You may know that I am tracking the term/concept "microaggression." Therefore, I must point out this Buzzfeed article: "19 LGBT Microaggressions You Hear On A Daily Basis."
I'm starting to feel like pointing out a microaggression is a microaggression.
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228 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»We need a like button on these posts. Not necessary to reply just because we agree, just click a button to let you know.
On the whole this is not a particularly attractive bunch. I wonder if that explains anything.
Am I suffering a micro-aggression when I can't distinguish a persons gender?
Am I suffering a micro-aggression when I see a nose ring, and think of a pig?
It's a game anybody can play!!...and now it passes for scholarship!! YeeeeeHaaawwww!! WIN-WIN!!
Comments here are starting to remind me of that judge in California who sent emails negatively referencing every group that wasn't a white male - blacks, gays, women, Mexicans, you name it.
But, of course, he too says he's not racist, a bigot, a sexist, or anything else either.
You guys will stop. When you can no longer win an election, and the Michael Dunn's keep going to prison for life, and the wave of justice rises too high to turn back, you'll stop. You will.
And then you'll wonder what in the fuck made you such assholes to begin with,...
I think the emerging field of nanoaggression is much more interesting. There's the question of whether aggression is, in fact, quantized, and what the smallest quantum of aggression is, and whether there is a principle corresponding to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, such that there is a fundamental limit on how precisely we can measure the amplitude and direction of nanoaggression. Some researchers have claimed to observe quantum tunneling of nanoaggression through the intended victim, leaving no trace of effect, although others criticize these claims on the basis of inadequate experimental control for a phlegmatic diposition or simply being sound asleep at the time.
There are those who imagine the field could lead to breakthroughs in miniaturized disciplinary and training devices -- imagine a chastity belt and/or BDSM device so light and small you could deploy it unnoticed between your mistress's rosy buttocks no matter how micro your penis! -- but others warn darkly of a quantum warfare arms race, and urge that international agreements be hammered out now to control research in this area before the red goo gets out. Still others claim that the proliferation genie is already out of the bottle, and that the Iranians after centrifuging pro- and anti-Obamacare tweets are very close to obtaining a critical mass of weapons-grade meanness.
You got it wrong, Crack. We're dicks. This will explain it all to you:
It's not a microaggression at all.
While I appreciate your insight into nano-agression, there are a lot of good things going on the macro-level, trying to reason from the outside-in to a theory of history.
Every injustice has a corresponding victim, and an inverse relation to the strength of the social justice field.
Within this matrix, empirical reality can come to be known and predicted.
"You guys will stop."
Stop what? For someone to say or write something bigoted, they actually have to, ya know SAY or WRITE something that is ACTUALLY bigoted. I read all 19 of the "microaggression" examples and maybe two of them were actually at all bigoted.
The one regarding family functions could be bigoted if her family knows she is gay. If they don't know, then it is not bigoted.
Most of the folks in that list seem to want to be offended and so make the worst possible interpretation of what are benign remarks. It is boring and repulsive. Who wants to spend time with someone who is constantly on the lookout for something to be unhappy about?
Deriding Leftist political and social theories does not necessarily invalidate them, of course, and nor does it defuse the sentiment, historical record of injustice, and the genuine racism that exists.
Then again, nor does your comment have much to disagree with other than an attempt to predict the future.
When your switch is set to "Pissed Off" and not only has a cover to keep it there AND it is safety-wired with a lead seal and crimped by a distinctive crimper...your life will be a living Hell. By definition.
Just wondering: has anyone on Althouse ever suggested that Michael Dunn (defendant in the "loud music murder" trial) should not go to jail for life?
I did not follow the Michael Dunn case. My understanding is he claimed he saw a gun but there was no gun. Is that correct? If that is the case then he should have been found guilty.
With that said, I know next to nothing about the case so if there is a detail I am missing then my opinion may change.
So, Crack, am I racist?
It only took the psychopathic Crackhead 30 minutes to show up and start spouting his usual deranged rants. Look! Look! There are people who disagree or disapprove of something! They must be silenced!
It's rapidly becoming apparent to me that the GLBT population includes the most pathetic fucking people on earth.
Fortunately I have enough gay and lesbian friends in the real world to know it doesn't have to be this way. The grownups are sincerely embarrassed by these thin-skinned idiots.
Everytime Crackhead shows up anymore, he reminds me of Nicolas Cage's character in Moonstruck.
And then you'll wonder what in the fuck made you such assholes to begin with,...
Matt: "For someone to say or write something bigoted, they actually have to, ya know SAY or WRITE something that is ACTUALLY bigoted."
Crack has made it clear that white skin alone makes you guilty.
And he wants $$$$.
And one payment really won't be enough.
Geez, pink mafia in the house.
Hate to break it to you, gays are about 3% of the population. Assuming somebody is like 97% of the population isn't "bigotry".
And hearing Crack, spokesman for the single most anti-gay race out there criticizing whites for this is endlessly amusing.
"I'm starting to feel like pointing out a microaggression is a microaggression."
As others have suggested, let's go with calling it a nanoaggression. And then insist upon a convention whereby pointing out nanoaggressions is a picoaggression, and so on. In this way, aggression will disappear like the demon in that Larry Niven short story ("Convergent Series").
What makes the term "microaggression" so sad isn't the concept itself, but what it describes and how we are supposedly supposed to feel about it.
It basically works out to "things that mildly irritate someone". For fuck's sake -- life's rough, wear a helmet. The endless minor frustrations of life are why bitching about them on the Internet was invented. :)
so much macrostupidity these days
As others have suggested, let's go with calling it a nanoaggression.
So when Crack says something crazy and ten of us post hostile replies, is that a decaggression?
If a thousand people engage in microaggressions, do they add up to a millagression?
"I read all 19 of the "microaggression" examples and maybe two of them were actually at all bigoted."
Matt, I read you guys every day, and your knowledge of these issues is so limited it's no wonder most of you are left with nothing but snark because that's all you've got. You simply don't understand.
Like, a point I made on my blog today is how whites can be racist while thinking they're being NICE to someone - not because they were screaming "I hate niggers!" and sporting KKK robes, which seems to be the only thing a person must do to get your attention. The rest can run rampant over anyone with your blessings..
Whites are simply blindingly ignorant of the issues they THINK they're qualified to speak on.
I got my first serious talk on race when I was about 5 and it's been a front-and-center issue ever since.
How about you?
Dear God, did a 5 year old write your posts, Crack?
I'd call it useless gibberish and bullshit but I'd hate to offend people who churn that kind of nonsense out.
Your writing would be laughed at on a porn set as being abnormally poor.
Hint: You being black doesn't make you talented.
Equality --- it's a bitch.
I suppose the idea is that when the world is full of these "micro-aggressions" directed at one, their effect is not that of inflicting individual wounds but of being collectively abrasive, so that, when a more substantive insult comes along, it's not that one's response to it is thin-skinned, but that one has already been rubbed raw.
Nevertheless, I can't help but think that counting up microagressions is detrimental to the goal of interacting with others in a tolerant and charitable way.
What is bizarre, Crack, is you think i am not qualified to talk about my own opinion. Yet, you are qualified to know what "you guys" are thinking.
And then you follow it up with bigoted statements. How can you be so self-aware and oblivious of yourself at the same time? No one here has expressed dislike for you because you are black. You give people PLENTY of reasons to dislike you without race ever having to cross the mind.
"With that said, I know next to nothing about the case so if there is a detail I am missing then my opinion may change.
So, Crack, am I racist?"
I'd say so, if you care so little - white disinterest has been a topic around here. I mean, how white Americans - with this history of betrayal - can decide, over and over again, not to give a damn?
Yeah, makes you look like Nazis.
What's that? Oh you didn't know the Jews were being put in ovens? Really? You did see them being carted off, right? You did? Did you do anything? Say anything?
Oh - wait - change up:
What's that? Oh you didn't know Jordan Davis was an unarmed kid killed for playing music? Really? How about the black girl, shot in the face, when she asked whites for help after a car accident? Not that one either, huh? The A-student football player shot while asking for help? Nothing? The two brothers shot while looking at their new property?
Those - and more - have all been since Trayvon Martin died.
Yeah, you look like Nazis,...
Crack: "Whites are simply blindingly ignorant of the issues they THINK they're qualified to speak on."
I recommend you spend a little time with Mr Mbeki: "Mr Mbeki's stance on Aids has been the subject of contention before - he has long maintained that there is no link between Aids and HIV...."
Or perhaps with Rep Hank Johnson (ZOMG Guam is going to tip over!!):
Or does their skin color render their pronouncements unassailable?
Like we don't know the answer.
Yeah, makes you look like Nazis.
Aww, how cute. He's being a bigot again and doesn't realize it.
Is Crack just schtick? He's not bright or entertaining.
"spokesman for the single most anti-gay race out there"
Yeah, compared to blacks complaining about white folks - for the documented historical fact of their racism - I'm pretty sure Ru Paul's complaints about us are massive.
God, you guys will say any stupid thing,...
I didn't know about the case because I don't live in Florida. Nor do I watch cable news much less have cable. I knew nothing about the case simply because I knew nothing about the case. Crack, you make it as though I willfully ignored it. It never crossed my path.
What a moron. Seriously, you are stupid.
What little I have learned of the case, it sounds like he should be going to jail. What's that? Our racist system convicted him?! Not possible!!
Stop looking for bad things where they don't exist. You might end up a happier person.
Crack: "What's that? Oh you didn't know Jordan Davis was an unarmed kid killed for playing music? Really? How about the black girl, shot in the face, when she asked whites for help after a car accident? Not that one either, huh? The A-student football player shot while asking for help? Nothing? The two brothers shot while looking at their new property?"
snip: ""He said, 'I'm going to kill you if you don't give me money,' and I said, 'I swear I don't have any,"' West told WAWS-TV in Jacksonville, Fla. West said she tried to shield her child with her arms, but the gunman shoved her and shot the baby in the head. West was shot in the leg."
One less whitey to worry about, eh crack?
I guess that mom didn't respond nicely enough and she sure the heck did not take the time to listen to and be impressed by the rich contours of the assailants experience.
In her defense she was probably busy trying to stop the bleeding.
Why is Crack enabling this kind of behavior?
Why does Crack not care?
What is missing in Crack's soul that he could so callously disregard this mom's pain?
I ask you.
But then again, you already know.
Matt: "What a moron. Seriously, you are stupid."
No, Crack is not stupid.
He knows perfectly well along which path lies the biggest possible payday.
And he's "all in".
"microaggression" basically works out to "things that mildly irritate someone".
You guys are mind-blowingly dumb - here, let me fix it:
"microaggression" basically works out to "things that mildly irritate someone" OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND,…
Like madAsHell said, you're too stupid and full of yourselves to either stop or see what you're doing. Just like with the black shit:
You outnumber us 6 to 1, but you think whatever you do is just you doing it, when in reality, YOU'RE ALL DOING IT AT ONCE, OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND,…
Really - you're too stupid to grasp what "white people" are, or are up to,...
Those - and more - have all been since Trayvon Martin died.
This just in: there have been homicides in the United States in the last two years.
Because white people are like Nazis. In countries with no white people, there are no homicides.
Crack: ""things that mildly irritate someone"
Yeah, you know.
Like not handing over cash to the "requestors" when you don't have any.
Just like that.
So when Crack says something crazy and ten of us post hostile replies, is that a decaggression?
No, that's white people still having a nice lynching party, just virtually.
I mean, it's not like you're having a trial - none of you ever check facts - you just put up shit to try and get the heat off of whites. That's your only ambition and everybody knows it - how?
There's a history of white behavior - which whites refuse to look at but blacks are totally intimate with.
You can't run, you can't hide, you can explain your way out - it's culture. All you can do is learn what's up and try to find your humanity.
The rest of us are waiting,...
Its microbullying.
Crack needs a font that is Double-Caps!!!
Only then will can he penetrate our psyches with the wisdom he so generously shares with us on this site (since we won't bite on his click bait).
Which does beg the question, and it's a fair one.
Is Crack being this provocative to drive traffic to his site?
Drago: "Is Crack being this provocative to drive traffic to his site?"
No answer required.
It's rhetorical.
"microaggression" basically works out to "things that mildly irritate someone" OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND,…
Thank you for that accurate description of the mind of a person suffering from mental illness.
The good news is that if a minor irritation bothers you over and over and over again, there are quite a few drugs on the market that can help you get over it and stop wasting your time obsessing over trivialities.
I occasionally hear people say "Is that a man or a woman?." Sometimes it's snark. Sometimes they genuinely can't tell.
Apart from that, I never hear any of those phrases. Never. Where are all these clueless louts, anyway?
I'm not saying this never happens. Of course it happens. But every day? And all 19? Or even a goodly number of them.
At most workplaces, this kind of comment would be slapped down immediately. So this must be in social or family situations. Family you can't control, and family members sometimes think they have license to be rude. But you can control who you hang out with.
I can not imagine that a single one of my acquaintances, let alone my actual friends, would ever ask someone if (for example) they are a man or a woman.
Emails? The internet? Yeah, people seem to feel license to say terrible things at a distance, when no one would really be able to confront them.
Of course maybe it's just where I live. It's the bigoted south. Because I'm old so are many of the people I know. Most go to church. The people generally are conservative in many outlooks. (And I include the black people in this. The blacks would rather drink shots of cod liver oil than vote for a Republican, but their social views, religious and family practices are very mainstream. It's the south, after all.)
I really do think it all depends on where you hang out.
Hint: You being black doesn't make you talented.
No, I'm talented because I'm talented (do the posts you handle almost always go into the hundreds?) and I've got the records to prove it - how about you? Where's YOUR career, or are you just a lamer with nothing, shooting his mouth off?
Being black DOES make me morally superior to you and yours, so I'll live with that.
Remember, just few years ago, when it was blacks who were always on the spot with whites?
Oh man, the future's looking BRIGHT!
Not to sound like I'm trying to lynch someone or anything, but I'm still waiting for Crack to quote even a single example of an Althouse commentator defending Michael Dunn, either being glad that he shot the kid, or sorry that he was recently convicted on 4 of 5 charges and will likely be retried on the 5th, because it was a hung jury, not an acquittal. Why did he use Michael Dunn as a stick to beat white Althouse commentators with, when no one here is defending Dunn? Neither was Legal Insurrection, which had very full coverage of both the Dunn and the Zimmermann trials, and explicitly noted how very different the two cases were.
4 charged in Detroit triple murder; police say victims stabbed, tortured, house torched
And then you follow it up with bigoted statements. How can you be so self-aware and oblivious of yourself at the same time?
Do I have to explain this, every day, to each of you individually?
I am reflecting what whites put out - aiming it back at you - if you see racism in my schtick, it's because that's what you guys are sending out.
I'll stop when y'all do,...
Oh - and how can YOU be so un-self-aware you're constantly being racist and not changing?
Didn't madAsHell just write that he ain't changing?
Then neither am I,...
Crack, this may come as a shock to you but, you are not special. All of us get mildly irritated by things people do over and over and over again. Sometimes these people are doing it intentionally. Sometimes they are not. For example, I get irritated when people block the aisle with their shopping cart. They may not mean to. They may not have noticed I am there. Yet, I am irritated. However, I somehow manage to refrain from calling them "Nazis!"
Specifically in your case, a lot of time your irritation is imagined. More accurately and in fairness, I believe you are mildly irritated by things people are doing; however, the only reason you find them irritating at all is due to your own mindset.
Most people would not find what you find irritating, irritating. That is because what irritates you are things you imagine are racist but are not. Yesterday, you took "lighten up" as racist. Never has that phrase related to race. It is about a person's mood. You imagine racism where it does not exist and that irritates you.
So be irritated! And unhappy. If that's what makes you happy. And if it helps to call me a bigoted Nazi, so be it. I think you are a joke so it doesn't really matter to me.
Have a nice day!
"Crack, you make it as though I willfully ignored it. "
No, I make it like it's not permanently on your radar like it is for blacks.
Why do we, alone, have to carry the weight?
Oh yeah, because whites are too busy enjoying normal lives when they're not trying to destroy ours,...
‘Knock That White Boy Out’: Arrests Made After Mob Of Teens Attack Disabled Vet
and microbullshit.
Dr Weevil: "Not to sound like I'm trying to lynch someone or anything, but I'm still waiting for Crack to quote even a single example of an Althouse commentator defending Michael Dunn, either being glad that he shot the kid, or sorry that he was recently convicted on 4 of 5 charges and will likely be retried on the 5th, because it was a hung jury, not an acquittal"
It's. Your. Skin. Color. That. Makes. You. Guilty.
And lack insight.
And humanity.
And lose your soul.
You are an "Ice person".
Crack is a "Sun person".
There is nothing else.
Except payment due on demand, of course.
Baton Rouge police arrest two teens in beating death
Here's some info for your, crack.
We don't much give a shit about the white guys in prison either.
I don't have news radar that immediately implants into my brain all things relevant to Crack. Is there a website that compiles all the news white people should know? And I mean other than your own blog as it is mostly unreadable.
Oh, and I realized that in my last post I closed with "Have a nice day!" As soon as I hit submit, I remembered that in the movie "Blazing Saddles" the KKK had that inscribed on the back of their robes. Was that me being racist? Was that microaggression on my part to indirectly and subconsciously reference that movie?
Yeah, I'm so icy I don't mind at all that my fellow white man Michael Dunn is going away for 20 years - more if he's retried and convicted on the hung charge - for shooting someone who was undoubtedly committing microagression against him. I'm even kind of icily satisfied that Dunn's getting some approximation of what he deserves.
Crack seems to be raising an infuriating white sense of entitlement for no apparent reason. He is like the boys of 1776 who overnight lost their long respect for the English aristocracy's sense of entitlement to own North America.
These two sea changes happened when the "man is a man" culture of the Scots-Irish immigrants began to demographically out number the Tidewater Aristocrats who it happens also felt entitled to own North America.
America is a land development for equal owners of this beautiful land. The real danger is an international attempt to recon queer the North American assets under a Marxist lead war on citizens, be the black/white, gay/straight, Christian/Roman Catholic.
Crack's talents are needed too. So treating a black man as an equal is free and pleasant way to keep us from dividing when we need to be uniting again.
Drago said...
Is Crack being this provocative to drive traffic to his site?
Crack is the most self-absorbed, self-pitying persona I have ever encountered. He is the perennial victim. He had a shitty childhood, a shitty marriage, and a shitty life, and he's damned sure you're gonna know about it, because, guess what Whitey, it's all your fault. So naturally, yes, the Crack experience is incomplete unless you go to his site and wallow in his blind, black hate. In the last five years I've been there once, and I regret even that.
We have much to learn about humanity, brotherhood, sisterhood, love of Mother Earth and how not to lose our souls from some of our African brothers.
Much, much to learn.
Sauce for the goose.
Matt said...
Crack, this may come as a shock to you but, you are not special.
No, Matt, you have it backwards:
YOU'RE not special.
I know I'm special. Whites needed us to do work you can't do - and we did it. Whites erected barriers to our success. But we're still succeeding. Whites (except for RFK) said we'd never elect a president - you lose.
They also say reparations will never be paid. Riiiight.
We special folks make things happen,...
SGT Ted said...
Here's some info for your, crack.
We don't much give a shit about the white guys in prison either.
I know - didn't I just say you have no humanity?
Of course maybe it's just where I live. It's the bigoted south.
Snark aside, I grew up in the south. I didn't like it. I particularly didn't like the omnipresent fundamentalist Protestants getting up in my business with their religion every. freaking. day.
So... I moved out of the south. Huh. That was easy.
Did I stay in the south and scream RESPECT MAH FEELINGS over and over again until all those tens of millions of Baptists decided to tiptoe around me? Um, no. Can't say it even occurred to me to ask, really. I disliked the culture, so I moved somewhere with a culture more to my liking.
Odd. I don't recall ever hearing any white people in my lifetime - even Republicans - ever saying that we'd never elect a black president. Do these creatures have any more existence in the real world than the pro-Dunn faction of Althouse commentators?
Crack: " didn't I just say you have no humanity?"
In fact you have been saying it repeatedly over a great many days.
No argument there.
Tyrone Slothrop,
Crack is the most self-absorbed, self-pitying persona I have ever encountered. He is the perennial victim.
And you are a boring collection of conservative cliche's that no one's listening to anymore.
Just as I warned you, oh, so long ago.
Enjoy the political wilderness as the "victims" continue to kick your ass and get our money.
Go on, whine:
>I know - didn't I just say you have no humanity?<
i wonder the same thing about black folks killing white folks in detroit.
Crack has a point.
Who says that blacks are anti gay?
Mainstream, non celebrity blacks, as a group, especially churchgoing blacks, are not supportive of gay marriage. This puts them in the company of lots and lots of whites. I have strenuously argued to some of my young gay relatives that it's unfair to classify religious people who object to gay marriage as bigots. I stand with that opinion. They have a belief, deeply rooted in a tradition which is central to their lives. They are true to their beliefs.
I see no evidence that blacks are more likely to harass individual gays more than any other group will, or that blacks express hatred of gays any more than other groups.
You are not a bigot because you are conflicted on a controversial social issue. You are not a bad person because you believe that only men and women should marry. The Pope is not a bigot.
Ditto on the question of whether you are a microagressor if you can't determine someone's gender. No, you are not. But if you inquire about it to the person without some kind of invitation to do so, you are rude. If you inquire in a mocking way, you are rude and hateful. In other words you are a bigot.
Every one of the 19 examples in the article is rude conduct. Every one. In a sense, micro aggression is a critique of bad manners dressed up in political garb. I do wonder where these people live to be surrounded by so many rude people, but the examples are rude and unpleasant.
Repeat them and you are being rudely aggressive.
Defend them and you look foolishly aggressive .
"I know - didn't I just say you have no humanity?"
So, when we supposedly defended Dunn, we were racist. But when we are actually glad he is going to jail, we have no humanity.
This all so very hard to follow. Am I still a Nazi? Or is that only on Tuesdays?
Crack: "Whites (except for RFK) said we'd never elect a president - you lose."
Whyyyy just the other day me and the boys was sittin' round talkin' bout how we ain't nevah gonna elect no black guy (even a half-white one!) President!
We all had a good laugh about that, being Dixiecrats and all and filling out our Republican Party voter cards, when Clem dun showed us one of them "paper" things that talked all about some Hawaiian guy who was elected and was black.
Needless to say.
You could have knocked us over with a feather.
......from the moonshine.
And the news.
But mostly the moonshine.
D. said...
>I know - didn't I just say you have no humanity?<
i wonder the same thing about black folks killing white folks in detroit.
That's because you don't understand culture:
You enslaved us - the idea we're going to feel for you, when you ANNOUNCE you could give a shit about us, is weird.
Change your evil ways.
Matt: "So, when we supposedly defended Dunn, we were racist. But when we are actually glad he is going to jail, we have no humanity."
Just. Stop.
You have to internalize this factoid (all kidding aside).
You are white.
In Crack's mind that makes you guilty for everything.
You cannot "reason" him out of that.
You are the evil white guy who did something to him, or to his family, or his children, or his community, or his people.
Your skin color makes you guilty.
You truly need to understand this.
You are the white devil. It's truly, and sadly, that simple.
"You enslaved us "
Then why the hell do I keep doing my laundry? And why do I have to go scoop the cat box now? I did this all wrong...
I see no evidence that blacks are more likely to harass individual gays more than any other group will, or that blacks express hatred of gays any more than other groups.
Most ghettos have gays in them (how can they not, considering how whites are?) and there's accommodations made. They do most people's hair - male and female - and fit in fine, as long as they're weird about it.
Just looks like a bunch of attention whores. As if we don't have enough of that.
>You enslaved us - the idea we're going to feel for you, when you ANNOUNCE you could give a shit about us<
nah the party of slavery enslaves you sir. your community by some 90% agrees to this arrangement. why exactly should i care about you or black america you haven't done nothing for me.
In my day the concept of "microaggression" was called "being rude."
Really, I do have to go scoop the litter.
Crack, you think we rebut you because we are defending whites. I don't want to speak for others but I will tell you why I respond. Because you are funny. I know you don't intend to be funny but you are. So I reply to keep you saying funny stuff. Does that make me racist? My bad! I am by default racist! I forget these things.
Have a nice day! And watch "Blazing Saddles". It hasn't held up perfectly over the years but is still very funny.
So, when we supposedly defended Dunn, we were racist. But when we are actually glad he is going to jail, we have no humanity.
This all so very hard to follow. Am I still a Nazi? Or is that only on Tuesdays?
You guys are already willingly stupid, but when you PLAY willingly stupid, it's especially sweet:
Michael Dunn would fit in perfectly with the rest of you. His views are yours. Rap music being "thug" music? I've seen that from you guys. White gun ownership in a country you dominate? Yep, many of you claim to be armed. Thinking black teens are an unusual threat - yep, that's y'all and your "Knockout Game" hysteria.
You are Michael Dunn.
You just haven't killed anyone yourselves - yet.
Crack has a point.
If you ever find yourself thinking that, double-check your facts. :)
Who says that blacks are anti gay?
As of 2008, 72.3% of black Americans considered homosexuality to be "always wrong". For white Americans the figure was 51.6%.
As of 2013, 50% of non-Hispanic whites supported gay marriage, versus only 38% of non-Hispanic blacks.
I wouldn't summarize that as "blacks are anti-gay". I would summarize that as "homophobia is more common among blacks than among whites".
why exactly should i care about you or black america you haven't done nothing for me.
Ha! Idoit:
Without us there'd probably be no America.
And there'd definitely not be an American culture.
You need humanity to create that - you know, like Hip-Hop,...
It would be wise to put the bottle down and go to bed. Tomorrow is another day.
Matt said...
I don't have news radar that immediately implants into my brain all things relevant to Crack. Is there a website that compiles all the news white people should know?
"Things White People Like"
It was fun before everyone lost their sense of humor.
>You are Michael Dunn.<
big fan of the knock out game. you and democrat bull conners sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-ing
>You are Michael Dunn.<
big fan of the knock out game. you and democrat bull conners sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-ing
Another lie from Crack: "You enslaved us." No, we didn't. None of us did, and you have never been a slave. Slavery was abolished 150 years ago, long before any of us was born. So long ago that only the oldest of us have ever even met a former slave or a former slave-owner. They were all or nearly all dead even when we were small children.
And most white Americans are not even descended from slave-owners. If I recall correctly, most white families immigrated in huge waves after the Civil War. Of those who were here before, a large majority lived in the North. And of those who lived in the South, most did not own a single slave.
If you're going to blame people for the crimes of their ancestors, you might want to leave out the ones who didn't have any criminals in their ancestry. My mother's family fought in the Union Army, though they didn't even learn English until years later, while my father's immigrated 60 years after Emancipation. Most white Americans are similarly free from any Confederate slave-owner genes.
And if blood carries the pollution of slave-owning down to the 10th generation, you will have to despise a whole lot of blacks who have slave-owning white ancestors, including Obama, who has slave-owners on his mother's side of the family tree, but no slaves (or none owned by white Americans) on his father's.
My humanity is reserved for those that aren't victimizing others.
Misplaced sympathy is never a good thing.
Crack has said that blacks can murder whites with a clear conscience.
It is entirely reasonable and prudent for a white person, if assaulted by Crack, to assume that he intends to murder and use deadly force immediately.
I wouldn't summarize that as "blacks are anti-gay". I would summarize that as "homophobia is more common among blacks than among whites".
You're white - you don't understand culture because you barely have one yourself - so no one cares what you would summarize it as - your wrong, as always.
The only thing that keeps you yapping is your lack of knowledge of how stupid you sound.
Amongst a group of minorities, you guys would be laughed out of existence - if not getting your asses kicked.
You beg for it with your rudeness.
And then, as always, you'll say it happened for "nothing".
400 years of slavery, 100 years of Jim Crow, etc. - it all adds up to "nothing."
As long as blacks can look at you and think "We didn't do anything to deserve your bullshit" - and that'll be as long as you guys are the assholes you are here - it'll happen.
Only you can stop it,...
You are Michael Dunn. You just haven't killed anyone yourselves - yet.
The small part of me that still cares about Crack as a person hopes he isn't really as crazy as that sentence makes him sound.
Good thing my wife's great grandmother brought all of her strident racism over from Austro-Hungary in 1892 as an 11 year old. She was indeed quite the slaver.
"Slavery was abolished 150 years ago, long before any of us was born. So long ago that only the oldest of us have ever even met a former slave or a former slave-owner."
You are a moron. I was raised by a woman who was a slave as a girl.
That's how much you know - idiot.
You guys read books and think you know everything,...
It is entirely reasonable and prudent for a white person, if assaulted by Crack, to assume that he intends to murder and use deadly force immediately.
Smart man.
Is anybody else worried about Crack?
You know, a little macroaggression would help enormously. Let's dump the microagression collectors in the ocean and get on with life.
>- you don't understand culture because you barely have one yourself <
i know "bitches and hoes" being the peak of civilization
Amongst a group of minorities, you guys would be laughed out of existence - if not getting your asses kicked.
Most of the people I work with are Asian. They think black Americans' whining is even more pathetic than I do.
If you want to hear some real anti-black sentiment sometime, talk to the child of a Los Angeles convenience store owner. :)
Crack is a slave to the hate in his mind.
If you want to hear some real anti-black sentiment sometime, talk to the child of a Los Angeles convenience store owner. :)
I was going to say - who cares what they think?
Ice Cube stopped that shit a long time ago.
Now they talk to whites or keep that shit to themselves,...
SGT Ted said...
Crack is a slave to the hate in his mind.
And whites, with your history, are what? Sane?
Man, you're funny,...
>And whites, with your history, are what? Sane?<
africa land of despotism: feel free to move
I was going to say - who cares what they think?
And to think that Crack started off this thread whining that other people weren't taking his feelings into proper consideration.
Revenant said...
I was going to say - who cares what they think?
And to think that Crack started off this thread whining that other people weren't taking his feelings into proper consideration.
Your God-damned right:
if you're not focussed on blacks, you're not focussed,...
And whites, with your history, are what? Sane?
Not that our color had anything to do with it, but absent the accomplishments of "white history" you'd be angrily pounding out your posts on a bongo drum somewhere on the coast of Africa while dying of malaria. :)
'cept the subject would be how all your problems were caused by being enslaved by the Malinese.
I do read books, I'm disgusted (but not surprised) to know that anyone could possibly think that's a bad thing, I don't think I know everything, but I can do basic arithmetic.
Unless Crack is over 70 and was raised by someone who was at least 80 when he was born, or vice versa, or he's 75 and she was 75, he could not have been 'raised' by a former slave. The ages have to add up to at least 150. If 'raised' means actually raised to adulthood, not just changing diapers on an uncomprehending 6-month old, add another 13 or 15 or 17. If she remembered slavery at all, add at least 7-8 more years - someone who was 6 months old when slavery was abolished is technically a former slave, but could hardly have experienced slavery in any real sense. So, is Crack actually over 90, and was raised by someone who was 70 when he was born and 95 or 97 when she sent him out into the world? Somehow I doubt it.
If Cracks's over 60, he needs to replace his highly-misleading avatar with a more recent picture.
At his best, he sounds like my late grandmother, still going on and on when she was 80 years old about what the evil Brits did to the poor Irish in the Potato Famine, which had happened 50 years befores she was born.
At his worst, he sounds schizophrenic: how dare anyone think groups of black teenagers are dangerous, just because he openly preaches that whites deserve to have their asses kicked by blacks just for 'lacking culture' and sounding stupid? Does he not see any contradiction there?
>if you're not focussed on blacks, you're not focussed<
you go detroit, baltimore, east st. louis very finely "managed" cities!!11!!
"if you're not focussed on blacks, you're not focussed,..."
Ok, now I know he is just playing with us. Well done. Very entertaining.
@D: Those black on white murders/torture in Detroit are particularly vile. But Crack Emcee just the other day, justified such one way racial violence.
ken in sc said...
Is anybody else worried about Crack?
Emphatically not. Crack is a fraud. I'm more concerned for his enablers -- some of whom have thrown away their integrity because they enjoy his theatrics. They know who they are.
Slavery continued here and there for a long time after it officially ended. Some slaves weren't told they were free, some didn't know what it meant, and some were told that they had to pay off "debt" before leaving.
Not that our color had anything to do with it, but absent the accomplishments of "white history" you'd be angrily pounding out your posts on a bongo drum somewhere on the coast of Africa while dying of malaria. :)
You know, Rev, I could answer every ignorant thing you say but you never acknowledge when you're proven wrong - you just run to another topic - so we're done.
You're not worth it,...
Dr Weevil,
Unless Crack is over 70 and was raised by someone who was at least 80 when he was born, or vice versa, or he's 75 and she was 75, he could not have been 'raised' by a former slave. The ages have to add up to at least 150.
Weevil, slavery didn't end as a clean cut - many slavers never told the illiterate slaves anything had changed and carried on. Some slaves knew nothing else and stayed slaves - it beat starving after the war and whites hating you everywhere.
There was slavery in California, did you know that?
If you're interested, I can turn you on to some real shit to read, but I assure you, there were slaves loooong after slavery officially ended,...
Slavery continued here and there for a long time after it officially ended.
If we want to get into illegal slavery, that's never ended and never will. But it seems dumb even by Crack's standards to blame a country for the actions of its *criminals*.
>I could answer every ignorant thing you say but you never acknowledge when you're proven wrong <
outside of sports or entertainment black americans don't produce much value. maybe black americans should work on that. but that would be "acting white" so let's stay dysfunctional and "real"
Dr Weevil,
At his worst, he sounds schizophrenic: how dare anyone think groups of black teenagers are dangerous, just because he openly preaches that whites deserve to have their asses kicked by blacks just for 'lacking culture' and sounding stupid?
I hate when you guys paraphrase because you never do - you say what you THINK I said - never what I said.
I said, you're going to get your asses kicked because you're WILLINGLY being stupid - by practicing being rude to minorities - so you'll let the facade slip in the wrong crowd one day. It's inevitable. You'll either be assaulted or you'll kill someone - but it won't be because you have no culture:
It'll be because you have no sense.
No humanity.
No true feeling for others.
Like Michael Dunn, evil's really all you know,...
In 2013, the Harvard School of Public Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation carried out a telephone poll of black Americans and found that "the overwhelming majority of black people (86 percent) said they were satisfied with their lives."
And this despite about one-third (36%) of them reporting specific experiences of racism a few times a year.
Uh oh. Competing victims in this thread. We need a professional victimologist to help us sort this out. Someone call a social worker!
I meant to add that that finding doesn't point to people seething with hatred about past or present injustices.
An honest man would have said "I'm X years old, and when I was Y, an old old lady named Z told me about how she was a slave in the state of W when she was a little girl".
Telling me how it could have happened without a single detail of how it allegedly did happen makes it look like a lie. And calling me a moron and an idiot for not guessing that Crack was (allegedly) raised by a former slave is just stupid, since I specifically wrote not that none of us has ever met a former slave, but that "only the oldest of us have ever even met a former slave or a former slave-owner". If Crack is very old, he could fall under the very exception I included.
>There was slavery in California, did you know that?<
are you really this stupid or are you liv demonrat party hack?
Saudi princess arrested in California human trafficking probe
And again... as in the days of Ritmo ... I am thankful for Blogger's "Collapse comments" feature.
Revenant, the biggest divides in whether people view homosexuality as "always wrong" or whether they favor gay marriage are age related. The older you are, the less likely you are to approve of homosexuality or gay marriage.
People over 60 as a group are more likely to disapprove than blacks as a group.
Now what does this tell us? Are the old codgers running around raising hell, taking the ax to gay bars, dragging homosexuals behind their trucks. No, they disapprove but they also as a group are not militant about their disapproval.
It seems to me that all we can learn from this is that people's view of this matter is in large part derived from tradition--both its nature and strength. Most blacks have their roots in the south, a social more conservative place. The black churches were and are socially conservative. And perhaps equally important, blacks as a group learned for decades to keep their heads down in controversies that were not their own (and even the ones that were their own.) It was dangerous to stand out.
In any event, assuming your doubtful tactic of equating disapproval with bigotry, it's no prize that over 50% of the whites (in your survey year) also felt that homosexuality was always wrong.
Do you see blacks on anti gay crusades? I don't. They may not as a group be much into approval of homosexuality, but they aren't running around causing trouble for gay people. Maybe they have enough problems of their own.
> by practicing being rude to minorities<
after "immigration reform" you'll be a minority of a minority. do you speak indigenous language of mexico or spanish?
outside of sports or entertainment black americans don't produce much value. maybe black americans should work on that. but that would be "acting white" so let's stay dysfunctional and "real"
We were the most expensive thing white Americans ever owned - and that was just for starters.
You know the streetlights still used today? Invented by blacks. Along with:
the air conditioning unit
auto cut-off switch
auto fishing devise
automatic gear shift
baby buggy
bicycle frame
biscuit cutter
blood plasma bag
cellular phone
chamber commode
clothes dryer
curtain rod
curtain rod support
door knob
door stop
dust pan
egg beater
electric lampbulb
eye protector
fire escape ladder
fire extinguisher
folding bed
folding chair
fountain pen
furniture caster
gas mask
golf tee
hair brush
hand stamp
horse shoe
ice cream scooper
improv. sugar making
insect-destroyer gun
ironing board
key chain
lawn mower
lawn sprinkler
lemon squeezer 3
lubricating cup
lunch pail
mail box
peanut butter
pencil sharpener
phone transmitter
record player arm
riding saddles
rolling pin
shampoo headrest
spark plug
straightening comb
street sweeper
thermostat control
traffic light
Most of you would be laughed out of the average black college,....
Lydia said...
I meant to add that that finding doesn't point to people seething with hatred about past or present injustices.
Because, as the Duck Dynasty guy proved, blacks tell whites everything.
God, you guys are really brain-dead to how this country works - and the worst part is:
Dr Weevil ,
Telling me how it could have happened without a single detail of how it allegedly did happen makes it look like a lie.
Doc, I don't care how it looks - you made the ignorant charge - not me.
I've repeated almost every major fact a billion times but all you guys want is another repeat to try and bash me - no - do the work yourselves.
That's supposed to be the point.
Crack, that poll was done by telephone interviews. Those tend to elicit truthful answers, at least more so than face-to-face interviews. I don't think you can simply dismiss it as black people not telling whites how they really feel. I also think Harvard and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation tried their best to get as close to the truth as possible.
D. said...
> by practicing being rude to minorities<
after "immigration reform" you'll be a minority of a minority. do you speak indigenous language of mexico or spanish?
I got no problem with Mexicans - WHITES have a problem with Mexicans. Why?
You stole their land just like you did the Indian's.
Y'all's nervous around everybody for that reason.
You should practice trying to be nice now, considering,...
Also the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Harvard are hardly conservative in orientation. If anything, they probably found the results disappointing. As it was, they were quite surprised.
Lydia said...
Crack, that poll was done by telephone interviews.
Don't care - was it done by Ebony magazine? Jet? BET? Anybody with a history of caring about blacks or making us feel safe?
If not, you can question the results,...
The trick the blogstress pulled was saying "microaggression" and showing "assholerry douchebaggery". You should have ignored the words and looked at the deeds.
No, Crack, I specifically noted that there are a few Americans still alive who are old enough to have known former slaves when they were very young and the former slaves were very old.
Are you one of them? I'll believe it when it when you tell us more about the woman who allegedly raised you.
Right now, I'm starting to wonder whether you're even black, or are some white pscyhologist performing a sophisticated experiment.
Once you tell enough lies, people stop believing you even when you tell the truth - that's how the Boy Who Cried Wolf got eaten by a wolf.
straightening comb
Well, duh. ; )
Dr Weevil said...
No, Crack, I specifically noted that there are a few Americans still alive who are old enough to have known former slaves when they were very young and the former slaves were very old.
Are you one of them? I'll believe it when it when you tell us more about the woman who allegedly raised you.
Yes, but I don't care if you believe me or not, and repeating the story is stupid because I know what telling it before got me. That's what you guys don't get:
You're racists still insisting you'll defy us - so we don't have to care. We've had enough of your games.
"Oh, tell us something so me and my posse can use it to try and hang you."
No thanks. You think I'm lying?
That's just the famous "paranoid strain" of conservatism and has nothing to do with me.
You have no reason to doubt my words - you choose to do so.
Just like whites throughout time,...
D. said...
>There was slavery in California, did you know that?<
are you really this stupid or are you liv demonrat party hack?
Saudi princess arrested in California human trafficking probe
I meant black slavery, you moron,...
Everyone gets insulted. It is how we deal with it that makes all the difference.
Lydia said...
In 2013, the Harvard School of Public Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation carried out a telephone poll of black Americans and found that "the overwhelming majority of black people (86 percent) said they were satisfied with their lives."
And this despite about one-third (36%) of them reporting specific experiences of racism a few times a year.
And what conclusions do you draw from this? Are the ones who are not satisfied malcontents who should be ignored. Or is there something to be learned from both approaches?
My guess, and it has to be only a guess, is that you would have found pretty much the same answer in you could have surveyed all the way back to 1865. People black and white made the best of it, and found a way to be satisfied with life as it came.
Before 1865 it would have been more complex for blacks. The backs hated slavery. The slave owners were shocked to see how quickly the blacks would melt away from the plantations when the Yankees were near and they had a place to go. In Beaufort, where I live, the Yankees took over in late 1861 and all the planters fled. They were genuinely surprised that the slaves did not go with them.
But while the blacks hated slavery, the best evidence is that they did not hate their lives, even in slavery. They formed families, maintained family ties that lasted for generations before and after slavery, developed their own form of Christian religion, raised children, laughed, told jokes, made up folk tales, acquired skills and even learned how to negotiate with their white masters despite the huge imbalance of power. The slave concept of happiness can not have been anything like what we see as happiness today. But they were born, married, had children, raised them as best they could and buried and mourned their dead, hoping the best for them in heaven. They had already made the best they could of a hard lot on earth.
No, Crack, I don't think you're lying. I know you're lying. I know I have no desire to hang you, and that no one I know has any desire to hang you. When you say I do, you're lying.
I'm pretty sure that no one on this site has ever defended Michael Dunn, and you have refused repeated requests to back up that accusation. That makes you a goddamned liar.
I could go on, but why bother? You're not only a liar, a racist, a thug who continually fantasizes about violence against whites, and in general a total asshole.
. . . but also the kind of bigot who doesn't give a damn about slavery, as long as it's some other race that's being held as slaves.
TMink said...
Everyone gets insulted. It is how we deal with it that makes all the difference.
Oh bullshit - whites outnumber everybody. Your insults are everywhere, too.
Until you guys get that one fact - you outnumber everyone so what you do has a bigger impact than you're giving it credit for - you'll continue to be hated because, as a group, you're too nobody's-going-to-tell-me-what-to-do stupid to stop.
It's a self-fulfilling prophesy. You stay assholes. People continue hating you. You continue to lose power and influence. You then become the new low man on the totem pole.
Enjoy it, guys, you're earning it,...
Am I the only one who thinks the noxious auditory hatred referred to as "rap music" is pure, distilled elixir of macroagression?
"And then you'll wonder what in the fuck made you such assholes to begin with,..."
I'm pretty sure it's genetic, Crackster, so don't hold your breath. I'm sure not holding mine.
A man dying of cancer might well say that he is satisfied with his life. A soldier about to charge in battle will say he is satisfied to be in his unit with his fellows. People may not like the situation they are in. The situation may even be dire. They do not like the situation, but to say I am not satisfied with my life? That is despair, and people fight tenaciously against despair. They find satisfaction in small things amid misery.
I am not suggesting that the people surveyed were despairing or miserable and grasping for satisfaction. I think a query about whether you are satisfied with your life will usually reflect a combination of human optimism, hope and stoicism.
Anyway I've had enough of this crap and I'm going to bed. With someone whose gender I can easily distinguish.
Dr Weevil,
I could go on, but why bother? You're not only a liar, a racist, a thug who continually fantasizes about violence against whites, and in general a total asshole.
See? Why should I explain anything again? What I'm doing, racially, with you guys has been explained again, and again, and again - but, rather than deal with that, you're repeating the "racist, a thug who continually fantasizes about violence" bullshit.
Let's try again:
You guys are racists. You don't claim it, but you repeat the same phrases racists do ("playing the victim" being a current favorite of mine) you have the same attitudes, the same hostility. You've all made it clear you won't change or have anuy desire to do so.
Why should I?
And why are you blaming me when you know this country's history? This isn't a country assaulted by blacks - blacks were assaulted by whites - so to think no blacks are going to be pissed when the main bullshit just stopped like 35-40 years ago is silly, cruel, insane, nonsensical, and really, just blindingly stupid.
Unless, of course, you're a racist who doesn't think blacks are human with the same emotions as everyone else.
You made our families slaves - for generations.
You stole our wealth for yourselves - for generations.
You beat, abused, ripped-off, confused, betrayed, raped, chopped-up, and mangled a beautiful people and you seriously think - within my lifetime and without seriously trying to make up for it - we're just going to be happy campers?
With you?
It's destructive madness even to contemplate.
Seriously, you must not have any humanity to expect that of us.
Like Nazis,...
David, I said that I thought the findings of that poll don't point to "people seething with hatred about past or present injustices." That was why I posted the information about it -- to counter Crack's impression that they are filled with such hatred.
You take pride that a black person invented the rolling pin?
I thank all of mankind, and Mother Necessity, for all of the inventions that have made all of our lives better. No, not "bitter"; "better".
upiter said...
Am I the only one who thinks the noxious auditory hatred referred to as "rap music" is pure, distilled elixir of macroagression?
Why no, Mr. Dunn, why do you ask?
>you'll continue to be hated because, as a group, you're too nobody's-going-to-tell-me-what-to-do stupid to stop.
i like the projection. what lens do you use?
Fight The Glower!
That was why I posted the information about it -- to counter Crack's impression that they are filled with such hatred.
What? You thought some stupid white poll you found is going to tell me what my friends and family think?
Man, you guys take the cake on idiotic,...
>You thought some stupid white poll you found is going to tell me what my friends and family think?<
the "hive mind" of jackson and sharpton don't "think"
You beat, abused, ripped-off, confused, betrayed, raped, chopped-up, and mangled a beautiful people and you seriously think - within my lifetime and without seriously trying to make up for it - we're just going to be happy campers?
By that logic, didn't YOU just torture, shoot, stab, and then burn a father and son and their friend in Detroit?
Explain, Crack.
Vile Pliskin said...
You take pride that a black person invented the rolling pin?
Under the circumstances whites have forced us to live under, I take pride blacks are still alive.
We beat you with just that.
That's why whites hate us - they can't look down on us any more. They talk smack because that's all they got.
But we know better,...
I have to say, I do have some sympathy with this micro-aggression notion. Every time some useless human defect tells me that I have a bad attitude, it really hurts my feelings. I need for some professor to tell them to stop it.
D. said...
>You thought some stupid white poll you found is going to tell me what my friends and family think?<
the "hive mind" of jackson and sharpton don't "think"
Oh yeah, there "race hustlers" who worked with MLK and James Brown.
Both are better men than you guys,...
>Under the circumstances whites have forced us to live under<
black run america is a detroit. you go demonrat slaves. black america's "culture" = loser
Oh look. Crack can't be bothered to read before replying. Once again he writes "You made our families slaves - for generations." No, I didn't. No living American did. As previously noted, none of my ancestors did, either. And most white Americans do not have any ancestors who did, while (oops!) most black Americans do. Why does Crack keep insisting on a palpable untruth?
Blaming all white Americans for the crimes of some of them is pure and simple racism. It's exactly the same morally as if I were to hold Crack personally responsible for mugging friends of mine, because everyone who's ever mugged a friend of mine was black. (That's two friends, mugged three times between them by about a dozen muggers total.) Damned near every white person I know knows that you can't blame a person just for being the same race as someone who did you wrong, or even the same race as a whole bunch of people who did you (or your friends) wrong. It's pure simple racism. It's stupid. It's evil. And Crack is wallowing in anti-white racism.
Unlike him, most of us here do not lump together all members of a race and blame them for the crimes of some. Which is a good thing for black Americans in general: I don't blame any of them for Crack's assholery, or for mugging my friends, because hey, that would be racist. Perhaps some day Crack will figure out that racism is wrong, even when he does it.
And I expressed, by universal inclusion, gratitude for all of the inventions in your list.
And called you bitter.
I win.
>Oh yeah, there "race hustlers" who worked with MLK and James Brown.
dude you got something say recent.
at the end mlk was a race hustler and james brown was an entertainer.
D. said...
>Under the circumstances whites have forced us to live under<
black run america is a detroit. you go demonrat slaves. black america's "culture" = loser
You guys really don't study up before you speak, do you? Is that a white thing? Speaking off the top of your head and spouting shit designed to make you look stupid in any crowd but a white one?
Here, let Daddy fix it:
black run america is detroit AFTER WHITE FLIGHT.
You always leave the guilty party out to make your criticisms - but it's always so obvious I wonder why you bother,...
"most white Americans do not have any ancestors who did, while (oops!) most black Americans do."
O.K., that's a level of stupid that sets you afloat.
We're done.
Slavery was a black phenom - not a white one - that's why there's all those photos of white slavery, etc. It went on for so long and was so brutal.
You guys are a joke,...
black run america is detroit AFTER WHITE FLIGHT.
you got the power and you folks effed it. if you need whites to be "successful" then you are aa losers.
>You always leave the guilty party out to make your criticisms<
that black fist in detroit is so welcoming racist
Crack just wants to line his pockets, profit, from American injustice. The problem is he knows better; he's evil as ignorance is out for him as an excuse. Evil is all that's left.
You whites, on the other hand, are too stupid to know you're racist hence absolved of sin per Crack.
Also Crack is like the nun in The Blues Brothers. Whatever you say he will smack you with a ruler. "Christ Jake" says Elwood and then WHACK!
If all whites without exception are responsible for slavery and Jim Crow, and ruining Detroit by leaving, and killing MLK, and so on, are all blacks responsible for killing Nicole Brown Simpson and that guy she was with, molesting a bunch of kids at Neverland Ranch, beating Tina Turner, and the Newsom murders? Or are some races Borg-like collectives while others are made up of responsible individuals?
"I hate when you guys paraphrase because you never do - you say what you THINK I said - never what I said."
Geez, Crack, we don't even SAY anything and you paraphrase it to conclude that 'you're all racists'. Do you really not see that?
"black run america is detroit AFTER WHITE FLIGHT."
You saying we should stand our ground?
hey crack: do you think the illegals are going to treat your folk differently
hey crack do the muslim/black slave traders ever show up in your "history"?
"black run america is detroit AFTER WHITE FLIGHT."
Crackster, you are too much! Are you actually coming right out and saying that black people can't get by without white supervision?
Wait, so any time someone makes a rude comment, that's microaggression!
Wow! I'm a microagression victim whenever I go out in public pregnant or with kids!
Maybe the microagression people just need to write more songs:
One word, Crack. Latinos. Not whites and certainly not blacks.
It's been an interesting 400 years. See you later. Maybe.
Jupiter said...
"black run america is detroit AFTER WHITE FLIGHT."
Crackster, you are too much! Are you actually coming right out and saying that black people can't get by without white supervision?
No, I'm saying sabotage by white devils was bound to fail. And, if anybody can't hang, it's the folks who ran.
The ones who stayed still created without you.
Another black invention - TECHNO
The sons and daughters of Motown and the dead white car industry - with their robots - haven't sat as still as you claim.
But you wouldn't know that, because you're not an American,...
>One word, Crack. Latinos. Not whites and certainly not blacks.
It's been an interesting 400 years. See you later. Maybe.<
low iq mexican indians replacing low iq blacks. soros/clinton/obama happy. crack you be a "freedom" fighter
>Another black invention - TECHNO<
snicker dude stop you look stupid
NotquiteunBuckley said...
Crack just wants to line his pockets, profit, from American injustice.
See, this is what I mean by you're sick - in the head:
You'll consider any scenario - including I'm a raving racist instead of the artist some of you have known for years - any scenario, except the only one that matters:
Rand Paul has told you. The Republican leadership has told you. Everyone who isn't a white male - and even many of them - have told you.
I'm telling you - but I'm also working your last nerve (and spending my own time) to rush you there a little faster because, frankly, I think you can do it.
There, I said it.
Guys, guys. Let's just admit that whites invented slavery and blacks invented hip-hop. Can't we call it even?
>Another black invention - TECHNO<
i like the palis "buzzing prayer rug" personally
why not YOU?
low iq mexican indians replacing low iq blacks. soros/clinton/obama happy. crack you be a "freedom" fighter
You know what's funny about this statement?
You don't get that life with you is so unpleasant, everybody would rather be with the low iq mexican indians and soros/clinton/obama happy than with anything you guys with all the stolen land and money have to offer.
I'm telling you, you're burying your country - but only for you.
D. said...
>Another black invention - TECHNO<
snicker dude stop you look stupid
Are you arguing with history, music, Wikipedia, who?
Much worse than any white, ever, I'm sure TCE will agree, are the blacks who came to America of their own volition to profit for themselves.
They saw America through an historical lense rape all that is decent and by God damn near exterminate a culture, yet they decided "hey I want some of that filthy, ill-gotten lucre."
We need lists of these slave profiteers of these ladder days. I want some justice here by God.
Dierdre, seriously? People are rude to you because you are pregnant or have children? I had four children, no one was ever rude to me because of this, one daughter is pregnant, another daughter has three children. No one was ever rude to them because of this. Sorry, but you sound as if you're grievance mongering.
Smilin' Jack said...
Guys, guys. Let's just admit that whites invented slavery and blacks invented hip-hop. Can't we call it even?
No, Mr. Dunn - next question.
D. said...
why not YOU?
Because I'm not the one with the history as a psychopath.
Ok, people on airplanes can be rude when someone's baby cries. What jerks, not the babies.
>Because I'm not the one with the history as a psychopath.<
like bob mugabe or john doe or tutus? you blacks don't have much to show other than primal desire for power. losers and ebt clients.
like bob mugabe or john doe or tutus?
Those do NOT sound like American blacks, those are Africans.
Try again.
We're the ones with the history of including non-violent protest in the mix.
>Because I'm not the one with the history as a psychopath<
recent black american history says you are "not acting white" therefore losers. dude give us the buzzing prayer rug.
recent black american history says you are "not acting white" therefore losers.
I have no idea what that means, but O.K.
I figure, if whites don't respect it, it's probably the right way to go.
>We're the ones with the history of including non-violent protest in the mix.<
yep steal from ghandi and it is "yours". loser bra
>I have no idea what that means, but O.K.<
outside of jump shots, touchdowns, bad music what exactly have black america produced?
yep steal from ghandi and it is "yours". loser bra
Your desperation to be on top - even in this conversation - is just a public demonstration of the white man's insane control issues. You really can't feel like anything unless you can say "loser bra" can you?
You do know racism is a neurosis, don't you? A mental problem? A pathology?
What would you call someone obsessed with putting down one of the most abused races in America?
Perfectly healthy?
Mentally healthy?
Or you?
D. said...
>I have no idea what that means, but O.K.<
outside of jump shots, touchdowns, bad music what exactly have black america produced?
O.K., I know I've already produced one list of black inventions tonight, so you're done.
You hit the bottom of the barrel on stupid.
>You do know racism is a neurosis, don't you? A mental problem? A pathology?<
a stalinist like "rev" wright, ayers, and obama. you go grrl
>What would you call someone obsessed with putting down one of the most abused races in America? <
i'd say a fiscal realist. giving money to blacks does not make them productive. and your "black culture" suxs too
here's for the crack:
why does your tribe need to dominate a public space? we are americans no?
Here's the progression.
1. Crack posts, calls people racists.
2. Everyone denies being racists.
3. Crack says, yes you are.
4. Everyone calls Crack crazy, psycho, whatever.
5. Crack calls them racists again.
6. Everyone starts saying racist things about black people.
7. Crack is proven right.
This is completely intentional. Notice how it takes no time at all to bring people to racist insults when the gloves come off. Same with sexist/homophobic/whatever insults. We're all very enlightened until confronted with someone we don't like.
Think that might be the point of the exercise? Exposing what we really feel? Showing how easily racism surfaces given the smallest excuse? Hell, in this thread it's even topical!
If you don't think you're a racist, then don't talk about it. You're not the target. Let it go.
If you hear the dog whistle then you are the dog.
Lastly, I use rolling pins every day. They're a damn useful thing. Beats the hell out of hand stretching. They're something that could have been invented thousands of years ago but weren't. It took a genius to finally do it.
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