"Any ‘abuse’ came in the aftermath, when I was made a scapegoat in order to protect his powerful position. . . . The Clinton administration, the special prosecutor’s minions, the political operatives on both sides of the aisle, and the media were able to brand me. And that brand stuck, in part because it was imbued with power."...I got to this article from the Drudge Report, where the headline is "LEWINSKY: HILLARY BLAMED THE WOMAN!" There's nothing at the link about Hillary, but I'm only able to see some bits from the article unless I subscribe to Vanity Fair. Ah, here's some detail in the Politco report on the article. Referring to the new evidence of what Hillary Clinton said to her friend Diane Blair — she called Lewinski a "narcissistic loony toon" — Lewinsky writes:
She also says that, when news of her affair with Clinton broke in 1998, not only was she arguably the most humiliated person in the world, but, “thanks to the Drudge Report, I was also possibly the first person whose global humiliation was driven by the Internet.”
"I get it... Hillary Clinton wanted it on record that she was lashing out at her husband’s mistress. She may have faulted her husband for being inappropriate, but I find her impulse to blame the Woman—not only me, but herself—troubling."Troubling. Is there a more lame and noncommittal word?
Yeah, there is. It's "concerning." But "troubling" is a bullshit word that reveals Lewinsky has nothing worth saying here. She had sex with a woman's husband. Of course, the woman hates her. There's nothing else you can expect, unless you have reason to think the woman approves of or actively wants other women servicing her husband, and Lewinsky does not seem to have believed that. And the idea that "Hillary Clinton wanted it on record" is just dumb. If she wanted it on record, why was the record something that only came out many years later?
Now, I've always had a big problem with women failing to hold Bill Clinton fully responsible for his sexual harassment of women. But note that Lewinsky concedes that Hillary "may have faulted her husband for being inappropriate," so she's not going very far in this attack on Hillary. It's nothing, really. And if it were much of anything, it could only make Lewinsky look bad. Lewinsky had sex with Hillary's husband. Lewinsky would be better off trying to figure out how to sincerely apologize to Hillary. And attack Bill at long last, dammit. She still loves him: "Sure, my boss took advantage of me, but I will always remain firm on this point: it was a consensual relationship." I read that quote out loud to Meade and he started singing "And I will always love you...." (with some substituted words, like for "love").
Lewinsky does manage to attack another woman, Beyonce:
“Thanks, Beyoncé, but if we’re verbing, I think you meant ‘Bill Clinton’d all on my gown,’ not ‘Monica Lewinsky’d,” Lewinsky writes.It's always blame the woman.... It's a war on women....
७६ टिप्पण्या:
There was a zero chance you weren't going to blog this.
Monica, "at this point what difference does it make?"
Since Hillary doesn't care about Bill's affairs, there's no reason for Lewinsky to apologize to Hillary. The only thing Hillary was upset about was the whole thing becoming public.
Hillary: Not good enough for Bill, not good enough for America.
"I’ve decided, finally, to stick my head above the parapet"
She could have saved everyone alot of time and trouble if she'd never had her head there to begin with.
Of course, feminist theory in the 1990s argued that the power imbalance between Lewinsky and Clinton--intern and president--was such that any sexual relationship was, by definition, non-consensual.
Lots and lots of women still loooove Bill Clinton. Why do you think Hillary!! has a chance?
I wonder if the love affair for Obama will last as long.
If Hillary! cared less about money and power, she would have divorced him after the first year, or not married Clinton in the first place.
His behavior was never much of a secret.
The did not have an affair. Getting blowjobs by an intern, an intern whom you don't even know their name is simply furtive, disgusting Sexual predatorship
I appreciate that she could go all victim on this and did not. Good on ya Ms. Lewinsky, very grown up. God bless you mam.
ge said...
Of course, feminist theory in the 1990s argued that the power imbalance between Lewinsky and Clinton--intern and president--was such that any sexual relationship was, by definition, non-consensual.
It was amusing to watch feminist groups like NOW twist themselves into knots trying to reconcile their "power imbalance" arguments with the need to protect Clinton. That's how they gave him the "one free grope" exception. They also gave waivers to other prominent Democrats like Ted Kennedy and Chris Dodd of "waitress sandwich" fame. If the feminists ever had any credibility, they flushed it in the 1990s.
Apart from power, which lots of women are attracted to, from what stems the common attraction to Bill Clinton?
Hillary was angry that it became public.
Bill Clinton is the liberal version of Mike Huckabee.
Hillary 2016, with all we know, we will get what we deserve. And just like with Obama that's good enough for many.
Is there a more lame and noncommittal word?
"Evolving" in regards to an opinion.
"Mispeak" when caught lying about dodging sniper fire
"Certitude" when caught sexting
and it's not a word, but a phrase...
"not optimal" - when four Americans die on your watch
Ann why should Monica appologize in any form to Hillary?
Hillary's husband, a middle-aged man who just happened to be president at the time seduced an intern. In the private sector world Bill would have been held the responsible party and bounced from his job. The only one who needs to appologize to Hillary is her husband and since they haven't divorced his appology was obviously accepted.
The timing is interesting.
The Lewinsky thing has to be dealt with head on. Better to get it out of the way now.
I predict a friendly news outlet will provide a forum for Hillary on this next.
Althouse said:
"Lewinsky had sex with Hillary's husband. Lewinsky would be better off trying to figure out how to sincerely apologize to Hillary. And attack Bill at long last, dammit."
Hillary deserves an apology as soon as she apologizes to all the "bimbos" she destroyed.
The real news in this will be Monica's detailed account of the attempts to silence her and slime her. That might be very significant to Hillary!!'s approval rating. Coming at the same time as the special committee on Benghazi
Does anyone say it was non-consensual?
His behavior was never much of a secret.
1998 article recap so who knows what women since but I recall seeing some of the 1992 interview that didn't seem to be a problem with voters:
All the President's women
Ms Flowers is a former nightclub singer who became the focus of attention during Mr Clinton's 1992 election campaign. She alleged at the time that the she had an affair with Bill Clinton for 12 years while he was governor of Arkansas.
Of course, feminist theory in the 1990s argued that the power imbalance between Lewinsky and Clinton--intern and president--was such that any sexual relationship was, by definition, non-consensual.
Today's feminist theory is a little more expansive. If both parties are drunk, the sex wasn't consensual and the man committed rape. Worse, they claim the right to retroactively withdraw consent. If, in the light of day, the women has regrets, the man committed rape. Talk about performance pressure! Not only must a man make a woman want it, he has to make her enjoy it so much she never regrets having had it -- otherwise, it's rape.
None of this, of course, applies to the purely personal lives of the men feminists like. Celebrities and politicians can do whatever they want -- as long as they're the right celebrity or politician. This is known as the Bill Clinton exception.
Hillary was concerned only that it showed her to be inadequate as a wife.
French mistresses are taken warmly for releiving the wife of unpleasant duties, which gets at a truth better, when that's the truth.
An apology from Monica isn't called for.
Hillary has to be less of an old prune.
What ever happened to Johnny Edwards lusty girl friend? Did he chose to marry her?
No wonder the Democrat Pols are all for free birth control, if not mandatory birth control.
Hillary is a tough old broad. She wants to win 2016 to prove to Bill that anything he can do, she can do better.
I predict a friendly news outlet will provide a forum for Hillary on this next.
I don't think so. It's a can of worms that the MSM will NEVER open. Best to ignore or excuse with Hillary nowhere in sight. "Optics" is the keyword here.
I give Lewinsky a pass on the original sexual escapade. It's the rare female that can resist screwing someone as powerful as the POTUS if given the chance and Monica is definitely not rare.
But cashing in on her slut-ness with Slick Willy? Not so much.
The victimized Clinton's and their political apparatus were good at demonizing the women.
At least Paula Jones got a chunk of change out of it.
"Hillary has to be less of an old prune. "
"Prune" is no longer a socially acceptable term.
Say "dried plum".
Hell, for a long time, Monica was the only person in that whole sorry, sordid mess who was telling the truth.
After the truth came out, every single one of Clinton's female cabinet members, and everyone else whom the President allowed to slander Lewinsky in his defense, should have resigned in protest.
To this day I have more respect and regard for Lewinsky than any of those quislings.
I agree with donald (11:03). A few furtive bj's and a lubricated cigar scarely constitute an affair. I'm glad that Lewinski belatedly recognizes that she was taken advantage of.
Now FDR, he had affairs. Lucy Mercer, Missy LeHand, and the interestingly named Daisy Suckley.
Jason said...
To this day I have more respect and regard for Lewinsky than any of those quislings.
You and me both. Monica was the one who got shamed. They even say things like "I got Lewinskied last night" Where were the WAR on Women ladies then??? Oh yeah, hiding under Bill Clintons bed.
A very stupid woman who did not recognize the inherent abuse of a boss. Of course it was consensual you stupid bitch.
grackle said...
I predict a friendly news outlet will provide a forum for Hillary on this next.
I don't think so. It's a can of worms that the MSM will NEVER open. Best to ignore or excuse with Hillary nowhere in sight. "Optics" is the keyword here.
I give Lewinsky a pass on the original sexual escapade. It's the rare female that can resist screwing someone as powerful as the POTUS if given the chance and Monica is definitely not rare.
But cashing in on her slut-ness with Slick Willy? Not so much.
5/6/14, 11:50 AM"
Why not? The grifters a/k/a Clinton Inc. cashed out to a tune of a couple of hundred million and are counting to do so today. Monica only screwed Bill but Bill and Hill screwed most of us. And if given a chance in 2016 will screw us royally again.
Around the 'time' our next-door neighbor adn we were discussing our oldest daughters' emerging sexuality and how to handle it.
They related having stumbled upon their daughter performing oral sex on her boyfriend and, attmpting to discuss sexuality with her using due adult restraint, their daughter said with exasperation in her voice, "What's the big deal. A blowjob isn't sex. The President of the United States said so, right on TV!!"
Keep every fact in this case the same except for one thing. Change the name from Bill Clinton to George Bush.
Instant "War on Women!" and "Inappropriate Abusive Relationship!"
Non stop, every day until resignation.
Troubling. Is there a more lame and noncommittal word?
I find this question to be problematic.
A very stupid woman who did not recognize the inherent abuse of a boss. Of course it was consensual you stupid bitch.
...he stuck in his thumb
and pulled out a dried plum.
I think I've made myself nauseous.
Bob Boyd said:
"The Lewinsky thing has to be dealt with head on."
And the idea that "Hillary Clinton wanted it on record" is just dumb. If she wanted it on record, why was the record something that only came out many years later?
Far be it from me to get between one woman calling another dumb, but perhaps Hillary had one strategy to get through impeachment and another to get elected president.
A man with an incredible amount of power had sex with a woman less than half his age whose job depended entirely on his good will. Regardless of any claim of consent by either or both of them, if that man had been anyone other than a powerful Democrat he would have been immediately condemned as a rapist by the MSM and the various feminist organizations.
They never screwed. Some nameless intern gave him blow jobs.
Oh yeah, kneeling in alongside of Bill Clintons bed.
There, wendybar. I fixed it for you.
Hagar said...
If Hillary! cared less about money and power, she would have divorced him after the first year, or not married Clinton in the first place.
His behavior was never much of a secret.
Whic makes it even worse. She wasn't his mistress she was his slut. His errors were putting his dick in someone who had less to lose than he did. You never do that. And he showed a total lack of self control.
The good news is that rom that moment on through out history Monica will be standing right behind him.
But liberals admire him.
Juanita Broaddrick could not be reached for comment.
Let's imagine what would have happened if Monica hadn't held onto the jizz stains.
Is there a more lame and noncommittal word?
Let's leave the poor woman alone.
Matthew Sablan said...
"Does anyone say it was non-consensual?"
According to the diaries of Hillary's late close friend and ally, University of Arkansas political science professor Diane Blair, Hillary seemed to be troubled by the question of consent regarding Bill's sexual affair with Monica. Remember — Bill had been accused of raping and harassing underlings before.
Blair wrote: “And, HRC insists, no matter what people say, it was gross inappropriate behavior but it was consensual (was not a power relationship) and was not sex within any real meaning (standup, liedown, oral, etc.) of the term.”
"Insists"... "inappropriate"...but "consensual" and "was not [real] sex" (which prompts the question: Has Hillary ever had "real" sex "within any real meaning of the term" — standup, liedown, oral, etc.?).
And, of course, what difference, at this point, does it make?
"Moisture disadvantaged" plum
Does Garage Mahal not recognize the difference between the Lewinsky affair, which involved an inappropriate relationship (I would have been canned from my job for doing same) and Benghazi, where the First Amendment of the US Constitution was trampled under foot?
Lord Acton warns us:
"Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority, still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority. There is no worse heresy than that the office sanctifies the holder of it."
Just saying.
Regards — Cliff
Why not? The grifters a/k/a Clinton Inc. cashed out to a tune of a couple of hundred million and are counting to do so today. Monica only screwed Bill but Bill and Hill screwed most of us. And if given a chance in 2016 will screw us royally again.
Please excuse if I misinterpret, but the comment seems to be assuming that because I condemn Lewinsky's cashing in on her blowjobs that I approve of the Clintons' shady political potential and history. Not in the least. I cannot imagine now a situation in which I would vote for Hillary in 2016.
But the comment's comparison of Lewinsky's latest opportunistic activity with the Clintons' political activity, past and future, is a classic example of apples and oranges.
differently hydrated plum
I think I've made myself nauseous.
Nauseous means you cause nausea.
You made yourself nauseated.
Monica's showing a certain amount of caginess. If she should indicate that a gray haired man holding an important office has the burden of showing restraint in the presence of a panty flashing intern, then the knives would again come out.....She showed also a certain amount of caginess in keeping the stained dress, but that backfired on her. Her reputation would have sustained less damage if she had been branded as a deluded crackpot than as a purveyor of Oval Office blow jobs.......There's an element of malice to her caginess. Why did she confide her affair to the one Republican in her field of acquaintance? I wouldn't discount the element of malice in her coming forward at this time to reminisce about the good old days.
The poor woman just had an article published in Vanity Fair complete with full double gonzo glamour shots.
But "troubling" is a bullshit word that reveals Lewinsky has nothing worth saying here. She had sex with a woman's husband. Of course, the woman hates her. There's nothing else you can expect,
It seems to me she is saying that Hillary blamed her (Lewinsky) but also herself, instead of Bill. I think that is fairly noteworthy from the feminist perspective.
"Insists"... "inappropriate"...but "consensual" and "was not [real] sex" (which prompts the question: Has Hillary ever had "real" sex "within any real meaning of the term" — standup, liedown, oral, etc.?).
With a man or a woman?
I remember that part of the affair was Bill Clinton repeatedly calling Monica late at night, like 2 AM, to talk. She felt she had a genuine emotional relationship with him. Why wasn't he having those conversations with his wife?
W. Jefferson Clinton's most serious offense regarding his presidency was not adultery, - my God, who could really blame him, living in a sexless marriage for the prior 18-odd years - nor even lying under oath about it, but was his knowingly and willingly engaged in conduct WHILE IN OFFICE that exposed him to blackmail.
You just can't have that. It's disqualifying.
What do you do if you're part of a power couple, and your successful partner always outshines you in many important ways?
You also know he/she has a terrible, career-destroying character flaw and dangerous habit?
It seems you power-couple your way forward, stage-manage and calculate when necessary. Possibly weaselly prevarication and lying. You put it out of your mind and bury it when it affects your interests. You don't look under the bus when you focus on driving to the next stop.
All the while, you keep the money/politics/career machine parts of your life going. You hold your ideals aloft and make sure all of your allies and enemies see you clutching them in public. You devote your life to your foundations and causes.
You constantly angle for higher-office and political power. It's a game and it isn't. It's your calling and your mission. You've tasted it.
You've earned it. It's yours.
exhelodrvr1 said...
"Moisture disadvantaged" plum
The whole sordid affair can be blamed on moisture inequality.
@Larry J: Women may have given BJ Clinton a "one free grope" exemption, but Teddy Kennedy got a "one free murder" waiver. IMO the Lion of the Senate got the better deal.
"The victimized Clinton's and their political apparatus were good at demonizing the women.
At least Paula Jones got a chunk of change out of it."
Susan McDougal even went to prison. That curved member must have been really powerful. A prison term is more than a blow job.
If I heard correctly, she says that she is unemployed and has been for some time. How has she supported herself all these years?
"Bill Clinton is the liberal version of Mike Huckabee."
I sure hope you meant that as a putdown of both men; that's certainly how I read it!
Sorry Ann,
But the way I see it, you spread your legs for another Woman's man, your ass should be blamed.
just sayin'
Is it true that Hillary engineered this tripe to get it out there and out of the way for the election?
Ipso Fatso asked How has she supported herself all these years?
I'd guess that without a man to handle things, a size 36DD halter would work. ;)
But the comment's comparison of Lewinsky's latest opportunistic activity with the Clintons' political activity, past and future, is a classic example of apples and oranges."
Excuse me but the entire political career of the Clinton's has been and still is opportunistic activity.
Hillary reminds me of an excellent quarterback who played for years but never made the superbowl. So he keeps coming back, they talk him, he thinks this will be the year.
And he doesn't retire. Because he likes the spotlight. And eventually, whatever he had is gone. It's just not there anymore. But he doesn't know it. So he keeps coming back to the spotlight, anyway he can get it.
Hillary is old news. Old and busted. She doesn't have the temperament to become President. She couldn't sit in front of a jury of her peers without yelling out something incredibly stupid like, "At this point, what difference does it make!"
And if she runs for President it'll be like the last year Brett Favre played football.
Does she have any remorse for all the OTHER interns? Lots of women in the White House who worked their butts off but didn't get interviews with the UN or Revlon because they refused to give their boss a blowjob?
BTW, I am thankful for what Monica Lewinsky did - the Left's reaction to it proved that feminism is a load of crap.
I wasn't sure at that point.
She's also responsible for Fen's Law: The Left doesn't really believe in the things they lecture the rest of us about.
I originally formed it during the Clinton Impeachment. Didn't know then that it would apply to much more than sexual harassment in the workplace.
So Bengazzi is just some "vast right wing conspiracy." Got it. We've heard that one before.
user: Conserve Liberty said...
Around the 'time' our next-door neighbor adn we were discussing our oldest daughters' emerging sexuality and how to handle it.
They related having stumbled upon their daughter performing oral sex on her boyfriend and, attmpting to discuss sexuality with her using due adult restraint, their daughter said with exasperation in her voice, "What's the big deal. A blowjob isn't sex. The President of the United States said so, right on TV!!"
but she is right. a blow job is sexual, but it isn't sex. i've never heard of anyone who claimed to have lost their virginity after their first blow job.
MadMan: I think I've made myself nauseous.
"Nauseous means you cause nausea.
You made yourself nauseated."
Thus demonstrating that he was, indeed, nauseous.
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