School health services in the small Swedish city of Norrköping have found 60 cases of female genital mutilation (FGM) among schoolgirls since March, with evidence of mutilation found in all 30 girls in one class, 28 of the most severe form.
२० जून, २०१४
Under the European Union's Institute for Gender Equality, the authorities perform genital examination on schoolchildren without their parents’ consent.
They are looking for evidence of the crime of genital mutilation... and finding it.
६० टिप्पण्या:
Funny that the so-called Institute for Gender Equality permits sexual mutilation of little atheist boys but not of little atheist girls!
According to EIGE, concerns about FGM became widespread in Sweden in the early and mid-1990s with the influx of Somali migrants: “The first national action taken in the field…was initiated after alarming testimonies from the healthcare sector indicating the existence of FGM among many — if not all — women that originated from FGM-practising countries.”
Colonists, not immigrants. It will only get worse and turn out badly.
Unfortunately, such exams are needed to protect the rights of Muslim girls from their own parents sicko religion.
Of course. They invited the Muslims and got the Muslim culture.
I didn't think the Swedes were into that sort of thing.
FGM is really, really bad, but how is treating parents as monsters and examining children without their consent going to help anything? It will cause women to become more entrenched in the tradition. You've got to change mothers' minds; that's the only way its going to stop.
"Gender Equality."
So if x% of male children are found to be circumcised or otherwise have mutilated genitals,
and y% of female children are found to be genitally mutilated,
then a random selection of children will be selected for mutilation to bring the percentages to equality.
Is that what it's all about?
So baby females when allowed into life past the gauntlet of gender selection abortions are next being fixed like dogs cats and horses to make them better servants for men.
Looks like they will need to confiscate the females guns if they want to keep this system going.
Who'd'a thunk the Republican's "War on Women" would be raising its ugly head in far off Sweden.
I blame George Bush.
Do the Swedes consider male circumcision to be mutilation?
Now the daughters of immigrants are in danger of undergoing FGM. According to the Local, the risk of becoming a victim of the procedure increases in the summer when many schoolgirls visit their parents’ home country[...]
Remarkable how often immigrants claiming refugee status swan back to their dangerous, persecuting home countries. Or have the considerable funds necessary for international air travel available to do so.
According to the European Commission, “while all EU member states have legal provisions in place to prosecute the perpetrators of FGM, either under general or specific criminal laws, prosecutions are very rare. This is due to difficulties detecting cases, gathering sufficient evidence, a reluctance to report a crime and, above all, a lack of knowledge about female genital mutilation.”
Yeah, that's why they don't prosecute. Uh huh. Granted, resources are finite, and priority should go to dealing with more serious crimes (like going after the dangerous naziracistfascists on the internet expressing timid doubts about the advantages of multiculturalism.)
There's hardly any words.
Well, the good news is that the left, when it hears about this, will be up in arms and make bold statements against Islam. Lefty women in particular.
A few years back the New York Times Sunday Magazine ran a long piece about Waziristan, in Northern Pakistan, where the Taliban found refuge in the years after we invaded. That was the only time on my life where my reaction to learning about a people was, "the world would be a better place if this culture did not exist." There is nothing about these people's lives that is worth saving.
They may be unique in the uselessness of their culture, but I think of them often when I read about any form of Islam.
Ah Sweden, where a refugee (muslim) rapist got a second change for a (group) rape without any trouble (and will get a third one too, no doubt).
And now they find evidence. But what are they going to do about it?
And why do they need an Orwellian "Institute for Gender Equality" to act when they could have used common sense years ago.
And once again, what are they going to do about it, all cultures being "equal"?
Crack: "There's hardly any words."
There's plenty of words.
But your muslim pals don't want to hear about it.
And we've been told by the left that all cultures are equal....but not really. The left has actually told us that all non-western cultures are superior.
So shut up and line your little girls up for clitorectomies H8ters!
Jimbino: "Funny that the so-called Institute for Gender Equality permits sexual mutilation of little atheist boys but not of little atheist girls."
Circumcision is not = to clitorectomies.
But by all means, continue with the false equivalences.
The authorities in such Somali intense places as the Twin Cities are ignoring this "war on women".
Start proceedings to remove all children from the homes of these maimed girls, due to the parents' self-evident neglect (at best) or complicity (at worst). Then, after the riots...
The heckler's veto is effective.
"the authorities perform genital examination on schoolchildren without their parents’ consent."
Say what?
"Your muslim pals don't want to hear about it."
You are such a racist, it's a pleasure to beat you in everything. Thank you for living, Drago, you do a black man's heart good.
It's like meeting Archie Bunker in real life,...
Freeman Hunt said...
"the authorities perform genital examination on schoolchildren without their parents’ consent."
Say what?
Why be surprised? Your local Children's Services Agency at the county level would do the same thing if they thought there was a child abuse situation...
may not like it here either, but those child welfare agency's are Nazis...
Drago (and his many sockpuppets) finds it perfectly acceptable that his religion mutilates little boys, but expresses much fake outrage over the mutilation of little girls. What a sick fuck he is.
(You can tell the outrage is fake because the only time he says anything about it is when cheap political points need to be scored)
What's a matter, Althouse? Your Islamophobia acting up?
So what do two wrongs make in this case?
I have no idea how to answer that question.
The New Colossus (Now with Sharia Law)
Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to perform cliteroectomies and engage in an honor killing or two before rejoining ISIS to behead the infidels and reinstate the Caliphate . . .
(I suspect that if Emma Lazarus had had her legs blown off by the Tsarnaev Brothers she would have written a different poem, or better yet, none at all. And I'll bet Minnesota Somalis can out weird Swedish Somalis any day.)
Funny that the so-called Institute for Gender Equality permits sexual mutilation of little atheist boys but not of little atheist girls!
Leaving "atheist" to one side, there is a difference of both degree and kind between circumcision and FGM. The male equivalent to FGM would be chopping the penis off completely, and sewing up the wound, leaving a tiny aperture through which the boy could pee. If that sounds like any circumcision you've ever encountered ...
Birches said...
"FGM is really, really bad, but how is treating parents as monsters and examining children without their consent going to help anything?"
Let's try that again:
[Rape] is really, really bad, but how is treating [rapists] as monsters and examining [their victims] without the consent [of the rapists] going to help anything?
Now, do you think you can figure out the answer to your question?
Are they racial profiling too?
Crack: "You are such a racist,..."
Religion now equals racism to crack!
What happened crack? Did some white guy tell you that? Is that why you believe it?
"Dr" madisonfella: "Drago (and his many sockpuppets) finds it perfectly acceptable that his religion mutilates little boys,.."
Circumcision does not equal clitorectomies.
Basic biology.
No wonder it eludes you.
And all your sockpuppets as well.
Once again, when confronted with the reality of muslim thought/practices, the lefties simply recoil from criticism and desperately try to change the subject.
Crack is falling all over himself to change the subject away from barbaric muslim practices like clitorectomies (as well as religious based kidnappings, rapes, murders and enslavements).
The things you have to be willing to accept to be a leftist in good standing.
So, to summarize the position of our leftists: when it comes to forcible performance of clitorectomies on underage muslim girls in a western country by muslims, the left here in America is very very very very against anyone noticing that and speaking out about it.
Did anyone mention #waronwomen?
For anyone interested, the Abrahamic covenant sign made in the flesh of every covenant male Jew is outdated as far as Christians are concerned. But not as far as Muslims are concerned. Muslims cling to male circumcision law under Abraham's Covenant, and teach that Abraham was a Muslim Arab.
Oops! Mohammed did come 600 years after the circumcision of Christ's Covenant had already replaced the circumcision of Abraham. So tricky Mohammed claimed to be restoring the pure Abrahamic Covenant circumcision that bad Jews and even worse Christ-ians had done wrong.
But you'll notice women are not involved at all in Circumcision under either the Jews or the Muslims.
Therefore the Muslim's "female circumcision" is just a religious talking point to justify cruel marking and fixing of the breeding livestock they own.
The circumcision of Christ is a totally painless Baptism; and all females get baptized equally with males.
Birches: FGM is really, really bad, but how is treating parents as monsters and examining children without their consent going to help anything? It will cause women to become more entrenched in the tradition. You've got to change mothers' minds; that's the only way its going to stop.
And I suppose by "you", you mean "we", but I fail to see why we should be tying ourselves in knots in our own damned countries trying to "reach" and "educate" people whose norms and cultures are so out of sync with our own that they shouldn't be here in the first place.
We aggressively try to export (some of) our norms abroad, but will not aggressively insist on them in our own countries, which is what we should do. "We don't do this here; if you want to do that, you cannot come to this country. You can remain entrenched in your traditions on your own dime in your own country. Try it here and you will be punished.
Mindless "multicultural" "understanding" and "sensitivity" is what led to the problems in Norrköping in the first place. They don't have to come to the West, ya know.
Odd how notoriously tyrannical Western social service bureaucracies, who stick their beaks in and bedevil parents who are breaking no laws, are so sensitive to the parental rights of (some) law-breakers. I would bet that the clear prospect of losing any right of residency in a Western country would do more to reduce the incidence of FGM among "Swedes", etc., than all the cultural sensitivity in the world.
I realize it's probably a little late for this confident insistence on our norms, as the people in power in the West have been hysterically denying that Western nations have cultures, beyond a desiccated body of abstract rights that can somehow magically accommodate even those norms of immigrants that flatly contradict them. (Or, if Western countries do have something in the way of indigenous culture, it is bad, bad, bad, and needs to be eradicated.)
(I predict that in the not too distant future a move will be made to get FGM covered by various national health services, and this eventuality will have its beginnings in do-gooders promoting cultural sensitivity, so we can "educate" these families, and not alienate them so as not to make them, ahem, "become more entrenched in the tradition". "Well they're going to do it anyway so better to have it done in safe modern medical facilities". Feminists will eventually defend the procedure tout court. Think that's crazy? You really willing to bet on the usual suspects not getting any crazier than they already are?)
Both Drago and Michelle Dulak Thompson get it wrong in comparing MGM to FGM. Whether or not the foreskin is comparable to the external part of the clitoris is totally beside the point. There must be many ways Jews, Muslims and other superstitious nuts can sexually mutilate their little atheist boys and girls, but surely male and female circumcision, in all their varieties, are two of them.
Furthermore, Michelle, you need to get in better touch with your clitoris: the clitoris extends well inside the body; the part cut off is only the external protrusion, comparable to the glans of the penis.
Of course, some FGM involves excising labia, minora and even majora, and, in lots of cases, MGM has resulted in removal of the entire penis and turning the boy into a high-pitched complainer for the rest of her life.
Drago, you make an interesting point in speaking of "performance of clitorectomies on underage muslim girls."
It's interesting to ponder in what sense an "underage" girl can be a Muslim, but surely an 8-day old boy mutilated by Jews and Amerikans is an atheist, not a Jew or Catholic or Protestant, which makes the MGM so much the worse, considering both the total lack of consent and the religious persecution involved.
In her extremely courageous book "Infidel", Hirsi Ayan Ali describes the mental and physical agony of FGM. She tells how it ruined the life of her sister, and caused great and ongoing suffering in her own.
I chose not to circumcise my son, because it seems like a needless risk, and he can have it done later if he wants to. But my own "genital mutilation", performed when I was a baby, has not caused me any problems that I am aware of. To equate the typical male circumcision to FGM is simply absurd.
I suppose it may also be worth noting that FGM is only common among African Muslims. It is not really an Islamic custom.
jimbino: "jimbino said...
Both Drago and Michelle Dulak Thompson get it wrong in comparing MGM to FGM. Whether or not the foreskin is comparable to the external part of the clitoris is totally beside the point."
jimbino comments as though it's a possible point of contention that circumcision is not equivalent to clitorectomies.
No jimbino, they are not equivalent. In the slightest.
It's clear that the actual point is leftists cannot and will not abide any criticism of islamists.
As jimbino demonstrates as he doubles and triples down on his change the subject strategy.
I for one am impressed with jimbino's and madisonfella's full throated defense of clitorectomies.
It is enlightening.
there are cultural reasons that American males are usually circumcised. (Likely related to the religious assumption that various Puritans/Protestants were setting up a new Promised Land or similar.)
For other cultural reasons, most Europeans are not circumcised, unless their cultural heritage is Jewish.
Male circumcision is removal of a small piece of skin of a male infant. (Usually about 1 week old.)
I would describe male circumcision as nearly-painless, but I've never seen it done. (I'll have to ask those nurses/mothers I know who have seen the process.) And I do remember the story in Genesis 34.
However: male circumcision isn't supposed to remove significant pleasure-centers.
OTOH, female genital mutilation reputedly removes significant pleasure-centers from the female region. (Again, I'd have to do personal research among practitioners or recipients to know the full details...)
As most have mentioned here, it is very easy to find statements about male circumcision in Judaism and Islam. It is very hard to find such statements about FGM.
But the culture that is currently dominant in the Muslim world has strong support for FGM.
Just found another article that has more information on this, and it sounds as if the Swedish health service was responding to symptoms and following the system in place for handling cases of child abuse:
Half of the 60 cases were detected in the same year in elementary school. Twenty-eight of these girls were subjected to the most severe form of genital mutilation, when all external genitalia is removed and the genital area is sewn together, with a small opening for urinating left.
Girls exhibiting severe symptoms were the easiest to detect, Petra Blom Andersson, coordinator of the Central Student Health Service, told Norrköpings Tidningar. She added that recurring headaches and severe menstrual cramps were important signals.
“One girl had such severe menstrual pain that she had to be transported from the school by ambulance to the Women's Clinic,” Andersson said.
They could just go and do their secular missionary work away from home, but hey, since they wanted cheap labor, they can have a home project of genital monitoring.
"Circumcision is not = to clitorectomies."
Duh, one is a penis, one is a vagina. you mean it's different? Wow!
How exactly does that make involuntary removal of the most sensitive nerve endings of a child without their consent okay, again? Please explain.
Assault isn't equal to murder, either. Should assault be legal?
As a gay male who has obviously suffered loss of sensitivity, as well as the loss of function from having half my skin removed, apologists like yourself really make me angry.
"But my own "genital mutilation", performed when I was a baby, has not caused me any problems that I am aware of."
You have nothing to compare it to. Go talk to some European males and ask them to describe to you the experience of having your natural skin, which creates an entirely new sensation of touch as it glides over itself. Then ask yourself if it's okay to deny male children their natural bodily functions, just because you, in your ignorance, have nothing to compare your altered state with.
Being gay, it especially makes me angry when 'women in the US like their males circumcised' is floated forth as the rationale. Nothing less than heteronormative bigotry.
Epidemiological studies have been conducted to investigate the relationship between male circumcision and HIV infection.[1][2] The WHO and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) stated that male circumcision is an efficacious intervention for HIV prevention but should be carried out by well trained medical professionals and under conditions of informed consent (parents consent for their infant boys).
So, what, exactly, are the benefits of FGM?
Circumcision removes over most of the inner foreskin, which is far more sensitive than the outer shaft skin of the penis.
Circumcision removes the ridged band and the frenulum, the most dense areas of nerve endings on the penis.
It typically removes over half of the total shaft skin.
It exposes the glans instead of keeping it protected, when the natural design of the penis is obviously to keep it covered almost all of the time.
When you look at these irrefutable facts and consider them honestly, it simply boggles my mind that anyone can still defend circumcision. Forget the comparisons to FGM, that's a distraction used by the intellectually dishonest. Look at it by itself. It's unconscionable that anyone would defend this practice.
And now the old HIV transmission canard? If that's the case, let the male make the damn decision himself. I'm a gay male who has had one partner my entire life, because I am responsible and make healthy decisions. Why the Hell should I have had this decision forced on me?
Stop apologizing. Just stop. You have no right to alter the natural bodies of infant human beings.
The benefits of both FGM and MGM are obvious: you won't get cancer of the clit or labia, or the foreskin, once removed. If kids had their apppendices removed at birth, they'd be spared appendicitis and cancer of the appendix.
Religious practice, of course, has nothing to do with science, common sense or human rights.
Gregq: "So, what, exactly are the benefits of FGM?"
The "benefits", to the left, is that FGM is a practice almost exclusively if muslims and, therefore provides the leftists another opportunity to downplay this evil practice while launching attacks against Christians, Jews and the west in general.
As amply evidenced in this very thread.
Though we didnt really need additional examples of this peculiarly leftist syndrome.
Once again no lefty could be bothered to simply condemn such barbaric actions.
And they never will.
I predict a ballooning of private Muslim school enrollment. Or private school in general.
Most people don't want their children taught, "Those are your private parts. The only people who might need to look at them to take care of you are your parents, your doctor, and any government bureaucrat who asks."
Nothing like a discussion on circumcision to boost the click count.
All you critics of FGM need to stifle yourselves. Don't you know all cultures are equal and you have no right to criticize the Swedes for their longstanding beliefs. I'm really surprised you would blog about this. Especially since the author of this blog voted for that paragon of tolerance an equality Barack Obama.
I for one am impressed with jimbino's and madisonfella's full throated defense of clitorectomies.
I'm not defending mutilating children at all. It is a disgusting and twisted practice, no matter what gender it is performed on. You (and your many sockpuppets) are defending cutting the penises of little boys in the name of your religion.
You're a sick fuck and a liar.
@ Anglelyne
I don't disagree with you. If you're offering someone asylum then a country should be able to insist that you will not do certain things. I have no problem with that. Revoke the asylum if the law has been laid down sufficiently. But I have a problem with the idea that school services can go on a witchhunt for wrongdoing when these things are not sufficiently discussed or standards enforced uniformly. It's not going to do anything, but further radicalize the population.
And I'm glad Lydia found an article that showed there was probable cause to investigate. If a girl is having health problems, yes, they should be investigated, and yes, an examination can be part of the investigation. But lining every girl in a class up without any probable cause? That's a humiliating violation of privacy.
"in lots of cases, MGM has resulted in removal of the entire penis and turning the boy into a high-pitched complainer for the rest of her life."
So that's your story, Jimbo. You hardly ever open up about yourself!
madisonfella/Inga: "I'm not defending mutilating children at all. It is a disgusting and twisted practice, no matter what gender it is performed on. You (and your many sockpuppets) are defending cutting the penises of little boys in the name of your religion."
This is what the left is reduced to in defending their islamist pals.
Now accusing others of cutting off penises!!
Yes madisonfella/inga, everyone who has been circumsized is missing their penis!!!
Except, of course, this assertion is insane.
Literally insane.
And again, it's all done to change the subject away from what the islamists are doing.
All you have to do is simply gaze at what the islamists are doing and then condemn it for what it is.
You. Can't. Do. It.
You have to make it about something else.
'cuz "hey ho western civ has got to go" continues apace.
Tcom: "Being gay, it especially makes me angry when 'women in the US like their males circumcised' is floated forth as the rationale. Nothing less than heteronormative bigotry."
Yes. How dare women like what they like??!!!
Some gay poster somewhere disagrees with them!
Further, would it really be wise and/or prudent to accept "health" advice from the male homosexual community?
Birches: But lining every girl in a class up without any probable cause? That's a humiliating violation of privacy.
I agree that violation of privacy and parental rights is problematic. However...
"...with evidence of mutilation found in all 30 girls in one class, 28 of the most severe form."
...worrying about "further radicaliz[ing] the population" becomes an exercise in avoiding thinking about something even more fundamental, viz., that the standards you want to uphold really only work in a coherent society with shared, tacit values that run deeper than formal law.
If it becomes apparent that just about everybody in a "community" is flouting the norms (and laws) of the host society, and it is highly unlikely, contra their apologists, that "they just don't know", how do you deal with it in a way that is not "radicalizing", that does not, in some way, intrude upon their private lives? You can't.
That's the problem with airy-fairy multiculturalism and abstract "rights" detached from any cultural base. You can respect things like privacy and "parental rights" when you know that only the really bad apples in your society will not be observing the accepted norms. Nobody has to worry about ethnic Swedes mutilating their daughters or forcing them into arranged marriages. But how do you handle groups where everybody is up to these sorts of things? You have to "profile", you have to "offend". The problem doesn't go away or get solved by pretending otherwise.
Ugly and repellant to our ideas of privacy and civil liberties? Yes. But don't blame the people who notice "the contradictions inherent in the system" for the existence of the contradictions inherent in the system.
Drago/Birkel said: Now accusing others of cutting off penises!!
I said it was being cut, not cut off, you sick fucking liar.
All you have to do is simply gaze at what the islamists are doing and then condemn it for what it is.
I said "It is a disgusting and twisted practice" which is far more than you've ever said about it. The only thing you've ever said about it is your lie that nobody else is condemning it.
Not only have you never condemned that barbaric practice, you are actively attacking those who are speaking out against the barbaric practice of slicing the foreskin off of little infant boys.
You're a sick fuck
And a liar
madisonfella/Inga quadruples down on their "equivalence" argument.
All in the name of protecting their islamist pals.
Keep it up Inga.
You're doing great.
TCom: "And now the old HIV transmission canard?"
It's not a canard.
It's a fact.
It's settled science.
Settled. Science.
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