House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was defeated Tuesday by a little-known economics professor in Virginia's Republican primary, a stunning upset and major victory for the tea party.Love the name, btw, Dave Brat....
Cantor is the second-most powerful member of the U.S. House and was seen by some as a possible successor to the House speaker.
His loss to Dave Brat, a political novice with little money marks a huge victory for the tea party movement, which supported Cantor just a few years ago.
June 10, 2014
Eric Cantor loses primary to a Tea Partier!
Good. Unlike Dems, Republicans hold officials to some standards.
Cantor wears shorts.
Not gonna miss that guy. Gave him the benefit of the doubt a couple of years ago, as I did with Weepy Boehner.
Both of them have disappointed me, and let down America. They never treated the Democrats for the scum that they are.
Hopefully this will send the LOUD & CLEAR to the amnesty crowd - we're looking at you Paul Ryan - to back off !
Time for Victory Dance!
Thank you, Pres. Obama, for dumping those illegal kids on the border right before the election. Obama always hated Cantor anyway.
Absolutely stunning upset.
The Republican party grassroots will simply not countenance a candidate who they think is trying to sneak a major change to immigration policy past them. Immigration reform happens in the open or it'll not happen at all.
I do think that "amnesty" is a big thing, and despite Cantor making a big thing about his opposition to it, he has continually waffled.
The support by the House Republican legislation for the sort of immigration "reform" pushed by the Senate seems almost inexplicable. Amnesty would potentially give Democrats a semi-permanent ruling majority. So why do they keep coming back to it?
The answer, I suspect, is that they have essentially been bought and paid for. The Senate bill is "comprehensive" because the thing that got it moving was combining the wants and needs of big tech companies with those of Dems and Hispanic groups. The big tech companies would get a big increase in H1B visas, so that they can bring in even more indentured engineers, supplanting more mobile American ones. The Senate won't listen to them, absent this package deal.
Think of the absurdity of it. Many of the H1B visa holders I have worked with had PhDs. And those who didn't, had at least a STEM master's degree. Under the comprehensive bill, they have no road to citizenship. None. But, people with 5th grade educations from Mexico, central and South America, China, etc., would have such a road to citizenship. We would be ultimately giving citizenship to millions of uneducated people from the 3rd World who would be, and already are, a financial drain on our resources, while denying the same to the best and brightest around the world.
The amount of money being spent pushing "comprehensive" immigration reform is apparently quite stunning. And, so, no surprise that the Republican leadership in the House, hearing day in and day out from the legion of lobbyists pushing the legislation, how important and great it is, are trying to push it through. It isn't just about the money that the lobbyists bring to their campaigns, but that is clearly part of it - as exemplified by the amount of money thrown behind Cantor in the primary.
Well congratulations to the voters of his district for letting Mr. Cantor know he's supposed to represent his district.
Turns out the ever growing numbers of illegal kids swarming at the border, has taken out Cantor. He supported the Obama "kids amnesty", and hundreds of thousands of kids are now coming to the US because they know they will not be turned away. this is insanity, and at least someone has now paid a price for this.
Cantor's Mistake
Is the Tea Party Dead?
Just always fun to watch things like this from just weeks ago at moments like this.
Good, assuming Brat holds to the Tea Party goal of fiscal sanity.
The flood of illegal kids probably doomed him. Ironically, the Democrats didn't even run a candidate in that district they were so sure he was a shoo-in.
Predictions for fall ?
I suspect Cantor being Jewish played a role in his defeat amoung the Tea Party rabble.
Dream Act Mr. Cantor? Dream on.
To a college professor!!!
That might as well be the headline. I do agree that the "Brat" makes the challenger sound as if he would fit right in around WI.
I think it's unrestricted illegal immigration.
Brat should be a Wisconsin favorites once they have his Festival so often.
Wiki says Brat is Catholic, went to Princeton Theology Seminary and teaches at a Methodist founded liberal arts college in Richmond.
I predict this guy will show a great approach to people, and will win it .
Any day a 10+ year incumbent loses is a good day.
That's what repubs need to appeal to the swing voters! A candidate who "treats democrats for the scum they are"!
I know I'm excited again!!
How many times are we going to have to put a stake through the heart of the Tea Party before it's really, officially dead? I mean, we went through the latest round of obits just a week or two back.
If u can't control your borders, u aren't a sovereign nation
BTW, the dead group Al Qaeda has taken over Mosul and our materiel Blackhawks Helos over.
Earning that Nobel!
This is what the American people wanted, this is what the voted for.
Remember, the Tea Party is dead you racists!
And let's hope this puts the nail in the coffin of amnesty.
There is not going to be any comprehensive immigration reform as long as the Democrats classify "Hispanics" into just two groups - documented and undocumented Democrats - and the Republicans continue to buy into the Democrats story like they always do.
Is his name pronounced like the pesky kid or like the delicious sausage?
Thank God. Cantor was a total phony and a Brain-dead Amnesty supporter. Maybe he will switch parties and run as a Democrat.
"Cantor making a big thing about his opposition to it, he has continually waffled."
Baloney. He did not "waffle" - he was constantly pushing Amnesty and open borders, and then when he got political heat, would dishonestly hem and haw. He "Waffled" in the same way John McCain does before every Republican Primary.
Laura Ingraham is saying "The Tea Party" didn't give Brat any support. The Tea Party moniker is coming from the Democrats.
Once written, twice... said...
I suspect Cantor being Jewish played a role in his defeat amoung the Tea Party rabble.
Just found out from reading this that Cantor is Jewish. Unlike liberals, I don't judge people by their religion or race, I judge them by their actions.
campy said...
"That's what repubs need to appeal to the swing voters! A candidate who "treats democrats for the scum they are"!
I know I'm excited again!!"
The district is considered safely Republican.
"Blogger Once written, twice... said...
I suspect Cantor being Jewish played a role in his defeat amoung the Tea Party rabble."
Except that it wasn't "the Tea Party Rabble" that tossed Cantor, it was the voters of Virginia. Nice try, though, and keep the brush handy. God knows you Commies will never manage to take over the country by telling the truth about your opponents, let alone yourselves.
Amnesty is dead for at least this year. YES!
“The entire amnesty and low-wage agenda collapses if Cantor loses — all the billions of special interests dollars, all the favors, all the insider dealing — all of it is stopped in its tracks tomorrow if the patriotic working families of Virginia send Eric Cantor back home tomorrow.
Tomorrow, the middle class has its chance to fight back.
Tomorrow, the people of Virginia can show up to the polls and defeat the entire crony corporate lobby.
Tomorrow, we can restore our borders, rebuild our communities, and revitalize our middle class.” - Brat
Yeah, it was because he was Jewish. Some people are just blinded by hatred, and I am not talking about the Tea Party.
More seriously, maybe the WI lesson should have been that people want politics to be about something. The sense I get both from Dem and Rep voters is that they increasingly feel that it's not about their votes, whatever else it's about. Voter preferences should mean something, if they are at all preferences for the possible and the constitutional.
I think on the Dem side there is significant upstart potential as well.
In WI Walker made the election about policy and then he tried to follow through with that policy once elected. Okay, controversial policy, but at least it gave the electorate something real to squabble over, and recall over, and so forth. Although I don't know all the ins and outs of WI politics, I do think the WI voters got the sense that their votes counted - they moved policy.
When it comes to DC, that sense seems to be lacking for many rank-and-file voters.
Putting the "representative" back into "representative democracy" is no small feat.
Dave Brat himself says says he's a free marketer, Constitutionalist, and a 10th Amendmenter.
Can't imagine how this guy won (Not!).
And a little Brat shall lead them.
One other thing, I am fed up with all the Tea party talk: for example. is the Tea Party dead or alive?! Who is the Tea Party supporting?
It is a shame that a movement that is dedicated to the original principles of our revolution has been so marginalized, demonized, and caricatured
I consider myself a Tea Partier in the sense that I went to the first rally in my area back in 2009. my definition of a Tea Partier is one who believes in limited government and rule of law as outlined by our Founding Fathers. I do not owe any allegiance to these national "Tea party" groups that purport to represent me and usurped the movement's name.
Dave Brat was not supported by any national "Tea Party" group that I am aware of. But I suspect he received the support of a majority of voters favoring limited government and the rule of law.
OnceWrittenTwiceWrong: "I suspect Cantor being Jewish played a role in his defeat amoung the Tea Party rabble."
What religion was Cantor when the Tea Party voted for him last election, my Canadian or British friend?
@Once written, twice...
I suspect your suspicions are a more a manifestation of projection than of reality.
I personally am a retired Jewish clergyman. And I am overjoyed that Cantor lost. Because of what I perceive to be the good of the United States.
And before Cantor started playing amnesty games, his "Jewishness" did not seem to affect his seemingly insurmountable lead in the polls.
Your statement is an MSNBC pronouncement: e.g., if you are against Obama's [ACA, foreign policy, EPA, IRS, you name it] you are a racist.
Cantor was evolving into a RINO.
The Republican Party need to work on changing the rhetoric, which is going to take time, but the way they are going now, reinforcing the Democrat propaganda that the party is against all "Hispanics" on racial grounds, they are killing themselves.
The way to prevent being inundated by illegal aliens is to recognize that "illegal" means illegal, i.e. no jobs, no benefits, no "rights" of any kind, except those generally afforded lawbreakers and a free ticket back across the border. That is the "promised land" we want to get to, and the discussion should just be about how we get there and how quick.
As for the illegal aliens already here, swallow hard and recognize they will be staying, one way or another. But we need to get a handle on this situation and bring some order into our government somehow.
And the "Hispanics" who are citizens, either because they immigrated legally, or because they and their parents and grandparents, etc. were born here, know this as well or better than anyone.
Eric Cantor's Defeat Is Really The Tea Party Slashing Off Their Own Big-Ass Nose To Spite The Republican's Face
"I suspect Cantor being Jewish played a role in his defeat amoung the Tea Party rabble."
Of course you do.
This just in. John McCain has declared all Virginians "Wackobirds"
The little shit deserved it. Now if only they would do that to Bonner.
The Tea Party is dead and alive.
"It is a shame that a movement that is dedicated to the original principles of our revolution has been so marginalized, demonized, and caricatured"
More than a shame, it's disgusting.
Another data point against campaign finance reform as the candidate with much less money won.
I haven't followed this election or Rep. Cantor very closely, but this is the kind of thing that the Tea Party movement exists to do: Keep Republican officeholders loyal to conservative principles.
Dave Brat is an economics professor which means that unlike many politicians and bloggers he can do the math.
Once written, twice... Wow, you got on that DNC meme fast. I'll have to mention to Mark Levin how antisemitic the Tea Party is...
----I suspect Cantor being Jewish played a role in his defeat amoung the Tea Party rabble.
The anti-semitism is entirely on the left. Period.
Making it unanimous with comments above, you are projecting your dark emotions.
“Years ago he had a good conservative track record, but now he’s veered off,” Brat told ABC News during an interview on Capitol Hill in May. “If you go to Heritage and look at their score, I think he’s at about a 53 right now. I mean, that’s an F-minus.”
How many years ago? What does many years mean? What does many mean?
Heritage Action, that is.
Heritage has changed. Now, on the one hand, that's all fine and good and mostly (though not entirely) none of my business. OTOH, I do think it's important to maintain the distinction, and in that context I will point out the following: "Heritage," as shorthand, in current, action politics, refers to Heritage Action as opposed to the old Heritage Foundation.
Breitbart's been all over his candidacy for weeks (as a side effect of daily Cantor flip-floppery on amnesty) with commenters there boasting of sending small and medium-sized contributions to his campaign, and urging folks to bypass the establishment party apparatchik. Looks like it worked wonderfully.
Breitbart's been all over his candidacy for weeks (as a side effect of daily Cantor flip-floppery on amnesty) with commenters there boasting of sending small and medium-sized contributions to his campaign, and urging folks to bypass the establishment party apparatchik. Looks like it worked wonderfully.
Dave Brat is an economics professor which means that unlike many politicians and bloggers he can do the math.
WTF? Because Brat is an econ prof, that means he can do the math, unlike many politicians and bloggers?
WTF? Hasn't that been an argument made on behalf of, for example, Krugman for years?
And wasn't that appeal not just rejected, but also deemed objectionable, as an argument?
Some think there is a case to be made for immigration accommodation. Friday I was at a presentation about Mexican American kids and diabetic risk in Fort Worth. The sample was skewed by free testing which is why the participants came out but only 20% of the mothers were born in the U.S. Cantor was motivated by principle but stretching to meet Obama meant stretching to an imperial decree of executive manipulation by Obama and, now perhaps, backlash.
If 50% of all incumbents in Congress were thrown out by their constituents I'd call it a good start.
"...a political novice with little money..."
What?!! We have been told by the media repeatedly that the side with the most billionaire donations, tainted with evil, always wins!
Hagar says,
"As for the illegal aliens already here, swallow hard and recognize they will be staying, one way or another. But we need to get a handle on this situation and bring some order into our government somehow."
Yes, and about that guy banging your wife, swallow hard, and recognize there's a new face at the dinner table. But understand, you really need to get your marriage sorted out. Or at least work on your cooking.
Eric Cantor was never my cup of tea. In fact, I considered and do consider him an oily sort of creature.
That said, I think his abandonment is part of a larger story involving a continuing--continuous--short-term narrative, and I do wish that people would at least take more note of that, even if they don't pay attention to it.
Reports of the Tea Party's death were greatly exaggerated.
"I suspect Cantor being Jewish played a role in his defeat amoung the Tea Party rabble."
Then how did he get re-elected there so many times? Besides, C-fudd and his boy rcocean don't live in his district.
Gotta love the astroturf Tea Party bashing that has been going on all over the web.
"I suspect Cantor being Jewish played a role in his defeat amoung the Tea Party rabble."
That’s right, after ten years of being sent to Congress and ten years before that being sent to the Virginia Assembly, the people in his district woke and suddenly realized “woah, you mean all this time he’s Jewish?”
Hagar: The way to prevent being inundated by illegal aliens is to recognize that "illegal" means illegal, i.e. no jobs, no benefits, no "rights" of any kind, except those generally afforded lawbreakers and a free ticket back across the border...
[Thwacks forehead with heel of hand]. Genius! Why didn't anybody ever think of this before?
I was going to razz Bruce Hayden @7:42 PM for being Captain Obvious, but I guess there are still people here who need some basic larnin' on the subject.
The Republican Party need to work on changing the rhetoric, which is going to take time, but the way they are going now, reinforcing the Democrat propaganda that the party is against all "Hispanics" on racial grounds, they are killing themselves... But we need to get a handle on this situation and bring some order into our government somehow.
1) The Republican establishment and its supporters are as hot for open borders as the Democrats.
2) All anyone who wants to "get a handle on this situation" has to do to "reinforc[e] the Democrat propaganda" and get called a "racist" is to argue that we should..."recognize that 'illegal' means illegal, i.e. no jobs, no benefits, no 'rights' of any kind, except those generally afforded lawbreakers and a free ticket back across the border..."
Pretty much every attempt by voters to do any of the above, directly or indirectly, has been overturned by the courts, or ignored by successive administrations, accompanied by hysterical "anybody supporting these measures hates Hispanics" propaganda. Have you been asleep for the last 40 years?
What MadMan said.
Once written,
I suspect--no, make that know--that you are an idiot (or a moby.)
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