১৮ আগস্ট, ২০১৪

The Rick Perry indictment is "not a joke, and it isn't a farce, and it's not a laughing matter."

"It is exactly what the Democrat Party is. It is exactly what the Republican Party's been up against for years and refuses to recognize, push back against, or do anything," says Rush Limbaugh.
When I first heard this over the weekend, I can't tell you how outraged I was.  Scott Walker, Chris Christie, and now Rick Perry. Three potential Republican presidential nominees, all smeared, all targeted via indictment and criminal charges simply because of political differences.  

The media will see to it that from now on, for the rest of his life, every news story featuring Rick Perry will have the word "indicted" in it. In the first paragraph. Every story, for the rest of his life! Every other headline: "The indicted governor, formally indicted. Acquitted, yes, but still indicted."  Remember, now, we're talking [a] presidential candidate.
I appreciated this outrage, because I could feel in myself a creeping sensation of: Oh, well, Rick Perry was never that good anyway. We marginalize someone, set him aside, consign him to the dustbin of damaged candidates. Since I didn't like Rick Perry anyway, it's easy for me to let him slide into irrelevance. But this criminalization of politics is really wrong, and every time it works to take out a candidate, it makes it more likely that it will be done again and again. So, as I said, I appreciated the outrage from Rush. It's not a joke, and it shouldn't be a joke even to people who think Rick Perry is a joke. I mean, I laugh at this every time:

But the criminalization of politics is not a joke.

১২৮টি মন্তব্য:

Unknown বলেছেন...

Criminalization of Politics is a Democrat Thing.

Always has been.

Always will be.

When your moral threshold consists of "whatever it takes", of "the ends justify the means", you're a Democrat.You are anti-American.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Blogger will not let me sign in under my google name above, only as unknown. This is Brent

MathMom বলেছেন...

Rick Perry has his faults. But I think he was still having trouble shaking the anesthetic from VERY recent back surgery at the debates. I have had surgery several times, and it can leave holes in your memory for weeks or months.

He also had been fighting all of Texas being on fire (the wildfires got within 15 miles of my house, and we smelled smoke for weeks), and after having his request for disaster funds nixed by Barry, was trying to find the means and resources to fight the fires. In other words, he was, you know, doing his job and doing it as well as possible, and got into the running a bit late and unprepared.

He may fall on his face. He may be a bad candidate. But I like the man because he refused to meet Obama at that border thing he held where he was talking about how secure the border was and that Republicans wanted a MOAT!!! with ALLIGATORS!!! (yes, dufus, we do...). He told Obama to get stuffed.

And for that alone, I like him.

Bobber Fleck বলেছেন...

It is a relatively short step from a politicized IRS and Justice Department to the indictment of Rick Perry for vetoing legislation.

The Democrats benefited from the endless "John Doe" investigation and complicit media smear in Wisconsin. They have now forever tarnished Rick Perry.

Robert Bork, RIP...

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"the criminalization of politics is not a joke"

Correct. But you can do something about it. You, a law professor. I know, I know -- but this is not about the blog; it's about the real world. The real world in which Democrats systematically abuse the legal process in lawfare against Republicans.

HoodlumDoodlum বলেছেন...

Ann Althouse said...But this criminalization of politics is really wrong, and every time it works to take out a candidate, it makes it more likely that it will be done again and again. Yes, but it's actually worse than that, since this also means valid prosecutions will be less likely (and/or less likely to succeed. I'm telling you, debasing the currency is the operative metaphor of our time. If even remotely successful this attack on Perry guarantees a future of more, and worse. Gresham's law!

Be বলেছেন...

Politics is Politics, which is why I try not to get involved. Rick Perry's going through some difficult (though typical) stuff.

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

We have way way too many laws written by very smart lawyers and indecipherable to us common people.

bbkingfish বলেছেন...

What a crybaby.

Michael Fitzgerald বলেছেন...

An example of this phenomena was on display in the previous Rick Perry post when Crack Emcee referred to Perry as "Niggerhead", and called him racist. The facts pertaining to that slander are that Perry bought property on which someone had written "Niggerhead" on a rock. When Perry discovered it, he had the rock painted over. Yet the democrat party media promoted a lie that Perry was responsible for the slur, instead of crediting him with effacing it. In effect, they hung the rock around Perry's neck so that liars and bigots will always have it available to bash him.

Bill, Republic of Texas বলেছেন...

Politics is politics but criminalizing political differences or making differences a mental illness is outrageous and the tools of totalitarians. Every serious citizen should stand up and be out spoken on this topic.

What was the price the Dems paid for their abuses of the democratic system for Delay, Walker, Hutchinson, Stevens, IRS, Park Service, Joe the Plumber or fake but accurate? None. Therefore they will continue to do it.

There is a libertarian awakening in this country and the Repubs would be wise to jump on these abuses and make the Dems pay.

exhelodrvr1 বলেছেন...

You voted for Obama, despite what he did to his opponents in his Illinois campaigns. This is the result.

William বলেছেন...

I forget which news show I saw this on. It was probably all of them, except Fox. There was a brief snippet of the drunken DA and then an extended clip of Perry's flub. I originally thought that this was a dumb move by the DA as it would only serve to publicize her night of shame. How naive I am.

Be বলেছেন...

Why the heck can't I get this earworm out of my head?


great Unknown বলেছেন...

Hmmm. Don't the media continuously refer to "The impeached President Clinton"? So there really is no discrimination here (/sarc)

Skeptical Voter বলেছেন...

The Travis County District Attorney's office is a cesspool. It's the "lawfare" arm of the Texas Democrat party.

That drunken harridan Lehmberg has cooked up something here that smells like limburger cheese.

This is not the first time that the Travis County DA has pulled something like this--and it won't be the last time.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Indictments are like an old American tradition in which the loser challenges the winner to a duel, so you have to win plus defend your life. Ask Alexander Hamilton.

The long drawn out slanted news story of the day is what we need to reform. Either bring them to speedy trial in three months or drop the charges. And the Defendant should have the option of transferring his case to American Gladiators to see if he can win that type of trial instead.

Quaestor বলেছেন...

Don't the media continuously refer to "The impeached President Clinton"?

This has escaped my attention.

richard mcenroe বলেছেন...

Texas voters have a CHOICE! They can vote the DUI TICKET, a ticket Democrats know and love...

bgates বলেছেন...

Althouse interrupts her "outrage" at the debasement of the law for political purposes by the Democrats to laugh at their latest target. The thing is, Perry's verbal stumbling isn't that big a deal, because he was never supposed to be the silver-tongued son of Cicero. That's this guy. Perry's skill isn't campaigning. It's governing.

Unknown বলেছেন...

It's times like this you wish the Mafia was available for outsourcing. This and Ferguson.

Revenant বলেছেন...

Cameron Todd Willingham could not be reached for comment.

Mountain Maven বলেছেন...

Ann, do you think the honorable thing would be for the prosecutor to withdraw the indictment?

Richard Dolan বলেছেন...

"I laugh at this every time ...."

So do I, but I find myself laughing with him rather than at him. He comes across as having an appealingly normal personality, quite different from that of the arrogant, insulated narcissist currently occupying the presidency. Whether he would be the best choice in 2016 will depend on who we get to choose from. But compared to Hillary! he would be preferable by far.

As for the substance of the post, the indictment is another embarrassment for a criminal justice system that can't stand many more. If the prosecutor was trying to prove Perry's point that she has lost all credibility and has to go, she could hardly have found a better way of doing it than by letting this indictment be issued. I assume Perry's attorneys will move to dismiss the indictment at first opportunity. We will then get to see whether the Texas judiciary puts a swift end to this abuse, or instead decides to beclown itself as well.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Best guess as to the disposition of this case:
Dismissed on defense motion pre-trial, perhaps by an appellate court.

garage mahal বলেছেন...

I Stand With Scott Walker, Chris Christie, and Rick Perry. Oh and Bob McDonnell. #TeamRed

Fen বলেছেন...

Well, now I understand why the Dems don't want us to have guns.

Can you imagine what they would try if we didn't?

Reorientation camps for all.

Michael বলেছেন...

You try to run for President shot full of Percotin (or whatever). After his stance on the border and the Travis County nonsense, he should get a fresh set of downs and let's see what he can do.

eddie willers বলেছেন...

Well, now I understand why the Dems don't want us to have guns

You win the Internet for the day.

eddie willers বলেছেন...

PS. Ann

Please don't allow your videos to auto-play.

That's annoying as hell.

Douglas B. Levene বলেছেন...

The Washington Post just editorialized against this indictment as a criminalization of politics. The left is not lining up behind this latest blood sport.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

If Republicans had any sense they would strip cops and prosecutors of their immunity. That would curb this nonsense.

Left Bank of the Charles বলেছেন...

Rush, in his own way, is also hocking the idea of Rick Perry as damaged goods. We should feel sorry for Rick Perry that Rush Limbaugh feels sorry for him.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

"The criminalization of politics is not a joke."

"In America there is a strange and powerful belief that if you stab a black person 10 times, the bleeding stops and the healing begins the moment the assailant drops the knife. We believe white dominance to be a fact of the inert past, a delinquent debt that can be made to disappear if only we don’t look.

There has always been another way,…"

But Short Attention Span Theatre ain't one of 'em,...

rcommal বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
furious_a বলেছেন...

I'll choose the Debate Flubber over the Belligerent Drunk any day.

I mean, imagine having to go home to the Belligerent Drunk every night.

rcommal বলেছেন...

I've done plenty of push-back--more than plenty of push-back!!--over the years. It's just that it seems it's never the right sort of push-back, whether at the time or at all, full-stop. There is always something--some thing--about it: too much, too little, too nasty (when it's not), too nasty (flat-out), too nice (when it's not), too nice (flat-out) and so on and so forth.

What the hell. It is what it is, say I. The winners are those who win. Why not just stand up and face it?

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Michael Fitzgerald,

"An example of this phenomena was on display in the previous Rick Perry post when Crack Emcee referred to Perry as "Niggerhead", and called him racist. The facts pertaining to that slander are white supremacist defensive bullshit nobody will believe but other white supremacist assholes.

Like that convenience store video of Michael Brown being a "game changer," or the smoking gun of Benghazi, or whatever other delusions y'all have been having lately, you couldn't tell the truth if your lives depended on it:

From the Washington Post:

“It just said ‘Niggerhead,’ ” said one person who said he saw the rock in the 1980s and did not want to be named, because he still lives in the area. “That’s all that was on it.”

The rock was about five feet across and three feet tall, smooth and relatively flat, the word in block letters stretching across its surface, said the former worker from the Hendrick ranch, who said he had seen the rock numerous times over the past 30 years.

“I was just so taken aback that it was so blatant, so in your face,” said a person from the Dallas area who visited the camp once in 1990 or 1991 and did not want to be named in a story potentially critical of Perry. “It was just, ‘whop.’ It was a big rock, big enough to write that whole thing out.”

Longtime hunters, cowboys and ranchers said this particular place was known by that name as long as they could remember, and still is.

“The cowboys, when they were gathering cattle, they’d say they’re going to the Matthews or Niggerhead or the Nail. Those were all names. Nobody thought anything about it.

He was bringing in political leaders, important figures, business leaders . . . big-money people out of Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, where all your big money comes from.

You know, Texas is a little different — you go where it’s comfortable. It would have been one thing if they had named it, but they didn’t. So, it’s basically a figure of speech as far as most people are concerned. No one thought anything about it.”

And now - this is the true cherry on top - after Perry's little racist party "no one thought anything about" gets busted up over the rock - we're expected to start "crediting him with effacing it" because he wants to be president. Admit it, y'all:

Whites have had it really, really easy, for a long, long time, huh?

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

That quote reminds me of how many times people, here, used to say they don't think about race.

They don't say that anymore,...

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Edward Snowden, Benghazi, all those other "phony scandals" - white people will spend months, or even years, on nothing more than their paranoid delusions. That's MONEY, wasted on chasing shadows, all you tight-fisted conservatives. And you do it so much, you alter the course of history, wrongly.

Meanwhile, there's a five-by-three foot serious threat to their political existence, sitting right in the front of their racist playground, and they say "No one thought anything about it.”

That's life under white supremacy.

A real life version of Hogan's Heroes,...

rcommal বলেছেন...

To The Crack Emcee:

You overplay your hand, especially when you say that there is no other scandal or any other sins. This encourages people to do that which is exactly opposite of that for which you're asking--that is, they get to A-OK focus only on one thing as well, because you have, effectively, put your approval-stamp on that approach.

rcommal বলেছেন...

"Just focus on just one thing! Duck, duck any other thing so long as you just focus on just one thing!"

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

The Democratic Senator from Alaska appreciates your concern.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Democrat Department of Justice mints a new Democrat Senator

Love this bit: "The Justice Department has found that two prosecutors involved in the botched 2008 corruption trial of Senator Ted Stevens engaged in “reckless professional misconduct,” but it stopped short of firing the men, saying their mistakes were not intentional."

Brando বলেছেন...

I'm not so sure this will "stain" Perry. Even most mainstream liberal publications and pundits have acknowledged how bogus this indictment is--if anything, this can be a badge of honor. Compare it to Clinton's impeachment--it hasn't really had an impact; liberals still love Clinton because they think the impeachment was a trumped up joke pushed by political enemies rather than proof of any serious crime (they don't consider perjury a serious crime, even though it also got him disbarred), and conservatives already thought Clinton was a scumbag so the impeachment didn't change their opinions either.

This indictment is outrageous, and it's important that it backfires on the hacks who brought it, but on net I think this gives Perry a boost.

Brando বলেছেন...

Crack seems to really hate white people. It must be difficult to live in a country with so many white people when you hate them. The U.S. has more white people than any other country. I'd recommend finding another country--even Russia has fewer white people than we do.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

AS an indication that the Dems know that this is rapidly blowing up in their faces, the judge did not issue an arrest warrant for Rick Perry, only a summons. What that means in practical terms is that the Governor does not have to turn himself in. No mug shot. No perp walk. His lawyer will meet with the DA to arrange a mutually convenient time for him to appear in court.

The governor is "punching back twice as hard" at the Travis County Democratic Machine. Like bullies everywhere who are confronted, it is turning tail and running.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Am I the only one who thinks it is funny that Crack is demanding "reparations" from the descendants of slave owners or abusers when he is the only one on any of these threads that is almost certainly descended of them?

Hey, I am sure there is more than one rape by Viking slave raiders in my family tree too. The difference is that white slaves were sold to Arabs, so no harm, no foul.

campy বলেছেন...

The GOP has the power to stop this criminalization of politics tomorrow. All they need to do is disband the party and let the dems have everything.

George M. Spencer বলেছেন...

Oddly, yesterday, for the first time in years, I listened to Rush Limbaugh and heard the above segment.

He sounded terrible...as though he was elderly and ill.

Almost worse, he was doing 'rip and read' throughout his show, clearly restating material in front of him. His schtick was tired, too--the dreadful ads (..."MegaProstate3000...") the fawning callers "...I'm a long time listener, first-time caller. My wife will be jealous when I tell her I talked to you...As well she should be, my friend...."

I came away thinking his time has come and gone.

Brando বলেছেন...

"Am I the only one who thinks it is funny that Crack is demanding "reparations" from the descendants of slave owners or abusers when he is the only one on any of these threads that is almost certainly descended of them?"

I think this whole "reparations" talk is just a convenient distraction for race-baiters who have run out of any other ideas to help the black community. It's as though they tried every program in the left-wing playbook, and are afraid to consider anything new, so they go to "reparations" knowing it'll never happen so that when their own programs continue to fail they can say it's because reparations were never granted.

Crack also seems--assuming he's not just a troll--obsessed with white people in a way that's sort of sad. Here we're looking at a discussion of a political fight that has absolutely no racial element (otherwise Al Sharpton might take a few minutes away from trying to get people killed in Ferguson to weigh in on it) and he's back on "white racism". Imagine his personal life--he goes on a date, she asks him which entree he recommends, and he says "try the chicken, it's very good, though white racism explains why chicken is available at nice restaurants like this..." and then she says "hey, look at the time!"

It's always interesting seeing a thread on some completely unrelated topic, and then seeing a Crack post and thinking "Ok, how's he going to inject race into this one?"

rhhardin বলেছেন...

It doesn't seem like the criminalization of politics to me.

It's just low character in a place you might want high character.

Women feel they're better represented by people with low character. That's democracy for you.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

St George said: "Oddly, yesterday, for the first time in years, I listened to Rush Limbaugh and heard the above segment.............................................
I came away thinking his time has come and gone."

Oddly, Limbaugh has the highest rated radio talk show in the US.

You're right on top things St. George.

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

"The Rick Perry indictment is "not a joke, and it isn't a farce, and it's not a laughing matter."

Kudos to Althouse for highlighting this. I was thinking of this prosecution as a joke and a farce. But making a joke out of the criminal justice system is of course a very big deal. There should be more outrage over this.

And a hat tip to Rush for this:

Scott Walker, Chris Christie, and now Rick Perry. Three potential Republican presidential nominees, all smeared, all targeted via indictment and criminal charges simply because of political differences.

I actually did not realize Walker and Christie had been indicted for crimes. (Running the google, it appears neither man has been indicted for anything). But it's interesting to tie these three cases together, to see a pattern of prosecutorial misconduct.

I think this misconduct is far more obvious in the Walker case. Which is why prominent liberals are denouncing it. In part because they are being honest and good citizens, but also I think because the drunk D.A. looks very, very bad for Democrat credibility.

And this unethical behavior makes me wonder about the prosecution and conviction of Tom Delay. Or for that matter any Republican who has been prosecuted in her district.

Mid-Life Lawyer বলেছেন...

Interesting that you would choose to put the video of Perry's major gaffe up on this post. Having it both ways. "This is so outrageous and Rush is right, but now that I have your attention, let me aid in doing exactly what the indictment is meant to do."

MathMom বলেছেন...

great Unknown -

Hmmm. Don't the media continuously refer to "The impeached President Clinton"? So there really is no discrimination here (/sarc)

I've always thought of him as an "elder statesman"!! /sarc

MayBee বলেছেন...

" It's just that it seems it's never the right sort of push-back, whether at the time or at all, full-stop. There is always something--some thing--about it: too much, too little, too nasty (when it's not), too nasty (flat-out), too nice (when it's not), too nice (flat-out) and so on and so forth."

Amen, rcommal.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

I've always known Clinton as the "former Commander-In-Heat".

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

I have no objections to Democrat prosecutors who are investigating Republican officials for crimes. If there is a serious criminal allegation, you should investigate. And vice versa, of course.

But to me what Rush is saying is very interesting. Are Democrats using the criminal justice system to keep certain Republicans from running for the White House?

Being an Althouse regular, I should know more about the prosecution of Scott Walker than I do. But consider this tactic of "prosecuting" Walker in the press, but not in the courts. If you don't have enough to indict him, what are you doing?

Or see this write-up in Salon. Why are you writing about Christie and Walker together? I read that article and it seems as if journalists are targeting Republican candidates for character assassination. Is this serious coverage of a criminal prosecution? Or is it partisan bullshit?

For pro-union forces out there, seeing Walker and Christie in the hot seat has to engender more than a little Schadenfreude. Walker’s successful push to strip state government workers of their collective bargaining rights was what led to the recall election in the first place. Christie’s national profile was first built on his public shouting matches with members of the New Jersey teachers union.

Do you sound like Bob Woodward? Or more like a union thug? A criminal investigation and prosecution is a serious matter. Not a plaything for partisan hacks to get their jollies.

Bill R বলেছেন...

Criminalizing politics is how the Romans lost their republic.

Caesar crossed the Rubicon with his army because he was being criminally prosecuted by politicians in Rome.

His alternative was confiscation of property, exile, or worse.

It ended badly. All the famous people of ancient Rome - Cicero, Cato, Caesar, Antony, Brutus, Pompeii, Crassus - all died a violent death.

Wise guys should take note.

lgv বলেছেন...

The Travis County DA can't indict a ham sandwich and they did. I'm not a Perry fan and I disliked Tom Delay, but it's outrageous what happened to them. They even went after Kay Bailey Hutchinson.

The DA's office is so politicized, but no one cares in Travis County, because it is a democratic majority doing the bidding of democrats only.

Hagar বলেছেন...

This is not "criminalization of politics."
You need to think of some other term.
"Politicalization of the justice system" is more apt, but is difficult to say or spell and lacks zing.
"Trivialization" of both does not do much either, though true.

dreams বলেছেন...

I like Rick Perry and I agree with MathMom's comment.

We need to remember that the criminalization of politics started with Watergate. Watergate also had a negative effect on journalism causing all those liberal college students to go into journalism so they could save the world. Dems, the dims are long time crooks.

Rumpletweezer বলেছেন...

Lots of things fall under the heading of "just politics" that shouldn't. Lying, stealing, and cheating can't be justified by calling them "just politics."

Original Mike বলেছেন...

""It is exactly what the Democrat Party is."

They either don't give a damn about the well being of this country, or they are so arrogant that they believe they have all the answers (and thus, their tactics are justified).

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

There've been at least three candidates unfairly indicted to minimize their ability to defeat Democrats.

Chris Christie, Scott Walker and... and... hold on, I've got this...

dreams বলেছেন...

"This is not "criminalization of politics.""

When normal political behavior or policy differences are viewed as criminal behavior for political gain then it it is criminalization of politics.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

Still waiting for the other shoe to drop on tax evader Charles Rangel.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

Actually, this IS criminalization of politics. Threatening a veto in a public forum is a political move, and political speech, especially when done by a political actor.

If this is allowed to stand, we have essentially told politicians that improper thinking is punishable by years in jail.

There is no way to criminalize something in politics more than threatening to jail people for thinking and speaking against The Party.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

"Still waiting for the other shoe to drop on tax evader Charles Rangel."

Just because he was in charge of the committee that writes the tax code doesn't mean he has to understand any of it. That is just racist to think he should. Check your privilege man!

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"(they don't consider perjury a serious crime, even though it also got him disbarred)."

-- I doubt he would have been disbarred if it would have mattered. As it was, they could disbar him without it actually hurting anything at all.

garage mahal বলেছেন...

I actually did not realize Walker and Christie had been indicted for crimes. (Running the google, it appears neither man has been indicted for anything

As usual, Limbaugh has no idea what he's talking about.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

Since the Texas legislature did not over ride Perry's veto, are they complicit in this high crime?

Gahrie বলেছেন...

I actually did not realize Walker and Christie had been indicted for crimes. (Running the google, it appears neither man has been indicted for anything

Not for lack of trying.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

'Cat is Out of the Bag, Man' Guy says:

The cat is out of the bag, man! When it gets this broken it don't ever get unbroken, you know? I mean, what is the point of voting? They are making sure everything means nothing, and then We, the People, we're all nothing, too: then they can do with us what they please! Shit-house rat time, you hear? The cat is out of the bag, man!

Brennan বলেছেন...

The DA's office is so politicized, but no one cares in Travis County, because it is a democratic majority doing the bidding of democrats only.

Shouldn't this draw the ire of the civil rights section of the Department of Justice?

As I understand it, the DOJ would crack down on the abuse of power to restrict the civil rights of citizens.

These prosecutors are calling plays from the racist Democratic party playbook of reconstruction.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

Honestly, I think that Limbaugh accidentally used "indict" where he meant "accused." Walker and Christie were accused of all sorts of things. Either or, the point stands.

People tried to jail people for wrong think.

richard mcenroe বলেছেন...

Crack, y mientras los hombres afroamericanos galantes se amotinaron y quemaron sus casas y negocios, y se escondieron detrás de sus mujeres embarazadas, diez mil más mexicanos vinieron a través de la frontera y tomaron sus puestos de trabajo y beneficios. Una estrategia brillante!

নামহীন বলেছেন...

'Cat is Out of the Bag, Man' Guy says:

The cat is out of the bag, man! Is it gonna take blood in the streets? Is it gonna take blood in the streets to get our country back? Shit-house rat time, you hear? The cat is out of the bag, man!

নামহীন বলেছেন...

'Cat is Out of the Bag, Man' Guy says:

The cat is out of the bag, man! Shit-house rat time, is coming,you hear? We're gonna need knives and guns and gauze and cigarettes, man! If you ain't getting ready now you won't be ready then! Shit-house rat time, you hear? The cat is out of the bag, man!

নামহীন বলেছেন...

'Cat is Out of the Bag, Man' Guy says:

The cat is out of the bag, man! We gotta set fires, people: they gotta see the smoke! If it ain't ours don't let it be theirs -- burn it all down! Shit-house rat time, you hear? The cat is out of the bag, man!

Birkel বলেছেন...

Remember the rules!

Chris Christie (R-NJ) shuts down a bridge to punish enemies and that's a very serious matter that deserves a serious DOJ investigation.

President Obama (D-Golf Course) shuts down national parks to punish enemies and that's just smart politickin'.

See how easy this is?

Unknown বলেছেন...

Rosemary attempted to coerce a cop from attempting his sworn duty by using her status as one in charge of uprooting misuse of government power. Perry is charged with attempting to coerce Rosemary's resignation for that clearly and unambiguously illegal action. Something has gotten grossly confused here.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

'Cat is Out of the Bag, Man' Guy says:

The cat is out of the bag, man! The politicians are the law and the law is the politicians! How many Congressman can hang from a lamp-post? Shit-house rat time, you hear? The cat is out of the bag, man!

66 বলেছেন...

"I mean, I laugh at this every time"

Wow, that's a remarkably candid admission. What about that video strikes you as funny? Does someone else's humiliation always amuse you?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

'Cat is Out of the Bag, Man' Guy says:

The cat is out of the bag, man! If you ain't ready to kill you ain't ready to live! ! It's all ruins, anyway: shit-house rat time, you hear? The cat is out of the bag, man!

নামহীন বলেছেন...

'Cat is Out of the Bag, Man' Guy says:

The cat is out of the bag, man! They lie and they lie and they steal and they lie! We gotta break their grabbing fingers, we gotta smash their greedy hands! We can't keep living on Beefaroni, people! Shit-house rat time, you hear? The cat is out of the bag, man!

mikeski বলেছেন...

I'm really liking 'Cat is Out of the Bag, Man' Guy.

And he's right, man! This ain't no party, this ain't no disco, this ain't no foolin' around, man! Game over, man! Game over!!!

নামহীন বলেছেন...

'Cat is Out of the Bag, Man' Guy says:

The cat is out of the bag, man! I'm so far below the radar that sonar can't find me! I'll come up through man-hole covers and I'll fade into dark alleys! Knives and guns and gauze and cigarettes, baby! Shit-house rat time, you hear? The cat is out of the bag, man!

নামহীন বলেছেন...

'Cat is Out of the Bag, Man' Guy says:

The cat is out of the bag, man! You won't even see me, I'm a f**kin' ghost! I'm the Ghost of Thomas Paine, bitches: I'm gonna water some trees! Shit-house rat time, you hear? The cat is out of the bag, man!

নামহীন বলেছেন...

'Cat is Out of the Bag, Man' Guy says:

The cat is out of the bag, man! You won't hear me comin' down the street, you won't hear me because I'm right above you, I can levitate with Righteousness, man! It's all comin' down, and I'm comin' down with it! Shit-house rat time, you hear? The cat is out of the bag, man!

নামহীন বলেছেন...

'Cat is Out of the Bag, Man' Guy says:

The cat is out of the bag, man! You think George Washington would put up with this shit? George Washington would be kickin' some ass like a f**kin' bad-ass, man! Wooden teeth, man: Grow a pair! Shit-house rat time, you hear? The cat is out of the bag, man!

নামহীন বলেছেন...

'Cat is Out of the Bag, Man' Guy says:

The cat is out of the bag, man! If Paul Revere were to come back and stand right in front of you could you look him in the eye? Could you look him in the eye and say 'I did all I can?' Get on your horses, bitches, it's Shit-house rat time, you hear? The cat is out of the bag, man!

jr565 বলেছেন...

This seems to be a pattern from dems targeting repunpbs maliciously and politically. Maybe repubs should riot and start looting stores. No justice no peace.

campy বলেছেন...

"Maybe repubs should riot and start looting stores."

Brilliant idea! No way could that possibly backfire!

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


"You overplay your hand, especially when you say that there is no other scandal or any other sins."

For whites? Oh, their sins are many - and compounding daily.

"This encourages people to do that which is exactly opposite of that for which you're asking--that is, they get to A-OK focus only on one thing as well, because you have, effectively, put your approval-stamp on that approach."

If, like race and slavery, that "one thing" touches every aspect of our lives, that's fine with me.

Shit, white America's been intentionally avoiding it for 400 years:

Rub it in their stubborn, belligerent, narcissistic, regular put-down delivering faces,...

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Michael Fitzgerald,

Here's white people:

Michael Fitzgerald calls me a liar and a racist. I prove he's the liar defending racists (which a racist does) and what happens over night?

You're still attacking me and not the lying racist white guy trying to deceive you about blacks.

That's life in America,...

Drago বলেছেন...

Crack: "If, like race and slavery, that "one thing" touches every aspect of our lives, that's fine with me."

Yes, we know that you are perfectly ok with the enslavement of blacks by muslims today.

You've made this clear over and over again.

Drago বলেছেন...

Crack: "You're still attacking me and not the lying racist white guy trying to deceive you about blacks."


Says the guy who believes whatever some white guy tells him.



I demand a more effective racial troll.

At least one who doesn't keep forgetting what he writes elsewhere.

Clark বলেছেন...

Hey Crack,

Do you think whites are racist? I can't tell.

MeatPopscicle1234 বলেছেন...

Sometimes I think Crack Emcee WANTS a race war... with how much he seems to hate white people, thinks we're all racists, and blames us for every perceived injustice, whether real or imaged... When you have that much hate in your heart, how can you not secretly desire retribution against your "oppressors"...

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


"Am I the only one who thinks it is funny that Crack is demanding "reparations" from the descendants of slave owners or abusers when he is the only one on any of these threads that is almost certainly descended of them?"

No, Jim Crow, whites think everything blacks do is "funny".

"I think this whole "reparations" talk is just a convenient distraction for race-baiters who have run out of any other ideas to help the black community."

Really? So whites agreeing to pay - and then taking it back - is really our doing? For a "convenient distraction"? We made whites re-write the history books to reflect lies? We re-made the culture so that 400 years of public murder (including hanging the dead in the public square for days) are hidden under plantation doilies, or the directory at City Hall (pick a City Hall - any City Hall) and for the convenience of whites who want it as a backdrop for their wedding photos?

Whites are some really sick "psycho" puppies, committing so much unwarranted deaths, their gums should bleed when they smile.

"It's as though they tried every program in the left-wing playbook, and are afraid to consider anything new, so they go to "reparations" knowing it'll never happen so that when their own programs continue to fail they can say it's because reparations were never granted."

How many times have stupid whites confused Affirmative-Action for reparations? How can you negotiate with anyone so stupid?

"We don't even think about race!"

Then sit down and shut up and let us do our work without you.

"We gave you trillions!" they scream, never realizing - with a bill as high as they've run up and how cheap they've been, feeding people rice and corn and tainted meat for centuries while raping and murdering - they haven't even STARTED to make a dent in the INTEREST for the first year of 1609.

"Crack also seems--assuming he's not just a troll--obsessed with white people in a way that's sort of sad."


"Here we're looking at a discussion of a political fight that has absolutely no racial element"

In America? Wow, you are ignorant. Race has been the ONLY topic for 400 years but you're going to look elsewhere. Be my guest:

"He goes on a date, she asks him which entree he recommends, and he says "try the chicken, it's very good, though white racism explains why chicken is available at nice restaurants like this..." and then she says "hey, look at the time!""

He even imagines me out with a white woman - racist.

A black woman saying "I don't like white meat" and the two of us laughing? Never occurs to him.

How about pointing at a piece of pork and calling it "The other white meat" and laughing so hard we can't finish the meal?

He can't see it - because, as a white, he can "Imagine his personal life" so well.

It's white - like he is. That's what whites imagine.

"It's always interesting seeing a thread on some completely unrelated topic, and then seeing a Crack post and thinking "Ok, how's he going to inject race into this one?""

That whites think anything is a "completely unrelated topic" after they've deliberately refused to address it for 400 years - when it's had time to invade every aspect of our lives - is why they're going to lose the debate over it:

Your racist ancestors only provided you with one tool to deal with it.


The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


"Hey Crack,

Do you think whites are racist? I can't tell."

Until they deal with the truth head-on, there's no other word for them.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


"Maybe repubs should riot and start looting stores."

Blacks would crack UP:

Whites, stealing from themselves, the stuff they got from stealing from others.

Now THAT would be racial theatre of the highest order.

Courtesy of (who else?) jr565:

The Grand Kleagle of Althouse

SteveM বলেছেন...

One way to get it to stop is to pass a law providing that any prosecutor (federal, state or local) subsequently found to have committed the tort of malicious prosecution to be personally liable for any awarded damages, not his/her governmental employer.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"Please don't allow your videos to auto-play."

They don't autoplay for me, and I don't see other complaints. If this is really happening let me know. Maybe it't a setting at your end. This is just YouTube code, which I don't believe is set to autoplay. No one wants that.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Joshua Barker,

"Sometimes I think Crack Emcee WANTS a race war..."

Sure, why not? Let todays whites get some real blood on their hands, lick it off, and see how they like it.

They'll probably find blacks were right all along and they're vampires.

"With how much he seems to hate white people, thinks we're all racists, and blames us for every perceived injustice, whether real or imaged..."

Two things:

1) Whites hate - nobody made them do all the killing they've done - everyone else is REACTING TO YOUR HATE.

2) Whites can't ignore a problem ("We don't even THINK about race!") and then claim black's complaints are "imagined" - they've already admitted THEY DON'T KNOW because they don't THINK.

That ignorance - which you choose in the fact of 400 years of documented evidence - is the circle jerk of a brain fart that has allowed whites to kill innocent blacks without guilt for centuries.

"When you have that much hate in your heart, how can you not secretly desire retribution against your "oppressors"..."


You lie to yourselves as a matter of course now.

I don't know, how much more insane whites can get, but, I'm sure, they'll continue to surprise.

I figure, once they take a nice warm blood bath, they'll feel so much better about themselves, all of this frustration will go away.

Washed down the drain of history, just like they've done American history itself,...,...

MathMom বলেছেন...

Not sure if it has been linked yet, but here is Rick Perry's video response.

In it they show a very sanitized version of the DA's behavior - Her staggering, bullying, threatening, scratching, kicking and spitting went on for hours. He was kind to her.

Enjoy. And, punch back, twice as hard.

Sic 'em, Gov. GoodHair!

Rusty বলেছেন...

arage mahal said...
I actually did not realize Walker and Christie had been indicted for crimes. (Running the google, it appears neither man has been indicted for anything

As usual, Limbaugh has no idea what he's talking about.

Industrial grade,heavy duty, max rpm irony.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Crack posts multiple comments and only gets 2 or 3 bites? People be glossin' over you ,man.

Hard to take an adult seriously who selects a childish alias referring to a drug that decimated his community.

Had a friend who named his dogs "kilo" and "roach". Was far fuckin' out man.....40 years ago.

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

I think this misconduct is far more obvious in the Walker case.

I meant to say Perry. The Perry indictment is truly awful, a step (hopefully an overstep) way beyond what Democrats have tried before. I do not believe the Perry indictment is in good faith, or even lawful. I would hope a judge would step in and put it to bed.

Bill Clinton is a good comparison. The Clinton impeachment was based on perjury. I believe Clinton was guilty of this felony. He negotiated a plea bargain where he lost his law license for five years to avoid a criminal prosecution.

In retrospect I believe the criminal prosecution should have come first, before the impeachment. If he's found guilty of the crime, then you bring impeachment. You can and should indict a sitting president for a crime if he's committed a crime. I disagree that the power of his office puts him above the law.

And if he's innocent and the prosecution is unethical, the criminal justice system will sort that out. It's built for the discovery of truth, and often works very well. This is why the Supreme Court disbarred Clinton. His crime, perjury, does serious damage to the rule of law.

That's why the Perry indictment is so noteworthy. It's a prosecution that is blatantly disregarding the law, ignoring the words in the criminal statute in an attempt to punish the District Attorney's own political enemies. It's a truly vile thing and I applaud the Democrats who have spoken out against it.

richardsson বলেছেন...

Rush is right the pattern but this indictment might have been one too many Vodka shots, so to speak. The Texas Democrats slickered the Entitled Ones into thinking they had the real goods on Perry, and all they needed was the mug shot. But, they were blind sided by more than one video tape that went viral where Travis DA Rosemary Drunkberg showed that she was completely unfit for public office.

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

A criminal prosecution against Bill Clinton for perjury should not get the "criminalization of politics" tag since Bill Clinton did not commit this crime as part of the duties of his office. We might call it "criminalization of sexuality" instead.

Clinton was sued by Paula Jones for exposing himself to her while he was governor. In the context of that lawsuit he was asked questions about Monica Lewinsky, and he lied.

Very good discussion of the perjury accusation here.

By the way, I do not believe that Paula Jones' attorneys should have been allowed to solicit testimony in regard to a consensual affair, which has nothing to do with sex harassment. I think the questions were improper and the judge screwed up.

Brando বলেছেন...

Crack, your post makes a number of assumptions. First, you're assuming I'm imagining you out with a white woman, which I'm not sure where you got that from because I couldn't imagine you putting up with a white person long enough to have dinner with them.

Which sort of proves my point--you're focused so much on white people that it oppresses your mind. I do hope you're trolling, because if you're not, it's sad that you're not at peace with yourself and the country in which you live.

You also seem to assume I'm white, which you couldn't possibly know because I never posted anything about my racial background here. But I guess when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

Here's hoping you're only trolling, or that you will eventually find peace among your white neighbors.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


"Crack posts multiple comments and only gets 2 or 3 bites? People be glossin' over you ,man."

I enjoy how you guys say this stuff, trying to convince yourselves - as YOU answer me, destroying your point. It shows how whites can talk themselves into killing (just as you talked yourself into commenting negatively) and can still think it was someone else (It's those OTHER whites, right?)

That mental rollercoaster, whites are riding, takes VERY sharp turns.

"Hard to take an adult seriously who selects a childish alias referring to a drug that decimated his community."

That lack of seriousness on the part of whites - as they discuss Benghazi and other "important issues" [snort] - unfortunately can't explain this article on my work, or this one, or this one.

All leading with a discussion of what? The non-important issue of Crack:

"One night I heard some idiot mention Crack: We Are Rock in the same breath as the Crack Emcee. I almost force-fed him a trash can.,..."

And some effect it has on blacks:

"The mentioning of drug use in rap lyrics has a long and slowly revealed history,..."

And black culture:

"An alternative survival tactic."

But whites don't take what's "decimated" (your word) Americans seriously - because of my choice of silly name - and because, under white supremacy, they're who determines serious-ness.

Whites also say, continuously observant, that blacks don't care about black-on-black violence.

Can blacks to take whites seriously when blacks know whites are culturally blind?

"Had a friend who named his dogs "kilo" and "roach". Was far fuckin' out man.....40 years ago."

Those dogs are legal now - living with a white guy who works at a medical mary jane dispensary.

If your friend is black, he may still be in prison for having once owned them.


Rusty বলেছেন...

llMoon said...
Crack posts multiple comments and only gets 2 or 3 bites? People be glossin' over you ,man.

Because he is boring.
If you ignore him and the people that respond to him most threads are interesting.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


"Crack, your post makes a number of assumptions. First, you're assuming I'm imagining you out with a white woman, which I'm not sure where you got that from because I couldn't imagine you putting up with a white person long enough to have dinner with them."

I had dinner with a white friend last night - we discussed the problems of race.

I had breakfast with a white friend this morning - we discussed the problems of race.

Seems to me - living in a country that's been killing it's citizens longer than it's even existed - that's normal.

Discussing baseball or American Idol - while that's happening - that's Third Reich-level evil.

"You're focused so much on white people that it oppresses your mind."

Because, despite documented evidence - including every major black leader murdered and bodies, literally, hanging from the public square - whites will insist they've never oppressed anyone, ever, and everyone's just craaaazy.

"I do hope you're trolling, because if you're not, it's sad that you're not at peace with yourself and the country in which you live."

The country whites celebrate every Fourth, that killed my black family members, ritually, from 1609 to 1981. Let's see if Frederick Douglass, who was asked to speak one Independence Day, still speaks for blacks in St. Louis today:

"Are the great principles of political freedom and of natural justice, embodied in that Declaration of Independence, extended to us?

And am I, therefore, called upon to bring our humble offering to the national altar, and to confess the benefits and express devout gratitude for the blessings resulting from your independence to us?

I am NOT included within the pale of this glorious anniversary! Your high independence only reveals the immeasurable distance between us.

The blessings in which you this day rejoice are not enjoyed in common. The rich inheritance of justice, liberty, prosperity, and independence bequeathed by your fathers is shared by you, not by me.

The sunlight that brought life and healing to you has brought stripes and death to me.

This Fourth of July is yours, not mine. You may rejoice, I must mourn.

To drag a man in fetters into the grand illuminated temple of liberty, and call upon him to join you in joyous anthems, were inhuman mockery and sacrilegious irony. Do you mean, citizens, to mock me, by asking me to speak today?"

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

"inhuman" and "sacrilegious"

Whites, trying to be good, using their own sense of ethics - just like now - because no one else's will do.

"You also seem to assume I'm white, which you couldn't possibly know because I never posted anything about my racial background here."

To those of you who've said they understand, the concept of race is a moving target (John Henry) doesn't he sound stupid, now?

"I guess when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail."

It's been 7 years, with the same lame white supremacist reasoning, repeated over and over ad nauseum. It can't be whites - even with this stuff out in the open. - it has to be those craaaaaaazy blacks.

The large crowds around the dead, mutilated, bodies (whites liked chopping off black dicks for some reason) mean nothing,...just like with the Nazis. Mass graves? What mass graves? The Americans are lying!

Meanwhile, as the white Americans tell themselves they were fighting for freedom, they were doing this to American citizens at home.

And they expect America to never pay a price for it.

Whites will sue in small claims court, over a fender bender, but expect blacks to let the burning of entire black towns, or whatever, slide and/or be forgotten.

Even expecting that is CRAAAAAZY.

They also refuse to admit having that happen, and living under it's power, has hurt blacks in any way, for generations - whites won't mention it at all - so nothing makes sense to them.

Whites make no sense.

And then they ask why that's my M.O. to combat them.

Just clueless.

"Here's hoping you're only trolling, or that you will eventually find peace among your white neighbors."

When they look at the history - for real - and admit what they've done, and give us our money, we're gonna be fine: We'll all be on the same page. Referring to the same history.

And I'll probably be buying their meals,...

Michael Fitzgerald বলেছেন...

Crack Emcee, an admitted racist bigot, links to a column from the Washington Post, a propaganda arm of the democrat party, in which anonymous and unverified individuals assert aspersions supporting slanders against a political opponent, and then the racist bigot says "That proves it."
By the way, I never called you a liar, Crack Emcee, I called you a racist bigot. Washington Post is a liar, typical of progressive democrat party JournOlisters. Crack Emcee is just a prejudiced demagogue who employs the lies of others to support his bigoted bullshit.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Althouse, you don't have to apologize for your argument; it's an excellent argument and it's equally good if you do not excuse yourself by saying derogatory things about Rick Perry. Yes it will give you some cred with the liberal mafia but you don't have to do it; it's a vicious political phenomenon. Just say it.

ken in tx বলেছেন...

Hey Crack, tell us more about New Age French ex-wife whore murderers. That was interesting. This stuff you are going on about now is not.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"I prove he's the liar "

I don't think you know what that word (prove) means.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Crack wrote;

"I had dinner with a white friend last night - we discussed the problems of race.

I had breakfast with a white friend this morning - we discussed the problems of race.

Seems to me - living in a country that's been killing it's citizens longer than it's even existed - that's normal.

Discussing baseball or American Idol - while that's happening - that's Third Reich-level evil."

Is anyone on this blog Crack's friend? Because I think he means the above, seriously.

And if he does, he needs some serious mental health. I'm not trying to be a jerk here, although I probably sound like one, but if you're on this blog and Crack was serious about the above and you're his friend, if you're not trying to get him mental health help, you're not being a good friend to him.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

You know why Crack doesn't write this stuff on his own blog? Because he will have to look at the stats and realize that nobody reads it.

Anthony বলেছেন...

I would argue that R's should do the same thing in return, but then the Democrat Media Complex would do to them what they did to Clinton's impeachers.

Let's face it, nothing much will change until conservalibertarians start gaining control of more media outlets. They can't just have Fox and a few radio talk shows and expect to have any significant impact. They who control the message control the conversation; currently, the Left does.

bbkingfish বলেছেন...

Investigations of Walker have led to indictments of close political associates and guilty pleas, and jail sentences.

The mere announcement of investigations in New Jersey led to mass resignations and firings of long-time, high level Christie associates. The lines of suited GOP pols petitioning for plea bargains outside prosecutors's offices in Trenton look like the prelude to a Springsteen concert.

Limbaugh whined when McDonnell was investigated, and later, he whimpered when Dinesh D'Souza came under scrutiny. Both investigations led to felony convictions.

Poor babies.

Hyphenated American বলেছেন...

Crack, you keep demanding the truth from the white people... Well, I am white, I tell you the truth, but you hide from me. Why the cowardice? Is it because you know you cannot scare or shame a Jewish Russian? Because I don't do guilt, if I gave fen nothing wrong? I know you are scared to talk to me.....

"The criminalization of politics is not a joke."

"In America there is a strange and powerful belief that if you stab a black person 10 times, the bleeding stops and the healing begins the moment the assailant drops the knife. We believe white dominance to be a fact of the inert past, a delinquent debt that can be made to disappear if only we don’t look."

Who stabbed you ten times? Were you a Slave? Btw, I asked you this multiple times, but you refused to answer. Do I, a Russian Jew, who came to America in the 1990ies, owe you anything? Or maybe I paid enough in taxes and affirmative action, that you owe me now? Come on, stop being a coward....

Also, I remember you told me that you were an orphan. Does it mean that it may be you are not a descendent of slaves?