৪ জুন, ২০১৪

Maureen Dowd went to Colorado, ate some marijuana candy, and had an 8-hour freakout.

I'm surprised she's willing to write openly about violating federal criminal law. On-the-books felony laws would be enough to silence me, but I would also think that a person who at least poses as smart wouldn't want to admit that she made the classic idiot's mistake of choosing edible marijuana — which takes some time to kick in — eating some and then — after not feeling enough — eating some more.
But then I felt a scary shudder go through my body and brain. I barely made it from the desk to the bed, where I lay curled up in a hallucinatory state for the next eight hours. I was thirsty but couldn’t move to get water. Or even turn off the lights. I was panting and paranoid, sure that when the room-service waiter knocked and I didn’t answer, he’d call the police and have me arrested for being unable to handle my candy.

I strained to remember where I was or even what I was wearing, touching my green corduroy jeans and staring at the exposed-brick wall. As my paranoia deepened, I became convinced that I had died and no one was telling me.

It took all night before it began to wear off, distressingly slowly. The next day, a medical consultant at an edibles plant where I was conducting an interview mentioned that candy bars like that are supposed to be cut into 16 pieces for novices; but that recommendation hadn’t been on the label.
Among the top comments at the link: "You went all the way to Colorado to try pot and didn't do your homework on how to consume your pot-candy? Wow!" And: "And she did it alone, in a strange hotel room, without even any advice. Sad."

I think, in the end, Dowd's drug-addled brain seems to have lit on the liberally-correct notion that what's needed is more regulation: packaging and labeling requirements and accurate information on correct "dosing." There's no dosing information on bottles of alcohol. How high do you want to get? "Dosing" is the language of prescription drugs, which have a medical purpose. Marijuana used for the purpose of getting high is not susceptible to regulation about dosing. In normal prescription drug regulation, feeling high would be an undesirable side effect. If a side effect is all you're after, the government is not an appropriate adviser.

Well, I want to remember that I'm wearing green corduroys and not dead.

Sorry, lady! You're "experimenting" with drugs, as we've been saying since at least the days of Jimi Hendrix....

Do your own experiments! This isn't science, and the government is not your guru. You're on your own. You, in the hotel room, with your undelivered room service munchies, and your brick wall.

At least you knew — surely, you had flashes of remembering — that you are a NYT columnist and you were piling up raw material for quite a column. And you rested on the firm mattress of belief that the government — the government you hallucinatorily believe will protect you — would never come after you.

Even beset by paranoia, you are so sure of your privilege that you are stone free do what you please...

১০৮টি মন্তব্য:

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Typical reaction of someone who'd wear corduroy,...

The Drill SGT বলেছেন...

On-the-books felony laws would be enough to silence me

You have the limiting condition of being an "Officer of the Court" and a member of the Bar.

Dowd, not so much...

Mark বলেছেন...

A way with words, but not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree.

lemondog বলেছেন...

But then I felt a scary shudder go through my body and brain.

Suspect a lot of people who read her column have similar reactions.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Sounds like eating drug candy is a suicidal act.

Birches বলেছেন...

What a stupid article. Does she not realize a guy in Denver just killed his wife (in front of the kids) not too long ago because of the hallucinations he had after eating a couple of edibles?

Of course, Maureen Dowd is an idiot

Tibore বলেছেন...

Her freakout started long before she traveled to Colorado to eat any drugs.

Conserve Liberty বলেছেন...

Jeez. I knew better than that 50 years ago. And I'm just some dumb, un-credentialed schmuck from the Flyover.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

She should've sought advice from the Choom Gang.

tim maguire বলেছেন...

With pot, how high you get is not so much a function of how much you smoke or eat, but of how good the pot is. Crappy pot will not get you high no matter how much you ingest, great pot doesn't take much to get you going. And, once you're high, if you keep taking more, you're just wasting pot.

8 hours? It sounds like there was something else in her brownie.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Even beset by paranoia, you are so sure of your privilege that you are stone free do what you please...

So can we play the "check your privilege" card on her?

Tank বলেছেন...

For someone who has not used pot, or not in a long time, this is the stupidest way to go about it.

Hint: Bring a friend. Buy some actual pot. Roll a thin doobie. Light it. Take a few tokes. Wait (this might be a good time to put some music on, or order some munchies, or take your clothes off - wait, I forgot who we were talking about). See what happens. If needed, a few more tokes. Repeat.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Commenting on the Wrong Post Drunk Guy says:

Sure, I'm a little drunk, but that doesn't mean I don't have a point to make. In my castration dreams I am surrounded by beautiful women who smell of lavender and coconut who all want me now, I am now irresistible, irresistible and castrated and they run their fingers over my skin and I can do nothing about it, nothing, I am a deflated red balloon with no nozzle to blow into, I will never inflate again. The beautiful women then take dildos and rubber penises out of their small fashionable bags and proceed to pleasure themselves in front of me, all these dildos and rubber penises and moans and soft naked flesh and I am powerless, penis-less, useless. I am spiraling into a breakdown when suddenly a beautiful blonde with a nose ring inserts a rubber penis in my ass, it is a surprise, I have no genitals and there is now a rubber penis in my ass and I wake up. I think it is wrong for you to comment on things you really don't know about.

Drago বলেছেন...

The Crack Emcee said...
Typical reaction of someone who'd wear corduroy,...

Crack with a corduroy slam?

Nicely done.

BTW, is corduroy a "thing" for new yorkers?

Only Titus is truly qualified to answer that question.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Reefer Madness!

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"Hint: Bring a friend. Buy some actual pot. Roll a thin doobie. Light it. Take a few tokes. Wait (this might be a good time to put some music on, or order some munchies, or take your clothes off - wait, I forgot who we were talking about). See what happens. If needed, a few more tokes. Repeat."

You're forgetting the key problem: You can't smoke in a hotel room. These aging-Boomer pot tourists are staying in hotels. They can't be going off looking for a place to smoke and then trying to get back to their hotel rooms. You can't have Maureen Dowd-type ladies curled up next to a rock in the mountains above Boulder.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Talk about paranoia. There's mountain lions up there.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"BTW, is corduroy a "thing" for new yorkers? Only Titus is truly qualified to answer that question."

Titus is in Cambridge, MA.

To check if "corduroy a "thing" for new yorkers?" google "normcore corduroy."

Chris বলেছেন...

"Even beset by paranoia, you are so sure of your privilege that you are stone free do what you please..."

She's right, though. No way will the government make a federal case out of her little trip.

Reading the top of your post, "privilege" was the word that came to my mind. That, and the image of David Gregory flaunting gun laws on national TV.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"[J.W. Anderson's] AW14 menswear collection was call centre power dressing for the boys (a mix between nylon and chunky heels), whilst his most recent womenswear collection was made entirely from ‘bad taste’ fabrics like corduroy and felt. As Anderson explained during menswear, the bland – or avant-normcore – doesn’t mean ugly: “I don’t see it as being sexless, I see it as being fragile.”"

Diamondhead বলেছেন...

The last time I smoked pot was the first time in a long time and it turned out to be the last time I ever will. I wasn't ready for the improvement in quality over college. I had an experience not unlike Dowd's, and I'd wager that she's a few panic attacks and a couple months of anxiety away from putting this episode behind her.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@Althouse, there's so much bile in the lady that it's unlikely a mountain lion would find Dowd appetizing.

ndspinelli বলেছেন...

There is dosing on medical cannabis sold in Ca. And, the bud tenders give strong warnings on the dosage and patience. No need for hissy fits from elitist women who don't know shit about the topic but feel free to pontificate on it. If Colorado edibles don't have dosage then they should be required to do so. I know the medical cannabis in Colorado did/does.

Mark বলেছেন...

Ann, that "normcore" quote made my eyes bleed.

Billy Oblivion বলেছেন...

You can't have Maureen Dowd-type ladies curled up next to a rock in the mountains above Boulder.

Sure you can.

Talk about paranoia. There's mountain lions up there.

Don't worry, she won't poison them. They have better taste than that.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Consider this.

Pianoman বলেছেন...

How cute. MoDo thinks she's this generation's Hunter S. Thompson.


Ignorance is Bliss বলেছেন...

Dowd- don't take the brown acid.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Those folds in the trousers - what a labyrinth of endlessly significant complexity! And the texture of the green corduroy - how rich, how deeply, mysteriously sumptuous...

Goldenpause বলেছেন...

Did her employer (The New York Times Company -- a company publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange) approve of and pay for her travel to Colorado and her purchase of marijuana candy, which our esteemed blogger/law professor describes correctly as a federal felony?

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"Here's a picture... What does it mean?"

Wince বলেছেন...

Cheech: That's some heavy shit, man... I... I can't breathe.

Chong: Hey, mellow-out, man...


Sometimes that helps, man.

Roughcoat বলেছেন...

That, and the image of David Gregory flaunting gun laws on national TV.

First he flaunted the laws, then he flouted them.

Ignorance is Bliss বলেছেন...


It gets worse.

Larry J বলেছেন...

I lived in Colorado for 27 years (left in 2012 for a job) and still listen to some Denver stations on my I Heart Radio app. A few weeks ago, they were discussing putting labels on edible pot products to match the ski slopes: bunny for beginners through double-black diamond for expert users. I missed part of the program so I don't know if this was a voluntary effort on the part of the edible pot dealers or something the government was pushing.

tim maguire said...
With pot, how high you get is not so much a function of how much you smoke or eat, but of how good the pot is. Crappy pot will not get you high no matter how much you ingest, great pot doesn't take much to get you going.

Very, very true. Which reminds me of a story: Back in 80-82, I was stationed at a small communications site in the middle of Nowhere, Nebraska. The site itself and many of the surrounding areas was covered by hemp plants (they'd grown a lot of hemp to make rope during WWII). The stuff was so low-grade that even the local high school kids didn't bother with it. One day, some people from out of state were driving through the area and they must've thought they'd hit the Mother Lode. They were stuffing their trunk with hemp when they got caught by a local deputy. They were arrested for being really, really stupid.

Drago বলেছেন...

Ann Althouse: "Titus is in Cambridge, MA."

First, I know.

Second, irrelevant.

Titus will "just know".

K in Texas বলেছেন...

Ann said: "You're forgetting the key problem: You can't smoke in a hotel room."

In the early part of the year, most motels and hotels had something posted near the check-in desk that said "To those who are exercising their Amendment 64 rights: you are not allowed to smoke in your rooms or on the premises".

Even though state law here says its ok to smoke pot, it is still against federal law, and if your employer performs random drug testing, you can still be fired for testing positive.

I saw on the local news report this morning, that cannabis providers and the state government are meeting to discuss labeling and regulations around pot edibles.

Tank বলেছেন...

Ann Althouse said...

"Hint: Bring a friend. Buy some actual pot. Roll a thin doobie. Light it. Take a few tokes. Wait (this might be a good time to put some music on, or order some munchies, or take your clothes off - wait, I forgot who we were talking about). See what happens. If needed, a few more tokes. Repeat."

You're forgetting the key problem: You can't smoke in a hotel room. These aging-Boomer pot tourists are staying in hotels. They can't be going off looking for a place to smoke and then trying to get back to their hotel rooms. You can't have Maureen Dowd-type ladies curled up next to a rock in the mountains above Boulder.

LOL. Funny. Because:

1. Old liberals like Dowd really would worry about smoking in the hotel room.

2. In the old days, our creativity in getting high was endless. The idea that you could not get high because the hotel did not allow smoking ... HO HO HO.

mccullough বলেছেন...

Thank God she was lying on a mattress with a government mandated tag.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

The government won't come after her, that was a pretty fair belief on her part. She's protected by the Gregory rule, at minimum.

Bayoneteer বলেছেন...

That column was hilarious! This award winning public intellectual is as big of dumb-ass as i've ever seen although i'll Dowd credit for publishing her misadventure. I dont recommend inviting her attendence at any wine & cheese tasting parties though. Sounds like she'd be the sort a that chugs forty year old bourbon for flavor test and which would be a waste.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

"...curled up in a hallucinatory state for the next eight hours"

She left out the part where she peed her green corduroys .

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

I am in favor of dosage labeling. That means to me that pot is going mainstream.

Still, what she did was idiotic. The two fatalities that I know about both involved edible pot. The first was the guy who jumped off the balcony at the hotel by the old Stapleton airport. In both cases, it appears that this was the first time for the guys involved. And, at least the first guy kept eating more, since he didn't feel anything. And, then, boom - he was totally wasted.

I think that the problem here is that a pot high is somewhat learned. Or, the realization of being high. The first time you smoke pot, it doesn't seem to be working, until (again) boom - you realize that you are high. The more you smoke, at least initially, the easier it is to detect the high. Edibles, of course, take much longer to work, since the THC is entering through the digestive track, and not the lungs. So, the high is a lot more subtle, but long lasting. So, I think that advice above to smoke it once or twice before ingesting it is a good one.

Still, MoDo is an idiot. She is supposed to be somewhat of a reporter, or at least knows reporters, in her line of business as an "opinion" writer. That she didn't do her basic research on edible pot is, I think, highly indicative of her competence, or in this case, complete lack of it.

I will note that I voted for the proposition, and still back it. I drive by pot dispensaries every day, and have no interest in trying their wares. Partly it is the thing about being an officer of the court, but also, I just don't have any interest in getting high. None. I have also pretty much given up drinking for similar reasons. Maybe a glass of wine socially, when someone buys a bottle. And a beer every month or so. But that is it. A big change from my fraternity days some 40+ years ago.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"There is dosing on medical cannabis sold in Ca. And, the bud tenders give strong warnings on the dosage and patience. No need for hissy fits from elitist women who don't know shit about the topic but feel free to pontificate on it. If Colorado edibles don't have dosage then they should be required to do so. I know the medical cannabis in Colorado did/does."

You're being rude while obtuse.

The issue is recreational marijuana. There is nothing scientific to say other than something similar to warnings about alcohol… except that there isn't even reliable science on marijuana.

As for the "medical" dosage, whatever is put on the labels in California, it isn't based on good science, because the studies have not been done.

I look forward to the lawsuits based on mislabeling.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Ann Althouse,

"Here's a picture... What does it mean?"

An adult male, in a mix-matched outfit featuring bright green pants, who's not onstage.

It means somebody's in a gay neighborhood,...

Sam L. বলেছেন...

Only an 8-hour freakout? As opposed to her "normal" self?

garage mahal বলেছেন...

The dispensaries have very specific instructions on edibles. Either Dowd ignored the instructions or she is spinning a bullshit story. My guess is the latter.

Strelnikov বলেছেন...

Well, that's what happens when a middle-aged ex-cheerleader decides to experiment. I can't believe the other cool kids would have approved.

tim maguire বলেছেন...

Ann Althouse said..."BTW, is corduroy a "thing" for new yorkers? Only Titus is truly qualified to answer that question."

Titus is in Cambridge, MA.

To check if "corduroy a "thing" for new yorkers?" google "normcore corduroy."

It's long been a dream of mine to own a corduroy suit like the Fantastic Mr. Fox.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Go ahead and make fun of Dowd, but i've had a lot of experience with drugs, and I still had a very unpleasant experience in consequence of eating a pot brownie that was more potent than i was ready for.

Maureen - don't give up on drugs, just try 'shrooms instead.

Roughcoat বলেছেন...

Those details about her jeans and the brick wall are prime examples of girlie journalism. Those are girlie details. A male journalist would never write like that.

Okay, Andrew Sullivan would. But he doesn't count, for reasons that should be obvious.

West বলেছেন...

Maureen just started doing drugs? How are we supposed to tell?

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

I await Krugman's account of a bad acid trip.

Sigivald বলেছেন...

I'd say "The Government is not your Mommy", but Dowd seems to have always wanted it to be hers.

(ndspinelli said: If Colorado edibles don't have dosage then they should be required to do so


Who's going to determine the labels, and on what basis?

Again, as our host said, a bottle of vodka doesn't have dosage information, nor should it.

"Some posturing idiot* got really high for a while and didn't like it" is no reason to impose a regulatory scheme that's never before been necessary.

* Dowd has always been that; this is just the latest expression.)

নামহীন বলেছেন...

The way she describes her marijuana "freakout" sounds exactly like I imagined her daily life.

Drew W বলেছেন...

She said "I know what it's like to be dead/I know what it is to be sad . . .

Do you think Maureen Dowd sat up during her pot trip and said, "Oh my God! I totally get that Beatles song now!"

Austin বলেছেন...

In the opening sentence of her essay, Dowd claims that the pot-laced cndy is legal, whereas Althouse correctly observes that pot is still unlawful under federal law. Inasmuch as the supremacy clause, as we all know, renders state law negatory in the presence of competing federal law, why do people think pot is lawful in Colorado when it clealy is not.

Drago বলেছেন...

Crack: "It means somebody's in a gay neighborhood,..."

Or on a golf course?

Or headed to a golf course?

Or headed to a gay golf course?

The jokes re: "Ball washing", "choosing the right "club"", etc write themselves.

Were I so inclined.

SGT Ted বলেছেন...

Why was she taking a prescription medicine of unknown strength without a prescription?

What an idiot woman.

Heartless Aztec বলেছেন...

Dowd is SUCH a lightweight.

SGT Ted বলেছেন...

8 hours? It sounds like there was something else in her brownie.

Not really. I know people who overloaded on pot brownies at a party and had the same thing happen to them. Ingesting it is far more powerful than smoking it.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Hmmm. Nothing happens, nothing happens, nothing happens, then Boom!!! Wasted.

Ah, what protects the rest of us taxpayers if during the "nothing happens" phase of this the pot user decides it's safe to drive?

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

A solid dose of (real) LSD would give her perspective on this kids' stuff.

madAsHell বলেছেন...

My money says that she never travelled to Colorado. She took a page from the Jason Blair style guide.

SGT Ted বলেছেন...

An adult male, in a mix-matched outfit featuring bright green pants, who's not onstage.

It means somebody's in a gay neighborhood,...

Or one with a population of free range hippies.

Placeholder বলেছেন...

A bottle of beer, wine, or booze doesn't come with a "dosing" statement, but it does come with an alcohol content statement. And all foods and drugs in this country must disclose their ingredients.

CWJ বলেছেন...

Althouse wrote -

"I'm surprised she's willing to write openly about violating federal criminal law."

After David Gregory demonstrated the MSM exception to the common peoples' laws. I'm surprised you're surprised.

I would expect that she couldn't conceive that anything so mundane would apply to her, so Ms. Dowd would be even more surprised if anyone came calling to hold her to account.

Amexpat বলেছেন...

There's no dosing information on bottles of alcohol

No, but the alcohol percent/proof is always given. Seems reasonable to me to do something similar with the THC or potency of commercially sold marijuana.

RonF বলেছেন...

Hm. Booze bottles don't have dosages on them. 10,000's of people are killed in incidents involving alcohol every year (10,000 in drunk driving incidents alone), but there's no dosage required on them.

What is required is that every alcoholic container cites what percentage of alcohol is in it. And people are expected to understand what level of alcohol they can handle. So maybe what should happen here is that the amount of THC in said edibles should be required to be part of the labelling.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Always have the munchies readily available beforehand. Simple tasks such as ordering at the Jack in the Box drive thru speaker may not be possible to perform while under the influence. Scarfing a snickers bar will calm that anxiety right down. Kind of like the commercial. "have a snickers, Maureen...when you're stoned, your not yourself...better? Better."

Original Mike বলেছেন...


Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

It's "Reefer Madness" all over again.

Hey, did you know Meade wrote "Reefer Madness"?

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"No, but the alcohol percent/proof is always given. Seems reasonable to me to do something similar with the THC or potency of commercially sold marijuana."

This kind of quality control does not exist in the product currently on the market.

Anthony বলেছেন...

"Hey, did you know Meade wrote "Reefer Madness"?"

I thought it was Reefer Meadness

skybill বলেছেন...

Hi Ann,
'Reminds me of an old "Fabulous Fury Freak Brothers" episode where Fat Freddy is being awakened from his "nightmare" by Freewheelin' Franklin wrapping him on his nogin' with an old rolled up newspaper. Seems as though Fat Freddy ate all 3 dozen "Hash Cookies" that Franklin and Phineas baked for the party that night!!!....The Gilbert Sheldon cartoon goes back to the late 60's, early 70's....probably before most people reading this were even born yet...

God, Guns and Guts Keep America Free,

Willys বলেছেন...

Pot is great for reality and apparently Dowd found it. She died years ago. You can watch her corpse rotting in the NYT's.

Unknown বলেছেন...

"dosage" may be the wrong word, but all the edibles I've seen here in CO are labeled with milligrams of THC, much as alcoholic drinks have ABV labels.

It is up to the consumer to know how much he wants (i.e. dosage).

It is easy to make mistakes because the size of the edible is mostly unrelated to its potency.

As several people have mentioned, this is not 1970s pot. Much like Prohibition created strong drinks and the cocktail, black-market pot got much, much stronger as it was bred for shipping lots of active ingredient in small quantities.

Amazing the parallels. Something illegal is legalized (sort-of) and people, being the stupid creatures that we are, do stupid things. I don't imagine anyone jumped or fell off a balcony drunk after alcohol was re-legalized.

Mark বলেছেন...

LSD might actually improve Krugman's overall reality contact.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Didn't she have any friends to advise her? She doesn't say what percentage of the bar "a bite or two" was. Even 1/16 of a bar might be too much for some people.

I have edibles to deal with side effects of treatment. On steroid/treatment day, I take a small nibble and that will at least allow me to get some sleep for several hours instead of being up for two days, which no other Rx would. It's a fine line though between sleepy time and Intractably Thinking About Death. If caught in the latter, my advice is to narrow your attention to the moment until you pass out/float away.

On a non-steroid day, I practically just lick it and I'm out for the night. It's great. It's somewhat annoying to have a yummy chocolate bar there and not be able to eat the whole thing or even a real bite.

I also had some killer goldfish. They say 1/6 of a bag is "a dose". I took way less than 1/6 of a bag and I was gone for the entire weekend, so yeah, I think they could do something about the warnings on the edibles. The stuff is STRONG.

My Privilege: I noticed I was the only one not skulking about the dispensary furtively casing the nearest exits.

I think this is because I never liked weed particularly in my youth and never did it for recreation. I have no interest in smoking because I've never smoked anything really. Smoking hurts.

When I got an Rx, it was for a real 'no kidding' medical reason. Under such conditions, your whole attitude becomes "I've had IVs and transfusions and biopsies. I need this and I'll tell the entire freaking world I need it. I'm not faking a backache here so I can immerse myself in world of warcraft. In fact, I probably got sick due to the stress of NOT being escapist enough, so fuck off."

JackOfClubs বলেছেন...

I think its safe for here to confess to committing a felony since no one seriously believes anything she says. I am not sure of the Federal guidelines on the subject, but a sworn and notarized statement by Maureen Dowd is legally considered hearsay in 39 states and Guam.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Didn't she have any friends to advise her?

@colleen, Dowd's a liberal. She doesn't have friends. She has hatreds.

And as regards your medical issues, I hope you have a successful resolution/recovery.

wrisky বলেছেন...

"As for the "medical" dosage, whatever is put on the labels in California, it isn't based on good science, because the studies have not been done."

Ann is being technically correct when she points out the lack of "studies". What Ann neglects to state is that an absolutely massive amount of evidence is available from the millenia humans have been availing themselves of all the benefits which the Cannbis plant bestows upon humanity. At the end of the day the beneficial attributes DWARF any drawbacks.

Smilin' Jack বলেছেন...

And you rested on the firm mattress of belief that the government — the government you hallucinatorily believe will protect you — would never come after you.

Yeah, you have to be pretty stoned to start believing that "Land of the Free" bullshit.

Mr. Forward বলেছেন...

Cougar on the cliffs of Boulder
Looking out for Eric Holder
Mountain lions roaming free
Good for them, why not for me?
Now at last I'll be a star
And then she ate the candy bar.

pkerot বলেছেন...

Isnt it odd that she freaked out while most people simply enjoy it???

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

An amusing tangent to this discussion:

Alcohol has very specific information that allows users to calculate dosages precisely - but only if they read the label.

In grad school, I introduced a friend - a rather small woman - to my non-standard recipe for hot buttered rum. Here's the recipe:

Boil some apple cider, being very careful not to let it boil over, which can happen very quickly. In a large mug, put a slug of rum, a pat of butter, 3 whole cloves and a cinnamon stick. Fill up the mug with cider, and stir with the cinnamon stick.

Very warming when you've been shoveling snow.

Anyway, she immediately went out and bought the ingredients so she could make her own, and called me up a couple of days later to complain that they were 'knocking her on her ass', giving her a splitting headache, and making her late for work the next day. You can probably guess why: she'd bought 151 proof rum without noticing, so they were roughly twice as strong as the one I'd made her.

I was surprised that you could get 151 proof rum in a Virginia ABC store - I thought it was only used by restaurants for flaming deserts, and would only be found in restaurant supply catalogues. But it was a college town (Charlottesville), so I suppose frat boys buy the stuff and drink it straight to prove their manhood, or maybe their stupidity.

Sigivald বলেছেন...

Austin asked: Inasmuch as the supremacy clause, as we all know, renders state law negatory in the presence of competing federal law, why do people think pot is lawful in Colorado when it clealy is not.

Because they don't understand the laws or how they work, and because a lot of pseudo-reporting has mentioned only the State legalization, without pointing out that the Controlled Substances Act still federally bans it.

(I say a lot, and pseudo-reporting, because probably most of the mainstream reporting has mentioned that at least in passing; but I see a terribly large proportion of people get "news" from advocacy groups and Facebook memes, both of which are bad at that.)

(It still makes me want a good explanation of why banning alcohol required an Amendment, but the Controlled Substances Act [esp. via Raich, where non-commercial intra-state production and possession were ruled "commerce", because the word has no damned meaning] can ban other substances at will.

But then I think most of our Commerce Clause jurisprudence is far too deferential to the State and against the plain language of the Constitution.

If it doesn't involve a product or money crossing state lines, it is simply not "commerce [...] among the several states".

Merely affecting commerce indirectly makes the power unlimited rather that limited, which is repugnant to the text.)

flownover বলেছেন...

Sounds like she was lying, but it worked. If she had gone and eaten her little brownie and seen the light fantastic and zoned out on some great music, stayed up to watch 2001,A Space Odyssey on TCM, and gorged herself on room service the story wouldn't have been any different than what she did the night before.
Evidently, Bill Buckley would never invite her to cross the Atlantic on his boat and smoke in international waters. Liberal cool envy all over again. Buckley 10 , NYT 0
( as usual ).
Love the Hendrix allusions.
Gotta gotta gotta get away...

flownover বলেছেন...

Sounds like she was lying, but it worked. If she had gone and eaten her little brownie and seen the light fantastic and zoned out on some great music, stayed up to watch 2001,A Space Odyssey on TCM, and gorged herself on room service the story wouldn't have been any different than what she did the night before.
Evidently, Bill Buckley would never invite her to cross the Atlantic on his boat and smoke in international waters. Liberal cool envy all over again. Buckley 10 , NYT 0
( as usual ).
Love the Hendrix allusions.
Gotta gotta gotta get away...

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I look forward to the lawsuits based on mislabeling

Why would that make you so happy?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Drago said...
The Crack Emcee said...
Typical reaction of someone who'd wear corduroy,...

Crack with a corduroy slam?

Nicely done.

BTW, is corduroy a "thing" for new yorkers?

Only Titus is truly qualified to answer that question.

6/4/14, 9:55 AM

I think Titus is more into seersucker than corduroy.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Whoever approved this travel expense was high.

Barbara বলেছেন...

I keep thinking of Captain Kangaroo's old sidekick "Mister Green Jeans." That was 50 years ago and none of us realized how cool it was.

ndspinelli বলেছেন...

The NIDA and FDA have conducted a 30 YEAR STUDY setting guidelines and dosage for medical cannabis. Your ignorance and arrogance are on full display, Annie You can read about it on the NIH website. Now, make me a sandwich!

HoodlumDoodlum বলেছেন...

Ann Althouse said...
You're being rude while obtuse.

"Rude Wile Obtuse," new band name, called it.

Anthony বলেছেন...

Ann - there's a maxim of the law which says "no cop, no law". When a state legalizes marijuana, they're basically telling their cops not to bust people for it. They, of course, can, but local cops will face local political pressures if they start arresting people for violating federal laws without a corresponding state violation. (Incidentally, how many federal criminal laws ban something that's not already illegal in most states?)

The feds can still arrest and prosecute, but Ms. Dowd's violation is very minor, and poses very little danger to anyone else, so even an FBI agent is unlikely to bother with it. The dispensary owners and the Colorado retailers are taking a much bigger risk than are their customers.

jr565 বলেছেন...

Do your own experiments! This isn't science, and the government is not your guru. You're on your own. You, in the hotel room, with your undelivered room service munchies, and your brick wall.

Except if the product is legal, and you are buying the legal product,the manufacturer will necesarily face some liablity if you, for example decide to bite some homeless guys face off after using your product.
Legality opens the products up to liablity and regulation.
Could you sell hash brownies if you didn't regulate the content of THC in your brownies and the effect ranged from a mild buzz to 8 hours of clawing at your corduray pants?

Nate Whilk বলেছেন...

Althouse wrote, "Dosing" is the language of prescription drugs, which have a medical purpose. Marijuana used for the purpose of getting high is not susceptible to regulation about dosing. In normal prescription drug regulation, feeling high would be an undesirable side effect. If a side effect is all you're after, the government is not an appropriate adviser.

Okay then, just a phrase like "serves 12-16 people.'

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Instead of curling into a ball of paranoia, alone on the floor a a Holiday Inn Express, perhaps MODO could have hitched a ride with Jill Abramson in the back of a pickup on the way to Austin, then caught up with some grizzled lesbians for a groovy motorcycle ride to Boulder.

She'd have some real road-trip stories.

Hopefully she'll have her iphone with her at all times, so she doesn't end-up in a Donner Pass type incident with a pack of cosmopolitan liberal boomer women in the mountains somewhere.

A grim ending to the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, indeed.

Whoever's wearing the green jeans that day doesn't get eaten.

Snackeater বলেছেন...

"...not necessarily stoned, but beautiful."

Carl Spackler বলেছেন...

Hunter s Thompson she is not.

jr565 বলেছেন...

I became convinced that I had died and no one was telling me."

She said
I know what it's like to be dead
I know what it is to be sad
And you're making me feel like I've never been born.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

@Big Mike

Thanks, Big Mike. Appreciated.

Unknown বলেছেন...

thanks for sharing and jewels more information pls visit once..Praveen Jewels

Kirk Parker বলেছেন...

" a sworn and notarized statement by Maureen Dowd is legally considered hearsay in ... and Guam."

Not any more! It tipped over and sank; how did you miss hearing about this?

Dick Stanley বলেছেন...

I always thought she was a pathetic moron. Now I know it's true.

Unknown বলেছেন...

if we're talking about the bestbuzz enhancing music, I once had an out of body experience listening to Yes "Close to the Edge". Long story short: I fell off. But it was cool

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Althouse leads off by referring to Dowd’s behavior as a “felony,” which it is not. Under 21 USC 844, possession of a controlled substance is punishable by “a term of imprisonment of not more than 1 year,” which makes it a misdeameanor. You’d think a law professor could tell the difference.

Althouse then calls Dowd’s subsequent reflections on policy products of a “drug-addled brain,” which – if it isn’t merely mean, stupid snark – is simply false. There’s no evidence that having been stoned once – even way too stoned – “addles” anything, and lots of evidence that it doesn’t. Dowd’s opinions ought to be debated on the merits, rather than dismissed with drug-war slogans.

Or does Althouse think that anyone who has ever had a glass of wine, or anyone who has ever been drunk, has a “drug-addled brain”? I’m sure that Dowd, like Althouse, is fully capable of writing nonsense without any chemical assistance.

And the slap down continues on from there.
