२३ सप्टेंबर, २०१४
"The government continues to deny Ms. Manning’s access to necessary medical treatment for gender dysphoria, without which she will continue to suffer severe psychological harms."
"Such clear disregard of well-established medical protocols constitutes cruel and unusual punishment," says the ACLU, suing the federal government.
८१ टिप्पण्या:
Do we treat anorexia with diet pills?
What about attractiveness disphoria? Are boob jobs now part of Obamacare?
Lock the bitch up and forget about her...
Are boob jobs now part of Obamacare?
Yes, and they're even on sale, buy two and get the third one free!
Agree with SGT - Traitor gay or traitor bitch...treat no different than a traitor "heteronormative".
Throw the traitor in a cell and toss away the key.
He needs 9mm therapy.
Lock the bitch up and forget about her...
Him. Bradley Manning is a he. A pathetic excuse for one but male nonetheless.
Here's a crazy idea that worked for me over my 25 years in the Army. If you want the Army to pay for elective surgery, don't commit treason.
Should we be funding a person with questionable mental stability in a procedure that seldom resolves these issues.
Also, you're a prisoner. Get the fuck over it.
There's another type of identity disorder "apotemnophilia" where people say they will only feel whole if their limbs are removed.
How much do doctors acquiesce to what are obviously crazy people asking for things that are obviously crazy. Yet they will chop off a man's penis, give him female hormmones and call him a girl. And we're all bad people if we say that it doesn't make him a her.
John wrote:
Here's a crazy idea that worked for me over my 25 years in the Army. If you want the Army to pay for elective surgery, don't commit treason.
Is this going to be Sandra Fluke's new position? If companies or prisons don't pay for sex changes it's a war on women? (Well technically it would be a war on men, but whatever)
"Ms. Manning?" Pretty sure if Ms. Manning drops trou you'r going to find a cock. "Ms's" don't have cocks.
So now *failing* to cut off a man's genitals is "cruel and unusual"?
You need to look no further than this case (ie the medical treatment aspect) to realize how screwed up our country has become.
From now on, I want you all to call him "Loretta."
So, forcing him to live with the penis he was born with is cruel and unusual punishment?
Give him a knife. Problem(s) solved.
Jesus fucking Christ. The ACLU has gotten so far afield.
As much as I don't want to find myself feeling sorry for his/her's plight, well, I don't!
Not indulging every whim or mental tic of an inmate is not cruel and unusual punishment, except to the current generation of weenies that think there is a Constitutional right to never feel angst.
So, s/he's f***ed up. I don't see that's why it's the government's problem.
If s/he really really really wants a pony is Uncle Sam required to provide one?
S/he's got what evolution took 4 million years to give him/her. Everybody gets that same deal. As the Left so gleefully chants about D'Souza, don't do the crime if the time is going to give you massive butt-hurt.
The loony left only insist on this because it is offensive to the rest of us.
Is it just me or is there someone else out there who wonders how this loonie-tune got a high-level security clearance to begin with?
Between Manning & the Navy Yard shooter in DC, I'm thinking that the Feds need to tighten up on who they hand out clearances to. They seemed to be handing them out like Pez pieces at a birthday party for a while there.
Do big boy crime, do big boy time ... as a boy.
Psychological harms from (name anything) has always been a treatment excuse made up by the Freud and his copiers to get rich off the families of rich men. Giving it the force of a legal entitlement for free treatment is a bad joke.
Let "it" buy whatever surgery "it" wants - AFTER "it" gets out of prison. Of course, if it were in charge, the cell door would be welded shut, never to be opened until it's time for a coffin.
But then, I'm just a cruel retired Navy officer bastard who didn't commit treason, and thinks traitors should dance Danny Deever.
Poor little Ms. Manning.
Be glad you didn't do you crime in RUSSIA. Cause Putin would fix your little red wagon permanently if he got a hold of you.
Meanwhile, is the ACLU doing anything at all about the whole FBI targeting of Tea Party/Conservative non-profits?
I remember when the ACLU would go to bat for anyone whose rights were being abridged by the Government.
Fuck that freak.
Joining the Army includes accepting certain responsibilities and includes a commitment to a well documented code of conduct. Treason has consequences. Those consequences tend to interfere with your personal life.
Either you have a y, or not.
Is he hoping for better treatment as a woman than a man would get for the same crime? Denying him what he wants is far removed from cruel and unusual punishment except perhaps in Bizarro World. What will he want next?
Yo Manning!! Save up and pay for it yourself after you get out of the slammer. You will feel better about yourself then.
Everyone has the right, starting as a young child, to be medically mutilated if they can't accept their homosexuality.
someonehastosay and madAshell say it all.
Voluntary castration has a high suicide rate, lop it off honey!
Too ridiculous that a news organization [assume that is that what Buzzfeed claims to be] sees the need to have a writer whose beat is LGBT issues.
Well I'd say Boo frickin' hoo about his/her wishes and desire to solve his/her gender dysphonia.
But you put little Chelsea Manning out in the general prison population and he/she will get all the "action" he/she wants. He won't need the surgery.
Well, then put Ms. Manning in a mental ward and drug her up until she is released. Then she can get all the medical treatment she can pay for.
I. Am. Sooooooooo. Bummed. That boy's head in a baaaaaaad place.
You know, if we simply hanged him/her the whole point would be moot.
From a Jack to a Jill
Cut off my thing
Then its all down hill
Ibuprofen and Vagisil
My tits'll grow
If I take my pills
Then I'll give you my heart.
If Manning had received what he should have, we'd not be having this discussion.
There's a huge downside to using AUMFs instead of declarations of war. Had this been a declared war, he'd have been shot within a few sunrises.
"well-established medical protocols", eh?
(Contra people above, Manning is guilty of violating the Espionage Act.
Not treason, which has a very specific Constitutional definition, and an offense with which he was not charged.
Article 104 "Aiding the enemy" - what he was convicted of - is not - deliberately - the same as "treason", "giving aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war".
The words are similar, but the acts, legally, are not.
And "legally" matters, remember; if "treason" becomes "anything we don't like that sorta helped an enemy somehow, even indirectly", we might as well just throw the Constitution out.
[I use "he" because it was correct at the time of charge and conviction. I know enough various freaks to be willing to call them what they wish out of basic politeness and consideration*; but I'm not going to violate causality to do it in retrospective.
* Which is not removed because one is a jerk, criminal, or Traitor In Mind If Not Act; how the worst are treated defines us more than how we treat the best, and the price of chivalrous behavior is being courteous to assholes.])
phantommut said...
So, s/he's f***ed up. I don't see that's why it's the government's problem.
If s/he really really really wants a pony is Uncle Sam required to provide one?
Uh, excuse me, healthcare is a human right. That means it is just to force others to pay for anyone's healthcare. And gender is a construct, so if she thinks she's a woman she is, and you have to pay to have her operated upon to make that happen. Because healthcare is a human right. Obviously.
Ken Mitchell
A rusty knife will solve his ... er, "her" problem.
Giving men estrogen can really screw them up. Men convert testosterone to estrogen through something called aromatase. When too much testosterone is converted to estrogen men get fat, and grow breasts, and become depressed and listless. And lose their sex drive. etc etc etc. it's not a good thing. In addition to the sexual problems excessive estrogen can lead to heart attacks, blood clots, hormonal cancers etc. Not good. If you see a dude who gets all fat and lumpy looking he probably has too much estrogen in his system.
Now, what doctors are doing is giving men estrogen to make them more womanlike. Considering the problems men go through when they have to much estrogen naturally I can't imagine it's beneficial for them when they are given artificial estrogen. It's going to lead to the same issues. Why are doctors giving men estrogen as if it were medically necessary when in fact it will most likely make them embittered and sexless and lethargic. We need testosterone as guys.
The ACLU has lost it's collective mind. Its time to stop using terms like male and female. Change to x and y.
He/she will have to work to have bigger tits than Richard Speck had before he died .
Both Manning's leak of classified material and his "gender dysphoria" could be symptoms of a narcissistic personality disorder.
The Left has a long history of making mentally ill people into heroes.
A simple case of over identification with Klinger. A nice hat should do the trick.
Isn't this diverting scarce resources the ACLU needs to stop deportations?
All the resources the ACLU has devoted to this individual, they could have paid for the entire procedure themselves.
Johns Hopkins, which pioneered sexual reassignment surgery, stopped doing it after follow up studies. Based on current medical research, if the government did perform the operation, he/she/it could later sue- because it was known to be harmful.
If the government did this to someone else it would be torture, of the worst kind.
War on women!
Gender fluidity.
Women born without a penis don't realize how easy they have it.
The upside of all this is that if we ever capture a terrorist leader who won't talk, we've got an option that's a lot better than waterboarding: "Ahmed, you know those virgins you're expecting to meet in Paradise? We're going to fix it so you're one of them."
BTW, dysphoria is "a profound state of unease or dissatisfaction" (per Wikipedia). Sort of like the way I feel about Obama. Will ACLU help me with my dysphoria?
If you were looking for someone to bring this procedure into question or ridicule, you couldn't pick a better subject than Chelsea........I don't think the procedure will make him any happier or well adjusted, but, hey, America is a free country (for those not incarcerated like Chelsea). I wouldn't deny him the operation, but it don't see why the American taxpayer has to foot the bill. Maybe he should crowd source it. Call it the Let's Cut off Manning's Dick Foundation. My guess is many of his most vociferous opponents would be willing to toss in a few bucks to underwrite the operation. America is a great country with a lot of heart.
Manning joined the service as a man, committed his treachery while a man, let him do his time as a man.
To echo cubanbob, let him do his time like a man. Even if he isn't one.
I think that the treason issue negates anything positive which the ACLU thinks will come out of this. People want to see him serve his time rather than having his fantasies catered to. The "Government" is right to keep denying him.
"Manning joined the service as a man, committed his act of bravery and valiant service to his country while a man, let him do his time as a woman. He's still more 'man' than those he served under."
I fixed that for you, Cubanbob.
Manning needs to "man up."
What frightens me about this issue is that a huge percent of our cognitive elite is buying in. Women's colleges, as they are constituted today, will be destroyed by this issue. The reality challenged community rules!
And, again, please note that the pioneer gender-change therapy hospital, Johns Hopkins, no longer does gender-change surgeries because of the psychological damage they found it did to patients.
Screw him. Oh no, thats a nasty orifice.
The government continues to deny Ms. Manning’s access to necessary medical treatment for gender dysphoria, without which she will continue to suffer severe psychological harms.
I read that and wondered whether they were referring to Peyton or Eli. I was close.
What happened to you, ACLU?
Once again Robert Cook makes clear he is not against war, he in ON THE OTHER SIDE.
Y'know, I might be OK with this 'medical" approach to transieism. Like, she* suffers from a medical condition of dysphoria and needs surgery and drugs to fix it.
But I wonder if this 'easy' 'solution' is crowding out any kind of research into an actual treatment that would make a guy with a penis happy to stay that way and be considered male.
oh but @gerry, Johns Hopkins is run by a transphobic psychiatrist!
What is the evidence that he's transphobic?
Well, that he stopped providing surgical and chemical treatments to dysphoria that changed appearance.
"Once again Robert Cook makes clear he is not against war, he in ON THE OTHER SIDE."
Uh, I guess, if "THE OTHER SIDE" means being among those who are appalled by a helicopter gunship crew murdering a group of men just walking around on the street below them, and making jokes about it, then firing upon a man in a vehicle (containing two kids) who happens upon them and tries to help them. (More appalling is the gunner's dismissive "you shouldn't bring kids to a battlefield" remark when they learn the vehicle they just fired on had kids in it. Well, DICKHEAD, it wasn't a battle zone until YOU fired missles on it and made it one!)
You probably think the G.I. shitbags at My Lai didn't do anything wrong, Tim.
Their assertion is that treatment amounts to corruption if it sabotages political, financial, or social leverage. They would rather exploit symptoms than address causes. This model has been very lucrative for their interests.
I've said it before, and I will say it again.
Treasonous enemy sympathizers like Cooktard should be rounded up and shot.
"I've said it before, and I will say it again.
"Treasonous" (sic) "enemy sympathizers" (sic) "like Cooktard should be rounded up and shot."
I've said it before and I'll say it again: President Mom Jeans is a Stalinist.
But that's okay, not being of like mind, I don't think he/she should be shot, but has the same right as do right-thinking Americans such as myself to express his/her unAmerican beliefs.
I've said it before -- people who have actual gay friends, not just merit badges for their progressivism sash, know that gay men are often not on board with the rah-rah transgenderism. They know that "feminine" characteristics in childhood, which an inexperienced young man might believe mean "I'm really a woman!", are often budding homosexuality.
They have not surrendered to the cognitive dissonance that insists, first, that gender is a social construct; and second, that a 12-year-old boy playing with dolls and liking other boys is transgender.
Someday we'll recognize that we've mutilated thousands upon thousands of gay men. We've humored and enabled their delusions of being women, rather than supporting them towards recognizing that they're fully male homosexuals.
Just how affluent does a society need to be before things like this become a problem?
If he's suffering "severe psychological harms," he needs a psychologist, not a surgeon. And here's an idea: you want something that other people won't pay for, pay for it yourself. If you can't afford it, sorry.
If he's suffering "severe psychological harms," he needs a psychologist, not a surgeon. And here's an idea: you want something that other people won't pay for, pay for it yourself. If you can't afford it, sorry.
Wow! He's a cutie, isn't he?
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