One neighbor said called them "weird," thought they used meth, and connected them to the Cliven Bundy protests. He said the man "often rambled about conspiracy theories" and "often wore camouflage or dressed as Peter Pan to work as a Fremont Street Experience street performer."
(Photo of Freemont Street by Jean-Christophe Benoist.)
८३ टिप्पण्या:
They're dead.
Now, they can be connected to white privilege, the war-on-women, and WalMart.
Variations of the same talking point headline will appear in next few days: ... murders... swastikas and white supremacy ... Gadsen flag ... Tea Party ... Republicans... NRA ... gun control.
You can see the Freemont Street canopy there. If you are ever in Las Vegas, it is fun to get off the Strip and visit Freemont Street Experience. This is where the older, more classic, casinos are. What you have is a light show every 15 minutes or half an hour played on the canopy (which you can see in the photo), accompanied by a lot of noise/music. You can wander around outdoors (which you really can't do on the Strip), buy and drink those novelty drinks, wander in and out of the casinos, most often w/doors wide open, and, recently, ride a zip line down the middle of the street - which is apparently quite fun during a light show.
My partner is from Las Vegas, at least from the age of a couple months until her mid 20s, and she still has family there. And, a couple weeks ago, on a long drive, she told me the story of the Freemont Street Experience. Apparently, much of the push for it, along with some of the money, came from Steve Wynn. Part was trying to clean up his image (that he had been tied to the mob at one time), and partly to build business for his properties. Still, it is free (excluding the cost of the drinks), and fun.
dressed as Peter Pan to work as a Fremont Street Experience street performer.
Yeah, that screams Tea Party.
How do we know this wasn't an acolyte in the Leftist Cult who martyred himself in order to finally produce a shooting perpetrator whom the press can label as a "Tea Party right winger"?
Nazis on Meth. Somebody should tread on these two on sight.
"Variations of the same talking point headline will appear in next few days: ... murders... swastikas and white supremacy ... Gadsen flag ... Tea Party ... Republicans... NRA ... gun control."
And you're still denying the obvious - insisting instead, that everyone else is wrong as you watch racist FOX, cheer racist Rand, follow racist Ted Cruz's every insane utterance, and claim blacks have this racism stuff all wrong - even though all the evidence says otherwise.
Poor misunderstood white men.
"How do we know this wasn't an acolyte in the Leftist Cult who martyred himself in order to finally produce a shooting perpetrator whom the press can label as a "Tea Party right winger"?"
Because a nutjob, like you, thought it up.
Conspiracy-minded, anyone?
I mean, it couldn't be white racists - in a white racist country - now could it?
Nahhhh - that would be too obvious,...
Hmmm, a surprising lack of outrage being expressed here over the killings of three innocent people, two of them police officers. Quite a bit of, "Oh, this is going to be used by the left to try to make the right wing look bad!"
Priorities, priorities.
The Bergdahl family is getting death threats. Now this. Disturbing.
Yeah...i know they claimed to be White supremecists...but did they really believe, or where they just acting like they believed? I'm skeptical.
(note for the terminally stupid and Crack {but I repeat myself} this is a joke son, I say a joke)
Some reports are saying they used the officers' handguns.
It's time ban police from carrying firearms. It's only common sense.
Too bad Samuel L. Jackson was having his eyeglasses licked by Neil Patrick Harris at the Tony Awards and was not available to talk Pumpkin and Honey Bunny out of their armed take-over of a pizza parlor.
I pray for the officers and their families.
Yeah...i know they claimed to be White supremecists...but did they really believe, or where they just acting like they believed? I'm skeptical.
I know you're kidding, but I don't think that's a strange question. I think plenty of people who want to do violent things are happy to attach themselves to ideologies that they think justify their actions.
Why be a plain, ol' psychopath when you can be a psychopath for a cause.
I've been reading for years on some nutty investment sites that there's going to be a revolution, for sure, 'cause of all the shit going down in DC. So I guess this was it.
Needs some organizing, I'd say.
How awful. These murderers were obviously very sick and evil people. I will withhold further editorializing until the investigation is complete. It's a little too early to indict Ted Cruz for me.
I pray for our Creator to keep and comfort those afflicted.
The Crack Emcee said...
"How do we know this wasn't an acolyte in the Leftist Cult who martyred himself in order to finally produce a shooting perpetrator whom the press can label as a "Tea Party right winger"?"
Because a nutjob, like you, thought it up.
Conspiracy-minded, anyone?
Well, the two shooters, anyway.
He said the man "often rambled about conspiracy theories" and "often wore camouflage or dressed as Peter Pan to work as a Fremont Street Experience street performer."
A street performer engaged in cos-play = the Tea Party base?
And the cops were white, by the way.
The different part of this isn't that they're white supremacists, it's that a woman was one of the shooters. But not only that, she was the badass in that male-female dynamic.
She's the one who shot the cop point-blank, then shot the other cop while he was unholstering. We don't know if she shot the woman at the Walmart, but I'm inclined to think she did. The guy told a clerk, "Don't run," instead to shooting him. Finally, the woman shot her partner multiple times before shooting herself in the head.
Gender equality!!
BTW - note for the terminally stupid and Gahrie {but I repeat myself}:
Remember when y'all was saying I was wrong to go racial?
Seems to me the timing was PERFECT.
Remember when y'all was saying I was wrong to go on about reparations?
Seems to me the timing was PERFECT.
Remember when y'all was saying all the racists were dead and I said they weren't?
Seems to me I was RIGHT.
Remember when y'all was saying, if they were alive, any the racists were powerless and I said they weren't?
Seems to me, post-billionaire Donald Sterling, I was RIGHT.
Remember all the times I told y'all you had NO IDEA what you're talking about?
I was RIGHT and you were WRONG.
And I'd trust you more if you'd admit it.
Hey, Freeman, how about a little back-up on this one - did it or did it not happen this way?
(Sorry, Free, but you KNOW they're going to deny it all - that's the mental problem - before trying to change the subject, so I want to head them off at the pass,…)
When it comes to Islamic terror we are told that we cannot judge all Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics.
Fair enough.
But when it comes to guns....
I'm banned and Crack Emcee isn't. Astonishing.
Bob Boyd,
"When it comes to Islamic terror we are told that we cannot judge all Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics.
Fair enough.
But when it comes to guns…."
White males seem to have made a thing of yelling "GUN" wherever they go, so you'll have to take that up with your brothers - though there's NOTHING RACIST about why they're obsessed about them - after killing so many blacks, indians, and Mexicans with them, I mean,...
Yeah, these guys were clearly fringe of the fringe. Apparently they got kicked off the Bundy ranch for being too extreme. While most mass killers seem to have a lefty or anarchist bent, these guys were on the white supremacist version of the right.
Of course, their targets were a couple of white males who had the privelege of serving their community as cops. Go figure. Some "revolution".
It is time for politicians and writers on the right (and elsewhere) to stop demonizing all cops for the sins of a relative few, and it's time for police leaders to re-evaluate the use of tactics like no-knock raids in less than extreme circumstances. There really is no excuse for a flash-bang grenade being tossed into a crib and leaving a baby in a coma over a minor drug bust.
"I'm banned and Crack Emcee isn't. Astonishing."
Self-refuting statements.
My strategy worked.
Sid and Nancy
"I'm banned and Crack Emcee isn't. Astonishing."
There's like a billion white racists who come through here - and every one of them is focussed on the one black guy - and, yet, they don't see a problem with their behavior or outlook.
They just see me - the black guy. WHy isn't he punished? That's what happened historically, right?
No one would insist I should be punished unless it's been a cultural given, in America, that blacks get punished for what whites don't like. Banishment. And many whites don't like blacks talking about black shit - "astonishing" that little happens, in 2014, isn't it?
Wouldn't (and shouldn't) Althouse be all-white, the way the racists keep insisting it should be if I left, or was forced out?
Surely, my (usually called "insane") scribblings have gone too far,...
Ann Althouse,
"Self-refuting statements."
I thought about that, too - should've mentioned it, though.
"Yeah, these guys were clearly fringe of the fringe. Apparently they got kicked off the Bundy ranch for being too extreme,.."
Oh man, I would've LOVED to have heard THEIR thoughts about "the Negro"….
The romantic comedy continues. I’m Gerard Butler and you’re Katherine Heigl. I figure we’re about mid-point in the screenplay. You’re still hostile but unwittingly about to be won over by my charm.
Thoughts and prayers to the victims and their families.
I find that people with a screw loose use all capital letters to emphasize the really important points of their deep thinking. I would guess that the "revolutionaries" in Las Vegas used the same visuals. A slippery slope from fixation to mayhem.
Covered the bodies with the words Don't Tread On Me.
There are over three hundred million people in America. Crap happens. Things like the OWS bombers, who were rightly written off as nuts.
Maybe these guys believed the propaganda about the Tea Party put out by the Democratics, maybe are real anarchists who seized on a group that those in authority demonize, maybe they are batshit crazy and thought they were starting a new revolution. Who knows? One thing I do know, there is no requirement or proof of membership required for the Tea Party, and no proof required to buy a Gadsden flag either.
I wonder if you will find the victims named as targets on a conservative web site the way the SPLC made a nice map of potential victems that time.
Listen, this is really simple people.
If you claim something, like say, to be a Christian, then you're obviously exactly what you claim.
And, if you claim to be something, like say, a Christian, then go on a murdering spree quoting the Bible, it's clear that all Christians are murderous, Bible thumpers.
Why is this so hard to get? Quit playing the victim! Fess up that you're all a bunch of murderous, crazy, conspiracy theorist, whack jobs!
I mean C'mon! Isn't it obvious? Why do you all keep denying the obvious?
This vegas couple proves it.
Look, Garage uses a Gadsden flag. Hmmm.
Right or Left, a nut is a nut.
Comments at the site are interesting.
"Covered the bodies with the words Don't Tread On Me"
Better or worse than chicken sandwiches? Will you admit that the SPLC is a hate group?
Just past mid-point in the screenplay: I’m drinking heavily at a bar and talking to the complete stranger sitting next to me, lamenting my problematic relationship with a certain blond I know in Madison. The stranger suddenly realizes who I’m talking about, tells me his name is Meade, and punches me in the face, knocking me off my bar stool. Flash-forward two hours and we’re getting shit-faced together, laughing and singing “I would walk 500 miles” over and over and over. I have a massive shiner under one eye, which somehow makes me look adorable.
Crack, 'tis true, 'tis true. Your mirror was needed after the Zimmerman/Martin thing anyway.
"Apparently they got kicked off the Bundy ranch for being too extreme"
Wow. That must have taken some doing.
They were the fringe of the fringe of the fringe. I'm picturing fractal fringing.
"White supremacists" shoot two white cops.
The rest of it sounds like the perps favor "private ownership but public control of the means of production"
= fascists
= socialist progressives
Look, Garage uses a Gadsden flag. Hmmm.
Look a little closer.
Apparently this is from one of the killer's FB pages. I gues "Faux News" was a little too mainstreamy for them.
Will garage mahal get rid of his yellow flag avatar with the snake-like image and the 'Don't tread on X' label? Of course not, and that tells us how seriously to take the words he writes under it.
Will M.C. ButtCrack admit that no one here denies that there are still racists around? We can't, because one of the vilest racists any of us know is right here on this site, repeatedly fantasizing about white women being raped by black men. I wonder whether he thinks that the implication that being raped by black men is worse than being raped by men of other colors is a compliment to blacks or an insult? Whatever it is, it's a vile, racist thing to write.
Has President Moms-Jeans checked in the past few days?
All these crazies have their own death in mind as an ending.
The two black snipers murdering white people from the trunk of their Impala did it for money, and had a long range plan.
Before the internet, there was another woman killer in a gang that murdered police and other people.
I don't remember specifics. They kidnapped the heiress and had some childish name. Their leader was a ex-con named Donald. He had a juvenile nickname he gave himself.
Maybe CrackMc can fill in the blanks.
They committed crimes. Justice prevailed, if only at their own hand. Condolences to the families of the victims.
voter ID in Mississippi and no problems. hmmm
Roughcoat said...
The romantic comedy continues. I’m Gerard Butler and you’re Katherine Heigl. I figure we’re about mid-point in the screenplay. You’re still hostile but unwittingly about to be won over by my charm.
I missed the "meet cute" and I was wondering where in the Second Act we happened to be.
Thanks for grounding me.
Dr Weevil,
"Will M.C. ButtCrack admit,'s a vile, racist thing to write."
Not when talking about you, Weevil. We all know how this goes, don't we? Poor ol' Weevil was just minding his own business - which was joining the racist mob that gathers wherever I go - and ol' evil Crack just laid into him.
Hmmm. "Laid" into him. I've got it:
The Crack Emcee raped a white woman!
THAT's why the crowd had gathered and Weevil and his brothers had formed a posse - to defend white womanhood - Ann's white womanhood! (I don't know where Meade was during all of this, but his honor, too, had to be upheld.) Soooo, they cornered me in the barn, like Frankenstein, and demanded I come out and answer for my crimes!
And then I said something "bad."
Weevil, you can tell the rest. You know it by heart. Because you're an honorable man. Like how you always tell the WHOLE TRUTH when re-telling this story.
Nothing racist about you, no Siree,..
Crack: "Hmmm. "Laid" into him. I've got it:
The Crack Emcee raped a white woman!"
Crack is due back for some basic gender recognition training.
But then, when you are spinning that hard, it's probably just too difficult to focus.
If anyone still needs proof that the ButtCrack is a lying asshole and a vile racist, his fantasy about raping white people's mothers (or having them raped by others) will be found on the 3/14 Kitty Genovese thread. Use ctrl-F to search for "mother" and you will see that everything he says here about what he and I said there is simply false.
Violently conservative.
At CNN, some excerpts from the couples' Facebook postings:
They went to the "Million Mask March" in Indiana last year. The march's Facebook page describes that event as "a march against billionaires who own banks and corporations who corrupt politicians who enslave the people and injustice." That sounds Occupy Wall St. to me.
"Another picture on the woman's Facebook page in late April shows her and Jerad in costume: He is dressed as the Joker from 'Batman' holding up a Joker playing card.
The 31-year-old mimics the character's trademark menacing grin. His 22-year-old wife is pressed beside him, her leg hiked sexily up. She's apparently dressed as Harley Quinn, another 'Batman' character."
Sounds just like the crazy guy in San Diego who shot up the movie theater audience.
Sort of soon to scream "racist" and right wing, isn't it?
Also, a cop on the case said that maybe the reason they left a swastika at the scene was because the killers "equate government and law enforcement ... with Nazis."
Dressing up in Batman outfits is the surest sign that someone is a liberal.
When you get out to Alex Jones / 9/11 Truther Land there's a lot of overlap between extreme Right and extreme Left. These scumbag killers seemed to tilt at least a bit to the right, but I suppose it gets a little blurry out there.
That said, since the Left always refuses to own its numerous crazies and monsters, there's no reason that non-violent Righties should have any sort of ownership over this pair.
Dr. Weevil,
I'm a liar? Really? Did I deny I said it? If not, then where's the lie?
What I said was you didn't tell the whole story - that it's you who are telling a lie of omission - and it can be found in this statement by me:
"Keep it coming - tell me every awful thing blacks do or have done and I will salute it as vigorously as humanly possible."
By that time I had endured SIX HOURS of racist bullshit, from you and others, about how horrible blacks are - and anybody checking the link you provided can read it.
Unlike you racist whites, we blacks don't have to try and weedle out of the 400 years of ugly facts about our nature,...
Apparently ButtCrack thinks no one but me will follow the link. Here's the worst part of what he wrote at 8:36pm on 3/13:
"Keep it coming - tell me every awful thing blacks do or have done and I will salute it as vigorously as humanly possible.
"What's that? Blacks raped your mother? Wonderful!
"What? Blacks stole your life's savings? Shoulda engaged those reparations talks."
Here's his excuse now:
"By that time I had endured SIX HOURS of racist bullshit, from you and others, about how horrible blacks are - and anybody checking the link you provided can read it."
Is that true? Anyone who follows the link can see that I had not yet commented on that thread when he wrote that. If anyone was telling him "every awful thing blacks do or have done", it wasn't me. At 10:06pm, after he wrote the quoted comment, I did the arithmetic on the claim for $100 Trillion reparations and calculated that it is more than the entire value of the wealth in the world. (I may be wrong on that - it's hard to find numbers on total world wealth - but no one's bothered to try to refute me.) I appended this paragraph:
"And if he's gloating over the hypothetical rape of other people's mothers, he's a spectacularly evil-minded moron. There are a few people in the world (mostly dictators and serial killers) whose death will make me happy but I can't think of anyone I hate enough to want his mother raped."
It was 8:39am the next day (3/14) that he specifically applied his rape wish to my mother, after I criticized Inga for saying that he was "casting pearls before swine":
"Dr Weevil,
"I hope blacks rape YOUR mother."
So, was he reacting to six hours of racist abuse from me? No, he was not. What he writes here is simply a lie, as is damned near everything he writes, "including 'and' and 'the'".
I would have thought that wanting women to be gang-raped just for being related to your enemies would be considered 'going a little too far' even by many members of Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood. I know a few people who were disappointed that Osama bin Laden's relatives were allowed to leave the country a few days after 9/11, but I've never heard of anyone suggesting they should have been raped.
Well, shoot, Crack.
Y'all have almost a whole continent, with a wealth of natural resources to yourselves.
How about we look and see what black people have done with the opportunity.
Oh, wait!
garage mahal: "Dressing up in Batman outfits is the surest sign that someone is a liberal."
Once again, garage ventures out on his own with predictable results!
Majority of young techies are young, single, secular and those variables moves them into the liberal (oddly not libertarian) camp.
And, of course, now the requisite ComicCon photos:
Stay in the woods garage.
You're "safer" there as there aren't as many rakes.
LOL.How many liberals like Rand Paul, Reagan, Allen West, and Tea Party snake flags? When are conservatives going to reel in the radical, violent members of their coalition?
i .How many liberals like Rand Paul, Reagan, Allen West, and Tea Party snake flags?
...Says the libtard with the snake flag avatar.
Garage will no doubt say "that's not a snake flag avatar! That's a stethoscope" and thereby demonstrate that yes, indeed, people occasionally adopt iconography ironically.
What kid of people are street performers who go to Million Mask Marches?
Hint: Not Tea Partiers.
Hmmm . . . I hadn't noticed this before, but ButtCrack's remark about how I supposedly jumped in "to defend white womanhood - Ann's white womanhood!" suggests that he includes her among women who deserve to be raped by black men. That hadn't occurred to me before, and his remarks are (as usual) not entirely coherent, but that is a reasonable interpretation of what he writes here. Will this get him banned?
Dr Weevil,
"Anyone who follows the link can see that I had not yet commented on that thread when he wrote that. If anyone was telling him "every awful thing blacks do or have done", it wasn't me."
OH, I love that shift. That's about as elegant a distraction as when we discuss American slavery and you morons start chattering about African kings - anything to deflect blame away from yourself.
Sure - Crack may get attacked by whites EVERY TIME HE COMES HERE (nothing racist about that) and he may have been attacked for 6 hours - BUT IT WASN'T ME!!! I'M INNOCENT BECAUSE I JUST JOINED IN HOURS LATER!!!!
Here's a historical translation:
"I didn't lynch the nigger, I just cut his nuts off after the others killed him - I'm a good person!"
A real history of white people will be told one day.
The most ethically fucked-up group in the history of the planet,...
"Well, shoot, Crack.
Y'all have almost a whole continent, with a wealth of natural resources to yourselves."
And there's no white men interfering? Now or before? They didn't show up - with guns - telling everyone what's-what?
Blacks just sold each other to them - for kicks?
Man, your forefather's cultural lies really did a job on y'all,...
Dr.Weevil, Jason, and all the rest:
Maybe it's just me, and the "crazy" way I was raised in the "bad culture" y'all know so much about, but - if I was white and my people were 100% guilty of outlandishly brutal and inhumane historical crimes for hundreds of years - I'd refrain from attacking black people.
I know - you're white, so what I'm saying doesn't register, like it would to normal people - but you ought to think about it before the next cultural shift occurs:
Being well-practiced in insulting/attacking blacks ain't gonna be regarded as too cool soon,...
Keep on fuckin' that chicken, Crack.
Let us know what it does for ya.
Blacks just sold each other to them - for kicks?
No, silly person. For money.
Once again, ButtCrack demonstrates a classic case of naked racism. For him, all whites are responsible for what any whites do, so even if I never said anything about African kings on that thread or (so far as I can recall) any other, I'm responsible for every stupid thing that some asshole did say, as long as said asshole is white.
I've carefully explained before that I don't blame ButtCrack for anything bad that other blacks have done to me or my friends, because (so far as I know) he didn't do them. Nor do I blame other blacks for ButtCrack being a shit-eating fool, becuase - duh! - I'm not a racist, unlike ButtCrack. Nor do I fantasize about killing or raping my enemies, much less their friends and relatives, unlike ButtCrack.
I think I see part of ButtCrack's problem - a very small part of a multifarious complex of problems: he thinks disagreeing with him and being unpersuaded by his (mostly inept or incoherent) arguments is the same thing as 'attacking' him. Only children, fools, and malignant narcissists think that.
A real history of white people will be told one day.
The most ethically fucked-up group in the history of the planet,...
Yeah..the people that invented democracy, individual worth and modern civilization, the people that proclaimed the evil of slavery for the first time...they're the ones that are fucked up.
you're white, so what I'm saying doesn't register, like it would to normal people
That would sound remarkable racist if someone changed the word "white" to "black".
Another thing ButtCrack doesn't seem to have figured out. When I think of "my people" I think of all Americans, not all white people (including Danish cheesemakers and Belarusian dictators?), or even all white Americans. For one thing, the last group doesn't even include my whole family.
The rest of what he writes here (including his "100% guilty") has been decisively refuted more than once. He don't care: he's the Money Badger, and is going to badger us until he gets his (=our=not his) money. Too bad (for him) that will never happen.
Garage will no doubt say "that's not a snake flag avatar!
It's gone. I don't want to be confused with traitorous scumbaggers.
All right, but apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health, WHAT HAVE THE WHITE PEOPLE EVER DONE FOR US!?!?!?!
Garage logic: Tea partiers are traitors. Bergdahl is not.
Did you go to a special school for people as stupid as you are? Or did you have to take lessons?
When was the last time you saw a "Fremont Street Experience street performer" who was a white supremacist or a right-wing extremist?
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