Here's Burke's ad, which went up on YouTube on Wednesday and starts on TV today:
Gov. Scott Walker had this response ad up by this morninng.
Why did Burke make herself so vulnerable by putting an obvious lie in her ad?
Burke's said that "under Walker, unemployment’s up," from 4.8% to 6.2%. Burke defends the claim by saying 4.8% is a reference to when she served as state commerce secretary, which was several years before Walker became governor. But the ad gives no indication that that is the comparison she is making. Moreover, during Walker’s time as governor, unemployment started at 7.7 percent, not 4.8 percent. And rather than trending upward, the rate has steadily dropped to 6.3 percent.If that's supposed to be a good enough explanation, Burke ought to explain whether that's the level of presenting factual information she intends to offer us if she becomes governor.
९३ टिप्पण्या:
I love old-style political attack ads. The music, the black and white versus color, the graphics, etc.
Is anybody under the delusion that Mary Burke is likely to become the next governor of Wisconsin?
Garage mahal?
The Crack Emcee?
So Burke's ad could have made it clearer a stat on the unemployment rate....that it was intended to indicate that was under her tutelage as Commerce Secretary? Walker ran ads against Tom Barrett showing dead babies. He has the worst Politifact rating of any Governor in the country. Screw him.
garage mahal:
Mary Burke has aired one ad and it was premised on a lie. Her rating by any honest observer is 0% truthful.
Advantage: Walker.
But Walkr is raceist!
Them's better "facts" than the Keystone Pipeline providing 35 jobs.
Actually pretty good for a democrat!
"Why did Burke make herself so vulnerable by putting an obvious lie in her ad? "
It will all become clear once Garage GMsplains it for you.
If I'm to understand Garage correctly, and all Democrats in general, everything done as a Democrat political candidate is fair game because Republicans!
My 8 year old son whined just the other day, "He hit me first!"
The Democrats are children.
Leftists lie. They only want money and power. They don't have mores guiding them.
It takes about thirty years to realize this. That's why youngsters still vote for Obama.
Them's better "facts" than the Keystone Pipeline providing 35 jobs.
Politifact rates my claim as true. Here
garage mahal, you're better than that. Up your game. I could cite stuff from some right-wing crazy site. Really, try harder.
Why did Burke make herself so vulnerable by putting an obvious lie in her ad?
Because she's used to the liberal world where no one questions anything negative about a non-leftist. Imaging campaigning for 100,000 garage majals. Truth would simply not be relevant.
Or maybe garage mahal is part of a vast, right-wing conspiracy. It could be a fishy thing intended to show how stupid leftism is.
Common Core math at work taught by WEAC teachers union folks! No other sane explanation.
Garage should be happy there is no toilet paper shortage in the US of A since the Democrats will be shitting all over themselves this election cycle.
(Crude, I know, but I am on vacation, and had a few drinks this afternoon in 80 degree weather!)
Oh the irony of wingers, including Walker, who wants tv stations to pull this ad, bellyaching over something they perceive as untruthful. I will drink to that tonight.
"Politifact rates my claim as true. Here
See? The stupid is colossal!!
Imagine a huge engineering project providing just 35 jobs. You have to spin like an electron in its orbit to come up with a statement like that and somehow justify it.
We're talking a whole nuther level of mendacity amplified by willing stupidity here folks.
From the link Garage gives us, at the very end,
"The numbers, as reported by the State Department, back him up, though that’s the nature of any big construction project, be it a highway or monument."
I remember when Van Jones was saying the same thing when President Obama was talking about shovel ready jobs, infrastructure building, etc.
Right? Everyone else remember that?
These idiots don't want to create wealth, they want to create a permanent underclass where ATM's and Pipelines no longer exist because jobs!
First we gotta get that minimum wage up to $15.00 an hour.
"Or maybe garage mahal is part of a vast, right-wing conspiracy. It could be a fishy thing intended to show how stupid leftism is."
Nah, Garage is legit.
Crack on the other hand? I think he's a member of some skinhead group trying to paint black people as crazy or racist.
She's seen other Democrats lie themselves into office, and she's not smart enough to think for herself, so she's just following their lead.
"Company she helped build" - horseshit. Her father started it and she just worked for the family business.
See? The stupid is colossal!!
Imagine a huge engineering project providing just 35 jobs.
LOL. Read it again, Einstein. That's not the claim.
garage, I'm curious. What, exactly, constitutes a permanent job?
I've had my job for thirty years come August 4th, but eventually I'll die or retire. I guess it's just been "temporary", right?
If you wish to have any credibility (I don't believe you actually care either way), you need to admit that that "35" number is complete bullshit.
garage mahal said... Them's better "facts" than the Keystone Pipeline providing 35 jobs.
Politifact rates my claim as true. Here
3/7/14, 4:27 PM
Garage you lying sack of shit. My union (UA) will build it. We expect 7 million man hours to complete the job.That will create 13,000 construction jobs and 5,000 apprentice positions. 5,000 young people who can get a good job with good benefits for life.
I'm sick if you fucking elitist assholes and your destruction of working people.
@garage mahal:
I read the Politifact article and it did indeed say that 35 permanent jobs is about the number created for any large engineering project like a highway.
What Van Jones is counting is the number of people who will have full time jobs actually working on the pipeline-which is not surprising, a highway doesn't need anyone to run it either.
When the State Department estimated 40,000 jobs, it was counting all the jobs created in the industries and businesses that benefit from the new pipeline. This is the sort of calculation yo would do for a highway.
Note that Van Jones did not apply his permanent job definition to anything in the President's stimulus program, because fuck you that's why.
Van Jones does not write or talk for position in a debate. He wants money and power.
"You have to spin like an electron in its orbit to come up with a statement like that and somehow justify it."
Well, yes. First off you classify all the construction jobs as "temporary", as though they somehow don't matter because they aren't "permanent" (whatever that is in this modern world).
Then you try to get everyone to focus on your outrageous distortion of the truth, so that are arguing about what you want to argue about, not what they want to argue about.
"Garage you lying sack of shit. My union (UA) will build it."
I sympathize, Bill. For whatever reasons, Unions have attached themselves unto death with the Democrat party. And the Democrats could care less, except for the votes.
You're screwed. And you're screwed because we Republicans oppose Unions because they support Democrats and Democrats screw over the Unions because they have too many special interests other than unions to appeal to.
This is a good blog. The host writes about various topics that attract attention. She writes well about them.
Some of the commenters write well, too. They sometimes add to the discussion.
Some commenters fail to add.
Good work by the Walker campaign to get this out so fast. And I assume that Walker's facts on unemployment are right and Burke's aren't.
But arguing about the role of a governor in affecting employment in the middle of a national -- what shall we call it? -- non-recovery/extended recession/second dip -- is really beside the point. I'm happy for Wisconsin, but we're not going to get to where we should be, as a country, until we have a new President, and new Senate, and an even-stronger House.
And if that new President is named Walker, that would be fine by me.
garage mahal said...
LOL. Read it again, Einstein. That's not the claim.
It's interesting that garage would make this particular demand, as if exactness were something he understood. But politifact rated the claim true specifically because Jones limited his comments to "the contruction sector". However garage did not. So as usual garage is lying, and his "proof" he isn't is demonstrating someone else said something different.
It seems he never learned to think straight, which certainly explains his leftism.
Private sector unions members vote about 40% for republican in a good year. I think were now under 10% of the population. So no one really cares.
Its the public sector unions that march in lockstep
What motivates leftists?
man has such a hard on for scott.
That doesn't mean what you think it means.
"Why did Burke make herself so vulnerable by putting an obvious lie in her ad? "
Because not only do her supporters not believe that she lied, but merely pointing out that she lied enrages and motivates her supporters to work harder to defeat the "haters".
Hey guys-go easy on Van Jones. His expertise is not big construction jobs, it's big demolition jobs. Remember: thanks to Van Jones we know that the World Trade Center was blown up by Bush and Cheney.
"Why did Burke make herself so vulnerable by putting an obvious lie in her ad? "
Vulnerable to whom? People who care about "truth" and "facts" weren't going to vote for Burke in the first place. The ad was to fire up the base--they are impervious to reason but you have to motivate them to go to the polls.
The governor with worst politifact truthiness rating in the country is concerned with the truth? Haha.
Mommy mommy! Can you take down this ad????
Cannot make this shit up.
Garage. Cannot make this shit up
Apparently Burke can.
garage: "Politifact rates my claim as true."
First of all sparky, it's not "your" claim.
It's the State dept.
So to summarize garages position:
A liberal assertion validating the Federal governments (State Dept!!) hilarious claim that only 35 full time jobs will be created by the Keystone Pipeline is "Totally Unassailable" because "Politifact".
You. Can't. Make. This. Stuff. Up.
35 full time jobs only!
Too funny.
Remember, this is coming from the "jobs create.....or saved.....or partially funded.....or now, the new and improved "touched"" gang.
"Or maybe garage mahal is part of a vast, right-wing conspiracy. It could be a fishy thing intended to show how stupid leftism is."
Thanks to the nature of Internet commentary this is an entirely plausible theory. If Garage truly were a committed Leftist, his game would be far better.
When garage and his pals aren't busy celebrating throwing poor black inner city school kids out of successful charter schools back into their gov't warehouse schools, they are busy lying thru their teeth about hilarously false low-ball employment numbers related to the Keystone pipeline.
Remember, this is also the lefty gang that was telling us that obama was going to create all those zillions of shovel ready jobs and anyone saying differently was liar.
Right up until obama got his package passed by the dems, routed all the money to his crony pals, and then went on TV to admit "gee, there really is no such thing as a shovel ready job".
What's amazing about the automatons like garage is that if, tomorrow, obama simply parroted the same claim from 5 years ago about "shovel ready jobs", garage would fall all over himself proclaiming the "truth" of just such a claim.
For the leftist, each day history starts anew.
Forests permanently employ almost no people.
Get rid of the Interior Department, right garage mahal?
The Eisenhower highway system permanently employs almost no people.
Get rid of the NTSA and all that black top, right garage?
Heck, dams permanently employ very few people.
But the friggin' TVA and the REA are still around.
End the TVA and the REA, right garage?
You know, I could support this garage mahal if only he were consistent and wanted rid of these useless government agencies and projects.
The craker emcee: " If Garage truly were a committed Leftist, his game would be far better."
Never ascribe to malice (or conspiracy in this case) that which is much much more easily explained by ignorance.
What are this spinster's chances, anyway?
Also, she's rich, and by inheritance at that. Isn't that a double sin to the Dems?
Just another wealthy, white woman spending Daddy's money.
eric: "I sympathize, Bill. For whatever reasons, Unions have attached themselves unto death with the Democrat party. And the Democrats could care less, except for the votes."
The dems have, not unreasonably, determined that the future of an expanding union/dem money laundering will only result from continued growth in the public sector unions.
Why do you think garage now holds Walker lower in regard then he would Stalin? This reduction in the ability of the dem/public union complex to wring hard-won dollars from the private sector is a large part of the existential threat to that complex and their money laundering schemes.
You can see from his comments, garage isn't lamenting Burke's hilariously false ad.
He's REJOICING in it precisely because it IS false.
This is the left.
Michael: "Apparently Burke can."
And did.
And it was noticed.
By alot of folks.
Remember, garage and Inga were here for months telling anyone and everyone that every negative obamacare story was a lie.
Then only affected a small number of people.
And only related to "crappy health plans".
And that the dems would "run on that".
Now? Well, now that reality has struck the dems across the face like a live trout, gee, it's time to delay the mandates out for another couple of years, and hey insurance companies, it's totally totally cool if you keep those "horribly inadequate ripoff" plans in place for a good deal longer.
garage: "Mommy mommy! Can you take down this ad????"
I hope she keeps running it.
mccullough: "Also, she's rich, and by inheritance at that. Isn't that a double sin to the Dems?
Just another wealthy, white woman spending Daddy's money."
You need a refresher in Fens Law: The left does not actually believe in a single thing they lecture the rest of us about.
Mommy mommy! Can you take down this ad????
Cannot make this shit up.
Oh yes you can
Judges Urge Dismissal of Gableman Complaint - No discipline recommended for Gableman’s misleading TV ad
A three-judge panel yesterday recommended to the state Supreme Court that judicial misconduct charges against Justice Michael Gableman be dismissed.
Someone must have whined "Mommy"
Garage was not always so fussy when it came to counting temporary jobs.
I thought righties were the rough and tumble, bootstrapper types. Your leader is crying to tv stations, over a tv ad? Pretty lolzy. Scooooore!
@ Paul Zrimsek. - sorry, that is too good to have hidden under a link:
garage mahal said...
Um, when the rail line is complete those jobs go where ___ again?.
GREAT point moron! Why do we build anything in this country if the construction jobs aren't permanent????? Dams, bridges, interstate systems, etc. STOOPID!
In fact, we should be tearing them all down!
@ Michael
The unemployment rate, under Burke, was 2% lower than it is currently under Walker. This is an effective way to point that out. Walker couldnt help rising up and snapping at that bait. Right in the corner of the mouth.
So President Bush > President Obama...
Right, garage mahal?
"Walker couldnt help rising up and snapping at that bait"
Ah, so getting caught in a lie was all part of her diabolically clever plan!
garage the "doublin' down liar": "The unemployment rate, under Burke, was 2% lower than it is currently under Walker. This is an effective way to point that out."
Well gee.
Why didn't Burke actually construct an ad that said as much, instead of the one she actually constructed, ran publicly, and for which she was exposed as a liar?
Maybe she really is that dumb.
No wonder her "success" had to be handed to her.
I can't wait for inga to show up and tell us what a "force" Burke will be just as inga explained patiently to us what a "force" Wendy Davis was going to be.
Not so much.
You do have to forgive garage a little bit though.
The dems are congenitally allergic to actual private sector full-time jobs.
Those kinds of things lead to too much independence and self-sufficiency.
Can't have that.
Screw the Burkes.
Trek are a bunch of chickensh*ts, they dropped Greg Lemond's bike line under pressure from Lance Armstrong because Lemond called out Armstrong for what he was.
The Burkes chose instead to back a cheatin', lyin' sumbitch like Armstrong and wreck Greg Lemond's livelihood.
No wonder Garage is here shilling for them.
You go, Scott Walker.
Make the Burkes SPEND IT ALL!
PolitiFact, you are fired. You are a mess. You are fired. You are undermining the definition of the word “fact” in the English language by pretending to it in your name. The English language wants its word back.
You are an embarrassment. You sully the reputation of anyone who cites you as an authority on fact-ishness, let alone fact. You are fired. -- Rachel Maddow.
furious, I don't think you quite understand this situation.
What you posted only makes garage and mary/inga that much MORE likely to believe in Politifact.
They are driven solely by apparatchik-like party loyalty.
She is like the UN IPCC "science" basing everything on false facts.
Who are you gonna believe? She says 4.8% point of beginning and Walker says 7.7% Point of beginning. But Walker is a known criminal...remember those John Doe Indictments and the scandal of the released e-mails.
So, to recap: The Wendy Davis-like inept Burke campaign created and aired an ad so patently false that even reputable liberals are running from it.
That's about it.
In fairness to garage, he was replying to Jay for some reason and so was writing under provocation.
geez. amateur hour. This is who the Wisconsin Democrat Party picked to lead them out of the Walker Dark Ages?
also, I'm not up on the history of Trek bicycles, but didn't she fall into that company from her father's efforts? how can she claim credit for the 900+ jobs that go along with her (inherited) company? what has her role been? obviously she wasn't with the company when she worked in the government. Guess she fits in with the assertion that a progressive acquaintance made to me about Mitt Romney: "...made money the old fashioned way, by inheriting it."
You didn't build that Mary Burke!
Mary Burke uses Garage type "facts".
no surprise
It's funny when Garage cums here and all the old wingnuts go ballistic.
did you guys know...
ann collected under walker's higher ed retention fund.
she got a job offer out east in d.c. at one of the george law schools, and got it matched by wisc law for staying here. you know, to retain top talent and all...
nevermind busting the unions. no wonder meade retired so early... and has such a hard on for scott.
the man put big bucks in his wife's pocket and you know damn well they never considered that offer.
just took the money, looking later to run out west, is it?
games people play to get out of honest work. go walk a dog...
And you're screwed because we Republicans oppose Unions because they support Democrats and Democrats screw over the Unions because they have too many special interests other than unions to appeal to.
Don't diss workers.
Scott's gonna need their votes because we still have a work ethic in wisconsin, forget what the east coast/hoosier couple tells ya...
why they always looking to get out and relocate, do you suppose?
t's funny when Garage cums here and all the old wingnuts go ballistic.
Know what's funny? The people I really hate are all politicians, and few non-politicians, including almost everyone here. *footnote [1-8.]
did you guys know...
ann collected under walker's higher ed retention fund.
she got a job offer out east in d.c. at one of the george law schools, and got it matched by wisc law for staying here. you know, to retain top talent and all...
Is this true?
I would like to call for a moratorium on quotes from the horrible abbrev "insty" and fucking Don Imus and avatars with conservative heros.
Get your own fucking voice old pube peebs.
Don't fucking quote others for your affirmation.
"Your leader is crying to tv stations, over a tv ad? Pretty lolzy. Scooooore!"
I thought that was Gary Peters D !
Oh well.
garage: "The people I really hate are all politicians, ..
Except for all the dem politicians, and green party, and probably the socialist party as well.
Plus those Castro and Chavez guys are/were pretty cool.
Yeah, except for those guys, garage hates "all politicians".
garage also hates "big government" except for all those big government programs and the continued expansion of big government.
Garage also really hates politicians who lie.
Except for Burke, because "walker"
garage: "t's funny when Garage cums here and all the old wingnuts go ballistic."
garage is a chubby old undereducated failed white guy from a place that Titus hates.
The very kind of guy Titus makes fun of everyday.
Too funny.
Moratorium accepted.
You can not quote anybody, ever.
Words that you did not personally create are quotes from other people.
Use your own language that nobody else understands.
Titus: "I would like to call for a moratorium on quotes from the horrible abbrev "insty" and fucking Don Imus and avatars with conservative heros."
You would like to?
Go ahead.
Birkel: "Use your own language that nobody else understands."
And for Gods sake Titus, do not appropriate the language or colloquialisms from another culture.
For the sake of all that is sacred.
I do admit, Drago, I hate grossie states, including Wisconsin, where I came from and immediately left at the age of 17.
The people there are fucking stupid and fat and gross.
I am ok with East Coast and West Coast and the rest of the country pretty much is hideous and terribly gross...and ginormously fat. I hate fat people... they are a major imposition on our health care system and to look at them makes me kind of sick.
My most pressing issues with fatties is that they breed. And to think someone would actually fuck them makes me puke.
The slapping of the fat against fat until someone actually splews into the ginormous, fat vagina, and creates a fat baby is unfathable to me.
Titus: " I hate fat people... they are a major imposition on our health care system and to look at them makes me kind of sick."
Titus, I'm going to write something now that is quite provocative but I assure you it's meant solely as an intellectual exercise.
Another major imposition on our health system are those who contract AIDS thru their own personal and controllable behavior and acts (as opposed to children born with AIDS and/or those who are abused/raped/etc and contract the affliction).
To look at them (those who contracted the disease via their own personal behavior) does not make me sick however.
Titus: "And to think someone would actually fuck them makes me puke."
Then I would heartily recommend you spending significant amounts of time in the Midwest as part of a sound weight control regimen.
Titus: "The people there are fucking stupid and fat and gross."
It is a shame there aren't more places like Southie and Oakland.
Sorry, Titus, but the West Coast rejects you.
Garage. I can't count the number of times your handlers have spoon-fed you a ridiculously bad talking point, you fell for it hook line and sinker, and then you came here with it and had your teeth kicked in by grown-ups.
Don't you ever get tired of it?
How many times does it have to happen before you get pissed off at those people treating you like their prison bitch?
Don't you ever get tired of it? "
Get tired of his income stream??? Not a chance!
Why a PundiFact (Tampa)? Wasn't PolitiFact (WaPo) enuff? What's the difference? What's the point?
I hate fat people... they are a major imposition on our health care system and to look at them makes me kind of sick.
Titus - I agree with Drago. Many billions spent on AIDS research and treatment, for a disease that mostly affects those who voluntarily engage in certain unprotected activities.
And, all those kids coming from those fat people breeding are the ones who are going to support you in your retirement, who will be paying for your social security and Medicare. The Gay community, at least in the past, has not bred the people who are going to support them later in life.
BTW - if you want thin, in the middle of the country, try Colorado. Up here in the mountains, most of those carrying extra weight are tourists. And, Boulder is esp. bad. Had the misfortune of dropping my kid there for a summer research project on the day of the Bolder Boulder race, and it was a bit scary. Whole families with a BMI of maybe 10%. Cousin who just retired from working there for 40 or so years (and moving back to the Denver area) talks about a silhouette that they have at the entrance to Boulder, keeping anyone who doesn't fit through it out.
And, the big reason that everyone is so thin there is because they are so fit, and that is because of all the outside sports and activities that they engage in. My kid is in grad school there, and I visited their condo, and remarked that it looked so "Boulder" with a bike for each of the roomies hanging in the living room, along with some skis. The response was that one of the roomies had another 4 bikes in their room (p.s. and, don't know where he lives now, but that was where Greg LeMond was living 20 years ago).
"George Hanson" said:
did you guys know...
ann collected under walker's higher ed retention fund.
No, us guys did not know about "walker's higher ed retention fund" - maybe because there is no such thing? Now, the University of Wisconin Foundation, that's a different thing.
You Got a Helmet?
Dang this comment moderation- hard to go back and clarify after the "Publish" button has been pushed. My last comment "George Hanson"/"You Got a Helmet?" was a Public Service Announcement for the benefit of any small-town hack lawyers on a downward spiral who happen to frequent this blog. The purpose was to point out the need for taking extra safety precautions, especially for small town hack lawyers on a downward spiral who make illegal turns in front of a full size pickup truck while driving a Chevrolet Corsica.
If I have a chance during this tedious comment moderation process I may post a "George Hanson" clip that relates to small town hack lawyers on a downward spiral who go to jail for disorderly conduct. If I can find it, I may post a clip of when George Hanson's "lights go out" - a reference to when small town hack lawyers on a downward spiral get into some kind of trouble with the electric company.
Garage. I can't count the number of times your handlers have spoon-fed you a ridiculously bad talking point, you fell for it hook line and sinker, and then you came here with it and had your teeth kicked in by grown-ups.
I can't tell you how funny that reads. By who? You? Drago? You and Drago couldn't kick your way out of wet paper bag. The ad Walker and supporters squealing like stuck pigs. Mission accomplished.
Here is more "George Hanson", small-town hack lawyer on a downward spiral.
"George Hanson Barron County Jail 2/25/14
Here it is lined up for Crack Emcee:
George Hanson Barron County Jail 2/25/14 - continued
I'll note that stuck pigs squeal regardless of whether they were stuck for a 'good' or a 'bad' purpose. It doesn't much matter to the pig why it is stuck.
Seems reasonable, all in all.
Now, this particular ad was misleading at best and most likely dishonest. That anybody would support such dishonesty points to moral lacking in the supporters.
And now supporters not only want to be dishonest, lying, corrupt shills, they also want the pig to hold still and yield to the dishonesty.
All pigs everywhere say "Bull shit".
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