The second paragraph of a NYT article title "Racist Episodes Continue to Stir Ole Miss Campus," which does eventually get around to gesturing at the problem that incidents like this can be hoaxes, but only in the form of quoting a lawyer-blogger who also wouldn't take the incident seriously if it was done by white racists:
“It’s a mistake to base any decision on this, whether it was done by white racists or whether it was a hoax,” said Frank M. Hurdle, an Oxford lawyer and blogger. “Now, if you can show me that several hundred students got together in a meeting and did this, then I will be the first one to say that we need to have some systemic changes made. But we all know that’s not what happened.”ADDED: Why doesn't Ole Miss have a surveillance camera on that James Meredith statue? Would-be protesters of all mindsets should be deterred from leveraging their opinions this way.
ALSO: "A national fraternity indefinitely suspended its chapter at the University of Mississippi after three members were suspected of hanging a noose around a statue of the school's first black student."
२८८ टिप्पण्या:
288 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Guarantee it was done by white liberals.
Meredith would laugh. He is a good guy.
Every racist outrage on university campuses in living memory has been a hoax. There is virtually no chance that this is an exception.
Has anybody been keeping score (hoax vs. racism)? Hoaxes are winning going away, aren't they?
"A place where past and present still restlessly coexist."
I am sure I've been told that doesn't happen in America anymore because RACIST.
“Now, if you can show me that several hundred students got together in a meeting and did this, then I will be the first one to say that we need to have some systemic changes made. But we all know that’s not what happened.”
Wow - that guy's obviously not black American if he's willing to let this grow to "several hundred students" before he'd act. Incredible. Doesn't he get that we have a right, finally, to a life without this? Where's this idea we have to endure it, that it has to be part of our culture, enshrined?
Oh yeah - my bad - I forgot,...
My default response is that these things are hoaxes. I was in a Fraternity. We did some dumb things. But a lot has changed in Fraternities in the last 15 years. Risk Management is much more serious. I'm not saying it isn't possible - I'm just saying that it's easier to see this as a hoax. Maybe it's a hoax in response to racism by a 1000 microagressions.
Meredith, 80, told the Los Angeles Times this week from his Mississippi home that the incident showed that youths weren't being taught right from wrong. He said all the nation's ills would be cured if every child learned the Golden Rule, the Ten Commandments and the Lord's Prayer before reaching kindergarten.,0,6423345.story#ixzz2uATF2EUg
Cant have this can we?
Racism is the new blood libel.
Racists are Goldstein.
And all accusations are believed even if disproven.
Wouldn't matter if there's an exculpatory video. All that will be remembered is some racist act.
I don't want to pick on Bill O'Reilly:
This is a more fair representation of the iconography.
They do what they can,...
Sorry, hoax until proven otherwise.
Has anybody been keeping score (hoax vs. racism)? Hoaxes are winning going away, aren't they?
I stopped counting after 16-0
Frat prank. Frat suspended,three students arrested. Hate crime. Vandalism.
“It’s a mistake to base any decision on this, whether it was done by white racists or whether it was a hoax,” said Frank M. Hurdle, an Oxford lawyer and blogger. “Now, if you can show me that several hundred students got together in a meeting and did this, then I will be the first one to say that we need to have some systemic changes made. But we all know that’s not what happened.”
Appeal to conformity, strawman, argumentum ad absurdum.
Yeah, even you know its a hoax, Frank. Else, why the pitch?
Wouldn't matter if there's an exculpatory video. All that will be remembered is some racist act.
Exactly, and rags like the NYTs not only know this, they deliberately take advantage of human nature to prepetuate this kind of bs.
Big article on it today.
Quiet correction on page A19 six months from now. Guess what the LIVs will remember? And the NYTs plays off that.
Michael, that article you link sure doesn't make it sound like James Meredith is laughing.
That article and others also say three white male students are suspects. We'll see where the investigation goes but if it isn't a hoax and turns out to be a real racist incident, will Pogo and those who assume it's a hoax reexamine their assumptions? Unlikely.
You didn't read my post.
I said it didn't matter if it was real or not.
It's real because they say it is.
See the Duke lacrosse case for an example.
The NY Times determination to scapegoat the South is pretty boring.
Whether hoax or not, the story isn't even worth reporting.
Somefeller. Meredith's statement can be read by anyone. It is quite clear. The laughter I posed coming from him would have come from a different place and a different reason. If you know anything about his life you would understand. Instead you plop him in with whatever stereotype you have handy.
I dont think this is a "hoax". I think it is an ugly prank steeped in racism. Never heard of the fraternity. It is not a mainstream one or one I remember being at Oxford.
If the students who did the act really were white, in what way would it be a hoax?
Why doesn't Ole Miss have a surveillance camera on that James Meredith statue?
Why not? USC has Tommy (Trojan) Cam.
somefeller said...
We'll see where the investigation goes but if it isn't a hoax and turns out to be a real racist incident, will Pogo and those who assume it's a hoax reexamine their assumptions?
Perhaps so. But that would just make him the equal of the left, none of whom have reexamined their assumptions despite repeatedly learning actual racist events are so rare those whose societal preferences can only be justified if they exist must invent them.
Raise your hand if you can envision a time and place in which the race hustlers declare the "racism" problem solved.
The purpose of racism hustling is the perpetuation of the problem the hustlers claim to be attempting to solve.
Even demented race hustlers who don't know how to cash in on the racket, like Crack, exist almost solely for the purpose of discovering new and more arcane aspects of the "racism" problem.
The professional race hustlers on campus know how to milk the cash cow of the university. Their job is to keep embellishing on the "racism" problem, so as to keep themselves employed.
The Diversity Commissar at Althouse's re-education camp pulls down $150,000!
Whether hoax or not, the story isn't even worth reporting.
Yeah, racially-charged vandalism of a statue that honors a historically important alumnus of the flagship state university of Mississippi is not a story worth reporting. I mean, what's the big deal about a little lynching imagery linked to a monument to James Meredith, right?
I mean, what's the big deal about a little lynching imagery linked to a monument to James Meredith, right?
It's no big deal.
We'll see where the investigation goes but if Tawana Brawley's claims aren't a hoax and turns out to be a real racist incident, will Pogo and those who assume it's a hoax reexamine their assumptions?
Just sayin'....
"Wow - that guy's obviously not black American if he's willing to let this grow to "several hundred students" before he'd act. Incredible. Doesn't he get that we have a right, finally, to a life without this? Where's this idea we have to endure it, that it has to be part of our culture, enshrined?"
You might have to endure this simply because individuals act like assholes. But how is this being enshrined? Most people are not in fact doing this, nor saying its a good thing that it was done.
I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to go to jail because if it.
Somefeller. Meredith's statement can be read by anyone. It is quite clear. The laughter I posed coming from him would have come from a different place and a different reason. If you know anything about his life you would understand. Instead you plop him in with whatever stereotype you have handy.
What stereotype? I simply said that it didn't look like he was laughing this incident off in the example you cite. From what I've read of him, he sounds like a man of courage and generosity of spirit. Not sure why you are claiming I'm engaging in a stereotype.
I dont think this is a "hoax". I think it is an ugly prank steeped in racism.
Sounds like that to me also. A noose on a statue of Meredith isn't some little college hijinks. The fact that the presidents of the fraternities at Ole Miss jumped on this quickly shows that and reflects well on them.
Somefeller, I'll take your refusal to retract your misinterpretation of my post as your endorsement of blood libel acts.
That is, you're a hoaxer who endorses hoaxing to benefit your aims.
Racism hysteria has become the world's biggest bore.
Knuckleheads like somefeller bleating about the importance of racism hysteria long ago ceased to have any affect on me.
Your outrage is boring, manufactured for the purpose of office politics, and stupid beyond belief.
It's so fucking dull.
Precisely. It's no big deal.
Thanks for proving my point, ST. Keep it up.
"We'll see where the investigation goes but if it isn't a hoax and turns out to be a real racist incident, will Pogo and those who assume it's a hoax reexamine their assumptions?"
What assumptions are you suggesteing they reexamine? That it was a hoax? Or some bigger question about racism in America and not the racism of the guy who did this particular thing?
...because it can't happen here!.
Here's a a list of race hoaxes . some feller won't like the site but it's a long list.
Thanks for proving my point, ST. Keep it up.
You're welcome.
And when it's just another hoax created by the Diversity Department to justify its budget, what you gonna say?
We have to get the somefellers of this world on some kind of anti-hysteria meds so that the current racism outrage of the day doesn't drive them mad.
Take it however you want, Pogo. From what I've seen of your comments, you're a sad sack who hates the country he lives in and has (at best) a huge chip on his shoulder when it comes to anything involving women or minorities. So I don't feel a need to retract or respond to anything you come up with except as my whims move me. If you want to shed a tear, go right ahead.
And ST, let's just say when it comes to needing meds when a particular issue is discussed, I'll leave that topic to your expertise.
"Doesn't he get that we have a right, finally, to a life without this?"
Right? No, you don't. Just as devout Christians have no right to live without a constant barrage of attacks by atheists. Or gays have a right to live without expressions of anti-gay rhetoric.
We might have an expectation that such things will be condemned, even punished when such actions are expressly illegal. But a right is a political imperative. Unless we create a society in which any unsanctioned belief is ruthlessly suppressed, we have no right to expect that expressions of stupidity and hatred will disappear.
Even if it's not a hoax its the actions of two people, not the school. So, lets assume that it isn't a hoax and that they did exactly was said they did.
The story is "Two people acted like assholes". It's not an indictment of America,or white racism. or even a representation of race relations in America.
These two guys are racist. What does it say about everyone else on campus who isnt putting a noose around the neck of James Meredith.
If it wasn't this it might be someone putting up swastikas on a synagogue. While it's certainly newsworthy, does it say anything beyond that someone did that?
Why would this be vandalism? Was there any damage to the property? I am honestly asking. Spray painting I properly understand as vandalism. But something so easily removed I don't quite get.
Offensive, ok fine. But maybe a hoax. We shall see.
Vandalism? I am unsure.
Why not First Amendment protected performance art?
Art that should be thrown away by a discerning grounds crew.
You lack integrity, as suspected.
You made a false accusation and won't withdraw it.
You are what I posted: a hoaxer.
The truth doesn't matter, just as I'd said.
You believe so and so to be such and such, facts be damned.
You decided on a narrative, just like the NYTimes, regardless of the facts.
And now you're namecalling. "Goldstein!"
You are a true lefty.
Over you?
A spilt beer you're not.
jr565 said...
"The story is "Two people acted like assholes". It's not an indictment of America,or white racism. or even a representation of race relations in America."
Well stated. College age students are well known to do stupid things thinking it is a prank.
I think the term "hoax" belittles the heinous nature of the act. Have any of the "hoaxers" been prosecuted for hate crimes?
Remember when two black men car-jacked Susan Smith and drowned
her two little boys?
me, neither. A by-g*d white South Carolina Sheriff, no less.
Get with the program, Birkel.
Some speech is less equal than others.
Saying otherwose is racist wrongthinking.
"Doesn't he get that we have a right, finally, to a life without this?"
How is that a right? You actually expect that world? You have a right to freedom, not a right to be free from jerks.
"It's no big deal."
This is why conservatives are losing. They hide behind the Republican Party - the party that freed the slaves - and then deny the weight of this country's history because, of course, they're not carrying it. Their goal, in their every evasion, is to shift it to someone else. It's a problem with tragic consequences for the nation.
Personally, while I am glad a big deal is being made of this in Miss., I wouldn't punish the Young Americans beyond educating them on why everybody's gotten so upset. They're 19 - what do they know? They've obviously got an interest in history, and this was at a college, in Mississippi,...
Anyway, that's The Macho Response.
Probably not what you thought but, if I'm not mistaken, I'm not sure if I've ever voted to prosecute these types of incidents.
I don't think so, but I certainly wouldn't treat them as nothing,...
Nice rant, Pogo. And how exactly am I a hoaxer for saying that, based on the articles that have come out on this incident, this one may not be a hoax? Anyway, please continue. It's always funny watching you do your little dance.
Sig Ep is a major fraternity and these idiot freshmen will be expelled. I wonder if they did have a video monitor on the statue ? That would make sense and shows how dumb these kids are.
It's still no indicator of national sentiment and they were really stupid to pick that place for such a stunt.
Your hoax is that you lied about me and what I said.
And, as I argued about hoaxes, you don't care that what you said isn't true, because your lie fits your narrative.
You have no integrity, just invectives.
Was the Sarah Palin mock lynching a hoax? I never got why Althouse ignored that one.
This is why conservatives are losing. They hide behind the Republican Party...
Talk about dumb fucks.
I have no political affiliation, you dumb jackass, as you well know. Point to any of my writings anywhere, and show me this affection I have for the Republican Party or my concern for who wins elections.
You have become the most boring stupid fuck in the world, Crack.
Are you ever going to stop braying like a jackass and talk about something else?
You know where I was yesterday, and where I will be today again? Playing music, jerk. With musicians.
And you, asshole, will be here, I guarantee, until well after midnight. This shit is all you got.
"Was the Sarah Palin mock lynching a hoax?"
It doesn't matter if it was a hoax or not. Mrs. Palin has no right to expect to live without such nasty expressions of hatred.
I will be in the studio the rest of the day with the kid band. Crack will remain the sainted political activist, while I do the hack work of making a few bucks as a musician.
Note the result here of race hysteria.
We've created a ton of morons, like Crack, who will even flush their lives down the toilet to pursue this obsession.
The race obsession has been a national mental illness for a long time. This obsession is crippling people, and Crack is Exhibit A in how that happens.
Here's the solution.
Get used to the reality that people are sinners.
O.K., Pogo, I see the "Pogo is Dead" name-change. I see the new hangman avatar.
But then I read the text and get this guy.
Now, don't get me wrong - I know the feeling - but, Jesus dude, I've had a wretched few years come my way. About 50 of 'em.
What happened to you?
Aw, Pogo has a sad because I pointed out some inconvenient truths about him. Also, it looks like this incident isn't a hoax, so his assumption that this was just another example of liberal oppression isn't panning out. But I'm sure he'll find something else to wallow in self-pity about.
"Talk about dumb fucks."
This kind of thing is over the top. This topic is one of those that excites passion and provides the opportunity for one of those "much needed conversations" our leaders are always saying we need to have.
But this kind of thing just shuts it all down, for reasons more personal than topical.
Somefeller failed the reading comprehension portion of the exam, but gave himself an A.
Pogo took the blue pill.
What is the difference between this being a "real event" and a hoax?
I'd kick the students out.
If you want to see the damage that compassionate white liberal paternalism does to blacks, look squarely at Crack.
He's a beggar who keeps trying to blackmail whites into declaring that he is their very favorite, most treasured Token Negro in the world.
If only you will really get in there and kiss Crack's ass, he keeps telling you, he will tell all the other black folk to vote Republican.
There's the mental illness in hilarious detail.
What a sick act!
Meredith has identified as an individual American citizen who demanded and received the constitutional rights held by any American, not as a participant in the U.S. civil rights movement. There have been tensions between him and representatives of the movement. When interviewed in 2002, the 40th anniversary of his enrollment at University of Mississippi, Meredith said, "Nothing could be more insulting to me than the concept of civil rights. It means perpetual second-class citizenship for me and my kind."[20][21]
Somebody stole my ring.
Meredith has identified as an individual American citizen who demanded and received the constitutional rights held by any American, not as a participant in the U.S. civil rights movement. There have been tensions between him and representatives of the movement. When interviewed in 2002, the 40th anniversary of his enrollment at University of Mississippi, Meredith said, "Nothing could be more insulting to me than the concept of civil rights. It means perpetual second-class citizenship for me and my kind."[20][21]
Yeah, racially-charged vandalism of a statue that honors a historically important alumnus of the flagship state university of Mississippi is not a story worth reporting. I mean, what's the big deal about a little lynching imagery linked to a monument to James Meredith, right?"
1 - How is hanging a piece of rope around a statue "vandalism"? Paint, maybe. Rope, no.
2 - It seems likely that whoever did this was expressing an opinion, and as such is protected from government action by the First Amendment to the US Constitution. The large number of you who appear to be unfamiliar with that document can probably find a copy at Wikipedia.
Mrs. Palin has no right to expect to live without such nasty expressions of hatred.
But a student who passed around a Leno-skit .gif about King Barry the First was threatened with expulsion and forced to make an apology worthy of Red China is just fine?
"Doesn't he get that we have a right, finally, to a life without this?"
Sadly no more than military families trying to bury their dead or Jews in Skokie trying to live their lives.
That is, unless you're willing to see anti-blasphemy laws enacted.
I am not sure what opinion they were expressing, but they do seem to have your attention, don't they? What would it mean for this incident to be a "hoax"? For example, if the person who placed a noose on the statue were black, would it be a hoax? Would it be an expression of opinion? Would it be vandalism? What if she were a gay Asian, excluded from UMiss by affirmative action?
"But a student who passed around a Leno-skit .gif about King Barry the First was threatened with expulsion and forced to make an apology worthy of Red China is just fine?"
No, it isn't. However, it is likely that the student's action was punished through some legally binding means. If you want the same thing for every offense against every person or group, then the entire country will need to be subjected to similarly ruthless laws punishing such things whenever anyone objects about them. I doubt most people want that, once they think it through.
Pogo is Dead said...
Somebody stole my ring.
I told you I could identify.
I'll help you get yours back if you help me get mine!?!
Even if this isn't a hoax and was perpetrated by real bigots in MS, exactly how is this indicative of the nation any more than the creeps in L.A. hanging Palin was?
One is ignored; the other is front-paged.
Why is this not discussed?
Questions, questions.
Even if this isn't a hoax and was perpetrated by real bigots in MS, exactly how is this indicative of the nation any more than the creeps in L.A. hanging Palin was?
One was at a private residence.
But no, neither is indicative of the nation as a whole.
chickenlittle ,
One is ignored; the other is front-paged.
Why is this not discussed?
Questions, questions.
Who ignored Palin? It was in The L.A. Times. It went international.
Why change - or try to change - reality?
There are plenty of other incidents that we should be talking about instead of this one!
In American Academia, in 2014, putting a noose around the neck of a statue of James Meredith is thumbing one's nose at the Establishment. And the Establishment is not pleased. Listen to Dean Wormer, harumphing about "Vandalism! Racism! Call the FBI!" Epater le bourgeois.
This is why ST's "It's no big deal." is such a big deal.
His attitude corresponds perfectly with the racist narrative. The folks who were outraged about Palin should be outraged about this because - to our shame - we are a lynching country. And we've been one for much longer than we haven't.
That's one of the "It's" in our culture that some still think are "no big deal."
This really is the pitch conservatives are going to attract minorities with, right?
The Leno .gif was in Canada.
No First Amendment in Canada.
Oh, look, Jupiter is trying to sound sophisticated by dropping a little French in his comments. It's fairly obvious what is intended to be said by a noose around the neck of a statue of James Meredith and it isn't "down with the Establishment". But please add more brilliant questions and commentary. One can never have too many clowns in the show.
One Note Crack. Continue pounding that one note, so-called musician.
Alex said...
One Note Crack. Continue pounding that one note, so-called musician.
Yeah, it's like tuning a piano - you just keep tightening, and tightening, and pretty soon, you can get that puppy howling.
And also, yeah, it's just me. And pretty much every other black person on the planet, including 12 Years a Slave's Steve McQueen and Oprah Winfrey on down to through the upper and middle classes, right down to pretty much every ghetto dweller across this nation. We know why we're poor, and why y'all ain't, so as you can probably tell from how fast we're now making millionaires without your interference, especially through Rap Music:
That one note will not be denied.
I enjoy the Leftist tactic of creating an "other" to blame for wrongs and justify behavior.
Tell me that again why The Crack Emcee is not a standard issue Leftist.
The Cracker Emcee said...
Guarantee it was done by white liberals.
It was not done by white liberals.
It was done by three immature stupid insensitive freshmen. Since what you do is what you are, they are also racists. Their youth and immaturity are not an excuse.
James Meredith was 29 when he entered University of Mississippi. He later said that it was his goal to cause the Federal Government to intervene to enforce his rights. That goal was achieved and it was a landmark moment.
James Meredith went on to live an exemplary life. According to Wikipedia, in 2002 there was a year long commemoration of his efforts at University of Mississippi. He said he was somewhat embarrassed by it, by being the center of attention. He may have been too polite to say that he would have preferred not to be at the center of an orgy of self congratulation.
His son also went to U Miss. The son graduated at the top of his class in the Phd. program in business. Meredith said he was more pleased and proud of that than of his own desegregation efforts.
James Meredith chose to remain in Mississippi all of his life. I believe he is still alive. There is a photo of him from 2007 at Wikipedia. He is clear eyed and sports a beard. He looks a bit like a cross between Dick Gregory and Uncle Remus.
Neese again. It needs a KKK robe and a swastika.
Society loves its symbols for taking offense.
Do you know how the men involved describe themselves politically? If so, can you please share a link?
Or do you get to decide how to define others? Why are you in such a privileged position?
Do you mean Liberal or liberal or Democrat?
So many questions.
" it set into motion a new round of soul-searching in a place where past and present still restlessly coexist."
Is why they did it.
Gotta keep the rubes believing.
There have been hoax racist acts in the past. Therefore this is a hoax.
There have been hoax racist acts in the past. Therefore this event, hoax or not, is insignificant.
There have been hoax racist incidents in the past. Therefore all such incidents should be presumed hoaxes.
This act was done by just three people. Therefore it is not significant in determining what the racial attitudes are at University of Mississippi.
This act was done by just three people. Therefore it shows that University of Mississippi remains deeply racist.
It's one incident. It's a particularly striking one since it involves desecration of a monument to a very important moment in American history. It should not be surprising that it gets a lot of attention, or that much of the attention will reflect our current pathologies on race. Generally I dislike the term "teachable moment" but this actually is one.
Who ignored Palin? It was in The L.A. Times.
I meant here, Crack. It was ignored here. Despite the relevancy to every other tag. I just never got that, and when I started to think about it was around when I started thinking other bad things about "good faith" around here.
"It's one incident. It's a particularly striking one since it involves desecration of a monument to a very important moment in American history. It should not be surprising that it gets a lot of attention, or that much of the attention will reflect our current pathologies on race. Generally I dislike the term "teachable moment" but this actually is one."
Indeed it is a teachable moment.
Unfortunately, I don't expect you or others to be taught.
The suggested lesson is, don't be so gullible. Wait for all the facts to come out before making a judgement.
@Crack: I actually think that both incidences were/are noteworthy. Palin and this one under discussion. Both symbolize so much more. And yet one was ignored here (except by me apparently).
It's fairly obvious what is intended to be said by a noose around the neck of a statue of James Meredith and it isn't "down with the Establishment".
Somefeller, are you suggesting that the statue was snuck into place in the dead of night by fearless insurgents?
Despite the relevancy to every other tag" should be "Despite the relevancy to other tags."
Birkel said...
Do you know how the men involved describe themselves politically? If so, can you please share a link?
Or do you get to decide how to define others? Why are you in such a privileged position?
I drew inferences from the known facts. This act was done by three 19 year old white males, all from Georgia. They chose to go to University of Mississippi and chose to join fraternities. They have now lawyered up and are not talking to police on advice of their counsel. They have also not been named.
It is possible that there were three young liberals from Georgia who chose U Miss and chose to be fraternity members. But based on my knowledge of the south (where I live) and of University of Mississippi (which is not inconsiderable), I consider it very unlikely that there were liberal in political outlook. The probably had very little political outlook at all.
I also consider it likely that, if they were indeed liberal in outlook, someone would be flogging this fact hard by now. Though the names of these individuals have not been published, the names are well known on the Mississippi campus by now.
It is of course possible that I am wrong. We will find out eventually.
Also I am not a liberal. Not even close. So I'm not making smoke for my own kind.
As to my "privileged position," it's no more or less privileged than yours.
This happened at a university that still bills itself as Ole Miss, with all the ugly connotations that carries. Whose campus still has a street named Confederate Drive. In the only state whose state flag still bears Confederate insignia.
Doesn't seem fair to extrapolate that kind of tradition/racism to the entire country.
And Jupiter continues to show that he is disingenuous, an imbecile or some combination thereof. Here's a pro-tip. Read what David just wrote or what Michael wrote earlier. Those are examples of intelligent conservative commentary on this incident. Go ahead, you might learn something.
eric said...
Indeed it is a teachable moment.
Unfortunately, I don't expect you or others to be taught.
The suggested lesson is, don't be so gullible. Wait for all the facts to come out before making a judgement.
Eric, "all the facts" never come out. We have enough facts to start to make judgments about this, and to focus on other questions that should be answered.
But "all the facts?" Please. I'm sure you were not born yesterday.
The main judgement I've made so far is that placing a noose around the neck of a statue of James Meredith is an ugly thing to do. I've also made a tentative judgment that this is not a "hoax."
(I consider "hoax" to be a misleading term. Whether done by a righty, a lefty or just the village idiot, these incidents are never hoaxes. Some are false flag operations. But in all cases they do real damage to the community involved.)
Lydia said...
This happened at a university that still bills itself as Ole Miss, with all the ugly connotations that carries. Whose campus still has a street named Confederate Drive. In the only state whose state flag still bears Confederate insignia.
Doesn't seem fair to extrapolate that kind of tradition/racism to the entire country.
Here we go again.
If you follow your argument to its logical conclusion, they should not call the state Mississippi anymore.
The state flag was adopted in 1894. In a time when they did not have to do inclusiveness bullshitting in describing what they were doing, here is how the legislative committee described the flag. Note the references to the "Union" and the original 13 states.
"one with width two-thirds of its length; with the union square, in width two-thirds of the width of the flag; the ground of the union to be red and a broad blue saltier thereon, bordered with white and emblazoned with thirteen (13) mullets or five-pointed stars, corresponding with the number of the original States of the Union; the field to be divided into three bars of equal width, the upper one blue, the center one white, and the lower one extending the whole length of the flag.
The insignia in the upper left hand quarter is actually not the Confederate battle flag, although I would not deny that it was designed (in coloration) as a reference to the actual stars and bars.
You can't eradicate history, Lydia. You can only learn from it.
--Why doesn't Ole Miss have a surveillance camera on that James Meredith statue?
Why not? USC has Tommy (Trojan) Cam.--
Sounds like I should deface me a Lenin statue before they put cams on that.
Symbolism Matters. When the Jewish Cemeteries are Routinely Defaced in France (2010, 2012, etc) or the Like ( Most People (I'd Like to Believe) Still Feel Revulsion: Could Very Well Just Be Idiot Kids with Spray Paint, But The Perpetrators Understand the Significance, otherwise They Wouldn't Choose to Play with That Particular Fire.
Same Here, Just Different Fire. Note: I Understand There Have Been Hoaxes, and Believe Those Indeed Should Be Prosecuted. But That -- in my Opinion -- is a Parallel Topic, Not Convergent With This Event.
Myself, I Would Like This 'Teaching Moment' to Consist of the Responsible Youth Being Walked Through the Streets and Campus at Sundown With Nooses Symbolically Around Their Neck, Rope Trailing Behind Them. Line the Streets. Televise It. Think of it as a Prank, Like Hazing. Sure, They May Piss Themselves a Bit, But -- Since it is Symbolism -- They Will Have the Morning to Do Laundry.
I Will Now Go back to Robot Jokes.
I meant here, Crack. It was ignored here. Despite the relevancy to every other tag. I just never got that, and when I started to think about it was around when I started thinking other bad things about "good faith" around here.
Althouse, damn you for not writing about that famous incident. Don't you know that if you prick Sarah Palin, little Chickie shall bleed?
These days, calling someone totally racist is totally gay. These are the playground insults of the diversity sandbox.
Mark Steyn
As the comedienne Sarah Silverman likes to say, “I mean ‘gay’ like ‘retarded.’ ”
More Mark Steyn, supra.
To litigate every offense is to give a not especially distinguished judiciary the power to micro-regulate social relations.
Mark Steyn ibid
There's a very good and strong piece over at Commentary about what Crack has been saying here on Republicans and race. It's not about this incident at the U. of Mississippi, it's about Ted Nugent, but I think it fits in this thread as well. Anyway, here's an excerpt:
...the fact that Republicans seem to be struggling with how to handle a repulsive figure like Mr. Nugent frankly does not speak well of them. What they don’t understand is that these kinds of moments have resonance with voters. They are symbolic; but symbolism matters, and in this case it speaks to something real and deep. Will a party and a movement police its own ranks when it comes to haters?
It isn’t enough to plead ignorance or blame the media for elevating the story. It’s out there now–and because Nugent is involved in GOP politics, campaigning with a would-be governor, it’s understandable why it’s a story.
There are several possible explanations for why Republicans would not denounce Nugent and his statement in unqualified terms. One is that they aren’t all that offended by what Nugent said. A second is Nugent is on their “team” and therefore needs to be treated with kid gloves. A third explanation is that they fear that in denouncing Nugent they will upset elements of the GOP base.
Any of these explanations is an indictment.
The whole thing is worth a read.
On My Earlier Post: I Forgot Torches. Crowds need Torches. I Will Do Better Next Time.
Easter cards with a noose would be a nice start.
Then what. 4th of July noose fireworks.
Halloween noose costumes.
Christmas 4th magi with noose.
We need insensitivity training.
Can computers be made insensitive?
A question of mine from the 80s.
Good safety lesson for society.
Don't leave loaded symbols around.
You'd think flag burning would have taught that already.
Althouse, damn you for not writing about that famous incident. Don't you know that if you prick Sarah Palin, little Chickie shall bleed?
Given your utter consonance with the Sullivanistic party line regarding all things Palin, I'm not surprised you'd write something like that, somefeller.
Noose was one of the boy scout knots when I was a kid.
Let me guess that it isn't now.
There is a specter haunting America and its name is Sullivanism...
Anyway, I know you have your obsessions, Chickie, so it's natural for you to feel grievous pain at this perceived slight from the hostess here. But I saw that Palin has a new reality show gig so you'll have plenty of hours of viewing pleasure to lull the pain, I'm sure.
Next time it will be easier to type "I just made some shit up" and save pixels for later use. You know nothing have have guessed what you prefer to guess.
Here's my guess: David knows fuck all.
the fact that Republicans seem to be struggling with how to handle a repulsive figure like Mr. Nugent frankly does not speak well of them.
Yet somehow the repulsive figures associated with the demos are never an issue.
Classic response, Birkel.
You indeed "win the thread."
Without consistency, leveraging the hypocrisy angle is ineffective. Why isn't this work of art funded by the NEA and defended by the ACLU?
Lydia. Waiting for the Dems to condemn Sean Penn for his string support for the fsiled socialist Venezuela
So here are some questions you can answer because it's just your opinion...
What should the state of Mississippi do, regardless of the perpetrators' politics? What should Ole Miss do, under color of state authority?
Let's stipulate that the incident is stupid and vile. Are social probation, moral outrage and (more and better) speech the best answer to the students' activities?
Lydia quoted Crack:
"...the fact that Republicans seem to be struggling with how to handle a repulsive figure like Mr. Nugent frankly does not speak well of them."
So far the only evidence I've heard against Mr. Nugent is one sound bite. Is there more?
was it oberlin college that had the supposed KKK member walking around that turned out to be a girl in a blanket? or the other race hoaxes, too many to list.
If I were making the decision, the students would be suspended with an opportunity to be readmitted. They should be required to take a course or two in history of the south and American history. No diversity training--an actual course. They can take that before or after they are readmitted.
They should not be prosecuted. But they might be. Their lawyers (and parents) are probably making a mistake in not permitting the police and the university to talk to them.
There's no vandalism here because there is no damage to property. So it would be a hate crime prosecution. It was a hateful act but to criminalize it would be a mistake.
Give them a chance to redeem themselves. Either they will or they will not.
This is a serious matter but not all serious matters warrant prosecution.
I would also not suspend the fraternity, which the national has done. (They are covering their ass.)
I do not like group punishment for individual acts. If it were part of a pattern of conduct, it would be different, but so far I have seen no evidence of that.
Racism hysteria has become the world's biggest bore.
So if racism is "hysteria", how do you explain this?
The FBI will continue investigations into the incident to determine possible violations of federal law, according to The Associated Press. Evidence the school has gathered has also been turned over to the District Attorney’s office, University spokesman Danny Blanton told the AP.
If the act is criminal under federal or state law, should it matter whether the act is a "hoax" or not in the decision to charge the perpetrator?
So far the only evidence I've heard against Mr. Nugent is one sound bite. Is there more?
Here's 13 to start. I can find more if you don't want to be willfully ignorant. Plus, he fondly recalls having sex with underage girls.
Here are some choice Nugent goodies for you Illuninati. Ya know, Google is your friend.
About Hillary Clinton: "You probably can't use the term `toxic cunt' in your magazine, but that's what she is. Her very existence insults the spirit of individualism in this country. This bitch is nothing but a two-bit whore for Fidel Castro." [Westword, 7/27/94]
Obama, he's a piece of shit, and I told him to suck on my machine gun. Let's hear it for him. And then I was in New York. I said, "Hey, Hillary, you might want to ride one of these into the sunset, you worthless bitch. Since I'm in California, how about [Senator] Barbara Boxer [D-CA], she might want to suck on my machine gun. And [Senator] Dianne Feinstein [D-CA], ride one of these you worthless whore. Any questions? [Ted Nugent via, accessed 10/1/12]
Because our legislative, judicial and executive branches of government hold the 10th Amendment in contempt, I'm beginning to wonder if it would have been best had the South won the Civil War. Our Founding Fathers' concept of limited government is dead. [The Washington Times, 7/6/12]
NUGENT: You know how many times I've watched MTV? Once in my fucking life.
BOB MACK: You got to be on top of these things.
NUGENT: I don't have to. You know what I'm on top of? I'm on top of a real America with working hard, playing hard, white motherfucking shit kickers, who are independent and get up in the morning.
MACK: Aren't there any blacks?
NUGENT: Show me one. Show me one. [Grand Royal magazine via YouTube, accessed 2/21/14]
NUGENT: MTV is a liberal lump of hippy snot. They are embarrassing. Those big uneducated greasy black mongrels on there, they call themselves rap artists. Excuse me? During a bad bloody case of diarrhea, I got more soul than those guys do at the peak of their life. That's not music. What do you slap some electronic noisemaker and then grunt to it? And this is like soul? No, excuse me, you want to know what soul is? No wonder James Brown went to prison, no wonder Wilson Pickett went to jail, no wonder Chuck Barry went to jail. They're embarrassed by their black brothers. That's not soul. That's not cool. That's stupid. [Ted Nugent via YouTube, accessed 2/21/14]
I got to tell you, guys that have sex with each other's anal cavities -- how can we offend guys that actually have anal sex? Don't you think that might offend some of us who think that's despicable?" [Hannity and Colmes via Nexis, 6/29/00]
Freder Frederson said...
So if racism is "hysteria", how do you explain this?
Well, it does look like there was a group gathered outside the vestibule of one of the stores while the black guy was working the car door; the white guy was viewed only by passers by.
It's also a different location. You can see the stars on Hollywood Blvd. where the black dude is working the lock. There are no stars where the white guy is working the lock.
Freder, I see you to beat me to it, lol. I have trouble believing Illuinati knew so little of Nugent.
"If I were making the decision, the students would be suspended with an opportunity to be readmitted. They should be required to take a course or two in history of the south and American history. No diversity training--an actual course. They can take that before or after they are readmitted."
Ah, so that is what "intelligent conservative commentary" sounds like.
And if I were making the decision, we would fasten your hands behind your back with little red, white and blue zip ties, and hang an "I exercised a Constitutional Right" sign around your neck, before we tarred an feathered you.
Pour encouager les autres, somefeller.
Freder Frederson said...
"So if racism is "hysteria", how do you explain this?"
Interesting video. The symbol on the police car on image :37 seems to match up with the symbol on the LAPD vehicles.
In other words that incident occurred in a reliably blue city in a reliably blue state. If you look closely the people scowling at the apparent black car thief are Hispanics. None of that is compatible with the narrative lefties are advancing that conservative Republicans are racists and lefty Democrats are morally impeccable.
"No diversity training--an actual course."
An interesting distinction. Are you suggesting, perhaps, that the Modern American Establishment has been known to describe as "education" what is actually rank propaganda?
Crack wrote:
And pretty much every other black person on the planet, including 12 Years a Slave's Steve McQueen and Oprah Winfrey on down to through the upper and middle classes, right down to pretty much every ghetto dweller across this nation. We know why we're poor, and why y'all ain't,
Oprah Winfrey is poor? And how do you know that us white folks are rich? Are we as rich as Oprah?
I want them to learn some history, not be indoctrinated.
They may not learn much history in the history courses, but they won't learn any in a diversity training session.
Or make them read Faulkner for a year. That's real punishment.
"There are several possible explanations for why Republicans would not denounce Nugent and his statement in unqualified terms. One is that they aren’t all that offended by what Nugent said. A second is Nugent is on their “team” and therefore needs to be treated with kid gloves. A third explanation is that they fear that in denouncing Nugent they will upset elements of the GOP base.
Any of these explanations is an indictment."
The Iranians are building nuclear bombs, the North Koreans are running death camps, and the Republicans have not denounced Ted Nugent. You can see which of these facts has Lydia concerned.
I'll take 1 and 3. I don't think Ted Nugent needs to be treated with kid gloves.
I would suggest you have it exactly backward. The private organization - the fraternity - is exercising its rights under the First Amendment. The state - as embodied in the university - can prohibit the activity (cross burning case) even though it has a speech component but I would argue it should not do so. It is my estimation that the regulation is not content neutral, is viewpoint specific, and ought be judged violative of the First Amendment.
The majority of Americans (myself included) rightly condemn actual racism and hoaxes that pretend to racism, But I would take the principled position that bad speech should be confronted with good speech. The Constitution rightly protects the minority even when what the minority does is hateful and hurtful.
Jupiter, it's their right to hang the noose, that's for sure. I'm not a fan of hate crime statutes.
But it's also the school's right to kick their asses out for a racist stunt and for bringing dishonor to their University.
Just as, if you hung a noose on someone's door at a workplace where I was in charge, I would fire your ass in a nanosecond.
But it's your right to hang the noose. For yourself.
I'm not saying the fraternity lacks the right. I just don't think they should exercise it in this case.
I predict that reinstatement will come quickly after a few ritual apologies and a diversity course or two.
The national, which has considerable liability to lawsuits, is covering its ass.
It does not really care whether the local had an atmosphere that encouraged or discouraged this. It acted without investigation.
There are other videos of that kind.
Here's a track one of my bands did about Nugent back in '91.
"There's no vandalism here because there is no damage to property. So it would be a hate crime prosecution. It was a hateful act but to criminalize it would be a mistake."
Last time I checked, a "hate crime", at least in the US, is a crime which is motivated by sentiments other than lust or greed. In particular, by animus toward one or another of the kinds of animals that are more equal than others. If there is no crime, than there can be no hate crime. So, Eric "My People" Holder has sent the FBI to Mississippi to try to make a federal crime out of draping some rope around a statue. Do you suppose they bought the rope in Alabama?
This would be a farce, were it not for the fact that a great nation is being destroyed by Lilliputians.
Crack Emcee wrote:
His attitude corresponds perfectly with the racist narrative. The folks who were outraged about Palin should be outraged about this because - to our shame - we are a lynching country. And we've been one for much longer than we haven't.
That's one of the "It's" in our culture that some still think are "no big deal."
Are we still a lynching country? Point me to 5 instances where a black man was lynched in the last 5 years?
If you can find those, then think about how big this country is, and recognize how statistically smally that sample is?
If there were such lynchings who is arguing that they are no big deal?
I'm not even saying this story is no big deal (but its not a lynching). Its' just that its a local story that may only reflect on the people who put the noose around the neck of the statue and nothing greater.
Yes, there are still jerks in the world. In fact if you watch the Nightly News every single night it's a collection of stories of jerks who do jerky things. But that doesn't then extrapolate to some lesson about America's racism does it?
Because how many people are putting nooses around statues around the country? Hell, limit it to just the place where this occured. It's still a unique event, not a pattern.
Birkel, actually your position is not without merit, assuming that this was protected though ugly speech.
Likely, however, that the students signed on to a code of conduct that would prohibit anonymous racist acts. That would likely provide the legal basis.
As a matter of right and wrong I think they should be suspended.
Can you read, Jupiter? i said there should not be a hate crime prosecution. I do not like the hate crime statutes. Way too much potential for chilling effects.
"That doesn't then extrapolate to some lesson about America's racism does it?"
Damn it, jr, you are so ignorant it's embarrassing. Considering blacks were strung up in town squares, to warn others not to stop in town, yeah, I'd say you've got some learning about what a noose in America means.
Inga wrote:
Here are some choice Nugent goodies for you Illuninati. Ya know, Google is your friend.
Nugent is and alwasy has been a rabble rouser with a big mouth. Does he have fans? Sure. But I don't know too many serious conservatives who to to Ted Nugent for serious discussions on conservatism.
has he said racist and/or sexist things? i'm sure he has. I'd like to see the full context of those statements, but considering he is a rabble rouser and not particularly sophisticated I'll take it as a given that he may have said some things.
Do you personally apologize for lefties and the things they say?
"Are we still a lynching country? Point me to 5 instances where a black man was lynched in the last 5 years?"
Four would be ok?
Actually, lynching is out of fashion.
That does not mean we should forget about it.
Do you personally apologize for lefties and the things they say?
that's not the point, or even a valid one - even if she said yes or no it would still mean you're a dick.
that's the point.
god, i'm so sick of your useless, childish evasions
"But it's also the school's right to kick their asses out for a racist stunt and for bringing dishonor to their University."
It used to be the school's right to refuse to even let James Meredith's ass in. Do you think that was an abuse of State power? Or was that simply a reasonable accommodation of widely held sentiment?
No lynchings lately, now they just run them over in trucks and shoot them when they take a walk to get some skittles or when they play loud rap music.
Crack Emcee wrote:
Damn it, jr, you are so ignorant it's embarrassing. Considering blacks were strung up in town squares, to warn others not to stop in town, yeah, I'd say you've got some learning about what a noose in America means.
YOu are such a moron it's scary. I never said anything about the history of lynching in the US. Even if blacks were hung in the town square what does that have to do with this case?
The nazis gassed the jews. If I see one guy who does a sig heil, what does that say about the rest of America who isn't pretending to be a Nazi.
You seem to think that because two people do something that harkens back to slave days that therefore it becomes a referendum on America. No. It's a referendum on individual jackasses who do stupid things.
Other white folks aren't suddenly guilty of trying to revive the practice of lynching simply because two white guys act like a bunch of racists.
It was so noteworthy an event on campus that it made the news. Meaning, that until it happened there were no nooses placed around the neck of James Meredith.
Does the school seem to be sanctioning the action?
Crack, there are certain commenters I don't bother answering anymore, it's a waste of my time.
the fact that Republicans seem to be struggling with how to handle a repulsive figure like Mr. Nugent frankly does not speak well of them.
Ted "Mary Jo" Kennedy, Robert "white n***er" Byrd, Joe [insert numerous racial references here] Biden.
Nugent isn't even a party official or spokesperson, let alone a Senator or VP!
Good lord, the chutzpah is breathtaking!
Inga wrote:
No lynchings lately, now they just run them over in trucks and shoot them when they take a walk to get some skittles or when they play loud rap music.
Who is THEY? White folks? You're white, are you complicit in THEIR crimes?
If you were to look at crime stats, who in fact is killing black people? White folks or black folks? Be honest.
Could you find individual cases where whites kill blacks? Sure, but you could also find individual cases where blacks kill whites. Is THAT representative of black people?
And since you brought up Trayvon Martin, no he wasn't killed because he walked to get Skittles. The argument was that he was bashing GZ' head into the pavement. And GZ was exhonorated in a court of law.
now they just run them over in trucks and shoot them when they take a walk to get some skittles or when they play loud rap music.
mendouchious twatwafflery on parade
But he was important enough for Rep. Steve Stockman to take along as a guest to the SOTU address. Boy that sure makes Republicans look good. Democrats love it.
"You seem to think that because two people do something that harkens back to slave days that therefore it becomes a referendum on America. No. It's a referendum on individual jackasses who do stupid things."
Yes, jr, but in order to do that, you HAVE to jettison all the history this country has accumulated in 400 years and I keep telling you THAT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.
You are part of a historical drama and it doesn't stop because you wish it so.
Darleen said...
the fact that Republicans seem to be struggling with how to handle a repulsive figure like Mr. Nugent frankly does not speak well of them.
Ted "Mary Jo" Kennedy, Robert "white n***er" Byrd, Joe [insert numerous racial references here] Biden.
More evasions. "The Democrats did this" doesn't excuse you being a "cunt" Darleen.
Inga wrote:
But he was important enough for Rep. Steve Stockman to take along as a guest to the SOTU address. Boy that sure makes Republicans look good. Democrats love it.
Michael Moore was the guest of honor at the democrat convention after Fahrenheit 911. Shall we bring up a list of his incendiary qoutes and then make you apologize for them?
btw Inga, do the names Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom ring any bells with you?
How EVER should we view "black society" consequently?
More evasions. "The Democrats did this" doesn't excuse you being a "cunt" Darleen.
Am I supposed to clutch my pearls now that you haul out the premiere misogynist smear?
Baby, wipe the drool from your chin.
Typical Leftist. Confronted with inconvenient facts, resorts to crude racist and/or sexist remarks.
mendouchious twatwafflery on parade
Yeah, that's exactly why it is:
The kid killed buying candy.
The straight A student killed while asking for help.
The girl shot in the face asking for help.
The two brothers, killed while inspecting their new property, because the white guy next door never seen them before.
The kid and his friends listening to music while buying gum.
"mendouchious twatwafflery on parade"
Or life with psychopathic white people, scared of their own shadows, because they're such historical assholes.
"Can you read, Jupiter? i said there should not be a hate crime prosecution. I do not like the hate crime statutes. Way too much potential for chilling effects."
Yes, I can read. And I am getting to be fairly knowledgeable about what you do and don't like. It is kind of you to share.
But you seem to be under the impression that there can be a "hate crime prosecution" absent any underlying crime. That is not (yet) the case. A "hate crime" is a crime which is alleged to be motivated by hatred of the victim. And not just any hatred, but hatred based upon his membership in a protected class. So, if there is no crime at all, and no prosecution, then there can't be a hate crime prosecution.
Which is a good thing, right? Because David doesn't like hate crime prosecutions! He is afraid that, unlike forcing people to take history classes or throwing them out of school (either one will do, or maybe both), hate crime prosecutions can have a chilling effect.
Darleen you need to get those two front teeth filed down a bit, it'll help that lisp of yours. :)
"There are two races of men in this world, but only these two—the “race” of the decent man and the “race” of the indecent man." Victor Frankl
Let us know when you decide to become a member of the former.
"Actually, lynching is out of fashion.
That does not mean we should forget about it."
Actually, the knock-out game is in fashion.
That does not mean it is ok to talk about it.
The kid killed buying candy.
You know, when you start making a list with an outright lie, why should anything following be considered credible?
wipe your chin
Crack Emcee wrote:
Yes, jr, but in order to do that, you HAVE to jettison all the history this country has accumulated in 400 years and I keep telling you THAT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.
History is history. You can't jettison that which already occured. But just because something references something that occured way back when doesn't mean that it has any further significance in relation to that thing other than the person who does an action references that thing.
So, if you find a neo nazi who kills someone while giving the swastika sign it doesn't mean that Germany is suddenly firing up the ovens to gas more jews. It's a lone gunman as it were, acting as a lone gunman. Why are there still some people who haven't gotten the message that Nazism was wrong? There just are. Why haven't lefties got the message that socialism is wrong? People are dumb. that's why.
yes, the guy who put the noose over the statue is making reference to racist actions of the past. But that says soemthing about him, not about everyone.
If the whole town was doing it, then you could see a pattern and condemn the town.
But if its two people then you have to judge the actions individually. Those TWO are racists. Not necessarily every single white person. Especially if most of those white folks aren't exactly cheering at the action.
Darleen said...
The kid killed buying candy.
You know, when you start making a list with an outright lie, why should anything following be considered credible?
wipe your chin
Those were not skittles?
"If the whole town was doing it, then you could see a pattern and condemn the town."
The whole town never did it, you moron.
You're as bad as the guy insisting we had to wait until two hundred people were involved.
You're an idiot,...
illuninati: " If you look closely the people scowling at the apparent black car thief are Hispanics."
I think Inga and Crack would prefer you use the now lefty-created nomenclature: "white hispanics".
BTW, given that it was LA, I would recommend to Crack that he not go a-trolling thru the now Hispanic dominated communities.
They do not like the blacks and are driving them out of neighborhoods at the point of a gun.
In LA.
In CA.
What a bunch of rednecks.
Darleen wrote:
Am I supposed to clutch my pearls now that you haul out the premiere misogynist smear?
Isn't it rich that Inga says republicans need to answer for and condemn people like Nugent who call women bitches.
Then Crack calls you a "c*nt". Where is Inga on such misogyny?
I bet if Nugent called Hillary a c*nt she'd be all over conservatives as to why they are defending such a vile man.
Inga is just a complete and utter hypocrite.
What Trayvon did prior to attempting to kill GZ by straddling him and bashing his head into the sidewalk is irrelevant.
You know it.
Cat Fight!!!!
Crack Emcee wrote:
"The whole town never did it, you moron"
The whole town may not have actually participated in the lynching but the towns helped get their good old boys off, or covered for them.
That's the problem with lynchings, not that they were isolated incidents.
Darleen, I consider everyone a member of the human race. I consider all people decent until they prove they aren't. I'm pretty sure that the two young black men that were gunned down on the street for being outside while black, were loved and cherished as much by thier decent black parents as any white kid.
Those were not skittles?
When you are busy smashing someones skull into a sidewalk, it really doesn't matter if you have skittles in your pocket or a box of thin mints.
You are still smashing someones head into a sidewalk.
And the person getting their head smashed into a sidewalk is not really under the obligation to allow the perp to continue on the off chance the perp will simply tire of smashing your head into a sidewalk before the onset of death.
So, to recap:
Buying skittles: ok
Buying skittles then smashing someones head into a sidewalk: not really ok.
I hope that helps.
Jupiter, you are right about linking the hate motivation to another crime. Thank you for the correction.
I still would throw them out of school.
You know what? I don' like that Crack called Darlene a cunt, I wish he wouldn't have. She does provoke, but hat doesn't excuse it.
Lots of lefty heavy breathing, I see. Back to my golf tournament.
Crack Emcee wrote:
Those were not skittles?
Really now. I don't think the issue is whether Skittles are candy. TM was not killed because he happened to be carrying a bag of skittles and GZ didn't like black folks with skittles.
And I've been called far worse here in the Althouse comments sections.
inga wrote:
Darleen, I consider everyone a member of the human race. I consider all people decent until they prove they aren't. I'm pretty sure that the two young black men that were gunned down on the street for being outside while black, were loved and cherished as much by thier decent black parents as any white kid.
Wow. Did Darleen or anyone ever suggest otherwise? The degree to which you are maligning peoples motives is ridiculous. Lets all stipulate that if someone shoots you simply because you are black and walking down the street that it's not justified. Who is saying it is justified though?
Is that the defense being offered to defend these two? That its somehow ok to shoot people because they happen to be black while walking down the street?
I dismiss Darleen as a righty apparatchick ( yes I know, I spelled it that way on purpose). Crack don't call her a cunt or a bitch, ya hear?
Crack, your video about the bike thieves fascinating. Even the black women were trapped in the racial stereotypes. On the other hand, the woman stealing the bike was a hoot, especially since women are supposed to be oppressed by men.
I'm not sure about the other link. Was there additional information about Ted Nugent?
Freder Frederson said...
"So far the only evidence I've heard against Mr. Nugent is one sound bite. Is there more?
Here's 13 to start."
Thanks for the information.
--Crack don't call her a cunt or a bitch, ya hear?
Good on ya Inga! I knew lefties had standards.
Darleen said...
What Trayvon did prior to attempting to kill GZ by straddling him and bashing his head into the sidewalk is irrelevant.
You know it.
Funny, but Zimmerman doesn't remember it that way - he says:
"I think my life would be tremendously easier if I had stayed home."
No Zimmerman - no head bashing.
You know it.
Wipe your mouth.
Inga: "She does provoke, but hat doesn't excuse it."
Inga takes time out of her busy fight against the "War on Women" to note that it's Darleen's fault that crack used the term!!
Look at that big ol "but" right in the middle of Inga's comment!!
You. Can't. Make. This. Stuff. Up.
Tell us Inga, why the kids glove treatment for crack's comment?
He's a liberal?
He's black?
There has to be a reason you floated so softly and smoothly over a male calling a woman he disagrees with a cunt.
Nicely done Inga.
Nicely done indeed.
----Funny, but Zimmerman doesn't remember it that way - he says:
"I think my life would be tremendously easier if I had stayed home."
Is that supposed to be logical?
Six rather unsympathetic jurors accepted Zimmerman's story. I know you would like to lynch him.
Inga: "And I've been called far worse here in the Althouse comments sections."
And what was your response when you were (assuming you were)?
"War on Women" and all republicans/conservatives have a problem I bet.
Crack uses the term?
Well, that Darleen, she does provoke....
Shorter Inga: she had it coming.
Inga said...
You know what? I don' like that Crack called Darlene a cunt,…
I used it because Nugent did - that's the game.
I do whatever they do, they scream "racism", and then they ignore the meaning of my actions and blame me for their racist behavior.
It's a cute trick,...
Inga wrote:
I consider all people decent until they prove they aren't. I'm pretty sure that the two young black men that were gunned down on the street for being outside while black, were loved and cherished as much by thier decent black parents as any white kid.
Except the people you are saying shot people for being black. Has it been proven yet that that was their motivation.
I heard the exact same thing about GZ, that he shot TM because he was a black kids with skittles and was walking home while black. ONly the facts didn't actually bear out that characterization. And maybe dont here either.
I'm sure if you ask them they might have a different story. They might say, they felt threatened, or whatever their argument. If they say they shot them because they are black and happened to be walking down the street, well then that's all but saying they are GUILTY. Who would defend them if that were the story?
Inga: it's darleens fault!!
Crack: "I used it because Nugent did - that's the game."
Crack: It's nugents fault I called darleen a cunt!!
Leftism on full display.
Crack and Inga leading the discussion. Perfect!
Crack Emcee wrote:
Funny, but Zimmerman doesn't remember it that way - he says:
"I think my life would be tremendously easier if I had stayed home."
No Zimmerman - no head bashing.
His life would have been easier if he didn't run into TM. He woudlnt have had a broken nose, lacerations on his head or been charged with murder.
Crack: "No Zimmerman - no head bashing."
Real meaning?
Whitey, you better stay indoors when the brothers are walking down the street.
And don't you be giving them the eye.
Or you'll get your head bashed in.
Thanks for the heads up on steet protocol crack.
I recommend you share it with all the white hispanics in LA.
They would love to hear some of that seasoned crack perspective.
And similarly Crack if TM had just gone into his dads gf's house he wouldn't be dead right now. You do know that he made it all the way "home" don't you? that he had a whole conversation with his friend. AND then went back to the crime scene rather than simply going into the house.
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