১১ মার্চ, ২০১৪

"Rand Paul 26%, Scott Walker 21%, Ted Cruz 20%. Rick Perry & Sarah Palin 5% each, Marco Rubio & Chris Christie 2% each."

The results of Instapundit's straw poll. 

From the comments on yesterday's post at Instapundit, I noticed the things people said about (my governor) Scott Walker:

1. "I cast my vote for Scott Walker because he is the only one of the top three candidates who has an actual track record of executive success. We have lots of people who can give good speeches, but which other candidate has pretty much single handedly turned around a deep blue state?"

2. "I live in WI and hope Walker is governor here forever. But I would never take him seriously as a presidential candidate and no one else will either, if he runs."

3. "I agree. I consider Scott Walker the greatest public servant our state has had in my lifetime. But don't promote him to his level of incompetence."

২৩০টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   230 এর 201 – থেকে 230
Lnelson বলেছেন...

The newspaper and TV media will run cover for whoever the democrats run.
What would that equate to in campaign funding? (which basically is just buying marketing)

The good news is that in a rapidly changing world, the power of newspapers and TV broadcast will slowly diminish.
The bad news is that too many voters will vote for the cool factor over any other factor.

If you can stay on your parents healthcare until your 26, maybe we should raise the voting age to the age of moving out of the parent's basements.

Never mind, that could lead to a whole lotta reasonable requirements for voting.

Revenant বলেছেন...

Like Native Americans, African tribes had their own lives and ways of doing things

Native Americans and African tribes had many things in common. For example, both were enthusiastic practitioners of slavery until European settlers made them stop.

mccullough বলেছেন...


Africans enslaving Africans and killing each other is miserable. If that is a miserable by white standards, so be it.

The Incas and Aztecs had culture before the Europeans. So did Africans. That culture was not uniformly good. Not even close. Let's not glorify whites or blacks or asians or native americans. They all have plenty of history of brutality. Europeans came up with more effective weaponry and modes of transportation. That's the big difference.

Revenant বলেছেন...

The Incas and Aztecs had culture before the Europeans.

The Inca and Aztec empires were only a few centuries old when the Spanish landed. You might be thinking of the Olmec?

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Civilis said...
As Ghandi said of Western "civilization", we'd like to see some for a change.

Ghandi wasn't a saint, and was a bit myopic about the flaws in his own culture.

That's really the only argument you guys have got - don't look at us, look at them!

It won't work - the discussion is about white America - not Ghandi's or india's flaws.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Revenant said...
Like Native Americans, African tribes had their own lives and ways of doing things

Native Americans and African tribes had many things in common. For example, both were enthusiastic practitioners of slavery until European settlers made them stop.


Anything but look at yourselves.

God, you guys are losers,...

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

To the next poster, let me help you out:



MattL বলেছেন...

The Crack Emcee said...


That's it. I can't even pretend to take Crack seriously any more. His skill at grammar shows that he's probably a whitey faking his blackness on line. At best, a monstrous Uncle Tom.

It was fun while it lasted. Keep it up Crack, and some day you might work up from blog troll to genuine Internet Kook.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

One look at your fat white avatar and I knew not to take you seriously a looong tome ago,..

Civilis বলেছেন...

That's really the only argument you guys have got - don't look at us, look at them!

That's like saying your argument boils down to 'I don't care about anyone else's problems, just my own.'

You're the one that's tried to indict first American culture and then whites in general as uniquely bad. Those arguments have been exposed as nonsense, so you're pulling away the goalposts.

These are important arguments because if American history isn't unique, then those that have been on the receiving end of the bad things that Americans have done need to stand in line with everyone else that has ever been wronged in history, which is just about everyone.

I see my arguments that for all practical intents and purposes, the victims of hardline Communism (many still being victimized today in places like the North Korean gulags) have been slaves have been ignored. But that would mean that doing something about it. That would mean admitting Republicans have a point. But no, it's more important that we bash people that suffered as much from American history as you did and came to different conclusions than you did as to how to fix the problems.

Jason বলেছেন...

Concern trolls. They've infested Instapundit.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


Those arguments have been exposed as nonsense, so you're pulling away the goalposts.

Exposed by who? Do I sound convinced by you? You're white guys convincing EACH OTHER.

And that's proof of nothing.

Todd বলেছেন...

OK Crack, what are your terms? You were elected head negotiator for all people of color in the US and I have been elected to represent all people not of color. You claim a wrong and want "justice". Fine. What are your terms? What specifically do you want and you can't say "my culture back" or "justice". Those are wisps of smoke. What do you REALLY want? Do you want all radio stations to play nothing but rap music for the next 10 years? Do you want half of all white owned businesses be given to random black people? Do you want everyone of color to get a check (and if so how much)? Do you want all white kids to spend one year after collage working in black ghettos? Do you want affirmative action beefed up until 50% of all CEOs are black? What. I really want to know. What are the terms that will satisfy you?

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

You were elected head negotiator for all people of color in the US

I don't think the Asians would want him.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

Europeans came up with more effective weaponry and modes of transportation

Because they had largely navigable rivers that allowed them to trade and share ideas.

Geography made all the difference.

Todd বলেছেন...

EMD said...

I don't think the Asians would want him.

I can see your point and I am not sure what the people pie looks like (i.e. who actually counts as a "people of color") but I consider that a secondary issue to actually getting to the terms.

Civilis বলেছেন...

Exposed by who? Do I sound convinced by you? You're white guys convincing EACH OTHER.

You want to convince us that we should listen to you. If you're not going to approach this with reason, then my arguments aren't directed to you, but to all the other people on this board. They can see your claim that 'whites have introduced a there-is-no-law ethos into the world that, now, we all wish we could put back in the bottle', they have seen my counter-evidence which disproves your assertion ('Ghengis Khan's brutal subjugation of much of Eurasia is in no way attributable to whites', which indicates that that brutal ethos is a part of humanity rather than an introduction by an all powerful white Satan). They have seen your response and can make their own judgments.

I have attempted to debate with you, thinking you could persuade me you had a point, despite your calling me a subhuman monster, despite your calling me a sociopath for not believing I could play God with the lives of real people. They can make their own determinations. If you have persuaded them better than I have, my hat's off to you, but I know which way I'd bet.

The Republican party is ill-served by calls that it should pander to the base emotions of people that want emotional satisfaction that government can't provide.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


I am not sure what the people pie looks like

Then why are people like you - the ignorant ones - the ones who get mad and stick their nose in it?

Why are you talking to me? You know nothing. You don't care, you're just voicing your frustration.

I don't need to hear from you - nobody does.

Learn to be white and quiet. That'll be a start,...

Todd বলেছেন...

OK Crack, I will try again. What are your terms? You want justice? I want to know specifically what that looks like. Why are you avoiding?

Todd বলেছেন...

Oh, and Crack, I did not "stick my noise in it", you dragged me in with all of your "white hate". Now I am just trying to find out what the buyout is going to cost.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


"'Ghengis Khan's brutal subjugation of much of Eurasia is in no way attributable to whites', which indicates that that brutal ethos is a part of humanity rather than an introduction by an all powerful white Satan). They have seen your response and can make their own judgments."

1) Most of these people have no idea what we're talking about, so the idea they're good judges is nonsense whites have always used to get hung juries.

2) Blacks weren't just subjugated - we're your nightmares. Whites still act out their fantasies on us, violent, sexual, you name it. Ghengis Khan wasn't into some sick psycho-sexual brain farts like Americans were and are. So we're talking about apples and oranges, with you neither understanding, or pretending to while insisting you're going to tell me what's what.

White privilege anyone?

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Todd said...
Oh, and Crack, I did not "stick my noise in it", you dragged me in with all of your "white hate".

No, you weren't dragged into anything. You can ignore my posts. You can also read and shut-the-fuck-up. That's an option whites never seem to think applies to them.

White supremacy and white privilege.

MattL বলেছেন...

Perhaps Walker's biggest problem in winning a Republican primary is that he hasn't participated in one before.

When was the last time a non-incumbent first time candidate got the nod? Goldwater? Probably outside of Chicago, most people who voted then don't vote any more.

Todd বলেছেন...

The Crack Emcee said...

Todd said...
Oh, and Crack, I did not "stick my noise in it", you dragged me in with all of your "white hate".

No, you weren't dragged into anything. You can ignore my posts. You can also read and shut-the-fuck-up. That's an option whites never seem to think applies to them.

White supremacy and white privilege.

Again, I am specifically asking you what your terms for justice are and you instead choose to call me names and avoid answering the question. Do you not have an answer? Is it that all you have is hate and you can not afford to give it up? You claim I am the beneficiary of "white privilege". I am specifically asking you for what you want. No answer?

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

The Crack Emcee said...

I am not sure what the people pie looks like

Why should I answer you when you don't know shit?

Todd বলেছেন...

Crack, don't be obtuse. The specifics of that statement had to do with who exactly would "qualify" for inclusion in "people of color" but you knew that. Again, you are just avoiding having to really answer the question and I do really want to know. What do you want? To you, what does "justice" look like?

MattL বলেছেন...

Todd asked: To you [The Crack Emcee], what does "justice" look like?

I'm guessing it would look something like a black's boot stamping on a white face - forever.

Todd বলেছেন...

Not sure but it looks like Crack has left the thread? I hope not as I really do want to make some headway on this.

Mark বলেছেন...

Today's Rasmussen poll had Walker and Burke tied.

Walker is slipping in WI.

Revenant বলেছেন...

Not sure but it looks like Crack has left the thread? I hope not as I really do want to make some headway on this.

You must not be familiar with Crack. He's always looking for something on which to blame all of his and the world's problems.

It used to be "new age stuff". For the last couple years it has been "white people". Eventually it'll be some other imaginary force keeping him down.

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন ‹পুরাতন   230 এর 201 – থেকে 230   আরও নতুন» সবচেয়ে নতুন»