२१ मार्च, २०१४

"It’s virtually impossible for anyone other than Clinton to raise money or build a campaign infrastructure, the thinking goes, with Clinton hovering overhead."

"Yet Clinton’s allies believe it’s not true — and increasingly they are saying so."
In fact, they argue the opposite: that the former first lady is shielding other prospective Democratic contenders from months of attacks and scrutiny they’d probably face without her in the picture. There’s simply no need for Clinton to start a campaign this early, they say....

“I actually think it’s a good thing — if Hillary has frozen the field, it’s a good thing,” said former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell... “To be honest, people start these campaigns far too early...The desire to keep a Democratic president will still be strong [within the party] … it’ll be a more compact campaign, and to that extent maybe a less damaging and divisive campaign.”
ADDED: A new Gallup poll has the top reason for voting for Hillary that she'd be the first female President. Only 18% though. Experience gets 9%. Importantly, 49% say nothing or no opinion.

१७ टिप्पण्या:

chickelit म्हणाले...

Hillary is very good at whisper campaigns. She's right to wait as long as possible. For one thing, it forces political junkies to focus on the here and now which I gather is pretty scary for them.

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

I agree that the possibility of Hillary is just so interesting to Washington/New York "journalists" that they just can't be bothered to look elsewhere. And it is good for the possible other candidates not to suffer from increased scrutiny.

Whether this is good for the country as well as for the Democratic Party is another question altogether.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

The attraction, same as with Obama, is beating the bad guys. Would you shoot Hitler? Of course you would. Does it matter if the credentials of the white man's busboy are necessary? Nope.

Just shoot Hitler. Hillary fits the profile. She'll do just fine.

Now, if you guys wanted to change the game, you could kill Hitler yourselves,...

अनामित म्हणाले...

lemonade out of lemons

Strelnikov म्हणाले...

She's inevitable.

Just like in 2008.

SteveR म्हणाले...

I can't wait for the boisterous HRC at some factory firing up the crowd. She's been too calm. Her Senate testimony was just a glimpse.

Scott म्हणाले...

Yeah, voting for Obama because he would be the first black president worked out so well, we're going to vote for Hillary because she would be the first woman president. The logic is solid.

Greg Hlatky म्हणाले...

We would be electing a vagina as President. I mean, what else is there?

Revenant म्हणाले...

A new Gallup poll has the top reason for voting for Hillary that she'd be the first female President

Good grief.

Tom म्हणाले...

The Republicans need a candidate who can take massive, but intellegent risks, in 2016. McCain took risks but is patently stupid and emotional. Romney is smart but took no risks. He need someone who can intellegent risk having the liberty (and the erosion thereof) conversation with the country while staying away from the issues that incessantly create division.

President-Mom-Jeans म्हणाले...

Crack goes Godwin early.

Bow down to your cankled democratic plantation headmistress, Crack.

Oh, and you forgot to pimp your failure of a site as well. You must be slipping.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...


"Bow down to your cankled democratic plantation headmistress, Crack."

As long as it's not you.

"Oh, and you forgot to pimp your failure of a site as well. You must be slipping."

When you're right, you're right,...

cubanbob म्हणाले...

If we had a rational electorate or at least an electorate that wasn't addicted to Other People's Money after eight years of Democrat mal-governence the Republican's could run a stuffed deadman and still win.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

cubanbob said...
If we had a rational electorate or at least an electorate that wasn't addicted to Other People's Money after eight years of Democrat mal-governence the Republican's could run a stuffed deadman and still win.

Of course - that's the Republican's problem! Obama's got everybody addicted.

It has nothing to do, now, with Rand Paul's eventual exposure as another "inarticulate" nutjob. That's not going to hurt him at all. Nope not a bit. Nor will it further erode the Republican image already in the toilet, generally, over repeated race issues and "inarticulate" candidates.

It's Obama's "sugar" as Ted Cruz called it.

Man, you guys can really follow a script, I'll give you that,..

Paddy O म्हणाले...

If Sarah Palin hadn't jumped on McCain's bandwagon, she'd be in a very good place to get the R nomination.

But she did, the media trashed her, she's too polarizing, and hasn't governed in a while.

Hillary made a career of following men, which helped her with Bill but hurt her with Obama. She brings nothing to the table.

madAsHell म्हणाले...

Wink, wink.
Clap, clap.
Point, point.

luagha म्हणाले...

If she still has to wear those prism glasses for double vision on the campaign, she's through.