২১ মার্চ, ২০১৪

"A quarter of high schools with the highest percentage of black and Latino students do not offer any Algebra II courses..."

"... while a third of those schools do not have any chemistry classes."
Black students are more than four times as likely as white students — and Latino students are twice as likely — to attend schools where one out of every five teachers does not meet all state teaching requirements....

৩৪৫টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   345 এর 201 – থেকে 345
mkh বলেছেন...

Maybe the affirmative action hires and unqualified black administrators are part of the problem? Maybe the white liberals there didn't like seeing proof that black kids couldn't cut it and those classes ended up all white.

Unknown বলেছেন...

"Rage and Blame" class is now offered instead of World History.

Instead of Biology 101, "Conservatives are all racist pigs" is an on-line course offered through salon dot com and MSNBC dot com. Full credit.

Bringing America together.

Heartless Aztec বলেছেন...

@jr565 - The schools are teaching punctuation. A question mark is part of a 1st/2nd grade skill set. The only way a person gets to be 15 years old and not know the punctuation symbol for a question mark is through either terminal stupidity or willful ignorance or some combination of both. That said, as a inner city school teacher for decades I sent my child to Catholic schools. ^And it wasn't because of the teachers lack of skill...it was so that my child wouldn't have to occupy a classroom space with students who are senior citizens in 7th grade and have no clue what punctuation is.

Xmas বলেছেন...


I posted links to the Dept of Ed study results earlier in this thread. They are compiling statistics on students by race and gender. Their reports have charts of students punished by race down to the individual school.

You can see that blacks are suspended from school at a higher rate than other races. If you look at the numeric statistics, you can see it is black males that are punished in disproportion to their ratio to the overall population. Though black females are punished higher too.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

vicari valdez,

Anyone can see what I'm up against here - and so is anyone who tries to correct conservatives - they aren't called "dinosaurs", neanderthals", "troglodytes", and "cave men" for nothing. "Racists", either. I didn't make it up. I'm trying to get them to stop - for all of our good.

And that goes double for "men" like Dr Weevil, who think they can "spin" the truth (about me or just the truth) before anyone new, like you, can grasp my humanity or, yeah, the truth. But you have to ask yourself:

If there's a seemingly endless line of these crackpots I'm debating with - and there are, they come out of the woodwork for little ol' me - and they're all saying crazy things like blacks are racist (after this country's history?) and "slavery was hundreds of years ago" (violently debating a history they don't understand) wouldn't YOU tell them all to go to Hell every so often?

I mean, of course, they want to paint it like they're not low - they're all the perfect little angels, and the EVIL BLACK MAN just came in and started talking about whitey and raping their mothers - they didn't do NOTHIN'!

It was that lousy culture BLACKS built - with no help from them!

And that lousy music BLACKS listen to! (Bring back Ted Nugent!)

And that damned BLACK PRESIDENT destroying this country!

That BLACK guy said WHITE to us and that means he's a racist!

You get the idea. Notice, unlike them, I don't go around denying what I do - I let everybody know, when I started calling whites WHITE, and I also let them know why. The people who dislike BLACK stuff always leave that part out when a person like you comes along - proving they're also patently dishonest as well.

Like the racists of old, they'll say anything, tell any lie, stretch any truth, to get the BLACK guy and make him pay.

It's a sad state of affairs when you've got a country with so many racial sins, perpetrated by these very same types of men, in this very same way throughout time, and all the rest of us want is an opportunity to breathe as a nation where justice actually walks the land and not just the BLACK-hating white folks declaring everyone has a problem but them:

The folks marked as being the cause of so much anguish.

Look, everyone knows we Republicans have a problem with racists in our midst - the Republican Party admitted it repeatedly - so the only question is who are they? History says it's white conservatives, no matter what they say.

Not the BLACK guy.

Thanks for speaking up,...

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

If you look at the numeric statistics, you can see it is black males that are punished in disproportion to their ratio to the overall population. Though black females are punished higher too.

For good reason, too.

What's your bitch? You want school transformed into a schoolyard brawl? You want teachers to be punched in the face without recourse?

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

Look at Crack's behavior.

What would you do with that asshole if you had him in your class?

I keep trying to overcome those stereotypical notions about black men, but Crack keeps coming along to prove that those stereotypes have a lot of substance.

David বলেছেন...

Crack: "What a bunch of sad little conservatives!"

Sad, yes. I would not grace some of these commenters with the label of conservative, despite their apparent self identification. They are ignorant and see blacks and race issues through caricatures.

a description of a person or thing in which certain characteristics are exaggerated in order to create a comic or grotesque effect.

If that sounds like classic racism, it's because it is. Defining a person or class of people by a group of supposed characteristics is simply dehumanizing. People cease being people and become a mass of assumptive traits.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...


You are stupid in the usual way. Boring and stupid.

And sanctimonious.

Do you have any decent qualities?

lonetown বলেছেন...

Predominantly black public schools have always been inferior. All the way back to separate but equal and even before.

Predominantly black private schools don't have the same outcomes. That should inform us.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

Predominantly black private schools don't have the same outcomes. That should inform us.

Black people with money know better than to send their kids to black public schools.

So, for that matter, do white people with money.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


As you can see, I ignore ST, and suggest you do as well:

"Sad, yes. I would not grace some of these commenters with the label of conservative, despite their apparent self identification. They are ignorant and see blacks and race issues through caricatures."

I've definitely given myself a challenge, dealing with crackpots, but - in the best spirit - someone's got to try.

"If that sounds like classic racism, it's because it is. Defining a person or class of people by a group of supposed characteristics is simply dehumanizing. People cease being people and become a mass of assumptive traits."

And, Lord knows, you don't have to go easy on "a mass of assumptive traits."

Too bad they're also dehumanizing themselves at the same time. You know, how racism "works".

You've got a good heart. Thanks.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

Back to another day of cutting and pasting from the web, huh, Crack?

I'm going to Sam's Club to shop.

Sure beats reading your psychotic raving.

Try to find something to do today, huh? Anything besides the worthless bullshit you're doing here.

Unknown বলেছেন...

DC voucher program is an example worth citing. Obama refuses to fund it. Obama's loyalty lies with the Teachers' union, not disadvantaged children and their families looking for a way out.

The DC voucher program enjoys a 93-percent graduation rate compared to a 55-percent rate for public school students.
Ninety-eight percent of those participating in the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program are African-American and Hispanic, and more than 92 percent of the families say they are satisfied with the program.

The teachers union are unhappy, and vilify the program. The left lie about how vouchers work. Once again, lies from the left trump the education of our children.
Follow the money.

Xmas বলেছেন...


I'm not bitching about a thing. I'm just saying the Dept of Ed Office of Civil Rights is bolstering their public case for suing school systems that expel and suspend black students in a higher proportion to other races. That's the purpose of these statistics, press releases and friendly NY Times article.

You can argue about the cause of the punishment, but the Federal government looks to be preparing a case for institutional racism that need more judicial orders to push schools to act a particular way.

Rusty বলেছেন...

A cultural failure to be sure. Encouraged and fostered by the very people it was designed to help.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...


Well, that certainly bodes well for private schools, home schooling and black market solutions.

Not to mention an exodus of white teachers from the public school system.

If I were a teacher, I'd get the hell out.

Heartless Aztec বলেছেন...

Teaching is a profession that has a 50% retention rate at 5 years...at least in my inner city school district. As a retired 37 year veteran of inner city public schools I counsel all young people to not even consider public school teaching as a career. Fun thing to do - Walk into a room of young people and ask to see a show of hands to the query "Who wants to be an inner city school teacher?" I'll give a dollar for every hand that's raised in the affirmative.

Unknown বলেছেন...

The left's universal answer is to throw more money at it. Universal pre-K will solve everything. Funny, as they continue to waste our money, the results keep spiraling downward. We are not to question the left's wisdom, for that is racist and shut up.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

You can see that blacks are suspended from school at a higher rate than other races. If you look at the numeric statistics, you can see it is black males that are punished in disproportion to their ratio to the overall population. Though black females are punished higher too.

This disproportion begins in pre-K and occurs in schools operated by Black people. Explain how this is the fault of White racism.

stlcdr বলেছেন...

So, crack, if it's an 'intact' culture, without slavery dragging down the black culture as you posit, what would be the black culture today?

But considering what we have, white people can't change the facts of slavery - if it is this which is dragging down a black kid born in 1994, how in hell does a white person address, or help the issue that a significant percentage of our population that is majority black continues to be a drain on American society?

Or is it not help that is wanted? The 'they are good boys' comment doesn't really provide a solution: antisocial, obnoxious, often violent behavior is not a mark of a 'good boy'.

chickelit বলেছেন...

You can argue about the cause of the punishment, but the Federal government looks to be preparing a case for institutional racism that need more judicial orders to push schools to act a particular way.

So the 3 R's are retribution, reparation, and redistribution.

How sad. And what a waste of young people.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Oh God ! Another day of Crack idiocy ?

See you tomorrow.

Unknown বলেছেন...

"How Sarah Palin and Ted Nugent are to blame for everything wrong with your life" class begins right after lunch.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

April Apple,

" The left lie,...Once again, lies from the left,…."

"The left's universal answer,...We are not to question the left's wisdom, for that is racist and shut up."

Notice, if you talk about race exclusively, as I do, it's a problem.

But April Apple can slough off "the left" repeatedly - multiple negative mentions, and baseless assumptions, in every post - and nobody catches it, thinks there's anything wrong with it, doesn't demand any nuance - nothing.

And I love April's trick of NEVER seriously criticizing her side. NOOOOOO. Every damned thing that's wrong with the world has been caused by someone not like her.

But she's not a racist. And she's not a bigot. And she's not a political ignoramus, always on the attack.

And, best of all, she's almost not a human being.

That's the part that keeps her interesting.


richard mcenroe বলেছেন...

But Ann CAN'T ban the Crack Emcee. He's "earthy" and "authentic" and all the other professors would yell at her.

richard mcenroe বলেছেন...

And really, given the horrible conflation of Lawyer Brown, Sportin' Life and The Emperor Jones currently enjoying the ultimate Section 8 housing down in DC, how bad is Crack in comparison?

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

Crack, think of April Apple as your weirdly distorted mirror image.

You are both annoying performance artistes from different sides of the spectrum. Enjoyable in small doses. (Very small).

Hope this helps. I'm here to serve.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Baseless? You're high, crack.

Unknown বলেছেন...

The left OWN public education. Most public education is failing our kids.

Unknown বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

I crack up to Michael K - always announcing we don't have to put up with his bullshit because of me:

Proof I'm actually doing some good around here.


"So, crack, if it's an 'intact' culture, without slavery dragging down the black culture as you posit, what would be the black culture today?"

Here or elsewhere? White intrusion into black's lives - everywhere - makes it difficult to say, but if you'll be more specific, I'll try to posit something for you.

"But considering what we have, white people can't change the facts of slavery - if it is this which is dragging down a black kid born in 1994, how in hell does a white person address, or help the issue that a significant percentage of our population that is majority black continues to be a drain on American society?"

Blacks aren't "a drain on American society" - what holds Americans down are. These attitudes, that repeatedly posit blacks as the problem - as opposed to those who make problems for blacks - are what hurt us.

"Or is it not help that is wanted?"

Not if it comes packaged in insults.

"The 'they are good boys' comment doesn't really provide a solution: antisocial, obnoxious, often violent behavior is not a mark of a 'good boy'."

Sure it is - nobody is "just" antisocial, obnoxious, or violent. Think what you see, at given moment, is all any person has to offer? You've dehumanized them right there.

I won't do that - not even to the "assholes" on this thread.

We're human beings - a very, very complex and stupid mammal,...

SGT Ted বলেছেন...

By and large the schools with these kinds of deficiencies are adequately funded. But they are not adequately run.

I have always thought that laying the blame at the feet of the parents was a cop-out by Unionistas.

Many of our white ancestors arrived here as illiterates, maybe even not speaking English, yet their children were educated quite successfully. By non-union, non-teaching credentialed instructors.

Now, our unionized, credentialed "progressive" schools pass on failures routinely to the next grade, until they received a HS diploma and they are illiterate.

I don't blame any of the parents, black or white or chartreuse. I blame the schools and PC elected Government officials for giving up on having standards and holding to them.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

richard mcenroe said...
And really, given the horrible conflation of Lawyer Brown, Sportin' Life and The Emperor Jones currently enjoying the ultimate Section 8 housing down in DC,

Just can't help yourself, can you?

I haven't heard anybody mention "The Emperor Jones" in years.

Man, racists are funny,...

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

I predict that Althouse will ultimately have no choice but to ban Crack.

Well, her other choice will be to concede her blog to him.

I've seen his act on other blogs. The psychotic screeching only escalates. Ultimately, it's get rid of him or turn the blog over to him.Crack will ultimately take up all available space.

He's frustrated at the lack of readership at his own blog and he's trying to appropriate Althouse's blog. Althouse's niceness and liberal guilt will only go so far.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


Crack, think of April Apple as your weirdly distorted mirror image.

Because white conservative women are sooooo oppressed by black society?

MadisonMan, you shame yourself,...

SGT Ted বলেছেন...

Many black children did not get beyond the 8th grade.

Lots of rural white kids were in the same boat.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

Your days are numbered here, Crack.

Althouse is not going to concede her blog to you.

And, she's going to get tired of your attempts to feed off her readership with your link whoring.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Every election, 97% of blacks don't vote with conservatives - voting with the liberals who conservatives swear hurt blacks - and the conservatives still insist they're such good guys they don't need to do no self-inventory.

They say this, of course, to each other.

Because nobody else is buying it,...

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

SGT Ted said...
Many black children did not get beyond the 8th grade.

Lots of rural white kids were in the same boat.

It's their defective genes, bad white culture, and Rock music - specifically Led Zeppelin.

Rand Paul and Paul Ryan are going to use that line to get their votes,...

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

Well, we know now that Crack doesn't have anything to do today.

Just like every other day.

Michael বলেছেন...

Tedious. A repetitious sophomoric "seminar" in which a self professed semi educated person claims expertise based on skin color. And whose argumentation ends in insults.

Take the semi out of educated and get back to us.

SGT Ted বলেছেন...

Yeah - we're all supposed to be Jordan.

No. There's a lot of success in between an entry level job and the heights of success realized by sports stars.

You all can be a line cook, or work your way up to managing a fast food restaurant, or a diesel mechanic or an HVAC technician, or an NCO/Officer in the Military. Or run a small shop or restaurant.

I didn't graduate high school, even though I've always liked researching and knowledge in general. What saved my ass from living in the street was I was literate and I valued military service. And I didn't have an attitude problem that got in the way of my success. I saw many people with far more privileged backgrounds fail, simply because of their mental attitude.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Well, when one's welfare goes up because Javon, Jesus or Johnnie can't read, why encourage reading?

I think the state that rewarded ignorance was Kentucky.

Now if someone could explain what went wrong with the Kansas City, MO, experiment between 1986-2001, I'd be interested in reading about it. A judge quadupled property taxes to equalize school spending and the system still failed.

Just like Head Start fails. Surely $150 billion could have been better spent?

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

OTOH, that world test that the US keeps failing on?

Broken out, every US group is comparable or better than the countries of origin.

Whites equal or beat the Europeans, Hispanics equal or beat those nations, Asians don't be Shanghai, but the US certainly isn't slacking.


Michael বলেছেন...

SGT Ted: Exactly. Thanks.

SGT Ted বলেছেন...

I heard an educated black citizen, a woman, on the radio yesterday, vehemently disagreeing with Cracks conclusions as to Slave culture specifically being the cause of black failure today. She utterly rejected pretty much everything posited here by Crack about the black community and whites.

Is she a racist too?

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

Because white conservative women are sooooo oppressed by black society?

I see no evidence that April Apple is, in reality, a white, a conservative, or a woman. I also disbelieve that you are a bitter black man.

I will never mistake a posting persona for a real person.

SGT Ted বলেছেন...

The Public school system is a corrupt creature of the Unions and politicians.

They are there to keep the money flowing, not to educate kids.

SGT Ted বলেছেন...

Hell, I've observed and worked for people that were far less literate than me, but were quite successful, because of their mental attitude.

Michael বলেছেন...

SGT Ted. . Attitude is the only thing. I had to adjust mine. It was a struggle to learn to think differently but I believe I have succeeded and the rewards have been extraordinary. And unexpected.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

SGT Ted said...
I heard an educated black citizen, a woman, on the radio yesterday, vehemently disagreeing with Cracks conclusions as to Slave culture specifically being the cause of black failure today. She utterly rejected pretty much everything posited here by Crack about the black community and whites.

Is she a racist too?

Possibly - it happens - that you don't know that says something about your knowledge of the issues.

And who said "Slave culture specifically being the cause of black failure" was my argument?

Like David said, it's y'all who are engaging in caricatures,...

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


"I will never mistake a posting persona for a real person."

Smart man - I'll keep it in mind.

But, also, you've been around long enough to get my "schtick" so why slam me? I mean, the troglodytes ARE discussing race more seriously than before I engaged them. True, it may not always be the most edifying conversation, but is that my fault or those who think "slavery was hundreds of years ago" and argue - just as violently - from the position of ignorance?

And lastly, since I am pretty much alone whenever this shit goes down, how can you attack me when they ARE saying totally erroneous things about blacks - including me?

Why - if the scales of justice are tipped so far against them - must you frame me as the bad guy?

Didn't the Republican Party say THEY had the problem?

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

SGT Ted said...
Hell, I've observed and worked for people that were far less literate than me, but were quite successful, because of their mental attitude.

I've met some, too - blacks even - but they're not so ignorant, usually, to frame it that way. Any one black's success is no reflection on the others, or on the culture we've created. That some get through - when the majority you don't see can't - means nothing.

Ask Jay-Z, Oprah, Michael Jordan, or Obama.

We blacks are trying to tell you something but you're not listening.

THAT's the problem.

That, and you only believing the ones you already agree with,...

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

Aww, let's not be so hard on poor old Crack.

He lashes out at those of us who come from stable families. I think I am going to have lunch with my father today, you see Crack, I know who he is.

Also he loves me, wanted me to be born, and actually stayed married to my mother (who unlike Crack's, was not a skank).

Think about that today Crack, while you continue your racial grievances and pimp your worthless website.

Have a super day, sport.

lonetown বলেছেন...

Its the soft bigotry of low expectations writ large as lawfare conditioned public schools.

Phil 314 বলেছেন...

Seems like I've read this thread before.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...


Yes, Crack's fury is entirely about jealousy.

Paco Wové বলেছেন...

All this ST / Crack action is like reading Inga, squared.

ST/Crack = Inga^2


The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Phil 3:14 said...
Seems like I've read this thread before.

Another person making an "announcement". I've got to try that:

Go to threads, featuring conversations I'm not interested in, and "announce" my disinterest.

Blogging will never be the same,...

I Have Misplaced My Pants বলেছেন...

I have always thought that laying the blame at the feet of the parents was a cop-out by Unionistas.

Many of our white ancestors arrived here as illiterates, maybe even not speaking English, yet their children were educated quite successfully. By non-union, non-teaching credentialed instructors.

Now, our unionized, credentialed "progressive" schools pass on failures routinely to the next grade, until they received a HS diploma and they are illiterate.

I don't blame any of the parents, black or white or chartreuse. I blame the schools and PC elected Government officials for giving up on having standards and holding to them.

Plenty of blame to go around, and I'm the first to heap scorn on union teachers and the educrats. But it's bullshit that it's 100% their fault.

I live in a state without teachers' unions, I used to teach preschool, have logged thousands of volunteer hours in the classroom and on various parent committees for the district, and have four high-achieving kids in public school. I have learned and seen a lot of shit over the last ten years of this. Take this to the bank: the most dedicated, selfless, creative, committed teacher can do very little with a kid whose parents don't care about him or about his education or who are unable to provide anything beyond the most basic marginal care for their child.

Our district is Title 1, which means a relatively large percentage of our kids have parents who are in jail, are on drugs, are homeless, have sketchy characters coming in and out of their homes, don't have a stable place to do homework, don't have the school supplies they need, don't get enough rest, never saw or touched a book until they started kindergarten, don't get medical attention when they need it, don't have parents who show up to teacher conferences or read emails or letters from the teacher, on and on and on. Can you explain to me how maintaining high standards solves any of those learning-readiness problems?

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Paco Wové said...
All this ST / Crack action is like reading Inga, squared.

ST/Crack = Inga^2



I get lumped with ST because he obsessively follows me around the web - not just here - AND even though I haven't answered him once on this thread. Get that?

I've completely ignored the guy - haven't engaged him once - but you put us together, why?

If there's a black guy around, you guys WILL find a way to make him the problem - even if he's done nothing.

The essence of classic racism,...

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

The great God Crack issues his great edicts from the sky!

Thou are racist!

In his next life, the great God Crack will be able to afford to buy his own toilet paper.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

I Have Misplaced My Pants,

If you "are unable to provide anything beyond the most basic marginal care for their child", is it fair to say "parents don't care about him or about his education", when they're trying to stay alive themselves?

How you can heap scorn on them amazes me.

Wearing historical blinders creates some ugly results that always seem to hurt those who suffer.

Why is that?

Tank বলেছেন...

@Seeing Red

PISA. And you're correct. While our schools could be improved in many ways, they generally do as good a job, for each population here, as in other parts of the world. Better actually.

Paco Wové বলেছেন...

"I get lumped with ST because..."

...the three of you (don't forget Inga!) are narcissistic, threadkilling blowhards.

Nichevo বলেছেন...

Hi Crack,

I'm aghast at how these threads you go all-in on turn toxic. Some but not all the blame is yours. And I continue to think that you waiting to be saved is...just not going to work out for you like you think.

But I have to ask. I am very confused. This thing you said about your mom having 7 kids by 4 dads...can you elaborate? This is very confusing. Most people would not call their mothers sluts or advert to their sluttiness. However most people would regard what you've depicted, with apparent pride or at any rate unselfconsciousness, as sluttery. What aren't we understanding, or what aren't you making clear?

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

And, only last week Crack was asking if he could be my producer.


He withdrew this offer because... well... because I offended the Great Omnipotent God Crack, who unfortunately cannot afford to buy his own toilet paper.

What a tremendous loss! He's related to really important people, too! I will undoubtedly pay for eternity for this offense to the gods.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...


Crack's problems are entirely personal, as he himself has explained in great detail.

Noticing this and reflecting it back to him is... you guessed it... racism!

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Nichevo said...
Hi Crack,


I'm aghast at how these threads you go all-in on turn toxic. Some but not all the blame is yours.

I go "all-in"? Really? Or do I speak and the usual mob shows up? Again - how I get the responsibility is amazing.

"And I continue to think that you waiting to be saved is...just not going to work out for you like you think."

Ah - that's what I'm doing: Waiting to be saved, whatever that means. What does that mean?

"I have to ask. I am very confused. This thing you said about your mom having 7 kids by 4 dads...can you elaborate? This is very confusing."

Sex is confusing?

"Most people would not call their mothers sluts or advert to their sluttiness."

I don't think I did either, but go on:

"However most people would regard what you've depicted, with apparent pride or at any rate unselfconsciousness, as sluttery."

Pride? You heard pride? Again - amazing. I feel neither pride nor shame - what slavery has wrought is what slavery has wrought.

"What aren't we understanding, or what aren't you making clear?"

That you guys assume a lot of things, and put them on top of my words, even when I write clearly.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Paco Wové said...
"I get lumped with ST because..."

...the three of you (don't forget Inga!) are narcissistic, threadkilling blowhards.

Really? This thread had about 32 posts when I jumped in - and I did so at 3PM in the afternoon - but I "killed" it?

That's now three people, accusing the only black here of doing something wrong, when I've done nothing but what the blog is for.

But you're NOT RACISTS,...

Nichevo বলেছেন...

I think Crack is troubled, yes, but it I would just as soon not be unkind to him. Believe me, if he were a communist or a Russian or a Chinese or Islamofascist apologist I would have no problem setting him on fire verbally or otherwise, but he's just a mess.

It's beating a fallen horse. It's all the more striking in that he seems to think he's winning.

You have your style and I have mine. It pleases you to pounce on what he said; I can't believe he said that and want a sound check. I always think of SF great H. Beam Piper's advice:

And when someone says something you don't understand, don't tell him he's crazy. Ask him what he means.

Nichevo বলেছেন...

As for the responsibility, take it as a compliment to you. You are controlling the debate. Nobody wants to have the conversation you are having.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


"Nobody wants to have the conversation you are having."

I know - they want to have the one where stupid violent blacks are the cause of America's problems.

Is that the better conversation?

Michael বলেছেন...

Crack. Yes, unfortunatly you are the only black posting on this blog. That is a shame. But you must realize that people here are treating you with kid gloves because of your race and you dont seem to be insulted by that in the least. You also only recently began to comment on slavery and black oppression so I read that as an attention getter rather than a topic of real interest to you. Your own blog, absurd and lunatic, only recently turned to the topic. Odd.
Just because you are a black dipshit doesnt make the people calling you a dipshit racists.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

A corrupt Government cannot ameliorate racism. Government attempts to ameliorate racism lead to corruption. Corruption spreads to the detriment of Liberty.

When Liberty is bankrupt the losses are written off. We are in the process of writing off a lot of people in the new America.

Land will be more important than people. The poor will lose their land under the umbrella of Kelo; they will be reimbursed with beads and trinkets and replaced by sky-rises and golf courses.

In new America the only labor jobs available will be building the shanty-towns to house the 'written off', i.e. the permanently unemployed. The military will air-drop supplies on a schedule to be determined by Congress. The shanty-towns will be self-governing, like a prison without guards or other supervision. Life will be brutal and short for many.

For the most part these shanty-towns will be segregated; Jim Crow laws will develop anew.

The shanty-towns will often be built on the outskirts of Native American reservations. The occasional border skirmishes will ensue. It will be reminiscent of the Old West, except without the hope of expanding horizons and freedom. There will be a continuous presence of helicopters hovering over the shanty-towns, taking videos that the privileged will enjoy in the same manner as Russian dash-cam videos.

The wealthy will ostentatiously display examples of the folk art created in these shanty-towns, much like the graffiti art era of Basquiat; sometimes there will be bidding wars at prestigious art galleries in Manhattan; the artists will not be invited to attend.

Occasionally the shanty-towns will produce a Great Man, with a Voice for Fairness and Equality. Sometimes he will be black, sometimes white. Regardless, he will be shot.

The rich will have jet cars.

Nichevo বলেছেন...

As for waiting, you give the overall impression-over many threads not just this one by any means-that you, and the black American people, need to be given something in order to succeed and be happy. This so contraverts the experience of most on this board that we goggle at you.

As for the sex. This gets indelicate quickly and such is not my intent. Let me try to pose some questions in a neutral tone.

Age of your mother at each birth?

Which children from which fathers?

Were any of the children conceived in or legitimized by marriage? Did any if the fathers contribute material support?

Did your mother understand birth control? Did the fathers understand birth control? How about non-reproductive forms of sexuality?

...Was there any thought involved whatsoever? Any learning from experience? 7 kids by 4 fathers is...it's just crazy! How do you make the same mistake 7 times?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

April Apple can only sing one note, she can have my husband.

Nichevo বলেছেন...

Honestly, Crack, I'm more interested in MH370 and the Ukraine. I would be at Belmont Club but the pjmedia blog format is disagreeable so I just read there.

Of course that stone splashes into the water here and disappears with scarcely a ripple, because of the relative quality of Richard Fernandez and of Ann Althouse. But I do think the commentariat here is up to that challenge.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

The Chinese play the long game. They feel they are and were meant to rule the world and they are taking steps to rebalance the world in their favor. Mebbe Bubba shouldn't have sold us out to them in the 90s, too late now. Yes, young'uns, he did. There was quite the discussion back then.

They don't give a shit about black slavery.

Hispanics don't give a shit either.

Cuts into their piece of the pie.

Anything a white conservative says is racist.

More money is not the solution, but with all this wealth that's coming because of progress, how it's distributed may change, maybe more of a stipend. That may be bad, other places have it, like Norway & Alaska.

The great leap forward is coming, be happy.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Crack Emcee isn't his mother, why ask him why she did what she did?

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


"Crack. Yes, unfortunatly you are the only black posting on this blog. That is a shame."

No, that is a logical result of who gathers here.

"But you must realize that people here are treating you with kid gloves because of your race and you dont seem to be insulted by that in the least."

Okay, now you're a comedian. I've been called a nigger here before. I can't think of too many things I haven't been called here. I guess, if you guys were to go all out, you'd just show up at my door and string me up. Which, using your logic, would finally insult me.

"You also only recently began to comment on slavery and black oppression so I read that as an attention getter rather than a topic of real interest to you."

No, no - that string of white-on-black killings, all by conservatives, didn't bother me at all, hanging with this crowd. It's just my "attention getter".

Man, you guys take the cake.

"Your own blog, absurd and lunatic, only recently turned to the topic. Odd."

Try watching what was written about Trayvon's parents after his death - by conservatives - and tell me how "odd" it is.

You do realize the Republicans said y'all have a race problem, right?

"Just because you are a black dipshit doesnt make the people calling you a dipshit racists."

No, your racism does,...

Michael বলেছেন...

MPMJ. excellent question! Because the character of parents has nothing to do with the character of the children.

Nichevo বলেছেন...

Shut up Inga, nobody is talking to you. If Crack says I am being offensive I will stop. Believe me, there is nothing for me in this, except a desire to understand. He understands this, you don't.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


"Occasionally the shanty-towns will produce a Great Man, with a Voice for Fairness and Equality. Sometimes he will be black, sometimes white. Regardless, he will be shot."

Thank. You.

richard mcenroe বলেছেন...

the Crack Emcee: I didn't feel like dignifying that clown with comparisons to real people, so I had to work with what I got, if i was going to play on your level.

And your lack of cultural exposure ain't my problem.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

MomJeans, you little scrawny deformed mut, your pathetically tiny dick was made fun of all your life, that one of the reasons you are so hateful. Even your own obese mother couldn't help but giggle at it. I got myself a nice big well built, well endowed lover now. I no longer have to imagine having sex with a real man. The divorce papers are in the mail.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Seeing Red: OTOH, that world test that the US keeps failing on?

Broken out, every US group is comparable or better than the countries of origin.

Whites equal or beat the Europeans, Hispanics equal or beat those nations, Asians don't be Shanghai, but the US certainly isn't slacking.


Tank: PISA. And you're correct. While our schools could be improved in many ways, they generally do as good a job, for each population here, as in other parts of the world. Better actually.

Pity those data aren't more widely circulated. The comparisons aren't perfect, as scores aren't disaggregated in countries like France and Britain that also have diverse student populations, but they should interest anybody who isn't a rank ideologue. They could certainly clarify our thinking about our educational problems - or, at least, put a sock in the loud, non-stop, clueless punditry as in "OMG American kids are the stupidest most ignorant most innumerate most scientifically illiterate most slackingest students in the developed world blah blah blah we're all gonna die blah blah blah give us more money blah blah blah I blame the teabaggers/creationists/Koch brothers blah blah blah..."

That said, our schools and students in general do seem pretty dumbed down to me. Part of that is my getting older (aging people always think that), but it also may be that some other countries are dumbing down, too, which wouldn't be revealed by relative rankings.

Michael বলেছেন...

Crack. No, you are a dipshit in a rainbow, dude. And a narcissist. You pretty much take all criticism as racist.

So after living fifty years as a black man in America it takes the killing of Trayvon Martin to awaken you to the history of blacks in America? I see. You have found a handy rationale for failure, however, and I can see how that might resonate.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


"As for waiting, you give the overall impression-over many threads not just this one by any means-that you, and the black American people, need to be given something in order to succeed and be happy. This so contraverts the experience of most on this board that we goggle at you."

What was "given" to us before? Blacks didn't free themselves? Knock down Jim Crow themselves? Force the Civil Rights Act themselves?

What part of racism will you guys ever cop to?

"As for the sex. This gets indelicate quickly and such is not my intent. Let me try to pose some questions in a neutral tone."

It won't change the insult - as Rand Paul and Paul Ryan are learning - but go for it:

"Age of your mother at each birth?"

How do I know? I was raised in foster homes.

"Which children from which fathers?"

I know mine and Charles Mingus. The others aren't part of my existence, except to reject me as a child.

"Were any of the children conceived in or legitimized by marriage? Did any if the fathers contribute material support?"


"Did your mother understand birth control?"

Don't know - wasn't there.

"Did the fathers understand birth control?"

See previous answer.

"How about non-reproductive forms of sexuality?"

See previous answer.

"...Was there any thought involved whatsoever?"

That's stupid. There was love and a whole lot of things. They were part of The Great Migration, an oddessey equal to The Holocaust and WWII in it's emotional upheaval and impact. Blacks traveling across hostile territory together. You tell me what happened.

"Any learning from experience?"

That doesn't mean much in ghettos.

"7 kids by 4 fathers is...it's just crazy! How do you make the same mistake 7 times?"

I don't know. You try being told you, and your people, are unloved by your country and get back to me about what you'd do to feel some,...

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


"As for waiting, you give the overall impression-over many threads not just this one by any means-that you, and the black American people, need to be given something in order to succeed and be happy. This so contraverts the experience of most on this board that we goggle at you."

I want to return to this because, to me, it seems pretty obvious:

Blacks had their labor stolen and exploited for hundreds of years - now they live in poverty under trying circumstances that (if this thread is any indication) whites barely understand.

Returning some of that money - directly to the people who know what they need - is my only answer for the discrepancy. I don't know a single black person who thinks anyone knows better, than themselves, how to fix their lives. Not the government, not white people, not even blacks who have "made it" (AKA being one paycheck from disaster).

Not to do it, as far as I'm concerned, means we're doomed to never truly be a country,...

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

Why do you assume you are the only black here?

A narcissistic racist.

Oh, and it is absolutely slavery's fault that your mother is a huge whore. That's a good one Crack.

Your use of all Caps is very effective and persuasive, making your arguments extremely compelling.

And it is for this reason I give you this day, your daily reparations. It is a quote from a racist old honky who probably kept Moorish children from learning Algebra. It very well sums up your contributions to the world.

"This life, which had been the tomb of his virtue and of his honour, is but a walking shadow; a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."

Michael বলেছেন...

Crack. How much for reparations per black.? Just a dollar figure will do.

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

What deviant sexual fantasies the overweight old crone Inga has. Almost as many as her multiple sock puppets.

I find it rich. Oh and you need a diet. A diet rich.

Nichevo বলেছেন...

Crack, it just occurred to me something that I might be missing. Were your mother's exploits, so to speak, before the pill was invented?

richardsson বলেছেন...

Back in the 80's when I harbored delusions of becoming a documentary producer, I did substitute teaching in inner city schools. I took the CBEST test and passed it and got a provisional credential. I taught in the worst junior highs in California. The idea that they don't offer Algebra II is laughable. Anyone qualified to teach to teach that subject could get a job paying 2 to 3 times the money elsewhere. And if they did teach, they wouldn't teach in those schools. Getting back to the CBEST, California had to implement that requirement because, to be blunt about it, the schools of education in California were corrupt and the credential had become a test of political correctness and otherwise a worthless piece of crap. When they implemented the CBEST, lousy teachers who wanted to become administrators flunked the math part. They sued claiming racial discrimination. They complained that they didn't need to know higher mathematics to be administrators in the schools. Higher mathematics! The CBEST was a test of 7th and 8th Grade math. I know, I took the test and passed. I drew from my experience that anyone who thinks it possible to fix inner city schools is both ignorant and deluded.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

(@ Althouse: regarding my 11:28 post -- thank you for the advice on Title Case. Does read better)

Drago বলেছেন...

Crack: ".. Not the government,..."


Says the folks who want the gov't to control every single aspect of our lives.

Too funny.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

Crack is enjoying the attention now.

He's commandeered part of Althouse's blog.

The Great God Crack continues to issue his stern condemnations from the mountaintop... well, make that a rented room.

What you have here is a classic example of a man who is afraid to face and deal with his personal problems. Instead, he's ranting about things far beyond his control or understanding.

A complete coward.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

Since you are too fucking lazy to get a job so that you have something to do, Crack, here's another suggestion.

Buy a bicycle. For $50 you can find a decent used bike.

Go for a 10 or 15 mile bike ride in the morning.

You'll have something to do. You'll get some exercise. Being an asshole will be a lot less appealing.

Civilis বলেছেন...

The schools debate is the center of a bunch of problems that do not have a clean solution.

On a micro, individual level, someone, or, more likely, a lot of people, need to be screwed over to provide one high-quality teacher to a school that does not have one. Do we dragoon a better teacher from somewhere else? If so, we need to compensate that teacher a LOT for making the move (based on comments from some former teachers on this thread) and fight off the motivated parents whose students that teacher currently teaches. Do we train a new teacher? How do we make sure the new teacher is a good teacher? How do we prevent them from going someplace else? We could use the market to reward high-performing teachers in inner-city schools, but that would require identifying which teachers are high performing, which means evaluations, which means the teacher's union gets upset.

On a larger level, it's hard not to believe that one of the reasons inner city schools tend to be broken is that a significant population of the voting public in the inner city doesn't believe fixing schools is enough of a priority to vote for candidates willing to do what needs to be done to fix it. Look at DC. Former mayor Fenty made a big point of trying to fix education in the city, bringing in Schools Chancellor Rhee with a proven record of improvements. One term later, he's out because his improvements harmed the DC political machine that decides elections, and voters are too wedded to the machine to look at their interests. It's not a matter of party... DC is a one party town (Democratic). Looking at the upcoming DC democratic primary, one can see how powerful the machine is: Despite a massive record of corruption and failure, current Mayor Gray is still running ahead of a Washington Post-endorsed African American city politician because of his ties to the political machine that effectively controls the votes of the city's poor, in large part by playing them off against the new upper-middle class influx coming in and revitalizing/gentrifying parts of the city.

Alex বলেছেন...

The legacy of racism means Crack can't get a bike, much less ride it. Legacy of racism and such.

gerry বলেছেন...

The society as a whole continues to tolerate what should be intolerable.

When a person - black or white - calls attention to what is intolerable in education of black children - they are assailed as racist. It does not matter what they are suggesting. That gets old fast. So they shut up because "RACIST!"

Crack is intolerable, and is the best example here of it. Garage runs a close second.

stlcdr বলেছেন...

As you say, crack, only individuals themselves know how to fix their lives. Also, you say the only reparations is cash.

Today, blacks aren't the only group to suffer hardships. Whites know the same hardships that you have brought up.

You message from the black community that whites don't seem to understand, is not one of not understanding. When you paint whites (a pretty broad group) as racist knuckledraggers, then demand money from same group, what do you think should happen, versus what you think does happen?

I'm all for solving this 'problem' - and it does begin with education. But every time someone squeals racism or slavery, because of every slight, then you are on your own. Just like the rest of us.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Nichevo said...
Crack, it just occurred to me something that I might be missing. Were your mother's exploits, so to speak, before the pill was invented?


The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


Whites know the same hardships that you have brought up.

Really? They know what it's like to have laws passed specifically against them for hundreds of years?

To have discussions - like this one - specifically about them for hundreds of years?

Then why can Paul Ryan say he was "inarticulate" when talking about race, and not only does he get a pass but nobody white blames the entire white race as conservatives will (and as Paul Ryan did) if Jesse jackson says something wrong?

Whites, collectively, understand that double standard as a way of life for them?

Do tell - I'd like to hear more,...

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

I'd like to hear more about your slut of a mother.

There must be some more cracky tales that you can entertain us with.

Was she doing it for money of just "love of the game?"

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

Do tell - I'd like to hear more,...

Shut the fuck up and take care of your personal problems, Crack!

You are one of the dumbest fucks I've ever encountered.

harrogate বলেছেন...

Conservatives are experts on education. It's almost as conservatives, through some form of osmosis, absorb the ability to tell schools and teachers exactly what they ought to be doing.

Politics is remarkable like that.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

Conservatives are experts on education.

We all send our kids to school. Educating kids was once the sole province of parents.

I've taught on the college level, and I spent several decades doing corporate education.

Your qualifications are what, asshole?

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


You message from the black community that whites don't seem to understand, is not one of not understanding.

Really? And you got here when, exactly? I've been posting here for over 5 years - how did we get to this point? Do you know? So what makes you think I'm the one not being understanding?

"When you paint whites (a pretty broad group) as racist knuckledraggers, then demand money from same group, what do you think should happen, versus what you think does happen?"

You seem to be under the impression blacks don't know whites. Are whites supposed to turn into angels at the sound of pretty words? Ask MLK what that got him.

"I'm all for solving this 'problem' - and it does begin with education. But every time someone squeals racism or slavery, because of every slight, then you are on your own. Just like the rest of us."

Ahh - so when someone tells you the problem, which is a historical documented fact over hundreds of years, you decide, for whatever reason, to exacerbate the problem rather than just fixing it. Brilliant. And blacks - who don't need an education in the problems whites have caused them - have no reason to resent you for that.

The so-called "logic" you guys use is mind-boggling,...

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

Crack, shut the fuck up and take care of your personal problems.

You can't even manage that.

harrogate বলেছেন...

Shouting Thomas writes:

"I've taught on the college level, and I spent several decades doing corporate education."

Oh, Shouting Thomas, thank you for the light humor. We all can count on you. Always the hero of the story, always the expert: Shouting Thomas has done it all!

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

Yes, my experience does tend to provoke jealousy in the stupid, weak and timid.

Join the crowd.

harrogate বলেছেন...

I am extremely jealous. You know the moment I first became jealous was when I saw how much more you know about feminism than everyone, more about race than everyone, more about US History than everyone, more about music than everyone, more about business than everyone, more about education than everyone, more about determining what is "bullshit" than everyone, more about foreign policy than everyone.

I mean, people stupidly study things and write essays about them and blog posts & c, and then you come in and just explain it all in like three sentences and somehow always manage to do so in the most dickish way possible.

Also, you know more about being humble than everyone. Who would not be jealous?

harrogate বলেছেন...

Oh and lest we forget, Shouting Thomas also is a savant expert on "thousands of years of human tradition" and an expert on homosexuality. This one is actually one of his really, really expert areas, an area where he is always guaranteed to know the most and in the most asinine way possible.

Because he's a goddamn grandpa. And he doesn't have time to write on Althouse boards at all because he's so busy fielding job offers and blowjobs from models. It is too bad he doesn't have time to constantly write about how fucking right he is on so many questions.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

The jealousy is getting to you, kid.

Yes, I've lived a very exciting, dramatic and interesting life, and I leave guys like you in the dust.

I don't care. The jealousy is like oxygen to me. It revs me up.

harrogate বলেছেন...

I am very glad to rev you up, Shouting Thomas. Very glad to do it. And my own experience with digital communication really aligns with this. It is almost always the compulsive and openly hostile blog commenters who know the most about things and live the most exciting lives. And they're the best goddamn grandpas too.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...


Hell, I'd argue with you all day, but I have to rehearse for two bands. So, I'm going to have to sign off.

Eat your guts out.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I'll be happy to tell y'all about my mother law, Mrs.PresidentMomJeans, the elder. She was about 4'10", weighed in a a whopping 375lbs. Her hair was a lovely shade of orange with grey roots and male pattern balding. She had an unfortunate skin condition that oozed and she was what is known as a "picker", not just her nose. Her skin was covered with scabs and scars. Her son was good to her and bought her all her long sleeved moo moo's. He visited her daily in her trailer, bringing her groceries and her favorite pickled pig knuckles. She was expert a gumming her food, her last tooth fell out after gnawing on a chicken bone.

I found some pictures of MomJeans in a diaper and being fed my his mama, at age 29. I always thought he was buying those adult diapers for his mama who was incontinent, weak bladder after having 14 kids. MomJeans is the baby of the family, always will be until his slutty disgusting fat mama joins her boyfriend Bubba, the child Molester in heaven. I think MomJeans will be so heartbroken he may commit suicide, one can only hope.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Blacks had their labor stolen and exploited for hundreds of years

So did everybody else...ever hear of a thing called feudalism?

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

How is the Wisconsin Department of Administration these days?

I wonder who I know that works there.

stlcdr বলেছেন...

Good grief. It's pathetic. Just when it seems like you are about to make sense, you fall back into the 'I am a victim' mode.

We all know what happened in the past. But that's the point. It happened - you can describe all the horrors you like that have been perpetrated by one race against another ( whites against blacks) but that seems to be your excuse for everything today.

I suppose the ray of hope is that not all black people see themselves as victims of hundreds of years of oppression, that they themselves have never experienced.

When you move on from your self-imposed slavery, I'm sure you'll let us know. The solution is up to you. The door is open, not a whites persons fault you would rather not move out. Yes, we all know the cage is there, yes the door is open - who opened it? A black man? A white man? Does that matter to you?

I also have transcripts of MLK's speeches as well as a video of his full dream speech - more than is aired during one day of the year. I don't profess to know the oppression of the times such a short time ago. Perpetuate it if you wish; it's not the message that I read in MLKs words. Tell me whites that they don't understand. Fine. But whites aren't suffering today: maybe that's your point - and why you will have this perpetual chip on your shoulder.

exhelodrvr1 বলেছেন...

It's a waste of time and money unless the parents care.

Parents who care should be given the option to educate their children with children of like-minded parents.

Until those are addressed, the problem is going to continue to get worse.

Those factors are not caused by racism; screaming that they are is "disincentivizing" to people who care, and who would be interested in helping. But the screaming empowers the screamers, literally in a lot of cases, and as long as that happens the screaming will continue.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

If the U.S. welfare system can be identified as either a cause or a contributor to minority family instability...

More white people are on welfare than blacks, so what was the point you were trying to make again?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

madisonfella qutoing "Unknown": "If the U.S. welfare system can be identified as either a cause or a contributor to minority family instability..."

More white people are on welfare than blacks, so what was the point you were trying to make again?

What are you not understanding about Unknown's comment? Seems to me you'd have to put in a heroic effort not to understand the point. Or just be really thick.

If you'd bother to read the entire comment you might have gleaned a clue:

...if this effect is disproportionally affecting minorities....

Do you know what "disproportionally" means? Yes? Can we assume you have some rough idea about what percentage of the population of the U.S. is white and what percentage black? Yes? Is anybody arguing that the observed pathologies of welfare don't affect whites on welfare? No. So you're problem here is....?

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

stlcdr said...
Good grief. It's pathetic. Just when it seems like you are about to make sense, you fall back into the 'I am a victim' mode.

No, you're stepping up with that conservative dogma - "I'm a victim" - how many times have I heard conservatives parroting that phrase? Do ANY of you think for yourselves?

"We all know what happened in the past. But that's the point. It happened - you can describe all the horrors you like that have been perpetrated by one race against another ( whites against blacks) but that seems to be your excuse for everything today."

What "past" are you referring to? I've had one guy tell me slavery was "hundreds of years ago". Please explain what "past" you are discussing.

"I suppose the ray of hope is that not all black people see themselves as victims of hundreds of years of oppression, that they themselves have never experienced."

Sure. That's why Clarence Thomas said he was facing a "High Tech Lynching", because even he - who now claims race is discussed too much - never thinks about it. I can count the number of blacks I know, who don't think about it, on one hand.

"When you move on from your self-imposed slavery, I'm sure you'll let us know."

Let's put that in a different context so you can hear how it sounds:

"Dr. King, when you move on from your self-imposed slavery, I'm sure you'll let us know."

"The solution is up to you."

What solution? Being "colorblind" while whites whoop it up and talk of killing teenage "animals" in front of me? Are you joking?

"The door is open, not a whites persons fault you would rather not move out."

They're buying guns - more than ever since Obama - will they care "I don't see race" when they use them?

"Yes, we all know the cage is there, yes the door is open - who opened it? A black man? A white man? Does that matter to you?"

If you're an example of my "friend" I'll stay indoors, thanks.

"I also have transcripts of MLK's speeches as well as a video of his full dream speech - more than is aired during one day of the year."

Did you hear the part about America giving blacks "a bad check"?

"I don't profess to know the oppression of the times such a short time ago."

Here's a documentary from the 90s, which isn't so long ago you can't miss it.

"Perpetuate it if you wish; it's not the message that I read in MLKs words."

Yes it is - you're ignoring everything he said. Re-read it again. He didn't get shot for nice words. The majority of white people didn't like him when he died. I was alive when he died.

"Tell me whites that they don't understand. Fine."

No, not fine - blacks HAVE to understand. Why not whites? They outnumber us 6 to 1 - why can they ignore their power when I have to live with it and be aware of it?

"But whites aren't suffering today: maybe that's your point - and why you will have this perpetual chip on your shoulder."

Because I wouldn't be in the situation I'm in without trusting white people, that's why. And now that I'm down, they don't trust me.

Weird how that works, ain't it?

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

Trusting white people was what put you in a home with other abandoned children Crack?

Maybe your whore of a mother trusted white people, but I don't see how baby Crack let white people make his life a pathetic failure.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Hey Crack, I wasn't listening, what'd ya say?

jr565 বলেছেন...

Xmas wrote:
You can see that blacks are suspended from school at a higher rate than other races. If you look at the numeric statistics, you can see it is black males that are punished in disproportion to their ratio to the overall population. Though black females are punished higher too.

I don't know that that stat is telling me what you say it is. Just becuase blacks are punished in disproportion to the ratio of the overall population it just may be that black kids are doing the kind of things that would get them expelled more than the other kids.

jr565 বলেছেন...

Xmas wrote:
'm not bitching about a thing. I'm just saying the Dept of Ed Office of Civil Rights is bolstering their public case for suing school systems that expel and suspend black students in a higher proportion to other races. That's the purpose of these statistics, press releases and friendly NY Times article.

So what should the school do? When presented with circumstances that would cause them to suspend a student they should pull out a chart and see what the population percentage there is for blacks in this country and then make sure that if they start coming close that limit stop suspending the black kids? What about if the kid needs suspending?
Or are you saying that the only reason they are being suspended is because they are black and not because they did something to warrant suspending.

jr565 বলেছেন...

YOu can't suspend people based on population models. You suspend people based on behavior. The two are not necesarily going to match up. I'd be surprised if they did.
This is that whole liberal mindset where fairness must be applied to outcomes and not just opportunity.
And I suppose if it turns out that blacks are more likely to fail at tests,that we should consult the population stats and see what percentage of blacks there are and make sure that only that number of blacks fail, and no more. otherwise it will be racist?

That makes no sense.

jr565 বলেছেন...

Sure. That's why Clarence Thomas said he was facing a "High Tech Lynching", because even he - who now claims race is discussed too much - never thinks about it. I can count the number of blacks I know, who don't think about it, on one hand.

And yet he's now sitting on the Supreme Court. One of the most powerful judges in the country. Whatever he faced he overcame. Despite all the lefties calling him an uncle tom.

jr565 বলেছেন...

Crack wrote:
Yes it is - you're ignoring everything he said. Re-read it again. He didn't get shot for nice words. The majority of white people didn't like him when he died. I was alive when he died.

The guy who shot him wasn't down with desegregation. But that's the world we live in now. He may not have gotten there but the rest of us have gotten to the promised land.
Blacks are CEO's movie stars, sports stars, judges, and whatever else you can think of. When MLK spoke his words, the idea that a black guy could be president was ludicrous.
And note, he was using heavenly rhetoric to describe overcoming segregation. I wont' say America is the promised land that compares to heaven, where no problems exist.
Only, what more do you want? You wanted integration. You got it.
If you wanted us to judge you on the content of your character and not the color of your skin, I'd appreciate blacks practicing the same for white people, first off. But more imporatantly that also means you get judged for our failings and successes. Just like the rest of us.
That shit you're spewing is OLD.

jr565 বলেছেন...

Crack Emcee wrote:
eah - we're all supposed to be Jordan. And Obama's individual success means racism disappeared - even though you're still here.

How long ago was slavery again, Einstein?

You're truly an amazing "thinker"

Dude, if you want to look at what a racist looks like all you have to do is read a few paragraphs of Crack Emcee. Typical angry black man rhetoric, stereotypically anti white. It sounds like you've been listening to The Last Poets records to bone up on your anti american anti whitey rhetoric.

And I already said I was wrong about the word hundreds as opposed to a century and a half since. Its a rounding error. Meanwhile you're still arguing as if the world is the same as it was back then.

I don't know what more you expect from white folks. You want us to cut your food for you?You want 40 acres and a mule?
Name one thing that I said that was racist. One. meanwhile I could just quote you paragraph after paragraph of you stereotyping whites.

jr565 বলেছেন...

"It was that lousy culture BLACKS built - with no help from them!"
Should whites take credit now for black culture? Or only the failures of black culture? What you're asking for is an infantilization of black people. They just can't hack it. They're too beaten down. Bull. But if it is true, what do you want whites to do about it?

"And that damned BLACK PRESIDENT destroying this country!"

He's not destroying the country because he's black. he's destroying it because he's a terrible president. both economically and when it comes to foreign policy. He's just terrible. I dont see why him being black should inure him from criticism. Isn't that another form of racism?
And its all well and good for lefties to call any criticism of Obama racist. Until they criticize the president. Is that for racist reasons too? Or can we assume good intentions from their criticism. Why?
I'm sick to death of the left playing endless race cards when people rightly criticize HORRIBLE policies. And suggest that the only reason you would oppose them is because racism.
The race card is played so often that its worn out its effectiveness. We know that's the card you're going to play at this point.

jr565 বলেছেন...

Lonetown wrote:

Predominantly black private schools don't have the same outcomes. That should inform us.

What do think the lesson should be?Again,why are you expecting the same outcomes. Outcomes are based on the averages of peoples activity and how well or how poorly they did. Thats not going to be based on a population model but on individual test scores averaged together.

Michael বলেছেন...

Jr565. The justice dept is actually asking schools to ignore behavior in favor of outcomes that square with racial representation. So. Either you dont punish black miscreants who are gui,ty or you even things up by punishing whites who are not. Or, presumably vice versa.

Bizarre but true.

chickelit বলেছেন...

jr565 said...
Name one thing that I said that was racist.

Give it up jr. If you're white, you're automatically racist in Crack's mind. You can't reason with a bigot.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

chicken little,

Give it up jr. If you're white, you're automatically racist in Crack's mind. You can't reason with a bigot.

My GOD, you're thick.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

Give it up, junior.

You're arguing with a psychotic.

And he's still here. Nothing at all to do.

He'll be here tomorrow if somebody is fool enough to feed his dementia.

Real American বলেছেন...

"Preliminary data indicate that 40.7 percent of all 2012 births were out-of-wedlock, which is appalling, and there are vast differences among racial and ethnic groups. Among non-Hispanic blacks, the figure is highest, at 72.2 percent; for American Indians/Alaska Natives, it’s 66.9 percent; 53.5 percent for Hispanics; 29.4 percent for non-Hispanic whites; and a mere 17.1 percent for Asians/Pacific Islanders."


chickelit বলেছেন...

@Real American: If you so much as breathe those kinds of statistics in public, they'll come after you like you're Bill Cosby or Paul Ryan.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Shouting Thomas said...
Give it up, junior.

You're arguing with a psychotic.

And he's still here. Nothing at all to do.

"Give it up"?

No, no NO - Ann's going to kick me off ANY SECOND NOW - you said so yourself. I had your word.

So let's see that awesome, all-knowing, non-psychotic power of persuasion you possess - massaged onstage, to adoring crowds, I'm sure - and get to working your "white magic"!


And Oh - like you said:

I'll be back tomorrow to see your progress,...

SGT Ted বলেছেন...

"No Irish Need Apply".

That's why I failed to attend college.

Where's my check, Racists?

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