The turmoil is stunning considering how far to the right the GOP leadership pulled this bill. Boehner, McCarthy and Scalise, the new GOP whip, crafted a process that would have given the House a vote on legislation to stop the Obama administration from expanding its deferred deportation program. But even that wasn’t enough....
३१ जुलै, २०१४
"The GOP legislation, which was rewritten twice to attract support, had trouble getting off the ground..."
"... and if the House doesn’t vote, lawmakers will head back to their districts to hear from voters with a crisis raging at the border."
४४ टिप्पण्या:
But what makes anyone think the administration will enforce any part of the bill it disagrees with? You'd be negotiating with someone that you know won't follow their end of the deal.
I propose a four word bill "Seal The Border Now".
Once again, Boehner acts as a seat warmer for Pelosi, using Democrats to pass republican legislation.
This time, Pelosi won't let him borrow her caucus.
Why? She doesn't want the border fixed.
Nobody (in Washington) wants the border fixed.
Even this legislation does absolutely nothing to fix the border.
We're borderless until further notice.
Obama needs to be stopped. His illegal DACA program needs to be halted and rolled back. Give the illegals a shower and a sandwich and send them back to where they came from. We need to take the problem of illegal immigration serious. A vast majority of the American people (you know, the boss!) desire this. Why can't the so-called leadership in Washington do what the fuck they're told? They work for us!
Boner needs to stop fucking around and take a fucking stand. Once again, he wants the GOP to approve a bill that gives us NOTHING - it does NOTHING to actually stop illegal immigration and instead legitimizes the "President"'s illegal actions. It's as if he has no fucking clue about what actual real Americans actually want.
What a bunch of clowns. Boehner should just resign.
"...crafted a process that would have given the House a vote on legislation to stop the Obama administration from expanding its deferred deportation program. "
The process was that the stopping part would be a separate bill that would never get to the floor of the Senate instead of being grafted to the must-pass immigration bill. At what point would writing something so misleading be characterized as lying?
Democrats in the Senate, who are struggling to pass their own border bill, took the opportunity to poke the Republican House. When asked whether he was surprised Boehner didn’t seem to have the votes for the GOP bill, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid quipped: “No. Not the first time.”
But of course it's the Republicans who are in disarray.
Plus the notion of voting is so quaint. As soon as they leave town, vote or no vote, Obama will pass his own legislation.
I live in Texas, where moving into a neighboring country with the encouragement of the existing government and then taking over the territory is part of the history. I wish we still taught history in school. I seem to be the only person who knows about this trick.
I guess we are about to be "fundamentally transformed" back.
The Senate will turn any bill into amnesty. Doesn't matter what happens in the house in those circumstances.
The Vandal-In-Chief's idea of giving refugee status to people still in Honduras before flying them north could be played in reverse. By order of a future elected regent, they could be returned immediately and deported afterwards.
The law really is just silly putty now. The Republic is as likely to emerge from its senescence as grandma is to tap dance out the front door of her hospice.
It is not about the border; it is about the interior of the country.
We do need a "comprehensive immigration reform" bill, but not until all the Democrats - or at least a majority of them - raise their right hands and affirm that they understand that the word "illegal" means "illegal", i.e., no driver's licenses, no benefits, no nothing whatever, and, if found here, anywhere, illegal aliens will be promptly arrested, jailed, and deported. Furthermore, anyone found knowingly employing illegal aliens for any purpose whatever, will also be prosecuted and fined and/or jailed.
And the resident "Hispanics" among us whose ancestors did not come to the U.S., but the United States came to them, so to speak, and they have been loyally paying their taxes and doing their military service, etc., since 1848 or 1898, depending on origins, need to understand that under the present system they are as disadvantaged vis-a-vis "the illegals" as any "non-Hispanic," and this makes no sense whatever.
In fact they may be worse off, since it is their children who will first off have to compete with "the illegals" for jobs and benefits.
The first thing we need is to bring some order and common sense to the system, and after that we can talk about what to do with those who are already here, keeping in mind that it was not "the illegals" who ran this country like a banana republic for the last 70-80 years.
Keep in mind the crisis was caused by 1- not enforcing our borders and 2- a crappy BS bill called Wilberforce.
We don't need another bill to fix it.
It's not clear that Boehner could not get the bill passed because it is "not far enough to the right". Lots of Republican Congress Critters get contributions from big business, which absolutely loves the low wages that result from large numbers of low-skilled immigrants
Reid "quipped": “No. Not the first time.” "Quipped"? "Quipped"? My God, does everybody cover for these idiots?
I'm an immigrant myself so I have mixed feelings but that said is the economy in such good shape that we have a labor shortage and a shortage of poor people and therefore need to bring more poor people in ?
What the Republicans are getting is heat from their constituents who are seeking a border closure, effective and rapid deportation and keeping illegal aliens from getting government benefits. This issue has no upside for the Republicans in terms of amnesty and the like and with the increasing chaos even Democrats are going to start feeling the heat when their constituents have to pay more in local and state taxes for this out of control situation the Democrats have created.
The lesson the House Republican leadership is learning is the corporate interests who favor this immigration can give them a lot of money but can't deliver votes. The Democrats will be learning that as well soon enough.
US Embassy in Tel Aviv Severely Restricts Visas for Israelis
Tourist visa process cancelled until further notice, embassy announces.
Good thing they won't let just anybody into the country.
Amnesty in order to displace American men, women, and children. Immigration in order to cover up the crime. All while the refugee crisis is progressive in Central and South America, South East Asia, and Africa, and there is an incentive for its perpetuation.
Meanwhile, Democrats are overjoyed that the problem set can be reduced through careful planning; welfare can be sustained through financial and redistributive schemes; everyone seeking to compensate for progressive exploitation; and Americans remain blissfully unaware that aborting their children for money, sex, ego, and convenience has consequences.
I don't know for sure, but something about shaking Eric Cantor's hand and wishing him well now that he's on his way out of office may have given a number of the Republican Congress critters pause. Ought to give Dumbocrats pause, too, but they seem to have signed into a mutual suicide pact.
I like how the mere act of allowing a vote against something Obama isn't legally allowed to do in the first place is held up an example of "far right" legislation.
We Republicans don't trust the "Republican" Party leadership to keep amnesty out of a conference bill, and no one who's not a sub-grade moron trusts Barack Obama to carry out a law he doesn't like.
So there's absolutely no rational reason to support any action, and every reason to oppose it.
Could this be the single issue that ends the Republican's party, like what happened to the Whigs, with slavery? Is it still too early to tell? Will we need an epidemic spreading to finally wake up the electorate to how dangerous the country's leadership has become? It amazes me how many of our elected leaders are cowards, fools, or traitors but are safe, for now, in their seats.
Not stunning: predictable.
Progressives want one thing, most Americans another. Some people in Congress still pay attention.
But this intramural skirmish will do little to solve the actual problem.
This is disgraceful.
By the way, there are a lot of people (church groups in particular) who would love to sponsor these children. Churches in my town on LI did it for "boat" people...we did it for I don't know for how many Sudanese...all worked very hard to learn English and support themselves. Some of the Sudanese working 2 or 3 jobs...not because they had to but because they loved getting that paycheck
We can handle this, but we choose not to.
"The episode is most embarrassing for Scalise..."
Hang on a sec - my understanding is the bill was yanked over fears the Senate (Dems) would use it as a husk to carry their own immigration reform bill.
Why doesn't Politico mention that? Are they that behind the news or simply being dishonest information gatekeepers?
The lobbyists must be bummed out.
But even that wasn’t enough....
Well, of course not. Have you forgotten that Obama cannot be trusted to hold up his end of any bargain?
That's a permanent deal breaker. When you lose trust, you have lost everything.
"The turmoil is stunning considering how far to the right the GOP leadership pulled this bill. Boehner, McCarthy and Scalise, the new GOP whip, crafted a process that would have given the House a vote on legislation to stop the Obama administration from expanding its deferred deportation program.
But even that wasn’t enough.
I don't believe it and doubt many believe it. We have a lawless administration and no one trusts Obama to do anything he says he will do.
This is what happens when the president cannot be trusted.
Harry Reid could have had a border bill, but he said he was going to attach "comprehensive reform" in the Senate and write the ultimate bill in Conference. He doesn't want a bill, he wants an issue. It will probably blow up in his face.
Please God,
let all members of congress, the supreme court, and the executive branch, all the DHS brown shirts, the IRS, New York, Chicago, and San Francisco, ohhh the VA administrators, the NEA, the AFL-CIO, CAIR, the ACLU, and the SPLC, contract ebola, and bleed out through their asses, like they are causing to millions of Americans.
forgot the NSA...them too
PS...Just get the feds and you can skip on New York, and 'Frisco. Chicago needs to bleed for foisting this horror show president on us.
We already have immigration laws this Administration refuses to enforce. Not repeal legally, simply refuses to discuss.
What would another bill be other than cheap DC kabuki?
CatherineM said...
"We" a lot.
Why not block grant the money to the 3 Border states, with full discretion as how to spend it left to the Governors. Dems would flee in a second.
I support immigration reform, with Amnesty, but I don't support granting this authority to the Obama administration. He will not enforce the security provisions, and another 15 Million will come across the border, with 10's or thousands or more dying in the process.
AJ Lynch said...
Keep in mind the crisis was caused by..
...Hordes of West Wing lawyers pouring over existing laws to find loopholes in the law..
law, written by lawyers that write loopholes into law, requiring lawyers to sort it all out-
..exacerbated by media, under direction of lawyers, by changing meanings of words, and words themselves.
Now, we debate whether the law permits us to fly "unregistered children" directly from their home country to...Hawaii.
No worries, Obama and his ilk have decided they don't need no (more) stinkin' loopholes.
Sue him.
So House leaders are about to cave to blackmail. There is no way they can keep Obama from expanding his deferred deportation program. He was not about to sell out his base like the Republicans always do. The simple fact is: If Republicans passed a bill, their base will stay home in Nov., if Obama started rounding up illegals, his base will scream bloody murder.
If Republicans are that weak and stupid, they deserve to lose both Senate and House.
If the House passed a bill, in whatever form and manner, we will get the Senate bill in conference enacted into law.
We cannot trust the blackmailer in the White House.
Borders matter or they don't. Which is it?
With the loss of Cantor there is no effective Whip in the House and thus dysfunction.
The do-nothing House living up to its reputation.
And yes, Catherine, we have chosen not to. It is a shame and shows a lot about the people who do not see these people as humans worthy of respect. As Carnifex pointed out, he is fine if certain people 'bleed'.
I live in Montgomery County, Texas, a long freaking way from the border. We are getting 600-800 illegals a week in a detention facility up here, in the front door and out the back. They have no jobs or skills, they have scabies and TB. After decades of seeing no leprosy we now have cases of leprosy showing up just south of the border, and as we know, "the border" is just a construct make by the white man to keep out brown people. Leprosy will cross the border any day now.
When I was voting for Texas Senate yesterday, Steve Toth, one of the candidates, spoke to me the problem. He said until the recent past, if you came across Mexico's southern border illegally, you'd be beaten to within an inch of your life. Now, Mexico is facilitating the transport of all these people. WTF?
Rick Perry needs to call up the Texas National Guard to guard the border(they answer to him, while the National Guard which he has called out can be called back by Obama, so wait for it...). He should put them one inch north of the border, apprehend these people who are invading, give them a sandwich and a couple of bottles of water, take them to the crossing at Laredo and send them back across. If crossing illegally didn't work, it would stop.
Mickey Kaus explains the bill and context much better than anyone else.
They keep saying 'doing something is better than doing nothing' but that is very poor logic.
A bad law is a bad law and simpling not passing any law is better than passing a bad one.
Need an example?
Obamacare. That was a real bad law.
The do-nothing House living up to its reputation.
The House passes plenty of legislation.
The Senate, however, doesn't do shit.
Catherine: By the way, there are a lot of people (church groups in particular) who would love to sponsor these children.
"Church groups" have a very bad record of offloading their compassion onto the public fisc, and irresponsibly "sponsoring" onto communities that aren't consulted about whether they can handle the influx.
...we did it for I don't know for how many Sudanese...all worked very hard to learn English and support themselves.
Yes, Catherine, it's all an issue of the Good Guys (superior holy people like you) and the Bad Guys (who only disagree with you about these policies because they're awful awful awful people who refuse to see these people as human beings worthy of respect).
God how sick am I of this unholy alliance between con-artists and cat ladies.
Browndog: Nobody (in Washington) wants the border fixed.
Even this legislation does absolutely nothing to fix the border.
Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me, how many "reforms", with "this time honest injun cross-my-heart scout's honor we'll do enforcement" have we had since '86?...fool me a half-dozen or more times... Maybe it's sinking in. Probably too late, though.
The good news is, we won't be needing to spend the extra "funds for the border". The church groups have got it all taken care of.
This is what happens when no one trusts anyone else. This does not tend to end well.
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