So Rush was talking about how Scott Walker is a great model for what the GOP needs to do to win, which is to stand on conservative principle and ignore the advice to move to the middle. And:
New Republic cover story: "Scott Walker Is So Hot Right Now," and then you get to the bottom line of the cover: "Too bad he owes his success to a toxic strain of racial politics."...Well, no. I waited and waited for the text to appear on line, but as soon as I was able to see the cover — when it popped into my iPad — I could also read the text on my iPad, as a subscriber. I couldn't link to the text. I was quite clear about all that in my first post, "Look at the new New Republic cover, smearing Scott Walker for his 'toxic strain of racial politics.'" In that first post, I say I read the article and I summarized it for you.
So, ladies and gentlemen, Ann Althouse, who lives in Wisconsin, waited and waited until the New Republic put that story out. Not just the picture of the cover but the actual text of the story up on their website.
Although Rush links to the TNR piece at his website, he doesn't link to me. And he doesn't identify me as a blogger or a law professor. I'm just a person who lives in Wisconsin. That's annoying in part because I want the traffic, but also because there's my name and he's confusing what I said. (And by the way, Rush frequently talks about Apple products and tech-y topics, and this was, for me, also a story about iPad and Chris Hughes's flat-footedness on digital media.)
Rush continues:
She has called it a smear, "a racial smear." There are phrases in this story like, "When Is it Considered Acceptable, in Polite Company, to Refer to the Excessive 'Whiteness' of a Public Figure? -- Why did the editors of The New Republic -- that venerable journal -- think it was acceptable to title an article ' The Unelectable Whiteness of Scott Walker'?" That is the title. You don't see that on the cover.Now, that's bungled. The phrase "When Is it Considered Acceptable, in Polite Company, to Refer to the Excessive 'Whiteness' of a Public Figure?" is the title of the third blog post I put up, and "Why did the editors of The New Republic -- that venerable journal -- think it was acceptable to title an article 'The Unelectable Whiteness of Scott Walker'?" is the first sentence of that post. Again, my post is not linked, but several phrases of mine are presented as if they are in The New Republic. Rush seems to realize that, but he doesn't go back and clarify. It's just confusing, because the point is that TNR wrote something scurrilous and the quoted lines — my lines — aren't scurrilous but — if I may say so — careful and probing, highlighting a serious problem in TNR's journalism.
Rush focuses on the article title and says "the only thing in it that even relates to race is the fact that he is in favor of voter ID. That's it." And that's part of what I said in my first post, here:
[T]he closest thing to anything racial coming directly from Scott Walker is his support over the years for voter ID laws.I also said:
Much of the article is about the demographics of Milwaukee and the suburban counties around it, including the history — going back into the early 20th century — of how black people migrated to the city and did not — as white people did — relocate into the suburbs....Rush didn't touch that material about talk radio, which bulked out the TNR article. And not only is Mark Belling a frequent guest host on the Rush Limbaugh show, but Rush himself has laid into "Gwendolynne" Moore many times.
The article also focuses on 2 talk radio hosts — Mark Belling and Charlie Sykes — who have big audiences in Milwaukee. TNR has little direct racial material on them, but it forefronts the one truly ugly thing it has: Belling mocking a specific black person, Milwaukee Congresswoman Gwen Moore. Mostly, TNR accuses Belling and Sykes of indulging in dog-whistle politics about crime and dependence on welfare.
Rush continued:
This is not just a smear. That it is, but it is a huge hit piece. The title: "The Unelectable Whiteness of Scott Walker." He only got elected and survived two recalls in the blue state of Wisconsin.Here, Rush repeats a mistake for which I corrected him 6 days ago. Walker faced one recall, not 2. I have no delusions that Rush reads my blog. I think someone prepares material to feed to him to riff on and he's bold and freewheeling enough to read things and talk about them as he goes. Fine. That works for him. But he does make mistakes in the process. I can see that his show has vigor because of the spontaneity, and it's something like the way I proceed with a text when I blog. But writing is different from speaking, and I reread what I've written and can correct things or pause to think or do a little research. The show just rolls on, and the experience for the listener is what really matters, not precision over any details.
Rush drives forward to his destination:
It's time to destroy [Scott Walker] again. See, the left will always tell us who they fear. They will always tell us what they're most worried about by who they try to destroy. But I think this is kind of fascinating....I agree. I agree with the big point: Scott Walker is powerful and threatening to Democrats because he stands firm on conservative principles, that's why he is targeted for destruction, and racial politics is the way they do it.
It's racial politics, reverse racism, whatever you want to call it. It's hideous.
And that's how talk radio works. A lot of the material is sketchy and a bit off, but you're caught up in the cascade, and in the end, you get the point, and you probably agree with it, even if you've just had the unsettling experience of hearing your own name tossed out and your own words used and abused.
११५ टिप्पण्या:
Rush does three hours a day off the cuff, what is TNR's excuse?
Without misunderstands, we'd never agree on anything.
It's the Alice's Restaurant thing, with Rush's reading.
Prosecutor Althouse has the 8x10 glossies all laid out but the judge is blind.
I had Rush on in the background while I was reading today's news (maybe even your blog) when the phrase [When Is it Considered Acceptable, in Polite Company, to Refer to the Excessive 'Whiteness' of a Public Figure?] caught my ear.
I thought, "Ann said exactly the same thing".
Came here to verify and...sho 'nuff.
Alice's Restaurant which no doubt has the 8x10 glossies in it somewhere.
Listening to it while I prepare dinner now.
I don't listen to Rush because I have loaded firearms in the house.
I'll bet Rush would be flattered to find your email in his in-box that documented your dismay.
Maybe I'm misremembering, but I thought he's mentioned you in the past as well, and my sense, when listening, was that he knew many of us already knew who you were, and that there was no need to clarify that you were a blogger and law professor, as you are well known and respected by his audience already.... you're one of the 'bigs.'
Maybe he'll correct it tomorrow, you should call in :)
I wonder, if blacks in Milwaukee had been good neighbors would whites have moved away? Kind of a hassle to move.
Rush does know you're a prominent blogger, doesn't he Ann? If so he must be a little bit jealous of your influence as it relates to his own. You know, play down the competition.. Flattering actually.
And that's how talk radio works. A lot of the material is sketchy and a bit off, but you're caught up in the cascade, and in the end, you get the point, and you probably agree with it, even if you've just had the unsettling experience of hearing your own name tossed out and your own words used and abused.
Sounds a lot like blogging.
These tactics the left is using? Done. Done. D.o.n.e
Althouse will have arrived when she guest hosts the Rush Limbaugh show.
Don't worry about traffic, you have a crack telling everyone and everything is racist, and the rest opposing him. Jesse Jackson could learn from that.
And how is Belling's mocking of the fat ass moron Gwen Moore about being a fat and a moron RACIST? Unless you think all black women are fat and stupid. Which would make you racist.
Maybe I'm misremembering, but I thought he's mentioned you in the past as well, and my sense, when listening, was that he knew many of us already knew who you were, and that there was no need to clarify that you were a blogger and law professor,
That's my remembrance as well.
Ann will soon be a one-namer like Cher or Madonna.
Limbaugh complaining about racial smears? Good God, he wouldn't even have a radio show without racial smears.
Remember Rush does this with half his brain tied behind his back just to make it fair.
With talent ON LOAN from GOD.
Call him. Get on the air. Tell the screener who you are. Go for it.
TNR, Chris Hughes, etc. are all doing what I am doing:
Pumping up the HRC 2016 Campaign To-Take-Back-The-White-House.
The WH *belongs* to the Clintons. HRC is the heir to the Throne.
We the progressives, the democrats, the liberals, etc. we love, love, love the Clintons.
We will protect them. We will serve them. We will seek and destroy any GOP.
Scott Walker is a target of ours. We will muddy him so much that when the campaign starts: he will look muddy - not white, but as dirty/black/brown as we will make him to be.
We will dirtily anyone who dares to challenge the HRC. It is her turn to the White House.
No one is allowed to stop her. No one. No. One.
Althouse Blog is a well oiled political analysis machine that breaks the stories a day or two ahead of the rest of the Internet.
That and the dog pics are quite a combo. Thanks, again.
"And I said, 'Littering.'
And they all moved away from me
on the bench There,
and the hairy eyeball
and all kinds of mean nasty things,
till I Said,
'And creating a nuisance.'
And they all came back.."
"Scott Walker is powerful and threatening to Democrats because he stands firm on conservative principles, that's why he is targeted for destruction, and racial politics is the way they do it."
That does not compute, Ann:
I've been telling you for months this was coming - specifically Scott Walker and specifically on the subject of race.
Not Nikki Haley, Not Bobby Jindal, Not Ted Cruz, not Haley Barbour - just Scott Walker.
So what makes you think - if it was so obvious that Scott Walker had this HUGE weakness hanging out there - that anybody's scared of him? Fact facts, Ann:
Scott Walker's been the walking wounded for while and you just never could see it.
And to say he's been "smeared" is, honestly, what's scurrilous.
If my friends and associates were of the quality of his, there's no way anyone would doubt the charge,...
How funny. You have never once listened to him.
"I wonder, if blacks in Milwaukee had been good neighbors would whites have moved away? Kind of a hassle to move."
Just like Cliven Bundy - you white folks do "wonder" about blacks a lot. Probably a symptom of not really knowing any.
Moving IS a hassle. That's why whites preferred bombing black people's houses when we moved in the neighborhood. Even they really wanted to save money, they'd just burn it down when you went to work - matches don't cost nothing.
We blacks did the best we could, in the Being Neighborly Dept., but nothing ever seemed to be good enough. Which made sense with all the "Whites Only" signs everywhere. Who could get around the obviousness of that? Not me, that's for sure.
I have to admit, Carol, I don't "wonder" about whites too much because, like you, they always seem to be pretty open about their nature. Bright and sunny, with only a hint of menace.
I'm sure, as good neighbors go - and, especially, as American citizens looking out for one another - you're an excellent example of the type,..
"Althouse will have arrived when she guest hosts the Rush Limbaugh show."
Now THAT I would listen to!
"Call him. Get on the air. Tell the screener who you are. Go for it."
You must not know the show very well. He never has callers in that category -- someone he's quoted who wants to clarify and correct.
He has people who will raise issues with some angle that the screener believes will get Rush riffing in a way that will make Rush look good. Rush has said so himself more than once.
"If my friends and associates were of the quality of his, there's no way anyone would doubt the charge…"
If your friends and associates were a big target for liberals, racial attacks would be devised and lobbed.
That's how it's done.
garage mahal said...
"Limbaugh complaining about racial smears? Good God, he wouldn't even have a radio show without racial smears."
Says the fool who listens every day.
Racist means not going along with the quaint deliberately-stupid black culture that the MSM has put on blacks.
Derbyshire is a racist in the old sense - he thinks blacks are as stupid as they appear to be; but a friendly racist. He's just going by the numbers, the evidence is in, and so forth. There's no animus at all. It's just that these programs to help blacks are bound to fail, and he wants to point it out.
My counter is that culture leads to stupidity, and it's not racial but a culture that's politically foisted on blacks. It's easier than studying.
His counter-counter is that culture is inherited; I say it isn't.
So let there be a Derbyshire challenge. It's time for blacks to prove that they're not as stupid as the MSM makes them out to be.
Figuring out who their friends are might be a start. It's not the guys offering free stuff.
If the Althouse podcasts were any indication, she's too scatterbrained to host a talk show.
This is from the know your strengths division.
Ann Althouse,
"If your friends and associates were a big target for liberals, racial attacks would be devised and lobbed.
That's how it's done."
But you're ignoring my point - Scott Walker brought this on himself. It was obvious. No one had to devise anything.
"If the Althouse podcasts were any indication, she's too scatterbrained to host a talk show."
Or teach a law school class.
Be prepared to become the next target of the perpetually outraged.
"It's time for blacks to prove that they're not as stupid as the MSM makes them out to be.
Figuring out who their friends are might be a start. It's not the guys offering free stuff."
Hmmm. A choice between you and Barack Obama.
This Republican's going with Barack this time.
Did you guys hear, when Lincoln was running for office, people said it was "Lincoln and his Black Republicans"?
Shame no one says that anymore,...
Ann Althouse,
"Or teach a law school class."
I have no idea about law school class - I'd assume you're not winging it there.
My standard of high excellence, and I mean really good, is Richard Epstein on Rule of Law, possibly the best lecture I've ever heard.
Biggest flaw with the TNR piece is how Journal Communications (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, WTMJ) escapes culpability by employing/promoting toxic racists slugs like Belling, Sykes, Wagner, etc.
Say my name, say my name
Ann, Welcome to the world of media. 99% of the stories that closely involved an organization or fact situation I knew personally distorted the facts -- "to make it more their story or flashier".
Greatly appreciate this blog. Have learned a great deal over the years from a number of really outstanding writers from many different backgrounds and points of view.
Would be nice if Amazon opened in a new window so backpeddling could be avoided. Would also welcome links to books you recommend. I have gotten many great book ideas from your commenters and have acquired many on your Amazon link. Not suggesting a Glenn Reynolds approach but rather a recommendation of books you have actually read versus "in the mail."
Again, thanks for your work here. Valuable.
What is the difference between toxic and non toxic racism? you have a new vocabulary word you will want to learn how to use it.
Congrats, Ms. Althouse.
"Derbyshire is a racist in the old sense - he thinks blacks are as stupid as they appear to be; but a friendly racist."
I've been reading Derbyshire for years and moved to Taki's Magazine to follow him. NRO was a weasel-like coward to fire him over that silly matter of giving advice to his kids. I wonder how many have accused him of racism without ever reading the piece.
Here, for example, is a bit of advice we see here frequently in comments by a fellow who calls himself "Crack Emcee."
These differences are magnified by the hostility many blacks feel toward whites. Thus, while black-on-black behavior is more antisocial in the average than is white-on-white behavior, average black-on-white behavior is a degree more antisocial yet.
I don't live in Wisconsin and only know about Gov. Walker from what I read here and in the press. My conclusion about the TNR article is that the Democrats are scared stiff of him. The article is not worth discussing, except as an indication of Democratic fear. That alone raises the odds that I will vote for Walker if he runs.
Dear Crack,
Otherness comes in so many forms, as the link below is an example. You cannot tell me that you don't realize you are surrounded here by civilized peers, as you yourself are highly civilized, and that is why you come and that is why you thrive here.
I would love to see another pose from you than the cardboard cutout mask version, the angry black man. C'mon.
" garage mahal said...
Limbaugh complaining about racial smears? Good God, he wouldn't even have a radio show without racial smears."
Really. Cite a couple of examples Corky.
"garage mahal said...
Biggest flaw with the TNR piece is how Journal Communications (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, WTMJ) escapes culpability by employing/promoting toxic racists slugs like Belling, Sykes, Wagner, etc."
Belling isn't on WTMJ Corky. And a few examples of Belling, Wagner or Sykes racism.
We'll wait.
Ann will soon be a one-namer like Cher or Madonna.
And a few examples of Belling, Wagner or Sykes racism.
The examples have been well chronicled for years. Sykes recently aired a video clip that is a favorite video of neo-Nazis. That he shares an eye for art with Stormfront should surprise no one. It's about time the country got a taste of the right wing talk radio horror show out of Milwaukee.
"Did you guys hear, when Lincoln was running for office, people said it was "Lincoln and his Black Republicans"?
Shame no one says that anymore,..."
Especially since it's been 150 years since Lincoln ran for office.
And every Black that runs as a Republican is immediately derided as an Oreo and race traitor. But it's Whites that are the racists.
I felt a rush when Gwyneth Paltrow during her speech accepting the Academy Award thanked me for informing her about the health benefits of high colonics. I was happy enough just to have contributed in a small way to her performance in Shakespeare in Love, but to have been named and thanked during her acceptance speech was a genuine thrill that I will cherish forever.
Some years ago, when the great Tony Snow had just been appointed as GWB's press secretary, NPR's Steve Inskeep interviewed him with an aggressively antagonistic line of questions, basically accusing him of lying before he had even taken the podium. In my usual ineffectual way I fired off a letter to NPR complaining of Inskeep's bias. A few days later on NPR's "Readers Write" segment, they read part of my letter and said my name. It was kind of surreal-- for a second I thought there might be someone else with my somewhat unusual name.
So here's how it is, Althouse-- having your name mentioned by Rush probably gives you the same feeling as we humble commenters feel when you append our comments to a post on the front page.
"garage mahal said...
And a few examples of Belling, Wagner or Sykes racism.
The examples have been well chronIled for years. Sykes recently aired a video clip that is a favorite video of neo-Nazis. That he shares an eye for art with Stormfront should surprise no one. It's about time the country got a taste of the right wing talk radio horror show out of Milwaukee."
So you cite one video clip...created by a proof that Sykes is a toxic racist thug. What does that make the person who created it? Who by the way knows that there is a portion of the black population that lives to get handouts and abuse the system.
Translation: You have nothing.
And nothing on Belling, Wagner, or Rush.
What a tool.
Stormfront? Stormfront? Did someone mention Stormfront? No, no, no racists around here, no sirree, dumb-dee-dumb-dumb-DUMB.
[Sigh} What am I going to do with y'all?
Crunchy Frog,
"Every Black that runs as a Republican is immediately derided as an Oreo and race traitor. But it's Whites that are the racists."
That's because you only let Oreos and race traitors through. I wouldn't be talking to whites the way I do, except they tried to do it to me, and I said fuck you. The suggestion is horrible, so I said fuck you.
I'm trying not to use that sort of language anymore,...
How about Walker starts out as a Vice President. That was the way the country got two of its really great Presidents: Theodore Roosevelt and Harry Truman.
Ann - contrast and compare - here's what you wrote:
"Much of the article is about the demographics of Milwaukee and the suburban counties around it, including the history — going back into the early 20th century — of how black people migrated to the city and did not — as white people did — relocate into the suburbs…."
But, lifting up the rock, here's what's actually there:
"The city had never been exactly welcoming to African Americans—its tight-knit enclaves of Germans, Jews, and Poles had fiercely resisted housing and school integration. But the decline of the black ghetto so soon after many of its residents had arrived made it easier for white Milwaukeeans to write off the entire African American community, or to blame it for the city’s troubles. White flight, like the Great Migration, came late to Milwaukee, but it came fast and fueled with resentment."
Now that's a white wash. You speak of this history of prejudice and discrimination in a passive voice ("as white people did" or as black people couldn't?) leaving out the strongly implied racism and the explicit scapegoating of blacks by whites.
You don't mention Milwaukee fell apart BEFORE blacks got there - a white fuck-up like the banking fiasco - and they insist on punishing blacks for it. Just like Obama catches it now.
That's probably why you couldn't see this Scott Walker business coming, as well. It's been sitting there all along. Didn't need prodding or anything - it was gonna burst. Had to. And it's not over.
He's too practiced. The danger to his career is increased by the scrutiny. Like the Koch Brother prank caller discovered, there's a different Scott Walker back there, that's for sure.
In every dream home a heartache,...
The unbearable whiteness of the New Republic.
Maybe they should hire Crack!
Limbaugh's show and audience resonates with Crack Emcee types -- not!
I'm pretty certain that if Limbaugh were to read the Althouse blog and her comments, he'd get a chuckle out of Crack and Meade's defense of him and click away. But this is as it should be, is it not?
"The decline of the black ghetto so soon after many of its residents had arrived"
"Oreos and race traitors"
Self loathing on parade.
There is a difference between the precision of writing, the precision of speeches and lecturing, and the verbal entertainment such as a daily radio show.
Ann is very scattered in those video 'blogs'; lacks the flow and style of the blog.
Of course, that's no excuse for imprecision. But I wonder, exactly, what would you correct, though, without appearing pedantic? While a requirement for law, not exactly top of the list for radio shows such as this.
We will dirtily anyone who dares to challenge the HRC. It is her turn to the White House.
No one is allowed to stop her. No one. No. One.
Her book is a bomb.
"Limbaugh's show and audience resonates with Crack Emcee types -- not!"
Shows you what you know - I was a loyal ditto head for years. Pretty much, up until the Sandra Fluke apology, and then he lost me. Before that, I listened, even called in once or twice. I enjoyed it.
But Limbaugh's full of shit like all the rest. Selling homeopathic "miracle" cures and whatnot. He plays a fool's game, with you as the fool, and it's fun as long as you willingly play along.
It's catching on that destroys the effect, as with most things,...
"The unbearable whiteness of the New Republic.
Maybe they should hire Crack!"
I like how ignorant you guys are to race, always doing head counts and the like, without a clue what's effective propaganda, or really offensive, or how any of it really works. (How'd the Irish become "white"? What does that say about whiteness and race? What does it say about the fate of blacks, or America - who can never become "white"? THINK!)
TNR's all white - but then, so is Althouse but they're O.K., why? Why some whites but not, say, chickelit? You don't know. You don't know who's racist or not, who's culturally aware or not - I doubt you even really know what "culturally aware" really means - nothing.
But you talk. White people talk, talk, talk, talk, talk It's almost like - the more clueless they are - the more they talk.
Ta-Nahisi Coates recently spoke of his frustration at having to listen to whites talk their bullshit about race and blacks specifically, totally clueless, before he forced them to have this real discussion about something important to our lives - which whites didn't know about as they dominate magazines, newspapers, television shows, movies, and social media with their ignorant views.
Yeah, somebody ought to hire me.
But not just because I really need the worko
But because y'all also really need the help,...
So what you are saying, is that lying, distorting facts, and misrepresenting quotes is okay if it convinces you to agree with the overall premise Rush is trying to make.
I don't know what article you read but the article I read didn't imply that Walker was racist (or gay for that matter). The main thrust of the article is that Walker was in the right place at the right time. He is a rather boring and banal politician who owes his success to the toxic, and extremely partisan, politics of Wisconsin. Consequently, on a national stage he will fail spectacularly.
My conclusion about the TNR article is that the Democrats are scared stiff of him.
What utter nonsense. There seems to be this belief among wingnuts that if someone is conservative enough, he will suddenly attract all the truly conservative real Americans who have been on the sidelines.
There just aren't enough of you out there. In fact, in a presidential election between Walker and any Democrat, he wouldn't even win Wisconsin. Heck, it cost him more than twice what the Democrats spent just to retain his governorship.
Exactly which Democrats are scared stiff of him?
The Unbearable Whiteness of The New Republic:
Of the 115 or so individuals listed on the masthead at the website of The New Republic, some 106 are Whites.
Of the other nine, eight have a white parent, a white surname, or white/mulatto features; and one appears to be Chinese.
Those numbers establish the racial makeup at the magazine as being 92% White and 92–99% White or partly White.
Only three of the individuals appear to be Blacks, or at least mulatto: one "Production Director," and two "contributing editors" or freelance writers.
Whereas in the administration of Governor Scott Walker, three of the eighteen Cabinet-level offices are held by Blacks, though Blacks are only about 6.5% of the population of Wisconsin.
The Crack Emcee said...
Yeah, somebody ought to hire me.
But not just because I really need the worko
But because y'all also really need the help,...
HAHAHAhahaaaaaa. That is some real funny shit there! Hire Crack? Really? If you are anything in person like you post here, there is NO job you are fit to be hired for. You post as a racist, left-centered, egotistical blow-hard that sees EVERYTHING through the lens of "poor oppressed me". The white man has and continues to do wrong to you. You are not in any way personally responsible for anything that has happened. You are just a leaf blown on the winds of a white racist America. You also believe you are the expert on race in America and are just the right guy to lecture EVERYONE on how evil and ignorant we all are and that you have somehow been elected to represent all "legitimate" blacks.
Hire you? You should not even be allowed out in public without a handler.
"Heck, it cost him more than twice what the Democrats spent just to retain his governorship"
How much did the Obama campaign spend?
Exactly which Democrats are scared stiff of him?
The same Democrats that were constantly scared of Sarah Palin.
"The city had never been exactly welcoming to African Americans—its tight-knit enclaves of Germans, Jews, and Poles had fiercely resisted housing and school integration.
It's time we had a national conversation about the culture of racism in the Deep North.
Jonathan Silber,
"The Unbearable Whiteness of The New Republic"
You miss the point:
There's only one of me. But I swing that fucking hammer every day and these nails scream. Really, you'd think I was an army but, it's just little ol' black me.
I see no evidence Scott Walker and his crew know what a hammer is, much less, could be expected to get some real work done when they've been repeatedly busted for slagging the very citizens they claim to serve. And there's no defending the results.
It's serious business, that Scott Walker's entire political career has been in that one place, because it damns him as being part of how it happened. He represents the history of that place, as well as it's present. Really look at it, like the whole thing counts - everybody. Then ask yourself how Scott Walker's been doing.
I was glad to watch him during the union-busting thing but, as with most political issues these days, the framing was intentionally off so as to obscure what was really happening. Luckily, between reports on the abysmal state of black Wisconsin and Walker staffer's inability to professionally mask their frustrations, that's begun to be righted somewhat.
How you missed that, is the same as how you're missing The New Republic, simply by counting heads. The New Republic IS white - and it's swinging a hammer.
And the nails are SCREAMING.
Scott Walker's got power - and three blacks - and all I heard is a racist cacophony. Not from the blacks, but from the powerful. The whites around this supposed presidential timber.
Speaking of those three black cabinet officials, Ann and Meade should search them out, and find out what they thought of their colleagues' concerns. Of the charge that Scott Walker wallows in a cesspool. Wisconsin racial history. All of it.
Why not?
"It's time we had a national conversation about the culture of racism in the Deep North."
Just say the country, and let's get on with it, shall we?
I would not hire anyone who thought they were morally entitled to "reparations" from me and my family.
I regard anyone who thinks that way as a liability. Employee theft or embezzlement waiting to happen - at best, and an employment practices insurance liability on top of that.
They've already justified the theft in their minds. I'm not about to give them access on top of that.
Hey, how's that job search going for you?
How much did the Obama campaign spend?
I don't know what you are referring to or why it is relevant. But if you are talking about the 2012 Presidential Campaign, spending was about equal by the two candidates.
Rush only claims to be a documented 99.7% correct in what he says on air, so I'd say he is acknowledging your post.
I you click on the post, it collapses. I'd pay Amazon for an app that intercepts the "Click for more" and collapses any post under the name of the one trick pony "Crack Emcee." Read it once, you've heard it all.
I thought for a while that there might be a thoughtful, reasoned statement by him somewhere, sometime. I've given up.
"I would not hire anyone who thought they were morally entitled to "reparations" from me and my family."
Neither would I, but reparations doesn't come from you and your family, so why are you saying you'll penalize other Americans for your ignorance by denying them a job?
Oh yeah - you're too lost in racist pablum to investigate how it operates within you - like the snarky "how's that job search going for you?"
As a white man - with the history and credibility of white people behind you - do you consider toying with other's life prospects funny?
Or a break with the past?
Stopping being a racist must be hard, huh?
I don't expect you to answer back, you coward,...
Oh, Freder, are you really that dense?
Obama, running for reelection, spent considerably more than his opponent. Why doesn't that bother you, but Walker spending more than his opponent does bother you?
Obama, running for reelection, spent considerably more than his opponent. Why doesn't that bother you, but Walker spending more than his opponent does bother you?
No he didn't. You are simply wrong.
The Crack Emcee said...
Neither would I, but reparations doesn't come from you and your family,...
So please tell us oh great and wise Crack, were would the money come from?
Me thinks from taxes and I and Jason pay taxes so how would the money not come from him, his family and everyone else that works and pays taxes?
If you say Government, where do they get it? Either from taxes or from printing it (which is a form of tax as it degrades the value of existing money due to dilution). Or are you thinking only specific white people will be made to pay and Jason isn't on the list?
Just asking...
Crack wrote;
"Neither would I, but reparations doesn't come from you and your family,"
It comes from the magic money tree in our backyards. Along with the rainbows and unicorns that make your car engine run.
One wonders where Crack thinks wealth comes from.
It's hard to imagine anyone opposing the Hive whom loyal plantation servant Uncle Crack wouldn't dislike.
"I would not hire anyone who thought they were morally entitled to 'reparations' from me and my family."
That be because you be raciss, honkey.
"Crack wrote;
"'Neither would I, but reparations doesn't come from you and your family'
"It comes from the magic money tree in our backyards. Along with the rainbows and unicorns that make your car engine run.
"One wonders where Crack thinks wealth comes from."
Although Uncle Crack seems stupider, more ignorant and/or crazier than most of the Hive, I get the impression that rainbows and unicorns is where most "liberals" (and by "liberals" I mean of course "tax-happy, coercion-addicted, power-tripping State-fellators") seem to think wealth comes from.
Freder: "No he didn't. You are simply wrong."
Uh oh.
Look who is making flat pronouncements again!!
Freder didn't learn anything from his foibles of yesterday re: AGW and the magical disappearing surface warming.
And he would have gotten away with it too if it hadn't been for those meddling kids!!
The fact is obama did spend significantly more than Romney.
However, when you factor in all outside group spending (in dollars) Romney comes out ahead.
Of course, none of those calculations include the massive inkind contributions provided by the unions and their membership.
Anyone want to venture a guess as to how much taxpayer time was spent by unionized gov't workers to help obama along?
Again, Freder, you might want to tighten up on the assertion specificity side of things.
However, if Freder meant to say as many DOLLARS were spent EITHER by Romney or Romney supporters as Obama and his supporters, that's true enough.
As far as we can determine.
do you consider toying with other's life prospects funny?
No. That's why I don't expect reparations from people who've never done anything wrong.
Neither would I, but reparations doesn't come from you and your family, so why are you saying you'll penalize other Americans for your ignorance by denying them a job?
1. Nobody's entitled to a job from me in the first place, so I have not trouble denying people who THINK they'e entitled to my money from a job. As I pointed out before, it's stupid. They're a bad liability and employee theft risk.
See, they have employee screening tests designed to weed out just such an entitlement attitude already. But if I do a little bit of Google research, their applications in hand, and I see them online buying into the same lies you're deluding yourself with, I don't even have to pay for the testing. They go directly to the dustbin.
2.) People who think that taxpayer-funded reparations DON'T come from me and my family shouldn't be throwing around the "ignorance" label so casually, fool.
I you click on the post, it collapses. I'd pay Amazon for an app that intercepts the "Click for more" and collapses any post under the name of the one trick pony "Crack Emcee.""
The Case For Reparations, Ron, and, if you find more than one "trick" in it, that I should be addressing for you, you let me know.
If you ask me, it's y'all who use the one trick - of massive white ignorance - every single day of the week. Look at you and Scott Walker - you had no clue!
That's why black shit is always, somehow, sneaking up on you like this,...
"So please tell us oh great and wise Crack, were would the money come from?"
Why don't you guys do the fucking research yourselves, so you don't sound like such fools when you're trying to sound intelligent?
As Coates said, "A lot of people think they are equipped to have this conversation and they are not,…"
Y'all are not - definitely.
If this is the best you can do, white people - who had no schooling disadvantage - you are DUUUMMMMB!!!!
"One wonders where Crack thinks wealth comes from."
America's wealth comes from 400 years of evil and exploitation, based on an un-level playing field, erected by the sociopathic culture of whites.
How'd I do?
William Chadwick,
"It's hard to imagine anyone opposing the Hive whom loyal plantation servant Uncle Crack wouldn't dislike."
Again with the "plantation" talk? You guys are NEVER going to get blacks to join you with that. I'd think, if you were intelligent (which I used to give whites the benefit of the doubt on) you'd stop that, but today - no. You enjoy the racist posture too much.
No, you've lived up to my worst nightmares, so you're right:
If they oppose white racist bullshit, they're my friends. Simple as that - as long as you're defeated.
They can lie, cheat, steal, kill, maim - anything whites have done to erect this Hell around blacks - and it's alright with me because it fits the white moral scope they've taught us:
There's nothing wrong with rape, theft, or anything else - even for hundreds of years - as long as we deny responsibility and it brings us money the way it did whites.
We blacks are learning the Founding Father's (and their supporter's) lessons well,...
William Chadwick,
"That be because you be raciss, honkey."
You just can't help yourselves - and, the best part is, you don't seem to realize that's what the reparations are going to be for!
Keep it up - it's all compounding as we speak,...
do you consider toying with other's life prospects funny?
"No. That's why I don't expect reparations from people who've never done anything wrong."
But you feel justified in teasing those who haven't done anything wrong, but America makes them pay anyway, right?
"1. Nobody's entitled to a job from me in the first place, so I have not trouble denying people who THINK they'e entitled to my money from a job. As I pointed out before, it's stupid. They're a bad liability and employee theft risk."
But America's already ripped us off - and you defend it. You're lucky everybody doesn't steal everything you have.
"See, they have employee screening tests designed to weed out just such an entitlement attitude already."
An "entitlement attitude" amongst people whites ripped off - hilarious.
"2.) People who think that taxpayer-funded reparations DON'T come from me and my family shouldn't be throwing around the "ignorance" label so casually, fool. "
Like I said, I'm sure your bank account was a lot lighter after the Japanese got theirs.
You're a moron.
And, based on that, it will be grand to watch you lose your cookies - and this debate,...
There aren't going to be reparations, pal. You can bank that. There is no debate. And if there were and you were appointed to make the case you would lose.
How do you have the time to be on this blog night and day? Do you think your stupid drivel is changing minds? Educating anyone? It is a nice place to insult people, a safe place to do so, but what the fuck do you think you are doing?
I used to pity you. Your life has to be extra fucked.
He is a rather boring and banal politician who owes his success to the toxic, and extremely partisan, politics of Wisconsin. Consequently, on a national stage he will fail spectacularly.
I'm rooting for his brand of "bland ambition." I think others are too. Flamboyance is H.I.P.-positive, and people are fed up with that.
The Crack Emcee said...
America's wealth comes from 400 years of evil and exploitation, based on an un-level playing field, erected by the sociopathic culture of whites.
How'd I do?
Another bookmarked and memorialized racist rant by Crack Emcee.
Nobody's debating you, fool.
We're mocking you.
You're lucky everybody doesn't steal everything you have.
Molon labe, bitch.
You'll find I'm all about winning hearts and minds.
As in, 'two in the heart, one in the mind.'
"How do you have the time to be on this blog night and day?"
He said, also here,…?
He is a rather boring and,...will fail spectacularly.
"I'm rooting for his brand of "bland ambition."
What part of he "will fail spectacularly" are you rooting for? Did Mitt Romney not teach you anything? Ted Cruz's crusade? Do you even understand politics?
And you guys claim the Democrats are fucked up,...
"There aren't going to be reparations, pal. You can bank that. There is no debate. And if there were and you were appointed to make the case you would lose."
Like whites are great representatives for the image they've projected. The entire world is now horrified by America's treatment of it's black citizens, and are more proud of our accomplishments than many whites from here. Good looking out.
No, I'm no Martin Luther King, but you only shame yourself by acknowledging that's the level of education, eloquence, and purity of intent - after centuries of government-sanctioned torture and terror - that's still what whites think is needed before they recognize A) they killed him, and B) it's a simple call for decency and justice.
There's not a single reason for any black person to believe a word you say.
What are your thoughts on the Middle East? Don't believe you.
What are your thoughts on conservatism vs. liberalism? Don't believe you.
American values? Don't believe you. None of it. No reason to - you had a chance and failed.
Conservatives are whining already - playing the victim - as the country's slipping away from them. There is absolutely nothing they can say to justify their position in the eyes of anyone not already convinced. Because they're stained with racism.
They like to pretend it's a tactic used to smear them, because - just like the whites in South Africa - they refuse the responsibility of maturity that citizenship requires, so the country can become itself. Sorry, Big Truck Drivers, your soft white underbelly's showing and you know what that means.
Nobody believes you.
Denial doesn't make blood go away. And trying to play the great against the good isn't going to work - because, while we can't fix it, we can do something and we will - so, when it comes to black civil rights you should know, at best, all you can do is slow our roll once an idea's time has come. We've been hearing your "not gonna happen" talk for centuries - and we've NEVER believed you. You know why?
Here we are,...
you're here for now, but you're being abandoned by the race hustlers. You're not procreating fast enough for them. Soon Asians and Hispanics will outnumber you, and those who care about the color of a mans skin rather than the content of his character are going to start catering to them.
Your chance was 40 years ago. It came and went. Now is the time of the Hispanic. They will get what they want long before you get what you want, Crack. Sorry to say it, but each year less and less Democrats see a use for you. You don't have the money or the votes. Its a demographic shift in the us and its focus isn't blacks or whites.
You can shout into the wind all you'd like but history marches on.
The Crack writes;
"America's wealth comes from 400 years of evil and exploitation, based on an un-level playing field, erected by the sociopathic culture of whites"
I'm curious, where do you think wealth comes from? Present tense. Not American wealth. All wealth.
You are inhinged. It was about sixty years between the time i was beaten and called a nigger lover by my redneck brethern and being called a racist by a poorly educated child of a Los Angeles suburb who has decided he is a freedom rider on the Ann Althouse blog.
You are pathetic. You are wasting your time and your life and you are doing not one thing for the cause of black americans.
You lack the balls.
The Crack Emcee said...
"So please tell us oh great and wise Crack, were would the money come from?"
Why don't you guys do the fucking research yourselves, so you don't sound like such fools when you're trying to sound intelligent?
As Coates said, "A lot of people think they are equipped to have this conversation and they are not,…"
For your information, I read the entire Coates article on reparations and can see why it appeals to you. Like you, he is big on pointing out guilt and big on demanding “justice” but very light on explaining exactly the form that justice takes. His big answer was to have a congressional committee work it out. Yep, that is exactly what we need, another government committee. Wait, maybe his is right! Another government committee to figure out what reparations would be! That will take 10 to 15 years and the result will be a 1500 page report that boils down to more “programs” to help blacks. Meanwhile as others have pointed out, demographic shifts will continue to make you irrelevant to the Democratic party and their new “favorites” will not stand for yet more money being spent on you. It’s a problem that solves its self!
Also, you specifically failed to explain where the reperations money would come from if it is not to come from taxes. You specifically said to another poster “Neither would I, but reparations doesn't come from you and your family,...”. So, where does it come from? Money tree? Unicorn farts? Irish Leprechaun gold? If it is not “charity” that is volentarally donated, then it has to be “taken” from someone by someone else. That is either theft or taxes (at times they are the same thing). So, I ask again, where does the money come from?
The Crack Emcee said...
Like whites are great representatives for the image they've projected. The entire world is now horrified by America's treatment of it's black citizens, and are more proud of our accomplishments than many whites from here. Good looking out.
6/17/14, 8:48 PM
I think Americans have a far better recent (RECENT) record of our treatment of all citizens (blacks, gays, black-gays, criminals, everyone) than current ME countries, you know the ones run by Muslims. They still hang gays. They still behead people and stone women. They still OWN blacks over there you know. But just like feminists, it is far easier for you to be over here in America protesting current slights and past sins than to actually DO SOMETHING about current atrocities happening elsewhere in the world. You sit in front of your computer bitching and moaning about your “half-empty” glass while I could grab just about any random black person anywhere else in the world and they would change places with you in a heart-beat. Instead of being a force for good and for progress (not the Dems definition) you want to burn it all down because bad shit happened to your “race” in times past. Poor, poor baby, what a hard time of it you have had. You were born in America. The place nearly everyone else in the world wants to be and you don’t have a Bentley. No one gave you a private plane. The country (mostly) expects you to actually earn your own stuff. Worst of all, you try and try to educate those ignorant white folks that read this blog on the Internet and try as you might to enlighten them, they JUST WON’T LISTEN!
Thank the stars in heaven that the Great and Enlightened Crack takes on the burden and suffering to return to this blog day after day and put up with the vast ignorant masses to beat a little “knowledge” into us. Stick with it, Crack. One day your suffering will be justified. One day maybe some of us will “see the light”!
The fact is obama did spend significantly more than Romney.
You caught me. I should have said the "campaigns" not the individual candidates spent approximately the same amount.
But then of course, the original point was how much was spent in the Walker recall election in total, not by the individual candidates. So referring to direct spending by Obama to "prove" that the president spent much more to get elected than Romney is dishonest at best. Just like in the other thread it was dishonest to claim that warming has stopped over the last 17 years if you neglect to mention that that contention is based on surface temperature observations (which of course is an incomplete measure).
"you're here for now, but you're being abandoned by the race hustlers. You're not procreating fast enough for them. Soon Asians and Hispanics will outnumber you, and those who care about the color of a mans skin rather than the content of his character are going to start catering to them."
Ha! Only the people who read one line of MLK believe that.
The rest are with us,...
You lack the balls.
Reparations was on Stephen Colbert last night.
That's what you know.
I hope you liked your beating - and will take more in the future.
You're fucked up,...
"For your information, I read the entire Coates article on reparations and can see why it appeals to you. Like you, he is big on pointing out guilt and big on demanding “justice” but very light on explaining exactly the form that justice takes."
Are you all retarded? If not, how did so many whites miss the part about HR40?
I think you're retarded. In black schools, usually, when there's a kid who can't help but repeat a point the teacher's already made, or somehow missed it, when it's been covered well?
Most of us expect they're retarded,...
"I think Americans have a far better recent (RECENT) record of our treatment,…."
The Crack Emcee said...
"I think Americans have a far better recent (RECENT) record of our treatment,…."
So, sins of the father and all that? No one calls German citizens Nazis today, unless they actually are. No one should call anyone a racist unless they actually are. If we go back to the "record" on this blog, you appear to be the most qualified for that particular label.
The Crack Emcee said...
Reparations was on Stephen Colbert last night.
That's what you know.
I hope you liked your beating - and will take more in the future.
You're fucked up,...
6/18/14, 9:06 AM
So you are the other guy that watches Colbert! That helps explain some things..
"So, sins of the father and all that?"
Ta-Nehisi Coates outlined racism - directly targeted to blacks - that stretches right up to me.
No "sins of the father" - this is about YOU, your blindness to your own actions, to your own image, and our country's history, as you stubbornly insist everybody's got to listen to you because everybody's ALWAYS had to listen to the white man. Nobody gives a fuck about you, except to see how to remove you from in our way. That's all you are or have ever been - an obstacle to justice.
You're hurting black Americans, you've been hurting black Americans, and all you know is hurting black Americans. Even your efforts to help hurt black Americans. Check out whites "helping" after 400 years:
"That first effort didn't work - we'd better stop."
And if blacks say "no" - it's "race hustling".
Is there another answer for that situation - totally created by whites - other than "Fuck you"?
No, I don't think there is. Not amongst decent human beings anyway,...
The Crack Emcee said...
You're hurting black Americans, you've been hurting black Americans, and all you know is hurting black Americans. Even your efforts to help hurt black Americans. Check out whites "helping" after 400 years:
Your racism is showing again, Crack, then again, when is it not?
I have not ever specifically done ANYTHING to hurt "black Americans". In fact, I have not ever specifically done anything to help "black Americans" either, because I don't CARE about "black Americans" nor do I care about ANY specific hyphenated group. I DO care about America and Americans. I DO help Americans. I DO work to not hurt Americans. I vote for the people I believe will do the most to stay out of peoples way and allow people to do for themselves. I work for causes that do the same.
The shame of it all is that you are your own worst enemy and to the extent that you represent "black people", hurt them as well through your actions. I am not sure if you know this or not and I am not sure that even if you really did, it would change your behavior one bit.
"I have not ever specifically done ANYTHING to hurt "black Americans". In fact, I have not ever specifically done anything to help "black Americans" either,…"
And there's your crime:
Who doesn't help people who have been hurt by whites for 400 years?
A Nazi.
"I have not ever specifically done ANYTHING to hurt "black Americans". In fact, I have not ever specifically done anything to help "black Americans" either, because I don't CARE about "black Americans" nor do I care about ANY specific hyphenated group."
Compare that statement to Ta-Nehisi Coates, who said this weekend that he had sided with Asians against blacks, in a discussion about school choice.
Notice how one group - blacks - DO SHOW CONCERN FOR OTHERS.
While the white man brags HE ONLY CARES ABOUT HIMSELF.
Then he'll lecture us about not being good flag-waving Americans.
Before the lecture about us all being individuals who must count only on ourselves and our bootstraps.
You're a confused fool,...
The Crack Emcee said...
"I have not ever specifically done ANYTHING to hurt "black Americans". In fact, I have not ever specifically done anything to help "black Americans" either,…"
And there's your crime:
Who doesn't help people who have been hurt by whites for 400 years?
A Nazi.
6/18/14, 1:53 PM
So what have you specifically done to help Jews? What have you specifically done to help American Indians? Or are you also a Nazi?
I have been called a Nazi by Crack. Do I get an ID card or something since I am now in the club of people Crack has called a Nazi? Will someone send me the specifics on the weekly meetings?
A Nazi?
Crack: My sister's name is Eisenstein. Her grandfather, a Jewish Romanian medical student in Italy, escaped a Nazi labor camp and took to the hills, being hunted by Nazis and killing Nazis, before he came to America to become a successful physician.
My grandfather didn't have much to do with interning Japanese Americans for that matter. He won a BSM for his work on the Regensburg raid, August 17th, 1944, the single bloodiest day in US military aviation history. He watched his own crew, flying next to him, under Lt. Nayovitz, get shot out of the sky by German fighters (He had to switch birds at the last minute because of an oxygen shortage on his normal plane. He had nightmares about it his whole life.
His older brother was with the Marines on Guadalcanal and throughout the Pacific campaign.
My mother lost three uncles in the Royal Navy to U-boats and another uncle grievously wounded in North Africa under General Montgomery.
You be careful who you call a "Nazi." Otherwise you're liable to get hit so hard when you wake up.
your drivers license will have expired.
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