong history of progressivism, against an opponent savaged by the media and elected officials of the state, the best she can do is +4?

She's doomed.

Ann Althouse said...


Do you assume it was Obama's choice? Citizen Dave didn't.

Ann Althouse said...

I'm still waiting to see Mary Burke show us who she is. She needs to come forward at some point and perform in public. Do we have to wait for a debate?

Birkel said...

So four polls on the RCP average and two show candidate Burke ahead and two show Governor Walker ahead. Walker polls between 44 and 48. Burke polls between 46 and 49.

Walker is in his third race in 4/5 years due to the recall election so his negatives are probably fairly well stable.

That's about as much a toss-up as one can imagine. Burke's negatives can move. And turnout will be key.

Assuming Burke wins, what will she do? Will she require teachers submit their union dues through state confiscation again? Even when the majority of teachers have decided not to pay those dues? That would be an interesting thing to watch.

Ann Althouse said...

"[I]t should be noted that... We Ask America polls do not meet The Washington Post's standards for a high-quality poll.... We Ask America uses automated polling technology."

Bobber Fleck said...

Mary Burke, bravely staking out controversial positions, associating with controversial figures.

Or not...

Original Mike said...

"Walker can meet with him as official business. Burke would have to make if a campaign event and thus a whole different set of factors (including who pays the bill) are involved."

Insurmontable factors. {wink, wink, nudge, nudge}

sojerofgod said...

What is it with the fascist symbolism and the Democrat party? Clenched fists, the "O" landscape and a horde of others, all that is missing is Obama wearing one of those Mussolini hats; you know, the one that had the tassel on the front. ( Always wanted to get me one of those, to wear as I sat by the fire in my smoking jacket and slippers, reading the financial times.)
Ill Deuce of Chi-town already has the arrogant tilt of the head down pat.

sojerofgod said...

The Internet is so amazing. Just curious, I went over to bing and typed in Mussolini's hat. a "top rated" result was a Zazzle offer to sell me trucker hats emblazoned with either the name Mussolini or pictures of the old Il duce himself. you know the site takes the keywords and searches for words and photos that match, then superimposes them on plain photos of trucker hats so it looks like they already have that item printed and in stock.
The Internet is truly amazing.

Seeing Red said...

Minimum wage increase is union- oriented, so it's not a surprise.

cubanbob said...

Public service unions and their clenched fist. Yes, that's gonna get taxpayers really motivated to support the Democrat.

Alex said...

garage - stop fretting. Mary Burke is going to beat Walker in 2 months.

chickelit said...

Vote for those who walk when others just run.

Anonymous said...

Don't get squashed under the blue fist of justice, equality, and progress.

Sydney said...

That's a terrible logo for a public service union. They should find a better one.

chillblaine said...

"To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history, but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist."

Hagar said...

The logo is fine, but they need to raise the middle finger.

Unknown said...

If teachers would be given what has been stolen from them, they would be happy to go back to paing their dues. Why should they pay dues to a defanged union?

Anonymous said...

it's offputting to those of us in the middle who see the value of peace and good order and who will probably determine the outcome of the election.

Its offputting how a blog that is sold to advertisers as one of the top conservative voices in America tries to pretend it is "in the middle"

Almost as offputting as pretending that your vote isn't already locked up for Scott Walker. This blog has been actively supporting the governor ever since he dropped his bomb on public workers; why are you now acting otherwise?

But what is REALLY offputting is how you have absolutely zero knowledge about the differences between an official visit from the President and a campaign stop. If Mary Burke would have stepped on the stage in Milwaukee then the conservative bloggers would've howled loudly, and rightfully so.

Seeing Red said...

The fundraiser in chief acts like an official some times? Wha?

Seeing Red said...

Our insurance premium is about to go up 25%. Teachers need to live in the real world. Then were gonna be taxed on top of it when Barry us freezes the regs he delayed to get re elected. Eff them.

Meade said...

"To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history, but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist."

That's a great quote, chillblaine. Who said it? Ronald Reagan?

Original Mike said...

"But what is REALLY offputting is how you have absolutely zero knowledge about the differences between an official visit from the President and a campaign stop."

I'd like to know what "official" business brought the President of the United States to Milwaukee.

MayBee said...

MadisonFella: But what is REALLY offputting is how you have absolutely zero knowledge about the differences between an official visit from the President and a campaign stop.

Obama in Milwaukee: “I am just telling the truth. The sky is blue today. Milwaukee brats are delicious. The Brewers are tied for first place — and Republicans in Congress love to say no. Those are just facts. The facts of life,” President Obama said.
He added that if Republicans gain control of Congress after November's elections, they will hurt the chances for a higher federal minimum wage.

Me: Hmmm.. What *is* the difference between an official visit and a campaign stop?

MayBee said...

Nothing says 'public service" like a clenched fist.

Original Mike said...

Really, madisonfella. I want to know. What was the official business that brought Obama to Milwaukee?

Meade said...

Where WAS Mary Burke anyway?

Did she run off to Illinois to hide out until the coast is clear?

garage mahal said...

Do you assume it was Obama's choice? Citizen Dave didn't.

I have no idea honestly.

Curious George said...

"garage mahal said...
Would the people in the middle really have held it against her if she'd stood with the President?

Stood with the President where, exactly? Right off of Air Force One? Can she do that? She isn't an elected official. Did Obama do photo-ops with other Democrats?"

This is a stupid strawman argument Corky. Obama didn't land in Milwaukee, shake Walkers hand, and then reboard AF1. He went to "LaborFest".

Which brings us to the idiot formerly known as Purple Penguin:

"madisonfella said...
But what is REALLY offputting is how you have absolutely zero knowledge about the differences between an official visit from the President and a campaign stop. If Mary Burke would have stepped on the stage in Milwaukee then the conservative bloggers would've howled loudly, and rightfully so."

There were lots of Democratic candidates at LaborFest; Susan Happ, David Bowen and Chris Rockwood.

garage mahal said...

This is a stupid strawman argument Corky. Obama didn't land in Milwaukee, shake Walkers hand, and then reboard AF1. He went to "LaborFest".

I'm asking where, exactly, Burke should have met Obama.

Anonymous said...

Where WAS Mary Burke anyway? Did she run off to Illinois to hide out until the coast is clear?

If Scott Walker illegally ordered armed troopers to bring her, by force if necessary, to the Capitol then she should leave the state too.

What was the official business that brought Obama to Milwaukee?

Commemoration of Labor Day. Given your attitude towards the working class it is understandable that you are totally ignorant about that national holiday.

Original Mike said...

My attitude towards the working class? How the hell do you know?

Anonymous said...

@Curious Birkel (or whatever other name he is posting under)

Couple months ago you accused me of being Inga. Before that you said I was garage. And you also claimed I was somebody named Frank. But lately you're claiming I'm a Purple Penguin. Consistency really isn't your strong point, is it? I'm not sure what your game is all about but don't expect me to pay rent for all this time I've been living in your head.

Also, Happ and Bowen aren't just candidates, but they are elected officials from the area. Take off your tin-foil hat and obsessing about who is "really" who and start paying attention to the real world for a change.

Anonymous said...

Just noticed that Curious Birkel also thinks that Garage is some other user named "Corky". Does the madness ever end?

Inga/Corky/Purple Penguin/Frank/whoever must have made one hell of an impression for him to be this obsessed after all this time. I don't recognize these names he keeps thinking are posting undercover. How long has it been since they've actually been around?

Curious George said...

"madisonfella said...
Commemoration of Labor Day. Given your attitude towards the working class it is understandable that you are totally ignorant about that national holiday."

More bullshit from Penguin. He was at Laborfest, a ticketed event held by unions.

Curious George said...

"madisonfella said...
@Curious Birkel (or whatever other name he is posting under)

Couple months ago you accused me of being Inga. Before that you said I was garage. And you also claimed I was somebody named Frank. But lately you're claiming I'm a Purple Penguin. Consistency really isn't your strong point, is it? I'm not sure what your game is all about but don't expect me to pay rent for all this time I've been living in your head." Sorry, never said you were Inga, garage, or Frank. Paranoia is treatable, maybe you should see someone.

"Also, Happ and Bowen aren't just candidates, but they are elected officials from the area. Take off your tin-foil hat and obsessing about who is "really" who and start paying attention to the real world for a change."

LOL What office does Chris Rockwood hold? None. Just a candidate. So there goes your whole premise dumbass. Down the drain. But I see you left him off the list proving like most lefties you are just a lying piece of crap.

By the way Burke is an elected official too. She is a member of the Madison School Board. She spent $130,000 of her own money to win the seat. Imagine that. After being Commerce Secretary under Doyle she had to spend $130,000 to get on the fucking school board.

MayBee said...

garage:I'm asking where, exactly, Burke should have met Obama.

According to her spokesman, Burke and Obama solved the problem garage is concerned about:

Obama and Burke met privately before he took the stage, Zepecki said, adding that the Democratic National Committee "has confirmed he will come back to Wisconsin for a campaign event before Election Day."

Original Mike said...

"the Democratic National Committee "has confirmed he will come back to Wisconsin for a campaign event before Election Day.""

I wouldn't bet the ranch.

Scott said...

"To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history, but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist."

That's a great quote, chillblaine. Who said it? Ronald Reagan?

Google says it's from Barack Obama's first inaugural address in 2008

Original Mike said...

"Google says it's from Barack Obama's first inaugural address in 2008."

So, Obama's first lie as President. Nothing like starting fast.

Curious George said...

"Mark said...
Walker can meet with him as official business. Burke would have to make if a campaign event and thus a whole different set of factors (including who pays the bill) are involved."

See the common thread here? Burke blows off a meet op with Obama because he is poison, so the left manufacture the "reason", throws it on a few lefty blogs, and it's pickled up and aped by the mindless drones like Mark here, garage, and Penguin.

But it's 100% pure bullshit.

Anonymous said...

So there goes your whole premise dumbass.

Ain't my premise, but rather the White House is who stated it was an official visit. If your claim is true and there is actual evidence that it was instead a campaign event then we can expect the GOP to file charges against Obama any time now.

PS - was interested in reading some comments from this woman you keep accusing me of being, but it appears that nobody named "Purple Penguin" has even posted on this blog, instead the only search results that come up are you ranting and raving about her. Was she someone who you interacted with on another blog or was this person entirely made up inside your own head?

chillblaine said...

Progressives are very adept at employing distinctive iconography. I don't believe there is an analogue within the conservative or libertarian movements.

The OFA symbol of the sun rising within the red, white and blue color scheme was the most effective icon in a generation.

My favorite progressive image is the black cat indicating wildcat strike.

Original Mike said...

I got a kick out of this:

"If Mary Burke would have stepped on the stage in Milwaukee then the conservative bloggers would've howled loudly, and rightfully so."

Like Obama would hold back from fear of upsetting conservatives. That's a plus, not a minus. I bet Obama was really disappointed he couldn't get Burke to play ball.

garage mahal said...

Burke blows off a meet op with Obama because he is poison, so the left manufacture the "reason", throws it on a few lefty blogs, and it's pickled up and aped by the mindless drones like Mark here, garage, and Penguin.

Oh I think you'll live. You still haven't told us exactly where Burke was supposed to have her picture taken with Obama. Did other Democrats have their picture taken with Obama?

This is all Walker supporters have? That Burke didn't have her picture taken with someone? Ooooo-kay.

Anonymous said...

See the common thread here?

Yup! Everyone can see that both you and Althouse have no clue at all when it comes to the differences between campaign trips and official visits. Ignorance is a very common thread among you and your kind. Even the Journal-Sentinel, the newspaper that endorsed Walker twice for Governor, is also reporting that the reason Burke didn't appear is because it was not a campaign visit.

Give it up. This claim of yours (that there is no difference between an official visit and a campaign visit) is just as wrong as your claim that I am posting under many different names. You are totally clueless, and on so many different levels.

Alex said...

garage, madisonfella:

Don't worry Burke has it in the bag. Walker is toast.

Anonymous said...

This is all Walker supporters have? That Burke didn't have her picture taken with someone?

Plus she is a millionaire. Republicans have been whining about that for the last few months.

Meade said...

"but it appears that nobody named "Purple Penguin" has even posted on this blog"

Try searching "purplepenquin".

Meade said...

"This is all Walker supporters have? That Burke didn't have her picture taken with someone? Ooooo-kay."

No, that is all Burke supporters seem to have. (see Citizen Dave)

Ann Althouse said...

Check my update!

It turns out Mary Burke was present on stage at Laborfest and she ducked out when Obama came up to speak. She actively absented herself to avoid getting photographed with him.

That wrecks a lot of the argument in this thread.

Carry on!

Original Mike said...

"That wrecks a lot of the argument in this thread."

With respect, I don't think it'll slow them down one bit.

Ann Althouse said...

Madisonfella needs to do some cleanup work on "But what is REALLY offputting is how you have absolutely zero knowledge about the differences between an official visit from the President and a campaign stop."

Anonymous said...

Try searching "purplepenquin".

Thanks Meade.

Given the way that commentator has been living in Curious Birkel's head rent-free these past few months, it is funny that he couldn't even get the name right. Then again, being wrong about even the most basic of things is a pattern for Curious. Which makes it more sad than funny.

Either way, I am me. I am not purplepenquin. Or Purple Penguin. Or Inga. Or Garage Mahal. Or Frank. Or whoever else he is "so certain!! without a doubt!!" I am.

eelpout said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

That wrecks a lot of the argument in this thread

You mean your argument that she is ashamed to be associated with public employee unions? Yeah, that argument is pretty much wrecked now, thanks for the update.

MayBee said...

That update makes so much of this thread hilarious.

Meade said...

I don't think that is what she argued, madisonfella.Still, I seems more like the public employee unions are ashamed to be associated with Mary Burke than the other way around.

garage mahal said...

Why didn't Mary Burke jump onstage and stand right next to Obama as he was speaking???? Too chicken????

Meade said...

"Too chicken?"

Afraid of being Blue Fisted.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that is what she argued, madisonfella

If you want to insist she never said nor implied such a thing I won't argue with you about it. But is it really possible to withdraw a argument that one never brought forth in the first place?

garage mahal said...

Why didn't Walker attend Labor Fest? Too afraid of being photographed with Wisconsin workers?

Ann Althouse said...

As you can see in my second update, now that I understand the facts, I withdraw my speculation that Mary Burke may have wanted to avoid seeming too closely allied with the public employee unions.

I accept Citizen Dave's interpretation: She sees Obama as so unpopular that it is not in her interest to be seen with him.

And I will go ahead and accept that she does want to appear to be supportive of the public employee unions. I was trying to give her some room to be more appealing to moderates like me, but her supporters here don't want that. Fine. I won't argue with you about that.

Ann Althouse said...

By the way, Meade is right that I didn't say that Burke was "ashamed" to be associated with the public employee unions. I assumed she was calculating the political advantage of appearing to be allied with them. If she thought it would help her get elected, she might do it even if she felt shame. What does shame have to do with anything here? I guess it's interesting that you found yourself thinking in terms of shame. Why did you do that?

Alex said...

Liberals are very shame-oriented. I wonder if it's innate or they got it from Muslim culture.

Alex said...

I know the East Asian cultures are very shame-oriented as well, but Burke definitely is not East Asian.

Ann Althouse said...

That makes me remember the old "shame shame shame" chant that I heard so many times during the 2011 protests.

Why do liberals go right to shame? I see political and economic goals and interests and a democratic process involving trying to manage and motivate public opinion. I want people to become more lucid and rational. But you want to mess with the lower emotions.

You should be ashamed of that.

Ann Althouse said...

@Alex Burke herself didn't speak in terms of shame, as far as I know. Madisonfella, trying to help her, said: "You mean your argument that she is ashamed to be associated with public employee unions?" That is, he read me to be attributing shame to her. I'm asking what goes on in his head and how does it connect to all that "shame" chanting that I heard during the protests?

Anonymous said...

You should be ashamed of that

Typical Althouse. Instructs others that they shouldn't even mention "shame" and in the same breath tells the same people they should be ashamed.

Alex said...

madisonfella - live by the sword...

anyways, liberals go right to 'shame, shame, shame' because they have no logical arguments. They have to appeal to baser emotions.

Original Mike said...

"Why do liberals go right to shame?"

Extremism, in defense of Union dues, is no vice.

Unknown said...

If one feels no shame for actions one commits, one is probably a sociopath. Liberals are probably hoping against hope that conservatives aren't all sociopaths and that some may actually feel remorse, when the error of their ways are presented to them.

Anonymous said...

Original Mike repeats the lie that the reason tens of thousands of workers were protesting was to defend Union dues and yet he is befuddled on why others would say he has a bad attitude towards working class.

Alex said...

If one feels no shame for actions one commits, one is probably a sociopath. Liberals are probably hoping against hope that conservatives aren't all sociopaths and that some may actually feel remorse, when the error of their ways are presented to them.

Yet another shameless lib sociopath projecting his own shamelessness onto everyone else.

Original Mike said...

@madisonfella: Both my wife and I had costs ranging in many hundreds of dollars because of Act 10. We are working class.

chickelit said...

Scott Walker seems to have what should called "bland ambition" -- a stolid competence minus all the charismatic chizputz of Obama. Mitt Romney has bland ambition too.

Alex said...

Well he sure doesn't have Blond Ambition.

Anonymous said...

If that is true Mike then that makes your attitude towards the working class even more shameful.

If you were personally aware that Act 10 cost many families many hundreds of dollars each then why did you suggest (9/6/14, 2:06 PM) that the driving force for the "extremism" was the loss of automatic dues deduction?

Original Mike said...

"Original Mike repeats the lie that the reason tens of thousands of workers were protesting was to defend Union dues and yet he is befuddled on why others would say he has a bad attitude towards working class."

My father was a plumber and a Union official. Several times during my childhood he scrambled to feed the family during a strike. I wear his Local 167 cap with pride. My mother got her college degree and became a middle school teacher after raising three children. My parents struggled to start me in college, and worked jobs which allowed me to complete it.

I know your arguments. I grew up with them, and I hear them constantly from my mother. I am not conservative because of disdain for the "working class". I am conservative because I know the poverty of the leftist prescription.

Original Mike said...

"If you were personally aware that Act 10 cost many families many hundreds of dollars each then why did you suggest (9/6/14, 2:06 PM) that the driving force for the "extremism" was the loss of automatic dues deduction?"

Because it's the case. I'm not in a Union, I'm faculty. My wife is in one of the Unions. I know full well the the motivation for the protest orginization.

Anonymous said...

Mike, cool story bro but it wasn't union dues that motivated people to protest at the Capitol.

Original Mike said...

It was the dues that motivated the Union to organize the protests.

Original Mike said...

"The only question will be why he allows her to disrespect him so — "

Hopefully, he's more concerned with the disrespect of Vladimir Putin than Mary Burke, though I fear it's not the case.

Anonymous said...

Reading these comments from bottom to top (In reverse order) is hysterical.

Eventually, you get to Madisonfella and Garage having egg on their face, but you don't see them bothering to wipe it off in the end, so it's still a surprise when you hit their comments.

Even more of a surprise, I suppose, because you'd expect at least a, "Ooops, that was dumb of me to say."

But if there is one thing I think we've learned throughout the years it's, being a Democrat means never having to admit you're wrong.

Anonymous said...

So the Union decided to have a protest and forced thousands of workers to go to the Capitol in order to protect union dues? That is a good example of your attitude towards the working class. You think they are dumb and easily manipulated by the boogeyman-union.

And thank you Curious Eric for making another appearance. Thought you had totally given up on this thread after slinking away earlier.

Original Mike said...

I do think people are easily manipulated. It has nothing to with "the working class".

garage mahal said...

Mary Burke went through a lot of trouble avoiding Obama. Instead of doing an event in say, Ashland, she "dodged" Obama by going to the same event and meeting with him. She could have accidentally been photographed with/near him!

Anonymous said...

Garage writes:

"Mary Burke went through a lot of trouble avoiding Obama. Instead of doing an event in say, Ashland, she "dodged" Obama by going to the same event and meeting with him. She could have accidentally been photographed with/near him!"

Because when your original snark and ignorance make you look silly, stick the other foot in your mouth!

cubanbob said...

sydney said...
That's a terrible logo for a public service union. They should find a better one.

9/6/14, 6:26 AM"

On the contrary. Its truth in advertising.

furious_a said...

Blue Fisting -- a Smurf porno reel.

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