१४ जून, २०१४

Look at the new New Republic cover, smearing Scott Walker for his "toxic strain of racial politics."

I live in Wisconsin, and I've been following Scott Walker since the 2010 election here, and I have no idea what the "toxic strain of racial politics" refers to. But congratulations to TNR for its eye-catching and weird sexualization of Walker: "Scott Walker Is So Hot Right Now" and for having the nerve to sub-head with "too bad" as you smear him with the accusation of "toxic strain of racial politics." That "too bad" belongs in the annals of self-refuting statements. Anyone can within one second perceive that The New Republic isn't the slightest bit sad that there's this dirt to throw at Walker... this invented dirt for all I can tell.

If you look at the TNR website right now, you won't see this cover. It's still displaying last week's cover. I subscribe to the magazine, and this new issue just popped into my iPad.

ADDED: I can't link to the article, but I can read it on my iPad. It's titled — creepily — "The Unelectable Whiteness of Scott Walker." Sub-head: "A Journey Through the Poisonous World That Produced a Republican Star." It's written by Alec MacGillis.

AND: I have now read the long article, and the closest thing to anything racial coming directly from Scott Walker is his support over the years for voter ID laws. Much of the article is about the demographics of Milwaukee and the suburban counties around it, including the history — going back into the early 20th century — of how black people migrated to the city and did not — as white people did — relocate into the suburbs.

Milwaukee is an extreme example of this historical pattern, but Scott Walker didn't make this happen, and given that Scott Walker built his political career in the Milwaukee area, it's actually impressive that TNR could not find racial incidents and slips to pin on him.

The article also focuses on 2 talk radio hosts — Mark Belling and Charlie Sykes — who have big audiences in Milwaukee. TNR has little direct racial material on them, but it forefronts the one truly ugly thing it has: Belling mocking a specific black person, Milwaukee Congresswoman Gwen Moore. Mostly, TNR accuses Belling and Sykes of indulging in dog-whistle politics about crime and dependence on welfare.

I suspect that Alec MacGillis wrote a more balanced and sane draft but that TNR editors punched it up, trying to make it racial so they could justify that ridiculous sub-heading on the cover and the title and sub-head at the article. The Unelectable Whiteness of Scott Walker! Terrible. MacGillis provides some material about Scott Walker's early life, mostly about how he's the son of a Baptist preacher who took religion and politics very seriously from an early age. Some of that is sympathetic, though it's dotted with quotes from individuals who have reason to want to block Walker's ascent.

ALSO: Linking here, Instapundit says:
When Chris Hughes relaunched TNR, he promised that TNR would go “deeper than the headlines in a timely, unbiased fashion.” Nah. Just more Democratic operatives with bylines.
AND: I wonder if TNR meant to send out the iPad app version before the material is up on its website. I think it's damned strange that I was able to show you that cover 2 hours ago, and it's still not up on the website, and that I could read the whole long article and give you my subjective understanding of what is in it before you can check the text. Do you think it's lack of website/app coordination at TNR, which would be inept, or do you think they want subscribers to get a special advantage, a sneak peak, which would be naive in a world with bloggers?

UPDATE: It's 6 hours since I posted this, and neither the cover nor the article are up at the TNR website. 

UPDATE 2: TNR put the article up Sunday evening: here.

२५५ टिप्पण्या:

«सर्वात जुने   ‹थोडे जुने   255 पैकी 201 – 255
Unknown म्हणाले...

Welcome to LN Smithee a voice of reason.

Hyphenated American म्हणाले...

"You really can't grasp how bad living under 400 years of your ugly perspective is, can you?"

You are 400 years old? Damn. Or maybe you are bad with math.

Anyway, you keep talking about the slavery, but refuse to discuss the simple truth, that blacks were enslaved by fellow blacks, who then sold them to multiple countries. The root cause of slavery in America is African slavery.

Hyphenated American म्हणाले...

"Angry black guy? Slavery, etc.

Angry white guy? ????

He's just a racist,…."

When were you a slave? Or maybe you were the one who sold black slaves to Arabs and Whites. Tell us more...

Hyphenated American म्हणाले...

""Just cause you fail, does not mean it's someone's fault. Grow up already!"

I can't think of a better person to use this quote on:

"A lot of people think they are equipped to have this conversation and they are not,…""

On the contrary. I was born on another continent, I have no connection to white slaveholders of black enslavers. I came to America with open mind, and people like you, and Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson made quite an impression on me. As a person with no preconceived notions, I have much more objectivity than you on this issue, which is why you are obviously afraid to debate slavery with me. You know I am right, and even though you keep saying that you care for history, you refuse to discuss it with me.

Come one, Crack, man up, stop being such a cry-baby racist, and start taking responsibility for yourself. You are not 5 years anymore.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

John Henry,

I don't know if you can see it but, your tone is antagonistic. You not only "wonder" about "the Negro" (as our friend, Cliven Bundy, does) but the unspoken answers you tell yourself bother you. You should stop feeding yourself such ugly bullshit and sincerely listen better. Search out facts.

Rather than go on about how unfortunate it is, logically, to take two individual examples of success and extrapolate from them any race's outcome (or to explain the differences - which are major - between black America and others) I'll ask a simple question of something you did, psychologically, that easily stood out:

You removed Colin Powell and Eric Holder from the black Civil Rights Movement, when you know that isn't so.

Why aren't you asking why they are a part of it, even now? Do THEY strike you as confused why they're individually successful and other black Americans aren't? What about their struggles don't you identify with? What about my struggles don't you hear them saying?

Colin Powell didn't run for president because his wife said whites would kill him. Is that the country "we" live in or the one you're calling "me" crazy for not denying I live in? Why don't you see that - real - America? Isn't it you, who are missing something, if you don't?

Answer these questions, man. Don't just simmer on "blacks are lazy" or whatnot because it's just not so:

This is a racist country, and it's been racist against black American purebreds for 400 years - there's your reason - and anybody, today, can see the results.

Accepting the "why" - and the responsibility for fixing it - are what Americans are doing now,...

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...


"That's what we here all mean when we say "Racist" doesn't mean anything anymore."

What it really means is, you have no idea what you're talking about, and are still too filled with white entitlement (Who's going to stop ya?) and arrogance to learn.

These "colorblind" racists stand around and make jokes - about the very here-and-now impoverishment of the citizens of this country who were enslaved in the past to support the white's current lifestyle - thinking they're excluded from their racist historical legacy, simply because the law's taught them they can't use "Nigger" or rape black girls anymore, right?

Not only is that South African-level racist thinking but it's dumb, too.

"You avoided my point about the real source of of oppression."

Of course I do - you leave out whites, entirely, who we have 400 years of historical facts on. You - a white person - want to talk about the last 30 to 50 years like it compares in either intensity or facts on the ground. We will not argue with facts.

"You just want to spew the hate and at this moment, blame Walker for all the problems that blacks have."

Hey, his buddy is Ted Nugent, and I had nothing to do with that choice or who's on his staff.

"With your hatred infused ADD there will be another Republican along at the next moment who is also to blame for all the problems that blacks have."

I don't doubt it - they're practiced at it.

"BTW Althouse wants to build up your radio show but she never mentioned the very popular black radio talk show host, James T Harris. What a man to build the community."

What makes you think she has to do equal time? Blacks are coming up and working on reparations, without him, so he can save his lectures (about whatever) for somebody who gives a damn. He ain't part of this.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...


"What do you think of Charles and David Koch (two of the Koch brothers) funding racially segregated schools?

Seems to me that this makes them racists but the definition keeps changing and I have trouble keeping up."

I don't think too much about the Kochs, and I hear ya:

When the Italians, Jews, and Irish, weren't "white," things were so much simpler.

"A week or two back they gave $25mm to the United Negro College Fund. UNCF primarily exists to promote segregated, and generally sub-par colleges pretty much for blacks only.

Approve or disapprove?"

Approve - and you're a slimy racist, John Henry

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

L.N. Smithee,

"Learn from Randall Robinson, Crack, before you pull a similar boner."

I'm quite familiar with Randall Robinson, and approve of him, and his work. His book was an excellent read.

If you think a single embarrassing tale diminishes any of that, you are waaay more shallow than you're trying to pretend, Mr. Smithee - stuffy bullshit name you got there - which may impress whites but (you know) would have blacks howling at you in no time.

Stay where you feel safe, Tommy boy,...

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Meade ,

"If only we had elected Mitt Romney, we would have had reparations for slavery/Jim Crow/broken Indian treaties by now."



अनामित म्हणाले...

Rob McLean: And this is the case with Crack; in every thread, he posts the same tired racialist BS, the kind you'd NEVER accept from a white person.

Yeah, but everybody here knows that. Her blog, her rules. Anyway, a lot of regulars gave (and still give) Crack the time of day well past the point they would have tolerated his level of puerility and willful ignorance in a white person, so it's not like Althouse is the only one with a racialist double standard around here.

He posts, someone engages, the rest of us groan.

Yeah, someone engages. Why? I can give a pass to the unacquainted attempting to reason with the village idiot (I've done it myself), but why do people who know better keep doing it?

I'm nostalgic for the good old days of trn and killfile, but his crap is easy enough to scroll by. Inga and Ritmo were as stupid and post-o-rrheic as Crack, and people who knew better couldn't control themselves around them, either. Self-control, people, self-control.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...


"So stop trying to mix your dog poop into our Crack ice cream already."

That be da Chocolate Chocolate Fudge,...

JSF म्हणाले...

Here's a great solution for Ann to bring back the comments section her blog.

I say this because of Crack when I asked a few pragmatic questions and he never gave an
answer, just snark.

Let Althouse give Crack Real Estate Space on her blog to answer questions with pragmatic solutions. A put up or ship for everyone here. Including you.

1 When does the past stay in the past? If not, America becomes The End of Yugoslavia? What is the pragmatic (every step) to stop that.

2. If blacks can ask for reperations, what about the Irish too? Or as people mentioned the Chinese forced here? The endgame here is a racial war where every color goes for the smaller taxpayer spoils.

3 What is the solution to finding harmony between the races in the USA? Endgame here is simple, a future tribe gets Godwinned.

Ann, one thing I like is that your blog provides solutions.

Crack provides complaints and snark without actually debating or understanding how his concepts could backfire.

Over to you.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...


Nobody owes you an answer, you know - you think you sound normal but you strike me as crazy:

"1 When does the past stay in the past? If not, America becomes The End of Yugoslavia? What is the pragmatic (every step) to stop that."

Put a period on it. Reparations are a good way to do that - just be done with it.

"2. If blacks can ask for reperations, what about the Irish too? Or as people mentioned the Chinese forced here? The endgame here is a racial war where every color goes for the smaller taxpayer spoils."

Bullshit - that's just racist apocalyptic nonsense. (Why do wingers HAVE to go for the race-war, end-of-the-world scenarios? That's why you sound crazy.) The Japanese got reparations and there wasn't a single other group asking for anything, so there's no evidence - none - to back up that outlook. It's just pure crazy talk.

Why Native Americans don’t want reparations

Let those that have a beef present it. Blacks have a beef. Support us being heard.

"3 What is the solution to finding harmony between the races in the USA? Endgame here is simple, a future tribe gets Godwinned."

Telling the entire American story and not just the parts that make whites feel good, and that are told to do that. Tell the whole thing - including the cowardly acts, betrayals, and outright criminality.

That way, when whites talk about taking responsibility and trying to live ethically, everybody knows they mean it for themselves, too.

"Crack provides complaints and snark without actually debating or understanding how his concepts could backfire."

Puh-leaze. I've got "complaints and snark"? I'm not one of the many whites asking questions, revealing I live in massive denial, admitting "I never even THINK of race!" (something few blacks could say without embarrassment) and getting upset the country's melanin level's changing.

That's y'all non-racists.

Back to you.

Unknown म्हणाले...

I received the actual issue in the mail yesterday. My wife and I had the same reaction. It's a total hit job meant to stop his chances for entering the presidential race.
I'm writing my own column at PJ Media on it later today.
Ron Radosh

अनामित म्हणाले...

Ann wrote;

"I don't like the way some commenters go beyond expressing their point of view to expressing an entitlement to exclude other points of view that annoy them. The more commenters do that, the more I think it is important to preserve the participation of those who are providing the counterpoint."

I'm for more speech, not less.

If anything, Crack has become an eye roll in the comments section. Ugh, not Crack again!

He does more harm to his position than good. But he provides a perspective that is needed here and elsewhere.

He is a refreshingly honest racist who hates white people and lumps us all together into one homogeneous group. There are probably 5+ of the commentators here who could pull off a fabulous Crack impersonation. Only, they wouldn't be serious.

अनामित म्हणाले...

"Tell that to Kevin McCarthy,... "

Why, does Kevin McCarthy not know that Brat won? Surely he does.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...


"Ron Radosh"

Ha! Dude I read you!

You should seriously come more correct because you're smarter than you let on here - or at least, I thought so.

You PJ Media guys are something else,...

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...


"[Crack] does more harm to his position than good. But he provides a perspective that is needed here and elsewhere."

Oh, I don't know - most here told me this conversation was over. But here it is, still, just as I said. Nobody has to like it, but they can't say I was wrong. And they won't be able to as we go forward, either.

"He is a refreshingly honest racist who hates white people and lumps us all together into one homogeneous group."

Nope - he is "refreshingly honest" about race, and "lumps us all together into one homogeneous group" as he noticed those, here, doing in the past - then he joined them in doing so and (once they started acknowledging it's a racist practice) he "became" a racist to THEM.

Unsurprisingly, the only one here, according to those he's been mocking.

"There are probably 5+ of the commentators here who could pull off a fabulous Crack impersonation. Only, they wouldn't be serious."

I elect Titus as my replacement.

Blow my tits,...

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...


"Does Kevin McCarthy not know that Brat won? Surely he does."

I don't know - doesn't sound like it:

Rep. Kevin McCarthy uses networking skills to emerge as Eric Cantor’s likely successor

jr565 म्हणाले...

Crack wrote:

Colin Powell didn't run for president because his wife said whites would kill him. Is that the country "we" live in or the one you're calling "me" crazy for not denying I live in? Why don't you see that - real - America? Isn't it you, who are missing something, if you don't?

They said the same about Obama. How many assassination attempts have their been?
For the record, lefties woudln't vote for him because he's a general who oversaw the first Iraq war. You know, the war for Oil? Even though it passed the global test (sorry just going through some old talking points).
and republicans woudlnt vote for him because he endorsed Obama. And because he proved to be a weenie on Iraq II.
Prior to that you'd have gotten a lot of repubs voting for him.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Hey Ann, check it out - you're now the point person for the ""it's actually impressive that TNR could not find racial incidents and slips to pin on him" argument. Good job!

If only that were all blacks are looking for in leaders,...

jr565 म्हणाले...

"These "colorblind" racists stand around and make jokes - about the very here-and-now impoverishment of the citizens of this country who were enslaved in the past to support the white's current lifestyle - thinking they're excluded from their racist historical legacy, simply because the law's taught them they can't use "Nigger" or rape black girls anymore, right?"

I never used the word n*gger to describe women. I never raped black girls. I never owned slaves. Neither did my parents or grand parents. I have little priviledge to speak of. I make ok money, but am nowhere close to a millionaire. I go through the grind like everybody else.
I have set foot in the south twice in my life. And I was born after segregation ended.
Don't pin the sins of others on me simply because they share my skin tone.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

"Back when [Scott] Walker was Milwaukee county executive, and Rindfleisch was a top aide, he managed the county’s welfare programs so abysmally that after lawsuits by local clients, the state was forced to take them over. “They didn’t just call people dogs, they treated them like dogs,” one Milwaukee elected official recalled angrily.

“Milwaukee County has demonstrated a sustained inability to successfully provide services to its (poor) customers,” state health services director Karen Timberlake wrote in a February 2009 letter to Walker announcing the state takeover. Milwaukee became only one of 72 Wisconsin counties to wind up with its programs for poor people under state control.

It’s a chapter in Walker’s career that shows why, to many in Milwaukee, his staff’s racist jokes aren’t funny."

jr565 म्हणाले...

Well lets think about the whole reparations question. Lets say instead of providing govt services we just cut black people a check? But they can't take advantage of govt services. We might actually cut down on govt requirements. Since we won't have to pay for as much in the way of entitlements.
What is Crash thinking of as a figure. a million? So lets times that by the number of black folks in the country. 36-38 million black (or mixed race blacks - do they get half maybe?) x 1 million.
I get 38000000000000. That seems a bit high.
Would that work for Crack, though?

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

If Ron Rodosh is still out there, don't go to press without the facts:

"Scott Walker's Biggest Defenders Don't See Who He Is"

Bilwick म्हणाले...

Crack Emcee . . .always fighting The Man. Unless, of course, The Man is the "liberal" Hive. Then he becomes docile, polite Uncle Crack, ever loyal to the plantation.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

William Chadwick,

"Crack Emcee . . .always fighting The Man. Unless, of course, The Man is the "liberal" Hive. Then he becomes docile, polite Uncle Crack, ever loyal to the plantation."

Man, you guys LOVE the slave talk! And then you wonder why blacks don't want to be with you. It's so tone-deaf it's crazy funny!

Anyway, I prefer to be the black Maverick - like John McCain. I don't vote like him but, if I'm going to be in this damned party, then it's going to have to be a comfortable place for me to be - and that means I will NOT be the only broke motherfucker at the table:

We're Republicans.


Michael म्हणाले...

Crack mentioned the figure of 100 trillion as being a well reasoned number computed by smart people. That equates to 2.5 million for every black man, woman and child in the U S.

Anyone who would suggest such a sum is too stupid to be permitted to have a bank account much less 2.5 million dollars.

Michael म्हणाले...

Crack mentioned the figure of 100 trillion as being a well reasoned number computed by smart people. That equates to 2.5 million for every black man, woman and child in the U S.

Anyone who would suggest such a sum is too stupid to be permitted to have a bank account much less 2.5 million dollars.

Hyphenated American म्हणाले...

"Let those that have a beef present it. Blacks have a beef. Support us being heard."

Crack, we heard you loud and clear, and you want white people to pay reparations because they bought black slaves from black slavers.

How about you ask African blacks to pay for enslaving your grandparents? Why not, indeed?

अनामित म्हणाले...

"I don't know - doesn't sound like it:"

You should know Crack, I stopped clicking on your links some time ago, as they always seemed to go to some racist website I wasn't interested in reading. So putting a link as your argument goes no where, as I don't ever click on it.

As for what Kevin McCarthy knows or thinks, what does it matter? The Tea Party clearly won, they ousted Cantor.

Does that mean the Tea Party rules the Republican Party and the establishment is gone? Nope.

But each successive win for the Tea Party means we get closer and closer to that goal. Not seeing this as a win for the Tea Party is short sighted and silly. Each establishment Republican we replace, the better it gets.

It may be slow going and take some time, and even some from the Tea Party (Rubio, for example) will be co opted, but eventually we'll get there.

Looks like you're wrong twice on this one. Which isn't exactly unusual. Cruz did shut down the government and Cantor did lose to the Tea Party.

Oh, and Republicans are going to win in November, but that won't shut you up. Nor should it.

No one should shut up, not even those who disagree with you, Crack.

BTW, don't hold your breath waiting for those reparations. Better to work as though you'll never get them, you'll be much happier.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Crack wrote;

"Nope - he is "refreshingly honest" about race, and "lumps us all together into one homogeneous group" as he noticed those, here, doing in the past - then he joined them in doing so and (once they started acknowledging it's a racist practice) he "became" a racist to THEM."

Mommy! They did it first!

Which is a way for children to say they recognize what they are doing is wrong but they need an excuse.

n.n म्हणाले...

Another priest from the Church of a Degenerate Religion gives a sermon about their sacred and profitable doctrines of collective and inherited sin.

Will no one rid us of this opportunistic evil?

L.N. Smithee म्हणाले...

I'm quite familiar with Randall Robinson, and approve of him, and his work. His book was an excellent read.

If you think a single embarrassing tale diminishes any of that, you are waaay more shallow than you're trying to pretend, Mr. Smithee - stuffy bullshit name you got there - which may impress whites but (you know) would have blacks howling at you in no time.

Stay where you feel safe, Tommy boy,...

As a fan, it should be alarming to you that Robinson would believe the cannibalism tale out of New Orleans without verification.

In The Debt, Robinson makes the case that in the event of congressional approval of a government inquiry into the question of whether or not black Americans are owed, the ripple effect would be a vigorous academic examination of not only crimes against Africans and American blacks, but of the sordid actions of Europeans of past centuries against each other. Robinson suggests that in addition to the 1933 book The Mis-education of the Negro, future college syllabi could include works like Kirkpatrick Sale's Columbus treatise, The Conquest of Paradise. For what reason? Here's Robinson in Debt, pages 242-3;

The scale of the truth-tale balancing now, if only a little, in a cleansing new wind, Robert [a composite white college student] could glimpse the unproud side of European history, washing him deep, persuading him, where no one could have witnessed his previous shame, that, when averaged, no racial group is, or ever has been, superior or inferior to another.

Then, to illustrate the shame "Robert" might feel about his Euro-ancestry, Robinson quotes this excerpt from Sale's Conquest:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Among the instances [of cannibalism] reported with some authority: in 1476, in Milan, the unpopular tyrant Galeazzo Maria Sforza was dismembered and eaten by a crowd; in 1572, after the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre, Huguenot body parts were sold at auction and reportedly eaten in Paris and Lyon; in 1617 the body of Marshal d'Ancre was eaten in France ... Montaigne asserts in "On Cannibalism" that both Catholics and Protestants ate each other during the sixteenth-century Wars of Religion, but he does not pretend to offer proof of it, perhaps because it seemed so believable.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Read that again, and think about it.

In Robinson's proposed new era of "fixing the race problem," "Robert" is supposed to be provided with deep-seated, long-standing shame of his forbears to counterbalance his white privilege, and stories of cannibalism in the midst of revolutionary and civil wars four and five centuries past are supposed to do that trick. Yet, five years after writing this, Robinson himself found himself believing that during peacetime, black Americans would start eating the bodies of the recently deceased after four days of delayed emergency assistance they KNEW was eventually arriving.

That sounds more likely to have come from the pen of someone who was making the case for black inferiority rather than equality. But when Robinson reacted publicly to his mistaken belief that this had taken place, whom did he blame for the shameful actions of black residents of New Orleans?

You know who.

Nope, TBE, Robinson's boner is not simply a "single embarrassing tale." It's the accidental truth that changes everything previously thought about him, as with figures such as Ted Haggard, Eliot Spitzer, Mark Sanford, and John Edwards.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

L.N. Smithee,

"As a fan, it should be alarming to you that Robinson would believe the cannibalism tale out of New Orleans without verification."

Nope, I'm a sane conservative, and not one who abandons his friends over a gaffe - a betrayal you appear to endorse.

Uncle Toms talk like that. Don't strand with blacks trying to accomplish the work of MLK and others, but side with those who opposed him and make monkey noises as soon as they think no one's listening.

I'll take Randall Robinson over you and those guys any day,...

John henry म्हणाले...

Glad to see we agree on something, Crack. We each agree that the other is a racist.

That you are one seems self-evident from your writings here. I'd be curious what I have written that makes you think I am one.

John Henry

John henry म्हणाले...

So let's assume that the US gives $1mm to each black in the US as reparations. We'll forget about how it should be distributed or how one defines "black". (Legally, I could claim to be black.)

What would you do with your money? Since it would be yours, it is not really my concern if you spend 50% on whiskey, 50% on women and just waste the rest.

But would that be the end of it? What about your grandchildren and their grandchildren. Would they want reparations as well?

If you did spend all the money on yourself, your grandchildren would be no better off than you are. They would have a claim for reparations as well. They will have been harmed by slavery, 400 years of discrimination and yada, yada, yada.

How do we help them?

John Henry

Epiphyte - म्हणाले...

One question on the reparations issue: Can I claim a Standard d\
Deduction if one of my ancestors nearly died fighting for the Union?

John henry म्हणाले...

Speaking of reparations, what about Obama? Does he get some?

Perhaps only half because he is white?

None because his father never suffered any discrimination at the hands of US whites?

Or maybe he owes reparations since he essentially lived all his life as a white man, only identifying as black when it was financially and politically beneficial to him. He has been successful in life because, not in spite of, his black father.

Or maybe he owes reparations because his family, on his father's side, may have been involved in the slave trade. However, since they were in Kenya, it is unlikely that any of the slaves they sold (if they sold any) came to the US.

They would have gone to Turkey, Arabia, Persia and so on. So who would he pay reparations to there? It is highly unlikely they had any descendants since they tended to be worked to death in a year or so. Those that survived the journey.

Or a Colin Powell. His ancestors were slaves in Barbados. Why should us US whites pay him any reparations

The calculus of the reparations you want get very convoluted very fast. Can you point us to anything that would help explain who should get what?

John Henry

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...


"I'd be curious what I have written that makes you think I am [a racist]."

Your dumb attempts at being clever with race - a subject you have no feeling for.

"Speaking of reparations, what about Obama? Does he get some?

Perhaps only half because he is white?"

No serious person asks such nonsense and, if this was a black forum, you wouldn't go down that route because it would expose you - but around whites? You'll say anything, no matter how outrageous.

That's your "colorblind" racism showing.

All racists try that shit - impresses other whites, as ignorant as they are, and helps nothing and no one.

Let's try not to do it again, shall we?

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...


"What would you do with your money? Since it would be yours, it is not really my concern if you spend 50% on whiskey, 50% on women and just waste the rest."

But you're not a racist, right John?

Again - this is how racists impress each other.

And whites get beat up "for nothing."

John henry म्हणाले...

Just noticed that I asked if Obie should get only have a reparation "because he is white."

Meant to say because he is half-white.

John Henry

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...


"The calculus of the reparations you want get very convoluted very fast. Can you point us to anything that would help explain who should get what?"

HR 40 - look it up,...

L.N. Smithee म्हणाले...

TCE wrote: I'm a sane conservative, and not one who abandons his friends over a gaffe - a betrayal you appear to endorse. Uncle Toms talk like that. Don't strand with blacks trying to accomplish the work of MLK and others, but side with those who opposed him and make monkey noises as soon as they think no one's listening. I'll take Randall Robinson over you and those guys any day,...

1. Oh, is Randall Robinson "a friend" of yours? You've met him? You hang out? Or do you just mean you're one of those fans that don't want to let the truth get in the way of your adoration? I suspect you have a lot in common with Justin Bieber fans who thought he'd never make KKK jokes.

2. I've never met, spoken with, or read anything written by a self-described conservative who used the term "Uncle Tom" the way progressives do (as you just did). "Uncle Tom" is an insult used by bigoted, shallow, gullible people who have been trained to think politically, not logically. It's the kind of thing people say when they don't want to have a discussion about ideas -- they want to make it about which side can pile up the numbers to decide which point-of-view is the official one of the race, as if there is an unwritten rule that all must speak in unanimity.

3. I'm interested in knowing who these people are who "make monkey noises as soon as they think no one's listening." Those kind of people must have really low opinions of black people. I'm thinking they've gotta be a lot like a guy who, upon hearing that thousands of black Americans will have to wait more than three days for disaster relief (largely due to their own lack of initiative and poor choice of leadership), figure some would start eating rotting human flesh as if they are savages who have no intelligence or self-control.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

L.N. Smithee,

"1) Oh, is Randall Robinson "a friend" of yours? Or do you just mean you're one of those fans that don't want to let the truth get in the way of your adoration?"

Your "truth" is a gaffe. You're a loser. Randall Robinson's loved. Go tell a group of blacks what you "think" and see what you get.

"2. I've never met, spoken with, or read anything written by a self-described conservative who used the term "Uncle Tom" the way progressives do (as you just did)."

I'm from South Central, Los Angeles - as black and conservative as black conservatives can get. And you're a Tom.

"'Uncle Tom' is an insult used by bigoted, shallow, gullible people who have been trained to think politically, not logically."

And we hate the fuck out of you - don't leave that part out. All that illogical, shallow, gullible, politically-oreinted bigotry is directed at YOU.

Tell your white friends. Tell them blacks enjoy the prospect of kicking your ass in public. Explain how we savor it. Because - just like whites - you can't help but insult us, as you've been trained.

Go on - tell "the truth" to the whites here. The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth - you're a Tom, looking for white approval. Not black improvement, or racial reconciliation, but WHITE APPROVAL.

You might even meet a white girl!!!

"It's the kind of thing people say when they don't want to have a discussion about ideas,...."

So says a fool who thinks he can limit Randall Robinson to a gaffe. You're an idiot. And a hypocritical one at that - how am I doing on the Reading and Comprehension part of our test?

No, don't claim blacks don't have ideas because they hate you - which IS an idea, BTW - they hate you because you're a sell-out who can't be trusted.

That's "the truth".

Only a Tom thinks not being trustworthy to those who raised you is a virtue. Did whites teach you that? Black betrayal IS their most popular M.O..

And YOUR bigotry - gotta wear those blacks down, huh? Look at you now - practically Sir Galahad, come to save whites from the scourge of a single black voice.


Here, sing with me - you're almost white, through and through, so I KNOW you know the words:

♬"Teach. The children well,…"♬

"3. I'm interested in knowing who these people are who "make monkey noises as soon as they think no one's listening." Those kind of people must have really low opinions of black people."

Hey - you're their best friend - I'm sure you won't have to look long,...

Rusty म्हणाले...

Thank god for Betamax anyway.

John henry म्हणाले...

Crack, I asked you how reparations would be parceled out. You told me to read HR-40.

OK, I did. HR40 establishes a commission to look into whether reparations should be paid (among other things).

Not a word about how they would be paid, if at all.

I wonder if you have read HR40?

And I am still interested in how you think reparations should be parceled out.

Can you try pointing me to something else?

Or, I suppose, you could just call me racist again for asking questions you can't answer and leave it at that.

John Henry

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...


"Crack, I wonder if you have read HR40?"

Yes, and how can anyone say "how reparations would be parceled out" if you haven't studied it? How much was taken, being the opening question.

Like I said, you want to be clever. The problem is, you're not saying anything - anything - that hasn't been said a billion times before. I mean, who leaps to "how reparations would be parceled out" before knowing the entirety of the amount you're talking about, and how many ways it would be split?

It's a silly line of questioning.

"And I am still interested in how you think reparations should be parceled out.

Can you try pointing me to something else?"

Yes - look at redlining maps. Everyone who grew up within them, and identified as "black" on the census for 10 or more years before reparations, can get it.

How's that for a rough sketch?

"Or, I suppose, you could just call me racist again for asking questions you can't answer and leave it at that."

Yeah, when you're intentionally wasting my time, and being this ignorant, that sounds about right.


John henry म्हणाले...


So Crack, you are saying that Obama should get reparations?

Why? He grew up in white privilege.

He has no history of slavery in his family tree that we know about. Except, perhaps, on the selling side.

Perhaps his white half could pay reparations to his black half. That would make about as much sense anything else you have had to say on this subject.

Re who should be eligible for reparations you said anyone who has lived in a redlined neighborhood and identifies as black.

Lots of white neighborhoods have been redlined. Probably more, total, than black ones.

In the US, one self certifies as black which allows me, legally, to claim to be black. US law also forbids anyone from questioning my self-certified blackness.

WooHoo! Perhaps I am eligible for reparations.

Not in any normal world, of course. In Crack's bizarro world, though.

John Henry

John henry म्हणाले...

Crack said:

No serious person asks such nonsense and, if this was a black forum, you wouldn't go down that route because it would expose you - but around whites? You'll say anything, no matter how outrageous.

Actually I did ask this same question about whether Obie should get reparations on a black forum.

At least it seems to be a black forum. Yours, the Macho Response.

I asked 4-5 days ago and so far all I have heard is crickets chirping. No response from you or anyone else on your blog.


John Henry

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...


"So Crack, you are saying that Obama should get reparations?

Why? He grew up in white privilege."

He's black isn't he? You think blacks who succeed don't still suffer racism? That's stupid, too.

"He has no history of slavery in his family tree that we know about. Except, perhaps, on the selling side."

That's alright - he opposes you, and that's worthy of reward, in my book.

"Perhaps his white half could pay reparations to his black half."

Your racism's showing.

"Re who should be eligible for reparations you said anyone who has lived in a redlined neighborhood and identifies as black.

Lots of white neighborhoods have been redlined. Probably more, total, than black ones."

Show me the laws they were discriminated by and I'll support their claim. Problem?

"In the US, one self certifies as black which allows me, legally, to claim to be black. US law also forbids anyone from questioning my self-certified blackness."

If you can prove you've been doing it for a decade, fine by me. But, if it's discovered to be something you made up to get a piece, I vote we throw you in prison for 10 years. How do you like that?

"WooHoo! Perhaps I am eligible for reparations."

I don't know why you'd think anybody'd be legitimately excluded.

"Not in any normal world, of course. In Crack's bizarro world, though."

And Randall Robinson's, and Ta-Nahisi Coates', and the millions of other blacks who have been working at this for centuries - and are getting everything we want. Maybe not on our timetable, but we're getting it all.

Slavery? Finished. Jim Crow? Finished. Civil Rights Laws? Done. Reparations?

Give us time - in case you haven't noticed (being white and stupid instead of thoughtful) we're still a young people.

There's a long road to go - just as there was a long one to get here,...

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...


"I asked 4-5 days ago and so far all I have heard is crickets chirping. No response from you or anyone else on your blog."

Your questions are silly and unintelligent.

Can a rich person receive a settlement, too?

Just idiocy,...

अनामित म्हणाले...

"Show me the laws they were discriminated by and I'll support their claim. Problem?"

That is a fantastic idea!

Bring your case up in court, show us the laws your were discriminated by, and get your money.

But, if you fail to convince a jury, you should have to pay for the time spent by the lawyers, the judge, all the court staff, and the jury that had to miss work.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...


"That is a fantastic idea!

Bring your case up in court, show us the laws your were discriminated by, and get your money."

You forget: The entire debate right now is over HR40 - the bill for just looking at the issue. It's been turned down as long as it's been presented, which is every year since, like forever. Conservatives ought to be totally behind it. It cost nothing. Republicans should've brought it up themselves, being "the party that freed the slaves" and all they want bragging rights to without following through.

HR40 is it now,...

अनामित म्हणाले...

Crack wrote;

"You forget: The entire debate right now is over HR40 "

Crack also wrote;

"Show me the laws they were discriminated by and I'll support their claim. Problem?"

Crack finally wrote;

"If you can prove you've been doing it for a decade, fine by me. But, if it's discovered to be something you made up to get a piece, I vote we throw you in prison for 10 years. How do you like that?"

If he's gotta prove it, you've gotta prove it too.

You don't get one standard for one guy and a different standard for another guy.

Nice try.

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