I think of an American city in flames because of the terrorist ability to operate in Syria and Iraq... a direct threat to the United States... the threat we face from being attacked from Syria, now Iraq... these people... attacking the homeland?Graham is laying the groundwork. He wants it on record, the equivalent of the famous pre-9/11 memo: "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S."
They have expressed a desire to do so.... protect the American homeland.... an existential threat to the homeland.... we're threatened. T
he homeland is threatened by the presence of ISIL in Iraq and Syria.... the threats we face... protecting the homeland... a direct threat to our homeland... we're about to be attacked in a serious way because of the threat emanating from Syria and Iraq... It is about our homeland.
And if we get attacked because he has no strategy to protect us, then he will have committed a blunder for the ages....
... there are more terrorist organizations with more safe havens, with more money, with more weapons, and more capabilities to attack the homeland than there was before 9/11. Mr. President, if you don't adjust your strategy, these people are coming here....
११ ऑगस्ट, २०१४
ISIS Determined to Strike in U.S.
On "Fox News Sunday" yesterday, Lindsey Graham had a talking point he wanted to make sure he nailed:
९१ टिप्पण्या:
Bullseye. And the open border policy give the bad guys the keys to our kingdom
To do serious damage, as opposed to shopping mall or event bombings, you need a large organization to handle planning, finance, transportation and so forth.
The bigger the organization, the easier it is to detect and then destroy.
So long as the detection size is smaller than the damage size, you're okay.
Unless it's its own state, in which case anything can happen. You can't detect it.
These Islamic State crazies are a problem for and threat to the other folks in their region, and in the ordinary course of things, those folks would take care of them.
But no, we have to insert the great moral hazard of "Don't worry, the U.S. will do it so we won't have to get our hands dirty, or try hard to beat these guys".
So we will act again to stabilize the order in some place that is none of our business, and make real enemies out of the Islamic State crazies because, logically enough, we will be the peopl bombing and otherwise fighting them.
And if they ever do manage to strike against Americans, people like Graham will say "See, I was right all along."
Stupidity in a drum.
Not so quick there Lucien re stupidity in a drum. Choom Boy sort of has the market cornered on that commodity.
So, not exactly enamored of Graham, however unless they're stopped where they are now we won't know until it happens. And given Obama's propensity for inaction we might find out soon enough.
On the other hand, the advantage of an enemy actual state is that you know where to nuke in response. And there's somebody to surrender to you and call off the hostilities.
Transcendental Peace Man says:
Is Lindsey Graham saying this as an American who also supports Israel, or as an Israel-supporter who also claims to be an American? To Understand Peace you must understand the Motives of those who oppose it.
Nothing grabs the attention like being hit with a 2 by 4.
Perhaps suffering another "Islamic event" (911; Fort Hood) will finally, finally, teach unknowing Americans what Muslims have in store for us.
"So we will act again to stabilize the order in some place that is none of our business, and make real enemies out of the Islamic State crazies because, logically enough, we will be the peopl bombing and otherwise fighting them."
We don't have to act. This goes back to the Second World War. We stopped the communists from taking over Iran in 1953. Israel was founded in 1948. The Italians got run out of Libya in 1943. We could even go back to the collapse of the Caliphate in 1918.
Those who don't know history are condemned to repeat it and you sound like you qualify.
Transcendental Peace Man says:
Are the waters now so muddy that we could not see if ISIS were truly trying to enact Peace on a Grand Scale? I should not have to tell you who muddies the water.
Lindsay Graham and his sodomite McCain have spent the last decade scurrying across the aisle to sacrifice the defense of this nation and its people to photo ops and magazine covers. THAT is on the record.
A open southern border is a crisis that Islamists won't waste.
Transcendental Peace Man says
We are worried about ISIS reaching the Homeland when the Jews have already reached our Government. The more I study Peace the more I question the Jews.
Even when they strike, the Obama administration still won't call it terrorism. it will just be more "workplace violence" or some other canard.
So we will act again to stabilize the order in some place that is none of our business, and make real enemies out of the Islamic State crazies because, logically enough, we will be the peopl bombing and otherwise fighting them.
The moral and logical argument is that we simply shouldn't and can't kill them all. Therefore it follows that we must reform their civilization before they destroy ours. Like we were doing in Iraq, before Obama threw it all away for a 3 point bump in the polls.
You argument is that we let the Germans keep Europe and hope Hitler doesn't want anymore "living space".
I was visiting San Francisco 10-15 years ago and was walking around and we came to a street that was barred to pedestrian traffic. I was told this is the block where Sen. Feinstein lives and only residents can enter this street.
When I think of that now and I think of our open borders...it is astounding to me when I hear Feinstein bloviate about national security risks.
No worries. You KNOW the Obamessiah and the Lame Stream Media© will blame it on BUUUUUUUUUSH.....!
How has a Religion of Peace been so vilified as to be seen as purveyors of Violence and Hate? We study this question at our Peace Seminars. It's not all burning flags and puppet-making, you know.
How soon before we see ISIS knockout gangs roaming our streets?
Transcendental Peace Man says
The Far Right claims that the President is secretly a Muslim. If only this were True.
@AJ Lynch said...
And she, the inveterate gun control advocate carried a concealed weapon while her husband was hospitalized.
One law for us, another for her.
the Obama administration still won't call it terrorism. it will just be more "workplace violence" or some other canard.
Along with bs about how its because the evil GOP failed to pass a Climate Change bill (yes, Global Warming causes radical Islam) or some other nonsense.
And if its post-Obama, we'll get talking heads equivocating that both sides dropped the ball, with emphasis on the GOP of course.
Obama will never be blamed for anything, because of his skin color. He is the perpetual diversity hire - always being promoted out of the office to become someone else's problem, never being held to account for his failures.
Because the true racism in America is that we hold Obama to a lower standard.
But Lindsey, American barbarians stopping attacks from Muslim army squads is the essence of Islamophobia; and what's more, it violates the human right to exercise the only true religion free from blasphemy of its Prophet who has ordered good Muslims to deceive, us attack us, enslave us and cut our heads off slowly.
Obama and Holder is ready to stop you Islamophobes. They have Homeland Security's war with you homegrown terrorists planned and ready if you attack a Muslim.
Stupidity in a drum
Sort of like standing by idly while the Al Qaeda folks trained in their camps in Afghanistan protected by the Taliban government.....again.
When will you defeat monkeys ever get a clue? The US has not been the author of this toxic script that is playing out.
I don't know just how real this threat is, but unless they have dozens of nukes ( at least ) along with the ability to deliver them, then it is not an existential threat.
Transcendental Peace Man says
At our Peace Seminars we welcome People of Color. It saddens us when we look around the room and see only white faces earnest in the Desire for Peace. We also need more people with rich parents so we can get more cash. Flags aren't free.
Transcendental Peace Man says
At our Peace Seminars we have a class on what to tell yours parents about why you need a thousand dollars. To address the effects of poor dental hygiene is usually the first tactic. And those Jew dentists sure make it expensive.
I don't know just how real this threat is, but unless they have dozens of nukes ( at least ) along with the ability to deliver them, then it is not an existential threat.
So, should we fight them before or after they get the dozen nukes?
Surprised you didn't tag this "unconvincing arguments".
I don't know just how real this threat is, but unless they have dozens of nukes ( at least ) along with the ability to deliver them, then it is not an existential threat.
Fen - So, should we fight them before or after they get the dozen nukes?
By Fen's logic, anyone here or abroad that vexes our heroic Governent leaders, if not an existential threat now, could become one.
Clinton and Reno "got" the Branch Davidians before they got their dozen nukes.
We would be instantly `right` to bomb and kill any foreign group or nation we select to stop them from becoming a threat...Hypothetically, we would be in the right to wipe out Iceland and Haiti before they get nukes...or tea party people in the USA or Falun Gong in China...
rhhardin said...
To do serious damage, as opposed to shopping mall or event bombings, you need a large organization to handle planning, finance, transportation and so forth.
Not necessarily. I doubt more than a few dozen people were involved in putting together the 9/11 attacks. It likely didn't cost more than a couple million dollars to pull off. Then sent a few guys to live in America and take flying lessons. Later, they sent some more guys to act as the muscle for the attacks. The result was a reported trillion dollar economic impact to the US. That's the power of asymmetric warfare, especially as practiced by people who not only aren't afraid to die but who actively seek death and have many years of experience at terrorism. The War on Terrorism has had a Darwinean effect of thinning their ranks of the stupid. They've built a lot of experience over the past 20+ years and aren't afraid to use it.
Also, don't underestimate the ecomonic impact should a few attacks on large crowds (shopping centers, sporting events, etc.) be successful here in America.
Transcendental Peace Man says
At our Peace Seminars we once had a wealthy Jew sponsor our printing of The Protocols of Zion. He was going to give us even more money but then he actually read it. Sometimes Peace hurts when it hits home.
I am not the least bit worried. Swaggy Black English Spice will make a speech, drop some g's, and blame Bush. "Stop bein mad all the time, stop hatin all the time..., the previous administration..."
All is well!
Garage has forgotten those warnings about Caliphate that were laughed-off! To be clear, ISIS is JV Caliphate, but they look like they are serious JV Caliphate.
"Throughout that summer, there were events that might have exposed the plans, had the government been on high alert. Indeed, even as the Aug. 6 brief was being prepared, Mohamed al-Kahtani, a Saudi believed to have been assigned a role in the 9/11 attacks, was stopped at an airport in Orlando, Fla., by a suspicious customs agent and sent back overseas on Aug. 4."
Equivalent to Bush? My understanding is any suspicious customs agents today would be designated racist and bullied out of a job for kicking Mohamed Al-Kahtani out of America, before he could kill. And that assumes the agent would be in a position to be suspicious as opposed to changing diapers and wiping snotty noses from teenagers.
As soon as we unload a modicum of force ISIS goes running and The Kurds take back a few town. It will not even take that much involvement to wipe the floor with these yokels. Pretty son, we,ll hpbehind hearing the left say that we are bombing them and they are just firing missiles, as if we need to be proportional.
But you know how to get ISIS's attentioN? you kick their ass. That's also how you get peace too.
Again, if we had the residual force there, they wouldn't have attacked, and if they did, they would not only get air strikes but ground troops up their butts.
Obama has to be shamed into doing the bare minimum with Chrisitians literally trapped on a hill dying because of his feckless policies.
But does he see how effective a little air strike can be? Try a bigger one next time. Back it up with troops on the ground and beat ISIS had enoug so they don't think to come back. Then keep enough forces there to maintain that peace so the Iraqis can sort out their issues. Long term its in our interest.
Transcendental Peace Man says
At our Peace Seminar we passed not one, not two, but three Statements of Peace. The first reinforced our previous forty-two Statements denouncing Israel and its many, many crimes; the second reiterated our Call for the US to reject War and Embrace Peace, and the Third introduced our commitment to -- in case ISIS reached American soil -- convert to Islam if necessary to help the Cause of Peace. Indeed, many of the men have already started growing beards and treating women in a more Muslim manner. We would expect leadership roles, of course.
I think "existential threat" means a threat tou your continued existence.
Now, Japan was not a threat to our continued existence in 1941, and we could have ceded East Asia and the Pacific to Japan. But we were not going to do that, and both the Japanese and our government knew that.
And having taken on the Japanese, we still could have ignored Nazi Germany and let them have Europe. But we were not going to do that, and Hitler knew that, so he beat us to it and declared war first.
And having beaten both Japan and Nazi Germany, we could have pulled back and let Stalin and Mao have the rest of the world, but we were not going to do that and didn't.
Obama's bombing campaign is meant to stave of the Ameerican media, not ISIS.
I wonder if the critics of Israel think we should kill an American for each ISIS member we kill.
"Clinton and Reno "got" the Branch Davidians before they got their dozen nukes. "
The occupants of the Murrah building could not be reached for comment.
Transcendental Peace Man says
At our Peace Seminar it turns out the women are not as excited as the men about converting to Islam if required by circumstances. If covering your dreadlocks and piercings with a veil helps bring Peace it should be embraced; it seems we need to commit to some re-education.
Should have listened to Patton.
Buh-bye Dick Gregory!?
This will sounds cruel, but maybe we should mind our own business on this. Those poor people on the mountain are dead. There is little is anything we can do to help them. By getting involved so visibly all we do is open ourselves up to terrorism.
Unbeknownst to Commander Ozero, the ISIS junior varsity team picked LeBron and Dwayne Wade in the off season, along with Tim Duncan.
Not to worry though, they have no nukes. Additionally, our water supply, oil/natural gas pipelines, food supply, electrical grid are all protected by that crack government security agency, the DHS.
Did I forget to mention the secure southern border?
"By getting involved so visibly all we do is open ourselves up to terrorism."
Coward. Leave people to rot because you're afraid you would be next.
Guess what? You're already next.
Anthony said: "By getting involved so visibly all we do is open ourselves up to terrorism."
Recount the bombings across the globe by these clowns and you are going to say we (the US) brought it on ourselves?
They don't hate us, they hate our lifestyle.
We are wont to ignore the fact that the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan moved the front line from NYC to many thousand miles to the east. In addition, it put people (our forces) in harm's way who were trained and equipped for it - had actually volunteered for it.
If you don't go to the enemy he will ultimately come to you. In that sense Lindsey Graham is correct. That Graham is prone to bloviate is well known. However, in this case, I think he is stating the obvious. It will only be a question of time and size.
It has been demonstrated to us over the last couple of years that passivity (not even anything as energetic as appeasement) will not work in today's world. There always has been, and always will be, a mad man who will strike if he feels you are weaker than he.
Anthony: Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you, and may posterity forget that you were ever our countryman.
@ Anthony
Your attitude is uncomfortably like those who reacted the same way towards the Jews in Europe. We ignore the fate of one group, then the next group and before you know it we are next in line.
You should read a little history. Get a little perspective.
Cedarford: "By Fen's logic, anyone here or abroad that vexes our heroic Governent leaders - "
Yah thats not what I said. Why do you have to distort it so poorly? I'll ask again:
Do you want to go to war with radical islam before or after they get nukes?
Why does such a simply question threaten you so much that you have to disgrace yourself the way you just did?
That would be a mistake on their part.
I doubt our response would be proportionate. That's for the Israelis to do.
@ Anthony
It took me a while to find this but I think it speaks very strongly to your reaction.
"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."
Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) referring to the cowardice of German intellectuals following the Nazis' rise to power and the subsequent purging of their chosen targets, group after group.
Anthony said: "By getting involved so visibly all we do is open ourselves up to terrorism."
If we would just close GITMO and end the "occupation", this would all go away, right? As I recall, Osama wanted us to leave Saudi Arabia. Lotta good that did us.
These barbarians respect strength, not weakness. It really is not very complicated. Swaggy B needs to start talkin some shit!
ISIS is much more of a threat to its neighbors than it is to the US.
The Iranians, Iraqis, Turks, Syrians and yes, even the Saudis, need to step up like responsible adults and put ISIS down like a rabid dog.
The way to encourage them to do that is to make it clear that it is none of our business.
Lucien, that sounds reasonable, but isn't that what we do with Africa?
How is Africa doing these days?
Lindsay Graham is a study in hypocrisy.
1. He understands the existential threat to America from Islamist terrorists.
2. He's an old school interventionist who still thinks we can fix the middle east with military action.
3. He supports "Immigration Reform" i.e. amnesty and open boarders.
1. and 3. are mutually exclusive when anyone can walk across the southern border, including Islamic terrorists.
We should drop a few more bombs on ISIS to protect the Kurds and the religious minorities and then get out. Provide military and humanitarian assistance to the Kurds as well. Iraq is self-destructing while ISIS is destroying at the same time. The sunnis and the shiites can't even come up with a unified government while they are at war. It is time to stop pretending that Iraq, or any other place on the map in the ME is a real country. "Funny" that Iraq will end up in 3 pieces after all: Kurd, Sunni and Shiite and the real winners will the the Iran and the terrorists. Seems the Shiites always come out on top.
"unless they have dozens of nukes ( at least ) along with the ability to deliver them, then it is not an existential threat"
One nuke at high altitude, and you can cancel Christmas. For decades.
Graham is right about Obama, he has no plan.
Does anyone else remember when Garage predicted the ReTHUGlicans would have to keep hollering about Benghazi!!! nonstop until the elections, since that was all they had? I mean, since everything else was going so damn well, foreign policy-wise? Good times, good times.
For Anthony, from my twitter feed:
Will Antonin (@Will_Antonin)
8/10/14, 12:40 PM
Ever wonder why civilized people ignored the Holocaust? Ever imagine what you'd have done differently? Well, with #ISIS here's your chance.
There will be another attack on "American soil," and when it comes, the cry will not be for "proportionality."
Lucien said...
ISIS is much more of a threat to its neighbors than it is to the US.
You don't see how a fundamentalist Islamic state could be a threat internationally?
Especially one right in the middle of the middle east.
Once again.
You fight them there now so you don't have to fight them here later.
with 10 guys using rifles, I have a sure fire way of causing $100 billion in economic damage to the US.
I was wondering just the other day if the "history" I learned about the Crusades was not just a little skewed. Perhaps those in Europe perceived an existential threat that could not be tolerated. After Islam showed itself as an expansionist military threat European leaders decided that they would rather fight Islamists over there in Jerusalem than "over here" in Paris, Vienna or Rome.
One wonders...
Does anyone else remember when Garage predicted the ReTHUGlicans would have to keep hollering about Benghazi!!!
Yea whatever happened to #BENGHAZI? Maybe this is why. (Republicans wrong on everything again).
"garage mahal"
So you're saying the attack on the diplomatic compound really was because of a video? I read the article you linked but must've skipped that part.
Thanks for your help.
@ Drill Sgt.,
Chainsaws will do.
Garage that is a devastating, nonpartisan, factual report. Hey even thankfully and helpfully tell us this upfront, like true statesman.
Here are the conclusions: We didn't leave them behind, the report makes clear. Sure they are dead and didn't receive help before their deaths, but NOBODY was left behind. This is GOP talking points for serving only their greed.
And there was not an intelligence failure. The report says so. The four dead bodies are lying to you for their own posthumous partisanship.
Damn Steve Jobs changed "they" to "even" above.
Don't we now have a $40B/year Department of Homeland Security dedicated to...well, protecting the homeland?
If the homeland is more vulnerable now than it was in 2001, could Lindsay explain what those guys have been doing for a living for the last 13 years?
"I was wondering just the other day if the "history" I learned about the Crusades was not just a little skewed. Perhaps those in Europe perceived an existential threat that could not be tolerated. After Islam showed itself as an expansionist military threat European leaders decided that they would rather fight Islamists over there in Jerusalem than "over here" in Paris, Vienna or Rome.
One wonders..."
This is the history of the crusades. Perhaps not as straightforward as that, but it's why they went.
Alexius Comnenus appealed to Urban II who called for charity from Christians everywhere to restore the holy land and protect Constantinople from Islam.
Technically, Peter the Hermit started the first crusade, or the People's crusade, because he was emotional and stirred up large crowds. It was a complete and utter failure because they weren't prepared, they were more of a mob than anything.
But the following crusades were a mix of Christians wanting to help their neighbors, and politicians, kings, and the rest who were looking for glory and loot.
Though not exactly a Crusader, I really love the story of King John III Sobieski, the Savior of Vienna (1683) when the Turks were turned back from Vienna.
Like Martel the Hammer...
Guarding our borders.
I do not know that ISIS (now just IS)wants to strike in the U.S., but some group of nuts will, and it is not going to be pretty.
ISIS is not an isolated problem. There are Mahdi wannabe's from the Atlantic to the Chinese border plus old empires like Iran/Persia, Turkey/Ottoman, etc., and there is not much telling what it is all going to come to.
I was struck by Chris Wallace babbling about "a long term bombing campaign, lasting months."
Try years and decades, and a lot more than making the rocks in the desert bounce.
Taking the war to the enemy is an old tactic. Force him to protect his turf.
The Muslim world is like that. Every so often someone will get worked up to murder the infidel, or some gang of them will want to raid for loot or glory, or some preacher will raise up some tribe. Everybody with Muslim neighbors has this problem. In my old country we have had this off and on piracy, invasion, individual religious terrorism, and so on, for 400 years.
The world is smaller now and everyone is becoming everyone else's neighbor.
So welcome to our new Muslim neighbors, and the next 400 years.
"The Saudis deny any role in 9/11, but the CIA in one memo reportedly found incontrovertible evidence that Saudi government officials — not just wealthy Saudi hardliners, but high-level diplomats and intelligence officers employed by the kingdom — helped the hijackers both financially and logistically," according to a Dec. 2013 N.Y. Post editorial.
"Democrat Bob Graham, the former Florida senator who chaired the Joint Inquiry, has asked the FBI for the Sarasota case files, but can’t get a single, even heavily redacted, page released. He says it’s a “coverup.”
One theory is that bin Laden told the Saudi government he was going to foment violent revolution there, and at the end of the day, the Saudis, in a deniable way, bought him off by letting him do his mischief on us.
The article linked above goes into detail giving names, dates, and places where various hijackers came into contact with Saudi officials in the U.S.
Our friends, the Saudis.
So, it would seem to have been a good idea to hold some real estate in the region, not controlled by the Saudis and their friends?
>>How soon before we see ISIS knockout gangs roaming our streets?
They should be here by October. of 2002.
John Muhammad and Lee Malvo, remember? They played a variant of knockout, as you may recall.
I just chipped a tooth & now I can't transcendental work. :-)
Seriously, I just cut & pasted all your comments & sent them (with attribution) to those on a thread I'm on, some of whom think that if Israel goes away, we're safe.
Some of them (I go back a long time) thought back when that we should've re-settled all the Jews in the Middle East on The Grand Concourse or Ocean Pkwy & we wouldn't have had all the trouble over the years since WW II. As the Drill Sgt noted here, they never heard of the Gates of Vienna nor Charles Martel.
Late on my part but in answer to your question, voting in favor of their jobs.
I'm sure there's a small minority of DHS employees who actually work to effectively protect us, but I'm equally sure that the majority exist to be a self-serving voting block.
As long as the small minority exist, DHS will serve a function sufficient to justify FULL funding. As long as the others exist, the party in power has a reliable voting block.
You're free to speculate as to who may be the ultimate losers in this relationshipship.
Gotta be careful. Four hundred years on Vlad Tepes is still getting bad press for his vigorous attacks against the Ottomans.
I'm surprised not to have seen this here yet:
Osama lives and he is here!
'Anthony said: "By getting involved so visibly all we do is open ourselves up to terrorism."'
Folks, don't be to hard on Anthony. We have a president who thinks this way.
How soon before we see ISIS knockout gangs roaming our streets?
Why don't you ask some amputees from the Boston Marathon, moron?
Fen said...
Cedarford: "By Fen's logic, anyone here or abroad that vexes our heroic Governent leaders - "
Fen - Yah thats not what I said. Why do you have to distort it so poorly? I'll ask again:
Do you want to go to war with radical islam before or after they get nukes?
There are radical Muslim groups in 50 or so countries. Don't forget American schools TRAINED the 9/11 hijackers and most Iranian nuke scientists were trained in the USA or Europe.
Your idea of endless war to stop 80-230 radical Muslim groups and nations BEFORE they get nukes has to be weighed with the likelihood that ISIS has that capacity to develop WMD, or Mindinao Muslim Filipinos, or Somalis or whatever.
And given the West and endless "Rights" and "Endless due process" and a fallacious belief "International Law" will keep the Muzzies in check.....it will take something they do to trigger a major war with them. Not just the US alone being bled white trying to play global cop.
We don't need to play global cop. We just need to turn our armed forces loose once or twice. Not like the last couple nation building ventures. The only thing bleeding us dry is misplaced compassion for barbarians. The world could really use a Syrian shaped parking lot with a western Iraq shaped addition.
The real vulnerability of this administration rests on its inability to admit reality. You can spin away many problems, but every time you do you give away a little bit of your credibility. Do this enough and you don't have any trust left when a real crisis hits.
Worse, by successfully spinning small problems, the administration has convinced itself that problems don't exist that can't be talked away.
When reality intrudes in a big way, like a mass terrorist attack in the continental US, or an Ebola outbreak in an American city, the normal spin strategy won't work. I don't know what exactly will happen but it seems to me that some awful event is now inevitable. When it does happen the whole edifice will come crashing down.
This administration is close to collapse. Even if the President and his cabinet manage to stay in office they won't be able to carry out any policy. The incompetence is just too deep and too wide to allow it free reign any longer.
This is why everyone is talking now, not just Republicans. Hillary Clinton went on record saying obvious things about foreign policy, things that no one would have disagreed with five years ago. By getting it out now, she's insuring herself against the totally predictable result of leadership failure at the top. She's in a position to know what's going to happen, too.
"Yah thats not what I said. Why do you have to distort it so poorly? I'll ask again:
Do you want to go to war with radical islam before or after they get nukes?"
I'll take "after they nuke Israel" for $400, Alex. Fudd's not worried because he knows they won't target his flophouse.
Your idea of endless war to stop 80-230 radical Muslim groups
300 million radical musmlims.
and nations BEFORE they get nukes has to be weighed with the likelihood that ISIS has that capacity to develop WMD, or Mindinao Muslim Filipinos, or Somalis or whatever.
"A failure of imgagination"
While you are mocking their ability to develop WMD, they are buying it on the black market
While you are mocking their inability to launch, they are outfitting an oil tanker, soon to arrive in your port city.
I know your kind. You were proudly boasting about how the Maginot line was going to funnel the Germans into a kill zone...
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