AND: Meanwhile, from The National Review, here's "Top Ten Myths about the House’s Proposed Suit Against Obama." I don't agree that these are "myths." Most of these are answers to the other side's legal arguments.
ALSO: Email I received from Obama a couple hours ago:
If you boil it down, my job is simple to understand -- you elected me to make it a little easier for hard-working Americans to succeed.His job... hard-working Americans... Congress that will work with him...
But I can't do this on my own, and that's why Democrats across the country and I need your help, Ann.
Chip in $10 or more before this critical deadline to elect a Congress that will work with me.
The trope is "work." The voters are working, he's working, everyone must work. That supposedly makes it "simple," but it doesn't.
If you don't like the project that's being worked on, hampering his work seems like a good idea. Making it "easier" for us workers "to succeed" is a big abstraction, and his working harder (on whatever) won't automatically make our work easier. But the recipient of the email is supposed to feel that his work somehow alleviates our work.
I've got an aversion to work... work, the rhetoric of work.
११५ टिप्पण्या:
Not very presidential; more like a bratty teenager daring his parents.
The Obama White House seems more bent on creating chaos and anarchy on the immigration issue than aiming at any political solution for the problem.
Hey Obama...we're not mad because you are doing your job, we're mad because you are doing job.
which are the "answers" to the other side's legal arguments? And what is your opinion (as a law prof)?
The word "myth" in political discourse is like the word "racism." It means "something I disagree with."
I guess he lost his copy of the Constitution. Ot at least this part:
All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.
This lawsuit may just rescue President Obama from the discouragement of supporters who feel he hasn't been able to do anything since the 2010 midterm.
"Look at all things I'm doing that they hate so much they are suing me to stop doing them."
It's good politics. Now we'll probably see his poll numbers go up.
"They're mad 'cause I'm doin' my job"
This is as illuminating of a quote from his any any he had made - he sees his job as not to uphold the Constitution, but to break it at will as to rule as a King.
"Let’s get some work done."
Stop being stupid all the time.
"Law? What do I care about the law? Ain't I got the power?" - attributed to Cornelius Vanderbilt.
Interesting that he's still pulling out the 'middle-class' rhetoric. It hits a broader target, I'm guessing. Rhetoric is a lot of what this guy has.
The 'middle-class' must be the union reps and cronies...the activists-cum-bureaucrats and contractors and groups who benefit from his throwing money at them?
Because they're doing pretty well.
Other cronies have to play along and win if they can in the short-term, but lose in the long-term when the mob they're placating comes after them. That's what progressivism does by keeping the activist flame burning.
They'll be endless debate, but I try and go by what politicians do, and follow the money.
That tells you a lot of what you need to know.
Ah, the orator!
Not since Churchill has the world heard such poetry.
If he were helping Americans work, it would be one thing. The people he is helping are not Americans.
I am getting tired of impeachment attempts being nothing more than a rather hysterical tactic. Clinton, Bush, Obama. That's wasteful and ridiculous.
There are so many things that need a root level rewrite, or even a decent superficial one. Be proactive and work on one of those. If you go for the root level, you are dismantling things and can then build an updated, cleaner, simpler system that takes into account the rise of corporate power (expressly frowned upon and regulated in the early constitutional days as too concentrated a form of power) and current global realities, neither of which were present under the same conditions during the drafting of Constitution.
Even the best designed operating systems need a rewrite when they can no longer handle the new capabilities. The concern is finding the talent pool to do it and "they" spring from "us". You're only as good as your people.
Hagar: Obama has already bent his ideals, coalitions, and interests as far as they will go on immigration.
He got them together and now it's your problem, America.
Work? Lots of people would like to find some.
How many millions have fallen out of the labor market?
How come my daughter and her friends can no longer find full time positions and have to struggle to find two part time jobs where they can coordinate the hours to get enough for full time compensation? Can't pay tuition on part time hours.
The only people he is helping are the illegals by putting them on welfare and democrat power. If Americans are having trouble finding work, how on earth will uneducated, unskilled, non-English speaking people be able to find work and be productive? They won't. They will be a permanent underclass made easy in their poverty in exchange for their vote. That is the only difference between the corrupt leftist countries they came from and the corrupt leftists they will be voting for here - here they will be fed and schooled and medicated on the struggling taxpayer's back.
(of course, Obama and co. would never move any of these illegals to their neighborhoods)
The trope is "work." The voters are working, he's working, everyone must work.
Arbeit macht frei?
If you boil it down, my job is simple to understand -- you elected me to make it a little easier for hard-working Americans to succeed."
Thats exactly what every Republican member of Congress can can and should say as well. Obama and the Democrats in Congress somehow have this notion that only their elections are the only legitimate elections. Five and half years in to the job and Obama still doesn't understand that his job is to faithfully execute the laws of the United States and uphold the constitution. The guy is a real slow learner. Its time for Obama to reach out and compromise with the Republicans and for Harry Reid stop being an obstructionist and let House passed bills go to the Senate for up or down votes. The door swings both ways and only to the left.
"If you don't like the project that's being worked on, hampering his work seems like a good idea."
Healthcare for the poor? Nah, not against that. Hampering it seems like a bad idea - especially politically.
"Making it "easier" for us workers "to succeed" is a big abstraction, and his working harder (on whatever) won't automatically make our work easier."
Um, people with health insurance don't lose everything - as I just did for a back injury - that's not abstract. And, if he succeeds, I won't be at risk of it happening again, so he will have made my life easier. And I am the poor.
"But the recipient of the email is supposed to feel that his work somehow alleviates our work."
True - I didn't get one - but I'm not on his mailing list.
"I've got an aversion to work... work, the rhetoric of work."
"In proportion as we have been a race of haughty, indolent, and waited-on people, so now we are ready to do away with all forms and work and wait on ourselves." "I have a strong presentment that we shall yet lose all that we have and be compelled to labor with our hands for our daily bread."
Kate Stone, a former plantation mistress, after emancipation
Isn't it funny how, if a black person - any black person - ever said, after hundreds of years of slavery, "I've got an aversion to work" the conservatives will go fucking nuts?
Whites REALLY working - "like a nigger" as the old saying goes - that's the possibility that scares 'em.
The fact blacks have endured it, done it, and survived - and are now some of the physically strongest people in this land -makes us great in my eyes.
Couple us with the likes of Neal DeGrasse Tyson emerging and our potential, as a people, is mind-boggling.
But, of course - again - not to those "compassionate conservatives," their stomaches flowing over their belts from gluttony and unearned wealth, who can't wait to knock us down.
HR40 here we come,….
We should chnage the oath of office "I do solemnly swear to do whatever I can to, you know, help folks."
I'd send him $10 if he addressed you as Althouse in his emails.
He also needs to raffle off a round of golf with him.
Ha! As I wrote that line about white guys' bellies, I caught the photo of Michael K:
This Obama fellow, is he a pro golfer? Because it appears that he does all his work on the gold course.
A Fifth Columnist's work is never done, there are many opportunities to deceive and destroy from inside the Presidency: EPA powers, NSA powers, HSA powers, Command military powers, Border Patrol powers, FED powers, economic crisis powers...which ones to use to destroy the USA from within next?
A good golf outing should help focus his mind.
The more I see of this man the more gobsmacked I am at his hubris and his fundamental misunderstanding of what he is supposed to do. I think he believes his job is making speeches and coming up with big ideas and sitting back and watching it happen. He seems incapable of persuasion, only of dismissing those who disagree.
I am not sure if he is himself stupid or simply cynical enough to know that much of his audience is.
Oh please. The only "work" Obama is doing is golfing and fundraising.
Some day I'd like to learn how to golf, but it would be hard work.
"they're mad 'cause I'm golfin."
Fixed it.
The hating reference is sort of subtle. And sort of not.
Thank God for America, where we can disagree openly with respect and debate important issues on their merits.
Petulant and pathetic president
No! His job is to faithfully execute the laws, not ignore them and not enact new ones via fiat. And another thing - He's supposed to be president of ALL Americans, not just certain select groups of Americans.
You'd think that after 6 years of being president, he'd know what his fucking job is and who he works for. What an incompetent dumbfuck!
Every time I hear a Democratic shill mention that, while Obama's poll numbers are in the toilette, Congress' poll numbers are so far down they're in the sewer, I want to remind said shill that the same folks who hate Congress re-elect their Congressional incumbents over & over.
That's because, while they loath Congress in general, they think their Representatives & Senators ate are "doin' the best they can".
Stop dropping G's please. We are not simpletons who only understand folksy sayings!
Pres. Obama may be a master orator, but there are some things he just can't pull off. One of these is: corny, "down-home," just-plain-folks populism.
Worst. President. Ever.
Hey Barry...we're not mad because you are doing your job, we're mad because you are doing Congress job.
He just borrowed this from Willie Clinton, whose favorite line (repeated endlessly by him and his supporters during Lewinsky) "... so I can get back to work for the American people."
Because letting in millions of non english speaking uneducated low wage workers is exactly how you help hard working Americans.
And it is exactly how you help African Americans.
The proper place for this suit by the House as an institution (and not by a few representatives as was the case in the Clinton line item veto) is in the Supreme Court. There is always the risk the court could rule on behalf of the Administration in which case the rule of law would be pretty much dead in this country but then again if nothing is done as a practical matter we are already on a rapid course towards that end. The left should ponder this because what Obama has done and if not checked and intends to do can not only be undone by a Republican Administration but said Administration could selective uphold and otherwise use the same tactics towards the program the left champions. Doors can swing both ways. On the other hand if the court rules in favor of the House the Administration isn't likely to act contemputously since that very contempt could easily justify impeaching and removing every senior cabinet and agency head that doesn't comply with the court's ruling and possibly subjecting those officials to contempt of court as well. The democrats are right in one sense about impeachment but not against Obama, the Republicans are apparently are planning to impeach and remove certain senior Agency heads for exceeding their authority. On the plus side for the left, a victory for the Republicans in the court guarantees that when the time comes that there is a Republican control of both houses of Congress and the Presidency the Republicans will not be able to act as the Democrats have acted in the last five and a half years.
Do hateful stuff.
Get back what you put out.
Rocket science (if you're a black DemoNcrat.
Barack Obama - the first passive-aggressive president.
If the Leader of the Free World is against hatin', he might want to have a word with Lois Lerner.
"Golf course," not "gold course." I must have been thinking of his trips for fundraisers.
Young Hegalian--
That's because while I may like my congressman and think he represents my interests, YOUR congressman insists on advancing the interests of HIS district instead of my district!
The congressional approval numbers are basically proof that we need more federalism. If congress only handled truly national issues and stayed out of the local and regional stuff, we'd hate them less.
"The word "myth" in political discourse is like the word "racism." It means "something I disagree with.""
That's weird, because they're histories are so different.
Unfortunately, in America - with it's delusion-ally racist culture - we can't expect whites to acknowledge that.
Whites can be extremely slow learners,...
Obama would get a lot farther with intelligent people if instead of using the excuse "my opposition is opposing me!" he instead explained why the actions he is taking fit perfectly within the requirements of the Constitution.
I couldn't care less if the GOP is preventing Obama from getting the policies he wants--the balance of powers is meant to prevent any one side from getting what they want without input from the other. If he can't get the GOP to bargain with him, he can take his case to the people to put pressure on them. If that doesn't work, and the people are fine with not getting the "progress" he wants--then they get what they deserve, as is the case in any democracy.
I'm far less worried about gridlock preventing legislation--even good legislation--from getting passed than I am about ever increasing encroachment by the executive branch. That's a far more dangerous thing for our system of government.
This lawsuit may be a bad idea, but if Obama wants to rally support behind him--support besides the knee jerk left--he'll need to explain why the suit is meritless, not why the people behind it are just terrible.
Couple us with the likes of Neal DeGrasse Tyson emerging and our potential, as a people, is mind-boggling.
And yet here you are on a daily basis.
"And that's why" is Obama's tic marking a preceding lie.
"The more I see of this man the more gobsmacked I am at his hubris and his fundamental misunderstanding of what he is supposed to do."
AKA What white people want.
"I think he believes his job is making speeches and coming up with big ideas and sitting back and watching it happen."
Yeah, I think that might be his idea, too. He seems to be a patient man also - that's admirable.
" He seems incapable of persuasion, only of dismissing those who disagree."
Michael, if you and the other conservatives here represent "those who disagree," then there's no point to persuasion - you demand to be defeated daily - that's your only cultural MO. From Rush Limbaugh's "I hope he fails" on down, you don't have a persuadable bone in your bodies, so why expect a black - knowing this history and white culture as we do - to waste his time with you?
You're not fooling anyone, speaking as you do of blacks every day, and then saying it's others who are being unreasonable. Face it:
I'm being generous talking you.
"I am not sure if he is himself stupid or simply cynical enough to know that much of his audience is."
Dude, go look in the mirror and ask that - of yourself,...
Oh, and the court could only point to once instance of voter fraud. The Walker supporter who voted numerous times, which photo ID would not have prevented. Brilliant work guys. Brilliant!
Real American,
And "Real American" means white supremacist!
"His job is to faithfully execute the laws, not ignore them and not enact new ones via fiat."
It's legal - na-na-na-na-na!
"And another thing - He's supposed to be president of ALL Americans, not just certain select groups of Americans."
But, if some Americans spent hundreds of years abusing the other Americans, isn't his job to fix whatever problems arose from that? He IS the First BLACK President. What? You expected him to support a furtherance of the evil that's occurred because whites live here, too?
Whites speak foolishness.
"You'd think that after 6 years of being president, he'd know what his fucking job is and who he works for."
He does - the country - which whites fucked up, so horribly bad, many Americans don't even like the place very much. Thus, the emphasis to changing it - into something more of us will like - which DOES seem to be the president's job if "a strong nation" is the goal.
If the goal is to continue as a murderous, piss-poor, inefficient, white supremacist stronghold for rapists and pervs - yeah, you got the wrong man.
"What an incompetent dumbfuck!"
I knew you'd think so,...
"Every time I hear a Democratic shill mention that, while Obama's poll numbers are in the toilette, Congress' poll numbers are so far down they're in the sewer, I want to remind said shill that the same folks who hate Congress re-elect their Congressional incumbents over & over."
Wow - you've really missed the writing on the wall, haven't you?
Thanks to the Tea Party, the Dems are poised to re-elect themselves, over & over, to the presidency.
Great job, Guys,...
"Because letting in millions of non english speaking uneducated low wage workers is exactly how you help hard working Americans."
Worked for those from Europe.
"And it is exactly how you help African Americans."
White racist's concern on this issue is becoming hilarious:
They never had a kind word before, for our ambitions or our well-being. They even mock them daily. But now - Oh, they're so concerned for our welfare! Look at what's happening! WHAT ABOUT THE BLACKS?
We blacks - not just me - are laughing at the disingenuous charade:
You know - whites as entertainment,...
paul a'barge,
"Do hateful stuff.
Get back what you put out."
White people, PAY ATTENTION:
Study your history and you'll find this man is finally making sense.
Or, at least, explaining why there's a Miss Black America Beauty Pageant and not a white one,...
"This lawsuit may be a bad idea, but if Obama wants to rally support behind him--support besides the knee jerk left--he'll need to explain why the suit is meritless, not why the people behind it are just terrible."
I've been telling you, over and over and over, but you don't listen:
You've outted yourselves as racists.
No further explanation - from him to Americans who aren't - is necessary. Everybody gets it, but you.
Even this "he'll need to explain" bullshit (to unreasonable people?) is transparently NOT the way his opposition functions, so no one believes your appeals to discussion. Hell, I talk with y'all every day and few of you are what I'd call reasonable:
How many times have I, an artist, been called a racist, here - on a blog run by a white professor with an arts background - when I've also told you, Ann has also told you, Meade has also told you, and others have also told you, repeatedly, I'm toying with your racism?
Face the facts - racists are slow learners.
And THAT's not Obama's failing,...
"Couple us with the likes of Neal DeGrasse Tyson emerging and our potential, as a people, is mind-boggling.
And yet here you are on a daily basis."
Dude, when things change - again - I'll still be here.
This blog is run by my friends,...
The only "work" Obama is doing is golfing and fundraising.
Technically, fundraising DOES "help people". He wasn't specific about how many people he wanted to help. :)
Dear Leader, the whiz of the Harvard Law School and the Smartest Guy in the Room (and the one with the spiffiest crease in his pants!) now resorts to ghetto speech. Great.
You need to remember that in Hivespeak, "hate" is defined as "opposition to the State." Statism, on the other hand, is Love. Tough love, of course . . .
. . . but love nonetheless.
Our resident Rhodes scholar, Uncle Crack (the Hive Pantation's loyal servant), responds to "Because letting in millions of non english speaking uneducated low wage workers is exactly how you help hard working Americans" by writing
"Worked for those from Europe."
When the Europeans came over her in the 19th and early 20th century, the Welfare State was non-existent to minimal. Politicians pretty much couldn't buy votes by promising the votes "free" stuff (paid by taxpayer money) They largely didn't--and couldn't--come here to get a cut of the swag.
It wasn't until the Boss Tweed era that bringing in the "poor and wretched" became a widespread political ploy, and that largely in the Eastern cities. Even so, many the later Eastern European immigrants came over infected by the socialist disease, and swelled the ranks of the "liberal" plunderbund. Just as Dear Leader wants to do with the illegal Latinos.
I understand that Prof. Althouse allows you to click whore on her sight, but out of courtesy you might refrain from your silly racist supposedly ironic anti-racist bullshit for a bit. Perhaps, by consensus, a Crack free Thursday?
Oh, and blacks are notoriously slow learners. Isn't that clever?
Oh, we're getting jobbed all right...
Is there a way to automatically collapse any thread from that racist crack so I don't have to scroll so far down?
William Chadwick,
"Just as Dear Leader wants to do with the illegal Latinos."
If it beats the racist conservatives - mad that Obama got there first, BTW - then so be it.
You guys have really made a mess of things,...
Old Dad,
I understand that Prof. Althouse allows you to click whore on her sight, but out of courtesy you might refrain from your silly racist supposedly ironic anti-racist bullshit for a bit. Perhaps, by consensus, a Crack free Thursday?"
I'll take a day off when whites do.
"Oh, and blacks are notoriously slow learners. Isn't that clever?"
Considering whites kept education from us - as well as decent clothing, housing, etc. - for a few hundred years?
Like I said, I'll stop when you do,...
The "hate" and "phobia" rhetoric is Democratic shorthand for "sit down and shut up." Unfortunately, their appeals to emotion are too often sufficient to shutdown the conversation.
Even when campaigning, Obama showed zero respect for the other side. None. It was nothing but veiled attacks on Republicans, and Bush in particular, thinly disguised as "hope and change." Nothing's changed, nor will it. It is who he is, a community activist who believes that anybody who opposes his methods is against the ends most of us share.
If he would ever say anything like, "hey, these are hard issues, and we have legitimate disagreements with each other over the best approach to solve them," I would faint from the shock.
Tactically this makes sense. An action is being taken and attention drawn to Obama's (supposed?) abuses. In doing so the R's will have created a threat, but since it will be in the legal process it will not be front page news until the hearing/trial so those who are not political junkies will forget it. If Obama harps on it for more than a couple of days he will eventually be in the position of having to clarify and deny charges that no one understands, tying himself more closely to actions ( the postponement of the employer mandate, for example) the many people will find inequitable.
I am getting tired of impeachment attempts being nothing more than a rather hysterical tactic.
There is no impeachment attempt underway. The House simply voted to file suit against Obama to force him to obey the Constitution.
Please do not spread Obama lies.
Pres. Obama may be a master orator
Only with a teleprompter. Otherwise, he can't put one sentence together completely. He cannot think through to conclusions.
Didn't read all the comments so I apologize if this is a repeat but....
Why does he need a Congress that will work with him? Didn't he say if they won't work with him, he'll do it on his own?
My earlier comment got cut off some how. It should read:
Hey Obama...we're not mad because you are doing your job, we're mad because you are doing Congress's job.
Uncle Crack:
"If it beats the racist conservatives - mad that Obama got there first, BTW - then so be it."
Translated from Crackspeak to honest English:
"If it allows me and my ideological gang to stay in power and keep the plunderbund going, so be it."
FIFY, as the kids say.
This is how I imagine a conversation with Crack going.
Me: Hey Crack, how are you doing?
Crack: Seriously? After 400 years of rape, murder and theft, and you ask how I'm doing? White people never learn.
Me: Ummm, it's just a way to greet someone. An idiom if you will. I didn't mean anything by it other than hello.
Crack: Of course you don't mean anything by it. You don't think. White people never think, they just do. The repercussions don't matter.
Me: Ok ok, I'm sorry. How about I go and buy you a slice of pizza to make up for it?
Crack: Fool! You think buying me a slice of pizza is enough reparations to make up for your 400 years of slavery and abuse? For wrecking this country for black men like me?!
Me: Well, no, not really. I just thought I'd buy you a slice.
Crack: There you go thinking again, white boy! Every time you think, it's racist. Stop thinking, stop doing, stop wrecking our lives.
Me: Ummmmmm
Crack: Yeah, there you go. "Ummmmm!" Stupid white boy.
Me: Maybe I should just go.
Crack: Oh, I see. Now you're a liar. Of course you're a liar. All white people are liars. First you say you're going to buy me a slice, now you take it back. Next you'll be wanting to put me in chains again.
Me: What? I just mean, you seem to be upset so I thought it'd be best if I just left.
Crack: Of course that's what you thought. Uh huh. Nothing to do with breaking your promise to buy me a slice. Nothing to do with not wanting to be seen with a black man. Suuuuuurrrrreee.....
Me: ...
Crack: That's right, keep your mouth shut. Because you're a racist white man who won't talk to black men like me. Can't be seen talking to black people or other whites won't associate with you.
Me: I just don't want to argue with you.
Crack: There you go again, arguing. Well, I'll stop when you stop. That's right, I'm not going to stop because the white is never going to stop.
(Picture this going on endlessly and you now have Crack's life with any white person he ever interacts with).
Another Crack thread. See you later.
"If you boil it down, my job is simple to understand -- you elected me to make it a little easier for hard-working Americans to succeed."
The question, Alex, is "What Is Obama Not Doing?"
Considering whites kept education from us - as well as decent clothing, housing, etc. - for a few hundred years?
And yet, when people like Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Ben Carson choose to actually educate themselves rather than follow the Crack ("almost, but not quite, smart enough to not marry a murderer") Emcee model of perpetually whining, they end up living successful and productive lives.
It's almost like it depends on individual effort or something...
I am getting tired of impeachment attempts being nothing more than a rather hysterical tactic. Clinton, Bush, Obama. That's wasteful and ridiculous.
Clinton, Bush... Obama?
There hasn't been an impeachment attempt on a President since a couple dozen Democrats tried impeaching Bush in 2008.
Crack walks in and everyone turns into Terrible Reading Comprehension Guy.
Once again I will point out that I am convinced that @The Crack Emcee is not a black man but a White troll doing his best to impersonate a bitter black man who hates whites.
It's tired trope designed to stir up race hate. Ignore The Crack Emcee
If he would ever say anything like, "hey, these are hard issues, and we have legitimate disagreements with each other over the best approach to solve them," I would faint from the shock.
OMG, he's only said it a million times.
"Stop dropping G's please. We are not simpletons who only understand folksy sayings!"
It took me a minute, but I finally realized you were sayin' "Stop droppin' G's please, we ain't simpletons who only understand folksy sayin's."
Paul A'Barge:
I've not seen your previous comments along this line, but I've thought exactly the same thing for several months.
"If he would ever say anything like, "hey, these are "
hard issues, and we have legitimate disagreements with each other over the best approach to solve them," I would faint from the shock.
OMG, he's only said it a million times."
Phx You are correct but fail to note that following the above he immediately shifts into a dismissal of the intellectual honesty of his opposition, calling their motives and their sincerity into question and then concluding that as evil and impossible as they are he will continue to try to work with them in good faith. He is the master straw man slayer.
"They have announced that they are going to sue me for taking executive actions to help people. So, you know, they’re mad 'cause I’m doin' my job...”
No, they sue hin cause he ain't doing his job. His job is to talk to Congress and jawbone till they get a COMPROMISE and not dictate by imperial fiat.
But Obama ain't about compromising. He is a wannabe dictator.
I guess Obama wants to use the term, "Work will set you free". Hmmm wonder where that slogan was once used?
Oh yea, "Arbeit Macht Frei"... sounds about right for Obama and co. Pure Nazi underneath it all.
It's worth mentioning that, despite gerrymandering, despite the power of incumbency, the U.S. House of Representatives is the most democratic part of the most democratic branch of the federal government.
It represents the will of the People to a far, far greater extent than a lame-duck president.
I doubt Crack is a troll. I think he's for real.
IMHO, our hostess uses him for clickbait. Look how many of us take the time to think through and respond to his formulaic posts.
More clicks = more revenue for chez Althouse. And I'm glad to contribute with a clickthrough every now and then.
I respect her opinion and those of many who post here. It's not just an echo chamber of the right or left.
Of course, there are some outliers here, of which Crack is the "outest" of the "liers".
“They have announced that they are going to sue me for taking executive actions to help people,” he said during an event in Kansas City. “They’re mad because I’m doing my job.”
Correct, except you don't understand that it means "help Americans, not Mexicans or other South Americans."
Off the top of my head I thought the Presidential Oath of Office included "faithfully execute the laws..." (like several others upstream apparently also thought), but it actually says "faithfully execute the Office of the Presidency".
Humph. That's wiggle room, right there.
Eric: FTW.
I got a good laugh out of that.
(Picture this going on endlessly and you now have Crack's life with any white person he ever interacts with).
Why waste your time. Life is short and he's already thrown his away.
Pookie Number 2,
"It's almost like it depends on individual effort or something…"
I've asked this before:
Does the fact Pakistan had a woman president - twice - mean women in Pakistan are equals?
You guys take this individual success thing too far. Neal DeGrass Tyson has spoken on racism in his life - did you listen?
You talk about what you don't know,...
"If he would ever say anything like, "hey, these are hard issues, and we have legitimate disagreements with each other over the best approach to solve them," I would faint from the shock.
OMG, he's only said it a million times."
Exactly. But these guys have "principles" you see, and those somehow reduce them to angry jello, loudly quivering at the sight of someone actually committed to helping the poor and righting a few major wrongs.
William F. Buckley is doing back flips,….
Freeman @ 3:10: Thank you. I would love you to take the character for a test drive!
Crack is a very real man and is a very talented man. He is descended from the friendly part of the Human Race. Many of his friends here have tried to get Crack to convert to Christianity but he has escaped, so far.
Again, to much crackage
"Crack is a very real man and is a very talented man. He is descended from the friendly part of the Human Race. Many of his friends here have tried to get Crack to convert to Christianity but he has escaped, so far."
LOL - Big Hug, Tg,...
Freeman Hunt,
"Crack walks in and everyone turns into Terrible Reading Comprehension Guy."
Hi, Free! Missed you around here! Hope you're well (for a white person - LOL).
Check it out - they also become The Masters Of Assumptions - forgetting that assumptions makes an ASS out of U and ME. Here are a few nuggets they've figured out, all on their own, and remember - these are "educated" white people talking:
"eric said
This is how I imagine a conversation with Crack going,…"
This ignores the fact I've been here for years and have been always talking to Freeman, Ann, Meade, Traditional Guy, etc.. (It never occurs to them they're the interlopers) AND they ignore the fact people like Michael K say racist stuff so often - and are so used to saying racist stuff they're blitheringly unaware when they say it - that someone should catch them up but, of course, that won't be one of my critics, so they "leave it for the black guy."
The idea that, if they started policing themselves, my schtick wouldn't be necessary, never occurs to them because not being racist to others never will either. That's the white supremacist mindset:
No one's ever going to tell these white people what to do - even if it's the right thing - and then they wonder why everyone thinks they're assholes.
Pookie Number 2,
"When people like Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Ben Carson choose to actually educate themselves rather than follow the Crack ("almost, but not quite, smart enough to not marry a murderer") Emcee model of perpetually whining, they end up living successful and productive lives."
Here's Neal DeGrasse Tyson on racism - see how much his views gell with Pookie's and decide for yourself if Pookie is delusional or a liar.
I'd say Pookie is as delusional as Southern slavers about how "loyal" blacks were to them.
"I doubt Crack is a troll. I think he's for real.
IMHO, our hostess uses him for click bait."
Because being used is what I'm all about - and Ann's into racial exploitation - this is what this man believes. The worst possible image of us. The idea - again - that HE'S the problem. That HE'S the bad apple for thinking that way, that'll never occur to him as he puts us in a hole.
Just a sorry, cynical, human being.
Phil 3:14,
"Again, to much crack age"
If I was one of these evil white folks, I'd use that misspelling to paint you as stupid - especially if you were black. It would be irresistible. Take advantage of the difference in education so we can have a racist laugh together at the oppressed's expense - which is the definition of oppression.
Lovely people,...
You guys take this individual success thing too far.
No, you don't take it far enough. You prefer to whine and beg, which is unfortunately very prevalent.
You talk about what you don't know,...
That would be a credible complaint if it wasn't coming from someone whose own amazingly poor powers of perception (tell us again about how you couldn't tell that your wife was a murderer) never stops him from believing that he can read other people's minds.
I'd say Pookie is as delusional as Southern slavers about how "loyal" blacks were to them.
You would say that, but you're not very intelligent and not very perceptive, so there's not a lot of weight attached to what you would say.
More to the point, I wasn't suggesting that Tyson hadn't faced racism. I was saying his ability to move beyond it through effort is more mature, more impressive, and more successful, than your relentless self-pity party.
Pookie Number 2 said...
You guys take this individual success thing too far.
No, you don't take it far enough. You prefer to whine and beg, which is unfortunately very prevalent.
You completely ignored my Pakistan comment - just as expected:
Because, then, your whole premise falls apart.
Or do you think Obama being president means "blacks" have made it to equality as a group?
You're living in a dream world - but not MLK's,...
Pookie Number 2,
"Tell us again about how you couldn't tell that your wife was a murderer,…"
Damn it, didn't I just say idiots always go with their assumptions?
My wife killed three people - in France. I was here, in the states, and still figured it out three years before the white authorities on either side of the ocean. They actually had to request my help.
So much for what you know, white man asshole.
Wanna tell me more, about your intimate knowledge of my life, from your computer screen?
I swear, if it wasn't for the fact this was happening online, you guys would all be publicly shamed by now - to the point where your even attempting to talk to me would be greeted by boos by blacks.
Man, I'd LOVE to see any of you in front of a group of blacks, talking this nonsense you do - that's why you do it:
You're a bunch of silly, stone-cold, cowardly murderers, "clinging to your guns and religion," and you ALWAYS have been.
And your problem is you brought us over here and we see it, we know it, and - most importantly - YOU KNOW WE DO.
It's like you brought us over here, mostly, just to be witnesses to your madness,...
BTW, Pookie - along with my Pakistan comment - you also ignored Neil deGrasse Tyson's comments. Whats the matter? The truth got your tongue?
You know, whites, who try to exploit my wife's problems - to merely win an online argument - are always revealing themselves as the best examples of what the white race has to offer. No, really, they live up to everything the slavery history books say about them culturally - how, when it comes to blacks, they just can't lose but have to be bad sports about it, too - which means THESE GUYS ARE THE REAL THING. Unreconstructed racist Americans - Old School Style.
Yes, the same low-life genes are coursing through your veins, demanding you be as big a group of assholes as your ancestors were, when they lost power over us.
And you'll be just as successful at keeping us from our goals.
Crawling around on your belly will do that,...
Pookie Number 2,
"I wasn't suggesting that Tyson hadn't faced racism. I was saying his ability to move beyond it through effort is more mature, more impressive, and more successful, than your relentless self-pity party."
You didn't watch the video, did you?
Nor will you answer my direct questions:
Does the individual political success of a woman in Pakistan mean women in Pakistan are free?
If not, then what?
You believe a lie - and even Tyson is telling you so:
You're refusing to understand,….
The Crack Emcee said...
And your problem is you brought us over here and we see it, we know it, and - most importantly - YOU KNOW WE DO.
8/1/14, 7:39 AM
Sorry to break it to you Crack but NO ONE ALIVE TODAY brought YOU or ANY OTHER BLACK person to America by force! YOU WERE BORN HERE! You are an American citizen with all the same rights and responsibilities as every other American.
You might (might) have some legitimate grievances but you hear that secret racist dog whistle everywhere and everything you say even when it is legitimate is tainted by your racist rants to the point where you can't get a fair hearing on those things you say that are worth considering.
You claim that you are only trying to educate us poor racists white folks who are just too ignorant to see how racists we are. How's that working for you? Other than getting you lots of online attention, is there ANYTHING positive coming from you behaving like an ass to nearly everyone on this forum? Do you think you have changed any hearts and minds? Do you really want to? Is your current approach helping or hurting your cause?
"Sorry to break it to you Crack but NO ONE ALIVE TODAY brought YOU or ANY OTHER BLACK person to America by force! YOU WERE BORN HERE!"
Because we were brought against our will.
"You are an American citizen with all the same rights and responsibilities as every other American."
Sure, "American citizens" who can't stop getting choked to death in broad daylight. You're delusional.
"You might (might) have some legitimate grievances but you hear that secret racist dog whistle everywhere and everything you say even when it is legitimate is tainted by your racist rants to the point where you can't get a fair hearing on those things you say that are worth considering."
You can ONLY say that by ignoring the racism around you. I didn't say Freeman Hunt is a racist. Never said John Boehner is a racist - so where's the "everywhere and everything" you claim? It doesn't exist.
You are willingly choosing to ignore the racism that exists - to attack blacks who have to live with it - and you think that makes you reasonable and the country O.K.?
Man, whites are FUCKED UP.
"You claim that you are only trying to educate us poor racists white folks who are just too ignorant to see how racists we are. How's that working for you?"
You'd be surprised - not everyone communicates publicly with me. Like I said, the cowardly approach works best for y'all - can't let other whites see you cave.
"Other than getting you lots of online attention, is there ANYTHING positive coming from you behaving like an ass to nearly everyone on this forum?"
That's for me to know and you to find out. Here's a hint, Einstein:
Would I do it otherwise?
"Do you think you have changed any hearts and minds?"
I know I have.
"Do you really want to?"
More than they do - remember, we're talking about real anti-PC assholes here. Do you seriously think the pat-pat-on-the-head approach works on the descendants of slavers or those who absorbed their cultural upbringing?
"Is your current approach helping or hurting your cause?"
I have to keep repeating myself to you guys - for the billionth time:
I was on the Reparations tip LOOOOOONG before it became a current issue (and, yes, I have gathered a pretty impressive group of white supporters, if I must say so myself) so, I'd say "yes" the cause is moving along fine. It's actually already moving faster than I expected:
HR40 will be re-submitted next year - and it WILL be accepted after Ta-Nehisi Coates' piece - so the real fireworks haven't even started yet.
If you don't like me, you're going to HATE having this country's history rubbed in your faces - for years straight - when that begins.
Full citizenship for blacks has never been a reality - whites just don't get it - just as they didn't understand (no matter what they thought) we weren't going to stay their slaves.
Do white people EVER consider their misconceptions? History says "no".
Hell, you've still got whites like Cliven Bundy and that Duck Dynasty asshole claiming we were happy sharecropping and shit - and won't take "no" for an answer.
THAT should tell you (as an observer) how fucked up whites are, but no - you know better. If the crazy white men say we were happy, we were happy. Because blacks tell crazy white men everything.
Sorry, but whites are simply self-deluded fools in an evil fantasy culture they've trapped us in….
Another day of Crack raging impotently in his poverty. Another day of his white mammy Althouse using him (unpaid of course, is there a word for that?) to generate revenue for herself and her shiftless lawn boy.
It's ugly.
Here's why talking to you guys is so difficult - you don't do the work:
I've not met a descendent of slaveholders yet, who will say, you know what, my great-great-grandfather was like the character in "12 Years A Slave." He was a sadistic, brutal master, who tortured people. You just don't hear that. And when I was working on the book, I discovered that the Confederate veterans, in the late 1890s and the early 1900s, worked very hard to rewrite history to make the Civil War about, you know, states' rights - about some sort of noble, chivalric, Southern tradition and not about slavery and not about the brutality. Or the fundamental crime it is to hold another person in bondage.
GROSS: Well, you write that you grew up being taught in school that the Civil War was about the South fighting for states' rights. What did you learn about slavery?
C. TOMLINSON: Well, we learned slavery was bad. "Roots" came on television while I was learning about slavery. But the teachers always use the passive voice to talk about it. You know, I mean, slavery was evil, but no one was responsible. There was no agency. You know, there was no confrontation of the fact that maybe our ancestors had held slaves. It was, you know, mistakes were made, slavery was a thing and it's not anymore. And that's good and slavery is bad. Let's move on and go sing "Dixie" and be proud of our heritage.
That type of limited "education" is what whites are grooving on:
And why they still make our lives so difficult,...
The Crack Emcee said...
Because we were brought against our will.
Sure, "American citizens" who can't stop getting choked to death in broad daylight. You're delusional.
You can ONLY say that by ignoring the racism around you. I didn't say Freeman Hunt is a racist. Never said John Boehner is a racist - so where's the "everywhere and everything" you claim? It doesn't exist.
What is the "we" stuff? You personally were brought to America against your will? Did not know that. I think we can all get together to help you get back to your true home. Where would that be?
People of all colors get abused by the cops. Rage against the machine, not me.
Right there, "you white people" your reparations, racist white people, ignorant racists white people, you go on and on about how ignorant of how racist "we" are and now you say it is not "all around you"? Based on what you post here, you are awash in racism and all white people are to blame. Sorry if I overstated your case.
Oh, and for the record:
Full citizenship for blacks has never been a reality - whites just don't get it - just as they didn't understand (no matter what they thought) we weren't going to stay their slaves.
You are not nor have you ever been my slave. I have never owned slaves, did not ever want to own slaves and don't know anyone that has ever owned a slave. When were you actually a slave (I mean other than a slave to your hate)?
"What is the "we" stuff?"
See, if you knew enough about our history, you'd know that whites, denying blacks have real family connections, is something left over from slavery.
"You personally were brought to America against your will?"
Like I said - you're not being very bright.
"Did not know that."
There's a lot, quite obviously, you don't know - like how to talk to people. You know how to make crazy assumptions, but the easy ones - like I care about what's happened to me and my family just like you would yours - you totally flub that shit.
"I think we can all get together to help you get back to your true home."
Great - haven't seen Los Angeles in a while.
"Where would that be?"
Wait - you've told me everything about myself, but how many dingleberries may be hanging from my ass, but you don't know enough of my personal history to buy the ticket?
"People of all colors get abused by the cops. Rage against the machine, not me."
Only white people watch blacks get killed and minimize it to getting "abused." He's not a little roughed up, you idiot, he's DEAD.
Oh wait - you're white - you guys have never noticed that was bad. That's why you're always insisting we can make it as you kill us. You're not only murders but just plain sociopaths.
"Right there, "you white people" your reparations, racist white people, ignorant racists white people, you go on and on about how ignorant of how racist "we" are and now you say it is not "all around you"?"
I pointed out two obvious examples - Freeman and Boehner - that destroy your premise. Here's two more - Ann and Meade.
At some point, when proven wrong, an intelligent man will challenge his assumptions.
Why don't I think you're an intelligent man?
"Based on what you post here, you are awash in racism and all white people are to blame."
Here - I'm going to repeat Freeman's quote for you - see if it sinks in:
"Crack walks in and everyone turns into Terrible Reading Comprehension Guy."
Got it? That's not my problem - that's saying YOU HAVE A PROBLEM.
Deal with it.
Sorry if I overstated your case.
"You are not nor have you ever been my slave."
Are you an American? Do you accept the whole thing or just the select parts that make you feel good? If you say the whole thing, then you have been the recipient of the work blacks have done to make the constitution mean something.
You CAN'T get away from owing us.
"I have never owned slaves, did not ever want to own slaves and don't know anyone that has ever owned a slave."
That doesn't matter - you salute the flag that did, and then continued to rip us off for another 150 years - you're as guilty as anyone, trying to get me to betray my people for our torturers.
You're fucking SICK.
"When were you actually a slave (I mean other than a slave to your hate)?"
When you know my family history you're going to feel so foolish,...
Oh, and Todd - I get it:
You're an illiterate non-reader who thinks this was all long, long ago.
Boy, when this shit kicks in, are you in for a rude awakening.
Oh well, at least your ignorance will get cured and you can stop sounding like a racist lunatic, trying to talk blacks out of being pissed about the murder and theft perpetuated against us.
I mean, really - who does that? Who looks at the massive lynching of blacks that took place and says, "Hey, it was just your grandfather, let it go." I mean, really puts forth the effort, for no other reason than they can, in a white supremacist country where nobody will stop them?
Does a decent person do that, Todd - or a Nazi?
I bet you're a riot a funerals,...
The Crack Emcee said...
Are you an American? Do you accept the whole thing or just the select parts that make you feel good? If you say the whole thing, then you have been the recipient of the work blacks have done to make the constitution mean something.
You CAN'T get away from owing us.
That doesn't matter - you salute the flag that did, and then continued to rip us off for another 150 years - you're as guilty as anyone, trying to get me to betray my people for our torturers.
I guess you owe you too...
When you know my family history you're going to feel so foolish,...
Am I? You were a slave? Please share.
Oh well, at least your ignorance will get cured and you can stop sounding like a racist lunatic, trying to talk blacks out of being pissed about the murder and theft perpetuated against us.
What theft and murder has happened against you and when did I commit it? Why haven't you called the cops on me? They racist too? Oh, that's right, the video. Cops only kill innocent blacks.
I mean, really - who does that? Who looks at the massive lynching of blacks that took place and says, "Hey, it was just your grandfather, let it go." I mean, really puts forth the effort, for no other reason than they can, in a white supremacist country where nobody will stop them?
Does a decent person do that, Todd - or a Nazi?
I bet you're a riot a funerals,...
Wow, what a pleasant person you are. Just bring joy, sunshine and happiness everywhere you go.
I have asked you questions and offered advice (unsolicited I know) and what I get in return is denigrated, call names, insulted and accused of being ignorant, stupid, a racist and to fuck off.
Again, how goes that "winning hearts and minds" project of yours?
"Oh, that's right, the video. Cops only kill innocent blacks."
Eric Garner was accused of nothing more troubling than selling "loosies" - individual cigarettes for about 50 cents apiece - there was nothing more.
That's what you're suggesting he, rightfully, lost his life over as an American. It was never proved.
He stated, before he was choked to death for no reason, he'd been harassed by the police for most of his life.
You're a sick fuck, man - from a truly sick culture,….
"I have asked you questions and offered advice (unsolicited I know)…"
Wow - you admit you violated Miss Manners and still want praise:
What an asshole,...
Uncle Crack took a break from the Mensa convention to write: "That type of limited 'education' is what whites are grooving on . . . "
You know, because the Rhodes Scholar's education is obviously so wide and so deep. Except for, you know, economics, history (other than Black History, part of Black Studies*) and, of course, elementary logic.
*Or as we called it college "No Studies."
The Crack Emcee said...
"Oh, that's right, the video. Cops only kill innocent blacks."
Eric Garner was accused of nothing more troubling than selling "loosies" - individual cigarettes for about 50 cents apiece - there was nothing more.
That's what you're suggesting he, rightfully, lost his life over as an American. It was never proved.
Great straw man you built there. I NEVER said he or anyone "rightfully, lost his life". Don't put words to me that I did not write.
You are the one using tragedies like that to further your OWN political goals. You are the one that sees skin color first and individuals second. You are the one using individual tragedies to try and guilt others into giving you money that you feel you are owed. That is sick...
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