Rehajm wrote: rehajm said... "Hey Sarah, 'mom jeans' is no loner in insult. They're in."
For who? metrosexuals? I'm sure the people wearing the mom jeans don't find them to be something to be mocked over. But you could say the same thing about assess chaps.
That's rich coming from Palin. She wimped out when the going got tough as governor - making some lame excuse that she could better serve the country as a highly paid celebrity.
Compare that to the other GOP governors who didn't fold when the times got tough and who had highly hostile media coverage.
Amexpat said... That's rich coming from Palin. She wimped out when the going got tough as governor - making some lame excuse that she could better serve the country as a highly paid celebrity.
Compare that to the other GOP governors who didn't fold when the times got tough and who had highly hostile media coverage.
For a millisecond, I could almost believe that you were a supporter of Walker and Christy.
For a millisecond, I could almost believe that you were a supporter of Walker and Christy.
That aren't any politicians that I support, but there are some, on both sides, that I respect. I respect Walker, used to respect Christy and lost respect for Palin some time during the 2008 campaign.
It wasn't "hostile media coverage" that caused Palin to resign, but rather the prospect of financial ruin for her and her family based on having to defend herself from bogus ethics lawsuits filed by Democrats. All of them were dismissed, but the damage was done.
Those other GOP governors you speak of live in states that allow them to set up defense funds. Such was not the case in Alaska.
The president of the United States is being gender-bullied by a mean, silly woman. Poor guy.
Pretty pathetic that he can be bullied by anyone, and I think that is the problem. He drew lines in the sand, or painted them, or something, for the Syrians, and they somewhat promised not to cross them, and then, when he turned his back, started up again. Ditto really for the Iranians.
It seems more and more, that when Dems move into the White House, that respect for the U.S. in the world ultimately plummets, as everyone around the world loses respect for our ability and willingness to use force in our defense. And, then, a Republican or two is elected, and that respect is rebuilt. Carter was bad, with the Iranians grabbing our embassy and its staff, Bubba worse, with multiple unavenged bombings, and military dying in Blackhawk Down, due to lack of needed resources on the ground there (sound familiar to Benghazi?), and Obama is even worse there. Clinton cut the number of active Army divisions in half, and Obama is trying to cut them even more - in the middle of a shooting war. Bet that cold warrior, Jack Kennedy, occasionally rolls over in his grave, thinking of what his Dem successors are doing with his Presidency, and, often in his name.
I think that the reality is that we are a lot safer when these "nice guy" Dems are kept out of the White House. It is amazing how our stature around the world has plummeted in the little over five years since Obama was elected to office.
So, we have Gov. Palin again pointing out why it was beyond silly to have elected Obama in the first place. Not only is she a lot tougher than he, she is also a lot smarter. My view is that anyone who voted for him, who believes themselves to be at least as smart as the average public university graduate (like Palin) should be embarrassed of their vote. They let their elitism win over their, apparently missing, common sense. We can't say that we are better off as a result of their votes, but rather, the country is notably less secure, both financially, and from external forces and enemies, as a result.
I am very disturbed by the idea of high waisted jeans coming back into style. I still shudder every time I watch a movie or TV show from the '90s for that reason (that, and the creepy laugh tracks).
I implore everyone to roundly mock and belittle any wearer of "mom jeans" from here on out--it is the only way to nip this in the bud. We can worry about Ugg Boots and crocs later.
"People are looking at Putin as one who wrestles bears and drills for oil... They look at our president as one who wears mom jeans and equivocates and bloviates."
Stating the obvious isn't "bullying", gender or otherwise.
She was right and he was wrong about the Russian threat to the Ukraine.
Or, is Obama such a pansy that you need to defend him from a woman?
That you seek to justify an invasion from unreconstructed totalitarians running Russia shows a lack of moral clarity.
Not that I should care a fig what Sarah "I quit halfway through my one term as governor because I'm not a quitter!" Palin has to say about anything. But there's something a bit creepy about Americans who have let their hatred for Obama get to the point where they're fawning over foreign autocrats. It was no less unseemly when the left did it for Chavez, why should this be acceptable now?
Chef Mojo noted: Those other GOP governors you speak of live in states that allow them to set up defense funds. Such was not the case in Alaska.
That's is an important distinction and thanks for bringing that up. I suspect that AmExpat had already made up his mind about Palin before her resignation, based on the date he admits disliking her.
On a related note, here is a link to a Russian television anchor bravely attacking her own government over the invasion. She makes no apologies for Putin's actions, she offers no justification for it.
Greenwald is brilliant here:
"Was there even a single US television host who said anything comparable to this in the lead-up to, or the early stages of, the US invasion of Iraq? When that sort of commentary and reporting appears frequently on major American television outlets, American celebration of its own 'free press' can be taken seriously . . .
Or, put another way, until hosts of major U.S. television programs do what Abby Martin just did on RT in connection with a major American military intervention, American commentators’ self-justifying mockery of Russian media outlets will continue to be as persuasive as the condemnation of Russian imperialism and aggression from the David Frums of the world."
You can only bully down in status. Never up. Obama is President of the United States. If libs think the usual comments from the peanut gallery other presidents have endured for two centuries (and much worse) is "bullying" it shows how pathetic they are.
"Mom! My infant baby sister is picking on me and calling me a mama's boy!!!! WAAAAAAH!!!!
Harrogate: Unfirtunatly the author Alexander Livtonenko could not be reached for comment. Seems he's under the weather with a case of polonium poisoning.
I am very disturbed by the idea of high waisted jeans coming back into style.
Being the father of two girls (6 and 9), I say bring 'em back and make 'em higher.
But we are talking males, not females here. And, wearing "mom" jeans just doesn't give the impression that a lot of us would like our President to give the world. Putin wouldn't wear man jeans - probably the only reason that he is wearing a shirt these days is because it is winter there in Russia.
Who are you more likely to believe when it comes down to them talking about using force in the world? The guy who plays a lot of golf and wears mom jeans? Or, the guy who goes shirtless to show off his physique, and swims in frozen lakes and rivers in the winter? Yes, a lot of Americans think that Putin goes overboard with the macho stuff - but it is effective in portraying him as willing to use the force he has at his disposal for the benefit of his country.
With my last post, I got to thinking about the question of how many divisions the Pope had, and asked myself, how many divisions is it worth, for the president of a country to go around shirtless to show off his physique, or swim in icy water, as contrasted to the president who wears sissy clothes, and does little, if anything manly.
Vodkapundit calls him "Professor Ditherton Wiggleroom."
If Obama had accomplished even 1/10th what he had promised, Palin's musings would not have any impact at all.
But he's the most complete failure ever; in the history of Presidential failures, none compare.
So an ex-small state Governor with a funny accent can skewer him like some wimpy grade school loser in a lunch room eating a peanut butter sammitch alone. Again.
So an ex-small state Governor with a funny accent can skewer him like some wimpy grade school loser in a lunch room eating a peanut butter sammitch alone. Again.
Oh we lived through 8 years of Bush you'll make it through 8 years of Obama. With less wars even!
"But there's something a bit creepy about Americans who have let their hatred for Obama get to the point where they're fawning over foreign autocrats."
Speaking just for myself:
I don't hate the President. I take a very dim view of him: think he's a terrible leader, with a view of his abilities that is out of all proportion to the results he gets. I also think he hates me and everyone on my side - I wish he could muster the same level of outrage toward America's enemies - because he genuinely thinks there's no such thing as good-faith disagreement. In his mind we all know his policies are right, and there are some of us who through stupidity or malice choose not to support them.
So I wish he hadn't been elected; really wish he hadn't been re-elected. But I don't hate him.
Now, if I write that Putin is getting the better of him, it doesn't mean I take satisfaction in it. No, I don't want foreign autocrats to show up my president. I would prefer not to have my domestic partisan views vindicated at the expense of America's standing in the world.
I'm not much interested in manliness comparisons between Putin and Pres. Obama, and wish Palin hadn't made this one.
Garage: It is 2.4 miles from little Diomede to big Diomede, the former in the United States and the latter in the Russian far east. It is unnecessary to make an ass out of yourself. Been done.
McCain and Palin, can you guess how many wars those two would've had us in by now? Anyone who was stupid enough to pick Palin as a running mate....'nuff said.
"It is 2.4 miles from little Diomede to big Diomede, the former in the United States and the latter in the Russian far east…. [Walking from Alaska to Russia:] Been done."
This might be an urban legend, but an Alaskan friend once told me of a fellow who decided, for Peace, to walk that ice one late spring during a particularly chilly stretch of the Cold War (early 80s).
Supposedly he made it, didn't fall into any leads or run afoul of any polar bears, and was promptly detained as a spy by a Soviet military unit. They questioned him for some hours, decided he was just some damn fool pothead, which he pretty much was, and repatriated him under stern instructions not to try that again.
Michael wrote: "Garage: It is 2.4 miles from little Diomede to big Diomede, the former in the United States and the latter in the Russian far east. It is unnecessary to make an ass out of yourself. Been done."
My guess is, neither Garage nor Tina Fey were aware of this fact. Yet it won't stop them from mocking her for knowing it. And yet, she's the dumb one.
It wasn't "hostile media coverage" that caused Palin to resign, but rather the prospect of financial ruin for her and her family based on having to defend herself from bogus ethics lawsuits filed by Democrats...
She also said that it was the ethics law that she supported that was being used against her. Why didn't she use her considerable communicative skills to work to change the flawed law that she was instrumental in passing? Why try to sell the resignation as not taking the easy way out which in fact it was?
Sure, her opponents played dirty and made life tough for her. But that's politics in the big leagues.
Those who can govern, govern. Those who can't are commentators on TV.
It's almost a rule. The more condescending a liberal is when insulting a conservative for being a moron, the more likely that he/she in fact is talking out of his ass.
"She also said that it was the ethics law that she supported that was being used against her. Why didn't she use her considerable communicative skills to work to change the flawed law that she was instrumental in passing? Why try to sell the resignation as not taking the easy way out which in fact it was? " So, she should try to change the law while being investigated? Wouldn't that seem, self serving? You know that liberals who were attacking her would have said she was trying to change the laws because she has something to hide, or is guilty of what they say she was.
It's almost a rule. The more condescending a liberal is when insulting a conservative for being a moron, the more likely that he/she in fact is talking out of his ass.
It depends on where they fall between an irate, "you're an idiot" stare from Hillary! on one end up through "FAG!" from Baldwin on the other.
"Being the father of two girls (6 and 9), I say bring 'em back and make 'em higher."
Granted, my standards for style would be very different for kids who should be wearing school uniforms or potato sacks. But for adults, mom jeans are an abomination!
)the comparative safety from which American media operate, makes the truth of Greenwald's comment even sadder
Similarly, the President claims he is "not a tyrant" when he tries to "fix" ObamaCare by unilaterally deciding to delay it.
When is the last time anyone in the media bothered to ask him under what authority is operating? And, as a bonus, how does delaying a piece of crap law "fix" it?
Further, since he is on record saying unemployment benefits create jobs, an utterly preposterous assertion, wouldn't it be nice if someone asked him if U/E benefits are so great why don't we put 150 million people on them an have a roaring economy?
While it is great to titter about over military interventions, the fact of the matter is the current buffoon in the WH has damaged America in ways that may turn out to be unrecoverable in terms of domestic policy. And nobody wants to work up the courage to ask a serious question about it.
JPS--that's fair enough. I'm no fan of most of what Obama has been doing, and certainly think he got outdone by Putin in the Syria fiasco (at least had his chestnuts pulled out of the fire by that ex KGB agent!). But some of the other commentary on the right has gotten a bit embarassing as far as admiration for Putin or even sympathizing with him because he's a foil for Obama.
Much as Obama's been making a hash of the Constitution lately, it's a far cry from what Putin's been doing in his country. For example, if I were in Russia I wouldn't feel safe posting a comment critical of him.
But some of the other commentary on the right has gotten a bit embarassing as far as admiration for Putin or even sympathizing with him because he's a foil for Obama.
Ok, Obamaphobes. If we could replace President Obama with President of the United States Putin, would you be in favor of the switch?
It could easily be that I've missed it, but are there really American commentators who seem to think Everything [about Putin] is Awesome? This seems like a ridiculous non seqitur to me, but maybe I just haven't seen what you guys saw. Got links?
Garage: It is 2.4 miles from little Diomede to big Diomede, the former in the United States and the latter in the Russian far east. It is unnecessary to make an ass out of yourself. Been done.
Maybe it was a bad joke, but do I have to draw it for you?
Of course, it would be better if Barry actually cared about protecting America from America's enemies. But he doesn't. The only enemies President Barack Obama wants to attack are those Americans who disagree with him.
That aren't any politicians that I support, but there are some, on both sides, that I respect. I respect Walker, used to respect Christy and lost respect for Palin some time during the 2008 campaign.
Gee, yet your claimed problem with her is that she left the Alaska Gov office in 2009, after it was ruled that her political enemies could generate as many frivolous lawsuits and charges against her as they wanted, and that she would personally have to pay out of pocket to defend herself so long as she remained governor.
Garage: No, just admit that Palin was correct when she noted you can see Russia from Alaska. She was even careful to note that she was referring to an island in Alaska that was near an island in Russia. But you lefties, public schooled, thought it was the most hilarious assertion you had ever heard. I can still hear the braying. And read it. Even today. On this blog. From public school lefties. Very poorly educated. And mannered.
So, she should try to change the law while being investigated? Wouldn't that seem, self serving? You know that liberals who were attacking her would have said she was trying to change the laws because she has something to hide, or is guilty of what they say she was.
Your political opponents are going to criticize you no matter what you do, so you might as well be criticized for doing the right thing.
Palin was popular in Alaska, she could have explained what was happening and fought this if she wanted to. I can't imagine Reagan or either of the Pauls folding in such circumstances. Walker withstood plenty of hard ball and low blow tactics. And think of how Thatcher would have reacted.
So, harrogate, what you're saying is that because the US MSM, a group of leftist weasels, don't criticize the US even when it's doing something right (and invading Iraq and deposing Saddam Hussein WAS the right thing to do), the rest of us, who have no control over the MSM, have no right to criticize Russia when it does something wrong?
Or are you saying that you're such a moral eunuch that you can't see a difference between Saddam Hussein, and the people who are fighting to free Ukraine from Russian dictatorship?
(Or am I the only conservative in a room full of concern trolls and the obvious ones are just plants to make me THINK I can identify the concern trolls? Hmmm).
Sarah Palin is a genius, it's indisputable. She speaks with a mesmerizing cadence and draws you in. Before you know it you'll swear she's a foreign relations expert, you betcha, winkie winkie.
Anyone with the slightest knowledge of history would have known what Putin was going to do, recognized the inevitable (Russia keeping the Crimea), avoided empty threats, and prepared effective actions to prevent things from going any farther (dramatically increasing US energy exports, sanctioning the Russian oligarchy wrt international travel, limiting Russian access to the international banking system, sending a carrier group to the Eastern Med, etc.) What do we do? Pull out of the Para-Olympics.
None of this has anything to do with admiring Putin, who is a thug. But we could wish to see someone defending Western interests and values with something like the strategic understanding and resolve that he has shown in support of his.
So an ex-small state Governor with a funny accent can skewer him like some wimpy grade school loser in a lunch room eating a peanut butter sammitch alone. Again.
Oh we lived through 8 years of Bush you'll make it through 8 years of Obama. With less wars even!
Wow, that was impressively stupid, even for you.
We've got a war going on, right now, in Ukraine because President Obama is a feckless loser on foreign affairs. WE had a US Ambassador murdered in Libya, because President Obama is a buffoon on anything outside the US.
Syria? Afghanistan? There's wars going on all over the place. The only difference between now and when Bush was President was that when Bush was President we were winning.
Of course, as an America hating leftist, the fact that the US is losing everywhere now is, to you, a feature, not a bug.
@David, Freeman: The way Althouse framed it, the blogpost is about Palin and not about whether Americans favor Putin over Obama.
Palin was subjected to irrational smearing during and after the 2008 election. At least one prominent blogger (linked by Althouse and Drudge et al.), is still proud of his hysterics and never so much as walked back a single pixel. And he has his supporters here and throughout the rest of the left. I think that's part of the problem -- an unwillingness to admit unnecessary cruelty. This will likely never heal.
It is only about 50 miles across at the narrowest point of the Bering Stait so on a clear day it should not be a problem to see across from mainland to mainland; at least from the US side, it is hillier on the Siberian side.
And Palin's resignation worked out well for Alaska. The hullabaloo followed her, no more court suits and e-mail "discoveries," which were very costly for the state, and her Lieutenant Governor took over and quietly proceeded to follow in her footsteps as far as governing the state was concerned. It might have been better for Ms. Sarah's political career if she had hung in there, but it was bad for Alaska, so she stepped aside. And for that she should be praised, not maligned.
Ok, Obamaphobes. If we could replace President Obama with President of the United States Putin, would you be in favor of the switch?
You mean, replace an incompetent would be dictator with a competent would be dictator? No, wouldn't want that.
Replace Obama with Palin? Take that one in a heartbeat.
And yes, the President who deliberately used the IRS to squelch his political opponents IS a would be dictator. The President who brags about trashing the Constitution and grabbing power for himself, because Congress refuses to give him what he wants, IS a would be dictator.
Before you call someone a liar read what they say. My initial comment was the Palin wimped out when she resigned. That was related to her proclivity of insuitating that others lack the stuff needed to stand up and fight. I never said that the was the point that I lost respect for her.
In a subsequent comment, I said that I lost respect with Palin sometime during the 2008 campaign. The two comments don't contradict one another.
@chickenlittle No one has to accept the framing of a post.
What will never heal? People's admiration for Sullivan? Why should it heal? He posted insane, hateful things during Palin's height. What more needs to be said about it?
I never wait on apologies. That's a setup for continual disappointment.
Some folks out there are trying to infiltrate this commentariat.
There's effort in there, though not a lot. It might be one dailykos person saying "let's go make Althouse look bad", and one or two others following through.
I wonder about the motive. Is this blog becoming powerful? Are the commenters powerful? Why bother?
Freeman: What will never heal? People's admiration for Sullivan?
Geez, Freeman, I was careful to spread the blame of the inanity widely. There are people commenting here and now (more then) who fully bought into it and still do.
People here write all kinds of crazy things. Again, I don't understand the waiting on apologies. If we did that, who would be left to engage with one another?
BTW, Professor, I don't want to offend. I read your blog regularly and enjoy your insights, and it's especially good that you invite a very open commentariat.
I just wonder what's going on. It's getting a little weird around here.
garage mahal said "Obama is a ruthless dictator at home but he's a moms jeans wearing, week kneed pussy abroad!"
I take up the affirmative on this proposition. Obama has screwed up America's economy with Obamacare, the foiled Keystone Pipeline, and politicization of the IRS and the DOJ. On foreign policy, he has behaved like a little poliwog scared of his own tail, running away from Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq.
Obama has failed us at home and disgraced us abroad.
She wimped out when the going got tough as governor - making some lame excuse that she could better serve the country as a highly paid celebrity.
...or decided that bankrupting herself because the Left kept drumming up false ethical charges against her (literally, nothing stuck at all) and she had to actually pay to combat them was a poor idea and a waste of the state's time.
I didn't watch to the clip, but couldn't Palin have just turned the camera out her back porch and livestream the action in the Ukraine?
Shouldn't you ask the person who made the comment (Tina Fey) and not the Governor (Sarah Palin)?
Obama has screwed up America's economy with Obamacare, the foiled Keystone Pipeline, and politicization of the IRS and the DOJ
That is hilarious. There is no employer mandate, Keystone is 35 permanent jobs, and IRS and DOJ are hurting the economy? Where do you guys to read this nonsense? It's not tethered to reality.
Typical for the teabagging pussies... having manhood defined by some ditzy chick for whom you have twisted Oedipus yearnings for. Go buy your poor me white man book from Dr Helen Instapussy, have a warm cup of milk and a nice wank.
garage mahal, the Keystone Pipeline job is a big deal. I don't know where you got that "35 permanent jobs" figure, but I suspect that you got it from some leftist trash heap. Even Obama cites bigger numbers.
Garage: 35 permanent jobs on the Keystone Pipeline is your genius rebuttal to the concept of actually building it. The building would involve many hundreds of jobs over the course of years and would induce ancillary businesses along the route that would service the workers during the construction period. You, of course, do not give one shit about the people who could earn a great living building the pipeline. Mr. union guy. Mr. full of shit
During a news conference a few hours ago, he denied that Russian troops are even in Crimea; he said those soldiers you see are "local self-defense forces."
And: "The Russian leader's news conference followed word from Moscow that 'tens of thousands of Russian troops participating in military exercises near Ukraine's border' are returning to their bases."
The oligarchs who support him must have taken talk of shutting down their bank accounts in the West seriously.
The real tragedy is that those 35 won't be able to celebrate their freedom from work that Obamacare has granted them. Thank goodness it won't create 350 or 35,000 jobs. What a terrible outcome that would be.
Bob Ellison said... I don't know where you got that "35 permanent jobs" figure, but I suspect that you got it from some leftist trash heap.
The 35 permanent jobs factoid is limited to the "construction sector" and defines "permanent" as indefinite. Recall the left's beloved "stimulus" package defined a "permanent job" as employment for one year. Shockingly after the contruction is complete the project needs fewer construction workers. The estimate of total Keystone employment is 42,000 (probably overstated) but which nevertheless leads to the follow up question: are those who repeat the 35 jobs quote liars or idiots?
"The State Department report puts the total at 42,100 jobs, though the definition of a job in this sense is a position filled for one year. Much of the construction work would come in four- or or eight-month stretches. About 10,400 seasonal workers would be recruited for construction, the State Department said.
"When looked at as "an average annual job," it works out to about 3,900 jobs over one year of construction or 1,950 jobs each year for two years.
"The rest of the jobs would be the result of spillover spending (formally called indirect or induced economic activity) as Keystone workers buy equipment and materials to complete the project and spend their money on an array of services, including food, health care, and arts and entertainment. As you might expect, it’s much harder to measure the widespread effect on job creation.
"There’s no doubting that most of the economic activity comes during construction. Jones honed in on jobs after construction, which aren’t really a source of sharp debate."
Overall economic benefit more than the 35 you cite.
Brando and his rancid ilk are exactly the reason we wound up with a President who could let Ukraine happen: mendacious liars who completely ignore their own party's involvement in the frivolous (and all dismissed) lawsuits that were bankrupting Palin and her family. Luckily, we remember, and don't mind reminding them of yet another unpleasant fact they don't want anyone to remember...
Sort of like Obama demanding Ukraine give up its conventional weapons back when he was a senator. Those unpleasant facts.
I'm an Obama supporter now? Amazing how Palin-ites have decided that anyone who doesn't bow down to Saintly Sarah is automatically the enemy now, supportive of all that brings down America. I guess it's easier to believe that than to question for a minute whether your own assumptions are correct.
Our president must have in the back of his mind the idea of thousands of disgruntled people showing up in Lafayette Park and staging a coup a la the Ukraine. Because that is, I believe, what happened there. A democratically elected president was made to flee for his life.
It is all about sex, money and power. Write that down.
If you racist bully assholes would evolve, it would be a whole lot easier to get the Keystone pipeline built. But no, you want it all or nothing just like a 2 year old child.
When she announced that she would resign as governor, Palin said she had spent more than $500,000 of her own money defending herself against charges that we all know were utterly frivolous. She had been in office for 2 years and 1 month and hung on for another 6 months to take care of unfinished business before handing the office over to a competent successor.
As I recall, the governor's salary was $100,000, but Wikipedia says $125,000. Either way, she was spending roughly twice her gross income defending herself against utter turds who knew their charges were false but liked the idea of bankrupting a political enemy, turds who seem to have gotten away with their filthy smear of a decent governor.
Anyone who accuses her of cowardice or quitting her job or not being able to handle the pressure is either grossly ignorant of the most basic facts of the case (in which case he should go away and do a little research and then come back with an abject apology before commenting on any subject whatsoever) or a filthy liar. I wonder which one Brando is.
Hey, remember when bozo's like garage mahal were wondering how many "permanent" jobs the Obama stimulus would create after all those bridges were built?
Me too!
How many people does it take to service a refurbished bridge, anyway?
By the way, you know you've descended into complete parody when you ignore this:
Construction spending would support a combined total of approximately 42,100 jobs throughout the United States for the up to 2-year construction period.
Only in liberal land is building a pipeline considered not having a job until said pipeline goes into operations.
Even a Keystone Pipeline detractor would admit that more jobs than 50 would be created: cadres of new regulators; accountants to properly levy and enforce carbon taxes; climate scientists to measure the effects -- not to mention the construction workers to build dikes to safeguard us against its long term effects.
I think righties want Keystone because they feel it would piss of liberals. That's 95% of their motivation on everything. Simply lifting sequestration would generate much more output than a stupid pipeline that would send Canadian oil to China and Latin America.
Looks like garage mahal just gave us a glimpse of his own contemptible psyche with a bit of obvious projection. I've never known any conservative who would support a law that would damage the economy because (or 95% because or 5% because) it would piss off the other side. The economy is far too important a thing to play games with.
For example, I oppose raising the minimum wage because it will have a devastating effect on an already badly-damaged economy. After reading GM's comment, it occurred to me that the effect will likely fall disproportionately on Obama voters, so (according to him) I should support it. Sorry, that does not cheer me up at all and I still oppose a stupid law that will destroy jobs and lives. To take pleasure from its effect on Obama voters, I'd have to be some kind of monstrous asshole - like GM.
Actually garage here's what the State Department said: "The U.S. State Department released its long-awaited “Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement” on the Keystone XL pipeline. The findings could determine whether or not the pipeline proceeds. The State Department concluded that the project would create 42,100 temporary jobs during the two-year construction period. But the report says once the pipeline enters service, it will support only 50 U.S. jobs—35 permanent employees and 15 temporary contractors." Aren't all the jobs that Obama keeps trying to push for infrastructure projects similarly temporary?
Big buzzer wrong on that one, GM. I used to give you a lot more credit than statements like that.
I'd say it's about the obvious. I'm as human as the next guy and there's probably about 5% of me that thinks it's hysterically funny and wonderful when liberals are hoisted, especially by their own petards.
No, 95% of me wants a minimal amount of government services...defence, post, roads, hell, I'll even toss schools and parks in there. Other than that...leave me the fuck a general, love-thy-neighbor sense of the phrase.
1) he has, literally, no legal authority to suspend the employer mandate.
But Republicans in Congress telling him needed to do that, do?
What the hell? Yes, Republicans in Congress, esp. the House, have the legal authority to pass a bill that would repeal the Employer mandate, or to repeal ObamaCare.
President Obama would have the legal authority to sign such a bill into law.
President Obama does NOT have the legal authority to do either of those things on his own, in violation of the law.
Garage, are you really so pinheadedly stupid that you don't understand that?
I see you're off you're lie that we would get oil or gas out of the deal. Progress!
Now, Congress could create that many jobs overnight. It could create 100s of thousands of jobs if it wanted to. But it won't, cuz, well you know the drill. Black Democrat in the WH.
So people who approve of technology that includes risks (and what technology doesn't?) approve it because they like the risks?
Does GM get a little warm glow every time someone is killed or mutilated driving on the highways he drives on, or a power company employee is electrocuted working on lines that bring power to him and his computer? Examples could obviously be multiplied, but what's the point? Anyone who accuses others of favoring a technology only because it is risky is an obvious liar and an obvious asshole.
Does GM get a little warm glow every time someone is killed or mutilated driving on the highways he drives on, or a power company employee is electrocuted working on lines that bring power to him and his computer?
Great observation! Not one person can refute anything I said.
Well, that is if you ignore all the factual responses to your silly bullshit, that is.
I mean, it isn't as if you were trying to pretend that "jobs" as it relates to the construction of the pipeline means only when the pipeline is in service or anything.
garage mahal said... Great observation! Not one person can refute anything I said.
You claimed the "State Department" said the Keystone Pipeline would create "35" jobs.
Your "proof" of this was to link to a left wing columnist.
Here is what the State Department actually said:
Construction spending would support a combined total of approximately 42,100 jobs throughout the United States for the up to 2-year construction period.
You're either unable to read and comprehend basic sentences or you're a liar.
You claimed the "State Department" said the Keystone Pipeline would create "35" jobs.
You are such a fucking liar. I said 35 permanent jobs, and my link highlighted the portion from the State Dept. That's why in 10 comments you can't refute it with your own link. Easier to lie I guess.
Garage would prefer to keep the environment clean by shipping all this oil by truck and train. Or to let Canada build a shorter line to BC ports and keep the fees, taxes, jobs.
Garage: Keystone is a juicy bone Obama is throwing to the hard left environmental base of the democratic party so they forget he is not much different from Bush in 98% of his fucked up policies. That's all.
The tar sand oil is coming either way. The whole country is already crisscrossed with petroleum pipelines and trucking has a higher public health and environmental footprint. Canada is more *us* than the Saudi's, Venezuela and Nigeria so lets keep it in the family and send less $$ to tyrants.
Brando said... Amazing how Palin-ites have decided that anyone who doesn't bow down to Saintly Sarah is automatically the enemy now, supportive of all that brings down America.
MadisonMa'am said...McCain and Palin, can you guess how many wars those two would've had us in by now? Anyone who was stupid enough to pick Palin as a running mate....'nuff said.
Together, they're like a bad remake of "Two MULs for Sister Sarah" if you know what I mean.
"Nearly 200,000 rail cars in Canada carried crude oil or fuel during the first seven months of 2013, up 20% from the year before, according to the latest data from the American Association of Railroads."
Keystone is not essential to getting the heavy crude where it is needed. The good news is that business is way smarter than government and long ago made other plans. Dirtier but workable. Refiners in the midwest are connected to the shorter pipeline. Trucks are steaming down the highways.
But there's something a bit creepy about Americans who have let their hatred for Obama get to the point where they're fawning over foreign autocrats. It was no less unseemly when the left did it for Chavez, why should this be acceptable now?
Is this meant to be a reference to Palin's comments? Because I think Sarah Palin is only exercising what Kissinger called "realpolitik" -- basing your diplomacy on what is realistic and practical and not on ideology and wishful thinking. Putin can only be dealt with if this administration starts to deal with him as he is, and not on wishful thinking.
I wouldn't have thought anyone could be so stupid as to write this, but perhaps I was wrong: "Even oil dug up in the U.S. isn't 'our' oil. The oil is going to Texas from where it will loaded onto ships."
That would be true if oil exports were some kind of Danegeld, shipped off as tribute to powerful foreigners without compensation. But every barrel of oil exported from the U.S. is in fact paid for at today's quite high prices, which allows Texans and other Americans to spend those dollars on all kinds of nice things.
Again we must ask: is GM really that stupid, or is someone paying him to repeat lies that even he must realize are not even close to plausible?
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२२३ टिप्पण्या:
223 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Hey Sarah, 'mom jeans' is no loner in insult. They're in.
Rehajm wrote:
rehajm said...
"Hey Sarah, 'mom jeans' is no loner in insult. They're in."
For who? metrosexuals? I'm sure the people wearing the mom jeans don't find them to be something to be mocked over. But you could say the same thing about assess chaps.
Putin wrestles bears?
Is this code-speak for something homosexual?
i wonder how long it took the photo editor @ Politico to find the most disparaging screen grab in the video to post @ the top of the article.
So "bullying" has now been defined down to include an insult. Good to know.
Bully for Sarah!
War on Women, indeed.
Payback can be a bitch.
Obama's a bitch.
That's a mighty low bar for "bullying", Althouse.
If the onesie fits...
The President doesn't wear "mom jeans", he plays off the ladies' tee.
That's rich coming from Palin. She wimped out when the going got tough as governor - making some lame excuse that she could better serve the country as a highly paid celebrity.
Compare that to the other GOP governors who didn't fold when the times got tough and who had highly hostile media coverage.
The president of the United States is being gender-bullied by a mean, silly woman. Poor guy.
Amexpat said...
That's rich coming from Palin. She wimped out when the going got tough as governor - making some lame excuse that she could better serve the country as a highly paid celebrity.
Compare that to the other GOP governors who didn't fold when the times got tough and who had highly hostile media coverage.
For a millisecond, I could almost believe that you were a supporter of Walker and Christy.
For a millisecond, I could almost believe that you were a supporter of Walker and Christy.
That aren't any politicians that I support, but there are some, on both sides, that I respect. I respect Walker, used to respect Christy and lost respect for Palin some time during the 2008 campaign.
I am hugely disappointed so many commenters have resorted to mocking our beloved president.
For those who don't know, Obama's yeast infection has not cleared up. It has clearly affected his performance.
It wasn't "hostile media coverage" that caused Palin to resign, but rather the prospect of financial ruin for her and her family based on having to defend herself from bogus ethics lawsuits filed by Democrats. All of them were dismissed, but the damage was done.
Those other GOP governors you speak of live in states that allow them to set up defense funds. Such was not the case in Alaska.
The president of the United States is being gender-bullied by a mean, silly woman. Poor guy.
Pretty pathetic that he can be bullied by anyone, and I think that is the problem. He drew lines in the sand, or painted them, or something, for the Syrians, and they somewhat promised not to cross them, and then, when he turned his back, started up again. Ditto really for the Iranians.
It seems more and more, that when Dems move into the White House, that respect for the U.S. in the world ultimately plummets, as everyone around the world loses respect for our ability and willingness to use force in our defense. And, then, a Republican or two is elected, and that respect is rebuilt. Carter was bad, with the Iranians grabbing our embassy and its staff, Bubba worse, with multiple unavenged bombings, and military dying in Blackhawk Down, due to lack of needed resources on the ground there (sound familiar to Benghazi?), and Obama is even worse there. Clinton cut the number of active Army divisions in half, and Obama is trying to cut them even more - in the middle of a shooting war. Bet that cold warrior, Jack Kennedy, occasionally rolls over in his grave, thinking of what his Dem successors are doing with his Presidency, and, often in his name.
I think that the reality is that we are a lot safer when these "nice guy" Dems are kept out of the White House. It is amazing how our stature around the world has plummeted in the little over five years since Obama was elected to office.
So, we have Gov. Palin again pointing out why it was beyond silly to have elected Obama in the first place. Not only is she a lot tougher than he, she is also a lot smarter. My view is that anyone who voted for him, who believes themselves to be at least as smart as the average public university graduate (like Palin) should be embarrassed of their vote. They let their elitism win over their, apparently missing, common sense. We can't say that we are better off as a result of their votes, but rather, the country is notably less secure, both financially, and from external forces and enemies, as a result.
I am very disturbed by the idea of high waisted jeans coming back into style. I still shudder every time I watch a movie or TV show from the '90s for that reason (that, and the creepy laugh tracks).
I implore everyone to roundly mock and belittle any wearer of "mom jeans" from here on out--it is the only way to nip this in the bud. We can worry about Ugg Boots and crocs later.
Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, she's SUCH a meanie! Go, Sarah, GO!
The truth hurts, doesn't it?
"People are looking at Putin as one who wrestles bears and drills for oil... They look at our president as one who wears mom jeans and equivocates and bloviates."
Stating the obvious isn't "bullying", gender or otherwise.
She was right and he was wrong about the Russian threat to the Ukraine.
Or, is Obama such a pansy that you need to defend him from a woman?
That you seek to justify an invasion from unreconstructed totalitarians running Russia shows a lack of moral clarity.
Not that I should care a fig what Sarah "I quit halfway through my one term as governor because I'm not a quitter!" Palin has to say about anything. But there's something a bit creepy about Americans who have let their hatred for Obama get to the point where they're fawning over foreign autocrats. It was no less unseemly when the left did it for Chavez, why should this be acceptable now?
Who was that guy on SNL who wore the high-waisted jeans?
Hard to do your job when you're being sued out of existence. Alaskans corrected that oversight.
Maybe there's a better term.
Chef Mojo noted: Those other GOP governors you speak of live in states that allow them to set up defense funds. Such was not the case in Alaska.
That's is an important distinction and thanks for bringing that up. I suspect that AmExpat had already made up his mind about Palin before her resignation, based on the date he admits disliking her.
I was going to post something but I would hate to make chickenlittle cry.
On a related note,
here is a link to a Russian television anchor bravely attacking her own government over the invasion. She makes no apologies for Putin's actions, she offers no justification for it.
Greenwald is brilliant here:
"Was there even a single US television host who said anything comparable to this in the lead-up to, or the early stages of, the US invasion of Iraq? When that sort of commentary and reporting appears frequently on major American television outlets, American celebration of its own 'free press' can be taken seriously . . .
Or, put another way, until hosts of major U.S. television programs do what Abby Martin just did on RT in connection with a major American military intervention, American commentators’ self-justifying mockery of Russian media outlets will continue to be as persuasive as the condemnation of Russian imperialism and aggression from the David Frums of the world."
You can only bully down in status. Never up. Obama is President of the United States. If libs think the usual comments from the peanut gallery other presidents have endured for two centuries (and much worse) is "bullying" it shows how pathetic they are.
"Mom! My infant baby sister is picking on me and calling me a mama's boy!!!! WAAAAAAH!!!!
I am very disturbed by the idea of high waisted jeans coming back into style.
Being the father of two girls (6 and 9), I say bring 'em back and make 'em higher.
Harrogate: Unfirtunatly the author Alexander Livtonenko could not be reached for comment. Seems he's under the weather with a case of polonium poisoning.
Thanks for the reference. Indeed,
A)That's an example of what makes Martin's actions so brave;
and B)the comparative safety from which American media operate, makes the truth of Greenwald's comment even sadder.
So again, thanks.
garage mahal said...
I was going to post something but I would hate to make chickenlittle cry.
My sky just fell.
I am very disturbed by the idea of high waisted jeans coming back into style.
Being the father of two girls (6 and 9), I say bring 'em back and make 'em higher.
But we are talking males, not females here. And, wearing "mom" jeans just doesn't give the impression that a lot of us would like our President to give the world. Putin wouldn't wear man jeans - probably the only reason that he is wearing a shirt these days is because it is winter there in Russia.
Who are you more likely to believe when it comes down to them talking about using force in the world? The guy who plays a lot of golf and wears mom jeans? Or, the guy who goes shirtless to show off his physique, and swims in frozen lakes and rivers in the winter? Yes, a lot of Americans think that Putin goes overboard with the macho stuff - but it is effective in portraying him as willing to use the force he has at his disposal for the benefit of his country.
Sarah Palin wants to cross her backyard and invade Russia.
With my last post, I got to thinking about the question of how many divisions the Pope had, and asked myself, how many divisions is it worth, for the president of a country to go around shirtless to show off his physique, or swim in icy water, as contrasted to the president who wears sissy clothes, and does little, if anything manly.
Vodkapundit calls him "Professor Ditherton Wiggleroom."
If Obama had accomplished even 1/10th what he had promised, Palin's musings would not have any impact at all.
But he's the most complete failure ever; in the history of Presidential failures, none compare.
So an ex-small state Governor with a funny accent can skewer him like some wimpy grade school loser in a lunch room eating a peanut butter sammitch alone. Again.
Sarah Palin wants to cross her backyard and invade Russia.
I didn't watch to the clip, but couldn't Palin have just turned the camera out her back porch and livestream the action in the Ukraine?
So an ex-small state Governor with a funny accent can skewer him like some wimpy grade school loser in a lunch room eating a peanut butter sammitch alone. Again.
Oh we lived through 8 years of Bush you'll make it through 8 years of Obama. With less wars even!
I supported her once.
Sorry, Honey, but it's too late to get it back now,...
...but couldn't Palin have just turned the camera out her back porch and livestream the action in the Ukraine?
Sure, but I think she'd need Tina Fey's help to set up the shot...
"But there's something a bit creepy about Americans who have let their hatred for Obama get to the point where they're fawning over foreign autocrats."
Speaking just for myself:
I don't hate the President. I take a very dim view of him: think he's a terrible leader, with a view of his abilities that is out of all proportion to the results he gets. I also think he hates me and everyone on my side - I wish he could muster the same level of outrage toward America's enemies - because he genuinely thinks there's no such thing as good-faith disagreement. In his mind we all know his policies are right, and there are some of us who through stupidity or malice choose not to support them.
So I wish he hadn't been elected; really wish he hadn't been re-elected. But I don't hate him.
Now, if I write that Putin is getting the better of him, it doesn't mean I take satisfaction in it. No, I don't want foreign autocrats to show up my president. I would prefer not to have my domestic partisan views vindicated at the expense of America's standing in the world.
I'm not much interested in manliness comparisons between Putin and Pres. Obama, and wish Palin hadn't made this one.
Garage: It is 2.4 miles from little Diomede to big Diomede, the former in the United States and the latter in the Russian far east. It is unnecessary to make an ass out of yourself. Been done.
McCain and Palin, can you guess how many wars those two would've had us in by now? Anyone who was stupid enough to pick Palin as a running mate....'nuff said.
"It is 2.4 miles from little Diomede to big Diomede, the former in the United States and the latter in the Russian far east…. [Walking from Alaska to Russia:] Been done."
This might be an urban legend, but an Alaskan friend once told me of a fellow who decided, for Peace, to walk that ice one late spring during a particularly chilly stretch of the Cold War (early 80s).
Supposedly he made it, didn't fall into any leads or run afoul of any polar bears, and was promptly detained as a spy by a Soviet military unit. They questioned him for some hours, decided he was just some damn fool pothead, which he pretty much was, and repatriated him under stern instructions not to try that again.
I don't think of Putin so much as a bear wrestling oil driller as I do a people oppressing reporter killer.
Michael wrote:
"Garage: It is 2.4 miles from little Diomede to big Diomede, the former in the United States and the latter in the Russian far east. It is unnecessary to make an ass out of yourself. Been done."
My guess is, neither Garage nor Tina Fey were aware of this fact. Yet it won't stop them from mocking her for knowing it. And yet, she's the dumb one.
It wasn't "hostile media coverage" that caused Palin to resign, but rather the prospect of financial ruin for her and her family based on having to defend herself from bogus ethics lawsuits filed by Democrats...
She also said that it was the ethics law that she supported that was being used against her. Why didn't she use her considerable communicative skills to work to change the flawed law that she was instrumental in passing? Why try to sell the resignation as not taking the easy way out which in fact it was?
Sure, her opponents played dirty and made life tough for her. But that's politics in the big leagues.
Those who can govern, govern. Those who can't are commentators on TV.
It's almost a rule. The more condescending a liberal is when insulting a conservative for being a moron, the more likely that he/she in fact is talking out of his ass.
Why didn't she use her considerable communicative skills to work to change the flawed law that she was instrumental in passing?
Why not, indeed? It's working wonderfully for POTUS.
"She also said that it was the ethics law that she supported that was being used against her. Why didn't she use her considerable communicative skills to work to change the flawed law that she was instrumental in passing? Why try to sell the resignation as not taking the easy way out which in fact it was? "
So, she should try to change the law while being investigated? Wouldn't that seem, self serving? You know that liberals who were attacking her would have said she was trying to change the laws because she has something to hide, or is guilty of what they say she was.
It's almost a rule. The more condescending a liberal is when insulting a conservative for being a moron, the more likely that he/she in fact is talking out of his ass.
It depends on where they fall between an irate, "you're an idiot" stare from Hillary! on one end up through "FAG!" from Baldwin on the other.
Scott M--
"Being the father of two girls (6 and 9), I say bring 'em back and make 'em higher."
Granted, my standards for style would be very different for kids who should be wearing school uniforms or potato sacks. But for adults, mom jeans are an abomination!
Hawaii and Baked Alaskan Surf Life. Putin is no Futon.
)the comparative safety from which American media operate, makes the truth of Greenwald's comment even sadder
Similarly, the President claims he is "not a tyrant" when he tries to "fix" ObamaCare by unilaterally deciding to delay it.
When is the last time anyone in the media bothered to ask him under what authority is operating? And, as a bonus, how does delaying a piece of crap law "fix" it?
Further, since he is on record saying unemployment benefits create jobs, an utterly preposterous assertion, wouldn't it be nice if someone asked him if U/E benefits are so great why don't we put 150 million people on them an have a roaring economy?
While it is great to titter about over military interventions, the fact of the matter is the current buffoon in the WH has damaged America in ways that may turn out to be unrecoverable in terms of domestic policy. And nobody wants to work up the courage to ask a serious question about it.
JPS--that's fair enough. I'm no fan of most of what Obama has been doing, and certainly think he got outdone by Putin in the Syria fiasco (at least had his chestnuts pulled out of the fire by that ex KGB agent!). But some of the other commentary on the right has gotten a bit embarassing as far as admiration for Putin or even sympathizing with him because he's a foil for Obama.
Much as Obama's been making a hash of the Constitution lately, it's a far cry from what Putin's been doing in his country. For example, if I were in Russia I wouldn't feel safe posting a comment critical of him.
Ok, Obamaphobes. If we could replace President Obama with President of the United States Putin, would you be in favor of the switch?
OK David, why change one tyrant for another?
Or as the hippies used to say about Nixon, why change Dicks in the middle of a good screw?
But some of the other commentary on the right has gotten a bit embarassing as far as admiration for Putin or even sympathizing with him because he's a foil for Obama.
Ok, Obamaphobes. If we could replace President Obama with President of the United States Putin, would you be in favor of the switch?
It could easily be that I've missed it, but are there really American commentators who seem to think Everything [about Putin] is Awesome? This seems like a ridiculous non seqitur to me, but maybe I just haven't seen what you guys saw. Got links?
"Russia took my house!"
Garage: It is 2.4 miles from little Diomede to big Diomede, the former in the United States and the latter in the Russian far east. It is unnecessary to make an ass out of yourself. Been done.
Maybe it was a bad joke, but do I have to draw it for you?
Ok, Obamaphobes. If we could replace President Obama with President of the United States Putin, would you be in favor of the switch?
Absolutely not. Why trade Oppressive-Lite for the full calorie version?
OK. I guess it's time.
Let see some pictures of Althouse wearing jeans.
Put up or shut up, as they say.
Ok, Obamaphobes. If we could replace President Obama with President of the United States Putin, would you be in favor of the switch?
No, but if I could replace him with a beach ball I'd worry less about the future of the country.
This is not an endorsement for Joe Biden.
Poor Barry, getting beat up by the mean girl.
It's so good that the nice girl Ann saves him.
Of course, it would be better if Barry actually cared about protecting America from America's enemies. But he doesn't. The only enemies President Barack Obama wants to attack are those Americans who disagree with him.
Hey, dumb question: I'm a mom. Am I allowed to wear Mom Jeans?
Obama warns Putin "there will be consequences"
Amexpat said...
That aren't any politicians that I support, but there are some, on both sides, that I respect. I respect Walker, used to respect Christy and lost respect for Palin some time during the 2008 campaign.
Gee, yet your claimed problem with her is that she left the Alaska Gov office in 2009, after it was ruled that her political enemies could generate as many frivolous lawsuits and charges against her as they wanted, and that she would personally have to pay out of pocket to defend herself so long as she remained governor.
IOW, you're a lying sack of dog sung.
Garage: No, just admit that Palin was correct when she noted you can see Russia from Alaska. She was even careful to note that she was referring to an island in Alaska that was near an island in Russia. But you lefties, public schooled, thought it was the most hilarious assertion you had ever heard. I can still hear the braying. And read it. Even today. On this blog. From public school lefties. Very poorly educated. And mannered.
So, she should try to change the law while being investigated? Wouldn't that seem, self serving? You know that liberals who were attacking her would have said she was trying to change the laws because she has something to hide, or is guilty of what they say she was.
Your political opponents are going to criticize you no matter what you do, so you might as well be criticized for doing the right thing.
Palin was popular in Alaska, she could have explained what was happening and fought this if she wanted to. I can't imagine Reagan or either of the Pauls folding in such circumstances. Walker withstood plenty of hard ball and low blow tactics. And think of how Thatcher would have reacted.
harrogate said...
a bunch of crap.
So, harrogate, what you're saying is that because the US MSM, a group of leftist weasels, don't criticize the US even when it's doing something right (and invading Iraq and deposing Saddam Hussein WAS the right thing to do), the rest of us, who have no control over the MSM, have no right to criticize Russia when it does something wrong?
Or are you saying that you're such a moral eunuch that you can't see a difference between Saddam Hussein, and the people who are fighting to free Ukraine from Russian dictatorship?
Why are lying concern trolls so obvious?
(Or am I the only conservative in a room full of concern trolls and the obvious ones are just plants to make me THINK I can identify the concern trolls? Hmmm).
Sarah Palin is a genius, it's indisputable. She speaks with a mesmerizing cadence and draws you in. Before you know it you'll swear she's a foreign relations expert, you betcha, winkie winkie.
You go, girl! (Sarah, not Ann)
Anyone with the slightest knowledge of history would have known what Putin was going to do, recognized the inevitable (Russia keeping the Crimea), avoided empty threats, and prepared effective actions to prevent things from going any farther (dramatically increasing US energy exports, sanctioning the Russian oligarchy wrt international travel, limiting Russian access to the international banking system, sending a carrier group to the Eastern Med, etc.) What do we do? Pull out of the Para-Olympics.
None of this has anything to do with admiring Putin, who is a thug. But we could wish to see someone defending Western interests and values with something like the strategic understanding and resolve that he has shown in support of his.
garage mahal said...
So an ex-small state Governor with a funny accent can skewer him like some wimpy grade school loser in a lunch room eating a peanut butter sammitch alone. Again.
Oh we lived through 8 years of Bush you'll make it through 8 years of Obama. With less wars even!
Wow, that was impressively stupid, even for you.
We've got a war going on, right now, in Ukraine because President Obama is a feckless loser on foreign affairs. WE had a US Ambassador murdered in Libya, because President Obama is a buffoon on anything outside the US.
Syria? Afghanistan? There's wars going on all over the place. The only difference between now and when Bush was President was that when Bush was President we were winning.
Of course, as an America hating leftist, the fact that the US is losing everywhere now is, to you, a feature, not a bug.
@David, Freeman: The way Althouse framed it, the blogpost is about Palin and not about whether Americans favor Putin over Obama.
Palin was subjected to irrational smearing during and after the 2008 election. At least one prominent blogger (linked by Althouse and Drudge et al.), is still proud of his hysterics and never so much as walked back a single pixel. And he has his supporters here and throughout the rest of the left. I think that's part of the problem -- an unwillingness to admit unnecessary cruelty. This will likely never heal.
We've got a war going on, right now, in Ukraine because President Obama is a feckless loser on foreign affairs
Grab some weapons and head to the front lines, soldier! Lot's of chirping from the sidelines and no action. Sorry but that's just not very impressive.
It is only about 50 miles across at the narrowest point of the Bering Stait so on a clear day it should not be a problem to see across from mainland to mainland; at least from the US side, it is hillier on the Siberian side.
And Palin's resignation worked out well for Alaska. The hullabaloo followed her, no more court suits and e-mail "discoveries," which were very costly for the state, and her Lieutenant Governor took over and quietly proceeded to follow in her footsteps as far as governing the state was concerned.
It might have been better for Ms. Sarah's political career if she had hung in there, but it was bad for Alaska, so she stepped aside.
And for that she should be praised, not maligned.
David said...
Ok, Obamaphobes. If we could replace President Obama with President of the United States Putin, would you be in favor of the switch?
You mean, replace an incompetent would be dictator with a competent would be dictator? No, wouldn't want that.
Replace Obama with Palin? Take that one in a heartbeat.
And yes, the President who deliberately used the IRS to squelch his political opponents IS a would be dictator. The President who brags about trashing the Constitution and grabbing power for himself, because Congress refuses to give him what he wants, IS a would be dictator.
Before you call someone a liar read what they say. My initial comment was the Palin wimped out when she resigned. That was related to her proclivity of insuitating that others lack the stuff needed to stand up and fight. I never said that the was the point that I lost respect for her.
In a subsequent comment, I said that I lost respect with Palin sometime during the 2008 campaign. The two comments don't contradict one another.
Obama is a ruthless dictator at home but he's a moms jeans wearing, week kneed pussy abroad!
@chickenlittle No one has to accept the framing of a post.
What will never heal? People's admiration for Sullivan? Why should it heal? He posted insane, hateful things during Palin's height. What more needs to be said about it?
I never wait on apologies. That's a setup for continual disappointment.
Garage finally pays attention! Huzzah!
Some folks out there are trying to infiltrate this commentariat.
There's effort in there, though not a lot. It might be one dailykos person saying "let's go make Althouse look bad", and one or two others following through.
I wonder about the motive. Is this blog becoming powerful? Are the commenters powerful? Why bother?
Freeman: What will never heal? People's admiration for Sullivan?
Geez, Freeman, I was careful to spread the blame of the inanity widely. There are people commenting here and now (more then) who fully bought into it and still do.
Obama showed up at the presser today, wearing a shirt, as usual, further emboldening our enemies. Why Obama? WHY.
People here write all kinds of crazy things. Again, I don't understand the waiting on apologies. If we did that, who would be left to engage with one another?
BTW, Professor, I don't want to offend. I read your blog regularly and enjoy your insights, and it's especially good that you invite a very open commentariat.
I just wonder what's going on. It's getting a little weird around here.
Freeman Hunt, you still haven't apologized to me for ignoring the fact that I think that's a cute picture!
Ha. My apologies, Bob.
Thank you. Apologies accepted.
Did somebody say Mom Jeans?
Bitchtits says
"Obama is a ruthless dictator at home but he's a moms jeans wearing, week kneed pussy abroad!"
From the mouth of idiots, occasionally the truth.
You see fattie, Obama only is ruthless with his enemies. These include roughly half of the citizens o the United States.
Poor Althouse is having a sad that her beloved boyfriend President is being mocked. "Gender-bullying" is just as much bullshit as "micro aggression."
Go cry about it like you did at the Liberty Fund Conference.
Merkel comes from the former East Germany. She grew up with this stuff, she should have known better.
I wasn't aware Kremlin square was a smoking crater, harro.
Oh! If only Scottie were as smart as Palin.
garage mahal said "Obama is a ruthless dictator at home but he's a moms jeans wearing, week kneed pussy abroad!"
I take up the affirmative on this proposition. Obama has screwed up America's economy with Obamacare, the foiled Keystone Pipeline, and politicization of the IRS and the DOJ. On foreign policy, he has behaved like a little poliwog scared of his own tail, running away from Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq.
Obama has failed us at home and disgraced us abroad.
She wimped out when the going got tough as governor - making some lame excuse that she could better serve the country as a highly paid celebrity.
...or decided that bankrupting herself because the Left kept drumming up false ethical charges against her (literally, nothing stuck at all) and she had to actually pay to combat them was a poor idea and a waste of the state's time.
I didn't watch to the clip, but couldn't Palin have just turned the camera out her back porch and livestream the action in the Ukraine?
Shouldn't you ask the person who made the comment (Tina Fey) and not the Governor (Sarah Palin)?
Bullies, its an attempt to mitigate Palin's message, just as the charge of racist is an attempt to shut down criticism of Obama.
OK, nobody seems to want to take up the negative proposition (that Obama doesn't hate America and all that).
So what does motivate Obama? Could Dinesh D'Souza have been correct in his analysis?
Come on, lefties. Step up.
Obama has screwed up America's economy with Obamacare, the foiled Keystone Pipeline, and politicization of the IRS and the DOJ
That is hilarious. There is no employer mandate, Keystone is 35 permanent jobs, and IRS and DOJ are hurting the economy? Where do you guys to read this nonsense? It's not tethered to reality.
Typical for the teabagging pussies... having manhood defined by some ditzy chick for whom you have twisted Oedipus yearnings for. Go buy your poor me white man book from Dr Helen Instapussy, have a warm cup of milk and a nice wank.
"OK, nobody seems to want to take up the negative proposition (that Obama doesn't hate America and all that)."
Nobody wants to talk about the elephant in the room, or in other words, acknowledge that the emperor has no cloths.
Oh, please go on! Dr. Helen! Now we're talking war on women! But I must demure. Please, do go on.
Go build a pipeline with 35 people, bitch. I double-dog dare you.
garage mahal, the Keystone Pipeline job is a big deal. I don't know where you got that "35 permanent jobs" figure, but I suspect that you got it from some leftist trash heap. Even Obama cites bigger numbers.
Please try harder. You can do it. Stroke more.
Howard, what's your email address?
garage mahal said...
Obama showed up at the presser today, wearing a shirt, as usual, further emboldening our enemies. Why Obama? WHY.
While standing on Romper Room carpet.
Garage: 35 permanent jobs on the Keystone Pipeline is your genius rebuttal to the concept of actually building it. The building would involve many hundreds of jobs over the course of years and would induce ancillary businesses along the route that would service the workers during the construction period. You, of course, do not give one shit about the people who could earn a great living building the pipeline. Mr. union guy. Mr. full of shit
1) he has, literally, no legal authority to suspend the employer mandate.
2) I'm glad you're citing Van Jones, but some actual info would be nice.
3) How would politicizing FBI or IRS impact the economy? It violates rights, but you and el Presidente don't care.
I don't know where you got that "35 permanent jobs" figure
The State Dept.
1) he has, literally, no legal authority to suspend the employer mandate.
But Republicans in Congress telling him needed to do that, do?
You guys don't even bother trying anymore.
Really, garage mahal, I do like your user name, but you have to try harder. Give a citation. A link. I'll copy and paste. Try it.
Weak even for you Bitchtits.
It's like you don't even put any effort into your schilling for the diversity hire failure and his destructive policies anymore.
Is the thrill gone? He just not that into you anymore?
Just like your ex wife. Maybe old Barry can find some new taxes for you, it will be just like the payments you make to your ex wife.
It's always about sex with people like Howard. Lololol
If the Ukranian Army isn't even doing anything to stop the Russian invasion, why do we even care?
"1) he has, literally, no legal authority to suspend the employer mandate."
This is correct.
Really, garage mahal, I do like your user name, but you have to try harder. Give a citation. A link. I'll copy and paste. Try it.
You can google. "keystone+ 35 permanent jobs+state dept"
So, Presidents can unilaterally change legislation with no Congressional mandate?
That couldn't go poorly.
"Ditzy chick"
War on Women, Howard.
Why do I bother to ask questions and make statements that have already been made by other people?
garage mahal continues to ask questions and make statements that I would make.
Maybe I should start a new paragraph here.
How many are running the part of the pipeline that's already been completed? We're they included in that figure?
Maybe he was trying for irony.
I'm confused.
Go, Sarah! Great stuff.
Howard, what's your email address? I'd also like your mobile phone number, if you please.
It looks as if Putin may be backing down.
During a news conference a few hours ago, he denied that Russian troops are even in Crimea; he said those soldiers you see are "local self-defense forces."
And: "The Russian leader's news conference followed word from Moscow that 'tens of thousands of Russian troops participating in military exercises near Ukraine's border' are returning to their bases."
The oligarchs who support him must have taken talk of shutting down their bank accounts in the West seriously.
Garage: And the number of permanent jobs at the terminus of the pipeline?
Again, its much easier to understand the arguments of the Left here once you realize they have no morals.
No morals, no principles, no shame. Just a reach for raw power.
I see Putin and think "Lizard Nipples".
The real tragedy is that those 35 won't be able to celebrate their freedom from work that Obamacare has granted them. Thank goodness it won't create 350 or 35,000 jobs. What a terrible outcome that would be.
Bob Ellison said...
I don't know where you got that "35 permanent jobs" figure, but I suspect that you got it from some leftist trash heap.
The 35 permanent jobs factoid is limited to the "construction sector" and defines "permanent" as indefinite. Recall the left's beloved "stimulus" package defined a "permanent job" as employment for one year. Shockingly after the contruction is complete the project needs fewer construction workers. The estimate of total Keystone employment is 42,000 (probably overstated) but which nevertheless leads to the follow up question: are those who repeat the 35 jobs quote liars or idiots?
Best answer: does it matter?
Hi Garage,
I Googled and got this from PolitiFact:
"The State Department report puts the total at 42,100 jobs, though the definition of a job in this sense is a position filled for one year. Much of the construction work would come in four- or or eight-month stretches. About 10,400 seasonal workers would be recruited for construction, the State Department said.
"When looked at as "an average annual job," it works out to about 3,900 jobs over one year of construction or 1,950 jobs each year for two years.
"The rest of the jobs would be the result of spillover spending (formally called indirect or induced economic activity) as Keystone workers buy equipment and materials to complete the project and spend their money on an array of services, including food, health care, and arts and entertainment. As you might expect, it’s much harder to measure the widespread effect on job creation.
"There’s no doubting that most of the economic activity comes during construction. Jones honed in on jobs after construction, which aren’t really a source of sharp debate."
Overall economic benefit more than the 35 you cite.
Howard, what's your email address?
Overall economic benefit more than the 35 you cite.
What? Garage lied again? In related news - the sun rose this morning.
garage mahal said...
The State Dept.
The State Department has never, ever said any such thing.
You are comically bad at lying.
The State Department has never, ever said any such thing.
State Department Says Keystone Pipeline Will Create Just 50 Jobs
That's the Republican "jobs plan". What a bunch of clowns.
"Sarah Palin gender-bullies Barack Obama."
And thats a genteel way of saying "pussy whips," isn't it.
Patrick, "bullying" is now defined as "being right."
OK. Let's stipulate that Keystone will result in 42,000 jobs, only 35 of which will be "permanent". Let's ignore everything else. Just go with that.
Is it still a bad idea?
Garage: How many jobs at the terminus of the pipeline?
Brando and his rancid ilk are exactly the reason we wound up with a President who could let Ukraine happen: mendacious liars who completely ignore their own party's involvement in the frivolous (and all dismissed) lawsuits that were bankrupting Palin and her family. Luckily, we remember, and don't mind reminding them of yet another unpleasant fact they don't want anyone to remember...
Sort of like Obama demanding Ukraine give up its conventional weapons back when he was a senator. Those unpleasant facts.
"Brando and his rancid ilk . . ."
I'm an Obama supporter now? Amazing how Palin-ites have decided that anyone who doesn't bow down to Saintly Sarah is automatically the enemy now, supportive of all that brings down America. I guess it's easier to believe that than to question for a minute whether your own assumptions are correct.
Our president must have in the back of his mind the idea of thousands of disgruntled people showing up in Lafayette Park and staging a coup a la the Ukraine. Because that is, I believe, what happened there. A democratically elected president was made to flee for his life.
Garage Mahal's mother's pregnancy created only one job -- for her. It's actually tragic that she eventually outsourced that work to us.
It is all about sex, money and power. Write that down.
If you racist bully assholes would evolve, it would be a whole lot easier to get the Keystone pipeline built. But no, you want it all or nothing just like a 2 year old child.
Howard, what's your email address?
When she announced that she would resign as governor, Palin said she had spent more than $500,000 of her own money defending herself against charges that we all know were utterly frivolous. She had been in office for 2 years and 1 month and hung on for another 6 months to take care of unfinished business before handing the office over to a competent successor.
As I recall, the governor's salary was $100,000, but Wikipedia says $125,000. Either way, she was spending roughly twice her gross income defending herself against utter turds who knew their charges were false but liked the idea of bankrupting a political enemy, turds who seem to have gotten away with their filthy smear of a decent governor.
Anyone who accuses her of cowardice or quitting her job or not being able to handle the pressure is either grossly ignorant of the most basic facts of the case (in which case he should go away and do a little research and then come back with an abject apology before commenting on any subject whatsoever) or a filthy liar. I wonder which one Brando is.
Hi Bob Ellison: I think Titus is more to your taste in stalkee (not that there is anything wrong with that), go bug him.
garage mahal said...
State Department Says Keystone Pipeline Will Create Just 50 Jobs
The fact that you would post that in seriousness shows the world how stupid you are.
Howard, what's your email address? Mine is Are you a coward, Howard?
Hey, remember when bozo's like garage mahal were wondering how many "permanent" jobs the Obama stimulus would create after all those bridges were built?
Me too!
How many people does it take to service a refurbished bridge, anyway?
By the way, you know you've descended into complete parody when you ignore this:
Construction spending would support a combined total of approximately 42,100 jobs throughout the United States for the up to 2-year construction period.
Only in liberal land is building a pipeline considered not having a job until said pipeline goes into operations.
Then it is a real job!
Looks like Jay just spent about 45 minutes trying to find a link that disproves what I said.
he's back!
"Um, er, remember when bozo garage said the stimulus blah blah blah????"
Haha. Good times.
Even a Keystone Pipeline detractor would admit that more jobs than 50 would be created: cadres of new regulators; accountants to properly levy and enforce carbon taxes; climate scientists to measure the effects -- not to mention the construction workers to build dikes to safeguard us against its long term effects.
I failed to mention in my litany that most of those white collar jobs would go to liberals. How could the State Department be so remiss?
I think righties want Keystone because they feel it would piss of liberals. That's 95% of their motivation on everything. Simply lifting sequestration would generate much more output than a stupid pipeline that would send Canadian oil to China and Latin America.
A Keystone Pipeline would also unleash a fresh torrent of Soros money to sustain lefty bloggers.
It's actually a win-win situation for both sides.
garage mahal said...
I think righties want Keystone because they feel it would piss off liberals.
I think something similar motivates the Palin bashirs.
Let's see. A Keystone pipeline would likely do the following:
1) Instigate USA independence on energy, fabled since the 1960s.
2) Lower the price of gas.
3) Encourage international competition in energy resources.
By the way, the construction of the Keystone Pipeline is expected to:
contribute approximately $3.4 billion to the U.S. GDP
Probably because....35 jobs!!!
garage mahal said...
Looks like Jay just spent about 45 minutes trying to find a link that disproves what I said.
Note that I don't link to left wing commentators, but rather, the State Department report itself.
Mainly because you're a silly liar.
garage mahal said...
"Um, er, remember when bozo garage said the stimulus blah blah blah????"
Haha. Good times.
So in other words, you can't respond.
Mainly because you're a silly liar.
garage mahal said...
I think righties want Keystone because they feel it would piss of liberals. That's 95% of their motivation on everything.
Ah, Garage, projecting again.
1) Instigate USA independence on energy, fabled since the 1960s
It's not our oil. Even oil dug up in the U.S. isn't "our" oil. The oil is going to Texas from where it will loaded onto ships.
It also will not lower price of gas, in fact, it will raise prices in the Midwest.
garage mahal said...
I think righties want Keystone because they feel it would piss of liberals
The only reason, there is only 1, that you are making stupid stuff up about the Pipeline is because the right supports it.
Looks like garage mahal just gave us a glimpse of his own contemptible psyche with a bit of obvious projection. I've never known any conservative who would support a law that would damage the economy because (or 95% because or 5% because) it would piss off the other side. The economy is far too important a thing to play games with.
For example, I oppose raising the minimum wage because it will have a devastating effect on an already badly-damaged economy. After reading GM's comment, it occurred to me that the effect will likely fall disproportionately on Obama voters, so (according to him) I should support it. Sorry, that does not cheer me up at all and I still oppose a stupid law that will destroy jobs and lives. To take pleasure from its effect on Obama voters, I'd have to be some kind of monstrous asshole - like GM.
Oil is a global commodity.
Only in liberal land is more oil = higher prices!
Actually garage here's what the State Department said:
"The U.S. State Department released its long-awaited “Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement” on the Keystone XL pipeline. The findings could determine whether or not the pipeline proceeds. The State Department concluded that the project would create 42,100 temporary jobs during the two-year construction period. But the report says once the pipeline enters service, it will support only 50 U.S. jobs—35 permanent employees and 15 temporary contractors."
Aren't all the jobs that Obama keeps trying to push for infrastructure projects similarly temporary?
That's 95% of their motivation on everything.
Big buzzer wrong on that one, GM. I used to give you a lot more credit than statements like that.
I'd say it's about the obvious. I'm as human as the next guy and there's probably about 5% of me that thinks it's hysterically funny and wonderful when liberals are hoisted, especially by their own petards.
No, 95% of me wants a minimal amount of government services...defence, post, roads, hell, I'll even toss schools and parks in there. Other than that...leave me the fuck a general, love-thy-neighbor sense of the phrase.
Then Obama gets out his Majik pen and waives the summer blend rules, if prices in the Midwest get too high.
Mexico finally made some reforms regarding Pemex.
Canada might not be the only one sending oil to Latin America.
The only reason, there is only 1, that you are making stupid stuff up about the Pipeline is because the right supports it.
I'm against because we get exactly nothing out of it. Except all the risk. But I suppose that's why you're for it.
I'm against because we get exactly nothing out of it.
Except jobs and GDP growth.
Other than that, totally nothing.
You're not a silly liar or anything.
garage mahal said...
1) he has, literally, no legal authority to suspend the employer mandate.
But Republicans in Congress telling him needed to do that, do?
What the hell? Yes, Republicans in Congress, esp. the House, have the legal authority to pass a bill that would repeal the Employer mandate, or to repeal ObamaCare.
President Obama would have the legal authority to sign such a bill into law.
President Obama does NOT have the legal authority to do either of those things on his own, in violation of the law.
Garage, are you really so pinheadedly stupid that you don't understand that?
Except jobs and GDP growth.
I see you're off you're lie that we would get oil or gas out of the deal. Progress!
Now, Congress could create that many jobs overnight. It could create 100s of thousands of jobs if it wanted to. But it won't, cuz, well you know the drill. Black Democrat in the WH.
Jesus. This is the most epic Garage beat-down I've seen in a long time, and I've seen a bunch!
Garage totally had it coming, though.
Go ahead, idiot. Tell us about the 35 jobs.
So people who approve of technology that includes risks (and what technology doesn't?) approve it because they like the risks?
Does GM get a little warm glow every time someone is killed or mutilated driving on the highways he drives on, or a power company employee is electrocuted working on lines that bring power to him and his computer? Examples could obviously be multiplied, but what's the point? Anyone who accuses others of favoring a technology only because it is risky is an obvious liar and an obvious asshole.
I can totally see garage opening a chat window with his "Handler."
"The 35 jobs thing backfired, boss! What do I do now?"
Jesus. This is the most epic Garage beat-down I've seen in a long time, and I've seen a bunch!
Great observation! Not one person can refute anything I said.
Does GM get a little warm glow every time someone is killed or mutilated driving on the highways he drives on, or a power company employee is electrocuted working on lines that bring power to him and his computer?
Yea dude, that's it!
garage mahal said...
I see you're off you're lie that we would get oil or gas out of the deal.
I never posted a single thing about "our" oil and gas.
But nice attempt to pathetically deflect from your silly lies on the topic.
garage mahal said...
Great observation! Not one person can refute anything I said.
Well, that is if you ignore all the factual responses to your silly bullshit, that is.
I mean, it isn't as if you were trying to pretend that "jobs" as it relates to the construction of the pipeline means only when the pipeline is in service or anything.
garage mahal said...
I'm against because we get exactly nothing out of it.
This silly drivel was refuted with facts.
garage mahal said...
Great observation! Not one person can refute anything I said.
You claimed the "State Department" said the Keystone Pipeline would create "35" jobs.
Your "proof" of this was to link to a left wing columnist.
Here is what the State Department actually said:
Construction spending would support a combined total of approximately 42,100 jobs throughout the United States for the up to 2-year construction period.
You're either unable to read and comprehend basic sentences or you're a liar.
Which is it?
Why in the world would you want the US to go back to fixing highways by using pick-axes? Saw that in China.
When I was in East Germany, they had pay toilets and a female handing out paper towels.
To keep their people working.
Is this what you really want?
Or should we just go with the "they pretend to pay us, we pretend to work" scenario?
Hundreds of thousands of jobs doing what?
You're a businessman, take on more people-do your part.
Garage, use your internet skills. There's a map out there of all lines in the US.
Do you have any clue how much risk we are living on top of?
Garage wrote: Now, Congress could create that many jobs overnight. It could create 100s of thousands of jobs if it wanted to.
In this case, Congress doesn't "create jobs;" it merely decides not to block their creation.
You claimed the "State Department" said the Keystone Pipeline would create "35" jobs.
You are such a fucking liar. I said 35 permanent jobs, and my link highlighted the portion from the State Dept. That's why in 10 comments you can't refute it with your own link. Easier to lie I guess.
Garage would prefer to keep the environment clean by shipping all this oil by truck and train. Or to let Canada build a shorter line to BC ports and keep the fees, taxes, jobs.
Only thing Russia has with its pipelines across Ukraine is risk, eh Garage? Is that why Europe is shitting its pants? LOL
Garage: Keystone is a juicy bone Obama is throwing to the hard left environmental base of the democratic party so they forget he is not much different from Bush in 98% of his fucked up policies. That's all.
The tar sand oil is coming either way. The whole country is already crisscrossed with petroleum pipelines and trucking has a higher public health and environmental footprint. Canada is more *us* than the Saudi's, Venezuela and Nigeria so lets keep it in the family and send less $$ to tyrants.
Brando said... Amazing how Palin-ites have decided that anyone who doesn't bow down to Saintly Sarah is automatically the enemy now, supportive of all that brings down America.
MadisonMa'am said...McCain and Palin, can you guess how many wars those two would've had us in by now? Anyone who was stupid enough to pick Palin as a running mate....'nuff said.
Together, they're like a bad remake of "Two MULs for Sister Sarah" if you know what I mean.
"Nearly 200,000 rail cars in Canada carried crude oil or fuel during the first seven months of 2013, up 20% from the year before, according to the latest data from the American Association of Railroads."
Keystone is not essential to getting the heavy crude where it is needed. The good news is that business is way smarter than government and long ago made other plans. Dirtier but workable. Refiners in the midwest are connected to the shorter pipeline. Trucks are steaming down the highways.
Looks like Alan Grason has anger issues and is a private war on a woman.
Grayson. Alan Grayson. Wife. Beater.
But there's something a bit creepy about Americans who have let their hatred for Obama get to the point where they're fawning over foreign autocrats. It was no less unseemly when the left did it for Chavez, why should this be acceptable now?
Is this meant to be a reference to Palin's comments? Because I think Sarah Palin is only exercising what Kissinger called "realpolitik" -- basing your diplomacy on what is realistic and practical and not on ideology and wishful thinking. Putin can only be dealt with if this administration starts to deal with him as he is, and not on wishful thinking.
State Department Says Keystone Pipeline Will Create Just 50 Jobs
That's pretty obviously false, but it's still more (real) jobs than the State Department created.
I wouldn't have thought anyone could be so stupid as to write this, but perhaps I was wrong: "Even oil dug up in the U.S. isn't 'our' oil. The oil is going to Texas from where it will loaded onto ships."
That would be true if oil exports were some kind of Danegeld, shipped off as tribute to powerful foreigners without compensation. But every barrel of oil exported from the U.S. is in fact paid for at today's quite high prices, which allows Texans and other Americans to spend those dollars on all kinds of nice things.
Again we must ask: is GM really that stupid, or is someone paying him to repeat lies that even he must realize are not even close to plausible?
Title of Post -
"Sarah Palin gender-bullies Barack Obama."
I jump in 200 comments in and find a furious discussion of ........... the keystone pipeline.
Garage you magnificent bastard, you've "squirreled" yet another post.
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