5 guys who were going to be released anyway, I read. If so, then it's yet another of our famous phony scandals that no one has to pay attention to because, alas, it's not real news. (Didn't you say something like that, regarding Toobin's comments?)
No disrespect to our beloved Mad Magazine, but this shit is worthless, corrosive, Drudge Report nonsense,...
Note to Crack: if the public treats it as a scandal, it is a scandal.
That doesn't mean that something the public doesn't treat as scandalous isn't really a scandal (that would be a False Negative in science) but that in politics there are no False Positives.
Could it be that the Democrats have gone to the "phony scandal" well too often? One could hope.
There's an implausible excuse the democrat party members and their drool-bucket media are sure to push: "Hey, they were just going to be let go anyway. At least we got something for them!" Yeah, that'll work...
I think Crack is right -- the key to understanding this is probably that they "were going to be released anyway." But this is a very, very strange episode. Is the administration so out of touch that they thought Obama would be greeted as a hero for this transaction?
Relatedly: do we really have a practice of bargaining, even to our disadvantage, to get POWs back? My dad has always believed that we did indeed leave POWs behind in Vietnam because we wanted to be done with the whole episode.
IF they were going to be released anyway, then the only conclusion is Obama is intellectually incapable of reaching a decision and supporting the decision with facts and logic.
Hence the need for mis-direction (lying)
That's the scandal, Obama's lies, when the truth would serve him better.
Of coarse all of the lies that are required to support the "big lie" or of consequence (should be). Then the violation of black letter law. Notifying congress of releases from Gitmo
On a side note. How stupid is Susan Rice???? She got in the middle of this. She got suckered into reading prepared talking points by this band of losers.....again. 'Bergdahl served with honor and distinction'...
She is too stupid to have a position of responsibility if she will blindly spit out anything put in front of her.
There seems to be two competing theories for this decision right now:
1) Allahpundit's theory that this was a backdoor method of emptying Guantanamo Bay. The President wanted that headache dealt with and figured releasing some prisoners in exchange for a soldier would provide him with cover for the unpopular decision. Apparently the administration has been pushing for this exchange for a while, but has been blocked by people from defense and intelligence agencies.
2) The Obama Administration genuinely thought this was a good trade and did it to try and score desperately needed political points.
I'm not quite sure which possibility I'd prefer, although I suppose they're not mutually exclusive. The President could have thought it'd be popular and help remove the Guantanamo issue.
Regardless of the what their ultimate motivation was, the White House genuinely does seem shocked about the massive disapproval of this action.
I can't imagine the Dems. up for re-election are particularly happy about it.
The take home here is that Obama is losing the left-middle types like Time magazine for god's sake ! He still has Crack and DailyKos but that's about it.
Sure, I'm a little drunk, but that doesn't mean I don't have a point to make. I have intimacy issues, I understand that. For instance, if I am lucky enough to be receiving a blow job I cannot make eye contact with the woman, cannot bring myself to do it even for the slightest of moments. And it is not as if she is doing something wrong, this happens whether I pay for it or not. There could be many reasons for this, but I think it stems from when I was younger and made brief eye contact with the woman giving me a blow job and she stopped and screamed "DON'T LOOK AT ME!" Now if I am receiving a blow job I close my eyes and think of Scarlett Johannson: it feels safer that way. I think it is wrong for you to comment on things you really don't know about.
As each act of the this Circus of Corrupt Ineptitude that is our current leadership gets the spotlight, I keep thinking to myself "This is the one that will finally wake people up" only to see it fade awa.y As our dutiful press poo-poo's the discontent as those damn baggers hatin' on the most awesomus prez ever.
That said, I don't think this one is going away. First, all the alphabet press is covering it...most even fairly...and second, FREAKING MAD MAGAZINE !!!
When they are laughing at you with contempt, it's pretty hard to recover.
I wonder if anybody asked the women working as doctors and engineers or girls going to school in Afghanistan if it would be OK to let these delightful fellows go home?
…and then there's this from the WSJ. EDH commented about Jay Carney running for the exit; Carney had a better feel for the press corps' reaction than anyone else at the WH. What a bunch of incompetents! If Susan Rice had any pride at all she'd turn in her uniform and put out a contract on the idiots who keep throwing her to the lions.
Option #3: just like Clinton lobbed a few cruise missiles in an attempt to take attention off of Monica, Obama hoped operation saving private dog$hit would, for better or worse, distract from the VA SCANDAL!!! which has been tearing him a new for the last 2+ weeks...
Option #3: just like Clinton lobbed a few cruise missiles in an attempt to take attention off of Monica, Obama hoped operation saving private dog$hit would, for better or worse, distract from the VA SCANDAL!!! which has been tearing him a new for the last 2+ weeks...
Obama is planning another Benghazi offensive. He needs terrorist commanders to lead the operation. While the operations in Ukraine, Syria, Libya, Egypt, etc. have not paid the expected dividends, there is always hope for change.
This is the third presidency in a row that's fallen apart in its second term. When the president becomes a laughingstock, there's no way to recover. That's pretty much where Obama is today. Not a good trend for the country.
According to the evening TV news, Bowe Bergdahl is not participating in his own health care.
I'm guessing that he has started on a hunger strike.
Now, I'm wondering if there was ANY negotiation. Did the operators just know where to find him?...and the 5 Taliban leaders were released just because they were still sucking air?
In the future, Operation Eagle Claw will be judged as a success.
I had a really horrible fucked up day and I am really sad. I live in a very congested area and live a block away from a park which is propably the size of most of your backyards.
Everyone flocks to it because we have not outdoor space.
This is includes a huge number of dog owners who hang out there.
A guy threw a ball to his english boxer and the ball hit a light and went out to the street. The dog ran into the street and was killed by a car.
I am deva.
I saw the dog get hit by the car and killed. The guy just fell to the ground crying and holding his dog, eventually picking him up.
You know, as a veteran, I could have accepted it, IF it was done with no fanfare and the honest story was given -- we traded him for five bad guys, it was a raw deal, there are questions about his disappearance and we will find out what they are and take appropriate action including a court martial, but we don't leave our solderers behind. Even the ones we may find to be less than honorable.
But no, obama has the parents at the rose garden and the fracking dad speaks the enemy's language (and we saw the posts against our country)... he had susan rice go out and tell us the dude served with honor...At BEST, he is a deserter. At best. He is most likely a treasonous SOB -- Men died because of him, and they put on a show and call him a hero.
Men who have suffered traumatic head injuries often act in surprising and seemingly irrational ways. We don't know if this young man's experience in Afghanistan somehow led to this monstrous betrayal of his fellow soldiers.
The bitter truth is that President Surrender First has put the coup de grace to each and every existing American military alliance in this world.
ALL THE ALLIES know that these 5 Muslim murderers will spend their next year literally slow carving living body parts from our Afghan allies that worked with our troops over the last ten years.
If that is how the USA gains and keeps allies, then countries such as Japan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt will turn to the truth teller Putin and Russia will own the free world.
"Whether you think he's venal and a monster (I don't), he's not stupid.
This is stupid. Self-destructively stupid."
He is not stupid. He is foolish and lazy. He wants to be President and be in the spotlight, he just doesn't want to do any of the work.
He had no idea who this guy was, or the exchange, or anything else. Someone just told him a few minutes before it all happened and then told him to go and speechify about it.
"Spiros Pappas said... Men who have suffered traumatic head injuries often act in surprising and seemingly irrational ways. We don't know if this young man's experience in Afghanistan somehow led to this monstrous betrayal of his fellow soldiers. 6/3/14, 9:54 PM"
This explains the White House summit on concussions. Berghdal must have played grade school football. He's a victim - it's not his fault.
"Note to Crack: if the public treats it as a scandal, it is a scandal."
Oh bullshit, I watch this stuff bubble up and disappear all the time and the rest of you Short Attention Span Theatre regulars don't know the difference. You think you've got a STORY! And you'll babble about it until you don't, and then run to the next set of blinking lights Matt Drudge throws the switch on.
Remember "The Knockout Game" that's sweeping the country?
Then you'll all act like nothing happened or ever occurred when it goes away - a trait of cognitive dissonance - which is what you should've done to begin with, because it was always nothing, but you have no common sense, or critical thinking skills, so you can't tell the difference until it's over and someone like me happily reminds you about the time you were going to have a fucking baby because Hillary Clinton is planning on killing somebody or something. Face it:
You're a bunch of silly conspiracy theory-loving apocalyptic nightmare scenario gullibility marks.
It's no wonder the Rand Pauls and Ted Cruzs can play you like a fiddle,...
On Susan Rice--remember the posse of feminists back in the Monica Lewinsky days who said they'd happily give ol Billy Jeff a blow job (some even suggested at high noon in Times Square) because his position was right on abortion?
Susan has been willing to go public and contort herself in all sorts of shameful mendacious statements on behalf of Team Obama. She's either a faithful and skillful political whore--or Obama has pictures of her in carnal congress with a billy goat. It's got to be one or the other.
A senior U.S. defense official confirmed Saturday that the prisoners to be released include Mullah Mohammad Fazl, Mullah Norullah Noori, Abdul Haq Wasiq, Khairullah Khairkhwa and Mohammed Nabi Omari. While not as well known as Guantanamo inmates like 9-11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the Taliban 5 were some of the worst outlaws in the U.S. war on terror. And their release will end up replenishing the diminished leadership ranks of the Afghan Taliban at a moment when the United States is winding down the war there. . . . Fazl, for example, was the Taliban's former deputy defense minister and is wanted by the United Nations for his role in massacres targeting Afghan's Shi'ite Muslim population. According to the 2008 Pentagon's dossier on Fazl disclosed by Wikileaks, Noori also was a senior Taliban military figure and, according to his Pentagon dossier, was asked personally in 1995 by Osama bin Laden to participate in an offensive against northern alliance warlord Rashid Dostum. - Eli Lake and Josh Rogin
I think Obama believes that getting our weird POW out of Afghanistan is key to getting all troops out. He tried this in 2012 before the election to help with votes, but the strings could not be pulled then.
So now he has to calm a VA crises, save Hill from her Benghazi investigation and divert attention from blowing more military spending defending our worthless EU allies.
According to Chuck Todd, the white House was stunned by the reaction. They thought the military was going to be " Euphoric" and rally round the WH. Can they be that stupid? I guess they can. I am stunned though, at the media pile on to report an Obama scandal, without having to be dragged into it fighting tooth and nail to ignore it.
The Crack Emcee said... 5 guys who were going to be released anyway, I read.
I read that too, but is it accurate? I have no idea.
What surprises me most is that the Administration seems blindsided by the questions about the soldier's conduct. That was not a reason to leave him in captivity but get a clue, Administration. These are issues that are going to disturb a lot of people, not just right wingers in tinfoil.
Also I thought they blew the issue of not notifying Congress. Obama has every right to refuse to follow a law he finds unconstitutional. But I do not understand why he would not address this up front, instead of letting his opponents set the narrative. He had his explanation. It had substance to it. Why not make the case in a forthright manner?
It's no wonder Jay Carney wanted to spend more time with his family.
He is not stupid. He is foolish and lazy. He wants to be President and be in the spotlight, he just doesn't want to do any of the work.
That is my guess too. He thought that this would be great, but didn't do the homework to figure out that the guy probably deserted. So, he traded five highly dangerous al Quaeda for one likely deserter. But, it isn't just him - he didn't hire the best minds on the left, but rather sycophants. And, the results speak for themselves. They should have had, and closely reviewed, his entire service record before making the exchange, and likely did not. What could go wrong? Trading one American hero for five Taliban or al Quaeda. But, it changes things a lot if the American was not really a hero, but instead a deserter, whose defection/desertion likely caused the death of a half dozen or so American soldiers looking for him. With what we know now, he likely would have faced court marshal, if he had come back any other way. Now they promote him a couple of ranks, and likely give him some medals, to cover up their mistake.
The Obama administration could use a Devil's Advocate to try and save them from themselves. Someone should have clued in on the fact that if they had to keep this a secret from everybody except certain close political allies until it was a fait accompli, it might not have been a popular thing to do.
Obama might still have gotten away with it relatively unscathed if his ego had resisted turning the swap into a major PR event at the Rose Garden. That kind of attention prompted Bergdahl's unit to speak out, probably made the heads of Karzai and every other Afghan ally explode, highlighted the President's law-breaking, and ran counter to an impulse many people have that you don't negotiate with terrorists...and if on the off chance you do have dealings, you don't call a press conference and trumpet the fact to the entire world. That's the kind of thing that stays classified for decades with the release blamed publicly on a paperwork screw-up.
He'll probably order a statue of Berghdal erected.
Ordering the exchange for Bergdahl gave Obama an erection.--fify
People keep saying Obama is smart. Why? what has he done that's smart? Egotistical, pompous, vacuous, dictatorial... I see nothing "smart" about those traits.
The only persons Obama is smarter than are those that would vote for him. I include the good professor.
Me? I wouldn't trade him and Bergdahl for a old tuna fish sandwich. Even if I wasn't hungry. Maybe an old diaper. That would be fair.
"Spiros Pappas said... Men who have suffered traumatic head injuries often act in surprising and seemingly irrational ways. We don't know if this young man's experience in Afghanistan somehow led to this monstrous betrayal of his fellow soldiers. 6/3/14, 9:54 PM" xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
This explains the White House summit on concussions. Berghdal must have played grade school football. He's a victim - it's not his fault. 6/3/14, 11:03 PM xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I think Sipros may have been referring to Obama's concussion
Good morning Crack. We're still waiting for the source of your information that the 5 Gitmo terrorists were going to be released any way. Please advise...
There very fact that the terrorists thought these men were valuable for a trade is absolute evidence that we should not be letting them go anyway. The excuse is betrayed as the lie it is by the act of trading them,
There very fact that the terrorists thought these men were valuable for a trade is absolute evidence that we should not be letting them go anyway. The excuse is betrayed as the lie it is by the act of trading them,
"Obama has every right to refuse to follow a law he finds unconstitutional."
Neat. Does every American have that right, or is there a "divine right of Presidents" clause in the Constitution that my schooling neglected to tell me about?
Men who have suffered traumatic head injuries often act in surprising and seemingly irrational ways. We don't know if this young man's experience in Afghanistan somehow led to this monstrous betrayal of his fellow soldiers.
I read that first sentence and thought that Obama had taken a fall that I wasn't aware of!
"Oh bullshit, I watch this stuff bubble up and disappear all the time and the rest of you Short Attention Span Theatre regulars don't know the difference."
Every Carter has his Rabbit, that one little bit of stupid that pushes the public over the edge.
I thought this one would blow over too. As far as Obama screw-ups go it doesn't even make my top ten. But when NPR and ABC and Politico are piling on, and the NY Times is having trouble sweeping it under the rug, if this isn't Obama's Rabbit I expect one to hop to the plate soon.
What happened to you Crack? When you were raging against cults we all knew you were gunning against Romney, but back then you at least seemed to be your own man. Now you're Garage with a better look.
Crack - you need some new material. You sound like Juan Williams who is also desperate to defend Obama at any length and terrified that the 1st black prez is an absolute and unmitigated failure.
None of these scandals mean anything according to Crack, yet somehow, before this, his approval was down in the territory of George W Bush at 44%, last I checked, 49% disapprove. I wonder what his approval would be like were any of them "real" scandals.
This guy is tone deaf to the American he purports to lead. Just like you could take a million American 6th graders and ask them, no matter how tired they were, and assuming an IQ of at least 80, how many states there are, and not one of them would say 57.
'Jane the Actuary' asked, "Relatedly: do we really have a practice of bargaining, even to our disadvantage, to get POWs back?"
Perhaps a difference here is that Taliban are not really POWs; that is, they were not uniformed soldiers and thus not protected under Geneva protections, etc. (which require that combatants wear uniforms so as to make it easier to distinguish between combatants and non-combatant civilians)?
“This is what happens at the end of wars. That was true for George Washington; that was true for Abraham Lincoln; that was true for FDR; that’s been true of every combat situation — that at some point, you make sure that you try to get your folks back and that’s the right thing to do.”
There's your "scandal" in a nutshell, you head cases.
Crack: why do you bother commenting here if by your own admission it frustrates you so much to argue with so many silly people? What's missing from your life?
Everyone keep using the word 'unconstitutional'. Until a court says so (either through injunction preventing implementation or flat out invalidating it), is not the law presumed valid (and therefore constitutional)?
As an aside, I HATE omnibus bills. It is all too easy to have 'well, this is too important to veto, but I think [insert section] is a bad law / unconstitutional'.
"There's your "scandal" in a nutshell, you head cases."
Um Crack, I know you don't like America or Americans, as a group, but that is not the scandal. The scandal is taking a known, or at least strongly suspected, he left a note, deserter. Somebody the Taliban praised for collaboration, he helped them build bombs and told them about our tactics, and claiming he was a hero who "served with distinction."
Yes this guy is a hero among the anti war set, but the article in Rolling Stone doesn't read the same way to non lefties.
The guy looks an awful lot like a scumbag. Yeah he deserves his day in court, but we can reserve the hero's welcome and the national euphoria that Obama expected until we know that the soldiers around him were all mistaken.
Pretty funny stuff Crack. But you've got to admit that this is an interesting story, mostly about how Obama's vaunted political operation and savvy could have such a tin ear on this thing. What massive f-up from a PR point of view, to play this up in such a big way. Who didn't do their homework on this guy, and his parents (who are free IMO to hold whatever views they want, but their views were obviously not something that would reasonate with ordinary americans). Massive unforced error by the President and his people.
He is not stupid. He is foolish and lazy. He wants to be President and be in the spotlight, he just doesn't want to do any of the work.
"He had no idea who this guy was, or the exchange, or anything else. Someone just told him a few minutes before it all happened and then told him to go and speechify about it."
Per NBC's Chuck Todd, it looks like the White House might double-down on stupid.
On Wednesday's "Today Show," NBC's senior White House correspondent Chuck Todd reported that "a few [White House] aides describe it to me as ‘we didn’t know that they were going to Swift Boat Bergdahl.’"
If they go this route with this situation, things are going to get very nasty, very quickly.
"Yeah he deserves his day in court, but we can reserve the hero's welcome and the national euphoria that Obama expected until we know that the soldiers around him were all mistaken."
Mistaken? About a country that can't figure out right and wrong, after 400 years of abusing a single race, practically for shits and giggles?
Something tells me there's a lot of "mistaken" people involved here - about 270-290 million.
They're mostly "mistaken" that everyone buys into bullshit if whites press hard enough,...
"What happened to you Crack? When you were raging against cults we all knew you were gunning against Romney, but back then you at least seemed to be your own man. Now you're Garage with a better look."
When I was "gunning against Romney" because I was "against cults" what was the reaction of my fellow Republicans here?
They demanded I go back on (what they know to be) my long-held convictions and vote for their chosen "extremely conservative" cultist - or else I wasn't a Republican anymore.
If you were around then, you should remember that, too.
And then there's the racist crowd here. They make their jokes, outrageously slant history, call civil rights workers "race hustlers," pretend blacks have done something to deserve our treatment, call us liars, insist the government's actions against us aren't prosecutable, and laugh when black teens are murdered.
And, you ask, what happened to me?
"It was their presence here that was the evil, and for this none of the men of our century are responsible ... The burden lies on the souls of our dull, greedy ancestors of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, who were too stupid to see or too careless to consider anything but immediate gain ...
There can be no sort of doubt, that, judged by the light of all experience, these people are a danger to America greater and more insuperable than any of those that menace the other great civilized states of the world. The armies of the Old World, the inheritance of medievalism in its governments, the chance evils of Ireland and Sicily, are all light burdens when compared with this load of African negro blood that an evil past has imposed upon us."
Shit, "what happened to white people?" is the burning question demanding an answer,...
"They're mostly "mistaken" that everyone buys into bullshit if whites press hard enough,..."
Crack, your monomania is tiresome. Someday maybe you will get to live in a country where people cheer a soldier who collaborated with the enemy to kill that country's own troops. I know that makes him a hero to you, right up there with Snowden and Bill Ayers, here's a free hint: Don't hold your breath.
"Pretty funny stuff Crack. But you've got to admit that this is an interesting story, mostly about how Obama's vaunted political operation and savvy could have such a tin ear on this thing. What massive f-up from a PR point of view, to play this up in such a big way. Who didn't do their homework on this guy, and his parents (who are free IMO to hold whatever views they want, but their views were obviously not something that would reasonate with ordinary americans)."
I'd like to see how ordinary Americans would be if they were familiar with America.
You know how, every time race comes up, whites start freaking out and demanding it go away? What if it never did? What if whites had to live like everyone else? Where race is their constant?
Would ordinary Americans start demanding America get it's house in order? Resolve it's issues so we're all on the same page, or keep the charade going where we say you're free but, if you act like it, we insist your life be in peril?
Damn, white people think violence and killing things - and them having everybody's money - are the answers to everything,...
"Good morning Crack. We're still waiting for the source of your information that the 5 Gitmo terrorists were going to be released any way. Please advise…"
Several others have also said they read it - go demand they do your Google searches, as though our country's a game of "gotcha" ,...
"Crack - you need some new material. You sound like Juan Williams who is also desperate to defend Obama at any length and terrified that the 1st black prez is an absolute and unmitigated failure."
Why you guys keep outright lying - straight-up lying - about my political outlook is bizarre, and doesn't do much to help white's image as honest brokers.
Name even once where I've claimed to be an Obama supporter - ever. You can't, because it's never been true. You just can't accept what I do tell you:
You are products of a racist culture that can't see blacks except through that lens - which is why you resort to lying - just as your racist ancestors did.
I am a black Republican still fighting enslavement by whites.
That doesn't require untruths like Obama "is an absolute and unmitigated failure," but hard truths like whites are primed to think like that about almost anyone except themselves, and they'll lie and cheat and steal and kill to defend it - and then justify it all with more lies.
“This is what happens at the end of wars. That was true for George Washington; that was true for Abraham Lincoln; that was true for FDR; that’s been true of every combat situation — that at some point, you make sure that you try to get your folks back and that’s the right thing to do.”
Each of those instances, we had a peace treaty or similar document signed by the other side - and a cessation of hostilities.
Not as tiresome as whites - pretending they've built something great on the backs of my people - but I hear ya.
"Someday maybe you will get to live in a country where people cheer a soldier who collaborated with the enemy to kill that country's own troops."
And maybe, someday, you will get to live in a country where people cheer the truth - so no one wants to desert and might even give a damn - instead of lies about slave traders being great men blacks, especially, should follow the orders of.
Fuck you, fuck George Washington, and fuck Thomas Jefferson with George's cherry tree for raping black women, too.
"I know that makes him a hero to you, right up there with Snowden and Bill Ayers, here's a free hint: Don't hold your breath."
I don't know - I don't see the truth slowing down, my man, so we might see a LOT of things changing soon enough - especially attitudes,...
"Ah, the trump card! That chip on your shoulder must be heavy."
Uh, yeah - but, you see, we black folks stand on the shoulders of those who came before, and we're all about "giving back" - as opposed to the snide comments white Americans make about our efforts after trying to destroy America's blacks (always the sign of a racist and not an actual member of the country) - so the weight is dispersed in such a way that even the weak can support the burden - and will.
You'd probably try to get a slave to do the work for you,...
Does anyone remember when Obama went to Afghanistan about a week ago, and Karzai refused to meet with him.
Sad to say, but I could he Obama having a fit, and telling people to get this deal done now. Lets see how Karzai likes dealing with these 5 Taliban guys.
Does anyone remember when Obama went to Afghanistan about a week ago, and Karzai refused to meet with him.
Sad to say, but I could he Obama having a fit, and telling people to get this deal done now. Lets see how Karzai likes dealing with these 5 Taliban guys.
Thomas Jefferson with George's cherry tree for raping black women, too.
To be technical, zero evidence exists that Thomas did anything. A member of the family did, but that wasn't exactly a tiny number of people in that area at that time.
"To be technical, zero evidence exists that Thomas did anything."
Dude, along with rape, Thomas Jefferson was known for having children - children - brutally whipped.
Your ignorance - especially because all you morons know is to play defense - is mind-blowing. You're destroying the America you love, as we speak, because blacks are making it clear we won't live with this ignorance any longer - and that's going to kill the whole idea. We will have to make a new America to replace the lie because the lie will not stand.
The jig is already up - it's just a matter of time now,...
Dude, along with rape, Thomas Jefferson was known for having children - children - brutally whipped.
The evidence, as usual, is non-existent.
Your ignorance - especially because all you morons know is to play defense - is mind-blowing.
I'm not the one arguing THOMAS JEFFERSON fathered children with a slave. Not sure you're quite qualified enough to handle the qualified intellect card.
You're destroying the America you love, as we speak, because blacks are making it clear we won't live with this ignorance any longer - and that's going to kill the whole idea.
My level of giving-a-shit of whatr blacks want and a $5 bill can buy you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.
You seem to confuse me for a white with guilt. Sorry you are so mistaken. I don't care about slavery. I don't CARE if "your people" were mistreated. I don't care if you believe in this laughable notion of "white privilege" (as opposed to black privilege, where a black man who is able to talk and walk is construed as being brilliant in spite of plenty of evidence to the contrary). Your insipid whining and frisbee-shallow thoughts couldn't be of much less importance to anybody.
Althouse and Meade may find you entertaining. Good for them. You're their charity case. Congrats. Now be sure to dance well for them. You're playing a role now and you need to SMILE!
We will have to make a new America to replace the lie because the lie will not stand.
The jig is already up - it's just a matter of time now,...
Hell, Hispanics are replacing you in importance to Democrats. Not sure what you'll do when even they do not need to even spend a moment acting like they take your concerns seriously.
Out of curiosity --- when given a chance, why do minority Congressional districts tend to elect brain-dead morons to office? Aren't YOU embarrassed by the CBC?
Why would the five prisoners be released anyway? What would we gain by them being released? You mean, even if we didn't have a prisoner to get back we would still have released them? How would that serve our interests?
Crack Emcee wrote: And maybe, someday, you will get to live in a country where people cheer the truth - so no one wants to desert and might even give a damn - instead of lies about slave traders being great men blacks, especially, should follow the orders of.
Wait, are you saying that Bergdahl is black? If not, then what does your diatribe have to with Bergdahl?
Crack Emcee wrote: And maybe, someday, you will get to live in a country where people cheer the truth - so no one wants to desert and might even give a damn - instead of lies about slave traders being great men blacks, especially, should follow the orders of.
Wait, are you saying that Bergdahl is black? If not, then what does your diatribe have to with Bergdahl?
Crack Emcee wrote: Your ignorance - especially because all you morons know is to play defense - is mind-blowing. You're destroying the America you love, as we speak, because blacks are making it clear we won't live with this ignorance any longer - and that's going to kill the whole idea. We will have to make a new America to replace the lie because the lie will not stand.
What the hell are you talking about? Are you the new Khmer Rouge or something? Is the revolution going to be televised?
If the result of integration is Crack, then we should have stayed with the separate water fountains. Sounds like something Crack would have preferred anyway.
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१३५ टिप्पण्या:
With a special appearance by Kevin Spacey as Mullah Muhammad Fazl.
5 guys who were going to be released anyway, I read. If so, then it's yet another of our famous phony scandals that no one has to pay attention to because, alas, it's not real news. (Didn't you say something like that, regarding Toobin's comments?)
No disrespect to our beloved Mad Magazine, but this shit is worthless, corrosive, Drudge Report nonsense,...
Mad skews reliably liberal. Or at least they did in 1976. That's a pretty harsh takedown.
If I've lost Mad, I've lost Middle America.
"If I've lost Mad, I've lost Middle America."
Whoa - now there's an idea with legs,...
This President is a disaster--fixed
Note to Crack: if the public treats it as a scandal, it is a scandal.
That doesn't mean that something the public doesn't treat as scandalous isn't really a scandal (that would be a False Negative in science) but that in politics there are no False Positives.
Could it be that the Democrats have gone to the "phony scandal" well too often? One could hope.
Crack Emcee is a disaster - fiexd
@Crack Emcee
So Crack, please share with us your source of information about the 5 detainees that were released.
crack: "Drudge Report nonsense,..."
Particularly those drudge links to the NYT, Washington Post, LA Times, Guardian, ABCCBSNBCMSNBCCNBCCNN, etc.
Talk about nonsense!
There's an implausible excuse the democrat party members and their drool-bucket media are sure to push: "Hey, they were just going to be let go anyway. At least we got something for them!" Yeah, that'll work...
Why would they be released anyway? Is a Taliban surrender imminent?
Does Tom Jones make an appearance.
I think Crack is right -- the key to understanding this is probably that they "were going to be released anyway." But this is a very, very strange episode. Is the administration so out of touch that they thought Obama would be greeted as a hero for this transaction?
Relatedly: do we really have a practice of bargaining, even to our disadvantage, to get POWs back? My dad has always believed that we did indeed leave POWs behind in Vietnam because we wanted to be done with the whole episode.
The Oberlin student council is running the state department, says iowahawk.
Crack - so you are saying releasing 5 of the most dangerous Taliban leaders in custody is otherwise just fine and dandy?
It is YOUR shit, and that of the mindless morons who think like you (Obama), that is worthless and corrosive.
What, Meade worry?
The Crack Emcee said...
5 guys who were going to be released anyway, I read.
Released anyway...by whom? Isn't that a tautology? (It doesn't matter because I was going to do it anyway.)
Jay Carney jumped rather abruptly, didn't he? Because even he couldn't spin this crap?
This is likely to define Obama's presidency in a pop culture sense.
Fitting for a pop culture president.
IF they were going to be released anyway, then the only conclusion is Obama is intellectually incapable of reaching a decision and supporting the decision with facts and logic.
Hence the need for mis-direction (lying)
That's the scandal, Obama's lies, when the truth would serve him better.
Of coarse all of the lies that are required to support the "big lie" or of consequence (should be). Then the violation of black letter law. Notifying congress of releases from Gitmo
Forecast to be a political policy blockbuster. Coming to every polling station in 2016, with select nationwide previews in 2014.
On a side note. How stupid is Susan Rice???? She got in the middle of this. She got suckered into reading prepared talking points by this band of losers.....again.
'Bergdahl served with honor and distinction'...
She is too stupid to have a position of responsibility if she will blindly spit out anything put in front of her.
"It's not real news."
Tell that to P.F.C. Morris L. Walker. He could be Obama's son.
Could have been, anyway.
Stay classy, bro.
There seems to be two competing theories for this decision right now:
1) Allahpundit's theory that this was a backdoor method of emptying Guantanamo Bay. The President wanted that headache dealt with and figured releasing some prisoners in exchange for a soldier would provide him with cover for the unpopular decision. Apparently the administration has been pushing for this exchange for a while, but has been blocked by people from defense and intelligence agencies.
2) The Obama Administration genuinely thought this was a good trade and did it to try and score desperately needed political points.
I'm not quite sure which possibility I'd prefer, although I suppose they're not mutually exclusive. The President could have thought it'd be popular and help remove the Guantanamo issue.
Regardless of the what their ultimate motivation was, the White House genuinely does seem shocked about the massive disapproval of this action.
I can't imagine the Dems. up for re-election are particularly happy about it.
I can't believe Obama signed off on this.
Cui bono? What's the benefit?
Whether you think he's venal and a monster (I don't), he's not stupid.
This is stupid. Self-destructively stupid.
Mad is a racist shithole of a magazine!
The take home here is that Obama is losing the left-middle types like Time magazine for god's sake ! He still has Crack and DailyKos but that's about it.
The Nolan Ryan for Jim Fregosi trade was worse.
Commenting on the Wrong Post Drunk Guy says:
Sure, I'm a little drunk, but that doesn't mean I don't have a point to make. I have intimacy issues, I understand that. For instance, if I am lucky enough to be receiving a blow job I cannot make eye contact with the woman, cannot bring myself to do it even for the slightest of moments. And it is not as if she is doing something wrong, this happens whether I pay for it or not. There could be many reasons for this, but I think it stems from when I was younger and made brief eye contact with the woman giving me a blow job and she stopped and screamed "DON'T LOOK AT ME!" Now if I am receiving a blow job I close my eyes and think of Scarlett Johannson: it feels safer that way. I think it is wrong for you to comment on things you really don't know about.
Superb! Says it all in one beautiful graphic.
What a bunch of bunglers at the WH. I am sure they were convinced they had a winner all the way.
As each act of the this Circus of Corrupt Ineptitude that is our current leadership gets the spotlight, I keep thinking to myself "This is the one that will finally wake people up" only to see it fade awa.y As our dutiful press poo-poo's the discontent as those damn baggers hatin' on the most awesomus prez ever.
That said, I don't think this one is going away. First, all the alphabet press is covering it...most even fairly...and second, FREAKING MAD MAGAZINE !!!
When they are laughing at you with contempt, it's pretty hard to recover.
This is a forced error by Obama. It's a squirrel to distract America from the VA scandal.
SMGalbraith said...
I can't believe Obama signed off on this.
Given obamas predilections, I can't believe it took him this long.
He'll probably order a statue of Berghdal erected.
I can't believe Obama signed off on this.
Cui bono? What's the benefit?
@SMGalbraith, since this trade went down nobody has said "boo" about the VA, have they?
I wonder if anybody asked the women working as doctors and engineers or girls going to school in Afghanistan if it would be OK to let these delightful fellows go home?
Just about everything that Obama does, that has anything to do with the Middle East, would be logical and effective if he were a closet Islamist.
And a Taliban to be named later.
…and then there's this from the WSJ.
EDH commented about Jay Carney running for the exit; Carney had a better feel for the press corps' reaction than anyone else at the WH. What a bunch of incompetents!
If Susan Rice had any pride at all she'd turn in her uniform and put out a contract on the idiots who keep throwing her to the lions.
Good old Mad magazine! Too funny. I'd forgotten all about this great magazine of my youth.
Option #3: just like Clinton lobbed a few cruise missiles in an attempt to take attention off of Monica, Obama hoped operation saving private dog$hit would, for better or worse, distract from the VA SCANDAL!!! which has been tearing him a new for the last 2+ weeks...
Option #3: just like Clinton lobbed a few cruise missiles in an attempt to take attention off of Monica, Obama hoped operation saving private dog$hit would, for better or worse, distract from the VA SCANDAL!!! which has been tearing him a new for the last 2+ weeks...
Obama is planning another Benghazi offensive. He needs terrorist commanders to lead the operation. While the operations in Ukraine, Syria, Libya, Egypt, etc. have not paid the expected dividends, there is always hope for change.
Now it makes more sense why Barry wants to give up Pollard.
What difference at this point does it make?
This is the third presidency in a row that's fallen apart in its second term. When the president becomes a laughingstock, there's no way to recover. That's pretty much where Obama is today. Not a good trend for the country.
@Crack Emcee
So Crack, I'm still waiting for the source of your claim the 5 detainees were going to be released anyway. If you have something, please share it.
According to the evening TV news, Bowe Bergdahl is not participating in his own health care.
I'm guessing that he has started on a hunger strike.
Now, I'm wondering if there was ANY negotiation. Did the operators just know where to find him?...and the 5 Taliban leaders were released just because they were still sucking air?
In the future, Operation Eagle Claw will be judged as a success.
5 guys who were going to be released anyway,
It doesn't matter what the administration was going to do. It matters what the administration did. It was a trade that no rhetoric can undo.
There is talk of a lengthy "reintegration period" now in Germany.
My guess is that it will be completed January 21, 2017.
I had a really horrible fucked up day and I am really sad. I live in a very congested area and live a block away from a park which is propably the size of most of your backyards.
Everyone flocks to it because we have not outdoor space.
This is includes a huge number of dog owners who hang out there.
A guy threw a ball to his english boxer and the ball hit a light and went out to the street. The dog ran into the street and was killed by a car.
I am deva.
I saw the dog get hit by the car and killed. The guy just fell to the ground crying and holding his dog, eventually picking him up.
I am so sad.
It is very easy to understand. Obama is just on the other side. ALWAYS has been. It is more open every day.
He'll probably order a statue of Berghdal erected.
No, he'll be in line for a Medal of Honor, or a pardon if this gets too sticky.
You know, as a veteran, I could have accepted it, IF it was done with no fanfare and the honest story was given -- we traded him for five bad guys, it was a raw deal, there are questions about his disappearance and we will find out what they are and take appropriate action including a court martial, but we don't leave our solderers behind. Even the ones we may find to be less than honorable.
But no, obama has the parents at the rose garden and the fracking dad speaks the enemy's language (and we saw the posts against our country)... he had susan rice go out and tell us the dude served with honor...At BEST, he is a deserter. At best. He is most likely a treasonous SOB -- Men died because of him, and they put on a show and call him a hero.
it's yet another of our famous phony scandals that no one has to pay attention to because, alas, it's not real news
Kind of like the Watergate break-in...
Men who have suffered traumatic head injuries often act in surprising and seemingly irrational ways. We don't know if this young man's experience in Afghanistan somehow led to this monstrous betrayal of his fellow soldiers.
The bitter truth is that President Surrender First has put the coup de grace to each and every existing American military alliance in this world.
ALL THE ALLIES know that these 5 Muslim murderers will spend their next year literally slow carving living body parts from our Afghan allies that worked with our troops over the last ten years.
If that is how the USA gains and keeps allies, then countries such as Japan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt will turn to the truth teller Putin and Russia will own the free world.
"Whether you think he's venal and a monster (I don't), he's not stupid.
This is stupid. Self-destructively stupid."
He is not stupid. He is foolish and lazy. He wants to be President and be in the spotlight, he just doesn't want to do any of the work.
He had no idea who this guy was, or the exchange, or anything else. Someone just told him a few minutes before it all happened and then told him to go and speechify about it.
Crack, I can't find such a report. Can you post a link?
It is not so much a scandal as a terrible bit of statecraft.
If the Army needs a Trial Counsel to pursue the violation of Article 85 (Desertion) charge, they could recall me (at appropriate rank, ha ha).
I do notice..and it's frequent..that Crack comments.and usually leaves...wonder why he is exactly paid attention to...
If I've lost Mad, I've lost Middle America.
I think it's more like losing young liberals- or at least it would have been when Mad mattered.
Is the administration so out of touch that they thought Obama would be greeted as a hero for this transaction?
Unfortunately, yes.
This helps the Obama administration tremendously. The talk about the reality of the single payer VA health non-care system is now old news.
"Spiros Pappas said...
Men who have suffered traumatic head injuries often act in surprising and seemingly irrational ways. We don't know if this young man's experience in Afghanistan somehow led to this monstrous betrayal of his fellow soldiers.
6/3/14, 9:54 PM"
This explains the White House summit on concussions. Berghdal must have played grade school football. He's a victim - it's not his fault.
"...comments and leaves...wonder why..."
Public library closes at five.
"Note to Crack: if the public treats it as a scandal, it is a scandal."
Oh bullshit, I watch this stuff bubble up and disappear all the time and the rest of you Short Attention Span Theatre regulars don't know the difference. You think you've got a STORY! And you'll babble about it until you don't, and then run to the next set of blinking lights Matt Drudge throws the switch on.
Remember "The Knockout Game" that's sweeping the country?
Then you'll all act like nothing happened or ever occurred when it goes away - a trait of cognitive dissonance - which is what you should've done to begin with, because it was always nothing, but you have no common sense, or critical thinking skills, so you can't tell the difference until it's over and someone like me happily reminds you about the time you were going to have a fucking baby because Hillary Clinton is planning on killing somebody or something. Face it:
You're a bunch of silly conspiracy theory-loving apocalyptic nightmare scenario gullibility marks.
It's no wonder the Rand Pauls and Ted Cruzs can play you like a fiddle,...
Bergdahl Served With 'Honor and Distinction' ~ Crack Emcee
Profoundly ignorant - the ultimate in Obama lackey.
Wait, which of those guys in the poster is Bergdahl's dad?
If the Taliban leaders were going to be released anyway...
On Susan Rice--remember the posse of feminists back in the Monica Lewinsky days who said they'd happily give ol Billy Jeff a blow job (some even suggested at high noon in Times Square) because his position was right on abortion?
Susan has been willing to go public and contort herself in all sorts of shameful mendacious statements on behalf of Team Obama. She's either a faithful and skillful political whore--or Obama has pictures of her in carnal congress with a billy goat. It's got to be one or the other.
A senior U.S. defense official confirmed Saturday that the prisoners to be released include Mullah Mohammad Fazl, Mullah Norullah Noori, Abdul Haq Wasiq, Khairullah Khairkhwa and Mohammed Nabi Omari.
While not as well known as Guantanamo inmates like 9-11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the Taliban 5 were some of the worst outlaws in the U.S. war on terror. And their release will end up replenishing the diminished leadership ranks of the Afghan Taliban at a moment when the United States is winding down the war there. . . .
Fazl, for example, was the Taliban's former deputy defense minister and is wanted by the United Nations for his role in massacres targeting Afghan's Shi'ite Muslim population.
According to the 2008 Pentagon's dossier on Fazl disclosed by Wikileaks, Noori also was a senior Taliban military figure and, according to his Pentagon dossier, was asked personally in 1995 by Osama bin Laden to participate in an offensive against northern alliance warlord Rashid Dostum. - Eli Lake and Josh Rogin
I think Obama believes that getting our weird POW out of Afghanistan is key to getting all troops out. He tried this in 2012 before the election to help with votes, but the strings could not be pulled then.
So now he has to calm a VA crises, save Hill from her Benghazi investigation and divert attention from blowing more military spending defending our worthless EU allies.
According to Chuck Todd, the white House was stunned by the reaction. They thought the military was going to be " Euphoric" and rally round the WH. Can they be that stupid? I guess they can. I am stunned though, at the media pile on to report an Obama scandal, without having to be dragged into it fighting tooth and nail to ignore it.
The Crack Emcee said...
5 guys who were going to be released anyway, I read.
I read that too, but is it accurate? I have no idea.
What surprises me most is that the Administration seems blindsided by the questions about the soldier's conduct. That was not a reason to leave him in captivity but get a clue, Administration. These are issues that are going to disturb a lot of people, not just right wingers in tinfoil.
Also I thought they blew the issue of not notifying Congress. Obama has every right to refuse to follow a law he finds unconstitutional. But I do not understand why he would not address this up front, instead of letting his opponents set the narrative. He had his explanation. It had substance to it. Why not make the case in a forthright manner?
It's no wonder Jay Carney wanted to spend more time with his family.
He is not stupid. He is foolish and lazy. He wants to be President and be in the spotlight, he just doesn't want to do any of the work.
That is my guess too. He thought that this would be great, but didn't do the homework to figure out that the guy probably deserted. So, he traded five highly dangerous al Quaeda for one likely deserter. But, it isn't just him - he didn't hire the best minds on the left, but rather sycophants. And, the results speak for themselves. They should have had, and closely reviewed, his entire service record before making the exchange, and likely did not. What could go wrong? Trading one American hero for five Taliban or al Quaeda. But, it changes things a lot if the American was not really a hero, but instead a deserter, whose defection/desertion likely caused the death of a half dozen or so American soldiers looking for him. With what we know now, he likely would have faced court marshal, if he had come back any other way. Now they promote him a couple of ranks, and likely give him some medals, to cover up their mistake.
Look at all of the news organizations that the IRS now needs to audit.
The Obama administration could use a Devil's Advocate to try and save them from themselves. Someone should have clued in on the fact that if they had to keep this a secret from everybody except certain close political allies until it was a fait accompli, it might not have been a popular thing to do.
Obama might still have gotten away with it relatively unscathed if his ego had resisted turning the swap into a major PR event at the Rose Garden. That kind of attention prompted Bergdahl's unit to speak out, probably made the heads of Karzai and every other Afghan ally explode, highlighted the President's law-breaking, and ran counter to an impulse many people have that you don't negotiate with terrorists...and if on the off chance you do have dealings, you don't call a press conference and trumpet the fact to the entire world. That's the kind of thing that stays classified for decades with the release blamed publicly on a paperwork screw-up.
He'll probably order a statue of Berghdal erected.
Ordering the exchange for Bergdahl gave Obama an erection.--fify
People keep saying Obama is smart. Why? what has he done that's smart? Egotistical, pompous, vacuous, dictatorial... I see nothing "smart" about those traits.
The only persons Obama is smarter than are those that would vote for him. I include the good professor.
Me? I wouldn't trade him and Bergdahl for a old tuna fish sandwich. Even if I wasn't hungry. Maybe an old diaper. That would be fair.
"Spiros Pappas said...
Men who have suffered traumatic head injuries often act in surprising and seemingly irrational ways. We don't know if this young man's experience in Afghanistan somehow led to this monstrous betrayal of his fellow soldiers.
6/3/14, 9:54 PM"
This explains the White House summit on concussions. Berghdal must have played grade school football. He's a victim - it's not his fault.
6/3/14, 11:03 PM
I think Sipros may have been referring to Obama's concussion
It's a squirrel to distract America from the VA scandal
The VA stuff is just a squirrel to distract America from Obama's birth certificate scandal.
Because THAT'S the real scandal.
@ Crack Emcee
Good morning Crack. We're still waiting for the source of your information that the 5 Gitmo terrorists were going to be released any way. Please advise...
Why not make the case in a forthright manner?
This administration doesn't know how. I mean that in all seriousness.
There very fact that the terrorists thought these men were valuable for a trade is absolute evidence that we should not be letting them go anyway. The excuse is betrayed as the lie it is by the act of trading them,
There very fact that the terrorists thought these men were valuable for a trade is absolute evidence that we should not be letting them go anyway. The excuse is betrayed as the lie it is by the act of trading them,
"Obama has every right to refuse to follow a law he finds unconstitutional."
Neat. Does every American have that right, or is there a "divine right of Presidents" clause in the Constitution that my schooling neglected to tell me about?
Men who have suffered traumatic head injuries often act in surprising and seemingly irrational ways. We don't know if this young man's experience in Afghanistan somehow led to this monstrous betrayal of his fellow soldiers.
I read that first sentence and thought that Obama had taken a fall that I wasn't aware of!
"Oh bullshit, I watch this stuff bubble up and disappear all the time and the rest of you Short Attention Span Theatre regulars don't know the difference."
Every Carter has his Rabbit, that one little bit of stupid that pushes the public over the edge.
I thought this one would blow over too. As far as Obama screw-ups go it doesn't even make my top ten. But when NPR and ABC and Politico are piling on, and the NY Times is having trouble sweeping it under the rug, if this isn't Obama's Rabbit I expect one to hop to the plate soon.
What happened to you Crack? When you were raging against cults we all knew you were gunning against Romney, but back then you at least seemed to be your own man. Now you're Garage with a better look.
crack: "You're a bunch of silly conspiracy theory-loving apocalyptic nightmare scenario gullibility marks."
Has the left come to accept that fire can melt steel yet?
If so that would be a big step forward.
Crack - you need some new material. You sound like Juan Williams who is also desperate to defend Obama at any length and terrified that the 1st black prez is an absolute and unmitigated failure.
David said...
Why not make the case in a forthright manner?
Con man. Con man gonna con.
I've been saying this here for years. You're not listening.
None of these scandals mean anything according to Crack, yet somehow, before this, his approval was down in the territory of George W Bush at 44%, last I checked, 49% disapprove. I wonder what his approval would be like were any of them "real" scandals.
This guy is tone deaf to the American he purports to lead. Just like you could take a million American 6th graders and ask them, no matter how tired they were, and assuming an IQ of at least 80, how many states there are, and not one of them would say 57.
mark: "Now you're Garage with a better look."
Once you've "gone garage", there's no way back up.
I like to think of Crack as our very own Huggy Bear.
He talks a good "street cred" game but every now and then Crack lets the mask slip just a little bit.
For garage, there is no "mask". It simply is what it is.
Hey Crack!
4 out of 5 Americans blame Obama for the VA. Some "phony scandal."
How they love to use Susan Rice... she's like the easy cheerleader in high school.
How this bunch loves using Susan Rice... she's like the easy cheerleader in high school.
'Jane the Actuary' asked, "Relatedly: do we really have a practice of bargaining, even to our disadvantage, to get POWs back?"
Perhaps a difference here is that Taliban are not really POWs; that is, they were not uniformed soldiers and thus not protected under Geneva protections, etc. (which require that combatants wear uniforms so as to make it easier to distinguish between combatants and non-combatant civilians)?
I can't believe that Obama used the same racist term "inner city" that that racist shitbag Paul Ryan used to prove he was a racist:
“This is what happens at the end of wars. That was true for George Washington; that was true for Abraham Lincoln; that was true for FDR; that’s been true of every combat situation — that at some point, you make sure that you try to get your folks back and that’s the right thing to do.”
There's your "scandal" in a nutshell, you head cases.
"Obama has every right to refuse to follow a law he finds unconstitutional."
-- I guess we need a magna carta.
Crack: why do you bother commenting here if by your own admission it frustrates you so much to argue with so many silly people? What's missing from your life?
Everyone keep using the word 'unconstitutional'. Until a court says so (either through injunction preventing implementation or flat out invalidating it), is not the law presumed valid (and therefore constitutional)?
As an aside, I HATE omnibus bills. It is all too easy to have 'well, this is too important to veto, but I think [insert section] is a bad law / unconstitutional'.
"There's your "scandal" in a nutshell, you head cases."
Um Crack, I know you don't like America or Americans, as a group, but that is not the scandal. The scandal is taking a known, or at least strongly suspected, he left a note, deserter. Somebody the Taliban praised for collaboration, he helped them build bombs and told them about our tactics, and claiming he was a hero who "served with distinction."
Yes this guy is a hero among the anti war set, but the article in Rolling Stone doesn't read the same way to non lefties.
The guy looks an awful lot like a scumbag. Yeah he deserves his day in court, but we can reserve the hero's welcome and the national euphoria that Obama expected until we know that the soldiers around him were all mistaken.
Obama signed the law in question I believe. If he felt it unconstitutional, he could've vetoed it at that time.
"David said...
Also I thought they blew the issue of not notifying Congress. Obama has every right to refuse to follow a law he finds unconstitutional. ..."
He does? Do I? I thought the Supreme Court decided the Constitutionality of laws, not the Executive.
"David said...
Also I thought they blew the issue of not notifying Congress. Obama has every right to refuse to follow a law he finds unconstitutional. ..."
He does? Do I? I thought the Supreme Court decided the Constitutionality of laws, not the Executive.
Pretty funny stuff Crack. But you've got to admit that this is an interesting story, mostly about how Obama's vaunted political operation and savvy could have such a tin ear on this thing. What massive f-up from a PR point of view, to play this up in such a big way. Who didn't do their homework on this guy, and his parents (who are free IMO to hold whatever views they want, but their views were obviously not something that would reasonate with ordinary americans). Massive unforced error by the President and his people.
He is not stupid. He is foolish and lazy. He wants to be President and be in the spotlight, he just doesn't want to do any of the work.
"He had no idea who this guy was, or the exchange, or anything else. Someone just told him a few minutes before it all happened and then told him to go and speechify about it."
Which, uh, kinda makes him stupid
Per NBC's Chuck Todd, it looks like the White House might double-down on stupid.
On Wednesday's "Today Show," NBC's senior White House correspondent Chuck Todd reported that "a few [White House] aides describe it to me as ‘we didn’t know that they were going to Swift Boat Bergdahl.’"
If they go this route with this situation, things are going to get very nasty, very quickly.
Did Rice really say he was "taken in battle"?
tim in vermont,
"Yeah he deserves his day in court, but we can reserve the hero's welcome and the national euphoria that Obama expected until we know that the soldiers around him were all mistaken."
Mistaken? About a country that can't figure out right and wrong, after 400 years of abusing a single race, practically for shits and giggles?
Something tells me there's a lot of "mistaken" people involved here - about 270-290 million.
They're mostly "mistaken" that everyone buys into bullshit if whites press hard enough,...
"What happened to you Crack? When you were raging against cults we all knew you were gunning against Romney, but back then you at least seemed to be your own man. Now you're Garage with a better look."
When I was "gunning against Romney" because I was "against cults" what was the reaction of my fellow Republicans here?
They demanded I go back on (what they know to be) my long-held convictions and vote for their chosen "extremely conservative" cultist - or else I wasn't a Republican anymore.
If you were around then, you should remember that, too.
And then there's the racist crowd here. They make their jokes, outrageously slant history, call civil rights workers "race hustlers," pretend blacks have done something to deserve our treatment, call us liars, insist the government's actions against us aren't prosecutable, and laugh when black teens are murdered.
And, you ask, what happened to me?
"It was their presence here that was the evil, and for this none of the men of our century are responsible ... The burden lies on the souls of our dull, greedy ancestors of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, who were too stupid to see or too careless to consider anything but immediate gain ...
There can be no sort of doubt, that, judged by the light of all experience, these people are a danger to America greater and more insuperable than any of those that menace the other great civilized states of the world. The armies of the Old World, the inheritance of medievalism in its governments, the chance evils of Ireland and Sicily, are all light burdens when compared with this load of African negro blood that an evil past has imposed upon us."
Shit, "what happened to white people?" is the burning question demanding an answer,...
"They're mostly "mistaken" that everyone buys into bullshit if whites press hard enough,..."
Crack, your monomania is tiresome. Someday maybe you will get to live in a country where people cheer a soldier who collaborated with the enemy to kill that country's own troops. I know that makes him a hero to you, right up there with Snowden and Bill Ayers, here's a free hint: Don't hold your breath.
"Pretty funny stuff Crack. But you've got to admit that this is an interesting story, mostly about how Obama's vaunted political operation and savvy could have such a tin ear on this thing. What massive f-up from a PR point of view, to play this up in such a big way. Who didn't do their homework on this guy, and his parents (who are free IMO to hold whatever views they want, but their views were obviously not something that would reasonate with ordinary americans)."
I'd like to see how ordinary Americans would be if they were familiar with America.
You know how, every time race comes up, whites start freaking out and demanding it go away? What if it never did? What if whites had to live like everyone else? Where race is their constant?
Would ordinary Americans start demanding America get it's house in order? Resolve it's issues so we're all on the same page, or keep the charade going where we say you're free but, if you act like it, we insist your life be in peril?
Damn, white people think violence and killing things - and them having everybody's money - are the answers to everything,...
Bobber Fleck,
"Good morning Crack. We're still waiting for the source of your information that the 5 Gitmo terrorists were going to be released any way. Please advise…"
Several others have also said they read it - go demand they do your Google searches, as though our country's a game of "gotcha" ,...
AJ Lynch,
"Crack - you need some new material. You sound like Juan Williams who is also desperate to defend Obama at any length and terrified that the 1st black prez is an absolute and unmitigated failure."
Why you guys keep outright lying - straight-up lying - about my political outlook is bizarre, and doesn't do much to help white's image as honest brokers.
Name even once where I've claimed to be an Obama supporter - ever. You can't, because it's never been true. You just can't accept what I do tell you:
You are products of a racist culture that can't see blacks except through that lens - which is why you resort to lying - just as your racist ancestors did.
I am a black Republican still fighting enslavement by whites.
That doesn't require untruths like Obama "is an absolute and unmitigated failure," but hard truths like whites are primed to think like that about almost anyone except themselves, and they'll lie and cheat and steal and kill to defend it - and then justify it all with more lies.
THAT's the history,...
crack: "Something tells me there's a lot of "mistaken" people involved here - about 270-290 million."
Sorry, we're going to need you to be more precise.
Please list offenders by name.
“This is what happens at the end of wars. That was true for George Washington; that was true for Abraham Lincoln; that was true for FDR; that’s been true of every combat situation — that at some point, you make sure that you try to get your folks back and that’s the right thing to do.”
Each of those instances, we had a peace treaty or similar document signed by the other side - and a cessation of hostilities.
About a country that can't figure out right and wrong, after 400 years of abusing a single race
Ah, the trump card! That chip on your shoulder must be heavy.
tim in vermont,
"Crack, your monomania is tiresome."
Not as tiresome as whites - pretending they've built something great on the backs of my people - but I hear ya.
"Someday maybe you will get to live in a country where people cheer a soldier who collaborated with the enemy to kill that country's own troops."
And maybe, someday, you will get to live in a country where people cheer the truth - so no one wants to desert and might even give a damn - instead of lies about slave traders being great men blacks, especially, should follow the orders of.
Fuck you, fuck George Washington, and fuck Thomas Jefferson with George's cherry tree for raping black women, too.
"I know that makes him a hero to you, right up there with Snowden and Bill Ayers, here's a free hint: Don't hold your breath."
I don't know - I don't see the truth slowing down, my man, so we might see a LOT of things changing soon enough - especially attitudes,...
"Ah, the trump card! That chip on your shoulder must be heavy."
Uh, yeah - but, you see, we black folks stand on the shoulders of those who came before, and we're all about "giving back" - as opposed to the snide comments white Americans make about our efforts after trying to destroy America's blacks (always the sign of a racist and not an actual member of the country) - so the weight is dispersed in such a way that even the weak can support the burden - and will.
You'd probably try to get a slave to do the work for you,...
Owen said...
Crack: why do you bother commenting here
Because you respond to him. Other than the lines you feed him, he has no life.
Don't feed the loser.
Does anyone remember when Obama went to Afghanistan about a week ago, and Karzai refused to meet with him.
Sad to say, but I could he Obama having a fit, and telling people to get this deal done now. Lets see how Karzai likes dealing with these 5 Taliban guys.
Does anyone remember when Obama went to Afghanistan about a week ago, and Karzai refused to meet with him.
Sad to say, but I could he Obama having a fit, and telling people to get this deal done now. Lets see how Karzai likes dealing with these 5 Taliban guys.
You'd probably try to get a slave to do the work for you,...
Good grief, you're a piece of work. You're welcome to your bitterness - you seem to enjoy it.
You hate people you don't even know - you indict them for things they haven't done and for thoughts they've never thought.
Says a lot about you.
Thomas Jefferson with George's cherry tree for raping black women, too.
To be technical, zero evidence exists that Thomas did anything. A member of the family did, but that wasn't exactly a tiny number of people in that area at that time.
Try and troll better.
"To be technical, zero evidence exists that Thomas did anything."
Dude, along with rape, Thomas Jefferson was known for having children - children - brutally whipped.
Your ignorance - especially because all you morons know is to play defense - is mind-blowing. You're destroying the America you love, as we speak, because blacks are making it clear we won't live with this ignorance any longer - and that's going to kill the whole idea. We will have to make a new America to replace the lie because the lie will not stand.
The jig is already up - it's just a matter of time now,...
Dude, along with rape, Thomas Jefferson was known for having children - children - brutally whipped.
The evidence, as usual, is non-existent.
Your ignorance - especially because all you morons know is to play defense - is mind-blowing.
I'm not the one arguing THOMAS JEFFERSON fathered children with a slave. Not sure you're quite qualified enough to handle the qualified intellect card.
You're destroying the America you love, as we speak, because blacks are making it clear we won't live with this ignorance any longer - and that's going to kill the whole idea.
My level of giving-a-shit of whatr blacks want and a $5 bill can buy you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.
You seem to confuse me for a white with guilt. Sorry you are so mistaken. I don't care about slavery. I don't CARE if "your people" were mistreated. I don't care if you believe in this laughable notion of "white privilege" (as opposed to black privilege, where a black man who is able to talk and walk is construed as being brilliant in spite of plenty of evidence to the contrary). Your insipid whining and frisbee-shallow thoughts couldn't be of much less importance to anybody.
Althouse and Meade may find you entertaining. Good for them. You're their charity case. Congrats. Now be sure to dance well for them. You're playing a role now and you need to SMILE!
We will have to make a new America to replace the lie because the lie will not stand.
The jig is already up - it's just a matter of time now,...
Hell, Hispanics are replacing you in importance to Democrats. Not sure what you'll do when even they do not need to even spend a moment acting like they take your concerns seriously.
Out of curiosity --- when given a chance, why do minority Congressional districts tend to elect brain-dead morons to office? Aren't YOU embarrassed by the CBC?
I'm pretty sure I suggested a saving private Berghdahl as a movie idea before this poster came out. On this blog no less. I want some cash!
Why would the five prisoners be released anyway? What would we gain by them being released? You mean, even if we didn't have a prisoner to get back we would still have released them?
How would that serve our interests?
Crack Emcee wrote:
And maybe, someday, you will get to live in a country where people cheer the truth - so no one wants to desert and might even give a damn - instead of lies about slave traders being great men blacks, especially, should follow the orders of.
Wait, are you saying that Bergdahl is black? If not, then what does your diatribe have to with Bergdahl?
Crack Emcee wrote:
And maybe, someday, you will get to live in a country where people cheer the truth - so no one wants to desert and might even give a damn - instead of lies about slave traders being great men blacks, especially, should follow the orders of.
Wait, are you saying that Bergdahl is black? If not, then what does your diatribe have to with Bergdahl?
Dude, along with rape, Thomas Jefferson was known for having children - children - brutally whipped.
The evidence, as usual, is non-existent.
If I produce it, will you publicly admit you're a moron who needs to learn more about the country you're defending?
Crack Emcee wrote:
Your ignorance - especially because all you morons know is to play defense - is mind-blowing. You're destroying the America you love, as we speak, because blacks are making it clear we won't live with this ignorance any longer - and that's going to kill the whole idea. We will have to make a new America to replace the lie because the lie will not stand.
What the hell are you talking about? Are you the new Khmer Rouge or something? Is the revolution going to be televised?
If the result of integration is Crack, then we should have stayed with the separate water fountains. Sounds like something Crack would have preferred anyway.
crack: "Fuck you, fuck George Washington, and fuck Thomas Jefferson with George's cherry tree for raping black women, too."
Islamists rape and enslave black women every single day.
And you ADORE them for it.
Dude, along with rape, Thomas Jefferson was known for having children - children - brutally whipped.
The evidence, as usual, is non-existent.
As a descendant of Alexander Hamilton I'm enjoying this conversation.
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