I don't want to be too gender-normative, but — and I stress that I am speaking as a woman with long experience, 60+ years, as a female in the highly gendered social stratifications of America — I say he's a man. And who are the editors at TPM? It's not easy to get to a page of faces of TPM editors, maybe because it would be a bunch of men.
But Scott is only linking to a piece in The Washington Post itself: "George Will sexual-assault column: Editors were all male," written (ironically) by another man — jeez, these guys are everywhere — Erik Wemple.

But, anyway, that terrible George Will...

... whose picture, uploaded here, displayed super-large in compose mode and, in html, had the word "bigwill" in the code — can I get a trigger warning? — that terrible George "Bigwill" Will, according to Erik "Bigchin" Wemple, apparently, "knew what he wanted to say," which I translate to mean: It's not that the editors were all male; nobody can stop Bigwill.
Bigwill wanted to speak up for due process:
Education Department lawyers disregard pesky arithmetic and elementary due process. Threatening to withdraw federal funding, the department mandates adoption of a minimal “preponderance of the evidence” standard when adjudicating sexual assault charges between males and the female “survivors” — note the language of prejudgment. Combine this with capacious definitions of sexual assault that can include not only forcible sexual penetration but also nonconsensual touching. Then add the doctrine that the consent of a female who has been drinking might not protect a male from being found guilty of rape. Then comes costly litigation against institutions that have denied due process to males they accuse of what society considers serious felonies.Due process was the fixation of that bunch of men who adopted the Bill of Rights. Who was speaking for the women?
Out with that phallocratic due process bullshit! "Sentence first — verdict afterwards"!
And if our commitment to the vindication of rape victims inflames us and the niceties of procedure get less than their due, and if young male lives are crushed for years...
... what's that supposed to be a picture of? Looks like a bunch of men. Let's not dwell on that. $40 million dollars will be paid. Justice now... settlement afterwards. These are the ways of the bunch of men that have been running this country all too long.
Solution: Female Power. Hillary Clinton stands ready to restructure the old stratifications. This woman has amazing experience, including that time she sent a rape victim "through hell."
७८ टिप्पण्या:
Tour de force, Professor.
Well played indeed.
Also, you have been convicted of a thought-crime against the state and been sentenced to 8 years hard labor in a southern state where weather is so hot men wear shorts.
Josh Marshall is reportedly a male, but I doubt it.
I wonder what the racial/sex breakdown of TPM management and staff is? Is it published anywhere? Also who is funding them? I have a hard time believing that they survive on their own.
If Hillary does for woman what Obama has done for black people, count me out.
Can we just step back for a minute and ask why colleges have quasi-judicial rape trials at all? Did rape stop being a crime? Are we all bored with the real judicial system?
There's a real danger in setting up a parallel justice system to punish people without the formalities of a real trial. (And, of course, the government is pushing for these non-judicial courts to be set up).
At some point, people are going to start suing universities for libel and slander for setting up these kangaroo courts. You can't just go around calling someone a rapist without proof. Actually putting it down on paper and taking concretely harmful actions because of a court you control?
How did lawyers ever sign off on this?
There are not only rape victims but millions of wives whose husbands wear turned-off hearing aids.
In Hillary Clinton's America, child rapists are entitled to a vigorous defense and straight white men in college are subject to guilty without a trial.
His Editors used a red pen...or was that their red penis.
We need a John Doe Investigation. There are some John Doe investigators out of a job. Or will it have to be done by a Jane Doe.
It used to be most reporters [that is what they were called before they were journolists] came from the average neighborhoods and had middle class upbringing. Now they tend to be pussies who went to Ivy League schools and/or grew up in NYC/ DC areas.
Millions of females will never have to fear unwanted sexual attention, thanks to Cecile Richards.
Excuse me, but I need some clarity:
Are the Central Park Five considered part of this "bunch of men" who've been deemed problematic in the photo?
Crack, I said "Let's not dwell on that." There was a rape. What part of rape don't you understand?
Reparations come later.
My (sarc) tags disappeared.
Bunch of angry white men whining about the whiteness and maleness of their political opponents.
Irony; it's what's for breakfast.
And who are the editors at TPM? It's not easy to get to a page of faces of TPM editors, maybe because it would be a bunch of men.
Looking at 40 posts on the "TPM Editor's Blog" (note placement of the apostrophe), 37 are from "Josh Marshall", and one from a David and two from a Kay.
But, Men Are Bad. No, not us, just those other men.
This identity politics game that liberals are joining is a very dangerous enterprise. They appear to think they can have a short-term advantage playing it but in the long run it's going to bite them - and all of us - on the ass.
The very antithesis of liberalism - the real, true, authentic and good version - is this identity politics game.
They think they can use it against the right; but it's going to be turned against them.
Really dangerous stuff they're doing.
"Reparations come later."
As Frederick Douglas would've said to Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony - I have to assume, then, this is all hypothetical,….
Activism in a nutshell. Well played, Althouse.
Whether it's many feminists on campus, activists at the U.N., and TPM media feeders aiming for cultural control and political power...
At heart, many of them are motivated by emotion and ideology, not facts, legal standards of evidence, and valid descriptions of reality.
They are the ones who now see reality as it is...banning heretics and demonizing opposition. Their moral commitments and righteous certainty shield them in unearned virtue and moral superiority that justifies all manner of immoral and amoral tactics.
The conviction is what's so dangerous, which they pursue with the zeal and ruthlessness of true-believers everywhere.
In the wild, wonderful world of the federal bureaucracy, there exists a term of art called an "unfunded mandate". Contrary to popular belief, it doesn't mean going out with a guy who's broke. It means Congress passes a law which increases the workload on a particular agency, but Congress doesn't allocate extra federal funds to pay for the workload increase. This situation leaves agencies scrambling to re-arrange their own internal budgets to make up for the shortfall.
In essence, what the DoEd did to the Colleges & Universities is to impose an unfunded mandate on them. They now have to scramble to perform a function that they have no specialized staff nor training to accomplish. And, what makes it worse than an unfunded mandate, is that DoEd. cannot by regulation alone shield the schools from vengeful students who resent having their careers ruined by kangaroo courts.
If the school administrators had any balls, they would have taken the DoEd to court to avoid implementing these regulations (Look! A Flying pig!). But as it now stands, it'll probably be the insurance companies dropping coverage on universities that'll put an end to this nonsense. That, or a Republican presidency or Senate.
Can we just step back for a minute and ask why colleges have quasi-judicial rape trials at all? Did rape stop being a crime? Are we all bored with the real judicial system?
Because, for the most part, whatever occurred was not a crime. What I would call ambiguous sex, where the question is how willing or unwilling was the female victim. And, unfortunately, how spurned she was the next day, or months down the road. It rarely is forcible, and in almost no cases could law enforcement get a conviction.
I think that the thing that bothers me the most here maybe is the the female "victims" are essentially absolved of any responsibility for their own actions. A far cry from the avowed goals of feminism. If a male and a female both get voluntarily drunk, the male is somehow responsible if they have sex. Or, in the case that Will pointed out, the woman climbed into bed in her pajamas with a guy she had had sexual relationship with, told him "no" once, and then went along with the sex.
At some point, people are going to start suing universities for libel and slander for setting up these kangaroo courts. You can't just go around calling someone a rapist without proof. Actually putting it down on paper and taking concretely harmful actions because of a court you control?
Already happening. And, to make things really funny, schools are starting to be sued for Title IX violations - for sex discrimination against males, the same statute used by the DoE to justify this, along with a lot of other things that colleges have to deal with. It states in part that:
No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.
And, getting expelled, or even suspended, on the basis of overtly sexist regulations, or regulations that essentially give the benefit of the doubt to a female "victim" or "survivor" would seem to fall directly under this.
Hillary's husband has been accused of rape, so she knows something about the subject. Sounds to me like she might care about due process for rapists, and that process includes smearing accusers on behalf of powerful men.
I find it amusing TPM and the other sensitive types still have not engaged the substance of what Will was saying, just pissy, adhominen attacks. Where are the statistics to back up the "1/5 of women on campus have been sexually assaulted"? If I didn't know any better, it sounds like they are talking out of their ass. They are just pissed at Will for making them look like fools.
Best post ever.
That was damned good, Ann. Damned good.
My youngest son will go to college in a year. I am strongly advising him to never date, much less have sex with a lefty. It is appalling how hard the universities will work to absolve people of their guilt. Years later.
"Hillary's husband has been accused of rape, so she knows something about the subject. Sounds to me like she might care about due process for rapists, and that process includes smearing accusers on behalf of powerful men."
If you follow the link, you will see that Hillary was willing to lie to protect a rapist even before she married one. It must be genetic.
In fairness there is little or no danger of any woman drunk or sober consenting to sex with Dylan Scott. So it is understandable how Scott wouldn't understand the plight of men with whom women will actually consent to sex. Judging from that picture, iris pretty clear that the subject of consensual sex or really any sex other than self abuse is something well beyond Dylan's pay grade.
"If you follow the link, you will see that Hillary was willing to lie to protect a rapist even before she married one. It must be genetic."
I just read the link, but I find some of the other reporting incredibly interesting. Some people are blaming the "system" for Hillary's scurrilous accusations about the 12 year old victim. The problem, you see, is that the accused is entitled to a vigorous defense against rape charges. Hillary was only doing her job!
These idiots don't realize that it's unethical for an attorney to conduct herself dishonestly before a court. The problem isn't that Hillary's client was entitled to a defense; the problem is Hillary lied and got away with it.
Well done.
"Hillary's husband has been accused of rape, so she knows something about the subject."
The precious editor of the St Louis Past Dispatch who fired Will as a columnist was interviewed (until he hung up) by Hugh Hewitt. He had never heard of any of the victims of Bill Clinton.
Females are obviously far too delicate to be exposed to nasty brutish men. They should go to all girl colleges where they will be protected. Maybe they should wear burkhas, too.
All girl places may not be totally safe. My daughter, who is athletic, made the mistake of checking out women's rugby at UCLA when she was an undergrad. She had bull dykes calling her for months. She said some of them were pretty scary.
I wonder what the racial/sex breakdown of TPM management and staff is? Is it published anywhere? Also who is funding them? I have a hard time believing that they survive on their own.
Pale, pasty and protruding.
Has anyone yet asked George Will whether he actually wrote the column? If not, did he review it before publication?
My guess is that the answer to both questions is, "no."
Over the 25 or so years, I have not been a frequent reader of Will. But I read him enough when he was on his way up to know that George Will can talk in his sleep better than that column was written. Writers who adopt celebrity seem to suffer these glitches occasionally.
"Excuse me, but I need some clarity:
Are the Central Park Five considered part of this "bunch of men" who've been deemed problematic in the photo?"
For white liberal women, all black men are problematic. Except for the ones that are idealized abstractions.
"But I read him enough when he was on his way up to know that George Will can talk in his sleep better than that column was written."
I thought it was well written but I may not have your fine political sensitivities.
Right (as in not wrong) has no gender.
Feminism is a culture of gender hatred.
And men who put up with feminists are weak-kneed supplicants. Which means what they think does not count.
What did you find in the column that was badly written, bbkingfish?
On a first read I understood Will's point completely. Due to federal government dictates, many colleges have adopted a "star chamber" system of investigating and punishing students who have been accused of rape. In the process, they have deliberately privileged the rape accuser over the person accused of rape in a way that is unjust, and invented a bogus "rape epidemic" to justify their actions.
I find it amusing TPM and the other sensitive types still have not engaged the substance of what Will was saying, just pissy, adhominen attacks. Where are the statistics to back up the "1/5 of women on campus have been sexually assaulted"?
There are no statistics to attack Will's argument, the statistics all support him.
It is exactly the same thing that happened to Charles Murray. They both said "something that must not be said" and the only avenue of attack was personal.
Can we just step back for a minute and ask why colleges have quasi-judicial rape trials at all? Did rape stop being a crime? Are we all bored with the real judicial system?
These kangaroo courts were set up precisely because there is no prosecutable crime, but the Left wants to punish the men anyway.
No Crack it's "Rape-a-nation". That's what you want to do to America.
I never realized the purpose of College was to provide a place for easy sex with drunken co-eds.
I knew I chose the wrong college.
The bottom line is the predictable Hitlerian response from the left.
There is no self-hated like liberal white guy self-hatred. Why don't they just neuter themselves? I'm embarrassed to be associated with them.
And how much can HRC be exposed as an all-round F*** Up before her own abandon her?
Remember back when we were discussing Joe Paterno? His crime was he didn't report a child being molested to
The cops.wven though he did take it
To the school authorities who were set up to handle this type of crime. And even though he didn't actually see anything. The anger was so great that he had to resign and was accused of not doing enough to fight a child predator.
Cue the fake outrage.
Now though George Will gets accused of being for rape of women or something because he points out that these type of crimes are handled by the schools and not the police. And so set up issues where people are denied all sorts of due process when accused.
Aren't the wen arguing against Wills point essentially making the same argument as Paterno made? Yet they'd railroad him out of a job for not going to then cops.
Again , cue the fake outrage.
The Left is furious about the case of George Will. Reasons:
1. The St.Louis Post-Dispatch went out on a limb, terminating Will's column, and then found itself all alone. None of the other 470+ outlets who carry the Will column in syndication have followed suit.
2. Will himself is not backing down. This is not the behavior that the Left expects. They expect tv networks, corporations, universities, foundations, etc., all to wilt in the face of feminist politics.
3. The issue looks as though it may have legs, in a way the Left never wanted. The issue is going to be joined, and the result -- we are seeing it now, including at Professor Althouse's alma mater, the University of Michigan -- is going to be a lot of nasty, costly, embarassing civil suits against institutions of higher education who trampled on the procedural due process rights of young men who are claimed to have committed campus "sexual assault."
IMHO Will made a calculated risk putting out this column. He realized the vast injustices being meted out to these young men and had to do something. He's 73, he's made his bones. Time to give something back.
It is interesting - and revealing - to note that many liberals - indeed it's the general view of the left - insist that we must give full constitutional rights to Islamic terrorists held at Gitmo. If we don't, we're shaming ourselves.
But it's perfectly fine here to take away or greatly limit the due process rights of Americans charged with a crime.
Feminism got a bad name the old fashioned way: they earned it.
That photo of a bunch of men is very interesting.
If you look carefully it contains both Paul Ryan (back-center left) and James Baldwin (follow the left edge of the white stripe on the wall down to the second row in the back.)
Any conspiracy against women which contains both Baldwin and Ryan is indeed vast (though not necessarily right wing.) But it's great to see two such polarizing figures reach common ground.
"There is no self-hated like liberal white guy self-hatred."
No truer words were ever spoken.,
There's just no room in the process for reality any more.
It's really true that anything done by the government is OK whereas the same thing done by a corporation or a male or a white person would be illegal, immoral and generally evil. But attacking men won't give true protection to women because it creates an unreal world where a woman can prosecute if she gets get drunk and gets in bed and then (so to speak) gets left behind by a lout and wants out and gets raped instead. She can prosecute but there's nothing in the courts that will make up for that.
The real world is: get a nice guy and be nice to him and everything else is empty hypocritical talk. Women are the losers from believing liberal unreality as much as the men from believing in a sexual revolution. Grow up.
Do women have rapedar---rapedar defined as a subliminal awareness of which men are most likely to slip a roofie in your drink. In any lineup of men, I suspect George Will looks least likely to slip a roofie. The pictures of those other men are not so reassuring. They look far more likely to engage in date rape. To set a good example, those men should be fired also, especially that guy with facial hair. That's always a dead giveaway.
Brava, Ann. You nailed it.
This post is top 3 easily for your blog.
Cloward and Piven rule supreme during the reight of Obama. Who will bring back the rule of law?
Sorry but your analysis was so neurotypical that I find myself unable to agree with you, solely on principle. So many people are non-neurotypical and it is paramount that we all strive to be inclusive.
Frosted Lucky Charms are magically (because they are neuro-typically) delicious! And that's just wrong. They should be universally loved by everyone or extinguished.
And if men and women can be so easily distinguished by a photograph when we all know that gender is merely a social construct, then you, my dear, show yourself to be especially and terribly neuro-typical. This may give rise for some cause for embarrassment.
But if you are not especially proud and don't mind being labeled a pedestrian or a prole, then by all means, carry on.
Kings X, if you please. I hit "publish" instead of "preview." It's a common error committed by the neuro-typical and non-neurotypical alike. So hold the pickles, hold the lettuce, whatever you do, please don't upset us ...
Did schools learn nothing from the duke lacrosse incident?
As these "conservative" cheers meet your ears, please notice the comment below - it's an attempt to turn truth on it's head, and a reminder of who's got your back:
"No Crack it's 'Rape-a-nation'. That's what you want to do to America."
Now, what to do with whites like Alex, Ann? Judge them by different standards as Billary, who are aware enough (of this black 'Rape-a-nation' situation) to, at least, acknowledge the current president would've been getting them COFFEE just a few years ago? No. Women have no better chance with Alex than blacks - he'll do and say whatever, to whoever, for status quo to be maintained.
That includes adding "Althouse" to their charm bracelet. In other words, you're being applauded on this thread by a den of jackals. You've brought no sunlight to them, no disinfectant, just another reason for a bunch of dorks who like the flicker of torches, and slimy dankness, to scheme a little longer.
Whose "side" is justice on, when so many - including you - are trying to make it obvious neither has honor, or is dedicated to the cause?
Here's one answer, both, to your post AND white supremacists:
"There's a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part! You can't even passively take part! And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels…upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop! And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!"
And it's starting to cough and wheeze already,...
This is not about rape, just as the race card is not about race and the "war on women" is not about women. It is about leftists seizing the narrative and using it to increase their power.
You are delusional. To prove you are not why don't you slide down to Glide Memorial and organize a march of the congregation in support of reparations and in pushback to the current horrors, the horrors you will describe in detail, of current suppression by white supremicists. You will pick up thousands on the march, marchers in solidarity, and gain national attention. You will be more than a freedom rider on the Althouse Blog!!
Then again, it might take a lot of effort.
Gary Rosen,
"This is not about rape, just as the race card is not about race and the "war on women" is not about women. It is about leftists seizing the narrative and using it to increase their power."
Left/Right/Left/Right - and anything that doesn't fit in one of those two poles is unspeakable because the speaker is a fool.
Better watch it prof... Hate speech is not protected speech.
"You are delusional. To prove you are not why don't you slide down to Glide Memorial,…"
HA! My wife used to attend Glide weekly - before she killed three people.
I'll pass on them, thanks.
Funny, you didn't Bay-View where the blacks live - or, rather, where the white supremacists shoved them,...
Crack Emcee wrote:
Left/Right/Left/Right - and anything that doesn't fit in one of those two poles is unspeakable because the speaker is a fool.
Black/white/black/white- and anything that doesn't fit in one of those two poles is unspeakable because the speaker is a fool.
By the way, in this case Left/White has a lot more bearing on the issue at hand than black/white.
Oh, I have been in Hunter's Point and the Mission but that was decades ago. I believe the black populations moved across the bay for the most part. The "ghetto" in Palo Alto was always an interesting contrast to the ghettos I was familiar with before I moved out there. It was like Beverly Hills in comparison.
I expect Cecil Williams is dead now and the Glide church has gone on to other hands. I always liked Cecil. He was a good man.
Black/white/black/white- and anything that doesn't fit in one of those two poles is unspeakable because the speaker is a fool.
Only if you can get rid of the history that created it - which you can't - though whites do (repeatedly) try.
Republicans created the Left/Right split.
We CAN probably get rid of them,...
I like how whites can't speak without trying to eliminate their history - which won't go away for their convenience.
Since that's the case, reparations are in the bag because y'all ain't got a leg to stand on,...
"Oh, I have been in Hunter's Point and the Mission but that was decades ago."
Then what kind of crazy talk are you giving me?
"I believe the black populations moved across the bay for the most part."
You'd believe wrong.
"The 'ghetto' in Palo Alto was always an interesting contrast to the ghettos I was familiar with before I moved out there. It was like Beverly Hills in comparison."
That's where poor SF whites are moving now.
"I expect Cecil Williams is dead now and the Glide church has gone on to other hands."
Hmm. I never checked since I got back. Didn't care, really, since I include the church in my troubles.
"I always liked Cecil. He was a good man."
I'd say "not bad," but he DID good, by a lot of poor people, so there's that,...
crack: "HA! My wife used to attend Glide weekly - before she killed three people."
And ate them.
Then used their bones as tools for her anti-establishment guerrilla pottery class (now available on line).
Then used the pottery for stage decor for her 1-dolphin play titled "My life in the sea as a black persons vagina" (no dolphins were harmed in the production of this play).
Which, oddly enough, was sold off to Lifetime for a new series to emerge in the fall.
Crack has still not seen any of this money.
And knows better than to ask.
SH said...
Better watch it prof... Hate speech is not protected speech.
Remember this one?
"No free speech for fascists!" (fascism of course defined as anything to the right of Mao/Stalin/Castro/Chavez/the "Kim" family (not Kardashians)etc.)
What "crazy talk"? The voices in your head maybe but I said nothing crazy about blacks and where they live in SF. You might read the comments.
Wow, your sob story gets better every day Crackie.
You had a failed marriage? Shocking to me that such a good provider like yourself would lose a woman.
And she killed people now? That cannot be true, as minorities are never violent. You are just making stuff up at this point.
How is the E-begging going? How about your various rashes and physical ailments?
I'm off to go exercise my white privilege. Have a super day sport.
Michael: " You might read the comments."
Your actual comments simply get in the way of cracks deconstruction of the comments he needs for you to have made.
Still, go easy on crack. Apparently he is afflicted with serial rashes, having been lied to by Navy recruiters, white guys in vehicles slamming into him and murderous ex-wives.
Not to mention the many decades he was forced to spend sharecropping in the farmlands of inner city Detroit.
BTW, how many Navy enlisted personnel were lied to by their Recruiters?
According to the Navy enlisted personnel, just about 100%.
Gahrie: "These kangaroo courts were set up precisely because there is no prosecutable crime, but the Left wants to punish the men anyway."
And also because this is simply what the left exists to do.
And always does.
Every single time they can.
I saw a splendid rebuttal of Will's column. The main thrust of it was that George Will wears a toupee.
Why do you guys respond to Crack? Because you like to watch him believe "seven impossible things before breakfast"?
One day he is a Republican, the next day he is quoting MLK to inveigh against ever voting Republican.
He says things to try to elicit "racist" comments, IMHO, probably to discredit the blog, or more likely because he sincerely believes that we are all racists and just hide the fact in our public statements, and he needs to out us, or maybe both.
And he is trolling traffic to his bitter little blog to boot.
As for Will and the column being "well written"? No, it was not. It was ambiguous and lazy. It assumed that the reader accepted the premises and so they needed no explanation, or some key sentences were edited out by somebody who has never had to write clear expository English where mistakes cost money, for example, like writing out the requirements for a software system where the technical and the business users have to take the same meaning away.
The formulations used by Will were just to subject to different interpretation according to bias of the reader, without any clear markers to guide that interpretation to be classified as "well written" unless it was secretly a piece of performance art intended to elicit controversy, rather than to elucidate an opinion.
"I like how whites can't speak without trying to eliminate their history - which won't go away for their convenience."
Actually, you are the one who continues ignoring that black Africans enslaved your ancestors, not the white people.
I guess the truth is bad for your idea that white people need to give you handouts.
"As for Will and the column being "well written"? No, it was not. It was ambiguous and lazy."
Tim, you need to quote the portions of Will's article which you believe were "ambiguous and lazy."
Will's columns in support of actual rape victims - Juanita Broderick, for one, were omitted from publication by the LA Times. Now he is being fired for daring to suggest that bad regulations make bad outcomes in regard to rape.
The man can do nothing correct, apparently.
It is a wonder Althouse saved the best bit - that another person has publicly recognized and declared Hillary to be a horrible person with horrible behaviors - for the very last line of the post.
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