१४ जून, २०१४

A propos of the Lois Lerner spoliation: Spooooooool!

८ टिप्पण्या:

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

That looks like Andrew Breitbart, back from the grave,...

Skeptical Voter म्हणाले...

Well Rosemary Woods "lost" 18 minutes of tape. What a piker!

The IRS and Holder lost two years of Lerner's e-mails.

Professional blackguards are alive and well along the Potomac.

This is sort of giant upraised middle digit to the world outside Obamaville.

Richard Dolan म्हणाले...

Even Beckett couldn't have come up with a narrative as absurd as the ever unfolding story of Little Lois and her merry band of pranksters at the IRS. It would take a far greater talent to spin that tale, and fortunately Harvard has just added somone to the English faculty with the right combo of skills and experience to do the job. Somehow, someway, it will be Bush's fault, and his 'speak no evil' approach about Team O will help sell the spin.

Michelle Dulak Thomson म्हणाले...

Lois Learner?

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...


Thanks. Fixed.

The problem these days is that it's not enough to spell something correctly. You have to catch the autocorrect respelling things.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

I HATE auto"correct".

cf म्हणाले...

We have become too well behaved. These bureaucRats deserve to be stripped down to their girdles, dragged through the streets and their hair chopped off.

That would include my senator, the true-believer totalitarian from Oregon, Merkley, one of those who helped this along, according to a recent lawsuit.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Amazingly bad. Would be a nice little research project to list all the (rich and/or powerful) organizations and individuals that "lost their records" - and the criminal and civil penalties that accrued (if any). And pivot by party affiliation. Didn't Mr. Gore have a similar situation? Wager the Left gets away with it far more often than the Right, and the Right's supporters even when they are "non-combatants".

Where's our Pentagon Paper's leaker when we need him? Only half-in-jest - how many leaks on the Right, like the climate-gate records, have we seen? And how were the various leaks spun in the press (whistle-blower or criminal theft)?

I'm reminded of the EU data protection laws - which as often as not are used to suppress speech and protect the rich-and-powerful.
