A variation on a famous old quote that sprang to mind when I read this headline: "Obama Plays Water-Guzzling Desert Golf Courses Amid California Drought/After preaching shared sacrifice to assuage the California water shortage, Obama has played some of the country's thirstiest golf courses."
In case you don't get the reference:
Bush subsequently gave up golfing, saying: "I don't want some mom whose son may have recently died to see the commander in chief playing golf... I feel I owe it to the families to be as -- to be in solidarity as best as I can with them. And I think playing golf during a war just sends the wrong signal."
९८ टिप्पण्या:
Bush is a good, decent, man with an excellent self-deprecating sense of humor. The other is a man over his head with an ego problem.
It would be racist for Obama to have a self-deprecating sense of humor. Duh!!
Obama to California farmers: "Let 'em eat cake".
I have to say that I'm still puzzled that Obama took up golf. Of all sports, why opt into that one? Is it part of the 22nd amendment? Bush as a golfer also seemed somewhat wrong. You always expected him to pull a brushcutter out of the golf cart and clear a new trails.
Eisenhower golfed. The famous loblolly pine at Augusta that was named after him for getting in the way of his shot has been removed after being damaged in a storm.
Joe Posnanski has a nice appreciation.
There's no water shortage.
There's only price controls.
rhhardin said...
There's no water shortage.
There's only price controls.
Droughts don't exist
There are only misallocations.
Water in the west is use it or lose it.
It also flows uphill.
Imagine how it must be to be a Central Valley farmer. They produce much of the nation's food. Yet Obama and his party withhold water from them and offer welfare instead. Then lie about what's happening.
Don't withhold water and tell me it's not raining.
Obama's hypocrisy is much worse than just playing on a billionaire's golf course. He is largely responsible for the crisis in the first place. California had a mutually acceptable agreement between environmentalists vs. farmers and homeowners which was working well. Obama's EPA stepped in, voided that agreement, and started draining water down the rivers which was previously slated for domestic use.
Dennis the Constitutional Peasant, continued...
Now we see the violence inherent in the system!
Not surprisingly, a president who deigns not to follow constitutional strictures on his power would have no problem refusing to heed his own environmental admonitions made that same weekend.
"Well, how'd you become king then?"
"Come and see the violence inherent in the system!"
There are only two things you need to know about President Obama:
1) It is always about him.
2) He is never wrong.
Every scandal, every abuse of power, the obvious contempt he has for process and politics can be explained by those two facts.
The little drought/climate change performance was all bullshit! It was his excuse for making taxpayers pony-up for the 3 day vacay! Gotta make it look like work! "While I'm here....!"
Queen Michelle don't need no scuses!
The little drought/climate change performance was all bullshit! It was his excuse for making taxpayers pony-up for the 3 day vacay! Gotta make it look like work! "While I'm here....!"
Queen Michelle don't need no scuses!
Yeah, when HIS wife went on vacation, it was camping with her long-time gal-pals.
I always thought Obama was this hoops-playing gym-rat. Another charade.
Just another example of Obama's vast leadership skills.
Bush gave up golf because as a "good, decent man with an excellent self-deprecating sense of humor", he sent millions of kids to kill, be wounded and die in two ill conceived wars. Obama plays golf in spite of the fact he has not ended both of Bush's wars yet. Therefore, Bush is the better man because of his empty gesture. Makes perfect sense.
Imagine how Central Valley farmers feel. After 75-years of flooding fields with government subsidized welfare water, they are now expected to conserve like the rest of us. Corporate Welfare, it's not just pork.
"And you can believe me, because I never lie, and I'm always right. So wake up! And take a look at your only logical choice. Me."
I wonder how Howard scored on the analogy section of the SAT?
Bush said just the other day that it's a good idea that the president plays golf.
Obama's golf is an easy target, but not a very important one.
The water usage is no greater because he plays, no less if he didn't.
Honestly, I don't see a problem with this. The local government is the one that needs to step in if something illegal is going on. If it is just immoral, then locals can find ways to express what they think of the golf courses -- one of the first ways to do so, of course, would be to elect new local governments if they're failing them.
Obama's no different than any other rich elite taking advantage of what's there in this example. It took Bush a bit to decide to give up golf, maybe Obama will evolve on that issue.
" Droughts don't exist " Ah, no, they do exist. They come and go.
What is constant, however, is the abysmal and incompetent intervention by government stooges who cannot wipe their own asses without detailed instructions. Of course this is true in nearly every instance that the idiot bureaucrats decide that they know best about something that illustrates their incompetence and ignorance.
" kids to kill, be wounded and die in two ill conceived wars. " All without any democrat support...wait what ?
You can disagree with Bush's politics. He does project a concern and humbleness that barry wishes he were capable of. After all barry created and foisted the death panels on us.
" Corporate Welfare, it's not just pork. " So we can also turn off all of the water that goes to LA and southern CA that comes from outside of the state ?
Howard: he sent millions of kids to kill, be wounded and die in two ill conceived wars.
Oh fuck you. You don't give a damn about the "kids", you only want to use their corpses as a platform to promote your politics.
As a Born and raised Northern Northern Californian:
Howard said...
Imagine how Central Valley farmers feel. After 75-years of flooding fields with government subsidized welfare water, they are now expected to conserve like the rest of us. Corporate Welfare, it's not just pork.
Howard you can stick that corporate welfare crap where it don't rain.
Those Coastal and Southern Liberal A$$holes stole our water. Let LA exist with the population of 20,000 that the LA river will support. Refill the Owens River. The farmers would farm there again instead of the Central Valley. Oh wait, the Corporate welfare was really about diverting the water to LA.
Think the farmers in Modesto wouldn't like to farm using the water from the Hetch Hetchy, oh wait, that was corporate welfare for SF.
Think the rice farmers of the Yolo bypass would not like to grow crops? their water supports the Delta smelt.
Bottom line. The water in CA was taken from the farms and sent to the liberal cities the first time around. The farmers were promised a share of what was left, then the EPA and the city liberals came for the rest to protect the environment...
In the West, all fights are ultimately water fights.
Fen said...
Oh fuck you. You don't give a damn about the "kids", you only want to use their corpses as a platform to promote your politics.
If he did, he and Code Pink would be demonstrating at the golf course about "Obama's Good water in A-stan"
The media is always trying to manipulate the President in any way that they can, the golf-during-war just one good example. Bush fell for it and stopped golfing, denying himself a pleasure. Obama, to his credit, ignored the media and enjoyed himself.
The media is always trying to manipulate the President in any way that they can, the golf-during-war just one good example. Bush fell for it and stopped golfing, denying himself a pleasure. Obama, to his credit, ignored the media and enjoyed himself.
Forget it, Professor. It's Chinatown.
In the West, all fights are ultimately water fights.
That's the beauty of living near the Great Lakes. Water, water everywhere!
And it's not for sharing.
Dare criticize Dear Leader? He is above us, he fights against income inequality so he can raise taxes on the middle class to stimulate his billionaire cronies. Dear Leader has a pen to sign executive orders to mandate you do things that he wants you to do. He can sic his NSA and IRS attack dogs on you anytime he wants, he can command his drones to liquidate you when you travel abroad. So watch what you say and insinuate.
Wasn't it Howard who just the other day reminded us elsewhere of how much "fun" he derived from trolling?
It's the white part of Zero that makes him play golf in the desert. Since it's the white part, it's ok to say he's a schmuck.
What's with the aid for farm animals? The vast majority of the affected farms don't involve livestock. They're growing plants.
Does Obama think that they use horses or oxen to pull plows?
You know I love Georgie, so if not playing golf is the right choice for him - and, I agree, it is - then I applaud further evidence of his decency. Put him on Rushmore. I think he was that good.
What these other commenters miss - and it blows my mind how often they do this and how - is the black experience's different historical contours.
"Obama's no different than any other rich elite taking advantage of what's there in this example."
You guys need to grow up. Even gangsters "give back" which is my point - you're replacing reality, with your (really cynical) point of view, when it's not what's called for here.
That's why the Republicans have fallen and can't get up - by inserting all their fears where a President is, THEY'VE conjured his much-claimed ethical superiority out of thin air, making him like Neo controlling The Matrix - he's using your own strengths against you, effortlessly.
If Obama was as cynical as you say, the uproar from blacks would be outrageous, but we see other things going on. Just as a for instance, there's the whole thing about Niggas Playing Golf. You know whites have historically made it difficult for niggas to play golf. So blacks LIKE to see niggas playing golf.
Bush - who, to his credit, happily bears the white man's burden - would be sloughing off his duties.
Obama's further demonstrating the achievements, and possibilities, of the Civil Rights struggle.
By not considering the view of blacks, whites will always come up with the wrong answers to their questions, and that's unfortunate because we're supposed to be working together.
But you guys never talk like that. It's always Left/Right, black/white - look, folks, I can speak for all blacks but all I need is a little cash and a blow job, O.K.?
If you were imagining something more, well shame on you,….
" After 75-years of flooding fields with government subsidized welfare water"
If the fields were for golf you might have a point. The fact that they produce a huge agricultural bonanza is lost on you.
Economics is as hard as math.
VDH has an excellent suggestion.
The Hetch Hetchy Smelt and Salmon Act
This so-called “Skip a Shower, Save a Smelt Act” would transfer control of the Hetch Hetchy reservoir releases from the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. The legislation would dismantle sections of the Hetch Hetchy Aqueduct west beyond the San Joaquin River, stop the present unnatural diversion of fresh water to San Francisco, and allow instead Hetch Hetchy fresh water to resume natural flows to the San Joaquin River — thus allowing the San Joaquin River and Tuolumne River to recover their salmon populations.
In addition, the transfers of fresh Hetch Hetchy water into the delta and beyond to the Pacific Ocean would preserve delta smelt populations. To make up the losses, the law would set up Bay Area water commissions to monitor mandatory rationing, recycling, and the recovery of sewage and grey water. It would also assess new taxes for wind and solar salinization plants to replace the 265,000 acre feet currently diverted to Bay Area residential use from its proper role in ensuring healthy fish populations. Aim: To synchronize water resources with water-use advocacy.
I'm still chuckling about it.
If Mortimer Brezny was awake, he'd say that Cecil Rhodes makes Obama play golf.
SoCal got their water the old fashioned way... they stole it. Yet still, Ag uses 85%, so the bleating and rending of garments of the Althouse proud is over a few drops in the bucket. The California drought is made worse because no significant water storage project has been built since Gov Moonbeams Dad was in charge.
I don't play golf, so I must care just as much as McChimpy Hitlerburton. What superficial gesture to cover up slaughter would Jesus do?
Obama did say he'd make the oceans stop rising.
Mission accomplished!
I mean, close enough.
Rivers, oceans, whatever.
C'mon. It's a gimme.
Little did Creedence Clearwater Revival know, but that Obama would stop the rain.
So I'm sitting here, squinting and reading the tea party leaves and sensing something. It's liberal commenters (elsewhere and here to come) reaching out and trying to connect. But they're insisting that others shave a few points off of Bush first. That's the theme I see emerging.
MikeK: You should ask VDH how much subsidized water his family received for their failed gentry, boutique raisin vineyard.
DrillSGT: are you a Redding redneck or Klamath Klan? 85% of CVP water is sold dirt cheap for irrigation. The Bay area imports a much larger percent of their water than So Cal.
Something's fishy.
Delta smelt dealt a smell.
As stated Big Agricultre recieves 85% of the water. Do we really need to grow rice in Cali with subsidized water when we can grow it in LA without?
Cali Agriculture is built on cheap subsidized Water and illegal below market farm workers.
Lets start having some "free enterprise" in Agriculture.
The Bay area imports a much larger percent of their water than So Cal.
They can afford to. They cast off rain water like insults.
I have fresh water wells 100 yards from my backyard.
As stated Big Agricultre recieves 85% of the water. Do we really need to grow rice in Cali with subsidized water when we can grow it in LA without?
South America and Brazil in particular is becoming the agricultural powerhouse in the western hemisphere. NOLA is well placed to receive imports and send them upriver.
Howard, when you call our President "McChimpy" you have gone over the line into KKK racisim. Black men are NOT monkeys, and people like you who think they are are disgusting.
Howard, when you call our President "McChimpy" you have gone over the line into KKK racisim. Black men are NOT monkeys, and people like you who think they are are disgusting.
rcocean: don't forget about exception from water and air pollution laws.
However, do we really want free-market food? The reason for the subsidies and exemptions are from the folks who remembered the food shortages during the depression. Commercial agriculture is socialized food that completely eclipses food stamps and WIC velveeta give-a-ways.
It's the same system that brought you corn ethanol liquid pork.
@Howard: "I don't play golf, so I must care just as much as McChimpy Hitlerburton"
Ah, those were the days weren't they? McChimpy Hilterburton. Get it? Halliburton. Hitler? Dumb monkey? Hilarious, really hilarious. And pithy. Throw in a little "slaughter" and "blood for oil" and you would have a real leftie brain fest, a jamboree of bumperstickerthinkers.
Howard, have you always been so with it?
Michael: Just being humorous... I voted for the previous moron... twice Then I voted for the current moron twice, so I resemble the McChimpy moniker.
I wonder how long it will take the Democrats and their policies to destroy the state of California, just as they destroyed the city of Detroit, and then place all the blame on Republicans?
This is the funny thing about Republicans. They keep thinking Democrats will take the blame for their policies. But even with stupid laws like the ACA, Democrats don't see that as their fault. It's really the Republicans fault because, well, if they'd just worked with and agreed with the Democrats, everything would have been hunky dory.
Republicans are the stupid party because they keep thinking, repeatedly, that eventually the Democrats will be responsible. Not going to happen.
They will destroy California and we'll hear how it was the Republicans fault.
They will destroy California and we'll hear how it was the Republicans fault.
I think California will prove to be surprisingly resilient.
There's a lot of ruin in California.
Howard said...
Bush gave up golf because as a "good, decent man with an excellent self-deprecating sense of humor", he sent millions of kids to kill, be wounded and die in two ill conceived wars
Actually, Bush didn't send any "kids" anywhere until the entirety of the leadership of the Democratic party agreed with it, and voted for it.
I do rather enjoy watching silly people like you refer to members of the military as "kids" as if you would know or care.
Garage: I am considering an investment in Detroit. The collapse has been pretty complete but the devastation has created a load of opportunities, especially in fields that can use cheap real estate as a primer to attract talent. Downtown-ish areas of the city are seeing more than urban pioneering in the form of new apartments, restaurants and re-purposed buildings housing startups. Primarily intellectual but some light manufacturing is spring up as well. When Conservatives mock Detroit they are mocking the political system that has ruined the old city but made way for pirates like me.
rcocean said...
As stated Big Agricultre recieves 85% of the water. Do we really need to grow rice in Cali with subsidized water when we can grow it in LA without?
The rice fields of the Yolo bypass (e.g. the flood plain of the largest river in California, the Sacramento, lie 100 yards and about 5 vertical feet above river level. The river itself is about 20 feet above sea level at that point. Rice grows in deltas, with seasonal flooding (that now doesnt happen because the water is shipped south.
you didn't need any big Federal water project, all you need is a simple field pump. What now prevents farmers from using the river is the EPA and the EDA.
The Drill SGT wrote;
"you didn't need any big Federal water project, all you need is a simple field pump. What now prevents farmers from using the river is the EPA and the EDA. "
You're not speaking the same language.
Notice he uses "we" while you use "you".
The reason for this is, he see's a private individuals decision to do what's in their own best interest as a decision we all ought to make. While you see it as an individual making decisions for themselves.
Can't communicate like that. You need to go to college and learn how to use words like "Big (fill in the blank)" to help create a demonic image, and then use words like "we" so that everyone feels included in someone elses decision about their life.
For example, do we really need gas guzzlers that support big oil and only get 8 miles to the gallon when we could be buying a prius instead?
See how that works?
Crack: "By not considering the view of blacks, whites will always come up with the wrong answers to their questions, and that's unfortunate because we're supposed to be working together."
What is the "black" answer to the most effective means to execute and derive energy from Fusion reactions?
Hurry and tell us before we as "guilty white folk" spend years going down the right path.
Early garage: "Walker!!"
Also early garage: "Koch brothers!!"
Also early garage: "Wisconsin!!"
Later sarcastic garage: "Detroit!!"
At some point you figure some degree, even the most miniscule, of self-awareness would have to kick in.
Alas, no.
What saves California is that it attracts the best from around the world. The dems know that the allure is so strong, people will pay "anything" to live here.
Look at the venture capital funding. Most of it goes to Librul-Lands Cali, Mass, NY and Wash. Damn elites being so elite.
eric: "I wonder how long it will take the Democrats and their policies to destroy the state of California, just as they destroyed the city of Detroit, and then place all the blame on Republicans?"
Well, we can see what the left did in other places and who they blamed.
Two great examples of how the left operates (fails and blames others) is Greece (blaming WWII and post-war Germany) and Maduro in Venezuela (blaming basically everybody but especially us and and supposedly CIA/US funded neighboring governments).
It's difficult to keep up with all the left wing boogey-men.
Crack: "What these other commenters miss - and it blows my mind how often they do this and how - is the black experience's different historical contours."
Deep Thoughts by Crack Emcee: "You know, if you're a whitey, and therefore guilty of historical crimes against african humanity from time immemorial and you find yourself surrounded by misunderstood african-american "yutes" playing the knock-out game with you as the pinata, try being nice and thinking about the different historical contours of the black experience. It will get you through some very tough times....."
Howard: "What saves California is that it attracts the best from around the world. The dems know that the allure is so strong, people will pay "anything" to live here."
This is very true. It's what keeps California afloat.
Drill SGT: The water is shipped south to farmers mostly. We all own it because thats how our GrandParents set it up. You couldn't enjoy your Deliverance lifestyle up in Ishi-ville without the big towns and the big farms.
Be my guest, go on believing you can just cowboy an integrated global powerhouse that feeds the world via USN policed shipping lanes so we can buy cheap crap from China, India, etc. on layaway.
85% of CVP water is sold dirt cheap for irrigation. The Bay area imports a much larger percent of their water than So Cal.
Howard is playing "Hide the banana" by naming only the agricultural project instead of the 4 major projects which provide more urban than farm water
I'll do some wiki quoting:
1. The Central Valley Project (CVP) is a federal water management project in the U.S. state of California under the supervision of the United States Bureau of Reclamation. It was devised in 1933 in order to provide irrigation and municipal water to much of California's Central Valley—by regulating and storing water in reservoirs in the water-rich northern half of the state, and transporting it to the water-poor San Joaquin Valley and its surroundings by means of a series of canals, aqueducts and pump plants, some shared with the California State Water Project (SWP)
Of that water, a bit less that 69% goes to farms, they being what the system was designed for. Another 14% goes to cities and the remaining 17% goes to fish...
What Howard left off is that there is another project, the SVP, which is designed to take water from the North and deliver it to LA. The SWP
The SWP collects water from rivers in Northern California and redistributes it to the water-scarce but populous south through a network of aqueducts, pumping stations and powerplants. About 70% of the water provided by the project is used for urban areas and industry in Southern California and the San Francisco Bay Area, and 30% is used for irrigation in the Central Valley.[3] To reach Southern California, the water must be pumped 2,000 feet (610 m) over the Tehachapi Mountains – the highest single water lift in the world.[4] The SWP shares many facilities with the federal Central Valley Project (CVP), which primarily serves agricultural users
Then you have the Los Angeles Aqueduct, (aka Chinatown) which moves 100% of its water to urban use and the Hetch Hetchy Project which does the same for SF
What is the "black" answer to the most effective means to execute and derive energy from Fusion reactions?
What's the white answer?
garage: "What's the white answer?"
I would tell you to look up the 2 most promising designs, but then, what would be the point of that?
It isn't going to help you in your quest to get more money from somebody else and I'm not sure you're capable of retaining it.
garage: "What's the white answer?"
You're missing crack's point.
Which is the white answer will be "wrong", by definition, if it doesn't take into account the wonderful tapestry of black thought.
Corporate welfare that results in growing food sucks!
Let's let Obama replace it with old fashioned welfare welfare to replace productivity altogether!
Or maybe just long enough to tide them over until they can get jobs building the federally funded high speed rail ways.
I would tell you to look up the 2 most promising designs, but then, what would be the point of that?
Just link to what you're talking about.
Simply take a look at the comparison between inertial confinement (Yeah Lawrence Livermore!) and magnetic confinement (uh, yeah..) international effort at ITER-Cadarache.
A rather big event occurred just last week which by no means signals the end, or the beginning of the end, but quite possible the end of the beginning.....(but probably not still, given the enormous gaps in our knowledge base yet).
Just imagine, all that power available at some point in the future.
It might just be a big enough story to get obama off his heavily-watered in the middle of gov't-created drought conditions golf course!!
But only if he can take credit for it.
And tax it.
And give it to his union buddies or Soros.
Let them eat snail darters.
Simply take a look at the comparison between inertial confinement (Yeah Lawrence Livermore!) and magnetic confinement (uh, yeah..) international effort at ITER-Cadarache.
Is a white thing?
What is the "black" answer to the most effective means to execute and derive energy from Fusion reactions?
You take a statement I made - clearly in the context of discussing Obama, golf, and race - and use it for whole other topic I never addressed, implied, or mentioned.
And then, all by your lonesome, you think yourself clever.
Cock 'O The Walk
You would've been good at administering those special "tests" for blacks who wanted to vote during Jim Crow. Yeah, those required clever boys as well. Confusing issues, or deliberately asking questions no one could possibly answer. All to keep them from voting. All to restrict understanding. All to put themselves and their snark on a higher plane than those they hold down.
It seems to be a theme these days, with white guys around these parts,...
It seems to be a theme these days, with white guys around these parts,...
yeah...because White racism is the biggest problem Black people face in America today.....
yeah...because White racism is the biggest problem Black people face in America today…..
Will somebody tell him not to get me started,...
Looks like Dubya could whup-up on Barry Soetoro every time out on the course and what's more, his birth certificate has always been available for the public to see on paper.
Now Barry could have beaten ex-Michigan footballer Jerry Ford, a slicer from way back, who was a danger to his playing partners.
No, actually, Gahrie, you tell me what the answer is for this.
It's one of the biggest problems facing blacks today. A reason they don't get hired and barely want to stay on the job.
Not one of the biggest problems facing blacks today?
If you think White racism is a bigger problem than 70% bastardy, millions of abortions and a culture of failure, you are beyond help anyway. I recomend Garvey's solution.
You are correct. The overall agriculture consumption is 79% in Cali according to the DWR, not the 85% I was throwing around. The difference reflects a shift to increased agriculture conservation and increased urban use over the last 30-years.
The bottom line is we don't have enough storage capacity, due to the environ mental belief that by choking off water infrastructure, growth and sprawl won't happen. This is largely due to a misreading of the book "Cadillac Desert" (Available At Amazon's Althouse Account).
Can someone explain to me why White racists don't hate Black people who move here from Africa and only hate Black people who were born here?
The Crack Emcee wrote;
"No, actually, Gahrie, you tell me what the answer is for this."
The answer is to call BS on fake stories to prove a moral point. Usually called a fable.
I'd believe it in reverse, a white person losing their job for being racially insensitive. But the way that story is told?
Yeah, right.
garage: "What's the white answer?"
It's to appropriate the black answer, water it down, blandize it, and mass market it?
garage: "Is a white thing?"
All I can say with certainty is that it's not a garage thing.
Crack: "Will somebody tell him not to get me started,.."
In the words of Marty Feldman as Igor in "Young Frankenstein": "Too late."
Can someone explain to me why White racists don't hate Black people who move here from Africa and only hate Black people who were born here?
Because the Africans don't behave like apes.
@ Howard "Bush gave up golf because as a "good, decent man with an excellent self-deprecating sense of humor", he sent millions of kids to kill, be wounded and die in two ill conceived wars. Obama plays golf in spite of the fact he has not ended both of Bush's wars yet. Therefore, Bush is the better man because of his empty gesture. Makes perfect sense."
Obama has sent more "kids" to die in Afghanistan than Bush did - in a war he doesn't believe in and had no intention of trying to win.
Not to mention all North Korea has recently done to publicly earn its Bush era moniker as a member in good standing of the "Axis of Evil".
"I'd believe it in reverse, a white person losing their job for being racially insensitive. But the way that story is told?
Yeah, right."
Nope - totally true - 100%. I know all of the participants.
And it's not unusual. As a matter of fact, it's the most common way for whites to deal with race today.
Nobody can bust a racist for a black "not being a good fit".
Plus, I didn't ask you if you believed it, but what is the answer for it?
I like that whites illustrate the problem so well:
If eric says he doesn't "believe" it (just like the whites in the story I relayed) he dismisses it as not true.
Just like they did.
But yet he still insists it didn't happen that way!
Now, I imagine, he'll either offer up another lame excuse, or slink away without comment - both typical white reactions.
Anything but admit he's obviously wrong - because he, himself, has proven the story has validity,....
"Plus, I didn't ask you if you believed it, but what is the answer for it? "
The answer is to call out BS when you see it.
I don't care about your claims to know the participants. I don't know you well enough to know if you're a liar or trustworthy. You're a commenter on a website on the internet.
What I do know is that the story you posted has happened, hundreds, if not thousands of times in the last 20 years to white people. The actual reverse of that story.
And the answer is to stop seeing color. Period. No more hyphenated americans. We're all American. We're not white, black, brown, red, etc. Instead, we are a melting pot.
End of story.
What I do know is that the story you posted has happened, hundreds, if not thousands of times in the last 20 years to white people. The actual reverse of that story.
What does that have to do with anything? Did you think I was telling you something you knew? No, dummy, I'm telling you something you don't know. So whether the opposite has been happening or not, this is what's ALSO happening.
Jesus, you're so damned limited,...
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